The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, May 13, 1884, Image 3

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Wxt gattjj gustonaw.
HAY 13. 161
(Monday excepted)
Terms of Subscription.
Served by Carrier, per week .
Sent by Mall, per month
" ,r " one year .
Free of postajo to subs:rllers.
Advertisements Inserted by the j-ear at
the rate of $2 per square per month. Tran
sient advertising fifty cents per square, each
Regular council meeting to-night.
The Scottish Bard has arrived ont.
The State arrived in yesterday; the
uregon letc out.
Jos. Hume has bought a half interest
in the steamer Eureka.
Robt. Miller is the new postmaster of
me new posiouice at aunsmne.
Has the Sunday Welcome suspended?
No copy has showed up in this office for
tnree weeks.
A party of thirty ladies and gentlemen
HO to Young's Falls on the Tom Morris
this morning.
The Grand Encampment of Oregon
will meet at Odd Fellows' hall, In this
city, next Monday evening.
Win. T. Coleman & Co.'s bank is now
ready lor tho transaction of a general
banking and exchange business. See
T. J. Shambly has secured the contract
for building the Chehalis Valley Acad
emy at Mont03ano, the pries being
There will bo a meeting at Hwaco to
day of the directors of the proposed road
xrom Hwaco to Oysterville and Gray's
The democrats and republican kickers
have nominated a fusion ticket in Mult
nomah county and propose to break up
"the ring."
A pleasant party was held at Captain
Fercnen'a last evening, the occasion
being the birthday anniversary of his
oldest daughter.
There is some talk of starting a Scan
dinavian newspaper in Seattle. It is
under discussion to establish a similar
institution in upper Astoria.
Laying pipes for tho Columbia Water
Co., is about finished. As .soon ss possi
ble private consumers vrill hnvo an op
portunity to connect with the inah.s.
Francis Gordon, one of the crew of the
British ship Eskdale, lying at Portland,
while painting the ship's side last Satur
day, .fell into the river and was drowned.
The Clara Parker leaves Parker's dock
at nine o'clock this morning for Knappa,
Westport, Cowlitz, Ranier and Lewis
river. For freight or passage apply on
The Chaplain Scott reported on Sun
day as going to Benicia, Cal., is not
Chaplain W infield Scott, who, in all
probability, will abide with his friends
on the Columbia.
The little son of C. "W. Stone mA with
an accident last evening in falling from
a wagon seat, the whoels of the vehicle
passing over him, fortunately inflicting
but slight damage.
Wheeler & Kipp are making a specialty
of tapping water mains and connecting
with' private residences, besides other
plumbing business and guarantee satis
faction in every case.
The grand lodge of Oregon L O. O. F.;
meets in this city on next Tuesday. Thp
Fleetwood will carry passengers to and
from the session at a reduction of twen
ty per cent from the regular fare.
The A. B. Field arrivod in from Gray's
harbor, with freight and passengers, on
Sunday afternoon, and will make a re
turn trip on the 24th. She leaves for
Tillamook, from the Main street wharf,
at ten o'clock to-morrow morning.
Wm. Hume is authority for tho state
ment that there are no bears at Eagle
Cliff, but he has a great big $20 gold
piece for any one, regardless of ago, sex,
or previous condition of servitude, who
will bring or send him a 75-pound
Columbia river salmon meet with ready
sale in San Francisco. The epicures of
the Bay city are satisfied with no other,
and all lovers of delicately flavored salm
on reject the Sacramento salmon once
having tasted the incomparable salmon
of the Columbia.
The testimony of tho crew of the ship
Sumner R. Mead has been taken at Port
land, and that of the steamer Wellington
will bs taken on her arrival at San Fran
cisco, and the collision between the two
will be arbitrated on to sottle the pay
ment of damages.
H. B. Parker's new three story house
will be begun to-day; it will be 4bx75 feet
and.will be on Water street, close to the
former site of Ike Foster's building. The
Ciataop Mill company begin sending
lumber on the ground this morning, and
th intention is to have the building
ready for occupancy by July 20th.
