55tIP" dl Wxt glaih stotfatt. ASTORIA, OREGON: SATURDAY .MAY 3 H4 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE PORT OF ASTORIA. igg. n 3,11111 Y'ALS FROM SEA. Heurr Villard, Ao ep T-icom Max 3 VHSSKLS IH TUK RIVKR. .k... : O r OUve S.Southard. Amp Mt Washington, Arnsp RtA OrosM Am in Mnrt.hu Fiiher. 8. R. Mcsd. Am .k Mden Bee, Am lfc ltata, Brbk Nommaa.BrJiS Chts. ;otswc.rth Crbk Lskdale. Hr bk Aberstwith Cattle.Br tp Tj-tlionus, Br bk JaraalXarer, Kor bk V3SLS OA TEX (TA T. .F kibi ForoJeii 5rts, for ibe (Viluiubla River City of York. Greenock April 11 GriMdAle, Br sp Lirorpool. April 8 Largo. Law. Br ep Hull Mftroh IS From American Ports. Alttxaeda. Am sp N Y Jan IS Belle of Ortcon, Am bk I1C9 Xew V ork Mar 1 Mil I I IMIIH M TIDE TAKLK FOB ASTOItlA. MAY. HIQH WATEIL j LOW WATKR. First Second. First. Second. o s 1- I o - o 2 o "i. 2 s m 2 j m a K a h . s i a Pis h 5 fc. 7R. ,2 h. m. jS fc. 171. JJ A. TO. .2 , tt, &, 1 4 41a 7 91 C27p GG 0 07p 00 U 52p 3"2 2 5 46 ?' 7 24 6 -4 - - - - 1 01 0-2 3 0 M 7D 8 26 0-4 1 OOa 3D 2 03 05 4 8 10 07 9 24 -iT 2 10 25 3 01 0'C 5 9 17 CC 10 i8 7-4 S 21 2 I 3 M 0 8 0 1019 'i-lO-Jo 8t) 4 28 15 4 41 09 7 11 17a 7 0 11 23 8 5 5 31 1"0 5 20 10 8 0 OS? 72 11 5 9 0 0 23 04 5 50 11 9 ----- 0 M 7'3 7 13 -01 6 2!l IS 10 0 25a 2 135 7 3 7 54 -i'6 7 04 V& 11 0 53 9-2 2 11 :: 8 28 -0-8 7 40 1"7 12 1 tO 91 2 43 72 9 02 -09 8 11 20 The hoars between mid -Iirlit and noon axe designated by a (a. si.), those between uton atid midiiifr'it by p (r. m ). 0. 00m a denotes lui'lnifilit. u'i Wm. denotes noon. Tile height is reckoned from the level of average lower low water? to which the sound liurs are given on the Coast Survey chart. TUG BOAT CHARGK8, I'oliowlnfr is the schedule of prices for towage 'n aud out over the Columbia Bar : For vessels not Inward k Outward. exceeding Loaded. Ballast. -i NX) ton...150 1-t0 8150 175 200 230 300 RO to ltJ uins 1O00 to 1200 tons, laotolloot'ins, lJojtor-j&jtiins. . 200 173 . 225 2o0 . 275 -J33 $00 250 Columbia River Exports. 8HXPH2EXT8 FOKEION. JANTJAEY, "81. Whe;t ;0 C73 lus FlonVKyc b'jls ..S337.278 .. 4-J2.G&J Total 10 cargoes f7f9,912 . rni:at-Auv. Whit.:Sl !,?13 bus 8313,9"2 Flout, 4l C09 bLl, . 221.CT7 t-n inon. 401 cm . . 2.T Lumber, coo M. . . 7.0u) Total, 9 cargo's SMl.&H APHIU UTo'LiccrporA ixr TllUe E. Starbuck. Flour, UoVTbMs 70,483 Wheat, 43.951 bus 47.204 Total ... $117,092 11 To Qucewtouti pir River Indus. Flourr-17.82S bbls S$0,220 17- To Q'jxtnxtmvii ierMcrom. Wheat. 02.003 bus ,S'5C,S2I 18 To Antwerp per HigJiland Light. Wheat. CS.37.1 bus ?55,2j0 21 -Tw Qiuxmtmi. jmr Cilu " Carllilc What 47.7J0 bu- . 813,821 RKER 8 fc?S CEAICR IS c HayA Oats, and Straw, Brick. Cement, and Sand. Wood Delivered to Order. Dray ng, Teaming, and Express Business .- DEALCK IX WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. FIRST-CLASS. W. E. DEMENT & CO. ASTORIA, - - - ORF.GON Oarry in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET . and " FAKGY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded Stop That" Horsel From Slipping. USE THE PATENT SHOE. - George McLane HAS JU.ST RECEIVlvD A PATENT lTorseshoe from the Patent Office, for the purpose of preventing all classes of hors es from slipping on plank, or steep roads, Horses shod with this shoe WTLL NOT SLIP. A trial wi'l convince anyone. I keep Tivo FirNt-rf ! Shorn in my shop. Trj- the NEW SHOE. ap-4'ornn anil Contracted Hoof cure a specialty. No satisfaction no pay. GEO.IcLANE. J. . RUDDOCK, Practical Plumbing in Ail Its Branches. Steam and Gas Fixtures, A Complete Stock of Flrst-clasj Material. All Work Guaranteed. Offlea and Shop in Hume's building, rear of Wheeler &'Robb'd, Astoria, Oregon. ood Yard. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE THE ASTO riajWood Jard. Gray'n Dock, foot of Betitoa recr will sell wood at the follow ing prices aud deliver wherever ihe streets are plaffltcd, between Trulllnger's Mill and O'Briwf Hotel, bac to Astor street : GreeUsAkler, 2-out e 50 per cord, loug 63 75 Drv igdo ,do 4,75 do do do 400 3 75 400 4 00 4 00 425 Gr'unMBt?,K?dOj. 4 50 Dry do " do ' 4"75 do do da to do do do do do Oreen'Tieaeh do Green Fir . do Drv Fir- do Extra Maple aud S. limbs do Vine Maple 4 75 4 75 BOO 0 00 do do 5 25 audS. limbs do 5 75 do do 0 00 fe?Wood or aii Kinds Bv the Scow load at REDUCED BATES. J. H. D. GltAT' Astoria, February 1st, 1S64. M& A '- SOCIETY MEETINGS. Temple Lodge, No. 