CO a . -w. iil irt ma- . .t iiiarM -fc . VOL. XXI, NO. 31. ASTORIA, OREGON, TuES JA5T, MAAr 13, I6d4. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. FACTS AND NEWS. New York city has 800 rag pickere Minnesota is suffering from a scare ty of girls. Four ri.nn..l.PsiT,MnT,trAnl now mA ' the electric light Fig brandy is a new California drink. Eastern Pajicr. It Is a penal offense to steal a dog valued at $5 in Kentucky. It Ib against the law to blow a steam whistle in San Antonio. It is stated that there are 600 luna tics at present in the Tesas jails. Women can be notaries public in NewYorJc state. There are several such. New York city contains more than 100 Juildings aboe eighty feet high. The Indians have cost the govern ment"S70,TOO,000 in the last ten years. Between the ages of fifteen and for ty, a woman can grow seven crops of hair. Cotton seed oil is said to be much better than any other for use in the student lamp. Brooklyn proposes to spend $150, 000 for 'repairing the streets during the present season. Two slaves, formerly owned by Jeff Davis, now own his plantation, for which they paid $200,000. New York city has twenty-five widows whose wealth is estimated at from $1,000,000 to $5,000,000 each. The Dolores cemetery in the city of fexico during the eight years of its existence received 51,708 bodies. There are now 52,000 growing trees in Washington, placed at regular in tervals along 125 miles of fine streets. A camel can carry a ton, and twenty pounds of hair, worth $2.50 a pound, may be sheared from his body every year. The ears of jack rabbits are grow ing into such demand for trimming winter dresses that the pests are like ly to become a thing of profit. The highest rato of the Western Union Telegraph company at present is $1 for ten words between Portland, Maine, a&d San Francisco. A walnut tree, eight feet in dia meter, has been found near Fort Smith. A cut will be taken from it and sent to the New Orleans exposi tion. There were 1,517 murders in the United States in 1883; 93 legal execu tions; 118 Jynchings; the proportion of executions to murders as 1 to 16. The great fire of December 16th and 17, 1835, in New York city, des troyed over six hundred buildings, the losses aggregating abut twenty million dollars. Withji-population in 1880 of 1, 600,000. Texas polled 240,000 votes. Her 2,000,000 inhabitants if the same proportion of them vote this year, will poU300,000. In the course of a trial at New York it came out that the custom of burying forty-five infants in a single grave was in vogue at Evergreen cemeteiyjn East New York. A South Carolina man discovered that A chalk mark around a barrel of sugar; ira sure cure for ants, and is now, mad because the patent office refuses him a patent for it Two middle-aged widows of Bead ing, Penn., are earning a living for themselves and families by breaking stone at thirty-five cents a yard. They say they prefer it to household work. Last summer over 50,000 people crossed the Atlantio to Europe. This year, however, it is not expected that more than 40,000 will go abroad, be cause of the near approach of the presidential election. When ihe Washington monument is completed a great American eagle is to be perched in dignified security 500 feetin the air, and on a chimney weighing .more than 75,000 tons, and costing S800,000. A child recently born in Bangor, Me., is of the fifth living generation of its family. Its great-great-grnd-mother is eighty-five, its great-grandmother sixty, its grandmother forty one, and its mother twenty years of age. To smooth wrinkles, women draw their "hair back tightly, and all seems welL "But after a while, from con stant drawing back, the skin of the race oecomes joosb ana me wrinjoes appear in greater numbers than ever. Montreal is still so uncivilized as to allow horses and drays