to ...... , , Wxt gdfy interim, ASTORIA, OREGON: WEDNESDAY. MAY ,!"& SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE PORT OF ASTORIA. 07 iVTHK RIYKR. MtWtHhincton, Am up Mrtb t'liher. Chan. '.tes worth Br bk hkdal. llr bk Aterstwub Ckt.tle.Br pp Tythonns, Br bk JurxlUror, Jior bk S,t J. Am W U tw... Aw b. NruMuAii Hr bk illl J. Atn p VESSELS OAT3S WAX. ttozu Foreieu. Ports, for ine Colnmbin Hirer City of York. Greenock April 11 Cnsedalc. Br sp Liverpool. April 9 KirlrwocJ, Brsp IK9 Sydooy MwS Largo Law. Br op Hull March 13 From American Ports. Alameda, Am sp X Y Jon 13 Bello of Orccon, Am bk 1169 New York Mw I Colomo. Hoagkonjr. April O S Bement. Am sp 1900 Philadelphia April 3 TIDK TABLE FOK AHTOBIA. MAY. ItlOir j LOW WATEE. ririt. becond. I First. Second. a h 5 h a P a h 5'" A fn. ,2 ft. . .- ft. m. a h. m, , : 11 17a 7 0 11 20 85 D 31 ID 5M; 8 OOSp 7-2 11 W 90 G 25 0 4 'CCS g - - .- 0 &J 7'3 7 13 -01 'C 29 10 oaVi -2 1 ."3 7 3 7 51 -06-7 01,. 11 0 .rS 92 2 11 7-3 8 23 -fl'8 .7 40 121 1 if) If! 2 43 7-2 02 -OS 8 14 13 2 02 b'O 3 27 7'1 9 3.1 -OS 8 52 11 2 31 81J 4 10 70 10 10 -07 3 23 15 3 09 83 4.V C9 10 41 -04 1030 1C 3 50 7-S 5 40 .-8 U 21 -0 1 11 03 " 17 4 53 7 4 C 27 C7 - - ---0 07, 18 5 59 7ti 7 17 b"3 0 02 2S 0 58 1-8 1-3 17 2trj 0-2 05 The hours between nmltliht andnoouare desIsiiMfd bv u (a. M.. lhoso between uoou and midnight by ? ir. m.). 0j. 00n a denote midnight, (A. 0im. p denotes noon. The height 1-. reckoned from tin leel of atengclorlov. waters to which thnouud-1WI-. are glton on the Coast Survey charts. Columbia River Exports. SHIPMENTS FOKKIGN. JANUAUV. '31. Wheat. .S50 o75 bus .. Hour, K2SG bbLs ,..276 .. 422.6S3 Total 10 cargoes KKMIUAKV. Wheat, 31 1.U3 bus Flour, 49 CW Iibls- Salmon, 401 es .... Luinbci. COO M ... Total, 0 cargoes ArniL. -789.912 ,313"i2 221.C97 - 2.ixij . 7.000 .51i.6C4 Flour. 32.493 bbls . Wheat, ?H,0'A bus.. Total, 0 cargoes MAY. 5 To Quecnstmcn per Ulire S. Wheat, 57,71") bus . .. $333,260 Southard. S49.372 T1T ItOAT OIIARGICS. Following is the schedule of pilces for towage n and otit ocr the Columbia Bar : For esKls not Inward . Outward. exceeding" Loaded, llallast. . 800 tons.S15o ?It0 S150 600 to 1000 tons... 200 175 175 1000 to 1200 tOlft 22.i 200 200 1200 to 1400 toiLS 275 -5 '50 14O0 to lbOO tons. ItJO 250 3U0 POST &, JIAXSOX. Astoria Soda Wouks, Agents, Astoria. Or JACKSON'S ASTORIA Bakery Confectionery Coffee and Ice Cream Parlors. (HE?fA3n'S STREET. SUPERIOR Bread and Cakes OP AM, KIXDS. WMdings and Parties supplied with strictly FIRST-CLASS WORK. o-Freuch and Aiuerieaii-o RANDIES MttKufactuxod, Wholesale and Betall. BRANCH IESTABLISHMENT, .ON THE ROAD WAV. gss3S" THE LATEST STYLES J- 1 IN WALL PAPER AT B- B. FRANKLIN'S, h'NEXTDOOKTO ASTORIAN OFFICE. i . A very large Stock from which lo select. nAYindow curtains made to order. laTMy patent Trimmer to cut Wall Paper j'Kiii oe iouna cenveniem: 10 my pairons. V.4f Drugs and Chemicals Prescriptions carefully compounded Day or Night. Delinquent School Tax. XHE DELINQUENT SCHOOL TAX LIST j of School District No. 1, Is nw In mv hands for collection. Parties Interested will govern themselves accor iugly. A. M TWOMBLY. Sheriff Clatsop County. Astoria, Or,, March 13th, 1681. ij.E.THOMAS, 'i DRUGGIST A2fD Af Pharmacist, m astoria,o' I A a ? L .' BOC1ETX- MEETIXGS? Tempi :loIs,jo. 7A.JT.A.M. RIH1?' COMMUNI0ATI0N8 , first and third Tuesday in cachVy month, at 75, o'clock, r. sr., at tiie Hali tnAstpna. Members of the order In good standing are in1tMi to attend.. . By order of tho. w. M. Bearer Lodgro No 35. L O. O. F. KtuubAU aiEETTNa Ev ery Tlmrsday ovenlnp- at seven nVInpk af . tm.