7A.F.A.M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS A flint and third Tuesdays iu cachVV month, at 7J-J o'clock, r. M., at the'V Hal in AMona. Members of the order in yood standlnp aro invited to attud.. By order of the W. SI. Bearer Lodge No 35. L O. O. F. TJEGULAIl MEETINft KV- .gig cvn nVliir.k. nt thft IvOOfre' wnm in AHil l,".11.iws; Hflll AttO. ria. Sojourning members of the order ii goid Htandlns, cordially Invited to ate L Ey order N. G. Ocean Encampment, No. 13, 1. O. O. F. REG ULAR MhE I INGS OF OC.EAN EN campment No. IS. I. O.O.F. at the Lodge, in the Odd Fellows Building, a se-en p. M., ou the tecond and fourth .Mondays of each month. Sojourning breth ren cordially Invited. By order . r- Seaslde Lodye No. 12, A. O. V. W. KEQULAB MEETINGS OF SEASmE Lodge .No. 12, A. O. (J. W. will be held In Pythian Ball on Friday evening of each weeK,at7 o'clock p.m. Members of the order In good standing, and visiting Broth ers are Invited to attend. Library will be open fifteen minutes before and after each meeting. By order M.W. C. BROW N, Rec Astoria Lodge No. 40, 1. 0. Q.I. REGULAR MEETING EVERY THURS day evening at 7 -.SO o'clock. In the Hall over Mr. Case's store. Members of the Or der, In good standing, aie Invited to attend. By order W. C.T. American Legion of Honor. REGULAR MEETING OF ASTORIA Council No 993 Is held on the first and third Tuesday of each month, at 7 o'clock p. M. By order of the Council Commander. R.V.MONTE1TH, Secty. Cuahlnir Post No. 14. Q. A. B. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS FOST on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7:30 P. IL Visiting com rades cordially invited. By order P.C. Pacific Lodge No. 17, K. of P. REGULAR. MEETINGS OF THIS IMlge every Friday evening, at 7:30 o'clock. In their Castle HnlL Sojourning Knights cordially Invited to :.tten . GEO. F. WHEELER, K.ofR. and S. Astor Lodge No. 6. K. of P. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS Lode every Wednesday evening, at 7:30 o'clock, at their lodge room. In Pythian Cattle. Sojoumlug Knights cordially invit ed to attend. W. L. ROBB. K. of R. and S. Common Council. REGULAR MEETINGS. SECOND AND fourth Tuesday eveulngs of eaoh month at 7H o'clock. xMTl'ersons deviling to have matters acted upon by tlio Council, at any regular meet ing must present the same to the Auditor and Clerk, on or before the Friday evening jirh-r to the Tuesday on which the Couucil hoi d.i its regular meeting. THOS S.JEWETT. Auditor and Clerk. C'lIUUCH 1UKECTOKY. Ouack Chuucii llolj' comnninioti firbt t'undayof every month. Sunday services at 11 a. M., and 7 p.m. Wednes day eveninc service at 7 o'clock. Rev. M. D. Wilson, Rector. FlKST PnESBYTEIUAN CHURCH Ser vices ut 11 a m. and 7 p. m. Wednes day evening prajer meeliiiK at 7 o'clock. Rev. J. v . Millipan. Pastor. CONGUEOATIONAL CUUKCH Services at 11 a- M. and 7 P. M. Rev. Sam'l Wood, Pastor. Roma' Catholic Chukch Services atlOSiOA. M- Rev. L. Dieluian. Pastor ii. E. Church Service at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Lecture and Praver Meel Injj. Wednesday, at 7 p. M. Rev. NVm. Rolnrts. Pastor. Baptist Church. Services each Lord's Day at 11 a. m.. and 7 p. ai. Prayer Meeting on Wednesday, at 7 p. m. Rev. l. S. M cLalTert . ja.tor. PIANOS -AND ORGANS SMALL MUSICAL MERCHANDISE Piano, and Organ Instructors. -CELEBRATED- STICK &KNABEPMOS! AND THB WO.VDEBFGL LITTLE GIANT STECK PIANO -USED BY I'ltBSIDENT OF UNITED STATES GOVERNOR-GENERAL OF CANADA GOVERNOR OF OREGON. ASTORIA MUSICAL SOCIETY. MRS. J. W. CONN, of Astoria. D. A. MCINTOSH, Esq. " J. D.HIGGINS.Esq. CIIAS. WRIGHT, Ei. And by- 3Uar Otter ProBdaeat Huslchuis. CELEBRATED TABER ORGANS. Elegant Packard Orchestral Orcnn Only esxlUiJi-e Music House iu tho North west. Only wholesale and retail House In the Northwest. GARDNER Bros., 165 First St., Portland, Oregon. BUT THE BEST ! BARBOUR'S Irish Flax Salmon Net Threads Woodberry, and Needle Brands, SEINE TWINES- AND CORK AND LEAD LINES, Fish Pounds, Helnen, and Nets Imported to Order. A Large Stocfeof NettiDff.Fisnlfines AND FISH HOOKS. CONSTANTLY ON HAND HENRY DOYLE & GO., 517 and 519, MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO. KFAgents for the Pacific Coatd. DE. JIM. CHINESE PHYSICIAN, Spool al Diseases carefully Treated. Office In Kong Wing Hie Storo. on Cbe uaaiiLs street, opposite Post office. Astoria Cooperage. BARRELS AHDHALF-BARRELS All Kindt of Cooperage Done. arLeave orders with JOHN