to monopo lizers sidewalk, and compel pedestri ans to take to the street in order to pass. The people are beginning to realize that it is not just the thing howeverr In of New York alone it is estimated that there are at present no fewer than'400 millionaires, thirty of whom own from $5,000,000 to $50, 000,000 apiece, while there about ten who possess from $50,000,000 to $150, 000,000 each. Illinois has 55,405 square miles of territoryi and Iowa 55,045. The peninsula of Italy has 98,067 square miles, one-half of which is as moun tainous as Colorado, so that it has no more fertile acres than Illinois or Iowa, and yet Italy has 26,000,000 in habitants. Keene's Early Life. "W. O. Budd was for many years as sociated withKeene on the San Fran cisco beard: He describes him as s rather cold man, not given to much sociability, but one who is not in clined Jo forpetj .favor. Budd gives somF -interesting points in Keene's California career. He was a printer' apprentice in early youth, and about the first money he earned for himself wafl-s&- school teacher in Shasta .counlyrCar, &&& as editor of the JSJiariacGoiimyJJourier&t a salary of i$VJk week. I He. went to 5an Francisco in 1865 and clerked awhile, and also took a hand at speculation in Finally 3ie came out as a curbstone operator, and about 1870, attraotedfcy hisjaiiacp eyenxL-snappyway of do jng'TiusuiessT'some of . the -regular b 1 1 ilTSTyhCF1""18"" minin'? eroSSf-ini'occasional bnsii ness in trading in fractional "feet," which ras the unit of mining specu lation in those days. Later on he made a big hit in Crown Point He 1 had found a broker who got him a I j ,i.. l .1 1 l. i. CJ1.1. Leat.on lue .Doaru' "uu .UK, .Bi jCook, a mining expert, to Virginia City to investigate the urown rornt mine. Cook reported favorably, and Keene began buying the stook at about $2 a share. Cook received i or his services $100 and a half interest in 1,000 shares. The purchase was made at a happy moment, for Senator Jones, who was then superintendent, had just then struck the great Grown Point bonanza, and in a few months Crown Point was selling at $1,900 a share. On that deal alona he made over $1,000,000. From that time on ho was a power the financial world. The big bonanza excitement of 187a added another $2,000,000 to his pile, but no more. He is often credited with bringing $7,000,000 to the wall. That is a mistake. When he left California he had about $3,000,000 in cash and some real 63tate, which he afterwards sold at a big profit The Enlanrmrnt of Sovereignty. One of the most interesting ques tions of the near future will relate to the sovereignty of the continent of Africa. For nearly Jwo thousand years it has been a neglected con tinent To-day we know little more about the interior of that continent than a Koman historian taught about its geography and resourcas before the advent of Christ The continent has been crossed midway; the sources of the Nile and the Congo have been explored, settlements have been made by the English about the Cape of Good Hope. The French have taken possession of Algeria and practically of Tunis. There have been geograph ical explorations, and most important discoveries by Livingstone, Baker, Speke, Stanley and others. But Africa is not relatively so important to the commercial world as it was 2000 years ago. Carthage has disap peared, and Alexandria is a less im portant city than it was when the Latin historian wrote of it The geographical enterprise of the last twenty-five years was the incep tion of new commercial enterprise. Every book of travels has been eagerly read, probably because the reading world has always been fond of adventure, and more because geographical explorations suggested commercial ventures. The world is not relatively so largo as it was be fore'the time of steamships and loco motives. A