(V She ijattg siovuuu AST0K1A, OREGON: SUNDAY- ZI MAY II. 11 ISSUED EVERY MORNING. (Monday excepted) S J. F. HALL.ORAN & COrANY, PUBLISHERS AXI I'K'O'lturror.-j, AhTORIAK BUILDING. - - CAS MK1JK r Terms of Subscription. Served lv Carrier, pr i et-k - i.i"H. Sont by M.ill. per mouth.. , Ccl$. " r " one year .. ...t.po Free of postage to sufo-fri'wi s. 25?AdvertIseinents Inserted bj the ear at the rate or $2 ptr squai e ier month. 1 nn slent advertising llfty cenis per square, each Insertion. ABOUND THE CITY. Chaplain Scott goes to Beuicia, Csl. Plenty of good beef is reported from Eastern Oregon. The Tom Cortvin was off tli9 bar last Friday bound for the far north. The State is due from and the Colum bia sails for San Francisco to-morrow. Captain "W. P. Gray is in the city, on a isit from his home at Ainsworth, W. T. Presbyterian church Prep ching at 11 A. M. and Sunday school as usual. No evening service. fteligious service at the ST. M. C. A. rooms, as usual, this afternoon at 8:45. Everybody -welcome. Prof. Davidson is preparing and has nearly oom pitted a very exhaustive work, The Pacifio Coast Pilots." A new postoffice ha? been established at Aberdeen, Chehalis county, W. T. Jas. M. Stout is postmaster. There will be a teachers' institute for the fifth judicial district held at St. Helens, beginning on the 20th int. Four salmon were brought to Portland last Friday, the smallest of which weighed 62 pounds, and tho largest 72. The German Evangelical Iteforraod congregation will have divine services at the Baptftt church to-day at 3 r.M. John Gantenbein, pastor. The pupils of School district So. l.'uc companied by their teachers, improved the splendid weather yesterday by having u pionic at Smith's point. The Gray's river steamor Union has re ceived a thorough overhauling, had new boilers, etc., put in place, and now gives better satisfaction than at first. Shoalwater bay and Gray's harbor have been cut off from tho Willamette and added to the Sound district, with L. D. Hinckley and II. 11 itor'ui as in: Bpectors. Monov matters, whieh hnt been a "little tight" for some time, the prom ise of relaxing. Sending money away that might better be spent nt home hurts Astoria a good deal. The AstobianJs tolt-phono nutubor is 25. Any of our readers can ordor adver tisements, work, etc, through the tele phone and any news or information from any part of tho city will b? thankfully re ceived. Rev. B. S. MacLafferty will preach his farewell sermon at the Baptist church this morning. Mr. MacLafferty has ac cepted the pastorate of tho Baptist church at xfew Taooma and will cntei upon his now field of labor next July. George Hill was again before the police court yesterday afternoon on the charge of selling liquor without a license. He was given a jury trial, which began at half-past five and closed at seven. The verdict was "not guilty." Hill's mistake seems to be in opening before election. Mr. A. T. Brakke has again become a resident of Upper Astoria. He removed his family and household goods thither yesterday, leaving the cottage next door to E. C. Holden's residence, recently oo . copied by him, vacant. As will be seen "by notice in our advertising columns, the cottage is to let. It has been suggested that if the can didates for the legislature can spare time from their business it is the wish of not n few that they give public expression of their news on questions ot state and local importance. There are many who would be glad, to hear MeRsra. Gray" and Leinen weber express themselves either in joint or single discussion. The Vallejo (Cal.) Chronicle says : "Between San Pablo point and Benicia there are about 400 boats and 800 men engaged in salmon fishing. From Bed rock to Sacramento, including branches of the San Joaquin river, there are about 1800 boats engaged, with two men to each boat, bringing the number up to 2700 who are engaged in the fishing industry. Over 400,000 is invested in boats, net ting, canneries, etc. Madison Canidi, who was arrested sometime ago for alleged forgery and consequent night from the sunny stale of Tennessee, is at liberty. Tho "Western Union Telegraph company has been en riched by the amount of business done in connection with the aforesaid arrest. It appears now that a legal friend of Cani di's here secured his liberation by send ing $ 1000 of the amount he had deposit ed to the "heirs" at Knorville, Tenn., on condition that said hoirs "let tho thing drop," which was agreed to. Tho remain der of the amount that Mr. C. had to his credit has been applied, so it is said, to the liquidation of a legal claim put in by the friend