Cz $&c mh$ -stariatu ASTORIA, OREGON: TUESDAY- ,7U Y is. ISSJ The Flower boom appears to be budding simultaneously with the trees. It is a iriso delegate who knows just how he "will vote at the Chicago convention. Mb. Abthxjb seems to have all the business men, but it is the delegates who count The contrast between the senate and the house of representatives at Washington is very' great, the one works and the other talks. Axd now Mr. Carlisle, the cham pion of the free traders, comes smilingly forward with a little boom for the Democratic presidential can didacy. I'jie iishennenof the Frith of Forth on the east coast of Scotland, believe that it is unlucky to make their first sale for the day to a broad-thumbed person. As the picnic season approaches the country editor gives his foreman in structions to hunt around for the stereotyped jokes about lemonade and custard pie. Ir Benjamin Butler decides to pub lish his reminiscences there 'will be ome lively skirmishing in the camps of both parties to buy up the entire edition as fast as printed. The total indebtedness of Great Britain is now 725,689,330, or in the cuneuey of the United States, $3,628, 491.6S0. This is equivalent to about two and a half times our present debt' The interest bearing debt of the United States has been reduced to Sl,25G,582,2o0. The Pacific railroads still owe the government $42,492,759 for interest paid on the bonds issued to them. It is telegraphed from Cairo that Zobber Pasha has said he "will not rest until he has killed General Gor don. Gordon's intentions toward the warlike Zobher are as yet unknown, but it is probable, should they meet, that some Egyptian undertaker -will have a job. The thirteen states of Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Nebraska, Neva da, New Hampshire, Oregon, Ehode Island, Vermont and "West Virginia, with an aggregate population which does not exceed that of New York alone, have twenty-six "United States senators to New York's two. At the Chicago convention in 1880 Blaine received 9 votes from tho Ohio delegation to 35 for Sherman. He will take this time start in "with 30 and probably on the next ballot -will have 46. He had 17 from New York on the first ballot, and will now start with 30; he had 23 from Pennsylvania on the first vote, and will now get 47, and probably 50 of the GO. Ex-President Hayes is said to have a more elaborate set of scrap books, classified and indexed, than any other public man in the coun try. He began the collection of scraps when he was a young lawyer in Cincinnati "When ho was presi dent he kept one of his clerks con stantly busy cutting and pasting slips from tho newspapers. At Point Barrow, Alaska, the recently-returned United States ex pedition found evidence that the ground is frozen to a depth of nearly 300 feet Below a point a few yards from the surface the temperature never changes. From November to May no living thing may be seen on this land except the Innuit and his dog, and an occasional stray rein deer or white fox. Hon. John Myers, in his speech in this city on Saturday even ing, talked about the need of big appropriations for the lower Colum bia river, and at Astoria lib spoke similarly about appropriations for the Columbia bar. It would bo a mistake to repeat these things in other parts of the state. The people in other localities don t want any thing done for the lower river or bar. Oregonian 12. It will be no mistake to repeat his speech all over the state, and Mr. Herman will make a colossal mistake if he doesn't make substantially the same declaration here and elsewhere. The people of eastern and western Oregon are in earnest in their de mand for "a free river," and the only mistake made so far is the Oregon fan's unwarranted assumption that "the people in other localities' don't want anything done for the lower Columbia river