ft) k gattij storiatt. ASTORIA, OREGON: SUNDAY. .MAY 11, ISM SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE POUT OF ASTORIA. KtADi FOliSKA. OUro S.Soutbard. Am tp QueenHonn Mfty 5 YZSSULS jy THE RIVKR. JJeri Crow. Aw sp 83K.1A1eiid.Ain hi A Idea Hesse, 'Am bk lUts; BtbV Norsesian. Br fk Henry Villard, Am sp MtWablnrion. Amiij) Cbo. 'Jotewortb Br bk C.lnnlf. Br bk Abemwitb Castle.Br d Tjthonus. BrMt Joreclttrer, "".or Lfc VKSShLS OA Ttth - ' o . i'rout Z'oreiRU Vesrti. ftp 1 (Ium!i:i KIir City of York. Greenock April 11 Oriseda'e, 1r sp Liverpool. April 6 Kirkwoc d, Br sp ITS hydney Mr 27 Largo Lew. Br sp Hull March 13 From American Fort. Alameda. Am sp If Y Jan 15 Belle of Orecoa, Am bk HWJfew Vorfc Jtar 1 O S Bemnt. Am rp I9r0 Philadelphia April 2t TI1K TABI.K FOB ASTORLV. MAY. JIIOH WATER. LOW WATER. "KiSt ' Second. I First. second. A. m. h. m. ft. vi. ft. m. 7!ll!7fl:0ll 2-1 S5 S 0 0Sd7- II KJ 9 0 q . - -- 0 51 7-3 10 OSJaH- 1 35 7 3 11 0 5S 19-2 2 11 Tt 12 1 0 m 2 4 '72 15 2 02 b'3 3 7 j.M 14 2 31 Si! 4 10 7-0 16 .103 ISSl 1H C-9 JC 3 55 i71 5 4" '"3 17 1 5J 7-1 0 27 C-7 I? 3 53 7 (j 7 17 W$ 5 21 C25 7 13 7 51 S2S 02 9 33 10 10 10 41 11 21 002 l'O 04 -01 -0-C -08 -0 9 -0-8 -0-7 -04 -01 520 550 0 29 7 01 7 40 B It 8 52 9 23 10 10 11 03 0 07 058 The hour between mid-unlit and noon are designated bv a (a. m.). those between uoon uud luidnlKht bv ;. (i. .At ). C. 03m a denotes iniiiulght.ofc.0ii.i denotes noon. lhelifJKiit is reckoned from the lew of u era.ee 1 j-. er low w .-iters to w hlch tlio sound 1"S aifl g.en on the Coa-jt Survey ciiarts. Columbia River Exports. Snil'MKNTS IViKKlUN. JAXHARV. 'SI. Wheat. KO 075 bus -'SS I'lour, 85.29. bbls . 122.060 Total 10 cargoes S7&.12 1'KHKU VK V. WhcaU 314.1 1:: bus ivr Flour, 49 Cft) hblv --j3! haimon.401 e -. 2,& Lunibfr. C03 M 7.HW lota!. 9 .jOi" -S314.CT4 APltll. Hour. 32,4')3 bbls S150.714 Wheat, 2i$,0H bus 201.5 JC Total. 5 cargoes S255,2C0 MAY. 5 To QueensUmn per UlivcS. Southard. Wheat, 57,715 bus 49.372 TU BOAT CIVARGSZS. Following is the schedule of prices for towage !u and out over tlie Columbia Bar : Tor AeselTnot Imwrd . Outward. exeeedlng Loaded. Dallas bOo tons...$lW) 800 to 100!) tons.- 200 1000 to 1200 tons... 2i1 12C0 to 1400 tons... 275 Hoo to looo tons... 300 S1S0 175 200 250 300 175 200 2T-0 OLATSOP MILL GOMFANT nlanufactiirers and Dealers in Lumber. Salmon Trays, BOXES, ETC. OFFiPi: AM) MILL, CORNER SALMON AND CEDAR STREETS. ANTORtA - - Oreecu. l'0nT & HASSOX. Astoria Soda Works, Agents. Astoria. Or JACKSON'S ASTORIA Bakery Confectionery Coffee and Ice Cream Parlors. CHEKAIUS STREET. STCPEREOIS J OF ATX KISIS. WeddlHss and Parties supplied with st icily .FIRST-CLASS WORK. o-Prench and Aiuerican-o CANDIES Manufactured, "Wholesale ami Itetall. BRANCH ESTABLISHMENT, ON THE ROADWAY. WM. EDGAR, to Dealer in Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, I GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY St Revolvers and Cartridges. CORNER MAIN AND CHENAMTJS STS. -f- 1 :. T. G. RlWLiNGS, Wholesale aud 'Retail Dealer In Tropical, Domestic, Green and Dried -NUTS. CANDIES, DEI ED ME ATS, ETC. Fine Cigars aud Tobacco. Next door to I. J. Arvold's. Squemoqua St. Rooms to Rent. w ROOMS . IO. 13. AND 14." IN ODD Fellows Building, for Tent. Inquire at Case's Bank, or of A. J. MEGLER, Occident HoteL SOCIETY MEETINGS. Temple Lodge, No. 7A.F.A.M. DEGULAT. COMMUNICATIONS i aX first and third Tuesdajs In each mnnt'i. nt 7li o'clock. TV M.. at the Hal in Astoria. Members of the order In good Mandlng are invited to attend. By order of the Beaver Lodge No 35, LO, R1 koiti.ar MEETING Ev ery Thursday evening 2i sevt-n o'clock, at tuo j,oiikc , In 1, 1,1 UVillntwlfnll AIO ria. Sojourning members of tho order In uo-d tanduig. cordially invited to a' tc-d. By order G Ocean Encampment, No. 13, 1. O. O.F. REGULARS iBlINGS OF OCEAN EN -caitipmrnt No. 11. I. '0j; .'.., iiwi, He Odd Fellow Building, a. enV!!Ioa Uio second and fourth Mondays or eacn month. Sojourning iretu len cordially Invited. - Bv order - .. . Seaside Lodge No. 12, A. O. U. V7. ITITGULAE MEETiM'S "-" arwi.r. K IdiTNo. 