ROGERS. Superintendent, at Central M&rfctt. Disfiguring HUMOKS. Iteliing vend. Burning Tor tares, Humil iating Erup tions, such as SALT RHE1 M or Eczema. Psoriasis. S-'ftV Head. Infantile or Birth Humors, aud every form f Itching, caly Pimp.y, scrofu lous, Iiiheri ed. Contagious ;uui ropper Coloied Diseases of the Blood. Skin, and Scalp, with Loss -l ILUr.are posltiveh curtd by tue CcriconA Remediks. Cntlcnra Hesol vent, the new blood puri fier, cleanses the blood and perspiration of Impurities and poisonous elements, and thus remove the cauee. Cntlcara. the great Skin Cure, Instantly allays Itching and Inflamatlon. clears the Skin and Scalp, heals Ulcers and Sores, and restores the Hair. Cuticara Soap, an exquLslte Skin Beau tlfler and ToUet Requisite, prepared from Ccticcba. Is Indispensable in treating Skin Diseases. Baby Humors, Skin Blemishes, Rough, Chapped, or Oily Skin . utlcara Remedies arc absolutely pure and the onlv real Blood Purifiers ami Skin Beautlflers, free from mercury, arsenic lead, zinc, or any other mineral or vegetable poi son whatsoever. If would require thN entire paper to do Justice to a description of the cures per formed by the Cuticuka Rksoi.vf.xt in ternnJlv. ami Cctxcuka and Cuticcil Soap externally. Ecxeraa or tho palms or the hands aud of the ends of ihe fing rs, very difficult to treat aud usually considered fticurable: small patches of tetter and salt rheum on the eats, nose, and sides of tho face. Scailcd Ileadn wilh loss of hair without number, heads covered with andruff and scaly eruptions, especially of ehihln n and infants, many of which since birth had been a mass of scabs. Iirblnir, burning, and scaly tortures thnt baffled even relief from ordinary remedies, soothed aud healed as if by magic ; I'MorluKls leprosy, and other frightful forms of skin dLseases, scrofulous ulcers, old sores, aud discharging woun-'s, ea li and all of which have been speedily, permanently. and economically cured Dy tue ucticcka Rkmkdies. Sold evervwlipre. Price : Ccticvra, -r0 cnts; RhBot.vRT. 81.00: Soap. 25 c nts PoTTEit Dhuo and cuejiical Co., Boston, Mass. eud for"IIo to Care siiln Sllncnurs". CATARB COMPLETE TREATMENT $1 A firiRlo do?o of :iTtfntd'H Stodral 'um instantly relieve? tho mo3t u'cnt Fnetmng or licadlo d-. lean tho II ad as by magic, stops water discharges from lb .oo And Lyex, prevents inging Noi5os in tho Ileal. cures .Nervous llo ducho. und Subdues Chill' and Fev.-r. In Chronic Catarrh It cleanse hena?nl pas-OReof toul mucup. re Ftorc 'ha p nsof ?mell. tas!e. and bearin when n fleeted, froifl the bead. tfcront. and broncLial tube. of oScnsive matter, sweetens and purine-s the bicnth,toi tho cough and arrcrtf tho progress of Cstnrrh towards Con sumption, no bottlo ltadical Cure, ono box Catirrhal Solvent and Sunford'e Inhaler, all in ono package of nil druggists for Si, Ak furA.v loau'i Haoicai. Cuek. Tottcr Dkug a-d Cur.it, Co,, Boston, DAIN! Collins' Voltaic Electric Plaster intanilr aflbcts the Nervoug System and bnni'bes P in A perfect IS THE COT blnfd with a Porous Plas- . "". ter for 25 cents. Itunni- SOfKRIHa HEBVE Dilates Pain, vitalize Weak and U orn Out Parts, ftrongtbens Tired MuFcle.. prevent dioase. and doc more in ono half the time than any other pastor in the worl 1. t'old orerywhiro. BARBOUR'S HAVE NO EaUAL. -TIIE The London Fisheries Exhibition HAVE AWARDED THE GOLD MEDAL -TO- Tie Barter Broilers Company -FOR THE SUPERIORITY OF TnEIR FLAX NET THREADS. Host Popular Remedy Sold. For Pimples, Blotches, Chronic Sores and Dlitaves, Loss of Enerpv at d liabltu il Con stipation uueaualed. Relief Guaranteed. Hold everywhere. SI. bottles lor $5.00. Barnes' Patent Foot and Steam!? Power Scroll Sawo. Circular Saws, JlltiHCTH I.Othl'K. Tenoctr, Fcnncw, Etc. Osuorn & Aleianiler Sole Agents. 023 Market St. Ban rranciwo. MecbsAica Tools. Machinery, and Uirdwaro. Catalog iu of all our goothj nt fre-t on ap pllcatiou. Boat Building. JOS P. LEATHERS Formerly over Arndt & Fflrchon'e ilachlaa Sho TS nUILDIXQ FIRST-CLAS IIOATS TX L the shop lormerly occupied bv M. John son on 0ncomlv street, one block west of iianen isrov .Mill. JlodeJ, IntcrlaI nud Finish Firt-cla. . ASK FOB- Union India Rubber Oo'a Pure Para Gum CRACK PROOF RUBBER BOOTS. EEWABK Or IMITATIONS 1 Ee wure tho Boots are stamped GRACK PROOF on tho heels, and have the PORE GUM SPRINGS on the foot and instep. wnicn prevent, ineir cracKing or oreaKing. Wo nc now making them with RUBBER AND ASBESTOS Soles which will make tiiem last more than twice as long as aaj Rubber boots rnude. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALE11S. ALL KINDS KUBBKK BELTLNG. PACK ING, HOSE. SPRINGS. CLOTHING, uouis Ausiiub!'. r.ic. GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. K.U.FASK,Jr. I 8.M.EUNYON, J aa Krancisco. Salmon lot Ttoaas What Will Bnrst a Gnn? In bravado a yonns man placed tho muzzle of his gun under the water, and fired tho charge. The result was the bursting of tho barrel near the breech aud tho mutilation of his hand. Another pluced and held tho muzzle of his piece square against a piece of plate window class, and hreu tao charge powder and bullet. The glass was shattered, so was the gun barrel. Anothor instance was that ol an experimenter who had heard that a candle could be fired from the barrel of a gun through an inch board. lie drove a caudle into the muzzlo of tho gun, fired, and tho explosion split the barrel almost it3 entire length, and did not drive tho candle from the muzzle. Still another burst of a guu barrel was caused by the use of wet grass for a wad, well rammed down over a charge of shot. But perhaps one of the most singular exhibitions iu this line was a Colt's navy revolver, which some years ago was sent to tho faotoryin Hartford, Conn. This was before the adaptation of these pistols to the metallic cartridges, and it is probable that in loading with open powder and ball only a small amount of powder got into the chamber, and the bullet was not propolled with sufficient force to drive it from tho muzzle; at least the bullet did uol go out, but lodged. As the shooter did not know whether tho bullet escaped or not, he kept on firing until the barrel burst or bulged, and when it was sawed in two longitudinarily there were found fourteen bullets wedged one into the other, and so much "up-set" by the hammering of the successive explosions of the pow der charges that some of them were not less than ono inch diameter, be ing flattened disks instead of conical bullets. A Boston paper tells of an un hanged villain who caught two cats, tied them by the tails, and flung them into tho cellar of a church. They kept pretty quiet until about the mid dle of the sermon, when they begon to complain, and the pastor sternly remarked, "Wm the choir please wait until its services are required?" An exchange has an artiolo on "How t j Treat an Old Man." We had always supposed it was tho correct thing to treat him the same way you would any other man, though, con sidering his age, it might bo proper to ask him up twice. It is especially true in political journalism that "the bog never looks up to him who lhreshe3 down tho acorns." BOATS AND TENTS 5 3 a a? K o EL s- m o. S30 U"S- fuxi, r- 7i w d, - 2-. g s s.ros a.? 5 err?? ? ? rr FLAGS. ETC- ETC. Not ce of Application. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN mAT THE LI umteiblgnrd will, at the next recul.ir meeting of the C unmon Council of the City of Atori.i, Cla'sop County, Oregon, app y to said Council for a license to retail wine, malt and p'ntuom liquors lu les quanti ties than one quart, for ill- pcuoil of one year, in the building .situued ou Lot No. 3, Block N . 3, aud f mutlmr on Hemlock strept In lhat part of the City of Astoria which was laid out and recorded hv J. M. Shivt-ly PETER MATTISON. Astoria. April 23th, issl. Cedar Street Assessment. NOTICE te hereby chen that thp assassmt-nt made b' ordinance No. C03, of the city of Astoria, Clatsop county. Oregon, and which ordinance passed the Common Council of said city on tin Stli day of April. 1881, and was approved on the 9th day of April, 18SI, for the Im provement of Cedar street in the city of Astoria, as laid out and l ecorded by .1. M. Shively, from the west side of West Sixth street to the east side of V'e.