former generation read with thrilling interest the travels across the continent of Clarke and Lewis, who reached the head waters of the Columbia, and later by Fre mont, who crossed the continent to California. But when three or four continental railroads span the con tinent we no longer read with interest these early adventures. Tliero is still left an immense territory in Alaska to be explored. To-day we know little of the third river in rank within the limits of our country not so ranch, indeed, as is known of the Upper JNUe, and nothing or a great river which exists in tradition still further north. Over a territory nearly as large as that now occupied by the stales of tho Union there is hardly tho shadow ot government That is the direction in which futuro enterprise will be extended. It is a vast reserve, of which nearly all that we know has been gathered from u narrow strip along tho coast There will bo no questions about territorial sovereignty there, because the coun try has been bought and paid for in honest coin. The questions of sov ereignty, any arise, will relate to the country along tho borders of the southern Pacific coast states. Four Early Bestdents of Ma kysytlle. George Gorham relates that when a mere boy he studied law in the office of Judge Field of Marya ville, CaL, and boarded with a family in the village, where he met a strango foreign-looking young man named Jones. Next door lived an Irishman named Murphy, who was in the habit of beating a bright, attractive-looking daughter of his whenever ho was out of sort3, and the boarders at laat got up an indignation meeting and told Murphy that he must stop ill- treating his child or they would pun ish him. Lawyer Field waB subse quently called to be justioe of the supreme court of the United States, Gorham ran for governor of Califor nia and afterwards became secretary of the United States senate, where he met Jones, who was the millionaire senator from Nevada, and Mary Mur phy, the Irishman's daughter, became the wife of Sharon, the California millionaire. Thus the four former residents of Marysville met recently at Washington under such altered circumstances and reviewed their early days in that small California town. . Immiobatioh Statistics. The tide of immigration continues, but not in such volume as last year. The num ber for March of this and last year is about the same. For the nine months ending March 31, 1883, the total number of immigrants arriving at the chief points was 339,214. This year, for the same length of time, the number is 304,825. As has been the case for many years, the Germano lead with 103,634. England and Wales follow with 44,209. Canada is next with 40,735, and the Irish, who for two decades after the great fam ne led all the rest, now show but 24,154. THE LATEST STYLES WALL "'PAPER AT B. B. FRANKLIN'S, NEXT DOOR TO ASTORIAN OFFICE. A very largo Stocklrom which to select. "Window curtains made to order. EtfMy patenfrTrimmer to ;oat 3 VTsHPaper will he found convenient to my-patrons.T'- E5EZES333S 1 THE GREAT GERMAN REtVZEDY FOB PAIN. HehzTts &aJ earn BIIEU3L1TIS3I, Neuralgia, 8cietica, Lumbago, DACEACH ! 3R THROAT, QCISSE. BUXIXISC3, cniei, EnLsa, FROSTBITES, xhjrxs, SCAX.M Ac! U eihr boll! ie tBlpal&i. urncns lBOTiix. Scil by DnwrjUu ml Dealrrf. DSrtsUaJ to 11 lmiiei. 