w "& fc gailij Mtoratt. ASTORIA, OREGON: SATURDAY..- ..MAY 3, lSSi BODILY LOCATION OF HAPPINESS. , HUMAN Db. B.W. KiCHAitDsox, in the Asclc piad, treating of felicity as a sani tary research, ebserves: "The center of the emotion of felicity is not in the brain. The center is in the vital nervous system, in the great ganglia of the sympathetic, lying not in the cerebro-spinal cavities, but in the cavities of the body itself, near the stomach and in tho heart "We know where the glow which indioates felic ity is felt, and our poets have ever, described it with perfect truthfulness aa in the breast It comes as fire kindling-there. No living being ever felt happy in the head; everybody who has felt felicity has felt it as from within the body. We know, again, where the depression of misery is located; --our physicians of all time have defined that, and have named the disease of misery from its local seat.'". 'The man who is miserable is a hypochondriac; his affection is seat ed under the lower ribs. No man ever, felt misery in the head. Every, mairwho has felt misery knows that it springs from the body, speaks of it is as an exhaustion, a sinking there. He is broken-hearted; he is failing at tho center of life; he is bent down because of the central failure, .and his own shoulders, too heavy to be borne, feel as-if oppressed by an add- ecLweigbt or burden, under which he bendi as though all the cares of the world -were upon him to bear him down." Commentinff on this the Lancet gays that, in other wordb, felicity is a physical result of a brisk and health ily full circulation of blood through tho vessels supplying the ganglia of the great sympathetic system of nerves; and whatever quickens and. at the same time frees the flow of blood in these vessels particularly,4 engenders the feeling wo call happi ness. .This is the fact, and we believe it explains the action of many arti cles of food and medicine and medi cal appliances. It, moreover ex plains and confirms the truth of the maxim which wo have so often recommended for general adoptien: "Be briskly, not languidly, joyous if you would bo well." Tliisis the con verse'of the doctrine that happiness is an affair of the heart and stamach. A comfortable, a? contrasted with an aust'exe, mode of life is the most nat- ural,-and-theretore the hoalthiost and tho best "Wo sometimes wonder why thoso who live by rule, and tremble as tTiey livelaboring to oat and drink precisely what is "good for them," and nothing else, are so weakly and miserable. The cause of failure is that such person? are over-careful; life is a burden to them. They have no "go" in their mode of existence. One-half of the "dyspeptics" we see, and whose sufferings we are asked to relieve, would be "well" if they were only -"happy." Everything in life and nature acts and leaots in a circle. Be happy, and jour sympathetic gangl.'a will have ibe blood coursing through therewith the bound of health; and this quickwii'? of the pulse, if it be produced by "good cheer," whether at the table or on the mountain side, will, in its turn, produce happiness. Felicity is the outcome of a physical state, and that state is itself enhanced by the sort of cheerfulness which often consists in being happy in spite of circumstances. The proposition to pay the Irish national members of parliament is an advance Btep on the part of Mr. Par nell and his followers in their strug gle to obtain home rule for Ireland. One of their :great difficulties is not to find men who -are competent to discharge the duties of a member of parliament, but to find men who can afford the expense and upon whom they can. at the same time depend for an unwavering support. A paid par- liamentary'delegation is a .new idea in English politics,and will, of course, be aneered at by the organs of the landlord and "moneyed classes. The Irish