The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, May 03, 1884, Image 3

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    '?&'., :
MAY 3. 1J
(Monday excepted)
Tenon of Subscription.
borred by Carrier, per week 15efc
bont by Mall, per mouth euett.
' onojear .
Free ol postage to jsubvr'lMTs.
AdvertisemtnU Inserted by the year at
the rate or 2 twr square per month. 1 ran
slent advertising fifty cenn pr tquare, each
The April rainfall in Astoria was 4.50
Nearly all the visiting Astorians re
turned yesterday.
The "Olive S. Soutfiard was still on
Walker's Island bar at last accounts.J
The estimated cost of tho improvement
of Genevieve street aggregates S,81G.50.
The-ditce starts np with the Henry
Villard this morning, Captain Al. Betts,
Astoria Division No. 1, Uniform Rank,
K. of .P., is expected to complete its
organization next Monday evening.
No serious objection would bo offered
if a few hundred thousand dollars were
put in Immediate circulation in this city.
The A. B. Field, chartered by the Asto
ria and Coast Transportation Company,
is advertised to sail for Gray's harbor
this morning.
Prof. Naef calls attention to the fact
that the last of hi3 series of popular
dancing parties win be given in fytniau
hall this evening.
From everv cannery on the river comes
tho same report "very few fish.' The
April run was very light, and the pack
thus far is below that of the correspDiid
ing season last year.
Mr. C. "W. Stone, secretary of the Asto
ria and Coast Transportation Company,
gives notice of an assessment of 25 per
cent on tho capital stock of the company,
payable immediately at his office.
The county appropriations of school
moneys is late this year by reason of un
usual delinquencies. Mr. Sloop, the su
perintendent, thinks that it will be made
abouti;he 30th', and will be about as last
E. A. Noyes has resigned as director of
the Astoria and Coast iu asportation
company, and has severed all connection
with the company. Capt. J. G. Hastier
takes his place. Mr. C. W. Stone was last
evening elected as secretary of tho com
pany. The men engaged in putting the water
pipe into condition were busy yesterday
at C. Leinenweber's. On Monday work
will be begun on Main street, and Mr.
"Welch, the superintendent, thinks that
water will be flowing in the mains by
A good many remember Geo. Cabaniss,
a son of Dr. Cabaniss, of upper Astoria,
and a clever young man of 22. His
father received word yestiday that
George nnd been appointed assistant dis
trict attorney of'Sau Francisco, Cal.
"Well Clatsop county is not wholly un
appreciated. The British iron bark Jessie Jamison,
now at Victoria, has been chartered by
A. W. Berry of. this oity to load salmon
at Astoria for London direct. She will
go on-berth about the 15th, and will take
about 20.000 cases. The Jessie Jamison
will be the first vessel to load salmon
whdllyat .Astoria this season.
On Thuredayovening Astoria lodge I.
O. G. T., installed ths newly elected offi
cers, as follews: "W. C. T., J. E. Ress:
W. V. T., tfora-Higgins; W. S., W. A.
Sherman: W. A. S., Ella Rucker; W. F.
S.. C. C. Babhidge; W. T., D. H. Caswell;
W. M., T. Trullinger; W. L G., Minnie
Brodie; W. O. G., A. McBeth; P. W. C.
T., Scott Bozorth.
The .Henry Villard, a fine American
ship, of 1,553 tons register arrived in yes
terday to load flour. The way that some
business is transacted incites criticism.
Here is this vessel now in tho river.
She loaded railroad iron at New York for
the Northern Pacific Railroad company.
She want" to Tacoma where her cargo
was unloaded and shipped by rail to Al
bina, and then she came around hero in
eoal ballast to load for her return. Some
people would S3y, "Why not have coma
nara at first, and discharged dirct?M
Why indeed!
Immediately after the nominating of
the presidential electors at tho Republi
can state convention in Portland last
Thursday; .the several judicial districts
held ' their nominations. The Fifth
judicial district, composed of Crook,
Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia, Wasco
and "Washington counties, had before it
two candidates for distnot judgG: F. J.
