t IMi VOL. XXI, JNO. THE STATE OF FLORIDA WRECK. Quebec, May 12.-The bark Theresa with the remainder of the survivors of the State of Florida, arrived to day and -vras taken in charge. The afaatfhesteamezTelnsesto talk of the accidentT Officer" Thompson is much depressed. The seamen aro less reticent than the officers, but are unable to throw any lighjt upon the cause of the disas ter hating been abed when the ves sels collided. They say they" had small accommodations and spare rations. Those saved from the" Ponema are Captain Hej burn, Angela Eosa and Thomas Nicholson. The names of the lo3t of the Ponema are not known. JIEePomena was in ballast from LSrirpoWldr Miffcmichl. The sailors oCjtmiftate of Florida are secured by the agent, and kept away from newspaper men. One sailor of the bark perished from exposure in a boat Captain Heyburn lost every thing. Nicholson, on the lookout at the time of the collision, ascribes tho fault of the disaster to the steamer. AH pek favorably of Officer Allen aiZhBfree thaktke City of Home re fused assistance. She was so near that it was impossible not to have seen or understood the signals. All corroborate the bravery of engineers Bain and Anderson, and testify td the activity of the second officer of the State of Floi ida, who was lot. A STATEMENT. Nkwobk, May 12. Captain Mun roeoftihe steamer City of Rome, stated that April 23, while passing sis. sailing vessels, almost becalmed with in two or three miles of each other, a full rigged ship was observed two or three miles distant, displaying signals interpreted by me 'ship wrecked crow of State' but no urgency signal was displaj ed, or if display ed was not seen, nor w as the name or nationality of the ship gften. Had a signal of distress or urgency been seen it would have had immediate at tention. As the day was calm, the signal dropping it was difficult to make out, but it would have been easy for the vessel to put out a boat, -virion could have intercepted the City of Rome. Not until after arriving at Liverpool, and hearing that a State line steamer was overdue, d"d the in cident become connected in my mind with the indistinct signal, when I at once reported my conjecture. I cer tainly would be the last man to ne glect the duty of every seaman to render insistence to any one in dis tress atHieshaving on more than one occasiobewi indebted to others for the prwwrvation of my own life." Th M&ond and fourth officers on watch Hi-fty at tho time of the signal ing iaUjf' itaeir adherence to Mun xoe'ifotgtdmBnt. Preaarl&g for Extensive Salmon Ship Bfae&tx. The Northern Pacific Refrigerator Oar company have just completed eifhtjoars specially designed for car rjrmcColumbia river salmon east. HrarMtWoy, a -man of fifteen years' efifSriSEtGrin the shipment of fish, is oSmanwrt agent for the company he. iAH the cars are fitted with the "VyiBtinghouse air brake, Miller plat formTetc., so that they can be attach ed to regular passenger trains. A special messenger goes with every car sa.Ke Kxai me supply oi ice is Kept utiitfcKthe atmosphere of the car kept steadily at 20 degrees. None of the shipments made by express in boxes during the past two months have been profitable, for the reason that transportation charges are too high to allow a margin of profit The xajaltTofihe carload shipped last Tl&tetfcm Celilo is therefore await ed with interest. Cost of the fish aboard the cars is about 'five cents a pound, freight charges by the carload aboift seven' cents. Retailed at twen ty cerits.the salmon will yield enough profit to justify future shipments. Mr. Molloy showed an Oregonian reporter a letter from E. 6. Blaok ford, the great Fulton Market fish