cv 8 Fhf fJatttj gtstorimt. ASTOKIA, OREGON: TUESDAY. .....MAY20. ISot I8SUBD EVERY MORNING. (Monday excepted) J. K. HM,LOKAN &. COMPANY. fCIJLISHEE3 a;d pkopkietoks, AbTOttI AX BUILDING, - - CAShTKEUT TermH of Subscription. Served by Carrier, ppr w eek l.iru. 8eu; by Mail, per month .. GOcts. ' ,r ' one ycir -. .7.CO Free of poitae to subscribers. fc" Advertisement inserted b the year at the rate, or &2 per square per month. Iran slent adertMug fifty cent? per square, each Insertion. "abouxd the citi. W. W. Cole's circus will be here about ..July 10th. Straw hats begin to show which way the wiod blows.. . The Oregon is due this morning. The Columbia sails for San Francisco. County Treasurer Heilborn gives notice concerning the payment of county orders. Judge Fox makes announcement con cerning his candidacy for justice of the peace. .The A. B. Field leave3 Main street wharf for Tillamook at eight o'clock this mornfag. The grand Encampment of Oregon be gah its session last evening, and closes to-morrow evening. 7- If you have any idea of being a candi date this time, now is your last chance. The entries close to-morrow. "Work progresses on the Astoria and Coast Transportation Company's new steamer. She is to ba in the water by JulySd. The present session of the Grand Lodge LO.O. F., lasts three days. An ezcur sion is the leading feature of to-morrow's programme. Begular communication of Templo Lodge, No. 7, F. & A. M., at Masonic Hall this evening. Sojourning brethren cordially invited, "Ten million artificial teeth aro manu factured in this country every year." Weil, what of it ! There's ten times thai many natural ones produced f very year. A petition is being circulated and aUDieroasly signed asking the postmaster general to expedite the mail service be tweenhere and Seaside. A daily mail be tween the two places has bocorao a neces sity. J. O. Boiorth, Bcbool clerk district No. I, was yeBterday distributing fctesguient blanks for the current year. Ho desires to slight no one in this'matter and should any tax-payer be missed he or dio can get one by calling at his office. - Tub AsToiiUK welcomes the 150 visit ors who, with their sisters and wiTes, aro here from th hills of eastern Oregon, the slopes of the Willamette valley, and the fertile fields of the south, and hopes that thtir sojourn in our sea girt city may be a source of joyous satisfaction to them, and of permanent prosperity to the great order that they so worthily repre sent. 'The regular Hill matinee ww on in the police court yesterday aftomoon. The 'principal performers in the faroe were the game as before. "Trial by Jury" was the piece selected. It seems to be the in tention of the city council to give every man in the city an opportunity to get on the jury and give his verdict ns to the ob stinate and expensive folly of the city in keepingTa play running that the people are getting tirod off. Get something now, gentlemen of the council! There is a woful Jaok of sense and dignity in your present-course! "What might have been a most serious accident occurred last Sunday evening in front of the Empire store, by a wheel ooming off from one of the upper town coaches, which was passing at the time. Theooaohwas overturned, and the pas-:.