w .-. JBU JUU91 She aUg gtovimu AST01HA, OREGON: THURSDAY 'MAY 22. IBS POLITICAL COMMON SENSE. "Wiiex humun nature shall have at tained psrfection, we may look for a political party without faults. The best organizations over devised by man have their weak points. Even the church, an organization where purity and holiness should be found, has its shadows which, at times, dark en the light of its teachings. Yet no one can abandon the church because a tew of its members prove unworthy of-tsTiame and become stumbling- "blocks in the paths of religious truths. The ignorant and vicious may sneer at the church because its robes some times" cover a hypocrite and rascal; but the intelligent and virtuous look not to one who disgraces himself by Idling short of bis profession, but to the great number who add to its glory by living upright and Christian lives. What we are apt to call the faults of the church are simply the shortcom ings of n few of its, members. The ohurch is no more responsible for them than the sun is accountable for the clouds that occasionally darken the earth. .Its teachings tend to ele vate, purify and transform a world of wickedness into" a garden of love, peace and benevolence. But, in view of humau depravity, we must accept things as we find them. We must bear with the faults of our neighbor, remembering our own. We must do the best wo can. Perfection is beyond our reach; improvement is within. As it is with the church and all other moral organizations, so it is with political parties. We must judge them, in the aggregate, by the results they produce on the com munity, state and nation. It is pos sible for bad men to creep into power in a good party. There is no rule known by which one can be kept out or the other prevented from staying in. To judge the republican party by the character of a few rascals whom it has developed in the course of twenty-two years' administration, would bo about as wise as to disbe lieve in the holiness of the Creator because some of his creatures have gone astray. THE AMENDED HOMESTEAD LAW. Thi: house committee on public lands has agreed upon a bill to repeal the pre-emption and timber culture acts, and to amend the homestead laws. The amendment as determined upon provides that every homestead applicant shall make final proof by two creditable witnesses of continu ous residence upon and cultivation or permanent improvement of his claim for four consecutivo years next succeeding its entry. The proof shall be in duplicate, ono set to be filed in the local land office and the other to bo forwarded to tho general land office. If within one year after the presentation of such proof no contest be filed, and no notice given support ed by affidavit made before some offi cer authorized to administer oaths, charging and specifying fraud, either in the original entry or proofs, the secretary of the interior shall cause patents to be issued on the entry. But if a contest be filed or affidavits made, or if there be from any cause reasonable ground to suspect fraud in the case, the secretary shall direct the commissioners of the general land office to institute an investiga tion thereof. Tho act of March 3, 1879, requiring the publication of in tention to make final proof six weeks in advance of the event, is repealed. A sikodlae stroke of irony has settled the fate of the little town of Sedan. It ranked high in the list of French fortified places. The late emperor took refuge within its walls as a stronghold that had tho reputa tion of being impregnable. A short time ago the minister of war issued a list of all the fortresses and strong holds of tho country, and from this catalogue Sedan was absent. The town was judged as being of no niili trry importance whatsoever. It was not even worth while to retain the defenses it poseessed. The great keep, with its lofty walls and subter ranean passages, is in process of de molition, and such fortifications" as remain aro spared merely because they are not worth destruction. Thebe is an effort now making to get up a "boom" for Reagan, of Texas, for vice-president. Beagan used to be a member of Jeff Davis' cabinet in years gone by, but as any reference to those things is in bad taste, prob ably it is as weU to allow