Taylor, of this city, and "W. D. Hare, of
Washington. Mr. Taylor was nominated
on the first ballot, the vote standing
Taylor, 25; Hare, 16. T. A. McBrido was
nominated by acclamation for district
Thos. Eccles, wno has been living for
sometime on his place on the Nehalem
near Vesper, met with a severe loss last
Wednesday. He went a short distanoe
frni Ms house to burn some brush, and
in some unacoountablo way the house
caught fire and with its contents was
entirely consumed. Mr. Ecoles and
his wife ore a hard-working couple
and by close economy had saved suffi
cient to pay for tho passage from Eng
land of one of their sons. This sum,
which was in greenbacks, was also burned
up, and. so rapid was the progress of the
vflamesiKat nothing could be saved. They
ore ntlirjy;destitute and in urgent need
of assistance. Mr. Eocles was severely
burned while-trying to save some of his
propertyind, altogether this is a case
that appeals to the bonevolenca of our
On Tbursdpy afternoon, probably in
the vicinity of N. Johansen's, a small
memorandum book, sheep binding, had a
letter Addressed "Win. E. Joplin. Leavo
at Steven's Book store or Booth's can
nery arid "be rewarded.
Wm. E. Joplin.
10,000 lbs'clean rags, rope and net
the first of June, at Joplin's Jnnk Store,
Mam St., Astoria.
Pearls of English Song.
a choice collection of most beautiful
and popular esongs, about 100 pieces, in
paper.loth or gilt binding, cheap at
Aalert Discount to teachers.
Jf ttsician toolr Here.
Oairandjjet Special catalogue of sev
eral thousand ilecesf sheet music at
Adler'a Crystal Palace Book Stoic
New music received ever day from the
publ IShen
. At tho Empire Store
Yoo-wil! find-the finest laces and em
broideries, of richest quality.
They give three 10-cent dishes for 2.1
cents atlhe-Modol Dining Saloon.
Morton Bros. Shooting Gallery and j
Bowling Alley will bo open this eve
ning. Get' meal -at tho Modol Dining Sa
loon, three doors sonth of Odd Fellows
bnlldlng, and see how vou like the
style, n. '
Arvold6lI;Bbots and Shoes cheaper
than Mycjwfcelrsejlri-town, because we
buy for cSsb."
! Bflcsatei to Chicago Instructed for Blal
Judicial District Nnminntlonh.
I mercial Reporter in Portland, is going to
The Republican convention ream- j start a newspaper in Sitka.
bled on Thnrsdav tho 1st inst. James Lynn, of Clatskanie, has killed
Tiro following nam c were nre-ented txvo ,fall-Crowu cougars thi3 season, one
ririioin... i, ,u ,- i i- ' tneul measuring eight feet and bis
for delegates to the national conventien: ( inoii03 n length
Senator J. N.D.lph. John M. Swift, of Bintjer Herrmann will berin tho can
tfaker, .N. G. xlovev, of Lane, John T. va'-s of the state in southern Oregon
Apperson, of Clackamas-. J. Connell, "within a wook. speaking first at Ashland
of Yamhill, O. . Dennv. of Mulino-' or Jarksonville
mah, B. B. Tattle, of Multnomah, h.'JJSSrfSL
Blnm, of Umatilla, John Kelly, of Lane,
L. Cofha and F. 31. NioL'or-on, of Jose
phine. M. S. "Woodcock, of Benton, in a brief
speech -submitted the following rosoln
tion, of which ho inured the adoption.
Hcsoh-eJ, That James G. Blaine is tho
i first choice of the Republican party of
j Oregon and this convention for president
the United Status, and the delegates
to the national Republican convention
from this state are hereby instructed to
use their bat efforts to wcurc his nomi
nation. Tho chair decided the resolution could
not thon bo entertained if there was any
objection, as it was outside ths' immedi
ate order of business to consider it. One
or two opposed, but the convention gen
erally applauded the resolution, and some
asked to have it voted on at once. The
chair announced that the convention
would propeed to ballot for the six dele
gates, tho resolution to 1 ejnsidered
The first ballot re-u!ted:
Applegiite I, Apptr-vjn 135, Blum r,S,
Burnett 2, Coilia 7J, Denm 102, Dolph
i:iS, Dwighl 1, Dunivw C, frieron o5,
Hovev 124, Hunch 1, Ilelly 3J, JilcCoii
nell 120. Mitchell 2, Mou'stou-ert 37,
NicLerson 4-1. Steel G, Swift US, Turtle, 7.J.
