en LvlK "!r -gW- ii"iri m a.i'iTf njfc $ sDh gtorfom. "ASTORIA, OREGON: TUESDAY, MAY 20. 1SS4 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE - T PORT OF ASTORIA. VTSSKhS IS 'ME RIVER. o Red Cross Am p b. It. Mead. Am hit Md-n BesfC, Am Mc lttta, Brtfc Non-oman Br bk Henry Villard, Am up Je.tu Joiies.n. tfr lik. MfWasbinRton. Am ip Martha lhor, Ohas. ;otesworth Br bk lfeldale. Br bk A tip rtwiih Castle.Br fp Tvtbonus, Brbi. Jori&Uarer, Nor bk VESSELS OS THE WAY. from rorcijrii 5ort. for the Colnn:b!a Klrcr Alpaetn. Er bk London Mar SI City of York, Gro-nock April 11 Qrisedo'p. Br fip Liverpool. April S Jqpite Br bk Liverpool April 15 Kirkw&d. Ersp 1K9 Sydney Mar 2T L&t$o .Law. Br'ep llull March 15 ferrciOerbk Liverpool May 1 From American Ports, Alameda. Am sp X Y Jon 13 Belle of .Ofocon, Am bk 11C9 Now ork Mar I Ooloma.Hongkong:, April B C S Koment, Am sp 1900 Philadelphia April 23 TIIK TABLK FOB ASTORIA. MAY. HIGIT -WATKIt. 1 LOW -WATKE. ! First. Second. First. Second. U 3 O 12 O 2S ft, i. JK IA. mi. S fc. wi. ,S 7.. m. , j . 2 02 231 .-5 03 3 M 4S8 r. 53 7 11 3 2.'. 9 31). 10 4? 11 37 327 4 10 1 51 5 40 G27 7 17 8 13 a 10 10 0G 10 to 11 40 0? 7-11 70 CD t'S C-7 I.'P 7-0 74 73 64: g-: 75 925 10 10 10 41 1121 002 1 12 225 338 151 COO G59 7 57 -O'fi 8 52 9 2S 10 10 11 03 0 07 OSS 152 2 W 2 49 4 48 Sii 2'S 28 2-9 23 0-2 0-5 07 09 l'l P3 15 17 -0-7 -04 -01 2-5: 21 13 03 23 21 D -0-4i 0. 31 23J 0 21 J9.li 1 7.4 -0 81 7 1C . is The hours brtxwpn midnight and noon are desiinmted bv (a. m.), thoic between noon and midnight bv j) (i. m ). 0?. UOm n denotes midnight. oA. to. v denote- noon. The lieiyht is rccKoned from the level ol a eniKC lower low w .iters to which thesound ings are ghen on the Coast Survey charts. TtTJ BOAT CHARGES, Following Is the schedule ol prices for towagi' n and out o er the Columbia Bar : For vessels not . Inward Outward. , exceeding Loaded. Ballast. too tons...Si"0 150 SIM 800 to 1000 tons... 20 173 175 1000 to 1200 tons.- 22.". 200 200 12C0 tp 1400 tons. 275 225 250 1400-tO 1000 tons... 200 250 300 Columbia River Exports. BIIIVNESTB FOItEIGN-. .TAXUAKY, '81. Wheat, ."mO 075 bus Flour. 85.23G bbls ...$SC7,27fl .... 422,660 Total 10 cargoes S7K,912 rnwiuAKY. WheaL 314.113 bus ?31S52 Flour, 49 COO bbls IL'l.CS? Salmon. 401 es 2.0ff Liunbcr. G00 M 7.000 T.Mal.-O eaigoe': SH.CSl APRIL. Flour. 32.4'U bbls . 150,714 Wheat, 2ij,0"i bus .... -. 204.510 Total, 5 cargoes ?335.2tf MAY. 5 To Qutensioion per Olice S. Southard. Wheat, Vi;v bub S19.372 Domestic Bxporte. The receipts of certain articles of Or e"on produce at San Francisco, from January 1, 1SS1, to Slay ?th, Inclusive, have been as follews: . Flour, qr .sks............ .. Wheat, ctls .: Oats, ctls Salmon, hbN ... hf bbl5 c?.............. pkg Api-Ies. Ripe. bs bbls lgs Butter. pkg Potato. i,Us Wool, baleb Hides. Xo Tallow. pl;gs . Beef, bbls Hay, bales Quicksilwr. thinks . Fruit. Dried, pkgs Leather, jikgs ... Ili.pb. bales Hams, pkgs Cheese, cs................... Fla Seed, sks.. , Corn. ctIs......MW..... Canned Good;. c Laid, pkgs.. Bacon.cs . SS1.Q21 101,110 67 COO 242 11.733 5 100 8 9150 1,131 9.500 71C 184 182 1.178 o 2,925 $67,900,000 Capital ! Liverpool and London and Globe. North British and Mercantile Of London and Edinburgh. Old Connecticut of Hartford, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA Fire Insurance Companies, Beprcsont'.iig a Capital of $67,000,000. A. VAN DUSEN. Agent, Wood Yard. TTNTIL FURTHER. NOTICE THE ASTO- U rla Wood Yard. Gray's Dock, foot of Benton street, will sell wood at tho follow ing prices and deliver wherever the streets are planked, between Trulllnger's Mill and O'Brien's Hotel, bacn to Astor street : Green Alder. 