-v room in Odd KpllmnTlnlt A . TlTl Knlmiminrv TMomKA. r v. AKj..t goHi"standlnR, cordially invitodtoattei d. By order x. G. Ocean Encampment, No. 13, 1. O. O.P. REGULARMKEIINGSOF OCEAN EX campment No. is. I. o. O. K.t at the Lodge, in tho Odd Fellow Building, a sercn p. M.r..oa,.the second and fourth Mondays of Bac&aOi, Sol ournlng breth ren cordially JatlttexP By order c. y c p Seaside liodee No. 12, A. O. TJ. W. RrGCLAR iLEL'ilNGS OP SEASIDE . rJ&lz P;2' A. O. CT. W. will be held In Pythian Hall on Friday evening of each weeKatT oViloclr-p. m. Members of the order ta goad standing, and visiting Broih era areUnltedt to. attend. Library wlirhe open HXteen.2alnutes before and. after each meeting. J3y order M.W. C. BROWN. Bee. Astoria Lodare No. 40. L O. Q.l. REGULAR MEETING EVERY THURS day. evening at 7 :S0 o'clock, in the Hall over Mr. Case's store. Members or the Or good. standing, aae Invited to attend. By Prltjt:f W.C.T. itJjMwJJHpXeglon of Honor. W lETLNG OF ASTORIA t A1V Ic hMfl rn tha Aot- r,r,A third Tuesday of each month, at 7 o'clock p. x. By order of the Council Commander. R.V.MONTEITH. Secty. CushinPoat No. 14. Q. A. R. ll!kX-MEETINGS OF THIS POST wekfmMm at 7S0r. m. Visiting com rades cordially invited. By order J 1 1, PiftiagLodge No. 17. KL of P. ?T2QVti&$' MEETIN(;S OF THIS dLl'Loageyover? Fndav evening, ct 7io ojclOCkv In their Castle H:ilL .Sojourning Knights cordially Invited to ntte. GEO. P. WHEELER, j, . K.of It. and S. i Aor.Lde No. 6. K. of P. REGUrajatlXEETINGS OF THIS -LoJCTwrWcduesday evening, at 7rclocJCtltSlrlodgeroom.In Pjlhlan Crte.- oJournlng Knights cordially Im lt ed to attend. W."L. EOBB. K. ot n. and S. Astoria Workdngmen'a Protective Union. REGULAR MEETINGOF THIS LODGE every Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock, .at their 1xlge room, over Carnahan & Co.'s store, corner of Cass and Chenamus streets. S. !VL OILMORE, .1. C. BOSS. P ident. Secretary. Common Council. REGULAR MEETINGS. SECOND AND fourth Tuesday evenings of each month at TJ-e o'clock. 3BPersons desiring to have matters acted upon by the Council, at any regular meet ing must present the same to the Auditor and Clerk, on or before the Friday. evening prior to the Tuesday on which the Council holds Its regular meeting. THOS.S.JEWETT, Auditor and Clerk. BUY THE BEST! BARBOUR S Irish Flax Salmon Net Threads Woodberry, and Needle Brands, SEINE TWINES. AND CORE Ml) LEAD LINES, Fixk Pounds; Seines, aad Seta Imported to Order. A Large Stoctof NettiiiE.FIshLInes AND FISH HOOKS. CONSTANTLY ON HAND. HENRY DOYLE & CO., 517 and 519, MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO. ESTAgents for the Pacific Coast. GERMANIA BEER HALL AND BOTTLED BEER DEPOT, Chenamus Street, Astoria. r The Best of Lager 5 Cts. a Glass. Orders for tile Celebrated Columbia Brewery Beer Left at this place will be promptly attended to KayNo cheap San Francisco Beer sold at this place. Wsl BOCK. Proprietor. O. CKIJJ XVWKBEK. rt. BROWS Leinenweber & Co., eaTAnr.iRnKo isss. ASTORIA. - - - OREGON TASNERS M CUBBBffiS, Manufacturers and Importers of all kinds of LEATHER AND HKDIN6S. Wholesale Dealers In OIL AND TALLOW. MrHlghest cash price paid for Hides and TtUlOW. DB. JIM. CHINESE PHYSIOIAX, Special Diseases Carefully Treated. Office in Kong Wing Hie Store, on Che namus street, opposite Post Office. $67,000,000 Capital ! Liverpool and London and Globe. North British and Mercantile Of London and Edinburgh. Old Connecticut of Hartford, AJfD COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA Fire Insurance Companies, Representing a Capital or $v07,OOO,OOO. A. VAN DUHKN. Aent. Boat Building. JOS. ..LEATH ERS' I'onawlj- over- radt 4 Feroheo'f MrMae Sbo IS BTn,DINGIRST-rjLAS8 BOATS IN theko-tRia6iC9CiMwyM. John son on'Concotnly street, one block west of Harmon Bros Mm. Medel Material aad FlmUa FlnC-claw. Disfiguring HUMORS, Itching and Burning Tor tures, Humil iating Erup tions, such as ' SALT EHET M or Eczema. Psoriasis. Scald Head. Infanrilc or Birth Humors, and every form i-f Itching, Scaly Plnipiy, i-crof u lons. Inherited, Contagious, ua Copper Colored Diseases of the Blood, Skin, and Scalp, with Loss of Hair, are positively cured by the CnricuBJtRitEDiEs. - CttMiiiu cnlirovtr tho TVAtfr- VvMfvrl nmt. uer. cleanses the blood'and perspiration of wipunues ana poisonous elements, ana thus Temove the caus. CBtlcnra. the great Skin Cure, instantly allays Itching and Infiamatlon, clears the Skin and Scalp, heals Ulcers and Sores, and restores the Hair. CatlcHra Se. an exquisite Skin Bean tlQer and Toilet Requisite, prepared