who secured Mr. C's release. According to this Mr. C.does not seem to be much ahead of the game. I. O. O. F. A full attendance of Beaver Lodge is requested at their next regular meeting, May 15, as business of special importance is to be oonsiaerea. By order of the Lodge. T. S. JEWETT, K. S. , Supreme Judge. L. Flinn graduated at Middleburg col lege, Vermont, in 18G3; soon after ho en tered the law office of Bobt. S. Hale, of Elizabeth town, New York, and remained th.ere until he came to Oregon in 1804. He was admitted to the bar in this state is Sept. 18C5, since which time he has been in active practice and now holds 'the main practice in Linn county. He has amassed a fortune out of his practice, And the people of Linn county have the utmost connnence noin in nis acuity ana bis integrity. Please examine C Oregon, page 31; the case of Hatcher, vs. Briggs, and you will find a case in which Flinn secured a rilling of the supreme court es tablishing a more liberal practice in re gard to laud titles, the effect of which was to drive all tho land sharks out 'of the state. Although there are other at torneys named in this case, Flinn did all the work in tho case and triod it in all the courts in which it was tried, and pre pared the brief. Mr. Flinn is a success fed practitioner, at tho bar, although he has adopted the plan generally of attend ing closely to his home practice instead of continually going to courts in other counties to practice, and henco his ac quaintance nas not been so wide spread as some attorneys in the state, yet those who know him give him credit of being a lawyer of ability, integrity and untir ing industry, and one who if elected to the supreme bench, will add credit to the position. Corvallis Gazette. Xeeting Kotlcc. There will be a special meeting of As- tOriS lyOUUUli iU. ., xiauuxiuau ajvjmvu. of Honor on "Wednesday, May 14, at 730 P. M. By order ot u. v. Arvnid will sell a large stock of Boots and Shoes at cost, at the Loading boot gnd shoe store They give three 10-cent dishes for 25 atst the Model Dining Saloon. LIFE IX TWO COXTIXEXTS. Spanish and English settlers nre riot ing in Bermuda. Chinese councils ic-fuso lo treat for Kace with France. There will bo no moro tariff legislation in congress this session. A stiong effort is being made to have the Alaska territorial bill passed. King Humbert of Italy wants io take part in tho Egyptian discussion. Congressman George is trying to pre vent tho consolidation of collection dis tricts in this state. Senator Dolph has introduced fibill for c harbor of rotuge at Port Orford, appro priating $203,000 therefor. It is thought that ths Grant and "Wurd Wall street failure will amount to $10, 000,000. Gsiieral Grant borrowed 150,000 from Vanderbilt to help him out. It is ( thought probable that he will be placed on the retired army list with the rank of general. Decoration Day. The following general order hus been issued from Department Headquarters for the observance of Memerial Day. Hkadqcaetkps Depabimkkt of Obegox, ) G2AKD Aemy of the Bepdblic, Salem, Oregon. J Gexecaj. Ouor.as, No. 3. f In accordance with the rules and regu lations of thoGrand Army of the Repub lic, Friday, May 30. will olrarved as MemoriafDay bj tsu. ju in the de partment of Oregon. Each post is re quested to make such arrangements for its suitable observance as will honor tho memory of our dead comrades. It is hoped that on that day thegrave of every soldier and sailor who has been buried in Oregon, will have plawd upon it pome token of remembrance. Comrades as we again u-juible to strew fresh tlowers on tho Jast resting place of our comrades, let us come with reverent and chastened spirits, remem bering their sacrifice, their suffering, and their death, and the sacred cause in which Ihoj fell. "May the memories of tho noble dead who freely g.nethtirlives for tho land they loved, dw.Ml e.r-r iu our hearts," and bo an Juceiilh e to in who remain to bu ever true to tho groat prin ciple of our order loyalty to our coun try and our flag. Year by year our ranks grow thinner, year by year the great army of the dead is swelling, and but u short time will pass pre nono will be left of tho thousands who at tho call of tho coilntrv left their all and througed to the field. To-day thousands of our brothers, friends and comrades lie in nnmarked graves where no living hand will strew fragrant flowers or comrades drop a tear, yet in our meetings hero let us cherish their memory and resolve anew that their sac rifice shall not Inn e been iu vain. II. Post commanders are requested to make arrangements for suitable memorial services