mercEant; in which he stated that thsHistflve boxes shipped from Port land wererTeceived in absolutely per fect order? being 'bright, clean and aa-jjgonn, and that the process of pu3Ji, rag-could not be improved. In oadad lots the salmon are packed in bocearin single layers, with ornshed ioeutider and over them. One hun dred boxes constitute a carload, eaoh box containing six or seven, accord ing to size. .Lntrails and gills are reaftoveff'T a patent maohine, -and thf akin 'is unbroken. The cars are attached to passenger trains as far as Sf. Paul; thence by fast freight to HeT-npUK Dut tne refrigerator car company are making arrangements to;twd thesr on passenger schedule && Paul to New York, reducing the time irom .rortiana to seven days instead of nine days as at present Salmon will be Shipped from Celilo, where they are taken with fish nets; from The Dalles and the Cascades, where they lire taken in wheels, and from thclower Columbia. Mr. Mol loy says that New York is the only city that can dispose of a carload of salmon in one day, but parts of it go to Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington. In Chioago the lska fish come in such strong com petition that the Columbia Tiver salmon cannot be sold profitably. Another carload will bo despatched to New York in a f few days. Orego nian. John Myers did make one strong point in his speech here, ah! a very tafa-wTpointjme fellow citizens! "tlw'Mieifisked, in --fttll-facedw6od type tone of voice, and with fire glint ing ana nasmng irom nis com, steei gray eyes, 'why did Binger Hermann, Hj-jrippitgeAt; refuse to meet me on thevstump?" Th8t was a point well ,- JMR aflrrSemiHi.to-havd-jt'g weight IJaJjUiu' "iijirnfrrij when it is well "Gown that jytrMyers oppointmenta were made aridlie was out on the can rrmmJHHnMx flermann was nomi- itftd&ZfenlJlet5?l'TribUn-er itcRUar ts what-yoa need ., ITojiS or Appetite, Dlz- lb' per bottle. Sold j aMicw The ' Cow Counties." The Sunday .Welcome, in its critio ism of the action or the Kepublican state convention in making the nomi nations that the ''cow counties" pon trolled affairs and left Portland "out in the cold,1' regarding candidates; If by the derisive tenn,Meow coun ties;" we are to understandjihaf large section of country outside-;of" Port land (and we believe there is a Con siderable portion of the afea-ot Ore gon not included in Multnomali' coun ty), we can see no reason why they should not have managed the-'nopn-nations of the Kepublican convention, as they represent the indn"rial inter ests of the northwest. For many years the metropolis has appeared to" array herself in direct antagonism to matters of great im portance in which the sections south and east are directly interested. "We believe, for her own aggrandisement and the improvement of the Colum bia and Willamette rivers upon which she is dependent for an outlet toi.be sea, she has worked against other in ternal improvements southern and eastern Oregon greatly desire. Her leading journal has times without number decried the prosecution of work at the locks and has denomi nated their construction a useless ex penditure of the public money. Our people Relieve that, because of her in fluence at the national capital through representatives in congress who are subservient to her interests, this work has been retarded. In the matter of the forfeiture of the unearned land grants, her board of trade passed res olutions declaring it to be the desire of the people of the northwest that the Northern Pacific company should retain all tho land granted to them, conditionally, by act of con gress, especially making it appear that that portion from "Wallula to Port land