Mr. Reagan's boom to go on till it bursts. Papers found on the body of an insurgent officer at Badajos. SpaiD reveal tho existence of a deep, well plotted and extensivo conspiracy gainst tho Spanish monarchy. Offi cers of tho Spanish annv in all of Spain's dopendenoies aro implicated in the plot. Ahuxdked Maine republicans or more will accompany the delegates from that state to the Chicago nation al convention to "whoop her up for uiaine." Sitting Bum. succumbs at last to the influence of civilization. Tho ex- king has "signed" to travel with a show company for the paltry sum of 50inreb ... i . It is proposed in Washington Ter ritory that Gov. Newell call a special session of the legislature to memo rialize congress concerning the rail road grant and the necessity of 'its forfeiture. The garrison at Fort Washington on the Potomao consists of one sol dier. When the fort was built, in 1803, it was called the Gibraltar of America. Artesian wells in New York show that the East river underflow the island. In the deep wells lately sunk the water ebbs and flows with the tide. Tee Dakota newspapers say that Dakota will raise about 40,000,000 bushels of -wheat- this year, against 18,000,000 -last year. " ViLiiABD doesn't feelas lonesome as he did. Fisk, Hatch, Keene and Grant are his companions in financial distress. NEW -TO-DAY Saturday, May 24, 10:30 a. m. AT HOLOEN'S AUCTION ROOMS. New and Second-hand Furniture, CONSISTING OF 1 Ash Bedroom Set, complete. Bedsteads, Chairs,. Spring Kattress- es, Kitchen Cupboard, Tables, Crockery, Stoves, Etc. ALSO. 1 Good Second-hand, Fire Proof SAFE, Weight, 1400 pounds. . All of which will be sold without reserve to the highest bidder for cash. E. C. UOLDEX, Auctioneer. td EXTRA! For Goodness Sale, Don't Say I Told Yen." Occidental Hall. CSTGKAND FASHIONABLE EVENT 1"S 1--0NE NIGHT 0NLY--1 WKDKESDAY. SIATS SSib. Engagement of tho RICE'S SURPRISE PARTY And the Charming California Favorite Miss Kate Castleton! Appearing in tue greatest ofall successes PzOzP Replete with New Music. Situations and Dialogue. POPULAR PRICE3. Reserved Scats - - $1.00 Now on sale at the New York Novelty Store Steamboat and Scowmen LEIKEXWEBER & CO., HAVE 30 cords of bark to transport, A contra-1 for Its deliver) wilt be let to the lowest bid der. For further particulars apply to the tannery, LEtNEXWEBER &CO. Net Lost. ON THE NIGHT OF MAY FOUR teenth, above Fort Stpvens, In South channel, about CO fathoms of not : -W fathoms of scotch 15 ply ,45 -mesh deep, 9-inch mesh ; 20 fathoms Irish. l.3-ply.44-meshdeep,9-lnch mesh, all lu old lines. Corks branded E.P.C. Kinder will return to T. W. Francls,E. P. Co'i station, skipanon. County Treasurer's Notice. 11HRRE IS MOXEY IX THE COUNTY . Trrasurv to nav all county orders nro- sented prior to July 15th. 18S3. All such or ders win cease to draw interest aitor urn date. CHAS.nEILBORN. Treasurer Clatsop Co. May 20th, IBS 4. dw Lost. ABOUT S.W FATHOMS, tt-MESH NET branded on the corks and lead, L X. L Tne Ctnler will bt liberally rewarded by calling at the LX.L Cannery. Picked Up. ONTHE 12th, NEAR DESDEMONA sands, about 140 fathoms 45-mesh net ; orks marked A. H. Owner apply to "IVm. Curtis, Hanthom & Go's boat 19, at Ilwaco, prove propi-rty and nay charges. For Gray's Harbor THE STEAMER A. B. FIELD, Chartered by the Astoria and Coast Trans portation Co., Will sail for GRAY'S HARBOR on SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1.884. e-For Freight or Passage apply to J. G. Hustler. Rooms to Rent. KOOMS 9. lO. IS. AND 14. IN ODD Fellows nullding, for rent. Inquire at Case's Bank, or of A. J. MEGLER, Occident Hotel. B. F. STEVENS & CO., CITY BOOK STOKE, Have Just received a mammoth stock of Bookn. The young and old, nch and poor can all be accommodated. AGENTS FOR THE Kranlch fc Bach and Slattdgfeldt Xotnt Pianos end WeMtern Cottage Organ. Orders for all kinds of Music or Instru ments will be promptly filled. B.'F. STEVENS & CO. Drink Milkand Grow Pat And dont forget that I. 3ST. 3Daaiaia.ca. Always Keeps Milk by the Glass, Pint, or Quart, At his Fruit Stand, on Chenamus street. Opposite Spexarth's Gun store. - To Whom It May Concern. THE MILK- BUSINESS HERETOFORE carried on by L N. DAKLA.ND. will hereafter le carried on by DARLAND & MARTIN, I. N. Darland having sold lw la terest to Mr. Martin. Drink Jtilk and Get Fat. "Don't forget that I. N. Darland alwavs keeps mllkby.the-GIasSt Pint, or Quart. BeplarAiiclioiSale REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. ,.Z . Fob Coxobess. B1NGEK HERMAN, of Douglas Co. Fob Judge op .the Suprejie Court. Judge JlFLINXjofLlnnCo. Fob Presidential Electobs. D. P. THOMPSON, of Multnomah. J. C. LEAJSUKE, of Umatilla, WABRENcfTRUITT, of Polk. Fob Judge, Fifth Judicial Dist. F. J. TAYLOR, of Clatsop. Fob Pbos. Att'v. Fifth Judicial . DI9TEICT. T. A. McBRIDE, of Clackamas. Clatsop Co. Republican Ticket. Fob Joixt Representative, (From Clatsop and Tillamook Counties) JHi D.GRAY. Foe Sheriff, GEO. P. WHEELER. Fob County Clebe, J. O. SPENCER. Fob Countt Tbeasubeb. A. W. BERRY. Fob Couxtv Coummissioxebs, D. K. WARREN 11. B. PARKER. Fob Assessob, J. F.- WARREN. Fob Subvetob. GELO F. PARKER. Fob School Supkbintexdext. H. SLOOP. Fob Coboxeb, J. C. ROSS. Astoria Freeinet. For Justice of the Peace. N. C GOODELL. Fob Constable, J. R. CHRISTIE. Shirelr Precinct. Fob Justice of the Peace. J. W. WELCH. Fob Coxstable, O. NELSON. REGULAR Democratic Ticket Fob Congress, JOHN MYERS, of Clackamas. Judge of the Supreme Coubt, W. W. THAYER, of Multnomah, Presidential, Electobs. L.B.ISON, of Baker. W. D. FENTON, of Yamhill. A. C. JONES, of Douglas. Fob Judge, Fifth Judicial District A. S. BENNETT, of Wasco. Fob Pros. Att't Fifth Judicial Dibtbict, W. B. DILLARD. Clatsop County Democratic Ticket. Fob Joint Representative. (From Clatsop and Tillamook.) C. LE1NENWEBER, Fob Shebiff, AY G. ROSS. Fob Couxtv Clebk, C. J. TRENCnARD. Fob Treasurer, ISAAC BERGMAN, Foe Asbessob, C.W.S11IVELY. Fob County Commissioners. JOHN HOBSON, F.BARTHOLDES, Fob Subvevob. N.D.RAYMOND Fob School Supebixtexdext. J.E.H1GGINS, Fob Coboxeb. B.B. FRANKLIN. Astoria Precxaet. Fob Justice of the Peace. A. A. CLEVELAND. Hhlvely PreciBct. Fob Justice of the Peace. THOS.DEALY. THE AEW TORE Opposite the Parker House. Headquarters for the Young and the Old. Books Musical Instruments. Toys Sta tionery and Novelties of Every Description. All the Iendla? FntllctieBN of tho Iaj Ask to be ahown-the Clarlona, the latest notel of mechanical ingenuity. NOVELTY II .J V C New York Novelty STOBE! p I REMOVAL ! I i REMOVAL ! I i.j -.-r-yTng,, g . . t i--...jwy;f,w:ji..j.UMtXL.'..)i!;n.Bai; BRANCH LEADING DRESS G AXT2D OF FOSTii-saro, Has removed to the store formerly occupied by A. M. Johnson & Co., second door trorn Cooper's. Wo have, now, an entire store, with more elbow room. The en couragement we have received from the Ladies of -Astoria so far, war rants us in becoming a PERMANENT FIXTURE. "We will carry a Large and Complete Stock of Ladies' and Children's ready-mado Slits, Dresses, Cloais, Wraps, Dolmans, Ulsters, Pellises, Etc. Our Styles will Lead; our facilities for manufacturing and Im porting New Style Garments being unsurpassed. OUR PRICES we are. DETERMINED will be LOWER than Portland or San Francisco; our expenses beinir much lower. We come to ESTABLISH A BUSINESS and retain your confident:. ORDER. DER&RTMKBfT. In tho order department a complete line of samples of OUR ENTIRE STOCK, OF PORTLAND, will be shown, to select from; in Silks, Velvets. Dress Goods. Satins. Cloths, of lac innovation. Orders will be taken and Made to aui IS, CLOAKS, WRAPS or ALL CASES GUARANTEED. Our stock, in Portland, of fine French DRESS GOODS, SILKS, VELVETS, CLOTHS, is unequalled and unsurpassed. You will have a SfilfP.tinn nnnn! to oni lo'idinrr S-in r;iriiQfr TToimt. T ntn novelties as they arrive will be immediately added to our stock; and n Artiml nhortnn t.n. . .ry T A nriTC P ACTPTi nnMlv.c nn.,. and FASHIONABLE GOODS at Am Inspection Solicited, Next to Empire Store, Astoria, 1st LEO. Carpets! Carpets! Carpets! We beg to call the attention of the public to our latest Importation, direct from Eastern manufacturers, of the CARPET sf? naHMtaiiiiMatCiaauDMaaHi,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Ever offered for sale in this city, comprising all grades, from the FINEST BODY BRUSSELS In the Newest Tints and Shades. To tbalDwrat priced article in this line "VVe aro determined to dispose of our stock of tlSfJi'mtPiJ?6?' tou;we.,rks' ? 