in one or more churches near their ponts on Sunday, May 25: where such arrangements are made posts will attend in a body and in uniform. III. Flugs on Memorial Day will be displayed at half mast. IV. "Post commanders will, immediate ly after Memorial Day, forward io Com rade J. P. Gill, chaplain of the depart ment, Eugene City, Oregon, fall reports relative to tho observance of the day by their respect ivo posts. By Command of. F. J. Baccock, Department Commander. Official: T. C. Ssu-rn, Assistant Adjutant General. The McAllister TronjH'. Tho Portland Telegram has tho follow ing about this troupe, which appear here noit Friday: The audience at New Mar ket theater was taken by surprise last night. They were not expecting to bo more than agreeably entertained by a fair rendition of tho fomiliar drama of Leah, tho Forsaken. Miss Phosa McAllister and her company are wholly unknown hero except through the pi ess reports, and it is to be regretted that they are not alwavs reliable. But the young lady soon captivated me audience, aim uy me iirao the third act was reacuea tuoso present were waking up to tho fact that they were in tho presence of a powerful representa tion. Even old stagers were moved to tears by the realistic acting, and in the curse scene the audience were breathless with awe at the terrible rendition and broke out into a storm of heaitv ap plause as the curtain went down. Those who had heard Janauschek instinctively compared the two much to Miss McAllister's advantage. The latter has youthful vigor, a splen did voice, with clear and distinct reading, perfect enunciation, and a good hgure, all on her side. There were repeated calls before the curtain. The support on the whole is good. Mr. Butler is leading man and a good one, and Mr. Fitzgerald rendered his part of Nathan with great ability. The performance waked up a decided in terest in the company, and there will be a good house to-night. W. C. T. U. The regular monthly meeting of the "Woman's Christian Temperauce Union was held May 5th, in Y. M. C. A. hall. Tho meeting was opened with prayer by Mrs. W. H. Roberts, after which the minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Mrs. Handler, corresponding secretary, read a communieatiou from Mrs. L. A. Nash, superintendent of the department of temperance literature, giving an en couraging report of tho progress of the w. U. T. U. work. Mrs. C. Brown read an interesting and instructive article entitled " Alcohol Un necessary," by Dr. James Nichols. The president stated that fifty-three volumes of their library had arrived, and after discussion it was decided to donate it to the several Sanday schools of the city, dividing it equally among them. The meeting then adjourned, to meet one month hence at the same time and place. Mrs. W. W. Parker, acting secre tary. For a. Kent Fitting Boot Or Shoe, go lo P. J. Goodmans, on Che- Samus stroet, next door to I. W. Case. 31 goods of the best make and guaran teed quality. A full stock; new goods constantly arriving. Custom work. An old sells Boots andShoes cheaper than any one else in town, because wo buy for cash. Buy your Lime of Gray at Portland prices. Don't nwv 30 cents elsewhere when vou can get the bet dinner In town at JEFF'S lor 2T cntsj Children B.'llSMU. all like DimmUt Cough Ladies who desire stylish dresses, wraps, etc., should call at Leading Suit and Cloak House, next to Empire store. Get a meal at the Model Dining Sa loon, three doors south of Odd Fellows building, and see how you Hkt the style. Tho most popular bitters in the market is Dr. Henry's Dandelion Tonic. Hoscoe Dixon's new eating house is now open. Everything has been fit ted up in first-class htyle, and lu -well knojvn reputation as a caterer assures all who like good things to eat, that at his place they can be accommodated. nmiin. Whooninff Couch and Bron chitis Immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by W. E. Dement. A full line of ladies' and children's Shoes, latest styles, to be found cheap at Arvold's, sign of the Golden Shoe. THE LA5D OF THE WHITE ELEPIUM. An nonr'a Talk TTllb the 3Tan Who Brousht Orer the Only White Elephant In America. Last Thursday afternoon tho Columbia was lying at the O. B. & N. dock, and as a reporter of The Astobiak was passing through tho smoking room ho noticed a compactly-built man, whose determined air, quick movements and piercing oye gave ovidenco of one who had "travorsed unknown seas and crossed earth's central line." It proved to bo Phil Kirby, tho renowned curiosity hunter.whose fame is world wide, and who has had probably as many at r.uigf adventures any man living, not excepting Chinese Gordon, whom the British government and the English people are now making such a fuss about. Tate and the Colambia bar havo de creed that you can't get away from As toria before to-morrow morning, said the reporter, "and I want to hear all about your trip to Burmah anil the -.'icr-i ... m i il.i . 