2-cut 64 CO per cord, long $3 75 4 uo 3 75 i 00 1 00 4 00 425 525 GOO Wood of All Kinds By the Scow load at REDUCED RATES. J. H. D. GICAX' Astoria, February 1st, 1SS4. J. W. RUDDOCK, 'Practical Plumbing in Ail lis Branches. .Steam and Gas Fixtures, $, A Complete Stock of First-class Material. "'r--4fAllWork Guaranteed. Office and Shop in Hume's building, rear of Wheeler & Robb"s,.AstorIa, Oregon. Notice 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALL CITY As sessment blanks must be returned to the office- of tho city assessor before the 22nd Inst., or no indebtediipss will be allowed. GEO. P. WHEELER. City Assessor. D. H. WELCH, Deputy. A Nasal Injector free with eaeh bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy Price 50 cents. Sold by W.E. Dement Dry do do - 4 75 do do GrnHemlo'k do 4 50 do do Dry do -do 4 75 do do Green Beach do 4 75 do do Green Fir do 4 75 do do Dry Fir do 5 00 do do Extra Maple and S. limbs do COO do do Vino Maple and S. limbs do 5 75 do do SOCIETY MEETING B. Temple lxxle, Ho. 7A.F.A.M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS first and third Tuesdays In each W month, at 7H o'clock, r. at., at thoAfN Halt in Astoria. Members or the order in good standing are invited to attend.. By order of the W. M. Boarer Lodge No 35. L O. O. F. TEGULAR MEETING EV JLi ery Thursday evenlne at seven o'clock, at lhe-Lodge: room in Odd Fellows Mall. Asto ria. Sojourning members of the order in good standing, cordially invited to aitei d. By order N. O. Ooean Encampment, No. 13, 7. O. O. F. REGULARMKElINGSOF OCEAN EN campment No. 18. 1. O. O. F., at the Lodge, in the Odd Fellows Building, ai seven r. m., on the, second and fourth Mondays of each month. Sojourning breth ren cordially invited. By order -, CR Seaside l,odgelfo. 12, A. O.TJ. "W. REGULAR MEETINGS OF SEASIDE Lodee No. 12. A. O. C. Vf. will be held in Pythian Hall tra Friday evening of each week, at 7 o'clock p. 2L Members of the orderin good standing, and visiting. Broth- era are -invited., to attena. Liorary win ne open fifteen xunutes before and niter each meeting. By order 'M.'W. C.BROWN. Bee Astoria Lodge No. 40. L O. Q.l. REGULAR MEETING EVERY THURS day evening at 7 :30 o'clock, in the Hall over Mr. Case's store. Members of the Or der, in good standing, wo invited to attend. By order W. C. T. American Legion of Honor. REGULAR TKEETING OF ASTORIA Council No. 993-is held on the first and third Tuesday of each month, at 1 o'clock p. 31. By order of the Council Commander. R.V.MONTE1TH, Sec'ty. dishing: Post No. 14, Q. A. E. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS POST oa the-second and fourth Tuesdays of eacu uontn at 7:30 p. m. visiung com rades cordially Invited. By order P.C. Pacific Lodge No. 17. K. of P. "OEGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS Xti Lodge every Friday evening, at 7 :30 o'clock, in their Castle Hall, Sojourning iuugnts coraiaiiy invitea to xnenn. GEO. 1. WHEELER, K.ofB. and S. Astor Lodge No. 6. K. of P. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS Lodge every "Wednesday evening, at 7 :30 o'ciock, ai tneir toage room, in rjuiian Castle. Sojourning Knlehts cordially In1t ed to attend. " W. L. EOBB. K.of E.andS. Astoria "Worklngmen'a Protective Union. EEGULARMEETINGSOF THIS LODGE every Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock, at their Lodge room, over Carnahan & Co.'s More, comer or uass ana uneuamus streets. S. M. GILMOR. J. C. ROSS, rrorldent. Secretary. Common Council. REGULAR MEETINGS. SECOND AND fourth Tuesday evenings of eaoh month at 7tf O'CIOCK. es-Fersous desirlug to have matters acted urjon bv the Council, at anv reeular meet ing must present the same to the Auditor aud Clerk, on or before the Friday evening prior to the Tuesday on which the Council holds its regular meeting. THOS.S.JEWETT, Auditor and Clerk. CHUKCH P1KECTOBY. Gbace Church Holy communion first Sunday of every month. Sunday services at 11 a. m., and 7 p.m. Wednes day' evening service at 7 o'clock. Rev. M. D. Wilson. Rector. First Pbesbyteriax Cotjbch. Ser vices at 11 A. m. and 7 P. M. Wednes day evening prayer meeting at 7 o'clock. I lev. J. v . Mllligan, Pastor. CoNoitKaATiosAj. Church Services at 11 