1 that end oUcr special inducements, precluding Uxo possibility ot Jtteiag Undersold by uay or oar Competitor "JC"UUU,R IN THE Furniture and House Furnishing Line CHAS. HEILBORN. W.CDleman&Go.'s AGEXCF, Banking Department A General BanWnff and Exchange Busi ness transacted. Every faclUty for prompt and satisfactory business. Drafts on tho leading cities of the United States and Europe. Deposits Received. FOR LONDON DIRECT. The Spfeadld 100 Al Iran Ship "Aherysiwith Castle," K6G Eeglster. 'B. HAEBIS Master JVlll load for the above named port, and Salmon will be taWbu In lota to suit shippers ob reueuble tcras. INSURANCE at minimum rates. For particmlars apply to SIBSOS, CITCECH & CO.. rortland. Or. or to P. L. CHERRY, Astoria. For Liverpool Direct. The fine British iron ship ESKDALE, 1220 Tons Bejdster.-UOO Al. The above vessel goes on the berth- fo UVERPOOL. dlK. tmA v.U Like salmon In pots to suit skfppers. BAiFOUB, aUTHBIE & CO.. or Portland, Or. ALEX'R BAILLIE, Astoria, Oregon. OF THE CLOAK i HOUSE I Measure by MRS. PILGER. For any GARMENT desired, FIT IN a low and proper price. Courteous and 1'olito Attention. Goodti Cheerfully Shown. J". PILG-BR. 153 First and 23 Morrison Sts , rortland. Door Below Rescue Engine House. I. STOCK, Manager Astoria Branch. fttawc-fSJ Water! Water! Water! Wheeler & Kipp PRACTICAL Plnml)6rs,Gas, anrl Steam Fitters ALL -WOP.K Warranted, and Estimates Given. PULL STOCK Iron mid teart PIpo, Balk Tubs Water Closets, and Gas Fixtures. Jobbing Promptly Attended to. A SPECIALTY is made of Tap ping Water Mains and Running Water Pipes, as We have Supe rior Facilities for doing this work Corner Squeraoqua and Hamilton Streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. For County Treasurer. I HEREBY ANNOUNCE MYSELF AS AN Independent Candidate for COUNTY TREASURER. MAGNUS C. CB03BY. Astoria, May 0.131. NOTICE. STATE AND COUNTY TAXES ARE NOW dnejind payable at my office. A. Hf TWOMBLY, ti Sheriff Clatoop Co. For The Finest Groceries. For The Freshest Vegetables, For The Most Clomp." et ) Assortment, For Absolute Satisfaction, In Filling anil Delivering All Orders, Cill t F&ANK L. Family Grocery and Provision Store, Comer Benton and Chenamus Streets, Opposite Custom House Square. :5iP?sSg5ig TEB apply to tlio Captain, or to EMPIRE STORES RE-OPENING ! Fine Goods ReducedPrices Ladies desirous of procuring Goods uuequaled in Style and Pinish will take pleasure in examining our Stock of SILKS,. SATINS and DRESS GOODS. IN THE GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT, Everything is Complete and of the "best PRAEL BROS. John l. mo -DEALER Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GQO&S. Agents for Magee Stoves and Ranges The Best In the market. ftumblng goods of. all klnd3 on hand. Job work done In a workmanlike manner. PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. Cliennmnn Wtrcet. Next to C I. Parker's Store. AsPortSM , THE NEW MODEL ggggggsggsygss; oaiXsffZ JkKS" """ A FULL STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. 0E3. 2BL. -A.XT3E2S, Two doora east of Occident Hotel. ASTORIA. OSEGOH M. OLSEN. J. GUSTAFSOX. A. JOHHSOX. MARTIN OLSEN &. CO. i.EALEUS IN yBS FURNITURE 55 BEDDING. Corner Sluin and. Squemoqun Streets. Astoria, Orejreau WINDOW SHADES AND TRIMMINGS; WALL PAPER ETC. A Complete Stock. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. AI.T. KIJTDS OF FITlWITirRK REPAIRED AITO VARNISHED. Columbia Transportation Company. FOR PORTLAWD. FAST TIME ! THE FOPCLAR STEAMER FLEETWOO Whicb has been refitted for the comfort of passengers will leave "Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 FJi. Returning leaves rortland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. Hi Hf-An additional trip will be made on at 9 O'clock Sunday Morniujr. for Sound ports. PARKER'S STEAMER CLARA PARKER Eben P. Parher,Maater. For TOWING, FBEIGHT orCHAB B. B. PARKEJL IV Pivnf mK UV TTT YKT U. atgomery, iSlSSs TORIA ONLY OF I 8. BAWB9, AGENT CALL AND EXAMINE FT. TOC WILL BE PLEASED. E. It. HAWES is also agent tot the Ml patent Cootin Stove g.st And other firat-clasa stores. Furnace Work. Steam Fit tings, eto., a specialty. FAST TIMIZ Sunday of Each. Week, leaving FrrtlUt Passengers b tW3 route wanect at KSii 80OTT, PmMM s 'l'