The steamer-Sam is receiving a general
overhauling, having a new boiler put in
and being painted and fixed up generally
for the spring trade. Cipt. Fisher is go
ing to have a new pilot house, and the
recent ridiculous order concerning pass
engers in the pilot house won't affect
him a bit.
There is a slight improvement reported
in the run of salmon this week; the flBh
are not up to the usual size, averaging
about fifteen cans to the fish. The pack
is considerably behind that of the corre
sponding date last season, but as two
busy days in June or July would make a
difference of several thousand cases it is
too early to predicate anything in relation
to the outoome.
A communication is received from a
leading resident of Clatsop complaining
about the condition of Beerman's bridge
on the county road. The charge is made
that though money has been expended
for its repair, yet the bridge has not re
ceived the benefit of it to the great in
convenience of residents in that vicinity.
There ii evidently something in it, and
if upon investigation it proves to be as
our correspondent states it will receive
due attention.
J. I. McGowan reports that the body
of a man was washed ashore at Scar
borough head last Sunday afternoon.
The weight of the man was apparently,
ldOlos, height G feet, 10 inohes,light hair,
MHdy mustache, high boots, brown over
alls, red undershirt, blue overshirt, oil
ceat: He had in his pockets 1 foot rule,
one black-handled knife and three silver
dollars. He is supposed to be one of the
poor fellows that was drowned in the gale
on the 4th inst.
Something; Mew.
Joe Schlltz's celebrated Milwaukee
beer ou Draught, at Aug. Danlelson'a
sample rooms. On Ice and drawn from
the wood, fresh and sparkling.
At Caraahan & Co.'a,
You can get Men's Clothing, White
Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ladies, Dress
Goods, Ribbons, Ruching, Corsets, Kid
Gloves, Silks and Satins, Buttons, La
dle' and Children's Hose, and other ar
ticles too numerous to mention, at much
less than cost
Hw t Oet aa ink that Will
Suit Yen.
"For copying and general use buy
Casteb's Combined Ink.
For bookkeeeplng and fine writing,
itr Carter's WRITING FLUID.
For writing black, from the word "go"
buy Caster's Koal Black Ink.
For sticking things, buy Cabteb's
ivt -a TV.
All ot which you can get at lowest
rict Tie City Book Store.
A cerkfcrtwita every bottle.
TheBoston Commercial Bulletin of tho
11th inst., says that very fine Oregon
salmon can belaid down in Boston at a
cost of 20 cents per pound, and sold at 25
to S3 cents, at tho first of tho season,
when nativo salmon are worth from 75
cents to 1 por pound. Tho Oregon fish
has the; effect of placing salmon in
abundance in our markets earlier than
formerly, and nt a price which will cause
much larger and early consumption.
There was a meeting of tho officers
and members of tho Pioneer and Histor
ical society of Oregon, at one o'clock
yosterdpy afternoon, and a publio meet
ing of those interested in its continuance
at Rescue's rooms at half-past seven.
The annual address will bo delivered 03'
Rev. Wm. Roberts in the Congregational
church, at half-past seven this evening,
at which tiino the programme for the
evening" exercises will be announced.
D. P. Thompson goes to John Day's
river this morning, where exists the onlv
impediment to a full volume of water
flowing through mains from Bear creek
to this city. That stream, which is there
twenty-two feet deep and 200 feet wide,
being navigable, had the pip9 laid at the
bottom, and the pressure on one of the
olbowss cause a slight leak, which inter
feres with the flow. The trouble will be
obviated by placing a stronger joint at
that place.
An Upper Astoria girl was looking dis
oonsolatelv out the window at tho rain
the other day, and in a moment of dreamy
abstraction she puckered up her counte
nance and attempted to w'jii;t!e. It un
fortunately happnJ 'ml tho young
man who is couriiug her was passing the
house at the time, and ho glanced up at
the window with a most engaging smile.