a. m. and 7 i. m. Her. Sam'l Wood, Pastor. Roman Catholic Church Services at 10 :30 a. m. Rev. L. Dielman, Pastor M. K. Church Services at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Lecture and Prayer Meet ing, Wednesday, at 7 p. m. Rev. Wm. Roberts, Pastor. Baptist Church. Services each Lord's Day at 11 a. m., and 7 p. m. Prayer Meeting on Wednesday, at 7 p. ir. Rev. B. S. McLcfferty, pastor. ASTORIA FIRE DEPARTMENT. F. P. HICKS- Chief Engineer. A. A. CLEVELAND ..lst Asst. Engineer. J. G. CHARTERS 2d Asst. Engineer. BOARD OFDELEQATES. Regularmeet ing'fourth Monday In each month, at 7 0 p. it. at Hall of Rescue No, 2. Officers. C. W.Fulton, President ; B.S. Worsley, Secretary ;F. L Parker, Treasurer. Delegates. C. J. Tieuchard, P. Grant, R. O. Stone, of Astoria Engine Co. No. 1. C. W. Fulton. C. H. Stockton, B. S. Worsley, of Rescue Engine Co. No. 2. F. J. Taylor, E. D. Curtis, J. E. Thomas, of Alert Hook and Ladder Co. No. L ASTORIA ENGINE COMPANY NO. 1 Regular meeting tint Monday In each month. Officers. C. J. Curtis, President. L. E. Sellg. Secretary. Wm. Bock. Treasurer, G. P. wheeler. Foreman. N. Wilson, 1st Asst. Foreman, P. Grant. 2d Asst. Foreman, Jas. Macoruber, Engineer. RESCUE ENGINE COMPANY NO. . Regular meotiug first Monday In each mouth. Officers. C. W. Fulton, President, B. S. Worsley, Secretary. F. L Parker, Treasurer, J. W. Surprenant. Foreman, C H. Stockton, 1st Asst. Foieinan, J. W. Hare. 2d Asst. Foreman, Charlton For. Engineer. ALERT HOOK AND LADDER CO. NO. ll Regular meeting, second Monday In each month, Officeks. J. O. Bozorth, President, C. Brown. Secretary. Jay Turtle, Treasurer, F. B. Elberson, Foreman, C. P. Mofflt. 1st Asst. Foreman. F. T. Jordan, 2d Asst. Fore man. GERMANIA BEER HALL AND BOTTLED BEER DEPOT, Cheuamus Street, Astoria. The Best of Lager 5 Cts. a Glass. Orders tor tie Celebrated Columbia Brewery Beer Left at this place will be promptly . attended to abtNo cheap San Francisco Beer sold, at mis pmce. Wm. BOCK. Proprietor. A. V. Allen, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Qro$$rl, MILL FEED. Glass and Plated Ware, TROPICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wines, Liquors,Tibaccoigars DB. JIM. CHINESE PHYSICIAN, " Special Diseases Carefully Treated. k Office in Kong Wing Hie Store, 'on Che namus street, opposite Post Office. Disfiguring HUMORS. Itoliing and Burning Tor tures, Humil iating Erup tions, such as SALT RHEUM or Eczema. Psoriasis. Scald Head, Infantile or Birth Humors, and every form I itching, Scaly Pimply, Scrofu lous, luheri-ed. Contagious, ana Copper Colored Diseases of the Blood, Skin, and Scalp, with Loss of Hair, are positively cured by xne uuuccka KEaiEDiEs. CBtlcara keMlrent, the new blood puri fier, cleanses the blood and perspiration of impurities and poisonous elements, and thus remove the cause. CBtlcara. the great Skin Cure, Instantly allays Itching and Inflamatlon, clears the Skin and Scalp, heals Ulcers and Sores, and restores the Hair. CutlcHra Soap, an exquisite Skin Beau tiller and Toilet Requisite, prepared from Ccticuba. Is Indispensable tn treating Skin Diseases. Baby Humors. Skin Blemishes, Rough, Chapped, or Oily Skin . Cstlcara Kemedles are absolutely pure and the only real Blood Purifiers and Skin Beautlflers, iree from mercury, arsenic, lead, zinc, or any other mineral or. vegetable poi son whatsoever. It ireuld require this entire paper to do Justice to a descrlDtion of the cures per formed by the Cdticuba Resolved In ternally, ana uuticuea ana uuticuka Soap externally. Eeiena of the palms of the hands and of the ends of the fingers, very difficult to treat and usually considered Incurable: small patches of tetter and salt rheum on the ears, nose, and sides of the face. gcalled Heads with loss of hair -without number, heads covered with randruff and scaly eruptions, especially of children and Infants, man v of which since birth had been a mass of scabs. ItdtlBff, burning, and scaly