12, A. O. C W. wm be held Ju Pvthlan iiaii on rriuuy ccuiuB tiL-r- ,t- nviAck p. ar. Members of the order'ln good sianding. and lsltlng Broth ers are mriiea io jui-nu. -iuij u w open fifteen minutes before and after each meeunt. qBROWN.Eec. Astoria Lodge No. 40. L O. Q.l. REGULAR MEETING EVERY THTJRS dny evening at 7 :3u o'clock, in the Hall over Mr. Case's store. Members of the Or der, in good standing, are Invited to attend. By order., W.C.T. .gfrtorfc-fl-'LTegion of Honor. GBtARtiKETING OF ASTORIA JLtJCoHcNov9S54 Is held on the first and third Tuesday of each month, at 7 o'clock p. M. By order of the Council Commander. B.V.MONTE1TH, Sec'ty. Cusb.lng Post No. 14 Q. A.4 R. TEGuLAB MEETINGS OF THIS POST JLv'Da'tbersecond and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7 i m. Visiting com rades cordially im lied. By order P.C. Pacific Lodgre No. 17, K. of P. TJ SOU!. Alt vUEETINGS OF THIS Lodge every Friday evening, at 7:30 o'clock. In-their Castle HalL Sojourning Knights cordially Ia Ited to attend. GF.O.r.AVIIEELEE, K.of B. and S. AS tor LrOdg No. 6. K. of P. TDEGULAR 3CEETINGS OF THIS "-Lode evfri Wednesday evening, at 7 30 o'oloclr, at tkelr lodge room. In Iy tnlao Ca-tle. Sojourning Knights cordially Invit ed to attend. W. L. EOBB. K. of R. and S. Astoria Worklngrmen'a Protective Union. REGULAR MEETING" OF THIS LODGE e ery Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock, at their Lodge room, oer Carnahan & Co.'s store, corner or i;ass ana cuenamus streets H. M. GII.MOKK, J. C. ROSS, Pre Ident. Secretary. Common Council. REGULAR MEETINGS. SECOND AND fourth Tuesday ev enings of each month at lk o'clock. U3" Persons desiring to hae matters acted upon by the Council, at any regular meet ing must present the same to the Auditor ana cierK, on or uciore tne hnaay evemnir pri.-r to the Tuesday on which the Council holds Its regular meeting. THOS.S.JEWETT, Auditor and Clerk. ciirncn OIRECTOKV. Grace Cnuncir Holy communion first Sunday of every month. Sunday senices atli a. mm and 7 p.m. Wednes day evening service at 7 o'clock. Rov. M. D. Wilson. Rector. Fibst Presbyterian Cuuech Ser vices at 11 a. m. and 7 P. M. Wednes day evening prayer meeting at 7 o'clock. Rov. J. v. Milligan, Pastor. " Congregational Church Services at 11 a. m. and 7 p. M. Rov. Sam'l Wood, Pastor. Roman Catholic Church Sen'ice3 at 10 30 a. m. Rov.-L: Dielman, Pastor M. E. Church Services at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Lecture and Prayer Meet ing, Wednesday, at 7 p. M". Rev. Win. Roberts, Pastor. Baptist Church.' Services each Lord's Day at 11 a. m., and 7 p. m. Prayer Meeting on Wednesday, at 7 p. m. Rev. B. S. McLafferty, pastor. BUY THE BEST ! Irish Flax Salmon. Net Threads Woodberry, and Needle Brands, SEINE TWINES. AND COM AND LBAD LINES, Fish PoundH, Seines, end Nets Imported to Order. A LaneStccffleffli,MIs AND FISH HOOKS. CONSTANTLY ON HAND. KENRY DOYLE & CO., 517 and 519, MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO. 25TA gents for the Pacific Coast. GERMANIA BEER HALL AND- BOTTLED BEER DEPOT, Chcnamus Street, 'Astoria. The Best of Lager 5 Cts. a Glass. Orders for tile Celebrated Columbia Brewery Beer Left at this place will be promptly attended to earNo cheap San Francisco Beer sold at tins place. ' -. V3L BOCK. Proprietor. C LKIKEXWKBEE. H. SBOWH iLeinenweber & Co., KSTAKLTSnED lWJ. ASTORIA, OREGON TAMERS AUDJDRRRIKS, Manufacturers and Importers of all kinds of LEATHER AND FLNDIU&S, Wholesale Dealers In OIL AND TALLOW. ear Highest cash price paid for Hides and Tallow. BE. JIM. CHIXESE PHYSICIAN, Speoial Disease Carefully Treated. OmceIn.Kong "Wing Hie Store, on Che-namu-i street, opposite-Post-Offlce, Catarrhsiuredhejrith and- sweet breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Rem edy. Prlt 50 cents, Masai Injector free. For sale by W. E. JDemeat. W.M. O.F. TryKjpP PIANOS -AND- O RGANS SMALL MUSICAL MERCHANDISE Piano, and Organ Instructors. -CELEBRATED- STECK&OABEPIA1S! AND THK WO.VDERFUL LITTL GIANT STCK PIANO USED BY PRESIDENT OF UNITED STATES GOVERNOR-GENERAL OF CANADA GOVERNOR OF OREGON. ASTOErA MUSICAL