Bat the smile froze on his lips at the
s "ght he beheld, and that n'ght he went
to call on a brand new girl. Those who
have seen a woman try to whistle will un
derstand why tho young man thought his
girl was making faces at him.
The many friend3of Mrs. Jennie Wood
ruff were grieved on Sunday afternoon to
learn of the death of that estimable lady.
She died at Fort Canby, W. T., on Sun
day morning, tho llth'inst., in the 41th
year of hor age, of pleurisy of the heart,
after an illness of two "day.. Tho fn
neral will take place at two o'clock this
afternoon. Mrs. Woodruff was widely
known throughout the state and terri
tory and the news of hor death will be
read with regret by hundreds who knew
her in her lifetime. The Gen. Miles will
leave Gray's dook at nine and remain at
the fort till after the funeral obsequies,
giving all who wish to attend from this
city opportunity to do so.
Before Judge Fox, yesterday, came O.
F. Carlson, who lodged information to
tho effect that he was going home at an
early hour last Sunday morning, and
while between John Devlin's and O'Bri
en's hotel, three men standing in the
road called to him. Thinking they were
friends of his, he went over, and was im
mediately knocked down and robbed of
whatever small change he had about his
clothes. When ho recovered his senses
it occurred to him that a oertain Jack
Curlev, and an uncertain "Aleck" and
"Joe,rwere his assailants, and warrants
were accordingly issued yesterday for the
apprehension of these gentlemen, whose
ideas on the acquisition of property
seem a little vague.
Sound Adrlce.
If you must do a credit business, don't
forget to charge, says tho American
SloreJxcpcr. When one customer has
been attended to, charge up his purchase
before you attempt to wait upon another.
Don't neglect it or put it off because
some impatient customor asks you atten
tion. Don't trust your memory one
minute, because nervous customer num
ber two may happen in before number
one is out, and you will forget about
charging anything. It's dangerous
enough to trust, without directly court
ing loss bv relying upon a treacherous
memory. For should 3'ou forget only one
item out of the many which Mr. Jones
bought, it would take tho profit from the
entire sale, and a month later, when he
calls to pay his bill, his failure to remind
you of the omission of that one item will
be no proof of dishonesty. Charge first,
then serve the next customer; but charge
even though the next custompr leaves in
a pot for having to wait so long. Better
not leave tho certainty of one sale to
jump at tho uncertainty of the next.
The best way is to charge while the arti
cles aro yet spread out on tho counter,
before they have been gathered into a
basket or made up into a bundle. Look
at the methods used in our large jobbing
houses, where, with the sj'stem of check
ing and double-checking almost ap
proach rod-tapeism. it is next to an im
Sossibility for an ittun to be omitted,
bould yon not be careful and take as
much pains to provent mistakes as they?
Is not the five pound package of sugar,
overlooked in the items you charge to a
customer, as large a percentage of the
whole bill as an extra bolt of "Wam
sutta" would be in the caso you receive
from the city.
Xotlco to Mariner.
Tho outer bar. and the inner bar buoys
in the north channel entrance to the Co
lumbia river have been removed and dis
continued. The stake light at Waterford has been
discontinuad and a stake light established
on the south side of the entrance to Big
slough or Coal creek, and opposite tho
upper end of Grim's island.
By order of tho Lighthouse Board.
Commander D. S. A. Inspector.
I. 0. O. F.
A full attendance of Baaver Lodge iB
requested at their next regular meeting,
May 15, as business of special importance
is to bo considered.
By order of tho Lodge.
Meeting Notice.
There will be a special meeting of As
toria Council No. U95, American Legion
of Honor on Wednesday, May 14, at 730
P. M. By order of O. C.
For a frcat Filling Boot
Jr Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che
namus strcpt, next doorto I. Y Case.
All goods of the best make and guaran
teed quality. A full stock; new goods
constantly arriving; Custom work.