tortures that baffled even relief from ordinary remedies, soothed and healed as If by magic ; Fsor!nftt. leprosy, and other frightful forms of skin diseases, scrofulous ulcers, old sores, and discharging wounds, eaeh and all of which have been, speedily, permanently, and economically cured by the Ccticuka Sold everywhere. Price : Clticuha, 50 cents ; Rksolvkjt. $l.oo : SOAr. 25 cents, POTTEtt DBUO AKD CHEMICAL CO., BOStOIl, Mass. Send fur "Haw to Cure Skin Diseases". CATARRH COMPLETE TREATMENT $1 A single dose of Nanford's I tad teal Car instantly relieves the most violent Sneezing or lieadColds, Clears tho Head as by mafic, stops watery discharges from the Nose and Eyes, prevents Hinting Noises in tho Head, cures Nervous Headache, and Subdues Chills aud Fever. In Chronic Catarrh it cleanses the nasal passages of foul mucus, re stores the sense of smell, taste, and hearing when affected, frees tho head, throat, ana bronchial tubes of offensive matter, sweetens and purifies tho breath, rtops the couch and arrests tho prozrcs3 ot uatarru towards urn sumption, tine bottle Radical Cure, one box Catarrhal Solvent and Sanford's Inhaler, all in one package.ofall druggists for $lf AskforSAx- F0a0'4 RADICAL CUER. PoTTEE Dct'C AND Chem, Co,, Boston, PAIN! Collins' Toltalc Electric Plaster instantly .affects tho JNerrous System and banishes P-In. A perfect Vltit( Ttafforv Jnnt. IS HE CUT blued with a. PoroQsPlas or a. tcr for 25 cents, ltunni- SffTEMlB lEtVE hilatcs Pain, vitalizes Weak and Worn Out Parts, rtrcngihoss Tired Muscle?, prevents disease, and does more in one half the time than any other plaster in the world. Sold everywhere? Oregon Paint and .Varnish Works, Manufacturers of Paints, yarnisrtl Lacper. Any shade mixed and ground to order. C. F. EAKSO-V Oc Co., P.O. Box li8. Portland, Or J. H. D. GRAY, Wholesale and rotall dealer in. CROCERIES, FLOUR, AH D FEED Hay, Daft, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND, AND CEMENT. Qenerarstorage and Wharfage on reason able terms. r o foot of Benton street. Astoria oresoa WM. EDQAR, Dealer In Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes - - Ueerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY 1 Revolvers and Cartridges. CORNER MAIN AND CHENAMUS STS. SOLID GOLD JEWELRY Scarf Pins. Chains, Watches, 8H.VERWARS, Of every description. Tho finest stock of Jewelry in Astoria. ap-AU goods warrantedasrepresented GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. W. E. DEMENT & CO. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON Carry ia Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES. Pwwttptlons carefully Compounded ASIORIA UQIIDB STORE, AUG.DANTELSON, - - Proprietor. KeballteaA Kefltted Threcskeat. v The Best of wxsym. liqito ms, and cig ass For a GoocLCigar, call for one of "Daniel&oa's Best." Corner West 8th and Water Streets, Astoria, ne-fen A Pioneer Steamsnip. The steamer Beater is not tlio only vessel vrith a history on this coast, al though she is the oldest vessel afloat on the Pacific to-day, and has not yet outlived her usefulness. There lies on the beacli at Seabeck, "W. T., the remains of the steamship Oregon, tho sight of which recalls many remin iscences of the early days of gold mining in California. The steam ship Oregon came round tho Horn from New York in the latter part of tho year 1650. She -was then con sidered something of a fancy sea-going ship, and for years plied between San Francisco and Panama. What thousands of light and heavy hearts have beaten aboard that old craft! More gold has she taken from Gali- iomia tnan ner noia coma contain t were it all piled up together. A writ- er in a Pujret Sound paper says that on many occasions he has seen the poor old ship leave the Pacific me tropolis loaded to tho guards with homeward bound gold seekers, all ju bilant on account of returning to their loved ones with the means of making them happy for life. He h: a also seen the Oregon on her return