SOCIETY. MRS. J. W. CONN, of Astotis. D. A. McINTOSH, Esq. " J.D.HIGGINS.Esq. CHAS. "vTEIGHT, Esq, Aai by H&ay Other Promijient XosleUas. CELEBRATED TABER ORGANS. Elegant Packard Orchestral Organ Only exclusive Music nouse In the North est. Only wholesale and retail House In the Northwest. GARDNER Bros., 165 First St., Portland, Oregon. BARBOUR'S it Tire HAVE NO EaTTAL. THE The London Fisheries Exhibition HAVE AWARDED THE GOLD MEDAL TO- Tie Bate Brotas Company -portht:-SUPERIORITY or THCIR FLAX NET THREADS. ASTORIA LIQUOR STORE, AUG. DANIELSON. - - Proprietor. Rebuilt and Refitted Thronghont. The Beat of WlXKS.IilqiTORK, AD CIGAflH For a Good Cigar, call for one of "Danielson's Best." Comer West Oth and Water Strf-ots, Astoria. n0-6m Drugs and Chemicals Prescriptions carefully compounded Day or Night. W. E. DEMENT & GO. DRUCrGXST8. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON Carry in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded Wood Yard. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE THE ASTO riaYood Yard. Gray's Dock, foot of Benton street, will sell wood at the follow ing prices and deliver wherever the streets are planked, between Trullingers Mill and O'Brien's Hotel, bacn to Astor street : Green Alder. 2-cut ? 50 per cord. Ions S3 75 Dry do do 4 75 do do 4 00 GrnHemlo'k do 4 00 do do 3 76 Dry do do 4 75 do do 4 00 Green Beach do 4 75 do do 4 00 Green Fir do 4 75 do do 4 00 Drv Fir do 5 00 do do 4 25 Extra Maple and S. limbs do 0 00 do do & 25 Vine Maple and S. limbs do 0 75 do do 5 00 Wood of Ail Kinds By the Scow load at REDUCED RATES. J. H. D. OKAY' Astoria. February 1st. 18S4. Most Popular Remedy Sold. rcrascnRKBRV For FiAel, Bletikw, Ckrealc SorM and DImm,Los9 of Enereyvaiid-Habltu.il Con stlpftUefi unequaled. Etlier Gar&Hted. Sold everywhere, U C bottles for 85.00. -ASK FOR- TJnioii Indii. Bublttr Co's Pure Para Gum CBAQK PROOF RUIICR BOOTS. BkWAK8 b'F IMITATIONS I Be sunSllw Bot-ra stamped ORACK PROOF rtb liei, andluve the PURE QU31 8PItJt?GS-9a taa foot and Instep, which ptsemt tMir cckli or breaking. We are bow saaktag tfcea wltlr!iliriJBER AND ASBJ?srOStfoie which will make tliemlast more than, twice as long as any Rubber boots made! FOKSALS'BY ALL DEALERS. ALL KINDS RUBBER BELTING, PACK- 8.JkLBUNY0N, J Ban Eranclsco. County Ordtrt Wanted. 4 PPLY TO BOZOBTH AND JOHNS, MOM DRUGGIST ff AND AT Pharmacist, fj3 AastoriaVo' km . An Uncbangeablo Front. Oregon sent six delegates to Cin cinnati in 1876 to voto for Blaine. In 1880 she again dispatched six dele cates to voto for tho snnio man. Iu the convention just held she has re affirmed her position. Her delegates are all for Blaine. In 1876 California selected twelve delegates to vole for Blaine, but six of them Avere spirited away shortly after they had left the eastern boundary of the state behind. In 1880, to make sure, she sent twelve delegates to Chicago bound hand and foot for Blaine, and they all voted for him while he was in the field. This time she sends sixteen delegates to do the same thing. In 1876 Iseva da faltered, or more properly speak ing, was betrayed. In 1880 she sent six delegates to Chicago for Blaine, and she now does tho same thing. Washington territory in 1876 and 1830 gave her two delegates to Blaine, and has done so now for the the third time. Arizona did the same thing in 1876 and 18S0. She has not been heard from this time. It may be assumed, however, that she will not fall out of line unless the administra tion influence is too great for her peo ple. Idaho, Dakota, and Montana, which are in a sense Pacific terri tories, have heretofore voted with this section. Blaine has thirty solid votes from the three Pacifio states and one territory, with the prospect of eight more votes from the remain ing territories of tho group. During all the time of this steady allegiance there has been no particular advocacy of Blaine observable anywhere. "We do not know of a single newspaper that has been given to writing his praises. No stumper has been be spattering him with adulation. Blaine seems to have made a perma nent lodgment in the hearts and mind3 of the people