in this country will be the heav iest contributors to the fund for this purpose. It is already large, and now that the appeal forsubscriptions has been publicly made it will iu all probability assume very handsome proportions It is a sacrifice on their part in behalf of liberty and freedom which all right thinking Americans will commend. Geobge M. Bobesox, -wbom Ibe New Jersey Eepublioans ungratefully refused to send to tbe Chicago con vention, says that be could -write, a book qaite- as interesting, although perhaps laoking the literary finish of T&r. Blaine's famous volume. He as serts that in tbe early hours of the Hayes administration he was virtuaDy president, as the bead of tbe navy, "and before Mr. Hayes took tbe oath otoffloe publioly on the 4th of March he had been secretly sworn in by the chief justice. "If the Demoorata," says air. Jtsooeson, "Had possosse&i backbone in those days they might have put Tilden in." Tbe er-socie- tary of the navy should by all means sit downr and write his book. His party has tied bis hands during the coming oampaign and served notice on him that he is of no further use to it Let him turn historian. What a delightful history of the navy he oKld, write. Ths senate at "Washington has set tled the important question that tho commissioner of agriculture is, in virtue of Jiis position, entitled to go on the floor of that body while the vgrave and reverend legislators are in session, xne farmers all over the country will rejoice over 'this con cession to their interests. All the crops will, no doubt, be greatly bene fitted. The winter wheat will grow at least an inch when it hears the news, and when the peas, the corn, the potatoes, the beans and tho toma toes are planted they will strike root at once. The consideration on the part of the senate for th fanning interests of the re public is exceedingly touching. What a calamity it would be if the' sena tors had decided not to allow Com missioner Loring into their august presence while they were deliberating on. the .affair of the nation. - PeopiiE along the Northern Pacific railroad hope to get a water supply from artesian "wells" At Miles" City water has been found at a depth of 341 feet; at Billings, 150 miles further up the Yellowstone, a well has been sunk 900 feet without success, and ia still going" down, and" at Helena there is more experimental boring. The Maryland constitution require? legislative bills to ba signed by the governor and the presiding officer and clerks of both houaes, all in the pres ence of eaoh other, and the five met at Annapolis the other day and made 307 acts into laws at one sitting. J.T i3 calculated that there are now residing in the United States nearly 1,000 Japanese, and of this number it is said that, not one has ever been convicted of any criminal offense in an American court. Mobe than 1,000,000 head of oattle wintered in the territory of "Wyoming, and the general "round up" of this enormous number will begin about the middle of Hay. NEW TO-DAY . For Sale. ONE SECOND HAND ENGINE AND boiler, two-horse power. In good order. Inquire of Cutting hacking Co. E.W.TALLANT. Notice. THE SCHOOL IN DISTRICT NO. 9.WILL re-oppn on May 5th, C. C. Brow er, Prin cipal, Assistant, Mrs. E. M. DavN. J. K.HIGGINS. Clerk. 'Assessment Notice. .ATA MEETING OF THE BOARD OF EL. Directum of the Astoria and Coast Transportation Co. bold at tbelr office -May 2nd. an assessment of 25 per cent on tbe capital stock of the company, was levipd. piyablo immediately at the offlco of tbe .