trips from that grave of Americans, Panama, over-crowded with sick, semPstarved and miserable looking human beings. A whole book might be filled with the misery, joy and starvation which occurred on that poor old broken up ship. When other and better steamers were put on the Panama route, the Oregon was sent on this coast, and finally her engines were taken out and the old ship transformed to a lumber drogher, barque rigged. For some years tho Oregon ran to Sea beck for the Puget Mill company, and in the vear 187U was run into by another ship on her passage to San Francisco, lumber laden; she was towed into Seabeck harbor and beached, and now she lies imbedded in the sand, split in two from stem to stern, and those who knew her in her palmy days can only look and say: Stc transit gloria mundi," for sure ly a ship is one of the glories, as well as wonders of tho world. Iric toria Post. After four years ot study and work, Abram Young of Fort Plain, has in vented an automatic car brake, which it is stated eclipses any ever placed in use. It is capable of blocking -A train instantly. If this is a fact, the passengers, engineer and fireman on a train thus "blocked," will ba shot ahead of the train at the rate of speed in which it was running when blocked and make things generally interesting in addition to "flattening" the wheels. There is such a thing as being too fast on a railroad. It is said that Adam Padeau, United States consuTat Havana, is short in his accounts to the tune of 8100,000. That's A-dam Bad-eau. All the Rage. To captivate the popular taste and surpass all previous efforts to please the Ealate, requires no small amount of nowledge and no little skill, and when we remember that the very aijreeablc liquid fruit remedy, Syrup of FiRs. is as beneficial to the system, as it is ac ceptable to the stomach, wc readily un derstand why it is the universal favor ite as a cure for Habitual Consumption and oiher ills arising from a weakness, or Inactive condition of the Bowels, Kid nej's. Liver and Stouvich. Sample bot tles free and large bottles for sale by. .. WHAT! do you think that JEFF OF THE CHOP SZOUSE gives you a meal for nothingand a glass of something to drink? Xot much!" but he gives a better meal and more of it than any place In town for Jj cents, lie buys bv the wholesale and pays cash. "That settles it" Have Wistar's balsam of wild cherry always at hand. It cures couglis, colds, bronchitis, -whooping cough, croup, in fluenza, consumption, and all throat and lung complaints. 50 cents and.Sl a bot tle. PIANOS AND ORGAN SMALL MUSICAUMERCHANDISE Piano, and -Organ Instructors -CELEBRATED STECK & KKABE PIAKOS ! AND THE WONDERFUL LITTLE (ihANT'STECK PIANO USED BY . PRESIDENT' OE UNITED STATES GOVERNOR-GENERAL OF CANADA GOVERNOR OP OREGON. ASTORIA MUSICAL SOCIETY. MRS. J. W. CONN, of Astoria. d. a. Mcintosh, Esq. " J.D.HIGGINS.Esq. CHAS. WRIGHT, Esq. And by Many Other Prominent Musicians. CELEBRATED JABER ORGANS. Elegant Packard Orchestral Organ Only exclusive Music Houso In the North west. Only wholesale and rolall House in the Northwest. GARDNER Bros., 165 First St., Portland, Oregon. atAEV2Ts HOSPITAL, ASTORIA, OREGON THIS INSTITUTION, UNDER CARE OF the Sisters of Charity, Is now ready foi the reception of patients. Private rooms for the accommodation ol any desiring them. Patients admitted at all houis, day or night. No phyMcIan has exclusive right, everv patient is free to and has the privilege ol employing any physician they prerer. United States Marine Seamen who pay Hospital Dues, are enti tled to Free care and attendance at this Hos pital during sickness. Permits must bo ob tained tor United 8tates Marinas at the Cus tom House. Sistkus OF CHAniTV Partnership Notice. TrqTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WE h ftaye sold an Interest m our business to Mr. H. M. Hathaway, of Portland, Oregon. All parties Indebted to us are requested to settle promptly, as we wish to close our out standluj; accounts. The firm will henceforth consist otH.M.Hathaway,Ed.D.Curtls,and &? ""'i under the name and style of Hathaway. Curtis & Co., aud our business will continue as before at corner of Chcna mus and Hamilton streets . . . Ed. D. CURTIS & CO. Astoria, April 22, 18M. Ct r "3 Si 19 '' 1ti1I- r W (royal r:5.r3 J 1 ! S5N ! 