from Ccticcea, Is indispensable m treating Skin Diseases, Rsby Humors, Skin Blemishes, Kough, Chapped, or.011y Skin. Btlcara Kemedlen are absolutely pure and the only real illood'Puriflers and Sklu Beautlfiers, free from mercury, arsenic lead, zinc, or any other mineral or vegetable poi son whatsoever. It vroHld require this entire paper to do Justice to a description of the cures per formed by the Coticuba Rksolyent ln tornully. and Cuticuka and Coticcra Soap externally. Eczema of the palms of the hands and of the ends of the Angers, very difficult to treat and usually considered Incurable: small patches of tetter and salt rheum on tho ears, nose, and sides of the face. Sealled Heads with loss of hair without number, heads covored with candruff and scaly eruptions, especially of chlldrr u and Infants, many of which since bnth had been a mass ot scabs. Ilcklne, burning, and scaly tortures that battled even relief from ordinary remedies, soothed and healed as If by magic ; PoriiistR, leprosy, and other frightful forms of sklu diseases, scrofulous ulcers, old sores, and discharging wounds, each and all of winch have been bpeedlly, permanently, and economically cured by the Cuticcba Remedies. Sold everywhere. Price : Ccticuka, E0 cents; RRSOLVEJ.T, 31.00: SOAP. 25 Crnta, Pottrk Drug axd Chemical Co., Boston, Mass. Send fur "How lo Cure Skla Dbieaw". CATARRH COMPLETE TREATMENT $1 A Fincle dose of Hanfnrd's Kadfral CJHre instantly relievos tho .moBt. violent Sneezing or lieadC'oIdi.CIoarstheJItJul as by maetc. stops watery discharces from the No? and Eyes, prevents hinging Noises in the Head, curo3 Neroo3 Hoadacho, and Subdues Chills and Fever. In Chronio Catarrh R oloanscs tho nasal passages of foul mucus, re stores tho sense of smell, taste, and hearing when nffocted. frees the hoad, throat, and bronchial tubes of oBeniivo matter, sweetens and purifies tho breath. Ftopa tho coagh and arrests the progress of Catarrh towards Con sumption, , one bottle' RadioaLCure, one box Catarrhal Solvent and Sanford's Inhaler, all in ono package, of all druggist? for Si, Ask for Sax i'oao'4 Radical Cusk. Potter Datro and Cbem , Co., Bostox, , DAINi HnllU.' Tnlf.lA VlAjrlo Plaster instantly affects tne a errous System and banishes P in. A par feet tci jui... .'tiun. osiierj cuts IS SHE CRT blaednltaaPorouiPIu OTA tnrfneKrfn It..--: SKT1 SKHftJiB lES5f hilates Pain. vitiliiu WnnlrnnH W'nrn Cnt Port, .franotom. TirA MuFcles. prevents diseaso. and does moro in one half the time than any other plaster in tho world. Sold everywhere. PIANOS AND ORGANS SMALL MUSICAL MERCHANDISE Piano, and Organ Instructors. -CELEBRATED STEGK & KKABE PIANOS! -AND-THE WONDERFUL LITTLE GIAHT STECK PIANO -USED BY- PRK3IDENT OF UNITED STATES GOVERNOR-GENERAL OF CANADA GOVERNOR OF OREGON. ASTORIA MC8ICAL SOCIETY. SIRS. J. W. CONN, of Astoria. D.A.McINTOSH.Esq. " J.D.HIGGINS.Esq. CHAS. WRIGHT, Esq. .lad by 3fiajf Other ProIaf at MasUlaas. CELEBRATED JABER ORGANS. Elegast Packard Orchestral Orsaa Only exclusive Maslc House in Uie North west. Only wholeaalo and retail House In the Northwest. GARDNER Eros., 165 First St, Portland, Oregon. BABBOTJB'S Salmon Net Tineads HAVENOEaiJAL. THE The London Fisheries Exhibition HAVE WARDED THE GOLD MEDAL -TO- The Baroonr Brothers Companj . FORTHE SUPERIORITY OPTHEIB PLAX NET THREADS. Most Popular, Remedy-Sold. lril:ll,l.l.lijlJr!JJlJrl tPEDmOSl For PlMkc,- BltekMCkresUc Src and iea lsto or Energy aiid Habitual Con stlpatlon unecualed. KtUtt S una ted. Sold everywhere, Si. 6 bottles lor 53.0a HUBBAH FOR THB 3U1T WHO PATS I There are men of brains who count their caina By tho million dollars or morej They buy and sell and really do well On the money of the poor. They manage to get quito deep in debt By various crooked waya; And so wo say that the man to-day Is the honest man who pays. When in town ho novor sneaka down Some nUey or way-bpek Btrc-ct; With head erect he will never deflect, Bnt boldly each man will meet. He counts the cost bofore ho id lost In debt's mysterious maze, And he never "buys in manner unwi30, Bat calls for his bills and pays. There's a