or bar." This is something with which "politics'' has no concern. "We of western Oregon are not going to look twice at the top of a ticket to see whether the words "Republican" or "Democratic" head it, but will look well at tho names of men for whom we are asked to vote, and demand that these men place themselves squarely on record as to their intent regarding a question of suoh. vital importance to our pros perity. The party whip cannot be craoked over the shoulders of Repub licans of all men, for they at least are supposed to do their own thinking, and the sooner all concerned drop on this littlfrfact the greater the surety of patty triumph in June. Captain Eomeyk, of the Fifth infantry, predicts that the Indians will be absorbed in the white race, by intermarriage, within a very few gen erations. Ho proposes to give them land in severally, teach them how to care for it, furnish them -with tools, require them to obey the laws of civilization, break up their tribal relations, and make citizens of them as soon as they are prepared for it. All of which is doubtless feasible, in time, but not without the raising of a good man' scalps. Every one and everything have some sort of. a boom except Wail street DIED. At Ft. Canby. iTay 11, Mrs. Jennie Woodruff, aged 43 years, 5 months and (Oregon and Washington papers please copy.) MA88IKD. In Astoria. May 10, by Rev. J. V. Mil ligan, Peter RInearson and Sarah John stone. I NEW TO-DAY Water! Water! Water! Wheeler & Kipp PRACTICAL PlmBliBr,Gas, anft Steam fitters ALL WORK Warranted, and .Estimates Given. FULL STOCK Itor and Xead Pipe, Bath Tubs Water Closets, and Gas Fixtures. Jobbing Promptly Attended to. A SPECIALTY Is made of Tap ping Water Mains and Running Water Pipes, as We have Supe rior Facilities for doing this work Corner Squenioqua and Hamilton Streets, AHTORl. OK EG OS. ff.lColeii4Co.'s AGEXCY, Banking Department A General Banking and Exchange Busi ness transacted. Every facility lor prompt and satisfactory business. .Drafts on the leading cities of the United States and Europe. Deposits Received. For Gray's Harbor THE STEAMER A. B. FIELD, Chartered by the Astoria and Coast Trans portation CoM "mil saU for GRAY'S HARBOB on SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1884. -For Freight or Passage applv to J. G. Hustler. Boat Found. PICKED UP NEAR THE BAR, ONE largo Trap Skiff, with anchor and chalu. owner can nave tho snnie ny applying to MOSES LOGNET. Ilwaco. W. T. Cottage to Rent. NEXT DOOR TO MY RESIDENCE, corner of Main and Jefferson streets. Contains six rooms, besides kitchen and woodshed. Water free, myll tt E. C. DOLDEN. Occidental Hall. FRIDAY, MAY 16. Tho Peerless Emotional Actress, PHOSA McAllister, SUPPORTED BY Her Own Talented Company, Will present the Great Burlesque Comedy, By U. S. GILBERT, author of Pinafore." "Pirates of Penzance," Etc, entitled, EITGAGSED. Reserved Seats at New York Novelty Store. FOR LONDON DIRECT. The Splendid 100 Al Iro Ship "Aberystwith Castle," 1036 Register, B. IIARRIS Master Will load for the above named Dort. and Salmon will be taken In lots to suit snippem oa re&soBADie terms. INSURANCE at minimum rates. For partlcsltrs apply to SIBSO.V, CHCBCH CO., Portland, Or. or to P. L. CHERRY, Astoria. For Liverpool Direct. The line British iron ship ESKDALE, 1220 Tons Resistor. 100 Al. The above vessel goes on the berth fo Liverpool, direct, and will take salmon in lots to suit shippers. For rates of freight and insurance apply to BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO.. or PorUandjtOr. Astoria, Oregoa. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. 