Dolph. Anuerson. Hovev. McConnoil
and Swift wero declared elected.
On tho J-econd ballot Dennv received
125, Kelly 40, Montgomery 11 lutt'o',
Nickerson 12, and Cenh: 11. Demi was
declared elected.
Ihtj Biaiuo rc-jlr.tion whs here sub-
nutted and adopted.
Tho following district nominations
wore ratified:
First district For judge, 1.. 1". Web
ster; no nomination for district attorney.
Second district For district attorney,
D. L. Watterson, of Coos.
Third district For district atloniev.
Charles E. Walborton, of Albanj .
Fourth district ior judge, Seneca
Smith; district attorney, A. 11. Tanner.
Fifth district For "judge, Frank J.
Tavlor, of Astoria; district attorney, T.
A. McBrido, of Clackamas.
Sixth district For judge. M. L. Olm
stead, of Grant; district attorney. Chas.
Parrish, of Grant
Tho county delegations chose the fol
lowing gentlemen as a btate central com cem
mittee: Baker L. O. Sterns.
Benton E. Allen.
Clackamas E. L.
Clatsop-C. W. Fulton.
Columbia G. "W. McBridt.
Coos A. Nasburg.
Crook I. N. Sargent.
Curry H. D. Blake.
Douglas D. S. K. Boick.
Grant M. F. Olmstcnd.
Jackson Mas Muoller.
Josephine F. M. Nickerson.
Klamath R. A. Emmett.
Lake -T. H. Evans.
Lane John Kelly.
Linn H. H. He wilt.
Marion J. W. CrawforJ.
Multnomah Joseph Simon.
Polk . W. Crvstal.
Tillamook IL V. QoodspeeJ.
Umatilla H. S. Marstou.
Union W. J. Snodgras.
"Wasco J. A. Ronuov.
Washington T. D. iiuuiphroy.
Yamhill H. Hurley.
At n subsequent meotiug ui tho fuiu
mittee, Joseph Simon of Multnomah,
was chosen chnirmau, and G. W. Mc
Bride, of Columbia, secretary.
Notice to 31drlur.
At Shoalwater htiy entrance a ?econd
class can buoy, black and vrhits ierpon
dicular stripes, has boon established on
the bar in threo fathoins of water. From
this point Toko Point lighthouse bears X.
bj' E. The northern trees on ljwidbelter
point, E. i S.
To cross this bar bring tho v. reel: of
the Jjammerlaw in range with the light
house, and steer for it, pr.siug the outer
and bar buoys, on either hand. Then
steer N. by E. ii ., passing No. 1 on tho
end of the northern spit to No. 2. In
passing from io. 1 to No. 2 buojs, leavo
the breakers on the port hand, one-fourth
of a mile distant, which will carry you to
No. 2 buoy with nothing le than four
fathoms of water. There is 1G fe3l across
the bar, at this entrance, at moan low
By order of the Lighthouse Board.
A white lens lantern hits been placed
on tho second beacon, at tho lower end
of Swan Island bar, Wjllatuottc river.
By order of the Lighthouse Board.
Inspector Thirteenth Lighthouse
Sttamtr ltajs for 2l&y.
From Astoria, i From San Fran.
State J.Colunibi;: 2
Columbia S.Oregon G
Oregon ISjStato 10
State lG'Colunibia 11
Columbia 20'Orpgon 18
Oregon 24,State 22
State 23iCo!umbia 2G
Columbia, Juno . . 1 Oregon ..... .30
Oregon 51 State, June 3
Caught On the Fly.
Messrs. Betnncue & Bsitton, of the
Flylnj; Studio, have moved to their new
gallery on Squenioqua street, throe
doors east of the bank. They use the
new style, Instantaneous dry plates ex
clusively. The process Is truly won
derful. Little ones who could never re
main still an Instant arc taken accur
ately bv tills proces3 actually -'caught
on the fly." The negatives once taken
are as permanent as the old-fahioned
sort, and far superior artistically. The
sitting is done In less -time tlfan one
could snap his finger. No one could te
move the cloth genera! I used and re
place It quick enough for this lightning
proce&B. Their work Is already appie
clated by the public, for their gallery is
crowded with people waiting their turn
to sit in lront of the camera, cnu and
se them at their
new California gal-
ForalVcat Fitting Boot
JrShoe, go toP.J. Goodmans, on Che
namus street, next door to I. W. Case.