of the Pacific coast The fact is demonstrated whenever he is supposed to bo desir ous of reaching tho presidency. He won the esteem of the people by his frank treatment of a peculiar and troublesome question. He studied it instead of shaping his opinions by his surroundings, after the niannor of tho trimmer so common in poli tics. No doubt there is mingled with these feelings an admiration for his talents and abilities. Tho number of bills introduced in the house of representatives during tho present session of congress is 6,853, not one-sixth of which will be come laws, and ought not to. According to the April returns of the department of agriculture, the winter wheat area is about 27,600,000 acres a territory seven-eighths as large"as England. SOMETHING YOU WANT. A NEAT MAP OF ASTORIA. Warranted Cerrect: Lithographed and Mounted; showing all Streets, Numbered and Accurately Marked. Price but S3. Also, a MAP OF THE BaK. f mm Govern ment Survey, and endorsed as officially cor rect. Price 85, Both Maps for SS. But a limited supidv. so call early, at the office of JJOZOKTU & JOHNS. Cedar Street Assessment. NOTICE is hereby given that the assessment made by ordinance No. C03, ofthocltvof Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, nnd which ordinance passed the Common Council of said city on the 8tb day of April, 18S4, and was approved on the 9th day of April, 1S84, for the im provement ot Cedar .street In the city of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shivelv. from the west side of West Sixth street to the east side of West Ninth street. In the manner provided by ordinance No. 594, of the city of Astoria, and which ordinance DassedtheCommou Council on the 15th day of Slarch. 1SS4. and was approved on tho ISth day of March, 1884, on each of the following described lots fronting on said portion of said street Is now payable at the of fice of the City Treasurer in U. S. gold coin, and unless paid within five days from the final publication of this notice, viz.: Thursday, May 15th, 1884, the Com mon Council will issue warrants for the collection thereof. The assessment is as follews: Saint of Owntr ? ? ? Asuft- !Lot. fife si mtnt. ? I c 2.S- A.W. Berry A.W. Berry Est. Susan L. Suively Est. Susan L. Shlvelj W.B. Ileadiiiston... James Taylor James Taylor S2500 25 00 25 00 25 00 12 00 25 00 25 00 25 CO 25 00 5 00 James Taylor ' Isaac Foster Isaac Foster. E 10 feet Sisters of Charity of Providence, W 40 ft Sisters of Charity of Providence Sisters of Charity of Providence 20 CO 25 CO 25 CO 25 00 25 00 8 50 25 00 25 00 Sisters of Charity of .Providence Sinters of Charity oi Providence Thomas Dealy Anna Dealy Masonic L. & B. As sociation Masonic L. & B. As sociation 25 00 25 00 25 00 James Taylor James Taylor By order of the Common Council. Attest: T.S.JEWET'l, Auditor nnd Clerk. Astoria, April 29th. 1884. Notice of Final Settlement. TOTICE3S HEREBY GIVEN TnAT THE J3 undcrslRued administrator of the estate of John Gustaf Farnsen. deceased, has tiled In tho County Court of the State of Oreson, for tho County of Clatsop, his llnal account as such administrator, and that Thurdav. the 15th day of May, 1834. at the court room! oi 83iii court, uv Asiuna. uh-kuii. ui ui-.c o'clock P. h, of said day, is the time and place designated by said court for hearing objections to said account aud the final set tlement thereof. P. F. JOHNSON, d-td Administrator. $67,000,000 Capital ! Liverpool and London and Globe. North British and mercantile Of London and Edinburgh. Old Connecticut of Hartford, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA Fire Insurance Companies, Representing a Capital of $67,000,000. A. VAN DUSEN. Acont. Boat Building. JOS. P. LEATHERS Formerly orsrAradt&Ferchen's Machine Shot ISBUTLDING FIRST-CLASS BOATS IN the jhop formerly occupied by M. John sou on Concomlv street, one block west of Hansen Bros' Mill. Model, Material and flBlsli Flnt-clasa. 