-sengerspiledina heap, greatly to their ' consternation. Fortunately no one was hurt. The ludicrous part of it was that as the wheel left the axle it came bound ing along and struck the sidewalk, bounced over it and was immediately poshed .awav by a man in whose road it lay. The wheel Eimply turned around a&d, aa if 'imbued with life, started for the man again. He, turning around. ooming for him, and skipped in hasfce away. "What" has become of all the stories this J earl The girl that fell dead from jump-ag-the.;rope; the old man ninety odd that Bpnt a cord of wood; the snake that was cut open and twenty-seven hen eggs ' dropped out and were put under the old iwr-and healthily hatched; the Eagle Cliff bear that lost two toes in '0 and -three loes in '81, and was Vtoed in '83; texaan near JQwaco that thinks ha toiows "where ' lies buried treasure; the Jxcttieionnd at Skipanon with amysteri sd message from sea; the legend of the Clatsop road that they were oace going ""iobaildj the ordinance about building ',Bewei'onvMain street; the Indian baby ,rthat die every day and comes, io Jife crry wghtrfbe two-headedpalf ; the :five- i6a(iiess rooster; the sea ftWUieiil'frthe 'deserted vessel, and all the of 'the Table. The Season is, indeed, backward. , i SESJUCrOF CA93ED 8AL0. " - .Asioeia, Orhgon, May 19, 188. d. Astc-biah: -JCeyer, Wilson & Co. and Balfour, Gathrie& Co., are now soliciting consign ntantn' of salmon, or rather if they are abt "soliciting consignments are trying to get the canners to engage freight room on their vessels for Liverpool and Lon doa. 'if" the canners ship salmon over there, tney will never find Meyer, Wilson & Co. and Balfour, Guthrie & Co. buying anV-of ft, f or when Win. T. Coleman . Cc?.")iol(f-salmon sll the way from L28 down to$1.20, in 1633 and a little lower than that for exi ort, last year every one was very low until the market fell lower and until the canners on the river who consigned salmon to England p$ their returns and found it netted YheiH'sil the way from $1.00 to S1.17X. Now England will require 350,000 to 400,000 cases oi salmon this year and abe will -pay good prices for it, if the caanersjwill'just stand firm, keep their oalffloa in their ware-houses and can neries axufmake England come to us as she diJin '79, '80, and '32 and former ysara. But there is no use to think of consigning salmon or putting it on board TeeselB'e'xpeoting to sell it after it is on ita way to England. Such a course would cimnlv be suicidal. Yours respoctf uilv, f " CANNES. Girl Wanted To help Iniltchen. at Fishermen's me33 house, tipper Astoria. Girl Wanted To do general housework. Inquire at this office. Mu SB Wire Wanted to keep house on Young's bay. Inquire at Astobian Office. , 1, 2, 3, 4 aad 5. Just received another large invoice of ihc celebrated reading matter, the test and cneapeswn tne market-. ouuie befdraThey aro all gone again. At Carl Adlert Crystal Palace Book Store . - - -Gt & meal at the Model Dining Sa loon, three doors south of Odd Fellows Iwlldlng, andseo how you like tho ftyie. t popular t iePr.He!. lion Tonic. THE GBA5D 10D6E OF 0BEG0JC. .The Twfntj-alath Annual Session of the i. u. u. r. Three woekH ago tho Independent Order of Odd Fellows throughout the union celebrated tne sixty-fifth anniversary of the founding of the order. Tho occasion was niado tho means of eliciting consid erable information regarding the order, which has grown from six members to over 500,030; which has a yearly revenue of $0,000,000, and which expends over $2,000 000 nyoar in the relief of its members and their families. Since that date there have been differ ent sessions of grand lodges throughout the country, the most notable on this coast being the session of the grand lodge of California, which met at San Fran cisco last Wednesday, when the corner stone of a new Odd Fellows' building to cost $300,000 was laid with all due .cere mony. It is but a short time ago that the cor ner stone of the finest building in Astoria, and the largest Odd