All goods of the best make and guaran
teed quality. A full teek: new goods
conManllv arriving. Custom work.
Stop That Couffh
Bv filnc? to .1. F. Tiioma.s's and !?ettlni
a bottle of Leroy'.- Cough Balsam.
The .Patent Lamp Filler.
Tho most useful household invention
of the age. Call and see IL Also, extra
good Coal Oil forsalc in quantities from
a pint to a barrel. Jokdax & Bozonnr.
Large Pleasant Koottis.
Some large and very pleasant rooms
are for rent al 3Jr.s. Twilight's.
Something Fine.
Just received at T. G. Rawlings a
largo stock of clear, Cigarettes, and
tho choicest brands of tobacco.
Dlmmltt's Cough Balsam cures Croup
Seattle complains of sneak thieves.
I TV. L. Boone, former editor of the Com-
Suffrage association had declared for
ilcDonald for president
A gentleman living in this town by the
name of Franklin, says the Oregon City
Enterprise, hn-great-rf it-gr tndebildrcn
and v ill be :i hundred years old in a few
months, lih id a antiou-, to voto as
James K. Mercer, who killed McDon
ald, editor of tho Telegram, was pardoned
on Monday by Governor Moody, on con
dition that ho leave the tate. He had
f.ervod a little more than one-third of his
The store of Geo. filing, al H.t.-di!!e.
Washington county, toj entered by
burglars last bunday niht, uiu about
$150 worth of candy'and nuu Were ab
Btracted from tha ti!l. Poor Thing has
the sympathy ot tho entire community.
The Oregon and California railrord
will be completed to Aphland this week,
and on Mond.iv next trains will b'-i;in to
run regularly between thit pl-et; nd
Portland. The completion of the rot J to
Ashland leaves onlj about 140 miles of
staging, and renders the overland trip to
California e much les formidable maitt-r
than in days gone by.
At the Washington rcotibh&iii terri
torial ionY-ntion, held :tt Daviori on the
1st., G. D. Hill e: SuM'ih- end John L.
Wilson of SnA'uufj Falls wore eieeUd del
eaton to the national Ct:iv-iit!'
OU Sit"
Chicago. William Jline of Walli Walla
and 1. A. Sham of New Tacoiua were
chosen alternate". On motion the
ehoiee oi the CMnwntion wh-. dociiifl to
be for Blaine.
1 he Pacific Jow.tnl hy-.: For the
bunefilot the iueredulous and skeptic in
the matter of building th-i railroad from
llwaco to Oy-tcrille. we would say thnt
thw road is insured, flic Journal "is in
formed this week thai the amount neces
sary to accomplish tho work .$GO,000
has bo.':i subscribed. With this road
built on tho pi-uiinula and the connec
tion made between Gray's harbor and
Shoalwater bay, the gardtn of Washing
ton territory w ill be opened aud our coun
try will receive the recognition he. so
ricluy deserves, after lying dormant so
many veers. It is oxpected that u di
rector tseeting will bo hold .shortly, at
which en assessment will bo Tnado for
the purpose or conducting a i.-nnnncnt
survey, and also to call for bids for cut
ting ties aud grading. It is the intention
of tho compauy to commence work dur
ing the summer, but will not complete it
and have tho road running before next
Tuesday atternoou the American iron
ship T. F., Capt. J. B. Clift, ar
rived at the railroad company's wharf in
Tacomn, after a passage of 149 days from
Philadelphia, Penn., with iron, says the
Tacoma Ledger. She is the second iron
sailing fhip ever built in the United
States, the Tillie E. Starbucl: being the
first, She left the Delaware breakwater
at 2:30 p. m. on the 23th of November,
and arrived off Cape Flatloy at 1:20 v. it.