113 50 .4 it 111 M t 118 24 ' 50 ( u U t( 119 " ' 10 " 40 ' 50 " 50 " 50 li 50 120 17 " 50 " 50 " 50 u 50 " 50 OH I J fTwITUCzxw, nr.tf'T'f'"''!!! Yk vS5?wnY rfi J-W i,t't ill -JSa VJ &s iS j Absolutely iure. Tills iowder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholeomenes". More fcconumic.il th in the ordin.iry kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the mul titude ot low ten short weight, alum or phospbat powdprs. Jb'oW oni in can3. Koy ai. Bakino Powder Co., iw Wali-sr. N. Y . ;i,airi'fT?'jMm5inmmnm-i3iia?q TtCl tha children to cut out and sava tha comic fhoiistta pictures aa they appear from iasua tc 1-Aua. They will bo plsased with tha collection. This spaoo la owned by BLACKWJUIjIi'S TJDTiTi. Of course wo mean tha famous rmlmsl appearing on the label of every genuine packige of Black well's Bull Durham Smokin? Tobacco. Ecry dealer keeps this, the htit Smokinff Tcbtccomadc Ncno genuine without trade-mark cf tho XSulL lltiaMlimm?IrJgyaTtIJTXilU Vitalizes and Enriches tho Blood, Tonci up tlio System, UlaLej tn IVeaJc Stronjr, Builds np tho Broken down, Invigorate tha Brain, anil CURES- Dyspepsia, Hervous Affections, Gn eral Debility, Ueuralgia, Pever and Ague, Paralysis, Chronic Diarrhoea, Boils, 2)ropsy, Humors, remale Com plaints, liver Com- plauit,Eemitten; Pever, and ILL DISEASES ORIGINATING Ml A BAD STATl ! OF THE BL00D, OR ACCOMPANIED BV DEBILITY 0H A LOW STATE OF THE SYSTEM. PERUVIAN SuppUeithe blocd with iu Vital Principle, oi Llfo Element, IRON, infusing Strength leor and r ew lAle into all parts oi tne system BEING FREE FROM ALCOHOL, its cr.crCis tng efTects are not followed by correspondLg mc ion, cut arc ennanent. SETH V. FOWLE : SONS, Proprietor. & Jamsoa Avtauc. R-wtcc. Sold by all I rujisu FRANK AND CLEAR. Hnvins: Admitted the Htrexictli oi the Evidence a Prominent ihy- sinnu tnkes Lexical Action. The follomn? letter tells its own story. Tho signature will be recognized as that of the Physician-In-Chief of tho Do Quincy Home, and author of "Dru3 Thnt Enslave," "Tho Hypodermic Injection of Morphine," A Man ual of Nursinc,'' and many other populnr nnd valuable special medical werts: 101 West Train Stbfft. Nkw York, August 11. 1S50. j MfSSTS. Seabcry & Joa.sso.v, Gentle men: Like mo3t of my iirofessicn, I am cautious about pinning my fai:h to any new medicino or curative agent. But your BENSON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTER, has broken through tho barriers and won its way'to my good opinion. My attention was tirst called to it somo eight months ago by a patient of mino Although I was well ac quainted with tho superior cxcollenco of your other plaster and antiseptic dressing, made especially for tho profession, tho Benson's was comparatively now to me. I had heard, however, of its merits as a romedy, in cases ofLamoBack, Local Ehoumatism, Neural gia. Congestion of tho BionchialTubcs nnd Lungs. Dyspepsia, Torpid Liror and tho liko affoction3, and havo sinco begun to experi ment with it personally. I find BENSON'S CAPCINE PLASTRRan exceptionally clean ly plaster to use. and rapid in its action Many tests of its qualities, medo in my own family and among my patients havo convinc ed mo that thero is no single article so valu able for popular use, nor bo helpful in tho diseases I havo named. Should you desire to do so, you may use my name to that effect. Very truly youra, H.n.KANE,A.M.,M,D. Tho gcuuino havo tho word CAPCINE cut in tho center. Prico 25 cents. Seabury & Johnson, Chemists, Now York. Partnership Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WE have sold an Interest in our business to Mr. H. M. Hathaway, of Portland, Oregon. All parties indebted to us are requested to settle promptly, as wo wish to close ourout standing accouuts. The Arm will henceforth const of H.M. Hathaway, Ed.D.Curtl3.and A. F. Naef, under the name and stvle of Hathaway, Cuitls& Co., aud our business will continue as before at corner of Chena mus and Hamilton streets Ed. D. CURTIS & CO. Astoria, April 22. 