Arvold sells Boo s and Shoes cheaper
than any one else In town, because we
buy for cash.
Don't psy 50 cents elsewhere when
vou can get the best dinner In town at
JEFF'S for 25 cents;
Ladies who desire stvlish dresses,
wraps, etc., should call at Leading Suit
and Cloak House, next to Empire store.
Get a meal at the Model DlnlngjSa
loon, three doors south of Odd Fellows
building, and see how you like the
Tho most popular bitters in the market
is Dr. Henry's Dandelion Tonic.
Roscoe Dixon's new eating house
Is now open. Everything has been fit
ted up In firstrclass style, and hi-, well
known reputation as a caterer assures
all who like good things to eat, that at
his place the3 can be accommodated.
Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron
chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's
Cure. Sold by W. E. Dement.
A full lino of ladies' and children's
Shoes, latest styles, to bo found cheap
at Arvold's, sign of the Golden Shoe.
Arvold will sell a large stock of Boots
and Shoes at cost, at the Leading boot
and shoe store.
Washujoton, May 11. The great tariff
reform battle waged by Carlislo and Mor
rison since tho opening of congress, came
to an end in tho house Tuesday after
noon. The tariff reformers lacked four
votes of a sufficient number to provent
the bill being killed. Three Republicans
voted with them, and forty-one Demo
crats, four of whom are from California,
voted against them. From the first the
bill has been considered purely a politi
cal measuro, and its death, therefore, is
fraught with momentous political results.
The feeling since Tuesday among the
Democrats is very bittor, and although it
will probably abate some beforo the
meeting of the national Democratic con
vention, there is no possibility of Demo
cratic harmony this year. The defeat of
the bill has killed off all talk of the old
ticket in congress. Tilden is known to
bo the friend of Randall, and the tariff
reform era believe the latter voted Tilden's
sentiments. The idea of voting for Til
den and Hendricks meets with derision,
and even if the "sage of Graracrcy" w.i
a possibilitv it is probable that tho en
raged followers of Carlislo would ''knife"
him at Chicago.
Twodrva igj -dr. .baton, one of the
DeiciwiTftU who voted against the Morri
nje bill, went to Morrison and asked for
his assistance in passing the presidential
count bill, of which he has charge. "No,
I will not help you." said Morrison in an
insulting tonej I have no use for you, or
your friends, nor for any legislation with
which you or your friends in this house
are oonnected." In this remark Morri
son probably voiced the feeling of his
faction. If carried out this state of
feeling will result in nothing further be
ing done by congress except appropria
tions and an early adjournment. Tho
tariff reformers are nil shouting, "On to
Chicago." Once there, they say, und
Randall will have no Republican minority
toswell his vote. A radical reduction plat
form will be adopted, and -two radical
tariff reformwa nominated.
A prominent Democratic senator,
speaking of the programme here out
lined Home davs since, said: "Let me
"give you a few thoughts and predictions.
Tho tariff retormers wm greatly ouraum
ber the so-called Randall men at Chicago,
and if thev choose they can adopt a plat
form indorsing Morrison's bill and
Speaker CarlLsle'.s course. They will
probably do so. That will read Tilden,
Randall and Eaton out of the party.
Now, mark the result: All tho Indepen
dent or semi-Democratic votes of the
north, on whom we rely to carry the
doubtful 3tat63, will go over to the Re
publicans, and we shall lose New York,
Connecticut, New Jersey, Ohio and Indi
ana in the presidential contest. This
conservative element will not only elect
a Republican president, but they will
elect a Republican house. Tho repre
sentatives of that house will, in the first
session of the 49th congress, abolish in
ternal revenue taxes and smooth out
some of the inquities of the present
tariff, which will bring the receipts of the
government down to tho required basis.
Then away goes our best issue; the treas
ury surplus question is settled for ten
years, and Mr. Morrison will have the
proud, satisfaction of knowing that his
conduct in this congress has resulted
once more in wiping out tho Democratic
party." The senator who said this is a
tariff roformer.