Fellows' hall in the northwest was laid, and in that hall meets to-day the twenty-ninth annual session of the grand lodge of Oregon, represented by the following members: Chemeketa, No. 1 A. B. Crossman, Geo. H. Burnett, C. B. Moores. Samaritan, No. 2 H. Smith, G. H. Chance, J. S. Honeyman, F. M. Black, Wm. Bmden, M. Osvold, A. Smith. Oregon, No. 3 J. W. Meldrum, F. E. Charman. Albany, No. 4-J. H. Burkhart, T. J. Stites, J. K. Weatherford. Columbia, No. D O. D. Doane, F. Frei- man. ' Friendship, No. C-A. Shulz, E. T. Mil ler. Barnum, No. 7 D. Carlisle, W. S. Mo Fadden. Fhilaetarian, No. 8 F. Ford, Joseph Chase. Spencer Butte, No. 9 F. M.Wilkins, B. M. Day. Jacksonville, No. 10 S. J. Day H. Klippel. Covenant, No. 12 J. S. Fuller, D. Mc Claiu, M. W. Carter. Anniversary, No. 13 W. L. L. Wade, O. D. Hutton. Douglas, No. 14 D. A. Lovens, C. Kim melir Hassalo, No. 15-D. W. Crandall, A. N. Gambsll, Jas. Cummings, A. G. Walling. Orient, No. 17 J. T. Stewart, John Keuworthy, N. P. Tomlinson. Minerva, No. 19 J. S. Keller, H. CJous sinius, B. Gokin.' Yamhill, No. 20 S. K. Baxter, J. W. Carv. Silver, No. 21 H. D. Mount. T. K. Hib bard. Hobah, No. 22 Phil Metschan, Samuel Sired. Overland, No. 23 F. W. Hendlsy, W. S. Stanlov. Buenn Vista, No. 21 E. C. Hale, W. S. Linville. Baker City, No. 25-C. L. Palmer, C. Crobill. Santiam, No. 27-J. W. ltoland, S. T. Johnson. Arago, No. 28 H. G. Ploeger, O. H. Hilborn. LaFayotte,No.23-J. M. Kelty.J. E. Hendree. Occidental. No. 30 A. D. Howard, Samuel Shaffer. Eureka, No. 32 Lot Livermoro, I. M. Bontley. Mountain View, No. 33-John Lawrence, P. Flageolet. Beaver, No. 35 S. C. Benner, William Book, W. H. Barker. G. Reed. Fidelity, No. 35 C. H. Cammon, N. O. Parker. Dmpaquu, No. 37 J. D. McKinnon, H. Abrahams. Myrtle, No. 3S-D.S.K. Buick, James Weaver. Union, No. 39 A. E. Eaton, Wm. Roth. Cornelius, No. -iO-Fred. Flory, H. C. Raymond. Oasis, No. 41 Jas. Crawford, R. M. Mulholland. Vallej', No. 42 M. Merwin, L.W. Rob ertson. Callapooya, No. 43 M. B. Crane, D. M. Waltc. Lejvisville, No. 44 R. J. Grant, J. M. Montgomery. Ashland, no. -u A. v. noiman, js De Peatt. Ochaco, No. 48 W. L. McMeans. iebanon, No. 47 S. A. Nickeraon, Geo. H. Bland. Washington, No. 48 L. C. Walker, A. Tyler. Farmers, No. 49-J. L. Wardell, S. C. Byers. Montezuma, No. 50 W. L. Weatherell, C. PTozier. Sunset, No. 51 Jno. Kenyou, George Stauff. Ceve.Noi2 J. T. Russell, John Mc .Phy. Coquille, No. 53 J. A. Waller, n. d. Collier. Dierdorff, No. 54 Newton Crabtree, L. W. Pomerov. Kirbyville, No. 55 Chas. Hughes, D. Piaster. Fraternity, No. 56 J. F. Mlddleton, J. W. Haines. Jdirror, Ho. 57 L. Bmell, J. .H. H8rtm. Weston, No. 58 W.T. Williamson, G. P.TcCaU. Bufteville, No. 59 P. J. Cone, G. W. Cone. 3htton,2fo.Cl E..S. Weston, Wm.Tal- "fcert. West Point, No. 63 A. T. 4irontette, Jno. Long. Stayton, No. 64 Alex. Downing, J. H. Howell. Wildey, No. C5 Geo. Cunningham, W. J. Stewart. Willow, No. 66 C. E. Hinton, C. W. Tonuggrew. Amity, No. 67 W. H. Harrison, J. L. Rollins. Cottage Grove, No. C8H. Thompson, Aaron Lurch. Wingville, No. 69 Wm. McMurrin, W. H. Bentley. Springfield, No. 70 T. O. Maxwell, Wm. Laird. Ridgely. No. 71 A. M. Allea, H. Mc Coy. Progress, No. 72 Geo. Fuller, Geo. Dunbar, C. W. Lomler, C. B. McLaugh lin. Wild Horse, No. 73-J. M. Morris. Adams, No. 74-W. C. Kerr. Hubbard, No. 76 J. A. Dodge, J. 0. Eutan. Perhaps no better example could be given of this age, its purpose, progress and practice, than such a gathering as that which convenes in Astoria this morning. Here are men from every nook and corner of Oregont-menwho represent all classes, creeds and conditions; and however they jnay differ as to politics, religion, or any other quostion.they come tocether aB brothers. aB nrotectors of the widow and the" orphan, as dispensers of a common bounty, as guardians of the society's fundsjwith but one purpose, and that tho fostering and advancement of the principles of their order, the trinity of humanity's teachings Fmendbhtp, Lovb and Tbutb. . Oi Interest To The tadiew. A; full line of Ladies' Silk, LiBle and Cotton Hosiery and Muslin Underwear at greatly reduoed prices for a few days only, at The Leading Suit and Cloak House, next to Rescue Engine house. Afrtor Xotlgc No. 0, It. of P. A;full attendance of all tho members of the Lodgeis especially requested at the next meeting of tho Lodge on Wed nesday evening, May 21. 7 w W.L. Robb, 1 . K.ofR.andS. Dr. Henly's Dandelion Tonio tickles the palato ant giaaaens tne neart, Arvold sells Boots andSnoes cheaper than any ono else In town, because we buy for cash. flioy give three 10-cent dishes for 2$ cents at the Model Dialog Saloon. STATE AXD TEBBITOBIAL SETTS. Oysterville is to have a lodge of A. O. U.W. Eighty-eight degrees in Portland last Sunday, Tho Hwaco, Shoalwater and Gray's harbor railroad company will lovy a five per cent assessment to begin work. Walker and Soule have Bold their log ging business on Fork's prairie, Pacific county, W. T., to J. D. Rhea, for $3,000. Money is getting easier in Seattle. A large sum was obtained last week at 9 per cent, and $60,000 more is now being ne- fotiated for at the same rate. It is San rancisco capital. There is at present eighty-six saloons and groceries in Seattle. They yield a monthly revenue of a fraction over $2,503. Thero nro 103 licensed teams doing business in the city, whose contri butions to the city coffers equals $150 per month. Ezra Meeker the veteran hop grower, informs the Seattle Chronicle that the Eield of the White river valley would, in is opinion, reach 1,500,000 pounds, and the Puyallup as much more, making a total of 3,000,003 for King and Pierce counties. Eegardin'g the prices likely to rule during the present year Mr. Meeker thought it unlikely that n rate higher than 20 cents per ponnd would be ob tained. Some contracts for fifteen cents had been made, both on Puyallup and White rivers, a figure which would make fair margins for careful, 'experienced producers. It cost3 3o per pound to ship his hops from the yards Jo London, he having seoured most favorable rates for through transit. The farmera of King county should receive for their hops $250,000, and of this there should be at least $45,000 clear money. Mr. Meeker Is also becoming a producer of potatoes to a considerable extent, expecting to market some 7,000 bushels the present year. His hop crop will yield 160 tons. He cultivates 160 acre3. Lsuek of the Iron BIlroJ Ftrrr. The monster iron transfer boat for the Northern Pacific Railroad company, which was brought out here from New York in sections And put together at the yard of Smith Bros & Watson, was launched yesterday forenoon. No public announcement wan made of the event, and so only about 200 persons, friends of tho builders and workmen, were present. The keel of the huge boat was laid only two months ago, and the most sanguine had no idea that she would be, ready for launching in so short a time, but the con tinuous line weather has enabled the work to be continued almost without intermis sion. All preliminaries having been arranged at a few minute3 past 10 o'clock the work men commenced knocking away the sheaves and blocks beneath the boat. This work ocoupiod half an hour, when word was passed, "all clear nft," "nil clear forward," and tho long hull waB held in place only by the rope lashings around the ways." 