1834. NOTICE. STATE AND COUNTY TAXES ARE NOW due and payable at my office. A.M TWOMBLY, tf Sheriff Clatsop Co. K& ) K-tirv J A?f' A! 5S? 5! d teiitfi SSLAS TRANSPORTATION LINES. llwaco Steam Navigation C-d.'s AYINTi:i: SCHEDULK. Astoria to Fort Stevens, Fort Canby, and lltvacj. Connect Injj bj stages and boats for Oystervilte. nlontesano and Olympia j Z2E&&& Stejm NaiS'.:ion Co.'s Meamer I ill leave Astoria un taor.aaya inuraays, ana Saturdays (Oystsrville and Montesano mall da3.1 at 7 A. M. FOit Ft.Stevens. Ft. Canby and Hwaco e: fees Jays, Wsdnesdays, a-in Friday Tim steamer will leave Astoria at 9 a.m.. &s formerly, not beln? confined trictly to schedule time. Fare to Fort Canby aud llwaco ..75 cts. JSIlwaco freight, by the ton. in lots of one ton or over, S2 per ton. CSy-ror xicKeta, towage or unarter ap ply at the ofllce of tlie comp&nv, Graj 'a wharf, foot of llenton strf et. J.H.D.GEAY, Agent. West Nintii Street Assessment. NOTICE is hereby i;iven that the as sessment made by Ordinance No. C07 of the" City of Astoria, Clatsop County, Oregon, and which ordinance passed the Common Council on the 2th day of April. 11. and was approved on the 30th day of Apiil. 18S1, tor the improe . mriit ot' West Ninth street, in the City of Astoria as laid ont and recorded bv J. M. Shively, from the south side of Water street to the south side of Spruce street, in tho manner provided by Ordi nance No. 5J7 and which ordinance passed the Common Council on the 15th t day of March, 1884- and was approved on the luth tlay or March. 1SS4, on each oi" the following described lots fronting on said portion of said street is now payable at tlie oftlce of the City Treas urer, in U. S. gold and silver coin, and unless paid within five days of tlie final publication ot this notice, viz: Tuesday, May 20th, 1S8I, the Common Council will is!Uf warrants for the collection thereof. The assessment is as follews: Devlin, J. A Lot No. 1 in block 1S6 Plankinu and bent work 125 feet, coat S3G2.C0 ; sidewalk 125 feet, cost $02.50 Total cost of improvement $421.50 Clatsop Mill Company. Lot No. 1 in block 117. Planking and Kent work J25 feet, cost 5-311.00; sidewalk 125 feet cost SC2.50. Total co-t of improvement S37.1.50 Shively, C. W North 100 feet of lot No. 1 in block 11G. Planking and bent work 100 feet. co5tS54.00;bidowalklCO feet, cost 50.00. Total cost of improvement SD4.00 Bracket, Theodore. South 50 feet of lot No. 1 in block 110. Planking and bent work 50 feet, cost $27.00; side walk 50 feet. eo,t $25.00. Total coil of impiovement $52.00 Bracker, Theodore. Not th 50 feet of lot No. 12 in block lit;. Planking and bent work 50 feet, cost $27.00; side walk 50 feet, cost $25.00. Total cost of improvement $52.00 Stevens. Chas. South 100 feet of lot No 12 in block 11G. riankine nnd bent work 100 feet, cost $51.00; sidewalk 100 feet, cost $50.00. Total cost of improvement $104 00 Page, C. II. Lot No. I in block 18. Fill ing 333 yards at 25 cents per yard, cost $y5.75; planking and bent work 150 feet, cost $31.00; sidewalk 70 feet, cost S).50. Total cot of improvement $210.25 Brown, II. Lot No. 12 in block 18. Fill ing 500 yards at 25 cents per yatd.cost $l25:planking and bent work, 15C feet cost $81; sidewalk 150 feet, cost $75. Total cost of improvement $231 Frey, J. W. North 75 feet in lot 1 block 19. Cutting 200 yards at 25 cts per yard, cost 50:jlanking and bent work, 75 feet, cost 540.50; sidewalk, 75 feet, cost Total cost of improvement $123. Uhlenhart Win. South 75 feet in lot 1 i block 11). Cutting 3S:i yards at 25 cents per yard, cost SU5.75; planking and bent won;, 75 ick, cost t40o;u; side walk, 75 feet, co-t $32.50. Total cost of improvement.. ..$163.75. Marsh. S. P. Lot 12 in block 19 ; Cutting 1100 ardsat25 cents per yard; $350: planking and bent work, 150 feet, cost $Sl ; sidewalk. 150 feet, cost S5; Total cyst of improvement.... $575.00. Dement W. E. South 1C0 feet of Lot 7. block 20; Cutting 1,0.32 yards at 25 cents per yard, $J58; planking and bent work, 100 feet, cost $54; sidewalk 100 feet, cost $50. Total cost of improvement.... $362.00. Ferchen J. F. North 50 feet Lot 15 block 20 :CuttiME 368 yards at 25 cents per yard, cost $92; planfcins and bent work. 50 feet, cost $27: sidewalk. 