certain air of debonnair In the man who buys for cash; He is not afraid of being betrayed By a jack-leg shyster dash. What he says to yon he will certainly do. If it's cash or thirty days; And when he goes out the clerks will shout, Hurrah for the man who pays! English as an Acquired Tosgne. "Scandinavia" a magazine pub lished in Chicago, recommends that the English language be taught in the common schools of Sweden, Nor way and Denmark, as the best means of elevating the workingmen of those countries. It says: English would not be more difficult than the present written language is to children, who in their homes only speak a local dialect; especially because the Eng lish language so much resembles the Scandinavian. The people at homo will hardly, at present, be able to un derstand how muoh it would con tribute to enfranchising the working classes, and would still less recognize that the elevation in wages, following the increaso of emigration, is no real los3 to the employers, because the ability and capacity of the laborer is at the same time raised in a still higher degree. The development of the material welfare and of good pop ular institutions is probably also one of the best means to secure the out ward independence of the Scandin avian nations. The present zeal of the upper class for costly and useless ornaments testifies more to honest and respectable patriotism than to practical common sense. It would be better if their efforts were directed to a union between the three king doms, in which case there also would be a question of the practical impor tance of a defence. No Colonel. 'Do with me what you pleaBe, I'm an ex-Confederate soldier, and a stranger in a strange land." "Well, colonel," said his honor, "the charge against- you is not a very grave one. Sleeping in the street, I be lieve, is the extent of its lawlessness." "I'm not a colonel, sir." "What!" shouted tho justice, spring ing to his feet, "it cannot be I hear aright. You certainly don't mean to say you are not a colonel?" "I do," replied the accused, decid edly. "I was only a private- in the army, and I guess that I am not much more than a tramp now." "My friend," replied his honor in a choking voice, "go forth, you are a free man. You are tho first South erner I have ever met who was not a colonel, and the only private, I hon estly believe, tha,t was in tho Confed erate army." SOMETHING Y0TI WANT. A NEAT MAP OF ASTORIA. Warranted Cerrect: Lithographed and Mounted; showing all Streets, Numbered and Accurately Marked. Price but 85. Also, a MAP OF THE BAB, Inun Govern ment Sun ey. and endorsed as officially cor rect.' Price 83, Both Saps for 98, But a limited supplv, so call early, at the office of . BOZORTH& JOHNS. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. FOB THE Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to the GEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. - 'PROPRIETOR. ASTORIA LIQUOR STORE, AUG. DANIELSON, Proprietor. Rebuilt aad. Refitted Throaghont. The Best of WIXES.l4l0.17O Kg, AXD CIGARS For a Good Cigar, eall for one of "Danielson's Best." Corner West 9th and Water Strwts. Astoria. n9-Cm W. . DEMENT & CO. DRUGQXSTS. ASTORIA, - - - OKEUON Carry in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET anri . FANCY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded Wood Yard. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE THE ASTO- riaWood Yard. Gray's Dock, foot of Benton street, will sell wood at the follow ing prices and deliver wherever tho streets are planked, between Trullinger's Mill and O'Brien's HoteIbacK to Astor street : Green Alder. 2-cut $1 53 per cord, long 83 75 92 o do 4 75 do do 4 00 GrnHemlfr.'k do 4 w do do 3 73 Dry do. - do 4 75 do do 4 00 GreettBeah do- 4 75 do do 4 00 Greea Fir do 4 73 do do 4 00 Dry Fir do 5 90 do do 4 25 Extra 3Tarle- ad S.llmbs do 6 00 do do 5 25 vine 3t&ft1ii and 8. luabs-tlo C 75 do do 5 00 Wood of All Kinds Hy theScow load at REDUCED RATES. .