K&lmon Xot Forelyn uid Domestic.
Tho run on tho Sacramento Bhow3some
surprising variations in its strength for
different days of the week. Last Monday
three canneries took 3,000 fish; Tuesday
their catch -fell off to 900 fish, and on
Wednesday the catoh was only nominal.
Some salmon experts will give a voluble
explanation of this one particular freak,
but old packers and veteran dealers will
point to it as cumulative evidence of their
well established dictnm that "saimon is
a queer fish." What has been said of the
Columbia rivor pack may be truthfully
repeated of the pack" of tho Sacramento
river canneries. Tho best fish aro being
used, and greater care is being taken in
packing than was ever before noticeable.
California Grocer and Conner.
Thore is no change to report in the
market for salmon during the week, tho
holidays naturally interfering with busi
ness operations, but there is reason to be
lieve that the stocks in tho hands of re
tailers aro very small, and there are nl
ways signs that thoy are replenishing ex
hausted stores. At the Bame time, there
seems to be a general hanging off on the
part of large buyers, in the hope that the
importers will be obliged to come into the
market and sell their parcels at a sacri
fice. When the dealers really begin to
make their purchases, there is little doubt
but that some improvement will bs made
on tho now very unsatisfactory prices.
There is likely to be a considerable fall
ing off in the new pack, in consequence
of the disappointing result of last year's
business, and therefore the time is very
near when enhanced figures will have to
be paid. The present quotations are
22s(233 for Columbia river, and 20s21a
for outside rivers. Correspondence Lon
don Grocer.
A carload of Columbia river salmon,
20,000 pounds, was shipped from The Dal
les Thursday evening by tho Northern
Pacific Refrigerator Car Company to E.
G. Blackford, of Fulton market. New
York city. The car in which the fish were
sent was built especially for the fish busi
ness, under tho supervision of C. W.
Sleeper, of the Northern Pacific Railroad
Company. It will make the trip in nine
days. The temperature inside the car
when leaving The Dalles was 50 deg. If
mib ib xnuiuuuuea mere wm oe no trouble
about the fish arriving m good order.
Large quantities of salmon packed in ice
in boxes have been shipped from this
place, but the lot noticed above is the
first full carload sent across tho conti
nent. Tho largest catch of a salmon with
hook and lino in Oregon waters yet known
to the piscatorial fraternity, is reported
to have taken place at Willamette Falls
yesterday by Mr. H. I. Bingham of this
cny. sxb 100K a oz-pouna nsn with a
common bamboo rod andsnoon bait, and
was nearly an hour in landing his fish.
urcgoman, 11.
"0 "B" IS MAY.
Fare thee well, O gentle oyster,
For a Mason we must part;
Tho' 'mid shell-fish scenes wo roister,
xou mono sun noia our neart.
When the balmy, mild September
Greets us with a soulful sigh,
You, O oyster, we'll remember
In a stew or broil or fry.
Steamer Days for May.
From Astoria. JErom San Fran.
State 4TColumbia 2
Columbia. SlOregon C
Oregon. 12jState 10
State 16 Columbia 14
Columbia 20 Orocon
Oregon 24 State 22
State 28iColumbia 26
Columbia, Juno.. llOrogon 30
Oregon BlStato, June........ 3
l'earls of English Sob?.
a. choice collection of most beautiful
and popular songs, about 100 nieces. In
paper, cloth or gilt binding, cheap at
jvuiera. j-mscuudi, 10 leacners.
musicians look Here.
Call and get special catalogue of sev
eral thousand pieces of sheet music at
Adler's Crystal Palace Book Store.
Now music received every day from the
all like Dimmitt's Cough
Buy your Lime of Gray at Portland
Henry Baniuni, agod 50, suicided by
morphine at Tho Dalles last Sunday.
Family troubles.