-Jt Ninth street, in the r.innuer provided by ordinance No. KM, of the city of Astoria, and which ordinancepassedtheCommon Council on the 15th day of March, ISSI, and was approved on the 18th day of March, 1834, on each of the follovin described lots fronting ou said poiliun of said street Is now payable at the of fice of the City Treasurer In U.S. .uoid coin, and unless paid within live day from the final publication of this notice, viz.: Thursday, May 15th. 18SI, the Com mon Council will issue warrants for the col lection thereof. The n.sses?ment is as follews: XatncoOicner ?" ? PlJf- A. W. I-rrv A.W. Herry Est. Susan L. Shlvelj t. busan L. Sliiveh W. H. Jleadiiijfton... James Taylor .lames Tavlor ."A) ;S2o 00 ' j 25 (0 " 25 0U " 25 (0 21 1 12 CO 50 25 00 " I 25 CO " i 25 CO lames Taylor laac Fostt-r Isaac Foster. E lOfout 00 CO 10 10 at&ttrs of Charity of Providence, V 40 ft 20 CO 25 00 L'SCO 25 CO Sisters of Charity of rruviuence Sisters of Chanty oi Providence 50 50 k) 50 17 CO SO 50 CO 50 Sisters nf Charity of Providence SMersof Charity ot Providence Th"ums Dealy Anna Dealy 25 00 8 50 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 31 a onic L. & li sociation Masonic L. & B sociation James Th j lor... James Taylor... As As By order of the Common Council. Attest: T.S.JEWETT, . . , Auditor und Clerk. Astoria, April 29th, 1884. $67,000,000 Capital ! Liverpool and London and Globe. North British and Mercantile Of London and Edinburgh. Old Connecticut of Hartford, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA . Fire Insurance Companies, Representing a Capital of 867,000,000. A. VAN DUSEN. A?eat. 5 lis G 4 5 IU 0 '1 118 4 " 5 6 " 1 1x0 0 i. 2 u 3r 4 " M C 1 120 2 " 3 4 M .5 " G C& isj A HL'-I z-i ' t-A .rS ;n t E! &r. r-s. ea rA sr.J& E?" . jT-l tsp - te.i By & .----r i ll l-r fi l3:: r 5& SivVxSf ,.:;.; w Pi Ks Ci?i V a "t& g Si sA Si a m & sw SgS h iL. jtft, lately Pure. fc&J?JrS This powder never varle-s. A marvel of puilty, strengtii and who!eomcne. More economical th-m the ordinary kind-:, and annot lsohl In competition with the mul titude ot low test short weihr. alum or phophara liowderi Sold only ir. cons. If ov- AI.l'.AKINO POWDHU CO., 10G Wait Kt. N. Y. Tho best evldenco ia tha world of tho purity and excellence of BlackvreU'ii Bull Durham Sinokle? Tobacoo ia found In the fact that tho fame of this tobacco iscreeses from year to year. This could not bo tha case If It wero merely " gotten up to sell," or had any dubious or dan?eroz3 ingre dient? ia It. Among1 niiUloin cf u'ors of all nationalities, surely eomo ono would Und out If it were torure, Udariom or tuipalstablo. For 13 years thli tobacco hM been acknowledged to bo the 2: in . icorut, and every year tho Bull Durham brand htowb mora popular, tho demand for It wider, and smozcra nicMoaUmriastic over its dclicloua natural Cavor. Aek your ctealcr for it. Get tha genuine trade marl: of tha EulL Thero la no mischief done where Blaofcwell'.i Eull Durham SmolUag' Tobacco is used. m m& gsjtfet.'-yjrgs : o s, it-. 53l7ifc&. ifrJssAi r O'i'i- fKE OF THE OLDEST AND MOST REHASH REMEDIES Kl THE WORLD fGS THE CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Hoarsenossj Sore Throat, Bronchitis, InSuenza, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, and Every affection of tho THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEST, Including A WELL-KNOWN PHYSICIAN WRITES i " It da;; cot dry up a couslj, asd leave lb: csua tciusd, as u the case wilh xcoit prcparatlonj, bis bsfcss ::. dtansej the Unzi asd albyx iniuiiaa ihui icnovlcg the cause cf coiaplaint." 10 'OT EC DECEIVKD bysnidssbwj nz sioll v nar.w. Be sure you g:t DK. VISTAR'S BALSAM 0? WILD CHEKftY, tW. ihssisnatureof " I. 2UTTS" on thewrsper 50 Cents and $1.00 n Bottle. Piepared by SETH Y. TOWLE & SONS, Box Qn.Mass. Scld hvdrnsasiiaod deolcri ccn-raS FRANK AND CLEAR. Hitvinjr Atlm:rud tho Strength of tlii Kvidcucen Prominent Plxy- sinaa taJie.Ji Z.oicaI Ac-tKxi. Tho following letter telb Hi own story. The eiRuatnro will bo recognized as that of tho Plo'5icinn-ln-Chieff tho Do Quincy Home, and author of "Dniffj That Knslavo," '"The UyiutIoriuic Injection of Morphine," A Man ual of Kursins." and many other popular and valuable fpocinl medical trerks: 131 Wkst Tkntk Stki:t, 1 :vr Yokk, AurujI 11. ISiO. j Mitms. Skaecuv ic Jousso.v, Gentlemen; Liko most of my iirofasion, I am cautious about pinninjr my fsi h to any now medicine or curattro agent. But your UiasOX'S CAPCINEl'OItUL-rf PLASTEK, has broken through tho barricw and won it way to my good opinion. My attention wa? first called to it somo cljht months &sp by a pntiontof mmo Although I wn woll ac ouainted xvith tho superior excellonce of your other plaster and antiseptic dressing, made especially for the profession, tho Benson? wa3 cemparatively now to me, I bad heard. however, of its merit as n remedy, in case" of Laino racl:. Local Hheumatism, Neural gia. Conccnion of tho Bronchial Tubes and Lung?. Dyspepsia, Torpid Liver and tho like auoctions. and havo dnco begun to experi ment with it personally. I find BENSON'; CAPCIXE PLASTI Kan exceptionally clean ly plaster to use. and rapid in Iu action. Many teats of iu qualities, m-do In my own Tamily and anions my pationL" bavo convinc od ma that there is no finfflo Rritcl m v.i... ablo for popular use. nor go helpful in the dhea?ej I have named. Should you desire to do ao, yoa may uso my name to that oltcct. Vorj traly your?, il. II. KANE. A.M.. M.D. Tho genuino havo tho word CAPCINE cut in tho center, rnce 25 cents. Seabury & Johnson, Chemiits, Now York. 