on tho 23lh of April, or lacking one hour
: of boin" just five months from capo to
i cape. Capt. Clift remarked that he had
j made.some twonly-fouror twenty-five pas
sages around Uapa ilorn, but no never
before experienced such rough weather
as on this voyajre. Ho used considerable
oil oil luf Horn, to break the "en, and it
acted like magic. One day he used .sis
gallous with gratifying result. This is
the Captain; JirsJ 2cp?rie:iee in pacify
ing the son by this method, but ha found
it highly succed-fu'. After rounding
the, Horn he exjerieReesl fine weather,
aud made the distance in comparatively
good lime. She id not a clipper built
vessel, boiug intended for carrying rather
than for spd, but during the voyago
sho made on one oecasinn 233 miles in
tweuty-four hours.
Tho Victoria Colonial of the Lst con
tains the following under the heading of
"Astounding Discovery:' "Within the
past Tow days an alnrmiug fact has mine
to light. It has been ascertained that
all English and Canadian letters which
left Victoria on the 21st and 24th or
March, by tho Puget Sound steamer, for
transportation eastward via tho Noi thorn
Pacific r.;ilw.r.. havo never reached rheir
destination, "included in the two mails
wore over 2i0 registered, and a very large
number of unregistered letter-, without
exception, all those have disappeared.
The custom is to take a leoipt trom the
the United States mail agent on tho
Sound steamer, after which the bags aro
paosed to his enre. It is presumed that
he in turn takes a receipt from the mail
agent on the train at Tacoma, aud that
from that point on the proper preoaatlous
are taken for tho protection and care of
tho mails. The jobbery is believed to
havo occurred soiuewhero on tho Hue of
the Northern Pacific railway. The pe
cuniary loss is doubtless heavy, and it
will fail with peculiar force upon many
persons residing here, some of whom
wero sending remittances from Canada
and England for British Columbia, via
tho Northern Pacific railway, were stolen.
Subsequently some parties in Oregon
wero found to havo about $10,000 in
Canadian government cheques and drafts
in their possession, which they tried to
negotiate but could not. The paper was
sent on to this place where it had been
previously cancelled. It is hoped that a
rigid inquiry will bo insiiiuted by both
the Canadian and United States govern
ments, and that tho gr.iltv pirtlea will be
brought to justic".
On'er of Chosen t'ricj:J.
Occidental Council No.5. of the Order
of Chosen Friends, will give the first of
a.erie'j of sociables at Pvthlan hall
Monday, the 5th of Maj . Refreshments
wili be served during the evening. Mu
sic, singing nnd probably dancing will
be Indulged in. The proceeds are to go
to the sick benefit fund, and we hope
and trust that the public will tespond
Dinner m-J EFF'S'CllOP HOUSE
everyday from 4 -30 to 8 o'clock. The
be-jt 2.T-cent meal .in town ; soup, fish,
seven kinds of meat-,, vegetable-?, pie,
pudding, etc. Tea or eotftv included.
All who have tried him sny.JeH'is tlie
Corsets nnd Underwear.
All tho latest makes and stjles of cor
sets and ladies underwear at Irae
Bros.' Empire stoic
Hosiery, Hosiery, Hosiery I
The latent novelties in ladies and
eliildr'ns hosiery at Prael Bros'.
2oo:nsi lu Iat
At Mrs. Curran's. near the Congre-a-tioiull
Wantv a Situation.
A Norwegian cirl wants a sUnation
tii domestic in a small family. Apply
to A. M. .loiixj-ox, Astoria Sail-loft.
Gray sells Sickett Bres:
cedar shingle4.
Al sawed
Buy your Lime of Gray at Portland
Dimmltt's Couch Balsam never
Try it, at W. II Dement & Co.V.
Sleepless Xiclits made miserable
by that terrible cour,'h. Shiloh's Cure is
tne remeay ior you. sold by w. E. De-
meat A Co.
Uso Dlmmltt's Couph Balsam, at W.E
Dement & Co.'s.
The tariff bill is still being debated by
tho house of representatives.
France has accepted England's invita
tion to talk over Egyptian affairs.
Eleven men wore lynched in various
pirts of the United States last Thursday.
Jim Keene, who made 5,000,000 jn
California and dazzled "Wall street for a
eoason, has failed.