-. JL M. T. GKA.T? Astoria, Febraary lai.1884. -A8KFOR- TTnion India Rubber Go's Pure Tara Gum CRACK PROOF RUItER BOOTS. BKWABXF IMITATIONS ! SlSiEhBoots sroBtairibed ORACK PROOy-oa tlfeqjMir.'anll-have tho PURE GUM SPRIHG8- on the foot and instep, which prevent their cracking or breaking. We-are-Bow-reakteg them with RUBBER AD ASBESTOiSSoles which will make them last momthaa twice as long as any Rubberbeots atade. . , , FOR SALKBY ALT. DEALERS. ALL SINDlRUBeSKtSELTING, PACK - ING,"H0SK,'8FbINGS; CLOTHING, ' ZaSkJt. i Affenta. 8.M.RUNY0N. 1 Ban Eranclsco. W Troyalkvct 2 B mm Absoiuteiy Pure- Tills powder never varies. A marvel of purltv, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the mul titude ot low test short weight, alum or phosphat0 ljowders. Sold only in cam. Bov AI. BAKIKO Co., 10G Walt-st. N. Y. Daxlism Ulilstoria It was neutral ground derhv: tho andatico between Shonnan and Johnson. Soldlera of boUx armies filled tuoirioacha3 with the tobacco stored there, and, af tor the surrender, marched home tvard. Soon orders caaio from Esst, West, North and Souta,for "more of that elegant tobacco." Then, ten men ran an unknown factory. No w It employs 800 men. uses the pink and pick of tho Golden Belt, axX tho Durham Bell is tho trade-mark of this, tho be3t tobacco In the world. Blsckwell'a Bull Durham SmoHn? Tobacco haa tho largest gale of any Emoldni? tobacco in tho world. Why r Simply because it is tho btit. All dealers have 1L Trade-mark of the Bull. Vitalizes and Enriched the Blood, Tanei np tho System, SInl:es tho "Weak Strong, BnUds up the Urokon- down. Invigorates tho Brain, r.nd -CURiS Dyspepsia, Nervous Af f ectious, Gsa eral Debility, Neuralgia, Pever and Ague, Paralysis, Chronic Diarrhoea, Boils, Dropsy, Humors, Female Com plaints, liver Com plaint, EemittenS Fever, and ILL DISEASES ORIGINATING IN A BAD STATl OF THE BLOOD, OR ACCOMPANIED BY DEBILITY OR A LOW STATE OF THE SYSTEM. PERUVIAN SYRUP Supplies the blocd with its Vital Principle, 01 Life Element, IKON, infusing Strength Vigor and New Ufo into all parts of the svstcm BEING FREE FROM ALCOHOL, its energix ng effects are not followed fcy correspocdL-g reac ton, but are permanent. SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, Proprietor., & garrison Avtcuc. Btcc Sold by all ITuggistj Notice of Fjna Settlement. TVTOTirE IS TfEnF.rtY RTVVV TITATTITW U undersigned administrator of the estate ui uuuii viii3iti r axiLseii. aeceaseu, nas nieu In the County Court of the State of Orecon, for tllfl PnlintVnr f'l'jtcnn lilj (Innl as such administrator, and that Thursday. iuo i'n u.ij ui aiay, io. at iue court room of said court, at Astoria. Oregon, at one o'clock p.; ar. of said .day; b the time and objections to said account and tho final set- P. F. JOHNSON, d-td Administrator. For Sale. "CUVE HUNDRED CORDS DRY II EM- jl iock woou, whicai will deliver at the houses of customers for 34 a cord. Draying of all kinds done :it rcasonabl rates. r, r, MARION. Drink Milkaud Grow Fat And don't forget that Always Keeps Milk by the Glass, Pint, or Quart, At hlsr-Frult Stand, on Chenamus street. Opposite Spcxarth's Gun store. To Whom It May Concern. THE MILK BUSINESS HERETOFORE carried on by I.N. DARLND. will horeafter be carried on bv DARLA.ND & MARTIN. I. N. Darland having sold an in terest to Mr. Martin. Drink Silk and Get Fat. .-Don'tfort:otthatI N. Darland always keeps milk by tho Glass. Pint, or Quart. Partnership Notice. NOTICE1S1D2REBY GIVEN THAT WE have sold an Interest in our business to Mr. II. M. Hathaway, of Portland, Oregon. All parties Indebted to us ara requested to settle promptly, as wo wish to close ourout standing accounts. The firm will henceforth consist of H.M. Hathaway, Ed.D.CurtKand A. F Naef, under tho name and stylo of Hathaway. Curtis & Co., and our business will continuo as before at corner of Chena mus and Hamilton streets Ed. D. CURTIS & CO. Astoria, April 22. 