John Boultbee, now in Portland, is
charged with having absconded from
Wmnepeg with $70,000. -
John Bland and Horace Mace met in
a Bums, Wasco Co., saloon on the 4th
and turned loose on each otherwith their
revolvers. Both fell dead.
The steamer Governor Newell, on
Gray's harbor, has a young woman for
steward and pantryman. Alf. Boweu,
who is authority on those matters, Hay
that sho is a pretty brunette.
Tho assessed value of Pacific counts
for 1884 is $585,043. This is an increase
of $120,000 over last year. The tax lovy
this year will be ,17 mills, divided hs fol fel fol
eows: Territorial, 2); county, 8; school,
4; road, 2K-
The old ndage that tho sea 6hall "iva
up its dead was faintly illustrated 7asc
week. As Linsey Stone was walking on
the ocean beach near Ocean purkC he
came upon the skeleton of n man lashed
to a board. Nothing remained but thp.
bones nnd skull, and so soon as they i
were untie 1 from the board they foil to
There is Baid to be a movement on foot
to place a lino of steamers on the route
between South Bend and the head of the
bay, to accommodate the passenger
traffic, as there is much complaint from
travelers who are occasionally compelled
to Ho over in Oysterville, while by the
other route they could easily reach South
Bend or Woodard'rf from Astoria in one
There is a rumor in circulation. Bays
tho Jacksonville Times, to the effect that
the Central Pacific company "is about
to assume control of the O. fc O. R. R.,
and that beforo tho first of Julv work
will be resumed both on the California
and Oregon end3 and connection made
without delay. It is also said that sns-i
pension or worn tnis side of Redding.
Cal., was as much of a play to get con
trol of the Oregon syptem as it Avas to
bulldose the California legislature.
91 oats Tor Sale.
Joe Leathers ha two fine boars for
sale at the boat .shop, one bloek w;t of
Hansen Bro3.' mill.
Tle Patent JLaiup Filler.
The most useful household iuveution
of the age. Call and see it. Also, extra
good Coal OU forsalelnquautitiej from
apluttoabarrol. Jordan & Bozoivru.
Just iteccired.
A large stock of soft and stiff Hats In
all the latest styles, at McIutosis Fur
nishing store.
Stop That CourU
By going to J.E. Thomas's aiid getting
a bottle of Leroy'.s Cough Halsara.
It will cure rorr.
Syrup or Fifrs.
Nature's own true Laxative. Pleas
ant to the palate, acceptable to the Stom
ach, harmless in its nature, painless in
iLs action. Cures habitual Constipation.
BUiouMiess, Indigestion aim kindred
ills. Cleanses the. system, purifies the
blood, regulates the Liver and acts on
the Bowels. Breaks up Colds, Chills
and Fever, elc Strengthens the organs
on which It acts. Better than bitter,
nauseous Liver medicines, pills, salts
and draughts. Sample bottles free, and
large bottles for sale by W. E. Dement
& Co., Astoria.
At enormous expense has just secured
the services of Professor Ellis one
of the best white cooks in the state; and
.Jeff proposed to excell any of his for
mer efforts in the culinary art. Italian
and French dishes a specialty.
everyday from 4:30 to 8 o'clock. The
best 25-cent meal in town; soup, fish,
seven kinds of meats, vegetables, pie,
pudding, etc. Tea or coffee included.
All who have tried him say Jeff is the
Corsets and Umlrwenr.
All the latest makes and styles of cor
sets and ladles underwear at Prael
Bros.' Empire store-
Hosiery, IIoNiery, Hosiery!
Th latest novelties in Indies and
childrens hosiery at Prael Bro3.
Something Fine.
Just received at T. G. Rawllngs' a
large stock of cigars. Cigarettes, and
the choicest brands 01 tobacco.
At the "Empire Store
You will find the finest laces and em
broideries, of richest quality.
Have Wlstart balsam of wild cheny
always at hand. It cures coughs, cold,
bronchitis, whooping cough, croup, in
fluenza, consumption, and all throat and
luug coniilaints. 50 cents andjSl a bot
tle. They give three 10-cent dishes for 25
cents at the Model Dining Saloon.