English ship owners approve a nroDosi-
tion to lay up one-fourtu of their tonnage
because of dull freights. I
Union Pacific railroad employes are
striking all along the lino against a pro- j
poseu reuueuon oi wages.
Southern state Republican conventions
aro declaring for Arthur. Tho conven
tions in statos that givo Republican ma
jorities aro uecianug ior limine
The Arctic relief expedition in soarch
feu". f. .
A Washington special of the 1st says
the housotommitteo on rivers nnd har-
bors was in session considering appropri-
ations for harbors and water-wni, s of
uregon and Washington territory to-day. j
No definito conclusion relative to thsin j
was reached, but a disposition was mani
fest to allow less than thn estimate, and
very much lew than Representative I
G?orge had reason to expect. j
Ai ..rmoit . estM'iise ha ju-t -v.uitd
tht--xerv ice-, of Pkofisok Elli-j one'
or u.i; 1K--1 w hite eo:K3 m th -,tau
.!:! fo.,.s-3 t cxeJ ajv W.
ai.d J
.j lor
in. reJI.jrS 1:1 the euliiinrv jn
ai:t Ften-'h dHl-.a -peci:iil.
Jo:tJ fir.V.i!e.
.. l.ahfi. ! two fine .V.nt- j. j
i . ..i.. ... . ... . ... ..... ..i.-.i
" ,l" -. -.!.rj-t 'in- if.i,',. 1" i"i ;
; iiit: liio-. mm.
.!ii.t IJj'i-rivi'it.
A '.it .- .' r. .: Htt and '-till IIul-s In
all It. -!!! -J le-. at MelntiuhV- l-'
lia' Uresj I'ooils.
A -plcmiid 1 in f ludiesdre..-. g.MMt-t i-,
being di-platsl .it ilsc Empire stor.
All ih i lEase.
io cptivnti' Jiu popular List,, and
Mir kh all ji vioiH eilorts to ple.iv the
palate, requires no small amount of
know ledgo and no little skill, ami whui
we remember that the verv agreeable
liquid fruit lomedj, Syrup of Figs, is
as beneficial to the system, as It Is ac
ceptable to the stomach, wo rcidilv un
derstand whv it is the universal favor
ite as a cure lor Habitual Consumption
and other ills arising from a weakness,
or inactive condition of the Bowels, Kid
neys. Liver and Stonnch. Sample bot
tles free and large bott!c3 for sale by. . .
Syrup of Fig.
Nature's own true Laxative. Pleas
ant to the palate, acceptable to the Stom
ach, hannlcs in its nature, painless in
its action. Cures habitual Constipation.
Biliousness, Indigestion ana kindred
ills. Cloaiues the system, purifies the
blood, regulate the Liver and acts on
the Bowels. Breaks up Colds, Chills
and Fever, etc Strengthens the organs
on which it acts. Bettci than bitter,
nauseous Liver medicines puis,, salts
and draughts. Sample bottles free, and
large bottles for -ale bv V. I". Dement
A: Co., Astoria.
WHAT: do yon ihiuk thai
j:rr of 'viw. viww :;-:
give-? oi a iuj 1 ior luflsin-jaiul a ghiss
ol something to drink'. "Not unich:"
but he gives ulx-lUr meal and more of
it than any phu" in town lor u cents.
Ho buys by tho wholesale and pays
cash. -Tint settles if.
Croup, Whooping Cough and Uroii
chilis iiumedlatWy relieved by Shilnh's
Cure. Sold by W. E. Dement.
Old Scrofulous Son's and Bad Ulcers
removed by tho OREGON RLOOD PU
RIFIER. IIae Wistar's balsam of wild cherry
al ways at hand. It cures coughs, colds,
bronchitis, whooping couch, croup, in-lliteu7n.cou-umption,and'alI
throat and
Inmi eomplaints. "Ji ee:ts and-1 a hot
tie. .-old will -11 a laige sjo.k of !'.ots
and !ioes at cos.
:? tie I.e.'.dm ' I:wt
and iife stort.
ail like Diuuniu's rough
I or lame Back, Sate or Cheat u-e
ShiSoh's I'orju-- Piaster, Prir.- 2. rents.