2heCtarfMA.7eslCa. iSuacuut W A. TwalM C.) XUltittorc, Zd, C.S.JU STOMACH 81TTERS Regeneration for Enfeciiled Systems SulTeriii? from a jrcneral want or tone, and Its tmial concomitants. dsnepsla and ner vousness. Is seldom derivable fnm the use of a nourishing diet and stimuli of appetite, unaided. A mccllrlne that will effect a re moval ot th specific obstacle to ren wed health aud vlpir, thatis a genuine corrective, is the real need. It is the possession ft this grand requirement which makes Hostet'er's Stomach Bitters so effectve as an lnvlcorant For sale by ail Drugulsts aud Dealers cenerdly. TUTTS PILLS TORpffirOWELsT" DISORDERED LIVER, .. and MALARIA. From these sources ariso three-fourths of tho diseases of tho human race. These symptoms indloato their oxistened: Xross of Appetite, Bowels costive, Kick Headache, fullness after cat ln;;,averton to exertion of body or xnlnd. Eructation of food) Irritabll Ity of temper, Low spirits, Afeeling of b&vlnc soplected some dut jr,IIz- zitiesgjFlutterlngattheHeart.Dots before the eyes, bJjjhly colored TJrine,CO;vSTlPATIOlV,ana demand thauseofaromodythatact8dlrectlyon tho Liver. AsaLivermedlclnoTUxT'S IMEiLS havono equal. Tlielr action on the Kidneys and Skin la also prompt; removing ail impurities through those thrco scavengers of the system," producing appetite, sound digestion, rcfiiilur stools, a clear skin and a vig orous body. TCTT'S IMI.LS causo no nausea or griping nor intorfert) triUi daily work and aro a perfeot ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. bold everrwhercZa J. Oilice 44 ilium v8t.N Y. T - kju a r. rjZfailUK OLD B Bast Quay Hath oe'Whiskees clumped in stantly to aGLossr Black byafclnglo application of this Dte. Sold by Druff- "dsta.or sent by express on receipt of $1. Office, 41 Murrav Street, Xew York. rrcra ilikual o? tcsful sxcupzs rsxs. J. W. EUDDOCK, Practical Plumbing in All Its Branches. Steam and Gas Fixtures, A Complete Stock of First-class Material. All Work Guaranteed. Office and Shop in Hume's building, rear of Wheeler & Kobb's, Astoria, Oregon. H. B. PARKER DKALXK IS Hay, Oats,, and Straw, Brick. Cement, and Sand. Wood Dollvered to Order., Teaming, and Express Business UKALBIt IK WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. FIRST-CLiASS. B. F. STEVENS & CO.. CITY BOOK STOKE, Hae jnst received a mammoth stock of BookR. The youupr and old, rich and poor can all be accommodated. AGENTS FOR THE Kranlch A Bach and Mandsfeldt & Notni PiaaoHand Wowtern Cottase Orsaas, Onlers for all kinds of Music or Instru ments will he promptly filled. B.F. STEVENS & CO. WYATT & THOMPSON. DEALERS IN FRESH AND CURED MEATS, CHOICE CrBOCERIES, PROVISIONS, Crockery and Glassware. acill o&;JaEItbi it 4 H " CELEBRATED ff X HOTELS AND RESTAURANTb. PARKER HWSE H.B.fMRKLF.ft. AbTORIA, OKMJOIS". Al. OKOSiiY. - - Day Clerk- Phil. BOWERS. - . . NleUt,Clek:, Jos. DUFFY has the Bur and Billiard room. First Class in all Respects. FREE COACH TO THE HOUSE. Campi Restaurant. NEW AXD WE.IiEO.T!lPPKI THROUGHOUT. L.Serra has rebuilt ln establishment and Is prepared to accommodate the traveling public. r A good uieju furnished at any hour of the day or night. f 'i he Quest Liquors and Cigars at the bar. Two doors west or Dee Foster's. n23-6tu LUIGI SEKRA. Fipres to Lie ! " JEFF OF THE CHOP HOUSE Can prove by his books' that he is doing the mgKcsi ousiness ox any . RESTATTRANT In the city, and he will" guarantee to give t he best meal ior casn. rj'v- MARKETS. WASHINGTON MARKET, Main Mrect, Antsrfa, rrgen. DEKGM l.N A EKKBY, FXPKIETOK!S. R1 KSPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEX- Hon of the public to the fact that the above Market will ?Jv,av9eiupplled with a FULL VARIETY AND BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS l ! Which t111 be sold at lowent rates, w hole- liUCUUUICUUI. 'f . fcCSpeclal attention glrji to spnplyiiiB snips. Pacific Mirket. Wk - isT- VS. N. 0AV1CH & CO. - - Proprietors. Leave Your Orders for Fish, Game, Eggs, Butter, VEGETABLES, ETC. We furnish 1'rovMou.s. Fresh and In Oood Condition. Dres-cd Chickens. Venelftlilw, and Market Produce or all Kinds m season. A Fine Mock of Family Wuirt, Liquors, uigars auu Tobaccos. STAR MARKET. WHERRY St COMPANY, Fresh and Cured Meats, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEl CSIEXA3IlTH Hireet. Antorln, Oe A. V. Men, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Groceries, MILL FEED. Glass and Plated Ware, TROPICA!. AND DOMESTIC FRUITS. AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wines, LiquorsJobacco.Cigars ASTORIA Brewery Beer Saloon. The Best Beer 5 cts a Glass. Hot Lunch every Day from 10 to 12 A. M The best of Liquors and Cigars on hand. A deservedly popular place of social-resort. GEO. HILLER, CHAS. A. MAY New Store, New Stock Toys, Fancy Goods, Tobacco and .Cigars. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS A FINE ASSORTMENT. BOAT BUILDING, R. M. LEATHERS Has reopened bis boat shop, over' Arndt & lfercnen's. looroi xarayene sxreet, nna is prepared to turn out ' - t . FIRST-CLASS.BOAT8. ALL. WORE JUJlRATXEI. Harii are. ana" SMCIailer) A. VAN DUSEK- & CO.. iKalrks rs Hardware and Ship. Ghandliry, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binacle Oil, Cotton-Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron-Spikes,-; Galvanized Cut Nails, Agricultural Implements, Sewing Machine., PalntN and Oil's, C3rocrie, cie. IO.OOO BOTTLES SOLD Great Northwestern Remedy. TAKE IT .FFUMDER' )BECi0NBL0QDPOBinBB! KIDNEY &f UVEltDlSEASES.. DfSPEPSIA UUHLb HI HMRE9.EL0TCBESWDS1W DISEASES.,, HEADACHE C0SHVENES9. Those who work early and late neel a wholom tellable Medicine like Pfaadr, Oregon Blood Purifier. As a remedy and preventative of dfceasea It cannot bo beat. It checks EheuHatlsm and X&Iarls, relieves Constipation, Djipepsia and -Blllonsnesi and puts fresh enerjjy hito the. system bv making acw Kicn mooa, AH Dmtrelsrs and Deal- crs keep It. ?1.00 bottles 6 for 5.00. C. H. BAIN & CO. DEALERS IX Doors, Windows, Blinds, Transoms Turning, Bracket Work. ' A specialty, and all work guaranteed. Oak, Ash, Bay, and Walnut lumbar ; Oro Kon and Port Orford Cedar. All kinds of boat material on hand. G. It. BAI Sc CO. ' WiLsoN.& Fisher, SHIP OHAflDLERS. DlwVLERa IX Iron, Steel, Coal, Anchors, Chains, TAR, PITCH, OAKUM, NAILS AND SPIKES, Shelf Hardware, Paints and Oils STEAM PACKING, . PROVISIONS. n.OUB SJ M1XI, FKK1. r Agents for Salem Flouring Mills, and Capital Flour. FAIRBANKS STANDARD SCALES. All Blze. at Toitland Prices, In Htoek. Corner Chenamus and Hamilton Street: ASTORIA, OREGON. THE BEST LSTUE Royal Brand Flour Manufactured by the OREGON MILLING COMPANY Is of Superior Quality, and Is" Endorsed by all nho use It; THE HOUSEKEEPER'S FAVORITE Of Superior Rising Quality. Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. WYATT & THOMPSON Hole Agents for Astoria. BOAT SAILS AT Lowest Prices, NOT GIVEN AWAY, but made at lowest LIVING PRICES, All work done array Sail Loft GUARANTEED to give perfect 'satis faction. SAIL LOFT On Cheuamus Street, next door to Astoria Bakery.- " J. HESS. Barnes' Patent Foot and Steam Power Scroll Saws. Circular Sawn, Murtlsrrs Lathe. Teaoken, Feraeri, Bt. r Osliorn & Aleianfter Sola Areata, SSSTfcirket Si. SftaFnacUe , Mechwrics Toolaj Machfaflrjtadlirdwtrtr Catalog 10 of all our goods sent frei on ap plication. ' FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. AT MRS.GEOrHIIIESB'S.WEiT BOOK .to Weston Hotel&sst'"J " - "" fe. SMMIH DEAXER&2X BAR, COPPER, Groceries, provisions, MILL FEED, Etc. HuBe?ftkBai'llMg, Astoria. Or. & ARNDT & EER(3HEN, ASTOBIA.- - OSEQON. The Pioneer Machine Shop 8LACK3MITQ SHOP Boiler Shop All kinds of ENGINE, eANKEEY, AND STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to. A specialty luadeof repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Bejttos Stbt, Near Pahkeb House. ASTORIA, - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND i BOILER MAKERS. LAMMABliEraES Boiler Work, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. OASTI35JGS , Of all DesrriptieHS made to Order at 8art BTotlce. A. D. WAB8. "President. J. O. Hostler, Secretary, I. W. Cask; Treasurer. JOHK Fox.Superintendent. BOATS AND TENTS S a o ET en O w 7? 