4 tl..r ' . white elephant that yon got thtra. "Well." said Kirby, "I hava hsd more startling adveturf th'iu that, ss for in-sia-if;.- vheii ' ent to Abyssinia to get a cjU.1- of gorillas, but the s-icred ele phants have attracted so much attention in this country that perhaps your readers will be more intorss'c-d in haaring of the white elephant." "Let ma b.gln by isiuriinj voa that there is V hlV.1 ?'.UZ as a 'white elephant.' What nm-es for one is a spotted follow, bat u tho Bur mese btflievo that thess creamy, spotted beasts are the temporary abode of their god, Bhudda, niot extraordinary honors are paid them and no priuc is hotter lodged, finer fed more greiitlj !vw-d to than one of thas-j whito f lephhuts, of which I secured thro?, thr only oiw Unit ever left Asia." "But ion ouly lm.ught v:n: to the United States." "That's all, and he wouldn't Imvogot here but for strategy." "Well." said the writer, "l want to hear about the white elephant and the land he lives in." "All right," said Kirb'. "To lwfciu at tho beginning, l was knocking around New Yoik, enjoying the city and a bit of a rest, when I received marching orders from Barnuni and tho information that a draft for OSK MILLIOX lAJLLAU'-t was to my credit nt Baring Bun., Lou don. So on board the Sercia I weut,over to Liverpool, transferred to tho Sumatra of the P. and O. line, en route for farther India. In due time we passed through tboSuez canal and arrived at Ceylon. Every time I go to Ceylon 1 see some thing new. Whatjattracted my attention most this time was tho jugglors. These jugglers are a sight worth seeing, and thev do more difnoult feats iu the glare of the sun than some of our sleight-of-hand men will do in a partially lighted theater. In place of chicken and dog fights, the storting Cingalese amuse themselves with set-tos between tho cobra do capello, or hooded snake, and the ferret-like mongoose. The mongoose gen erally wins, becauso the poison of the cobra is drawn before the battle begins. "Bidding adieu to Columbo, I arrived at Bangoon after a Bhort trip. This is the principal city of Burmah. British In dia, built on the banks of the river Ira waddy, and it is a place of delight. We fori had picked up a partner in the en lerpriso at New York enjoyed ourselves here for a short time. Rangoon is full of ancient buildings, architecturally curi ous, and the golden and silvor pagoda3, the eaves of which nre bordered by tiny bells, rendered musical by the faintest breath of air, glisten in the sun. "While theie my time was much occu pied in watching the elephants at work on the river banks. They were ongaged in toting timber to the river, where it was laden on shipboard. The animals, in charge of native drivers, went to their work as regular as a biped operative. They grasped rough pieces of timber with their trunks, and piled up or re moved them, as required, with tho ut most ease. They took up each piece, as directed, and walked off with it toward the vessel, where it was put in proper position for loading. I saw one lay hold of a piece of lumber eighty feet long by eighteen inches in diameter, and move it with le exertion than a man would push a wheelbarrow with. At exactly twelve, noon, the bell rang for meal-time, and the elephants dropped their loads at once, resuming them after feedine, with out being bidden. A boss elephant super intended them. When any of the 'gang' got refractory and refused to work, he brought him to terms by thrashing him with his trunk, or prodding him with his sharp tusks, till, by lusty trumpeting, the loafer showed he had enough punish ment, and submitted. I saw elephants in this working herd standing twelve and thirteen feet in height, and weighing from ten to twelve tons. I have seen scores of these animals much larger than Jumbo, the pride of the London Zoo, and now iiarnum's mint." TOE ECDMKSE AKI Tntlfl CUSTOMS. "The Burmese are a magnificent rnco of people," continued Mr. Kirby, "well made, and of noble bearing; the women particularly. They are lighter in color than the men, graceful In their walk,with large, black, luminous eye3 and jet-black hair. Some of the Burmese habits are very curious. On one occasion I witness ed a wake and a burial, or rather iuciner ntioii. They keep their dead in state three or four days before they dispose of them, so that all friends, far and near, can jiay their respects to them. Like at the Chinese obsequies, discordant music is kept up night and day, and eating and drinking in the presence of tho corpse is always in order. When the funeral pro cession moves, it goes toward a place called Bamboo Town, where the corpse is ournea. urcmauon nas oeen tne fash ion for disposing of the dead in Burmah time out of mind. It is done in this way: Piles of small tree branches are placed with larger ones on the top. and the whole thoroughly saturated witn tea oil. On this pyre the corpse is laid, amid most fantastical pagan rites; the fire is sot, and in the course of an hour not n vestige of tho dead Burmese re mainshe has vanished into air into thin air. Suttee is sometimes practiced even now, tho wife preferring to follow her husband through fire, oven, to the loneliness and misery of widowhood." "The curse of the Bangoon was native dogs. They were in droves of hundreds, and at one timo it was dangerous to go on the streets unattended. It is not so bad now, and with care, you may escape being nipped by a rapacious canine. A law was passed a few years ago to have every foreign-bred dog registered and collared, with the owner's nanio and ad dress. Those without these precautions wero to bo killed, as well as native does. Criminals with six months to serve were appointed killers. They are known by an iron ring welded around tho ankle. The weapon was a pole about six feet in length, with whioh they strike a vagrant cur over the small of the back, finishing him at one blow. Each killer keeps an account of his slain during the day, and receives one pice (equal to ono cent) a head from the Bangoon treasury. Many a timo I haio watched these killers in their stealthy rounds, and. have seen young puppies with scent so keen as to smell th6m diocks away, and scurry un der bamboo huts till they had passed." the rrso or bubm&h. "After spending ' some time in Ban goon, myself and partner took passage on a small river steamer for Mandelay. where the king resides. We had Utters and credentials to HisMajesty.Theobold, who is probably the most bloodthirsty tyrant under tho sun, discounting the sable beast of Ashanteo by several buck ets of gore. It was some time after our arrival beforo we obtained an audience with the Burmese potentate; we had to approach so many ministers of stale in a preliminary way. At length all barriers being removed, wo wero Ukhored into the presence of his majesty. I found the king to bo a man of about fifty years of age, very dark, with blostod countenance and bloodshot oye. that had a tigerish look about them sufficient to make one's flesh creep. Ho wa3 seated, or rather squatted, on a dais in the center cf :!m palac-, with ministers of sta:- and courtiers around. They wero all Ivhia on their bellies, lookinp nn nhinoh rmWJIt sible. After wo wero introduced nnd I conversation began, our interpreter sig nified our wishes by taking the same position 23 the others; he did not dare lor a moment to assume an upright posi tion. There being no chairs in tha audience-chamber, my partner and mcs&lf remained standing. This was noticed bv the king, who inquired vLt Wc eld not crawl like tho rest. "e wero reqtiested to do so; but my pard replied in a -patriotic burst to the interpreter) that there vere fifty millions of kings in our couu- trv aad no crawlers. I thought this rrvnonli 1 1 1 fl t TTlCifl Otlil iVini- AM ... speech ill-advised, and that our 'goose was cooked.' The kins, however, onlv smiled, nnd replied benignly that ours must be a great nation. The ministers of state were then dismissed, and we hsd free conversation with the king.'' "We spoke of our business and of ele phants in general, and, to do the king justice, he listened very attentively. Arrangements were made to inspect his sacred white elephant next dav the an imal that is the god of Burmese idolatry. Perhaps you might call their worshin"u t sort of elephantiasis. Certainly a fiuer- looKiug io-. ui liutisLuoiiis man ;no?3 in the king's collection 1 have never ven, whito beast, beautifullv niamr(iMl with tusks eight feet four incite u j length, o little cro-?ed at the oint from I frict.un, and so sharp that om. cucld cu papur on them. This animal stood eleven feet to inches in height nmhteigiiHt ton tons. He was the sacred elephant. Tho color of the other was a light chocolate cream.mottled nil over his hide with spots about tho size of n five cent- pioce. He was equally large with the other. Tho two were purchased for $83,000 12,000 down, the balance on their delivery