Knr le by V. 73. Dement.
hiIlls Vitali?ei is wnatyou wvd
for Constipation. l.o- of Aopeitto, Uiz
zineps and all symptom, ol l)i-sh'ibi.
Price 10 and 7i cents mr !! ie. Sold
by W. F- Dement.
Shi'oh's Cough aim ?tu;-niiiij.'iiw;
Cinu is .-v S.J t. us v:i jiltaraiiiee. it
cuit" cui-i'inptlott. b-al !y W. K. !).
meiil. Use DiiumittV. Cough Balsam for
Chest, Thrnai, and Lungs, at E. De
ment & Co.'d.
A full line of l.idies' and children's
SImm"-. latest st lei. to In louud cheap
at Arvolds, sign ot the Golden Shoe.
Roseoe- Dunn'- new eating house
is now open. Ewiyhinghns been fit
ted up in tirsU'las-. style, and his well
known reputation as a caterer assures
all who like good things to eat. that at
"Ills place the3" can ho aceommodnted.
Reddings RussiaSalve. best fami
ly salve in the world, and excellent for
stable use. 23 ct
Catarrh euted, health ami sw-ot
breath secured by Shiloh'a Catarrh Rem
edy. Prle.e fK) cenLs. Masai Injector free.
For sale by W. E. Dement.
All the pat'lnt medicines advertised
in this paper, togellier -It! the choicest
perfuuierj.Hiid'tolIot articles, etc-can
be bought at the lowest prices, at J. V.
Conn's drug .store, opposite OcMden
hctol, Astoria.
,EtE,a, 3Efm'toT3i7
...... .
Will Not Craok.
The Gutta Percha & Rubber Mf'g Co
roniana, ureeon.
of the Grecly party sailed from New York . -Prm nVe'-ino iVnon rr, rw. !
last Thursday. Work should immedi--,.u,ul ?" JftK w wl
ately begin on the organization of a re- L'narantee lV -.t bv V F iSe'nL
lief expedition to ao in search of rim raui e " jA '' V,J:" u,raent-
t !
In order to enlarge our stock wo find
it necessary to removu to more commo
dious quarters. We have leased the
store room now occupied by Mr. Chas.
May, opposite our present location,
which we will take poisession of May
1st. Until that time wo will offer our
immense stock of ladies' and children's
suits, cloak?, wrap?, etc., at stupendous
reductions to vl oid removal. Oar stock
will be complete in all late style gar
ments, and our prices unoqualed on the
i Leading Srtr and Ci.oatc House,
Leo. l. stock. Manager.
Boston Baked Dentin and Brown Bread
every .Sunday a JoiTs from." a.m. to
2 I M.
i"r.n; -v'
the B;.
1 w hole ? stem with King
.v Adven-:njem.
4 '1
! -Shiloii'.s Cure will immediately
J ioliee Croup, Whooping Cough, and
Bronchitis Sold bj . ITl)ement&Co
j -- -
j Bakery Confectionery
.O.lFee und Iw (.it'isu Puxlor-.
cna:.Ajt! cs s i J5iirr.
Bread and Cakes
OF Al.f. KtMs.
Vf.jitiitt. in.! rbi'le-, -vU'i i!-t viitiisti irll
Fi'iMicliaud Amoi-iiiin--
Ici.i.aeiur.t!. U!it.-j.ul K.-ti.h.
o i hi: uoauwav.
For Sale.
Owl will deliver at four dollar, per
coi il Imve addres. at I-'osrd & Stokes.
March ."1st, 1551.
Jordan & Bozorth
The Only Exclusive
"t. St. Hn inlf fClht to (ho
I'nti'nt L,iiinp Filler,
JTew Store, Jf ew Stock
fjN, l' Uootls,
Tobacco and Cigars.
SiuiMiniiUHstrefr.nt door to the Empire
S'oic. nlT-Cm
Garnahan & Co.
1. W. CASE,
-mH'i CiifiitiiiiH nni CfiA- fiTiit-lt".
A-'-: "A - :itKM
risliermen's Headquarters.