Sleepless Nlchts made miserable
by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is
the remedy for you. Sold by W. E. De
ment & Cou
Dr. Henly'a Dandelion Tonio tickles
the palate and gladdens the heart,
Shiloh's Cough ana Consumption
Cure Is sold by us on guarantee. It
cures consumption. Sold by W. E. De
ment. Brace up the whole system with King
ofthe Blood. See Advertisement.
Shiloh's Vitallzer is what you need
for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz
ziness ana all symptoms 01 Dyspepsia.
Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold
by W. E. Dement.
That Hacking Cougn can be so
quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We
guarantee It. Sold by V. K. Dement.
ShiloiTs Cure will Immediately
relieve Croup, Whooping Cough, and
Bronchitis. Sold by . E. Dement & Co
Blade or FIno
Will Not Oraok. '
The Gutta Ptrcha & Rubbir Mfg Co
Portland, Ortgoa.
Fine Iress Goods.
A splendid line of ladles dress goods is
being displaj'ed at the Empire store.
Ilabitaal Constipation
Is a prolific source of misery and
many ills, giving rise to Headache, Dull
ness fevers, Nervousness, Restlessness,
Biliousness, Indigestion. Poisoning of
the Blood, etc. The bitter, nauseous
Liver medicines,pllls, salts and draughts
formerly used to relieve the sufferer,
only aggravate the diieaso and sicken
the stomach. All who are afflicted In
that way, know the importance of a
remedy pleasant to the palate, harmless
in its nature, and truly beneficial in Its
action. The trial bottles of Syrup of
Fics given away free of charge by our
enterprising druggists, W. E. Dement
& Co., prove that it is all that can be de
sired. Large bottles at fifty cents" or
one dollar.
Elegant line of silk samples for selec
tion just received at Leading Suit and
Cloak House next to Empire store.
Old Scrofulous Sores and Bad Ulcers
removed by the OREGON BLOOD PU
RIFIER. Dimmitt's Cough Balsam never falls.
Try It, at W. E. Dement & Co.'s.
Use Dimmitt's Cough Balsam for
Chest, Throat, and Lungs, nt W. E. De
ment & Co.s.
Use Dimmitt's Cough Balsam, at W. E
Dement & Co.'s.
All the patent medicines advertised
in this ptper. together with the choicest!
pertumery, and toilet articles, etc can
be bought at the lowest i:i-e.s. nt J. W.
Coiiii'.s drug store, opposite Oclden "1
u im. AMonu.
Grey sells Saokett Bros. Al sawed j
cedar shingles. j
DliuniittS Cou-rh Balsam varfe Cro;tj-
Boston Hakejd Beans and Brown Bread
every Sunday at .faff.? from 3 a. m. to
2 p. m. ?
For lame Back, Side or Chest u-t
Shiloh's Porous Plaster," Price- 2.", ren! -.
For salrby Wl E. Dement,
Scarf Pins. Chains, Watches,
Of every description.
The finest stock of Jewelry in Astoria. "
jyA.ll goods warranteUas represented
of San Franchco. Tayinent has Im-pii
stopped. Finder will please leave at Asto
hiak Office.
By the Xlght. Day, Week or Month
With use of Parlor. Library and all the com
forts of a home. Terras reasonable.
Apply to
Cor. Main and Jeff orson Sts.
Newly Finished Rooms In Suites
families ; tho best rooms and best loca
tion in the-citv. Plenty of good freh waUr
In the building; all tno modern Improve
ments. Inquire of J. W. (tD, U. WELCH.
OHlce in room 1, Welch's block, corner Weat
Eihth and Water streets.
Astoria PMonrapl Gallery,
Cor. of Benton and Squemouua Streets,
opposite the Court IIoumj.
Children's Pictures
Oregon Paint and Varnish Works,
aianufacturers of
Paints, Yarns! anil Lacper.