at Moulmein, 700 miles distant to be trav ersed by the animals on foot, accom panied by keepers, priests, and fifty na tives as a body guard, to protect the ele phants against the wild beasts of tho jungles and insure safe delivery. Wo had also tho Icing's royal mandate, writ ten on a palm leaf, certifying to tho sa credness of the animals, and commend ing all his subjects to assist us in gotting them out of tho country, Without this mandate we would have been beheaded at once, if found with a sacred ele phnnt." "And hero let me again say," Mr. Kir by went on, "there is no Buch animal in the world as a pure white elephant. I havo probably seen more of the Asiatic and African animals than any -roan in the United States, and moro in procession at one time. I never saw one purely white. I had tho pleasure of attending the great durbar, or council of 1SG1, which was hold in Lucknow ill honor of Sir John Lawrence, tho then govemor genoral of India. I saw 700 elonhants in one procession, five abreast, gayly capar isoned, and each, with its keeper, decked out in jewels. That wa3 the occasion when all the native princes and rajahs vied with each other in making the great est display of wealth, and exhibiting the most retainers in honor of Lawrence, whose brother was killed in fighting for the reUef of Lucknow." MISSiKO LINES. "While yetin Mandelay," we were in formed ofa family of three hairy people, father, mother, and son, living in the suburbs of the city, I wont in quest, and soon found them," and must confess the first sight of the hirsutes astonished even my callous nerves. I found them grouped together as if they wished to impart heat, each to the other. The father, if he ba living now, is about fifty-six years old, of a thin, wiry frame, some five feet seven inches in heicht. of truo Burmese blood. nnd with flowing tresses. His faco and body are covered with long, brown silken hair, from four to six inches in length. There is scarcely a spot on tho body free from this growth, and even tno divisions of the fingers and toes show hair fully four inches in length. Tho mother ex hibits the same hairy coat as her mate, and the son, about twenty-nine years of age, promises to keep up the reputation of the family in this respect. They are certainly, the most curious specimens of humanity in the world, and I needn't tell you how I longed to get hold of them. I offered the king a large sum; he said 'No!' with anugly lookout of his bloodshot eyes. I offered him, at a second inter view, a much larger sum, and he said, 'Yes.' and smiled. When he said 'yes,' however, through tho interpreter, ha added, 'but with the approval of the quoen.' All right, I thought, tha matter is settled; but I reckoned without my hostess. Notwithstanding everything I could do, every concession I made, her majesty vetoed the whole business, and would not allow these freaks of nature to leave Mandelay. It is not the first time," added Mr. Kirby, with a sigh, "a woman has upset my plans in life. If I could have got hold of that hairy trio 1 would have made a fortune." EECErVTKQ TIIK ELEPHANTS AT MOUL1TE1X "Beturniug to roy elephants," Baid Mr. Kirby, after a pacse, " as there was noth ing more to do at Mandelay, myself and partner toolc onrsolves off to Honlmein, to await tho arrival of uur purchases. While "waiting, I got hold of many cari ous monkeys, two orang-outangs and a lot of other animals. I bnilt commodi ous apartments for toy elephants, and otherwise arranged for their shipment to Singapore, where a steamer was char tered for the especial purpose of convey ing elephants and everything else vre could pick up, to London. "When the an imals did arrivo in Moulmein, thore was such a hullabaloo among the Uarruese as I never expect nor wish to see again. Tho native population for miles nlonn the road had followed tho animals, bowing down and worshipping them. And when we had the beasts safely in their boxes, the crowd grew so large that I got a littre scared, ana held fast to the king's man date as my only talismah of safety. All the small villages in tho vicinity were deserted by the inhabitants, anxious to get a glimpse of their quadrupedal deity that was about to quit Burmah forever, and my partner nnd self were not in a very enviable position." 'Finally I went on to Singapore to pre pare for the elephants at their point of shipment, and shortly af terJ left Moul mein my partner was arrcstetl for steal ing elephants a put up job by some f an- lish would-be lnw or.