1 -- M-JSV .! &&? FW isoiuteiy a E5b This powder never varies. AmarvPl of purity, strength and wholesomenes. More economical tlun the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the mul titude ot low test short weight, alum or phobphaf powders. Sold only ia car. Roy al B.mo Powder Co., ios Wali-st. N. Y. Durham lshictcrla It was neutral crouad duriaxthcsriiusUccbct'K-ecnElierinanasd Johnson. Soldiers of both armlca filled tadrponea3 with thotobaccoBtored there, and. alier tho earrender, marched home ward. Sooa orders came from East, West, North and South, for "more of that elegant tobacco." Then, ten men ran an unknown factory. KowitemplorBSOOmen.uaNtho pink and pick of tho Golden Belt, and Uu$ I Durham Bull lathe traae sarz oi ini3.uio best tobacco In tha world. Blaclrtrelm Bull Durham Smoilas Tobacco bssiUe larjfeat Bale of any smoking tobacop In the world. Why? Simply because It t3 the if r. All dealers have it. TtrfdMnarh of tho Bull. INE OF THE OLDEST AND HOST REUABU REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR THE CURE OF Couglis, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, and Every affection of tlio THROAT, LUNGS AKD GHEST, including CQMSuaaPTBOw, A WELL-KNOVfi PHYS1CIAM VP.ITESi " It Cats not dry up a cough, and lcac the cu.e teilr.d, as h the case villi most preparations, bt3 twsens it, dcanset the lungi and allays irrkatlna. us rensoiing the cause of complaint." BO NOT EE BECCIVED by article: Lew rg tiiauar'rsaaicj. Ec sure ycu g:t j)? WISTAR'S BALSAM OF VILD CHERRY, . iih the signature of " I. BUTTS " on the wrapper CO Cents and Gl.CO a liottlc. Tiepaied by SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, Dos Cn. Mas. SoldlwdruccUwanideaUrsKwcraS1 C. X.FI7NWJr.REK. Leinenweber & Co., esTAittisnito 1S55. ASTORIA, OREGON TAMEES ABU CDBESIES, Manufacturers and Importers of all kinds of LEATHER AND FINDINGS. Wholesale Dealers in OIL AND TALLOW. 64IIIghest cash price paid iorIIId-s and Tallow. BUY TEE BEST ! BARBOUR S Irish Flax Salmon Net Threads Woodberry, and Needle Brands, SEINE TWINES. AXD CORK AKD LEAD LIKES, Fish Pounds, Seines, anil Acts Imperted: to Order. A LarieMofNettiiMLiBes AND FISH HOOKS. CONSTANTLY ON HAND. HENRY DOYLE & CO., 517 and 519, MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO. "Agents for tlio Pacific Coast. Boat Building. JOS. P. LEATHERS Formerly OTerArndt fc Ferchen'a Machino 8hon IS BUILDING FIRST-CLASS BOATS IN thA shnn fnrmprlv nprninlpcl tiv M. JOhn- son on Gmcomly street, one block west of Hansen Bros Mill. Model, Material aad Flalta First-class. . . UK ira & m& a iwsk us SeOfil KSVA rrf Kl MSTSSi VKiiSf wim ii &t i i a rLOOK OUT'.flU V-f S aEB If he'dtrono foraraclc WHmaM a?o of BladnreU's BtiU szWHidCM Durham Smoking To v i HjSyafl bacco. ts hevras told.be MM wouldn't h&To ixxn TRANSPORTATION LINES. Ilwaco Steaoi Navigation Go.'s WINTER SCIIEDULE. Astoria to Fort Stevens, Fort Canby, and lliuaco. Connecting by stages and boats for Oysterville, Montesano and Olympia . &?. Until further notice the Ilwaco rijJrri Steam Ndvigition Co.'s steimicr C3rT333.. "2yEef3, ' V ill leave Astoria On Mondays Thursdays, and Saturdays (Oyster Hie and Montesano mall days. at 7 A. At. "" I Ft.StevenS. Ft. GanbV and HwaCO OK Tu est ay 3, Wednesdays, and Fridays 1 The steamer will leave Astoria at S A. M., . schedule lime. F:.rt- to Fort Canny and Ilwaco, ..7o cte. JSyilwaco freight, b the ton. In lots of one ton or over, ?2 per ton, --Fr.r Tickets, Towago or Charter ap ply at the oDlce of the company, Gray's w harf , f ooi of Bentoa street. Agent. Astoria Cooperage. BARRELS AND