'Ctra.i i m.r 'UliWcTT DR. !?IJUCTKO-VOLTAIC Ei:T.T anA cthur &.rnt. hf -ASf'c:', r,ro sea. on Jo Days Trial Tt .-IL-t OXLY, YOU.NO Olt OLD. who ere suDei ,w ircrn .rivocc DrBanr. Lost VrMirrr J. jsi$a WruicrEssLS, and all those diseaes or i r.aaju. x.ATCiiR ruitm? rrom ABC3EB am Otxes. CAwa. Sneedr reltt and comtlet- restoration to Iicxxzu, Vicon end Majchooi ucAimtTcro. send at oaca lor uiustratct caiapaie: rrc. Aoorscs VOLTATO PELT CO.. Blarrtudl, Mich BfcfcJSv l?is55 si t I T . Si wa jy &S WS 5 ?V f T t Y ? TY I . . i -j issss ht r fi feV?Xe rfZ&di S "rt3S 5yl5?&: gass fP L transportatien: lines. Ilvaco Stean? fisvination So.'s VIN1KR SCIIEDUI.U. AstorH to Fort Stevens, Fort 0anbgt and lliuaa. f-onnccitag It stages and Nat for Cysterville, fGntesano and Olympia . .SpF Until further notice the Ilwaco 2iilsa, Steam Navigation Co.'.i steamer Gren. Miles, W HI leave Astoria On Mondays Thursdays, and Saturdays (Oysterille and "Slontesano mall days. at 7 A. It'. I FOR j Ft.Stevens, ft. Canby and Ilwaco fuus :a y; Wednesdays, and Fridays Ti.e steamer will leave Astoria at 9 a. m., as formerly, not being confined strictly to schedule time. Fare to Fort Canby and Uwsco.... eta. 5?Ilwaeo freight, by the ton. in lots of one ton or over, S2 per ton, f-For Tickets, Towage or Charter ap ply at the oElce of the company, Gray's wharf, foot of Benton street. v .r. H. D. GRAY, Agent. THE THINQVALLA LINE. is the only DIRECT LINE Retvecu NHYY YOKK r.:i.' SCANDINAVIA. Flm class S!tRiiicr and good mage. 3ik I- for -nlc at A. 31. JOHNSON'S, Acenr, Atmin, Oregon. LOKE & OO. IOBftKP.H IN WINES. LIQTJOKS. AMI CIGAK8. AUIINIH l"OU THE Best San Francisco Houses and Eastarn ClstHierios. Tumblers Decantors, and All Kinds of Saloon Supplies. JSfAH Koods sold at Sun Francisco rrlces. MAIN STKEET. Opposite Parker House. Astoria, Oregon. West Ninth Street Assessment. NOTICE Is heiehy given that the as sessment nmdr by Ordinance No. 607 oi the City of Astoria, Clatsop County, Oregon, and which ordinance pa-sed the Common Council on the 2tth day of April. 18S4. and w.is approved on the SOth day (.f April. 1834, lor the Improve ment of West Ninth street, In the Cit of Astoria as laid out and recorded bj J.M. Shively, from the south side oi passed the common Council on the I5th day of March, 183. and was approved on the. 18th day of March, 1SS4, on each of lite following described lots fronting on said portion of said street is now paj able at the oliice of the City Treas urer, in U. S. gold and silver coin, and unless paid within five days of the final publication of this notice, viz: Tuesday. May 2olh, 1831, the Common Council will issue warrants for the collectioi. thereof. The assessment Is as follews: Devlin, J. A Lot So. 1 in block 180 Plan ulug and bent work 123 feet, coat S3C2.00; sidewalk 120 feet, costS20 Total coat of improvement S424.C0 Clatsop Mill Company. Lot Xo. 1 in block 117. Planking and bent work 12.1 feet, cost 5311.00; sidewalk 123 feet cost SS2.50. Total co-t of Improvement. . . .3373.50 Shivelv, C. W. North 100 feet of lot No. 1 In biock 11G. Planking aud bent work 100 feet, cost 854.00; sidewalk 100 feet, cost 530.G0. Total cost of Improvement $04.00 Bracker, Theodore. South 50 feet of lot So. 1 iu block 11G. Planking and bent work GO feel, cost S27.00; side walk 50 feet, cost S25.00. Total cost of improvement 352.00 Bracker, Theodore. North 50 feet of lot No. 12 in block lli. Planking and bent work 50 feet, costS27.00; side walk 50 feet, cost S23.00. Total cost of improvement 52.00 Stevens, Chos. South 100 feet of lot No 12 in block 11G. Planking and bent work 100 feet, costS54.00; sidewalk 100 feet, cost S50.00. Total cost of Improvement $104.00 Pae, C. IL Lot No. I in block IS. Fill ing 83 yards at 25 cents per yard, cost SD3.75; planking and bent work 150 feet, cost 381.00; sidewalk 7i feet, cost S39.50. Total cost of Improvement $210.25 Brown. ll.