-ccreiarv. All stock on w hlch said awvj ment Is n t ald on or before the 12th daj' of Mtu, ISM, will be declar d d-lmjuei.i ind suld accordfugtolaw ai provided by the ltv Laws. CW.SluNlI. dtd Secretary. For Gray's Harbor THE STEAMER A. B. FIELD, Chartered by the Astoria and Coast Trans portation Co., Will sail for GRAY'S HABBOE on SATURDAY, MAY 3, 1884. B-For Fielght or Passage apply to J. G. Hustler. Boat Picked Up. A DRIFT. BOTTOM UP. AN OLD PINK boat. 20 ft long, side patched, sides and gunwale stove m aua badly damaged. Own r can have the same by proving property, paying eo9fc of recovery and adv. r Using. Hungry Harbor, W. T. April 28. Ib&i. Net Lost. ON THE NIGHT OF THE 53th. APRIL in tut middle drift, aho it I3J fathoms -15 me-.li., net scotch twine 40 12. Corks branded J. U " Finder will please com inunlcate with C. T1MMINS & CO. Upper Astoria. Net Lost. ONIHEIGHTOFTHK 23TH. APRIL about 130 fathoms. 45 xne.sU net. Coiks branded "Yf. S. P." Finder will pleaie conimuiiicat.! with C. TIMMINa & CO. Upper Astoria. Found. Ff THE WOODS BACK OF THK REST deuce of Mr. J. A. Detlin, a cow with a young cUf. Owner can have same by prov n property and paying for advertising and cots. Tor further Information apply to U. W. SHIVELY. Astoria, iiayi. 1831. To the Voters of Astoria Precinct. IHebeby announce myself an Independent candidate for Constable of Astoria precinct at the coming eloctlon. S. OT. INGALL9. Fop London Direct. The fine Al Iron Ship Aberistwith Castle will load at Astoria dlreot for LONDON and will take salmon iu lots to suit shippers. Forirelght and Insurance apply to ,ppl UKC SIBSOX, CHURCH & Co, Portland. t t rnpBiv Astoria. For Liverpool Direct. x The-fine British iron ship ESKDALE, . 12Q0 Tons Register. 100 Al. JThp above vessel goes on the berth fo El VERPOOL direct, and vAU take salmon In lots to Suit shippers. For rates of freight and Insurance apply to BALFOUR, GUTHRIE &'CO., or Portland, Or. ALEX'R BAILLIE, Astoria. Orejon. Rooms to Rent. ROOMS. 18. 18. ANDli. IN ODD Fellows Building, for rent. Inquire at Case's Bank, or of A. J. MEOLER, Occident Hot!. Proposals for Building a Bridge. 1WILL RECEIVE SEALED "PROPOSALS for tho building of a Bridge across Mill Creek. In Road District No. l, until May 8th. 1881,6 P.M. I reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Plans and Speciflcatiofis can be seen at xnj house In Upper VUtaria. JdJUtf SftLJj, Bridges. April 18, 1S84, Ladies of Astoria ! Wir attention is directed to tho Fac that at Mrs. T. S. Jewett's FANCY HOODS OirORir.M. Is a large nd C-mplete Stock of FINK GuDS. Comprising every variety of Fucj Wear, Millinery, Hats, Bonnets, Lac, Embroideries, Ties, Collars, Flchns, La dle' Underwear, Children's Clothes, Hosiery, GIotw, Zephyrs, Worsted, Etc., Of the Newest Styles, And GtIARA.NTF.EO to be FIRST QUALITY, Stamping Done at Reasonable Rates. Dressmaking a Specialty. None but First-class Assistants Employed. Sqilejnoqua Street, two doors west of Cass. Astoria FkotopA Gallery, Cor. of Benton and Squemoqua Streets, Opposite the Court House. Children's Pictures A SPECIALTY and SATISFACTION Guarantied. S. I. CROW. First Class Blacksmithing AT LOW RATES AT Gilbert Christiansen's HORSESHOEING Done on Scientific Principles by an Al Horseshoer who t.uarautees GOOD WORK. General Blacksmithing Done And SATISFACTION ASSURED, at His Shop, in rear of Aug. Danlebon's Saloon Drugs and Chemicals t TJ mTTnmua 2A J. L. lflUWJlO. A il M S rnTTnTOirii i 17JLiWVT10A CV ! J.V ?la irz Pharmacist, rv Prescriptions carefully compounded Day or Night. SOLID GOLD JEWELRY BRACELETS, Scarf Pins. Chains, Watches, S X E V E JEfc VFL&L 3S , Of every description. The llnest stock of Jowclry in Astoria. 