'Anianwa stationed at each of these armed with a keen axe, and at tho word of command the lash ings were sovored and the huge structuro weighing over 1,003 tons glided quietly and pmootbly into the water. She was wolcomed by a chorus of whiBtles from several steamers which lay off in the river, and in response sent a mighty wave rolling to them which tossed them around like corks. Two tugs made fast to her nnd she was towed to Albina where her machinery will bo put in. She was originally intended to transfer tho trains of tho Northern across the Co lumbia at Kalama, but as the Kajama section of that road is not in uso, it is not certain where she will be employed. She may bo used to transfer trains here, and may transfer trains from here to Kalama, and thus savo unloading and loading cars. She is 338 feet in length, 40 feet breadth of beam, 73 feet 6 inches breadth over all, and 13 feet 6 inches depth of hold. She will have three- tracks on her decks and is capable of trans ferring twenty seven cars at onco. Ore gonian, IS. Steamer Dajs for Xty. From ABtoria. i From Sau Frn. State 4iColumbia 2 Columbia 810regon 6 Oregon 12 State 10 State 16 Columbia 14 Columbia 20 Oregon 18 Oregon 24 State 22 State 23iColumbia 26 Columbia, June., ll Oregon 30 Oregon 5State, Juno 8 ForuXeat Fiilin;r Root Jr Shoe, go to P. J. Goodman', ou Cha natnus street, next door to I. W. Case. All goods of the beat make and guaran teed quality. A full stock; new poods constantly arriving. Custom vtork. Something Fiae. Just received at T. G. Rawllngs' a large stock of cigars, Cigarettes, oiid the choicest brands or tobacco. Boat Tor Sale. Joe Leathers has two fine boata for sale at the boat shop, one block west of Hansen Bros.' mill. The Patent lump Filler. The most useful household Invention of the age. Call and see it. Also, extra good Coal Oil forsalo In quantities from a pint to abarrel. Jordak & Bozobth. Just Received. A large stock of soft and stiff Hata in all the latest styles, at Mcintosh's Fur nishing store. Stop That Cough By going to J. E. Thomas's and getting a bottle of Leroy's Cough Balsam. It will cube you. The Oregon Blood Purifier Is Nature' own remedy, and should be used to the exclusion of all ether medicines in die eases of the stomaeh, liver and kldneyi. Arvold will sell a large stock of Boots and Shoes at cost, at the Leading boot and shoe store. Don't pay- 50 cents elsewhere when you can get tho best dinner In town nt JEFF'S for 25 cents. All the patent medicines advertised in Uits paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles etc can be bought at the lowest price, at J. W. Conn's drug atore. opposite Oc-Mden hctel, Astoria. Will you suffer with Dv.pepsla and Liver Complaint V Shiloh's vitalizor is guaranteed to cura you. Sold by W. E. Dement. Brace up the whole system, with King ofthe Blood. Seo Advertisement Are you mado miserable bv Indi gestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of appetite, Yellow Skin ? Shiloh's Vital izor is a positive cure For sale by W. c jjemenu The Rev. Geo. II. Thaver. of Knnr. bon, Ind., says: 4Both myself and wife owe our HveB toSBiLon's Consumption Cube." Sold by W. E. Demout. Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a posi tive oure for Catarrh, Diptnerla and Canker Mouth. Sold by w. E. Dement. Why will you cougn when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Prico 10 cts 50 eta and 81. Sold by W.E. De ment. Gray sells Sack'ett Bros.'' Al sawed cedar shingles. A full line of ladies' antt children's Shoes, latest styles, to bo found cheap at Arvold's, sign oi the Golden Bhoe. Bny your Llm of Gray at Portland prises. THE ODD FELLOWS' XABCH. I saw in a distant city, Far over the pathless sea, A scone in tho days of my boyhood, That will always seem grand to me. I beheld a vast column approaching, Their banners half clouded in dust, And I read in the pure folds when sighted, Our motto, "In God we Trust." I beheld, as tho column moved onward. In tho ranks both tho voung and the old, Arrayed in their garments of splendor, Their regalia of crimson and gold. Thero marched the Prince and the Peas ant; Methinks I can seo them now, As they marched to the soul stirring music With the knights of the anvil and plow. There came an old man bearing hard on his staff, He must have passed threenscore and ten. His withered limbs and his wrinkled brow, How I wish I could see him again; He bowed to the throng, to the right and the left, He was pleased with his chosen lot, And beseemed to say. as he passed .me by "Forget it not,' "forget it not." Theywore on their breasts strange de vices, Crossed gavels, crossed axes and keys, The pen, the sword and the hourglass, And a fresh blossomed rose from the tree, And one carried the bow and quiver, Another the serpent-twined rod, And one in the usual regalia . . Carried proudly the volume of God. A beautiful banner waved high. in the ranks, Decked with emblems both brilliant and bright, Near the top were three golden links, And the heart and tho hand to the right, Near the top of the staff three arrows were twined - Above them a young turtle dove, Below the links m letters of gold Was the motto, Truth, Friendship and Love. For forty years, tho old man said," Has my lot with tlm brotherhood twined, In days of affliction they buried my dead, In their midst will my life be resigned. They cared for my son with heart and hand Where friendless and lonely hta trou bles were onded, In n distant city and a foreign land, Whero his grave with true friendship is tended. In overy city and in every clime, Throughout this wholes land' broad domain, Told with tho power of proso and rhymo, Is heard tho old man's refrain. And thousands of banners aro waving high With twining arrows and beautiful doves, And thousand of hearts with oach other vie, To bless tho order of Truth, Friend ship and Love. Hosiery, Hosiery, Hosier)! The latest novelties In ladies and childrcns hoslcryat Prtiol Bros'. " Notice. -Dinner at"J EFF'S' CHOP HOUSE everyday from 430 to 8 o'clock. The best 25-cent meal In town; soup, fish, seven kinds of meats, vegetables, pie, pudding, etc. Tea or coneo included. All who have tried him sav Jeff Is the BOSS." Syrup of Fig. ' Nature's own true Laxative. Pleas ant to the palate, acceptable to the Stom ach, harmless hi its nature, painless in its action. Cures habitual Constipation. Biliousness, Indigestion and kmdrpd ills. Cleanses tho system, purifies the blood, regulates the Liver and acts on the Bowels. Breaks up Colds, Chills and Fever, etc. Strengthens the organs on which it acts. Better than bitter, nauseous Liver medicines, pills, salts and draughts. Sample bQltics free, and large bottles for sale by W. E. Dement &. Co., Astoria, Roscoe Dixon's new eating house is now open. Everything has been fit ted up in first-class style, and hN well known reputation as a caterer assures all who like good things to eat, that at his place they can be accommodated. ASK FOR "THE BOSTON" RUBBER BOOT. Made of Fine Will Not Crack. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. The Gutta Percha & Rubber Mf'g Co Portland, Oregon. ff.T.Co!eian&Co.'s AGESCY, Banking Department X General Bunklmj aud KvchuuRa Uusl ness transacted. Every facility for prompt and satisfactory lm-.lnc. Draftji vu the Iia'lit lue of th? United States and Europe. DepoxitM Received. Ice! Ice! Ice I A FULL SUPPLY OF ICE PROM LAKE C0C0LALL A 1TILL be kept on hand during tho lest IT of tho ftinnracr. and v. Ill bo delivered to customers In Quantities to Suit With Promptness and Dispatch. W3f . McCOUMICK. Agents Wanted. ' EXPERIENCED CANVASSERS PRE ferred. Staplo, fast selling articles. Large proflta to agents. Call at Room 9, Oc cident Hotel, Astoria, from 8 1 10 x, x . WHAT IS, IS BEST. Br MS3. At.ta, B. OSGOOD. Written for The Astouiax. If wo could trace tho course of life And still escape its salient fire; Could hold ourselves aloof from strife, Or yet ignore each now desiro. If wo could be on constant guard And judgo alono of what wo seo, When human act3 our watch reward What would our speedy verdict be? Would it not bo prosaio quite, Or. what is worse, of cynio turn? Should we not evert take delight In sarcasm? Should we not spurn Our fellow creatures one and all? .- Sinrn Rryinnw- hv roM nnVwlinrr ivca. In our osteera oach one would faU "Nor should wo even qucv-.w:. why. Such was the f act bCtTonly deign To give expression to disgust, Or at the best deem those insane Who wero inclined to take on trust A vow, no matter how sincere, Of. friendship, sympathy qr-loye; Since that would all to us appear . The sentiments which weakness prove. Nay wo Should count ths first sweet blush That overspreads the maiden's face When first she notes the vivid flush Her lover wears a keen disgrace. We should prate ever of control, And theorize on "new ideas" Designed tp cramp tho human.soul, And all its best emotions freeze. - No smiles our sanction would receive ' Save such as aro to order made'; In policy -a e should believe, And actions which plain truth evade. All natural impulse must be checked, Else Wfi had not oor dnfcv rtonn? And hence produced the "fine effect" ut seinsu aims ana tutored tongas. A wise aristocrptio world, Our hobbv it would ha trt kv From whose proud -heights ba swiftly nunca, Each vestige of simplicity. Andif-all this cpuld be achieved, tin flnnlifc rrront -ortif vra oVinnliS- f al-o For what our "sound minds" h"ad con- ceiveu; Ah sage reformers-wo should make. If nature hnd not well disposed Within each heart a cunning spring, Which sometime touched at once dis closed A tiny enpid on tho wing. Or elbe, perchance, a hidden weU, Of kindly foeling deep and pure: Sufficient quite to truth impel, Pure noble charity insure. Ear better that wo should have known, The uttermost of poignant grief; Than that we eyer should disown, Tho sympathy that lends, relief. Thank God we cannot have our way. But must submit to higher plan; Thus reaping blessings day by day, Through "Man's humanity to man." FOR RENT, 'ewly Finished Rooms lu Suites OF THREE ROOMS : SUITABLE FOR families ; the best rooms and best loca tion In. the city. Plenty of good fresh water In the building ; 311 the modern Improve menta. Inquire of J. VT. & D, H. WELCH. Office In room 1, Welch's block, corner West Eighth and Water street-. Business for Sate. . A WELL KNOWN AND LONG E3TAB- xx liihed Grocery Store on the principal street in the city, y, 1th a good cash trade, and constantly increasing. Location made known ou3ppilcatioaat-tlris office. arThis ts a rare chance. For Sale. FIVE HUNDRED CORDS DltY HEM Iock Wood, which I will deliver at tho houses of customers lor $4 a cord. Draylntrof alt kinds done at reasonabl ratM. . R, R, MARION. . " Boat Found. PICKED UP NEAR THE BAB, 'ONE largo Trap Skill, with anchor and chain. Owner can have tho