-, who infest Moul mein. Bnil was given for appearance, and then those Utgal sliarkB clubbed together and demanded n.OOO rupees (equal tu 2,230) to defend tho case, nnally consenting to attend to it for hnlf tho amount. Tha cae wos tried, and on its dismiswil tho judge advised my part ner to bring counter suit against tho legal sliarks and the fanatics for at tempting to oxtorl money; hut as we were dealing with elephants and not mo3 quitoes, tho action- wa not thought worth whi!e.M THK FATU Or TITE SVOTXKP ONE. "We pushed on to Singapore, calling en route nt Penan", for fodder for th beasts. A number of ladies and gentle- j men wero aooara mo sieamor ono day watching tho Hnimala feed, when, all at once, tho spotted elephant got restless, and walked through his box as easily as if it had been made of paper instead of strong six-inch teak planking, and thof-, ougniy uoueu. i &iampeae ionowea at once. All sorts of ropes and tackles wer brought into requisition to retain the beast, but he snappsd thorn as if they wero merely cotton threads. At length a We remained miiandelav some time as ";" jhvj, are ior, muuieii guests, and had ample "opportunity to!a?.d!uftlrBCC'.S.na!0 V'1611 choose the bait specimens ot theelepbaui i 5." tho ba,;:ne3. .Ibo not rt are kept 1 which we did, after long and careful In- &nJ,"V,ilhe PnnPnl on !,e1, u spection. Ono elected was a creamy Hot?! . d lMTOP' . Singapore is full ..l strong chain was mode fast to his leg, and n turn taken around the iron bits, which brought him up all standing. He made a few vain attempts to free him self, and then quietly laid over on his sido and died without a quiver through out his vast carcass, or showing the slightest sign of death. It was a great misfortune; this inert mass of elephant flesh represented a money loss of over 40,000: but it could not be helped. Af ter sawing off his ears as mementoes, w buried him in a quiet spot on shore with all the honors and a barrel of quicklime; not an hour too soon, for tho stench from the body had become almost intolerable." tub DxuGina or arsGxrosc. Alter this unpleasant incident, wo "steamed on to Singapore, a little fearful -"rtt we might lose the sacred white ele- pliant also, but arrived nt our destination without any further trouble. Hauling up alongside the Tanger Payer wharf wa found the place crowded with people of all nationalities, Chinese predominating. All along the road to the oity, a distance of four miles, we moved with difficulty on account of tho crowd; but at last w got there and housed old Whitey in safe ty, still haunted, however, by suspicon of the same foul play that killed his com panion. Singapore is a charming city and most delightfully situated. The air is perfumed with a spicy odor that al most intoxicates the senses, and one can readily concede that, if anywhere, the original garden of Eden might have been located here. No summer heats, no win ter colds, -only perennial spring, with flowera blooming all the year round in the spacious nnd beautiful gardens that ara almost Hohtsd in tho nrpninu hv large fireflies. But as s shade to'thfe bright picture I have to ssy that, strange though it may seem, scarcely n ilay pass es that a Chinaman or two aro not killed by tigers, the animals being so bold that they venture into the city und snap up a .Sudn without raying by yo;ir ieave. "K'V" commercial nouses, , aaainestut- P5 interest is rery uirse." tub sacuko whitk kmwmany mxs. "Ik Singapore, wo v.'er-i fortune l iu procuring many rare and tsluable nat ural curiosities birds of parartiaa from the Molucca;, pura white monkeys with pink ojes, from Cambodia; but, in tho midst of our bunines-s the crowning mis fortune befoll us, iu the death by poi son, I believe of the sacred white ele phant. Up to within a few hours of his doath he seemed in the best of health, eating heartily as usual. Suddenly a mad fit came over him, and, breaking loose, he started through some of the prin cipal streets, like an infuriated bull, trumpeting all the while, with bis trunk high in the air a sure indication of ele phantine wrath. He made his wild way to tho race track, running through bam boo houses and uprooting trees in his path, finally fetching up in a large pond af water, into which he sank, the only part of him in sight being the tip of his trunk. I thought he was cooling off, and would bo all right when ho came out. Vain hope! When he got freo of the pond, ho made another frantio dash around the race track, and then toppled over and died as the other one did, with out a struggle. I had $40,000 mora of worthless elephant flesh on my hands. It was too baa, wasn't it? I never could account for tho mysterious death of these animals, excepting that they were poi soned. At any rate, " Baid Mr. Kirby. "Fve got enough of elephant hunting tor the present." The liumorons articles of the suc cessful competitors for cash, prizes, will be found inU'nE St. Jacobs Oil ITamiiiT CaIiEXDAk, 1SSM-5, a copy of which can be" had by addressing Supply Department, The GnABiisa A.