was necessary for the construc tion of a road through that section (when the compan never intended to to build a foot of road, and the O. E. & N. C. had one in running operation for many yearb). All these acts on the part of Portland have demon strated clearly to the minds of our people that we can expect no help from her for any projected enterprise and that all congressional representa tion from that city will be inimical to the interests of eastern Oregon. The grievances of southern Oregon are not as clearly marked. "Whatever they may be they are sufficient to make that section wheel into line with the country east of the Cascades to dethrone Portland from holding tho rtaanntin swnv over the rest of Oregon. Dalles iHmcs-Jfovntaincer. Color of the Campaign. Foutyearrago, when the presidon-. tial campaign opened with Garfield and Hancock aa the nominees of the respective parties there-was-a- proa-4 pecc oe a Detter rone in poiiacs. xne canvass was to be elevated above the mire and mud of former contests. But that prospect did not last but a few weeks. "Later in the season par tisan rancor and bitterness broke out with greater virulenoe than ever. Garfield especially was the target for abuse. His public record was over hauled and charges of corruption wen. freely made. A forged letter was brought out later in the season as the culmination of a conspiracy to defeat him by foul means, since he could not be defeated by fair means. R.irelv has any caudidate been through such a scathing fire of de traction and come out so clean. Han cock suffered loss. He had no civil record. His military record was very good. He had no very strong points to assail, and no very weak ones. The presidential crmvass in this country is not much above the level of politi cal debauch. There are already signs that the old evils will break out again, and with tho old virulence. Blame's prospects for a nomination by the republican party being better just now than those of any other candi date, he is drawing the fire of all the political malignants. The demo cratic candidates aro not yet under fire because they are not, up to this date, in the field of vision. Of course when candidates enter the field for the highest offices in the gift of the people they challenge criticism as to their qualifications, including their puuno record, xne inaeceni wing in our politics is construed to mean all sorts of assaults, including the most ingenious falsehoods whioh, can be invented. Blaine under fire, before it is certain that he will secure the nomination, is an indication of the color of the approaching canvass. M 9 The nominee for judge of this dis trict, Hon. F. J. Taylor, of Astoria, is a lawjer of the very best standing at J home, has been m practice eleven years, is an Oregon boy, and about thirty-six years old. We believe that no other choice so good could have been made in the district without taking a muoh older lawyer. Oregon City Enterprise. 5othla-f Like It - Mr. J. B. Flynn. 87C Sixth Avenue, New York, was cured, he says, of rheumatism, of long standing by tho use of St JacobsOil; the great pain cure. For scalds, bruises, cuts etc., he thinks it has no equal CLATSOP MILL COMPANY Manufacturers and Dealers in Lumber, Salmon Trays, BOXES, ETC OFFICE AND 3IILL, CORNER SALMON AND CEDAR 8TREET8. ASTORIA. Oregon . Business for Sale. A JVELLKNOWN-AND LONG ESTAB-, :yjai knovm DDBbDlfcatJon-at 1 offlcef jWThls Is a rare chance. ASTORIA, OREGON, WEDNI&DA, HrjflLHNr. CURES Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lmrtif, Btdcube; Heach.Teettticfte- ASS XIX OTHSS BOBttT PJJ5S ASD AOUS. Sl " br DraMliU a4 Dlut ercrpibar. TCaj CmU bottle. DiKoUae Is II Lmcc. THE