50 feet, cost $25. Total cost of improvement, ....S144.00 Blanche!. F. M". Lot 6, bloclc20;Cutting 533 vards at 25 cents per yard, $145.75. planking and bent work, 150 feet,. cost $31 : sidewalk, 150 feet, cost $75. Total cost of improvement $301.75. Wood Mrs. S. F. Lot7, block 17. Fill ing 500 yards at 25 cents per yard,Sl25. planking and bent work 150 feet, cost $31 .00. Total cost of improvement $206.00 Kanim, J. Lot , block 17.- Filling 38:: vards, at 25 cents per vard. cost of cutting and idling $95.75; planking and bent work loteet, cost bi.ro. Total cost of improvement.. ...S17G.75 Case. I. W. Lot 7 in block 115. Plank ing and bent work 150 feet, cost $81.00 Tottl cost ot improvement SS1.00 Ferrcll, Airs. Laura. Lot 6 in block 115 Planking and bent work 150 feet, cost $31.00. Total cost of improvement $81.00 TaUur. James. Lot 0 in block 118. Planking and bent work 125 feet, cost 5311.00 ;sidewalk 125 feet, cost $62.50 Total cost of improvement S373.00 Bv order of the Common Council. Attest: T.S.JEWETT, Auditor and Clerk. Astoria, May 2nd, 1834. LOBB & GO. JOBBF.R3 IN WINES. LIQ170KS, AND CIGARS. AGENTS FOR THE Best San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. Tumblers Decanters, and' All Kinds of Saloon Supplies. K7-AU Roods sold at San Francisco Prices. MAIN STREET, Opposite Farker House, Astoria, Oroson. REMOVAL. The-Astoria Passenger Line CTTILL AFTER THIS DATE HAVE ITS YT headciuaners at its Staoles next to B B. Franklin, two doors b4ow The Abto-KiA-ofllc8. First-class Livery service. Carts with horse furnished, for one dollar per hour. Carriages on application The Astoria Passenger Linn. Hnck3 will leave for Upper Astoria from the stables. Horses taken to board. MP.S.T. O'BRIEN. TRANSPORTATION LINES. Oregon Railway & Navigation C03IIAXY. OCEAS ni VISION. Dunne tho month of Mav. iwu rwnn I Steamers will s.iil from Portland to San j Frauci'co, and from San Francisco to Port land, as follows, leaving Ainworth Dock, X&n VkSSg-at 1Sa.T? &lwet I From I'ortiand. I From San Francisco. Aiir:l I yi Tucs 29 Columbia Vri t MaylOrocon .Tn k Oreaon. I "-tatoof Cat ."at 2 atntaof P&....St 10 Co. urn bis. ... Oregon .... JOateof.Cal. ..Wnt TiCoIuinbia ..Wod ..nti UlUreson ..TUnr ljMa:eoCal. ...Mon 19 Colnmbia... ..Kri 23 1 Oregon ..Tu 27 ..bst SI State of Cal ...Thur ...Moa in orrgon Man of C'al. Columbia.... ..irt SO J una ...Tu 3 ...Sat 7 ..Wed 11 Juno ''olnmbia.. istatcofCsl.. .Sun 3 Thronch. Tlclcet sold to ail principal cities in the United States. Canada aad i Europe. KAIL DIVISION. Passenger Trains leave Portland toTEast ern points, at 1VS :05 P. M. daily. laadlanilStfp'uf C&n runnIa between Port- irnxR nivissoN (jjiiidie Cqiambia). Boats Ieavo Portland for Dalles at 7 :0 A M. Leae Port land for iMoniTu. we.lThn. Frt. I Sat. Woria and lower Co lumbia..., Dayton, or, .ISAM SAM fiAM6AH SAM 7 AM 6 AM botSSlis"! !6AJK' I ISAM iBcoraataaseatUa. dally at.....-.....T.bdwPM: Ictcria Steamers do not run Sundays. " cep? baldVy.0 f0r PortIEd t 6 au dill ex- C. H. PRESCOTT. A. L. STOKES. Geii'l Frefjjht and Pa., manager. a st Oregon & California R. R. OREGON & TRANSCONTTnENTAL COMPANY, LESSEE. On and after February jjth, lSSirtralns will run as follows : DAILY Except bundays). KAST3IDE DIVISION. -tm-cn POKTLAADandriitEXlX. . . .. MAIr' TBATJ,-. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 7 :30 a. m Phomlr 5-0O A. ar. Phoenix 7:i0i.m Portland..- 4:25 p. at. ALBANY EXPRES8 TRAIN. LEAVE. ABRIYK. Portland.-.. 4 :C0 p. 3:.'Lebanon 9 09 v. ar Lebanon. t 5 a. ar. Portlands. 1Q aTo-i. at The Oregon and California Railroad Ferry makes connection with all Regular Trains on Eastslde Division. WESTStDE DlVISrOS". IiVtwtM'ii Portland and CorvAUla MAU. TRAIN" LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland .a rfo a. ar.Corvalir4 :30 p. ar. Coial!I 8 o a. ar. I Portland 3 :20 p.m. KXPltESS TRAIN LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 5 :00 v aiiMcaIInnvllla.8 M par McMinnvIlie5:45 Aai'Portland 8 :30am Cloe connections made at Phoealo with the Stages or tlie Oreejon and Califor nia btage Company. er-TIckets for sale at all the principal points In California, at Company's Office, Corner F and Front 6rs., torttand, Or. Freight will not be received for shipnleat after 5 o'clock p.m. on