Any shade mixed and ground to order.
.0. Box 148. Portland. Or
J. H. D. GRAY,
Wholesale and retail dealer in.
Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc
General storawe and Wharfage on ceasuii
e terms, root of Ber ton 9tr.t. Aatori
Oregon. v
Rooms to Rent.
ROOMS 9 IO. 18. AND 14. IN ODD
Fellows Building, for rent. Inauiro at
Case's Bank, or of A. J. MEGLER, Occldcut
To the Voters of Astoria Precinct.
Independent candidate for Constable of
Astoria precinct at tho coming election.
For County Treasurer.
Independent Candidate for
Astoria, May 9. 1SW.
Eight floating Net-Racks For Sale
Enquire of l"erry Titus John Dav's river,
Business for Sale.
llahed Grocery Store n tho principal
street In the city, with a Reed cash tradt.
and constantly lncrcxsla?. Location made
knotvn on application at this office.
0-ThIs is a rare chance.
Assessment Notice.
niMAtnra nf tlln A etnvfq unrl rVkaCt
Transportation Co. held at their office May
2nd. an assessment of 25 per cent on the
capital atock of the company, was lened,
piyable immediately at the ofticd of the
Secretary. All stoefcou which said assess
ment Is nut paid on or beforo the 12th day of
sold according to Jaw as provided by the By
dtd' " Secretary.
Picked Up.
i-vwTHif?TftPMiv!nnrPiEnE OP
" net containing about 00 fathoms in the
lines. 43 meshes deep, corks marked O. F. F.
I. Co. Tfte o'wuer can have thq 8ama by
ge?.Pr0PJrty EBlSrNER.19
: Cook's Fiahlng Station, Snajc Island, May
8th, 1SSL
SmaJI House For Sill
i Apply, to
Finest Ms ! Largest Assortment-!
Dress Goods,
House Keeping
Fancy Goods.
Fine Dreoi Suits, Long Pants,
Fine Dress Suits, Knee Pants,
Strong Sohool Suits, Long Pants,
Strong School Suits, Knee Pants.
For Men and Boys.
Straw, Woo! and Fur Hats of all Kinds.
White and Fancy Shirts, Overshirts, Underwear, Hosiery, Handker.
chiefs, Suspenders, Neckwear, Gloves, Notions, Etc
Boots and Shoes of all Styles and Prices.
Trunks, Valises, and Umbrellas, Fishermen's Clothing, Etc, Etc
Sttlc A sent for Buttcrick Patterns.
Pythian Building,
Just lecelvcd by the N. I. H. It.
Choicest and Most Popular Sheet Music and Music Books.
I receive daily by mail all the latest a'd most select publications. Special atten
tion jfiven to ordera received fnm dealers, teachers,
and good discount allowed.
Musical Instruments of Every DesGrlption, Wholesale ani Retail.
Small Musical Instruments a Specialty.
Of the best make on easy installments.
ify special catalogne of SHEET MUSIC just received, sent free to any address.
Come and see my assortment of FIVE CENT SHEET MUSIC.
Adler's Crystal Palace Book Store.
New Goods for
imvanNSTi steck:
Direct from the Manufacturers, Retailed at
Blns In tho Manufacturing Business I am prepared to sell Clothing that will give
Perfect FittiHg- White Shirts, Medium and Tine Grade
Uaderwoar. fewest Styles in Scarfs and Ties.
Manufacturer of
French and American Candies
Fxoslx Bread.
Every mornroj:, from tho
Price Store t !
Frock Dress Suits
Sack Dress Suits,
Frock Business
Sack "Business
Summer Over-""
White Vests, Etc.
and Boys'
- Astoria, Oregon.
Spring and Summer!
Hair Dressing Saloon.
1 nave nuea up and opened a arst-cuM
Barber shop at Carl Adler's old stand oa
Cnenarous street, and am ready for badness
.J- -1