1SS1. NOTICE. STAffE AND COUNTY TAXES A RE NOW duo and payable at my office, A. M TWOMBLY, tf Sheriff Clatsop Co. Astoria Cooperage. BARRELS AND HALF-BARRELS Ail Kinds of Cooperage Done. apLeave orders with JOHN ROGERS, Superintendent, at Central Market. fc w tFTtll POWDER wL JBa s! ABk pC OTi J BJB 9 DURHAM MJjfcM J&- 5iii Tiv MB If he'drono.forarack BH cxro of BlactweUM Bull RH Durham Smoklntr To wl HbH bacco. an he was told, be f HH; wouldn't haro been r jTiT7ijp f HjR0 Tt"-- iffflpBy rSr TKAXSPORTATION LIXES. liwaco Steam Navigation Go.'s WINTER SCHEDULE. Astoria to Fort Stevens, Fort Canby. and Hwaco. Connecting by stages aud boats for Oysterville, Montesano and Olympia & Tntil further notice the Hwaco m9Mm fetcum Navigation Co.'s steamer CSr23L. IMiLlos, W ill leave Astoria 'On Mondays Thursdays, and Saturdays Oysterville and Montesano mall days. at 7 A. M. Ft.StevenSj Ft. Canby and mooS'SmJSSSf& 0ii Europe. Tvesjays. Wednesdays, and Fridays Wednesdays, and The steamer will leave Astoria at 9 A.21., as formerly, not being confined strictly to schedule time. Fare to Fort Canby aud Hwaco. .75 cts. l-Hwaco freight, by the ton. in lots of one ton or over, $2 per ton, E?For Tickets, Towage or Charter ap ply at the office of the company, Gray's wnarf.oot of Benton street. J. H.D.GRAY, Agent. West Ninth Street Assessment. NOTICE is hereby siren that the as sessment made by Ordinance No. 607 of the City of Abtorla, Clatsop County. Oregon, and which ordinance passea the Common Council on the 2Sth day of April. 1R4. and was approved on the OJth day of April. 181, for the Improvo mfiitoL West Ninth street, in the City of Astoria as laid out and recorded by J. M. fthively, from the south side of Water street to the south itde of Spruce street, in the manner provided by Ordi nance No. ,ri97 and which ordinance passed the Common Council on the luth day of March, 18S1, and was approved on tholSth day of March, 1884, on each of the following described lots fronting on said portion of said street Is now payable at the office of the City Treas urer, In U. S. gold and silver coin, and unless paid within five days of the final publication of this notice, viz: Tuesday, May '.'0th, 1884, the Common Council will is.t warrants for tho collection tueieof. The assessment is as follews: Devlin. .1. A Lot No. 1 in block 18G Planking and bent work 12S feet, cost SoW.00; sidewalk 125 feet, cost S62.50 Total eo.-t of improvement JJ424J30 Clatsop Mill Company. Lot No. 1 in block 117. Planking and bent work ijo feet, cost $.'511.00; sidewalk 125 feet cost SG2.50. Total cot of improvement S373.30 Shively, C. W. North 100 feet of lot No. 1 in block 110. Planking and bent work 100 feet, cost $54.00 ;sidewalk 100 feet, cost S50.00. Total cost of improvement S94.00 Bracker, Theodore. South SO feet of lotrso. 1 in block 11G Planking and bent work 50 feet, cost S27.00; side walk 50 feet, cost S25.00. Total cost of improvement $52.00 Bracker, Theodore. North 50 feet of lot No. 12 in block 110. Planking and bent work 50 feet, cost. 527.00; side walk 50 feet, cost $25.00. Total cost of improvement $52.00 Stevens. Chas. South 100 feet of lot No 12 in block 116. Planking and bent work 100 feet, cost $54.00; sidewalk 100 feet, cost $50.00. Total cost of Improvement $104.00 Page. C. II. Lot No. I in block 18. Fill Ing 383 yards at 25 cents per yard, cost $95.75; planking and bent work 150 feet. co3t $81.00; sidewalk 7!) feet, cost $39.50. Total cost of Improvement 3216.25 Brown, n.-Lot No. 12 in block 13. Fill ing 500 yards at 25 cents per yard, cost $l25:planking and bent work, 150 feet cost $81; sidewalk 150 feet, co3tS7C. Total cost of improvement $i'81 Frey, J. W. North 75 feet hi lot l block 19. Cutting 200 yards at 25 cts per yard, cost $50: planking "and bent work, 75 feet, cost $40.50; sidewalk, 75 feet, cost S32.50. Total cost of improvement $123. Uhleiihart Win. South 75 feet in lot 1 block 19. Cutting 383 yards at 25 cents ner vard. cost $95.75; planking and bent work, 75 feet, cost $40.50; side- Total cost of improvement.... $168.75, Marsh, S. P. Lot 12 in block 19 ; Cutting 1400 yards at 25 cents per yard ; $350 ; improv Dement W. E. South 100 feet of Lot 7, block 20; Cutting 1,032 yards at 25 cents per -vara, 5.8; planking and bent work,'l00 feet, cost $54; sidewalk 100 feet, cost $50. Total cost of improvement.... $362.00. Ferchen J. F. North 50 feet Lot 15 block 20 :Cutting 368 yards at 23 cents per yard. cost $92; planking and bent work, 50 feet, cost $2; sidewalk. 