-Lot No. 12 in block 18. Fill ing 500 yards at 23 cents per yard, cost Sl23:planking and bent work, 131' feet cost SSI ; sidewalk 150 feet, cost 573. Total cost of improvement S2S1 Frey, J. W. North 75 feet in lot 1 block 11). Cutting 200 yards at 25 cts per yard, cost S50: planking und bent work, 75 feet, cost $40.50; sidewalk. 75 feet, cost S32.5Q. Total eost of improvement 123. Uhleniiart Wm. South 73 feet In lot 1 block 19. Cttttiug 33.1 yards at 23 cents Eer yard, cost $93.73; planking and entwork,75 feet, cost $40.50; side walk. 75 feet, co-.t $32. 50. Total cost of Improvement.... $168.75. Marsh, S. P. Lot 12 in block 19 ; Cutting 1400 yards at 23 cents per yard; $330: planking and bent work, 130 feet, cost $81 ; sidewalk. 150 feet, cost $75 ; Total cost of improvement.... $373.00. Dement W. E. South 100 feet of Lot 7. block 20; Cutting 1,032 yards at 20 cents per yard, $J3S; planking and bent work, 100 feet, eost $31; sidewalk H feet, cost $50. Total eost of improvement $362.00. Ferchcn J. F. North 30 feet Lot 15 block 20 '.Cutting 3&3 yards ar 25 cents, per yard, eost $92; pfankine and bent work, 50 feet, cost $27; sidewalk. 50 feet, cost 25. Total cost of improvement, S144.00 Blanchet. F. M. LotG, block20;Cuttiti2 5S3 yards at 23 cents per yard. $143.75. planking and bent work, 150 feet, cost i?81 : sidewalk, 150 feet, cost $75. Total cost of improvement $301.75. Wood Mm. S. F. Lot7, block 17. Fill ing 500 yard at25 cents per yard,$125 " p'anking and bent work 150 feet, cost 881.00. Total cost of improvement S20G 00 Kamm, J. Lot G, block 17. Filling 33 yards, at 23 cents per vard. cost of cutting and filling $95.73; planking and bent work 150 feet, cost $31.00. Total coat of improvement $176.75 Case. I. W. Lot 7 in block 113. Plank ing und bent work 150 feet, cost $81 00 Totil cost of improvement $31.00 Ferrell, Mrs. Laura. Lot 6 in block 115 Planking and bent work 150 feet, cost $81.00. Total cost of imorovement $31.00 Tax lor. James. Lot U iu block 118. Planking and bent work 123 feet, cost $311.00 sidewalk 125 fept, cost $62 JO Total cost of improvement $373.00 By order of the Common Council. Attest: T.S.JEWETT, Auditor and Clerk. Astoria, May 2nd, 1884. TRANSPORTATION LLNES. Oregon Railway & Navigation COMPANY. OCEAN' DIVISION. I)n nne tho mouth of May. 1684, Ocean Steann-H will sail from Portland to 8aa Fraiicico. and fn-m san Francisco to Port land, as follows, leaving Ainworth Dork, P.r land, at Midnight, and Spear Street Wharf. San Francisco, at 10 A. si. : From Portland. 1 V rom San Francisco. April Hr Orosoa ... . -tatoof CaJ.. Co uraoia.... Orcxon .... Mate of C.il. Oo.nmbia .. Oregon atntn of Cal., Columbia.. .. Oregon Mate of CM., . Tuea 2 May ..Sat 3 ..W.d 7 ...ua II ...Thnr 15 ,....Moa 19 ..f-ri 2S ..Ta 21 ...Sat 31 June .tVed 4 .Sua 3 Columbia Vri 2 Oregon .Ta C suteof Pal... .Sat 10 Columbia Wed 14 Orsgon Hun 13 -tatoof Cal... .Thur !S Columbia Moa 98 Oregon Fri 90 Jua State of Cal....Tu 3 iiolambia Sat 1 Oregon "Wed U Through Tickets sold to all principal cities In the United States, Canada and Europe. SAIL DIVISION. Passenger Trains leave Portland for East ern points, at 1 :OS P. M. daUy. land.UadStPS Cm "" aPflrt- SHEK IH VISION (Middle CalHmkta). Boats Ipave Portland for Dalles ot 7 A M. ALSO: Leave ioh-i i land f i r I Mon I Tu. I We. I Thu.j FrL I Sat. Astoria and I lower Co- Inxnbl3....l6 AM S AM SAM SAM CAM 6AM I AM Ua.Tton.Or.J7A.MJ '.TAM,1 "1ICIU....I I, . ,, I Oorvalh3..f 'AMI... 16 AM Teoonia and Seattle. dily at UiKfM V lctona Stezaers do cot run Sundtys. Loajca Astori for Portland at 6 a. xa. dau - copt Sunday. C. II . PEESCOTT, A. L. STOKES, Manager. Gen t x-reisb! and Fa?ji. At Oregon & California R. JR.. OREGON & TP.ANSCONTrNENTAL COMPANX, LESSEE. On and after February 2tth, 1S&4. Waloa will ran in follows : DAILY tKxcept Suadays). HASTSIDK DIVISIOX. lwccn IOUTLNDandPHEMls:. MAIL TEAIS. LEAVE. AREIVE. Portland 7 :30 A. 3i Phoenix...... 5.