1 l g Pr.imiBliy'fife? Foe Conoress. BINDER HERMAN, of Douglas Co. For Judge of -the Supreme Court. Judge L. FLINN, of Linn Co. For Pbesidevtiai. Electors. D. P. THOMPSON, of Multnomah. J. C. LEASURE, of Umatilla, WARREN TRUITT, of Polfc. Fob Judge, Fifth Judicial Dist. F. J. TAYLOR, of Clatsop. For Pros. Att'y. FrFra'JuoicrAL DI3TRICT. T. A. McBRIDE, of Clackamas. Clatsop Co. Republican Ticket. For Joikt Representative, (From Clatsop and Tillamook Counties) XH.J). GRAY. For Sheriff, GEO. P. WHEELER. For County Clerk, J. O. SPENCER. Foe County Treasurer, A. W. BERRY. For County Comstmissionehs, D.K. WARREN H. B. PARKER. For Assessor. J. F. WARREN. For Surveyor, GELO F. PARKER. For School Superintendent. H. SLOOP. For Coroner, J. C. ROSS. Astoria Preeiact. Fob Justice of the Peace. N. C. GOODELL. Fon Constable, J. R. CHRISTIE. Sklrely Freclaet. Fob Justice op the Peace, J. W. WELCH. Fob Constable, O. NELSON. REGULAR Democratic Ticket For Coxoeess, JOHN MYERS, of Clackamas Judge of the Supreme Court,. W. W. THAYER, of Multnomah,. Presidential Electors. L. B. iSON, of Baker. W. D. FENTON, of Yamhill. A. C. JONES, of Douglas. For Judoe, Fifth Judicial Dw fuicr A. S. BENNETT, of Wasco. Foit Pros. Att't Fifth Judicial District, W.B.D1LLARD. Clatsop County Democratic Ticket Fob Joint Bepeesestamve- (From Clatsop and Tillamook.) C.LE1NENWEBER, For SHsniFF, W.G. BOSS. For County Clerk, C. J. TBENCHARD. For Treasurer, - ISAAC BERGMAN, For Assessor, County Commissioners. JOHN UOBSON, F.BARTHOLDES, For Surveyor. N.D.RAYMOND Foe School Superintendent. J.E.H1GGINS, For Coroner. B.B. FRANKLIN- Astena Precinct. For Justice of the Peace A. A. CLEVELAND. Sklvely Freciaet. For Justice of the Peace THOS. DEALY. Heudquirters for the Ymmg and the Old, - Books XT apical Lwtnunenta.ToyaSta- nooeri' ana noreiaes oc jjt sreiy Description. All tfae Xeatla FuHlicatloas f the Baj. Ask to he 4Cwra the ClHoc, the latest norel tf raecluiftla JatmXj. THEAEWTOBK I flU lluUilUill HOYELTY ST01IE !' jC3 Opposite the Parker House. .pSjSpllipM V BrI s toe frP W7& CHew York Nove'fo . W .XX I REMOVAL !1 S REMOVAL J8 I i - I k I i It r H ---"- BRANCH LEADING SUIT 54 I I .&XT2D DRESS OF FOHTIiiLlTD, Has removed to the store formerly occupied by A. M. Johnson & Co., second door from Cooper's. Wo have, now, an entire store, with more elbow room. The en couragement we havo received from the Ladies of Astoria so far, war rants us. in becoming a PERMANENT FIXTURE. We will carry aarge and Complete Stock of Ladies' and Children's . ready-made Suits, Dresses, Cloafcs, Wraps, Dolmans, Ulsters, Pellises, Etc. Our Styles will Lead; our facilities for manufacturing ami im porting New Style Garments being unsurpassed. OUR PRICES we are DETERMINED will bo LOWER than Portland or San Francisco ; our expenses being much lower. We come to ESTABLISH A BUSINESS and retain your confidenc. OBDSE DEFAB.TME1TT. In the order department a complete line of samples of OUR ENTIRE STOCK, OF PORTLAND, will he shown, to select from; in Silks, Velvets, Dress Goods, Satins, Cloths, of lae inportation. Orders will be taken and Made to Measure by MRS. PILGER. For SUITS, CLOAKS, WRAPS or any GARMENT desired, FIT IN ALL CASES GUARANTEED. Our stock, in Portland, of line French DRESS GOODS, SILKS, VELVETS, CLOTHS, is nnequalled and unsurpassed. You will have a selection equal to any leading San Francisco House. Late novelties as they arrive will be immediately added to our stock; and an equal chance given to the LADIES of ASTORIA, to purchase new and FASHIONABLE GOODS at a low and proper price. Aa IaspcetUa Solicited, Courteous and Polite Attention. Cieoils Cheerfully Shown. J. I 1 1 Gr ZE3 DEL . 