Cape Ann Oiled Clothing,
And :i Coiiipfrte Outfit, or lu-st Quality, aa4
at tii. LOWEST PRICE of anv Kstabllsli-
meat in the city.
riavri oiwned a Now Stock of A I Goods la
tlictore lieu ilocr to Toard & Stofces. and
Guarantee Satisfaction
Notice of Final Settlement.
uudenlnod aihnitiLstr.itor of the estate
of John Gustaf Farnsii. dj-opaed, has tiled
ia the Comitv Coart o the Slate of Oreaon,
for the County of Clatsop, hU final account
aMich adtaliiUtrator. aud that Thursdav,
thti 13th da of May, is", at the eomt rooin
of natd court, at Astoria. Oieyon. at oae
o'clock f. ii.' of said dny, I? the time und
place de.shnated by said couit for hearing
objection-, to Mild ncconnt and the final st
tiement therenC
d-td AdminLjtrator.
Hair Dressing Saloon.
TruTTni' Lr in a new and artistic
A. mnuuer. Ecr attention pala patrons.
i nave aueo u uuti openeo a urst-ciass
Raruershop at Carl AdierV olt stand ou
Cuenanms -.n-et, nnl am ready forbuslneo.s
1123m LKN. OTILKR.
due nnd puvable at inv oftlee.
tr Sliorift Clatsop Co.
County Orders Wanted.
, F0T Kent.
xjinoAi may i, the stoke now cc-
-ID cuptcdtjyChas-A 3Liy. Inquire on the
premlsesorto A. 31. JOHNSO &GO.
i t0 Weston Hotel.
The One Price Store I !
1 JL Lt
Finest Ms ! Largest Assoiieltt
Dress Goods,
Ht-use Kcepnig
Fancy Goods.
Fine Dress Suits, Long Pants, : "
Fine Dress Suits, Knee Pants, ::
Strong Schobl Suits, Long Panti, ' '
Strong Sohool Suiti, Snta.YaatiC
For Men and Boys.
Straw, Wool and Fur Hats of all Kinds.
White and Fancy Shirts, Overshirts, Underwear, Hosiery, Haniktr.
chiefs, Suspenders, Neckwear, Gloves, Notions, Etc.
Boots and Shoes of ail Styles and Price
Trunks. Valises, and Umbrellas, Fishermen's Clothing, EtcJ-'Eic?
Sole Agent for Hutterlolf Patterns. .
Pythian Building,
Jast received by the N. r. It. E.
Choicest and Most Popular Sheet Music and Music Books.,
I receive. dally by. mail all the latest and most select publications. Special ait
tlon given to orders received from dealers, teachers,
and good discount allowed.
Musical Instromeats of Every Description, Wholesale ill Beii
Small Musical Instruments a Specialty.
"Of th best make on easy installments.
My special catalogue of SHEET MUSIC just received, sent free-to &ay d4rw.
Come nnd swi my assortment of FIVE CENT SHEET MUSIC.
Adlers Crystal Palace Book Store.
New Goods for
Direct from the Manufacturers, Retailed at
Belnir In th Manuf aelurinjr UuJ-ie.-w I am
fr.Rrf.Ul 9AiU1tAl.llU uuvu iu xij. nun V""" A vi uvx".
TPcpf4et FUtlnjr Wlille Shirts, Medium and Fie GmMU)'
I'aderwes.r. .Crweft Stylet Iu Sarl- and Ties.
c-.v ri;u.sTtcicoij-!K'r, knglish ANuvsiEitiCAii tirmrtGS.-
ocoiiiKVrrBriOc, -"V;
JOHN P. CLASSEN, 0r5gon; Paint and Varfllf h m
Manufiwtnwrof ,.-", Manufacturers of
FrenohandAmnCandI6S,M. y , ,
DFiclx .OS-treetcX.
Every morulog:tfrom tlus
Frock Drttt $iif
Sack DresSuHi,
Frock BusiAfts -Suits,
Sack Busificft
Summer Ow- -.
coaU, - f.
White yest4,-lc.-
and Boys'
- Astoria, Oregon.
Spring and Summer!
prepared to Bell Cloilns thai wili gheil
- - - - aktobui.
a. . -' .w.
- Aliy shade mixed and groqnd t ordti.
. F. PAJMI .
l.0; Bt.sus.
- .