-0OA.M. rhonlx 7:to p. Ml Portland 4:23 r. at. ALBANY EXPRE88 TRAIN. LEAVE. ABItrVE. Portland. i :00 i: M.iLobanon..9 20F.M Lebanon t :13 a. si. Portlands 10 s A. M The Oregon and California Eallroad Peiry makes connection with all Eegular Trains on Kastslde Division. WK3TSIDE DIVISION. Hrtweeit Portland aad CorvalUs MAIL TKAKO LEAVE. AEBTVE. Portland 9 rf)0 A. M.jCorvalll- 4 -JOr.u. Coivallb S :30 a. M.PorUand3 :20 F.at. EXFBE3S TKAIX n LEAVE. ABBIVE. Portland 5 :C0 P MMcMlnnvllla8 :00 PM McMInuvllIe5:i5 AM'Portland 8 JO AM Closo connections made at Fhceoiq with the Stages of the Oroeoa and Califor nia Stage Company. csrrickers for sale at all the principal points In California, at Company's Office, Corner F and Front Sts., cortland, Or. Freight will not ha received for shtpatat :if ter 5 o'clock p. m. on either the Emc or West side Dlvtilou. R. KOEHLER. E. P.B0QEK8, Gtn'l Msnassr. Act's Q. i & Pax. Agt Genevieve Street Assessment NOTICE Is hereby given that the as-ses.-uit-nt made by Ordinance No. 608, of the City of Astoria, Clatsop County. Oregon, and which ordinance passed the Common Council on the 28th day of April,i884, and was approved on the 29th April, 1834, for the improvement of Gen evieve street, iu the City of Astoria as laid out and recorded by John McClur. from the north side of Chenamus to the south side of Seventh street, m the man ner provided by Ordinance No. 580, and which ordiuance passed the Common Council on the 21st day of December, 1883, and was approved ou the 22nd day of December, 1883, on each of the fol lowing described lots fronting on said portion of said street is now payabla at the office of the City Treasurer, in TJ. S. gold and Si ver coin, and unless paid within five days of the final publication of this notice, viz: Tuesday, May 20th, 1884, the Common Council will issue warrauts for the collection thereof. The assessment is as follows : Trustees M. J. Kinnej-. Estate. Lot No. 14 in brock 61. Spiling, plank and bent work, 100 feet, cost 8298.00; side walk, 100 feet, cost $50.00. Total cost of improvement $346.00 Iliram Brown. Lot No. 5 In block 60. Spiling, plank and bent work, 100 fe?, eost $212.00; sidewalk 100 feet, cost $50 00. Total cost of improvement S346JW Wm.Moreyand Company. Lot No. 1 in block 61. Spiling, plank and bent work, 100 feet, cost $220X0; sidewalk 100 feet, cost $50.00. Total cost of improvement 8343,00 Dan'l Graham. Lot No. H in block 64. Spiling, plank and bent work 100 feet, cost S220.00; sidewalk 100 feet, cot $30.00. Total cost of improvement $346MX Trustees M. J. Kinney Estate. Lot No 4, block 44. Spiling, plank and bent work 100 feet, cost $220.00; sidewalk 100 feet, cost $50.00. Total cost of Improvement.. ..$316.00 W. 11. Twilight Lot No. 5, block 44 Spiling, plank and bent work 100 feet, cost $220.00; sidewalk 100 feet, cost $50.00. Total cost of improvement... $$346.00 C. II. Bain. Lot No. 1 in block 65. Til ling 1315 yards at 23 cents per yard, cost of cutting and filling $328.75 pil ing, plank and bent work 100 feet, coat $ 147.UO : sidewalk 1 00 feet, cost 850.00. Total cost of improvement.... $525.75 Mrs. G.N. Daggett. Lot No. 14 in block 63. Filling 2014 yards, cost of cutting and fill Ins $4030; spiling, plank and bent work 100 feet, eost $147.00; side walk 50 feet, co3t S30.U0. Total co3t of improvement $600.50 Suprenant & Ferguson. Lot No. 4 In block 45. Filling 1315 yards at 23 cents per yard, cost of cutting and filling S328.75 ; spiling, plank and bent work 100 feet, cost $147.00; sidewalk 100 feet, co st $50.00. Total cost of Improvement $325.75 Suprenant & Ferguson. Lot No. 5 In block 45. rilling 2014 yards at 38 cents per yard, cost of cutting and fill ing $40330 ; spillnsr, planking and bant work 100 feet, cost $147.00; sidewalk 100 fept, cost, $50.00. Total coat of Improvement $600.50 Suprenant & Ferguson. Lot No. 4 In block 71. Cutting 3810 yards at 23 cents per yard, cost of cutting and fill ing, S952J0: spiling, plank and bout work 100 feet, cost $147.00; sidewalk 100 feet, cose S50.00. Total cost of Improvement... $1,149.50 D. II. Sutherland. -Lot No. 5 in block 71. Cutting 1875 yards at 25 cants per vard, cost of cutting and filling $498. 7t: spiling, planking and bent work JLOO feet, cost $147.00 ; sidewalk 100 1 tet, s iU.00. Total cost of Improvement 8663.75 Daggett, Mrs. G. N. Lot No.1 in block 70. Cutting 3.491 yards at 35 cents per vard, cost of cutting and filling SJ872. 73; spiling, planking and bent work 100 feet, coat $147.00 ; sidawalk 100 feet, post $50.00. Total coat of improvement... $1,069.73 Warren. W. E. and M. F. Lot No. li ia block 70. Cutting 1.313 feet at 25 cants ppr yard, cost of cutting and filling 3329.50; spiling, planking and bent work 100 feet, cost $147.00; sidewalk 100 feet, cost S50.00. Total co3t of improvement $W650 By order of the Common Council. Attest: T.S. JEWITTT, Auditor and Clark. Astoria, May 2nd, 1834.