153 First and 2ti Morrison Sts . Portland. Next to Empire Store, Astoria, 1st Door Below Rescue Engine House. LEO. 1. STOCK. Manager Astoria Branch. Carpets! Carpets! Carpets! We beg to call the attention of the public to our latest importation, direct from Eastern manufacturers, of the XiARQEST INVOICE O CARPETS Ever offered for sale In this city, comprising all grades, from the FINEST BODY BRUSSELS In the Newest Tints and Shades, To tho lowest priced article in this line ixirpcui mumi mu ucii lour nceiu, mm in mtu euu ouer special inducements precluding tne possibility of Belag Undersold by ny ofoar Competitors. IN THE Furniture and House Furnishing Line Wo can -show you the ery BEST GOODS at BOTTOM FIGURES, and shall be pleiued ill for Inspection whether jou purchaso or not. to receive a cal OHAS. HEILBORN. t raiHBSIil'ili LI nil m nli n In Iftshermen's Headquarters, THE GENUINE Caps -Ann Oiled Clothing, OVERALLS J2PTS. HATS. SHIRTS. OUM BOOTS. ETC. 5 Aid a Comoleta Outfit, of Best Quality, and at the LOWEST PBICE of anyEstahUsh- F. A. STOKES & GO. fiarponedaNewStock of Al Goods In tna store next door to Foard & Stokes, and Gtttrtntei Satisfaction TO ALL OUSIOMEBS, OF THE LOAK HO We are determined to dispose of our stock of Ed, D, CURTIS & CO. A COMPLETE STOCK. OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. EVERY PIECE WARRANTED. NEW GOODS Constantly Being Made Up. Satlsfuctlou Guaranteed. Call and Examine Our Large ASSORTMENT. CANNERYMEN ! ! PACIHC METAL WOEKS Importers and Manufacturers of WHITE METALS. CannersJ Solder a Specialty, Strip Lead, for Leading Lines, Plate Zinc, for Cutting Acid, Bar Copper, Pig Lead and Pig Tin. 48 Xorth second St, Portland, Or 115 117 lrst St, Saa Fraacisce CaUfendR. Furniture Tor Por For Por The Pinest Groceries. The Freshest Vegetables, The MoBt Complete Assortment, Absolute Satisfaction, In Filling and Delivering All Orders, C ill nt ERASK L. PARKER'S Family Grocery and Provision. Store, Corner Benton and Chsnamus Streets. Opposite Custom House Square. " tesCTssssrFi wiiiiiji riiiiHAii TER apply to the C jptaln. or to 1 AT Ladies desirous of procuring Goods unequaled in Style and Finish, will take pleasure in examining our Stock of SILXS, SATINS and DRESS GOODS. nr the GENTS' ' F uTtllSHISTG DEPARTMENT, Everything is Complete and of the nest. Jo Em JL -nr.Ar.KB x Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A Genera! Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Agents for Magee, Stoves and Ranges Tho Rest In the market. V uimbtog goods of all kinds on hand. Job work done In a workmanlike maimer. PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. ChcnrunnM Street, Jtfext to C I. Parker's Store. asori. fir.-.jaw;'jui.j"j. THE NEW MODEL V.VX s - ' VI" 'sasS: A FULI STOCK ALWAYS OX HAND. S3. 3BL- SA17CBS, Two doora cast or Occident Hotel. ASTORIA, OREGON. u . ornx. J. OUSTArfcOX. N OLSEN MARTIN OLSEN So CO. i CALEKS IN yB& FURNITURE 25 BEDDING. Coruor 3Jatn and isquemoquJi Htrcots. Astoria, Oregea. WINDOW SHADES- AND TRIMMINGS; WALL PAPER ETC. A Complete Stock. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. .ILL KIIS OF FURKITUISE HEPAinED AH1 VARNISHED. ,m'--- A-5'JSicvar'r - -JTvi.'ifsrrtrSr WW O-urf-ai' m- - '.'r - .C - Srs5-,i22" jrsrsv' zm .r-J?.: XT )rJsf rTT-fliTsi; 'SF!gEii?iZ Columbia Transportation Company. Fp 0:ElTXAXffX. FAST TIME! WEm THK rOPULAR STEAM EU AVliicU has bcon refitted for the comfort of passengers will leave Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland tt 1 P.M. Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. eyAn additional trip will be made on Sunday of Each Week, leaving Fottlud at 9 O'clock Sunday Mornlae. Passengers hy this route connect at X&UBft lor Sound ports. U. B. SCOTT, mMOftT.' Eben P. Parker,Maater. For TOWING, FREIGHT orCHAK- H. B. PARKER. TORE ! educed Prices on ij - - orboqw. Tod RANGE CAN BE HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OP MAWE9, AGENT CALL AND EXAMINE IT, WILL BE PLEASED. YOU i:. K. IIAWES Is also agent for the Bnci patent Mr Stove And other first-class store. Furnace "Work, Staam lit tingsi otc., a specialty A. JOH3SON. niiZ-r--. - 'aiiilf EL - -V?fcrsdfcart -. . k&zC FAT TIME I tgomerv, Ssicd&ifMMButft I -c-- i-S?--CZi-iSJ)BIC W W OOD j- .