50 feet, cost S25. Total cost of improvement, ....$144.00 Blanchet F. M. Lot 6, block 20 -Cutting 583 j'ards at 25 cents per yard, S145.75. planking and bent work, 15a feet, cost $81: sidewalk, 150 feet, cost $75. Total cost or improvement fcjoi.'io. Wood Mrs. S. F. Lot 7. block 17. Fill- intr 500 vards at 25 cents ner yard,$125. planking and bent work 150 feet, cost $S1.00. " Total cost of improvement $200.00 Karaia. J. Lot G. block 17. Filling 383 vards. at 25 ccnt3 per vard. cost of .cutting and filling $95.75; planking and bent work 150 feet, cost $81.00. Total cost . of . improvement $176.73 Case. I. W. Lot 7 in block 115. Plank ing and bent work 130 feet, cost $81 00 Totil cost of improvement $31.00 Ferrell. Mrs. Laura. Lot G In block 115 Planking and bent work 150 feet, cost 381.W, Total cost of improvement $S1.00 Talor. James. Lot G in block 118. Planking and bent work 125 feet, cost $311.00 -sidewalk 123 feet, cost $62.50 Total cost of improvement $373.00 By order of the Common Council. Attest: T.S.JEWETT, Auditor and Clerk. Astoria, May 2nd, 1SS4. LOEB & CO. JOBBERS LN WINES. LIQUORS, AND CIGARS. AGENTS FOR THE Best San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. Tumblers Decanters, and All Kinds of Saloon Supplies. 5TA11 goods sold at San Francisco Prices. MAIN STREET. Opposite Parker House, Astoria, Oregon. REMOVAL. The Astoria Passenger Line W DLL AFTER THIS DATE HAVE ITS headquarters at its Stables next to B. B. Franklin, two doors below The Asto ria:? office. First-class Livery service. Carts with horso furnished, for one dollar per hour. Carriages on application The Astoria Passenzer Lino Hacks will leave for Upper Astoria from the stables. Morses taxen to ooara. MRS. T. O'BRIEN. TRANSPORTATION LINES. Oregon Railway & Navigation COMPAJKY. OCEA.V PI VISIOM . During the month of May. 18S4, Ocean Steamers will sail from Portland to San Fnuicico, and from San Francisco 10 Port land, as follows, leaving Ain worth Dock, Portland, at Midnight, and Spear Street Wharf, San Francisco, at 10 A. ar. : From Portland. hrom San Francisco. April uregoa .Tuca 29 Colnrabu Fri 3 Oregon ..Ta 8 Mto offal.... Hat 10 Columbia We4' U Urflgoa Haa 13 -tate of i aU...Thax,- S Colombia Mob 3( Oregon fxl 30 Jsaa State orCal....Twi 3 Colombia ......Sat. 7 Oregon Wed U May Sat 3 W.d 7 ,fun li .Tliur 15 ,.Mon 19 I Colnrabia.... JreKon .... Mato of r:i. Columbia .. Orpjron .... Kri 23 btatrt of Cal Ta 27 31 Columbia .bat .Tnn. Oregon Wed 4 Bute of Col ...Sua S RAIL DIVISION -.-r Pa venger Trains 't Tn Tirti "farTMf ern points, at Id :OS P. M. Oafly; , J RITER Division r"TfillrrrilMiriaJ Rts leave Portland for DanaPairi alse: Leave Port land for iMonl Tu. Astoria andl lower Oo-I lnmiiix kiulciw "ion. or. i AM! alem....i i .... CorralH3.. Tacoma and Seattle. ri.Htr .. .uiuiu oituunora no not hmii m - . Leaves tstnrii f n. tx-.i. ..a- - ..... cept Sunday. "" ; n XT PPPgrVrrvTrfi? A. L. STOKES. Miir Cen'l FreiRht and Pasa. A rt ' Oregon & California JSL JRL OREGON : TRANSCONriNXNTAL COMPANY. LESSEE. On and after February 24thris& iraiaTiil run asiouows r DAILY Except auadays). EASTSIDE "DXVXSIOM: rtween PORTLAND aadFMiEXIX. .T,. MAIL TKAIi,-. .. , LEAVE. ARRTVBr Portland 7 a. jv.": "5, PhtenlY. 7:WP.3tportland!Z 425y3ic ALBANY EXPRESTTRAIfT. LEAVE.- - AjtSfVi Portland 4 M e. M.ilaribti!s.wik Lebanon 4 rt5 a.m. PortlsadW S'iM The Oregon and California Railroi&Kdy makes connection with all EegularTrata onKststsIdeDULsion. WESTSIDK divisien: Between JPortlnuil and CervalUa MAIL TRAIX LEAVE. ARRIVE: Portland 9 rf)o a. 3t.CorvalH-4 OTi M. Con allis 8 :3o a. 3i.!PorUand.3 33 EXPnESS TBAI3T t. ,LEAAfE- ARRIVS.