HALF-BARRELS All Kinds of Cooperage Done. isrLeave orders with JOHN ROOERS, Superintendent, at Central Market. Most Popular Remedy Sold. Tor PlmtilM. Rlotehcs. Chronic Sores and Diseases, I jiss or Knerpv and Habitual Con htipatlon uncqualed. Keller (inaranteed. Sold ecr where, 51. c bottles for 5.00. WEST SHOKE LUMBER MILLS J. C. TKULLINGER, - - - Proprietor. MANLTACTuni:u or vxd dualku ix All Kinds of Lumber, ON AND AFTER THIS DATE WILL sell Lumber and Hoxes at following rates: All Rough Lumber, (only to special agreement), S10 00 No. 1 Flooring and Rustic, (only to spe cial agreement).. ..20 00 No. 2 Flooiing and Rustic, (only to spe cial ajaeemem) $ltf 00 Mouldings, 10 per cent, cheaper than any body. Fish Boxes, uy. cents at mill, Shooks, 12 cents at null. LOEB & GO. JOBBERS IN WINES, LIQUORS, AND CIGARS. AGENTS FOR THE Best San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. Tumblers Decanters, and All Kinds of Saloon Supplies. J37A11 goods sold at San Francisco Prices. MAIN STREET. Oppaslte Parker nonse. Astoria, Oregon. BEMOVAL. The Astoria Passenger' Line WILL AFTER THIS' DATE HAVE ITS headquarters at its Stables next to B. B. Franklin's, two doora b-low TnE Asto itiAN office. First-class I Jeryscrvico Carts ntli horse furnished, for one dollar per hour. Carriages on application The Astoria Passenger Line Hacks will loae for "Upper Astoria from the stables. Horses taken to hoard. MES.T.O'BRTEN. Drink Milk and Grow Fat And don't forget that X. 2ST. 33fO?laxic3L Always Kqeps Milk by the Glass. Pint, or Quart, At his Fruit Stand, on Chenamus street, Opposite Spexarth's Gun store. ' To Whom It May Concern. THE3IILE: BUSINESS HERETOFORF .carried on by I.N DARLAND. will hereafter be carried on by DARLAND & MxRTIN.I.N. Darland having sold an In terest to Mr. Martin. Drink Milk and Get Fat. earDon't forget that I N. Darland always keeps milk by the Glass. Pint, or Quaf. B. F. STEVENS & CO., CITi" BOOK STORE, Have Just received a mammoth stock of hooks, me young anu oiu, ncuanupooi can all be accommodated. AGENTS FOR THE Krauleli Jk. Bach and niandsl'eldt & Xotnl 1'ianosaml Western Cottnsre Organs, Order for all kinds of Music or Instru ments u ill bo promptly filled. B.F. STEVENS & CO. The Gem Saloon, The Popular Resort for Astorians. FOK TnE Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to the GEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL, - PROPRIETOR. POST &. 1IAXSO.V, Astokia Soda Woeks, Agents, Astoria, Oi CLATSOP MILL COMPANY Manufacturers and Dealers in Lumber, Salmon Trays, BOXES, ETC. OFFICE AND MILL, CORNER SALMON AND CEDAR STREETS. ASTOSIA, - OresoH. MflHaBHBallEjij'9 av E wL. TRANSPORTATION LINES. Oregon Railway & Navigation compajht. O CEAJi DITISIOH. During tho month of May. ISA, Ocean Steamers will sail from Portland to Saa Fraiioico, and fn m han Francisco 10 Port laud, as follows, leaving Alnworth Dock. Ponlaud. at Midnight, and Spear Street Wharf, San Francisco, at 10 A. u. : From Portland. From San Francisco. April Jj Orecoa Tnes 29 Colarabia Frf 5 Mxy Oregon .Tu t tatoof Cal Sat 3 atitaofr1! St 10 Columbia W.d 7 CoIambU Wed 14 UrCKon mm It Oregon San 13 ute of UA!....Tnnr is Matoof cai....Thar S Columbia Mon 19 Columbia Mom as OreRon Kri 23 ntattof Cal....To 27 Columbia bat SI Jane Oregon .Wed Mate ofCal... .Sun S Oregon....... ..Fri 90 Joae State of CL...Ta a I'oivunbis Sat 7 Oregon Wed U Thrnnwh 1Hlrn cnM M n J.l..l titles in the United State?. Canada aod Europe. RAIL DIVISION. Passenger Trains leave Portland for East ern points, at 12:05 P. M. daily. . P3?1,m5nc.PaJao? c'ar3 ""la btMa Port land, and St. Pan), R3VEE DIVISION (Middle CtluilO) Boats leave Portland for Dalles at7M A M. ALSO: Leave Port-! land for IMon Tu.We. Thu.FrL Sat. Aitona and I I lower Co-1 I Inmbia....l6AM SAM Dayton. Or. J7 AM,1 CtorTaUis"! ifiAM! 6AM SAM 7AM 7 16 AM Tacomaand SaatUs. daUr at ajtM Victoria itsaajars do cot rea aoadaTa. Iajea storfa for Portland at 6 a. . 