sme by applying to MOSES LOGXET. Ilwaco, W. T. To the Voters of Astoria Precinct. I HEREBY ANNOUNCE- MYSELF AN independent candidate for Constable of Astoria precinct at the coming election. S.O.INGALLS. Cottage to Rent. NEXT DOOR TQ MY -IDENCE, corner of Main and JtC . a streets, Contains six rooms, besides kttchen and wrtodshed. Water tree, myll tf E. C. HOLDEN. Eight Floating Net-Racks For Sate VOW MOORED IN JOHN DAY'S RIVER. " Enquire of Pcrrv Titus. John Dav's river, or GEO. T. MYERS, Fisherton. FOR LONDON DIRECT. The Splendid 100 Al Iroa Ship "Aberysiwith Castle " 1036 Register, B.HARRIS ...Master Will load for the abote named port, and Salmon will be taken in lots to suit shippers ob reasonable term. INSURANCE at minimum rates. For particulars apply to SIBSO.V. CUCRCU A CO., , Portland, Or. or to P. L. CHERRY, Aitorla. For Liverpool Direct. The Que British iron ship ESKDALE, lD Tons Register. 100 41. The above essol goes on the berth fo LIVERPOOL direct, and will take salmon In loti to suit shippers. For rates of freight and insurance apply to BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO., or Portland, Or. . ALEX'R BAILLIE, Astoria, Oregon. Drugs and Chemicals Prescriptions carefully coiniKmnded I Day or Night. PLUMBING! you wm do Diinnnpif -.eeler velltocilon nUUUUlm Robb'a.for Tapping aad PattbMTla of-Watir'Pipes. IT WILL PAY YOU iJ.E.THOMAS; DRUGGIST AND A Pharmacist. jS ' AastoriaVo' -A o ? 5A its 1884. IXL 'STILL LEADS IN THE CITY WITH THE Finest Goods ! Larpst Assortment ! AND LOWEST NORTH OF SAN FRANCISCO LADIES'- Silks,. Satins, Velvets, Driss Goods, House Keeping ANT Fancy Goods. pntHf jKfPfHBJIH Youth's and Boys' Pine Dress Suits, Long Pants, Fine Dress Suits, Knee Pants, Strong School Suits, Long Pants, Strong School Suits, Knee Pants. For Men and Boys. Straw, Wool and Fur . Hats of all Kintls, White and Fancy Shirts, Overshirts, Underwear, Hosiery, Handker. chiefs, Suspenders, Neckwear, Gloves, Notions, Etc. FOR LADIES' GENT'S AND CHILDREN. Boots and Shoes of all Styles and Prices. Trunks, Valises, and Umbrellas, Fishermen's Clothing, Etc., Etc Sole Agent for Butterlolc Pattern. 11 UP SinB T JESm - Pythian Building, CARL PALACE CRYSTAL LOOK OUT! FOR THE IMMENSE STOCK OF GOODS TO ARRIVE THIS WEEK, Direct From The East. THE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF Watches and Jewelry, Musical Instruments, Books and Stationery, Fancy Goods, Etc. All the LATEST STYLES and PATTERNS to Arrive This Week, at ADLER'S CRYSTAL PALACE. New Goods for IXMEIHENSZI STOCK CLOTHING, HATS AMD GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Direct from the Manufacturers, Retailed at Beln" In the Manufacturing Business I am prepared to sell Clothing that will xl e PERFECT SATISFACTION both in FIT and QUALITY of Goods. Perfect Fitting White Shirts, Medium aad Flue Orade Underwear. Xcwest Styles in Scarfs and .Ties. VA FULL STOCK OF FKENC1I, ENGLISH AND ASIERICAN SUITIMtS.-'Sa D. A. MelNTOSH, OCCIDENT BLOCK, JOHN P.CLASSEN, ,' Manufacturer of French and American Candies "ALSO - JPVml3L Bread Every'ruornlng, from tho -ASTOBIA-o-BAKEirc- 1884. t ! THE PRICES!! IN THE FOLLOWING LINES. GENTS' Frock Dress'Suits Sack Oress Suits, Frock Business Suits, Sack Business Suits, Summer Over coats, White Vests, Etc. sfFto 3b E"I "V tP HP S dBsl J - Astoria, Oregon. ADLER'S CE7STAL Spring and Summer! AN OF FIRST CLASS SHAVING AND Hair Dressing Saloon. PTTEDUPINANKW AND ARTISTIC manner. Every attention paid patrons. I have titled up and opened a first-dass Barbershop at Carl Adlcr'a old stand on Cbon&mus street, and am ready for business H 3m LSN.OHLEK. ASTOBIA. J - VN