- Portland :oo r 3iMcMhnviBe:&:8ftM McMmnville5:l5 A3ilPorUana.r.8 -Jjlk .c,I?2e connections, mado at" Philq with the Stages of the Oregon and Califor nia Stage Company. eTTIckets for sale at ah theprincibal poxuis m uamorniT, at Company's Office-, Corner F and Front 6ts., rortIaiti,Qr. t?raioUr . v. .i !Tr tr v o"- " "" uo received; ioranr after 5 o'clock p. ar. on either the E !UpNlt East er ) uat aiuu utruion. r. KOEnLurr, Oen'l ilanacor. B. P.TtOGBXS. !t'gG.F.d:Paa.'i Aet' Ar Genevieve Street AsImmimL NOTICE is hereby gimiiofe thT as sessment mada by Ordinal No. a; of the City of Astoria, Clatwp-jCoaaty; Oregon, and which 'ordiauc;paMei the Common Council oirthUrdy;c Apri 1,1884, and was approeloatoe4tti April, 1884, for the improrewMtpI. Gen evieve street, in the City ot Ariaras laid out and recorded. By irohn-lcClure. frbm the north side otCKenamua to- tie south side of Seventh street, rothnafc ner provided by Ordinance-No. saoruut which ordinance passed the Commoa Council on the 2lst day of -Decezabeh 1833, and was approved on the22n(r'6iy of December, 188:1. on each' of- the X lowing described lots fronting -on s& portion of said street is now payabkrat the office of theCitj- Treasurer? In W. S. gold and Silver coin, and unlesavpald within five days of the finaLpublloMloa of this notice, viz: Tuesday; May-SOta, 1884, the Common Council will' isaue warrants for the collection thereof. The assessment is as follows : Trustees M. J. Kinney, Estate. LotNb. 14 in block 61. Spiling,-, plana? and bent work, 100 feet cost $298".00r side walk, 100 feet, cost $50.00. Total cost of improvement... ..$346JW Hiram Brown. Lot No. o-in-blbcfcS). Spiling, plank and bentworkyI08 fee?, cost S212.00; sidewalk 100 feet coat $5000. Total cost of improvement SS4&Q0 Wni. Mbrey and. Company Lot No. l in block 64. Spiling; plank: an; beat work, 100 feet,-cost $220.00: sidewalk 100 feet, cost $50.00. Total cost of improvement.'.. .-.$346DQ Dan'l Graham, Lot Nol4- bleclP64. Spiling, plank and bent wotfc l0feetL cost $220.00; sidewalk 100 feet," cost $50.00. Total cost of improvement..... 834&00 Trustees M. J. Kinney Estate. L;t-No 4, block 44. Spiling;-plank-antbent work 100 feetr cost "$220.00? sidewalk 100 feet, co3t$50.00 Total cost of improvement;... $346.00 W. H. Twilight-Lot Ho, b6Wu Spiling, Tlank and bent work 100 feet, cost $220.00; sidewalk 100 feet, cost $50.00. Total cost of Improvementr.i.SliteOO C. II. Bain. Lot No. 1 in Dldcees: -Filling 1315 yards atSS'cents per-yard, cost of cutting and-fillFng $a38.-B78pU-ing, plank and oent workloWeeVeost S147.00: sidewalkl00feetrco3t5Je. Total cost of improvements. .8539.73 Mrs. G. N. Daggett Xot No14 In block 65. Filling 2014 yards, cost of cuttuxg and filling $40330; spilingr plank and bent work 100 feetjeost $14W; side walk 50 feet, cost $50.c0. Total cost otlmproveraent.... $600.50 Suprenant & Ferguson. Lot No2 in block 45. Filling 1315 Tardcat.23 cents per yard, cost of cutting and filling $328.75; spiling, plank and-beat work 100 feet cost -$147.00; sidewalk 100 feet cost $50.00. Total cost of improvement;. ...$323.73 Suprenant & Ferguson- Lot-No.f5 in block 45. - frilling 20i4 jyards, at 25 cents per yard, cost of cutting and fill ing $403J5O;spiline, planking and bant work 100 feet, cost $147400; sidewalk 100 feet, cost, $50.00. Total cost of improvement $600.50 Suprenant & Ferguson. Lot No. 4 in block 71. Cutting 3810 yards at 25 cents per yard, cost of cutting and" fill ing, $952.50: spiling, plank and-bent work 100 feet cost $147.00; sidewalk loo feet, cost $50.00. Total cost of improvement... $1"149J0 D. M. Sutherland. -Lot No. SZ itf.block 71. Cutting 1875 yards- at25 cflta per yard, cost of cutting and filling" S4S8. 7iz spiling, planking anaVbeninworfc 100 feet, cost $147.00 ; sidewalk 100 feet S50.00. ' Totai cost of Improvement..... $(8.73 Daggett, Mrs. G. N. Lot Nos4.!abloclc 70. uuuing j,ivi yarus acaeeBisper yard, cost of cutting and' nlllMpftbTC. 75; spiling, planking and-bent?swork 100 feet cost $147.00 ; sidewalk 100 feet, cost $50.00. Total cost of improvemeht.T.$f,089.73 Warren. W. E. and M.F. TJlit Xol'H In block 70. CuttlngL318-feefat3rceate per yard, cost of cutting andrfllmg $3290; spiling, planklngVanilrkeBfe work 100 feet, coat $147.00; "sidewalk 100 feet, cost S50.00. r ";i Total cost of-improvemant. . '.$&SJ3Q By order ot tn n "2twIti n riMi 11 . , Auditor HKTCiiifc. Astoria, May 2nd, 1864. lwe.l-ran.TgrL.4-kt. am o A3 rJytfwjkjf 7AM lAJIiI bam? A.-.. uu.IWKC