4ailjr oapt Sunday. . r OTnT.,v, C.H.PRESCOTT, A. L. STOKES, Maoacer Gen'l Fraieht and Pas3. Ac. Oregon & California R. R. OREGON & TRANSCONTINENTAL.- COMPANY, LESSEE. On and after February 24th, 1881. "i wUl ran as follows : DAILY iKxceptSundajwfr KASTSIDR DIVISION. etivceu PORTLANB and parmr, 2IAII. TBAIK. LEAVE. ABBIVS. Portland 7 -o a. MlPhanlx...... 6:0e x.'u. Phoenix 7:oo v. at Portland 4:25 p.m. ALBANY EXPRE88 TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 4 :C0 p. aiJLebanon a A?, m Lebanon 4 :45 a. at.'Portland. 10 :WA, m. Tlie Oregon and California Railroad Firry makes connection with all Regular Tralas on Eastside Division. WESTSIDK DIVISION. Itetiveen Portland and Cervallla MAIL TEAIX LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland. rf a. 3r.CorvallK4 JBr.u. Corvailb 8 :So a. ar.Pottland..3 HO .n. r -. . ,r EXCESS TttACT LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 5 :00 p atMcMInnvllle,8 M iz 3IcMinnviUe5:l5 A MlForUand!'!) x Close connections made at Phcsala with the Stages of the Oregon and Califor nia Stage Company. tfJTTIckets for sale.. at all the prladBal points In California, al Company's Offlce, Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Or. Freight will not be received for ahinacat after 5 o'clock p. ar. on either the Just or West side Division. R. KOEHLER, Gen'l Manager. E. P. ROGERS, Act's O. F. a Paas. Agi BAHBOITR'S It HAVE NO EaTJAL. THE The London Fisheries Exhibitifft HAVE AWARDED THE GOLD MEDAL -TO- The BarMr Brota Coipaj FOR THE SUPERIORITY OP TTTETT FLAX NET THREADS. FRANK AND CLEAR. Having Admitted the.atreMgtfc.ttr the Evidence a PromlaeBt Ffcy- siciau takes logical Aetlaa. Tho following letter tells its awn itory. Tb sknature will ha rocosnized u taat of .tat Physician-in-Chiofof tho De Qclaay Heatt, and author of "Drues That Easlar," "Ta Hypodermic Injection-of Morpalao," AMu ual of Nursing," and many other pojalr lid valuable special medical werks: 191 WSST TbSTH 8TBSBT, Nstv Yoex, Auauat 11. 1&. Msssts. Scasust 'Jomrscr, Gentlemen: Like moat of toy profefalea, I am cautious about pinning my faith t aay new medicine or coratiTo axeat. But yvu BENSON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLAST1K, has broken through the barriers mad wa.itt way to my good opimon. My attaUo-JfM first called to it some eight months 0 iy a patient of mino Although I wm well ac quainted with the superior axcellewe of joar other plaster and antiseptic drestiag,' ma3 especially for tho profession, the BaV was cemparatively naw to mo. I had hfri, however, of its merits as a remedy. In of Lamo Back, Local Rheumatism,- Nvaral gia. Congestion of tha Bronchial Tubw aad Lungs. Dyspepsia, Torpid Lirer and the Ilk affbetions, and havo since begun to experi ment with it personally. I find BENSON'S CAPCINE PLASTER an exceptioaally cla ly plaster to use. and rapid in its actios Many tests of its qualities, made ia my own family and among my patients here cobtUc ed me that there is no single article so void ablo for popular use, nor so bjlpful ia the disooses I havo named. Should you desira to do so, you may use 7 name to that effect Very truly yours, H.H.KANE.A.M..M.D. The gonuino have the word CAPCINE out in the center. Price 25 cents. Seabury & Johnson, Chemists, New York. msm fnvmR.l mr.TnTRO-vor.TAic belt mad i III APPUASCzs are ent oa SO Deja Trial Tt ,IEN ONLY. YOUNO OB OLD. wko are aSM ntr from Kkbtous DzstLirr. Lost Vruurt .Vastho WEAJcressEa, and au tnota anetm or -xesosai. fiATUBE. resuiuBE xrom Jkl Jrnza Causes. Speedy reUeC u3 Mtnnttlnn to HtU.TR. ViaOR aaA JtSooi 'juakaxteed. Send at once for ISattmei pamphlet free. Address rOLTAIC BKT.T CO.. Marshall. Mltk DelinqMent School Tax. THE DELINQUENT SCHOOL TAX LIST of School District No. 1, Is now la my hands for collection. Parttes lnteru will govern themselves accoivUigly. Sheriff ClitMf Cwrtiy. Astoria, Or,, Tiaxth mh, imt uiioni Mags IIdyeI ottkrBUCT & T -iAV 5 " w. -oi ,i-- r cniL- .V'i- . A