either tho East er West side Dh ision. R. KOEHLhR. B. P. ROGERS. Grn'I Manager. Act'g O. P. & Paw. Alt Genevieve Street Assessment. NOTICE Is hereby given that the as sessment made by Ordinance No. G, of the City of Astoria, Clatsop Couaty, Oregon, and which ordinance passed the Common Council on the 29ta day of Apii!,i3S4, and was approved on the 29th April, 18S4, for tho improveraentof Gen e ieve street, iu the City of Astoria as laid out and recorded bv John McCIure. from the north side of Chenamus to the south side of Seventh street, m tho man ner provided by Ordinance No. 580, and which ordinance passed the CkirAmon Council on the 2lst day of December, 1883, and was approved ou the 22ud day of December, 1383, on each of the fol io sving described lots fronting, on said portion of said street is now payable at the office of the City Treasurer, la TJ. S. gold and Si ver com, and unless paid within five days of the final publication of this notice, viz: Tuesday, "Jlay 20th, 1881, the Common Council will issue warrants for the collection thereof. The assessment Is as follows : Trustees 31. J. Kinney, Estate. LotNo. 14 in block 61. Spiling, plank and bent work, 100 feet, cost $296.00; side walk, 100 feet, cost $50X0. Total cost of improvement $346.00 Hiram Brown. Lot No. 5 in. block 60. Spiling, plank and bent work. 100. feci, cost $212.00; sidewalk 100 feet, cost $50 00. Total cost of improvement $S4600 Win. Morey and Company. Lot No, l in block 61. .Spiling, plank and bent work, 100 feet, cost $220.00; sidewalk 100 feet, cost S50.CO. Total cost of improvement. ...S346.00 Dan'l Graham. Lot No. 14 in. block,64. Spiling, plank and bent worklOO ieet, cost $220.00; sidewalk 100 feet, cost $50.00. Total cost of improvement $346.00 Trustees M. J. Kinney Estate: Lot "No 4, block 44. Spiling, plank' and" bent work 100 feet, cost S220.00; sidewalk 100 feet, cost $50.00. Total cost of improvement.. ..$346.00 W. H. Twilight Lot No. 5, block 44 Spilinjr, plank and bentworklOO feet, . cost $220.00; sidewalk 100 feet, cost $50.00. Total cost of improvement. . ..$5318.00 C.H.Bain. Lot No. 1 in block 65. Fil ling 1315 yards at 25 cents per yard, cost of cutting and filling S328.75; spil ing, plank and bent work 100 teet, cost $147.00 : sidewalk 100 feet, cost $50.00. Total cost of improvement.. ..$525.75 .Mrs. G.N. Daggett. Lot No. liin block 65. Filling 2014 yards, cost of cutting and filling $40330; spiling, plank and bent work 100 feet, cost $147.00; side walk 50 feet, cost S50.00. Total cost of Improvement $800.50 Suprenant & Ferguson. Lot No. 4 in block 45. Filling- 1315 yards at 25 cents per yard, cost of. cutting and mini; c--o.o; spuui,.pjaiiK.tiuu. ireui work 100 feet, cost $147.00; sidewalk 100 feet, cost $50.00. Total cost of improvement $525.75 Suprenant & Ferguson. L,ot No. 5 in block 45. Killing 2014 yards at 25 cents per yard, cost of cutting and till ing $403.50 ;spilinir, planking and bent work 100 feet, cost $147.00; sidewalk 100 feet, cost, S50.00. Total cost of improvement $600.50 Suprenant & Ferguson. Lot No. 4 In block 71. Cutting 3810 yards at 25 cents per yard, cost of cutting and fill ing, $952.50: spiling, plank and bent work 100 feet, cost $147.00; sidewalk 1C0 feet, cos; $50.00. Total cost of improvement... S1.149 30 D. 31. Sutherland. -Lot No. G In block 71. Cutting 1875 yard3 at 25 cents per vard, cost of cutting and filling $468. 7r": spiling, planking and bent work 100 feet, cost $147100 ; sidewalk 100 feet, S50.00. Total cost of improvement $665.75 Daggett, Mrs. G. N. Lot No. 1 in block 70. Cutting 3,491 yards at 25 cents per j'ard, cost of cutting and filling 8372. 75; spiling, planking and bent work 100 feet, coat $147.00 ; sidewalk 100 feet, cost $50.00. Total cost of improvement... Sl.069.73 Warren. W. E. and 31. F. Lot No. 14 In block 70. Cutting 1.318 feet at 25 cents per yard, cost of cutting and filling $329 JO; spiling, planking and bent work 100 feet, co3t S147.00; sidewalk 100 feet, cost $50.00. Total cost of. improvement $52050 By order of the Common Council. Attest: TSJEWETT, Auditor and Ciwk. Astoria, 3Iay 2nd, 1884.