CHARLES A. VeOEtE" OB. Cliiwmiii - t"-""-T BUUasn.aL.C.I.A. King Blood Is not a "cure "," it is a blood-purifier and tonic. Impurity of the blood poisons the s j a tera, deranges the'drculatRsnand tlnis-ln-' duces mauv disorders known br-dlSerent names to distinguish tnem according to ef fects, but being really brandies or pusses of tbat.gre.it generic disorder. Impurity 1 Blood. Such are Dytpcprta, BllUoiumc, Liver Complaint, Cnkktlpaiitm, Hcrtvnw Di onlert. Headache, Backache", General 'WeaJi' nek. Heart Dleatc,Dmpey, Kidney DUcate, Pile, Rheumatism, CaUirrJi, Scmfula, Skir. Disorder, Pimple.-1! Icerr. Stcllingt, ei. r. Kins of the Itlood presents and cures these by attacking the eawe. Impurity 01 me oiooa. unemist ana nm sici&ns In calling it "the most genuine and efficlrtit preparation for the purpose." Sold by Drug gists, SI per bottle. See testimonials, direc tions, &., in pamphlet, "Treatise on Diseases of tho Blood," wrapped around each bottle. D. RANSOM. SOI &, COi. Props Buffalo, K. Y. A. V. Allen, Wholesale find Itetoll Dealer la Provlilons, MILL FEED. Glass and Plated Ware, TKOPICAL AND DOMESTIC fer.1 tTOI!ITy A UF UCOCl" i Df ffr ! Toother with Wines, LiquorsJobaccoXigars J. W. RUDDOCK, Practical Plumbing in All Its Branches. Steam and Gas Fixtures,! A Complete Stock of Flrst-elss Material. All "Vork Ciuarantecil. Ofllce md Shop In Hume's bulldtmr, lenr of Wheeler & Hoob's, Astoria. Oregon. H. B. PARKER DEALER I.V Hay, Oats, and Straw, xxac:e3 Brick. Cement, and Sand. Wood (Delivered to Order. Draying, Teaming, and Express Business DEAX.EC IK WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. FIRST. CLASS. B. F. STEVENS & CO.. CITY JEtDOK STORK, Have just received a msurtnoth sWfci. of Books. The younfr and. ckl, nch and poor can all be accommodated! AGENTS FOR THE Kraalek fk Bach and Hanrfsfeldt A Xetnl Planes and Wextera Cttaice Oncans, Orders for all kinds of Music or Instru ments will be promptly tilled. B. F. STEVENS & CO. Jordan & Bozorth The Only Exclusive CROCKERY STORE IN ASTORIA. If . B. Htc Sle'Kts;kV to the WK. EDQAR, if-oitl of the Dealer In Cigar j, Tobacco ami Cigarettes ffeerech&um arid Brier Pipes, CElTbWEErtQUSrl CUTLERY Rvvr and Curtrlff - CORNER 24fclNA-DvCHENAMUS ST8. HOTELS AND REbTAKAXTb. PARKED BP&S3, B.B.PJLRKE. fr ASTORIA, - - . voftRGoN, Al. CKOSSY. Pull. BOWEKS, - tf&lgtt''(-lerkr alBilardroom" Jos. DUFFY ho" the B&raia First Glass in all jfeipecti. FEEK COAOH TO JTHE0US8. Campi Restaurant. F.W AD WELfc KQUIFFKO THROUGHOUT, L. Send has rebuilt his esUMJsiunaVJ(" h prepared to accommodate the ttaTeli&c puBIW. . i A good meal ruxnlshfid at any hoar ot the day or night. . j The finest liduotfttnd ClgVS-at the h&r. Two doors wester Ike Fosters:5 a2S-Cin LUIGI SEBRA. IFiffnres Never Lie ! JEFF 01T.THE" CKOTi HOUSE Can piore by.bls Itookthftt ho la dotoR the oigKs"t ousidrs oi any . EESTATTRANT I In tho city, and ho will gnanmtee to &ie. luc oest mv&x iot caaa. MARKETS. WASHINGTON MARKET, Mala Mreet, Astttr!, rcx. K KSrECTF'C-LLY-OALTVrHE ATTEK' i tlon of the Dubllc to the fact that the above Market wul always bcs&ppUed sslth.a - FULL VAEIETY AND BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS ! I Which wDl be soM at lowest rates, whole ; sale ami retail. I3i-Sneclal attentlpn glrajfXto snpplylac .fillips. ' w.'tt.'f . Pacific Market. XC "ft. I" - v rsfss Tiict'ATnnF nliu-ifh-' jFish, Game, Eggs, Butter, VEGETABLES, ETC. j Wa furnish Provisions. Fresh and in Good ) Condition, Dre9-od Chickens Vegetables, and Market Produce of all kinds in season. A Fine Mock of Family "Winw, Liquors, I Clg in and Tobaccos. STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COMPANY, Fresli and .Cured Meats, Vegetables, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEL. CHKJYAMrs Mtrert, AAterla, Og ASTORIA Brewery Beer Saloon. The Best Beer 5 cts a Glass. Hot Lunch every Day from 10 to 12 A. M The best of Lluwrs and CUtars on hand. A deservedly popular place of social resort. GEO. HILLER: CHAS. A. MAY, New Store. New Stock Toys, Fancy Goods, Tobacco and Cigars. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC A FINE ASSORTMENT. BOAT BUILDING, R. M. LEATHERS Hni reopened his boat shop, OTer Arndt & Fercheu's, foot of LaFayetto street, and Is prepared to turn oat FIKST-CLAS BOATS. ALb WORK GUARANTEED. WYAH & THOMPSON. DEALERS IN FRESH AND CURED MEATS, CHOICEGROCEEIES, PROVISIONS, Crockery and Glassware. TJT111 Peed,Bto, T. G. RAWLINGS, Tholes'do"-'ud TtetallDealer In in. davjch jE&wi&dmmmm. Tropical, Domestic, Crten and Oritd MTTS. CANDIES. DBIEO itEATS, ETC. Ffae Offctalrs aTilSe. Next door (o L 'J. Arrsld's, Sqhea-oqoa 8i. MAY J4, 1884. 1 Harftware airl SMphaiilerj -. L VAN DUSE& CO.. mbmx Hardware and Stir Cfcindlirv. Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, BinacieOil, Cofton Canvas, Memp Sail 'Twine Cotton SaUTwine,. Lard Oil, Wfongh't Iron fep1keskf GalvanizedCul Nails, . Agricultural" Implements, Sewlas; lilaekJbiM, PhIAI aad Oils, GrMM(et, I O.OOOHOTTLISraOLD Great Nfthwuttrn-Reme(h TAKE'rr .PTUMDEHJ )BEqpNBii)OBPoainEaI K10NEV 8r UVOLlXSEASE-CEffSHPSIA. UUHLSamtaaaa PiKPLEaBLOTCB--, MiO SXXDGU5E3. A EADActi;- cosnyaos inose wno worK eawy aad late neea a wholesomp;-rcnablp "Hedlclofc'llke Ffu ' Oreirea B d PnlSer.- AS'srefaedy and preventative of d.teases it cannot be beat. It checks Rkeamatbai and lalarla, relieve CoBstlpatloa, DiyeHl and UUhhw and pufc fresh energy Into the-system by maklne Xevr Blek BIowL-All DmcEbta-and Deal en keep It. ?L00lbottlea 6 for S&oo. G. H. BAIN & GO. Doors, Widows, JJinfdsfTrantoiM Turning,' Bracket Worir.' A specialty, and all worfc gaaM&teed. Oai:. Ash, Bay, and Walnut latatfer; Of gon and Port Orford Cedar. All kinds of boat material on hand. C.H.IAI1 Sl c: Wilson & Fisher, " r n " nv i Twati' dxax,km1s Iron, Steel, Coal, Anchors, Ohams, TAR, PITCH, OAKUMJ NAILS AND SPIKES, Shelf Hardware, Faints and Oils STEAM PACKING, PROVISIONS. FLOUR Alf D affix FEEI. Agents for Salera Flouring Mills, and Capital Flonr. FAIRBANKS STANDARD SCALES. All sizes, at Portland Prtoea, In Stock. Ckjrner Chenamus and Hamilton Street ASTORIA, OREGON. THE BEST IS THE oh:baiet! Royal Brand Flour Manufactured by- the OREGON MILLING COMPANY I3 of Superior Quality, and Is Endowed by all who use It, ! THE HOUSEKEEPER'S FAVORITE Of Superior Rising Quality. Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. WYATT & THOMPSON Nolo Agents far Aataria. BOAT SAILS AT Lowest Prices,' NOT GIVEAWAY, but made allowed I.1VIXQ FR1CES. All workUooe at ray Sail Loft QUA8A?TKED to alve -perfect satis. f.tctloa. SAIL LOFT On Cbcusniof Street, next door to Asterla Bakery. j, Hitr. Barnes' PatenfFoot anH Staam Power Scroll Saws. Clrealar SaWa, Mortlsera Iiatliea. Teaeaen, Foraifn, Ste. OsltrB&Alnaiier SoU Areata; 68 Xarket St. Saa FraaelKe. CuUIog'ie'cf all our goods sent fre on ap plleaUon. FURNISHEDROWAS TO LET. .A.TvMBiQJ. HILLER'8, NEXT DOOR 'i. to Westoa 'Hotel. 1 IIbsLc39b CBtx STONE & DAViDSOK DiriiaaUEr BAR GOPIR, OA GrToceries,, Prxj-yisibns, Mill FEED, Etc. ftnteV S141aK. AilWim, Or. ASTOBIA..- 0SSG02T. The Profit Machine Shop BUCK SMITH SHOP A2TO Boer Shop AU klads of ENGINE, CANNERY, A3TD STEAMBOAT WOEK Proaaptly aUeaded to. Atnalalty nade t repalrinj CAIWERY DIES, -w FOOT OB LAFAYBTTB STREET. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Bestok Stbsst.Nbak Pabkzb Houar, ASTORIA. - OBSGON. QEHEJbtrMACHIHISTS AND BOflER MAKERS. LAinaMIARim erWork;Stwmbiit Work ind Cijery Work m spe cialty. - - , A fall DeaerfjitlaBs Made ta Order atJiaart Ifatle. A.D."VA8a;"rsident. J. OrHt-arxKn.Secretary, I. W.CJLaK.Treasurpr. JoitK FoxSuperintendent. BOATSAND TENTS 2Q 2 a.p CO p O 2 a: FLAGS, ETC ETC. First Class Blacksmithing AT LOW RATES AT Gilbert Christiansen's ' HORSESHOEING Daaa on 8dentillc Principles by an Al Honeaaear who Guarantees GOOD WdRK. General Blacksmithing Done And SATISFACTION ASSURED, at HI Shop, in rear OtAUK.Danlelson's Saloon. Carnahaii & Go. SUCCESSORS TO .1. W. CASE, IMPORTERS. AND WHOLESALE AND HKlXXL DSALBR3 IS ErfiNEBAL MERCHANDISE Corner Cfieaaaas and Caa streets. ASTORIA ORESON Magnusr C.Crosby Dealer in SAMAfiE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipeind Fittings, ITOVK8, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD . ilHEET IRON, f BS1 g o g- SEU o 5 ? O g 5 at - ff . s a o 2- v-w 5. " 5 g s i ttcMje&qK PRICE, FIVE CENTS. BUSINESS OARD-). r P. XcCOEOLXC, Aftaraij-amd. Caiiasellar At "Law . Boqrn 12. Odd Fellows Binding. ASIOBIX - - - - - Oregon. 3EO. A.D0BEI3. QEO.'JfdULKD koeaivb a Donmis, ATTORlfEYS AT LAW. Office in "Kinney's Block, opposite City Ball, Astoria, Oregon. Q K. THOMSOrV, Afiorney and Cowuriot at Law. BoonfNo.C, otst "White Hsue ASTORIA, OREtlON. C..7T. roxTox. oc.jci3;oi-, FULTOrf BBOTBEBfl, ATTOENEYS AT LAW. BoociaS and 6. Odd .TeUbwaJEtaU'dla. ATTORNET AT LAW. CfaeajjBfls- "treat, - - ASTOBIA, OMO08 .- . .1 JOSEPH A. 6U4L. ATTORNRY-aT-LAW. 0fflce with J. Q- A. Bowlby, ASTORIA. ----- Oregoa. Q J. CUATIS, ATT'ST AT LAW. r. S? PnWlc, Comaisatoner of Deeds lor Calironila, .ew York and "Washington Tecr Rooms 3 audi. Odd Fellows Buitdlaff.Aa toria,Oregon N-B -Claims at Washington. D. G. aad collections aapeclalty. JR C. HOLDEJT, KOTABY PUBLIO, AUCHONBKR, C02dMISSI0N AJCD IS SURANCK AQKNT. O. W. LEICK, ARCHITECT AND DBAUQnaCA2f. Scholars received for Course of Draughting garOfflca OTer White House Store. 3.EXO F. PARK-SB. SURVEYOR OF Clateap Ceaaty, a4 City TAatoria OtQce 1 Chenamus street, Y. M. C. A. hall SooauNo.8. Q BRXMO-k MATI-tf, M. D.r PityaleUa amdSarxeaav ASTOBIA. - - 0RSGO& OFcB-Ilooia 12. Odd FeUcwfrBqlldlaft REStDEafoE Hume's hulldlngupfitalrsV JA.X TUTTL, 1L.JK PHYSICIAN AND SUBGEOH ' Orwcs Rooms 1, 2, and 8 Pythian Build ing. RMIDRVPIt fin (IfAnT flttWAt- Kontr r. St. Matj "3 Hospital. ' r. P. HICKS. a. e. SHAW. HICKS 4c SHAW, DENTI3I8. Rooms In Allen's Building, up Btalrs. cor ner Caa and Squem xjua streets. Astoria. Oregon. Bozorth. & Johns. Real Estate and Insurance Agents, and Brokers. ASTORIA. Oragoa. Buy and sell all kinds of Real Estate and represent the following Fire Insurance Conpuues : Scottish Union and Na- tional. asseta trn.naci.m 4MujOtf 3oe,teu 4.osajNe Phcanlx of Hartford ilome of Hew York, ttamourg ana. remea, Western. Pbenlx of Brooklyn. Oakland Home, vpxp Policies written br us in the- Phmnir and Home and Scot 'ten Union and Rational at equitable rates. BANKING AND INSURANCE! I. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, ASTORIA, - 0BE60H. OFFICE HOURS : From 9 o'clock A. M. until 3 o'clock P. St B. S. Worsley, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT 3Occeand Ware Rooms on Squemoqua Street, next-door to comer of Oiney . Adrancemehts made oaConsignaienta' Ha Cliarjjea for Staraxe of ea4a. GEft-tGE LOTETT, Tailoring ;"CtoBiit;lpiriiL 2TEAT, CHEAF A2ST QUICK. Mala SL. ejHIie'.'Xfc'. Jjterk, . GJl. STItfSON & CO., - AUKSMITHING, . - rj -jJjLCoor.'toeeta? 8hiKaal ?nHk iHorseshoeiac. WaoD,jBtaajUreaV Good guaranteed. --.- - -JL flttticnt ott Sails $ bs Gi vVAifNty yrT MfkmlmT i ,-" - )