3 p 3 a T3 CD p - o o O p o g o - 3 C CU O E sr Z co en e. CO g s v" -4 3 " O s. - s p- a zr a o o 2- a 1 3 o s-u 3 a O N a .3 FLAGS, ETC ETC. First Class Blacksmithing AT LOW RATES AT Gilbert Christiansen's HORSESHOEING Done on Scientific Principles by an Al Horseshoer who Guarantees (M)OD WORK. General Blacksmithing Done And SATISFACTION ASSURED, at His Shop. In rear of Aug.Danielson's Saloon. Carnahan & Go. SUCCESSORS TO I. "V7. CASE, IMPORTERS AND WH0LE8ALF. AN1 HKTAIL DEALERS IN SEUERAL. MERCHANBISI Corner Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA - - - - OREGON Magnus C. Crosby Dealer in aAMABErM,' STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TfNWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAftSTRIP LEAD : HEETJIION, EiaB-AOT Copper. KHHBIJ9 BUSINESS CARDa. Q P. XcCOSMAC, - Attorney aud Couaselter t Maw Eoora 12, Odd Fellows Balldln, ' ASTORIA, - - Oififion. OKO. A. IKBBIS, OEO. HOLASD NOULSSH St BORRlS ATT0ENBT3 AT'LAl?. Office In Kinney;? Block, opposite City1 Hall, Astoria, OregonT-" Q B. THOMSON, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Room No. 6, over White House, ASTORIA, OREGON, c. -r. FOtTOX. or c. roxrojf. FUtTOIS BROTEEEMS, ATTORNEYS ATLA.W. Boosts 5 and 6. Odd Fellows Building. J Q.A.BOWJLBir, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Chenamus treet, - - ASTORIA, OREGON JOSEPH A. GLLIi, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. O-Offlce with J. Q A. BoHlby, ASTORIA, Oregon. n J CUUTIS, ATTEST AT LAW. Notary Public, CommLssloner of Deeds for Callioruia, Now York and "Washington Ter ritory Rooms 3 and 4. Odd Fellows Building. As toria. Oregon N-B -Claims at "Washington. D. a. and collections a specialty. jD C. HOI.DKX, NOTARY PUBLIC, AUCTIONEER, COMAILNBION AND IN SURANCE AOEN1. O. W. IiElCK. AECHITECT AND DRAUGHTSMAN. Scholars received for Course f Draughting -Office over White House Store. Q.EIiO F. PAKKEXl. SURVEYOR OF Clatnop CoBBty.and City or AmIwHji Office :-Chenamus street, Y. M.O. A. hall Room No. 8. Q BKA'hOJk XAKTLV, M. D Phloran and Hwrseoa. AbTORIA, - OREGON. OrncE-Boom t2. Odd Fellows Building. Residence Hume's building-up stairs. TAX TUTT1.1C. 31. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Ofmor Rooms 1, 2, and 8. Fythlan Build ing. Residence On Cedar Street, back ot St. Mary's Hospital. K. V. BICES. A. E. SHAW. HICKS Si SHAW, DENTIST8. Rooms in Allen's Building, up stairs, cor ner Cas and Squemuqua streets. Astoria. Oregon. Bozorth & Johns, Real Estate and Insurance Agents, and Brokers. ASTORIA, - - - Oregon. Buy and sell all kinds of Real Estate and represent the following Fire Insurauco Conpanies : Scottish Union and Na tional, aasets $23,000,000 rtwenlx of Hartford " 4.600.0) Home Of New York. " flVifieo Hamburg and Bremen. " 2,000,000 Western, 300,000 Fhenlx of Brooklyn, " 4fiOQflo Oakland Hume, " 30000 Follcles written by us in the Phoenix and Home and Scottish Union and National at equitable rates. BANKING AND INSURANCE! I. W. CASE, - Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, ASTORIA, - OBEG02C. OFFICE HOURS : From 9 o'clock A. M. until 3 o'clock P. M. B. S. Worsley, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT -Office and "Ware Rooms on Squemoqua Street, next door to corner ot Olney. Advancements made on Consignments' No Charges for Mtorage or Good GE0EGE LOVETT, Tailoring, Cleanini, Bepairint" NEAT, CHEAP AND QUICK. Mala St., opposite N. Leeb's. Astoria 9r. G.A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSMITHING, At Capt. Rogers old stand, corner of Caw and Court streets. Ship and Cannery work, Horseshoeing. Wagrns made and repaired. Good work rnaranteed. NOTICE. Boat Sails to be Given Away Three Prirate Fisfcente., Can get NEW MAINSAILS for nexttoLBOtn-. ing by calling on A. M. JOHNSON,