- Vooeler CoMPAxr, Baltimoee, Hd. and inclosing n two-cent stamp. Jeti's Dinner Bill of Fare tIay. The American flag will wave over Jeffs RestaHraut and the following dinner bill to-day from 1 :30 P. M. to 8. SOUP. Noodle. FISU. Baked Sea Bas;. BOILED. Hnra, Mutton, Caper Sauce, and Corned Beef and Cabbage, EKTREES. lllce Croquft. Lamb Curry and ltiee, Maccarni, Italian btyie, Boiled Tongue, Spanish, and Irish Stew. COLD MKA.13 Ham, Corned Beef, Corned Poik, Pigs Feet, Sheep's Tongue. VEGETABLES. Mashed Potatoes, Asparagus, Lima Beans. EELTSHE8. Cheese, Pickles, Etc. PUDDINO. Corn Starch. . PIES. Bhubarb Plum. Tea, Coffee, Milk. Note. Meals 2T cents. For breakfast every kind of meat or fish in the market, English Muffins, Boston Baked Beans, Buckwheat Cakes, Etc., Etc. The Popular Approval Of tho now famous Syrup of Figs as the most efficacious and agreable prepara tion ever ohered to the worm as a cure for Ilabitual Constipation. Biliousness, Indigestion nnd kindred ills, has been won by the wise plan pursued by the California Fig Syrup company. Know ing that ono remedy truly beneticial in its effects on the system, and at the same timo pleasant to the taste, will meet with a rapid sale, the Company, through its agent for Astoria. W. E.Dement & Co., gives awav sauiplo bottles free of charge. Try it'and judge for yourself. Largi' bottles fiftv cents or one dollar. .Elegant lino of silk samples for selec tion iust received at Leading Suit and Cloak House next to Empire store. Old Scrofulous Sores and Had Ulcers removed by the OUEOOX BLUOD PU RIFIER. Dimmitt's Cough Balsam neer fsiR Try It, at W. E. Dement & Co.'s. Use Dimmitt's Cough Balsam for Chest, Throat, and Lungs, at W. E.De ment & Co.'s. ASK FOR "THE BOSTON" RUBBER BOOT. Made of Fine Will Not Crack. FOR SALE EVERVWHEBE. The Gutta Percha & Rubber Mf'g Co Portlaud, Oregon. X H X pa -a X m m 4 1 1884. 1884. The One Price Store ! I STILL LEADS IN THE CITY WITH THE Finest Booqs ! A.KD LOWEST NORTH Of SAN FRANCISCO ' LADIES' Silks. Satins, Velvets. Dress Goods, House Keeping Fancy Goods. Youth's Fine Dress Suits, Long Pants, Pine Dress Suits, Knee Pants, Strong School Suits, Long Pants, Strong School Suits, Knee Panti. For Men and Boys. Straw, Wool and Fur Hats of all Whits -and Fancy Shirts, Overshirts, Underwear, Hosiery, Handker. chiefs, Suspenders, Neckwear, Gloves, Notions, Etc. FOR LADIES' GENT'S AiD CHILDREN. Boots and Shoes of all Styles and Prices. Trunks, Valises, and Umbrellas, Fishermen's Clothing, Etc., Etc. Sole Agent Tor Buttericlt Patterns. - o Pythian Building, CARL PALACE CRYSTAL BOOK STORE. Jut received by the N. P. K. K. 50,000 PIECES OE SHEET MUSIC. 500 MUSIC BOOKS Choicest and Most Popular Sheet Music and Music Books. " I receive dailv by mail all the latest and-most select publications. Special atten" " tion given to orders received from dealers, teachers, and good discount allowed. Musical Mrnnents of Everj Description, Wholesale id Retail. Small Musical Instruments a Specialty. PIANOS AND ORGANS Of the best make on easy installments. My special catalogue of SHEET MUSIC just received, sent free to any address. Corac and s-eniy assortment of FIVE CENT SHEET MUSIC. Adler's Crystal Palace Book Store. New Goods for imiVIENSE STOCK CLOTHING, HATS GENTS' FUBNISHING GOODS, Direct from the Manufacturers, Retailed at Hchia xhc Manufacturing Bub!iirsi I am prepared to sell Clothing that will glvo I'KRFEQT SATISFACTION twtii In FIT and QUAI.ITV of Goods. Perfect Fitting White Shirts, Medium nnd Jh OraAtt Uaderwoar. icest StyWs in Scarfs ami Ties. SWA FirLL STOCK OF FRENCH, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN ST!ITING!i.-SW D. A. McINTOSH, OCX'IDKST BLOCK. JOHN P.CLASSEN. Manufacturer of French and American Candies . ALSO Fr&mL Bread. Every momJnjf, -from the XL Largest Assortment! THE PRICES!! IN THE FOLLOWING LINES. Frock Dress Suits Sack Dress Suits, Frock Business Suits, Sack dusiness Suits, "k Summer Over coats, White Vests, Etc. and Boys' Kinds. O Astoria, Oregon. ADLER. CRYSTAL Spring and Summer! AX OF FIRST CLASS SHAVING AND Hair Dressing Saloon. FITTED UP IX A NEW AND ARTISTIC manner. Every attention paid patrons. I haelltted un und onened a Urst-ciiM Barbershop at Carl Adler's old stand oa Chenamus street, and am ready for business 1423m LEN.OHLEIt. ASTORIA. 9P- 1. -