9All goods warrantedafirepresentHl 6USTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. J. H. JO. GKAY. Wholesale and rotall dealer in GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME. SAND, AND CEMENT. General storage and WIiarLiK on lfswi Able terms. Foot of Brr ton sfe . Axtort Oregon. REMOVAL. The Astoria Passenger Line WILL AFTER THIS DATE HAVE ITS headquarters at its btaules next to B U Frankllns. tvvodiKirs blow Thr At KiANofflcc. First-class Livery enieo Carts with horse furnished, for one dollar pel lour. Carriages on application The Astoria P&seuKer Linn Hacks will leae for Upper Astoria from the stables. nones taken to board. MR3.T.ORRIEN. SOMETHING YOIT WANT. A NEAT MAP OF ASTORIA. Warranted Cerrect: Lithographed and Mounted; slum lug all Streets, Numbered and Accurately .Marked Price but 85. Albo. a MAP OK THK BAR. from Go em inent Survey, and eudorsed as otUclally cor rect. Price 85, Both. Hspt for 88. But a limited supply, no call early, at the office of BOZOKTH & JOHNS. FOR RENT, Newly Finished Eooms Iu Suites OF THREE ROOMS : SUITABLE FOR families ; the best rooms and best loca tion in the city. Plenty of good ire-h water In the building ; all tno modern Improve ments. Inqulro of J. W. & D. 11. WELCH, office In room 1, Welch's block, corner West Eighth and Water streets. House.to Let. A FIVE ROOMED HOUSE. COMFORT im. ably and eligibly situated Apply to Mrs. A. B. JEWETT. Also tw o unfurnbhed Rooms Wanted. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS SUITABLE for light housekeeping. Address Asto BiAy Office. HOSPITAL, ASTORIA, 0BE60K THIS INSTITUTION. UNDER CARE OF the Sisters of Charity, Is now ready foi t be reception of patients. Private rooms for tlie accommodation ol any deiuing them. Patients admitted at all houis, day or night. No physician has exclusive right, een patient Is free to and has the privilege ol employing any physician they prefer. Catted Status Marine Seamen who pay Hospital Dues, are enti tled to Free care and attendance 3ttbUHo9 etal during sickness. Permits must be ob ,lned for United State? Marines at the Cus torn House. SlftTKRH OF GHAHITl Partnership Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WE have sold an Interest in our business to Mr. H. M. Hathaway, of Portland. Oregon. All parties indebted to us are requested to settle promptlyi as we wish to clone our out standing accounts. The Arm will henceforth cons-st of H. M. Hathaway, Ed. D. CurtLsuid A. P. Naef, under tho name and style of Hathaway. Curtis & Co., and our business will continue as before at corner -of Chena mus and Hamilton streets' treets ED. D. CURTIS & CO. 3 2 AND z J AST0RIA,O A fa s fa Mr Astoria, April- 22, ISM Carpets! Carpet Wo beg to call the attention of the public to our latest importation, direct from Eastern manufacturer!., of the uk fBn -- ifet ki IK hh HIB H9H j0s$n s) H HTbA ! W. Hi 91 K kj --. lm51?.l...i -i T. er offered for sale in this ctt;. . conipiHins all grades, fiom the FINEST BODY BRUSSELS In the Newest Tints and Shades, To tho lourst prlccl'srlicle in this line We aie determined lo dUpoio of our stock cf Carpets within the next lour weeks, and lo that end oiler specl.il Inducements, preouJlux the possibility of mziuz UuilemuUl by ay oru.:. C'ompeti or.. IN THE Furniture and House Furnishing Line - We can show you thn very BEST GOODS at BOTTOM FIQUliE-, and suall he pleased to receive a call for Inspection whether you purchase or not. CHAS. HBILBOB.N. TZ??t " y rjm .gg-c-i--frio-fr r - A ISa:Ss4Esfi3L;v mmmmm Ba.IWlMbT,? B1Ecnb.7r.'OTrAZff. iy-rw"W'iVi v. Bffin i iii i iii in ii i BfiMHHjlHBHgjg!pi7-v Columbia Transportation Company. FOR 2?0tTX.&JKTXX. THE TOrOLAIt STEAMER FAST TIME FLEETWOOD Which has been refitted for the comfort of passenger will leaw Wilson & Fisher's Dock ctery Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. Au additional tilp will bo mado on Munday of Karli 1Vefii,!eavinf Portland at a OVlouk Sandnj Jloraius. ?.vit"ii.r l litis rontt conuect at Kal.ims for Sound ports. U. is Ki i r. President. THE SEW YOJBIt MELT! STOI ! Oppoalto the Parker House. Headquarters for the Yonng and the Old. Books Musical Instruments. Tojs Ui- tlonery and Ko eltles of E er Description. AH Iti Lending Publications of tho Daj. Ask to be shown the Clariona. the latest novel of mechanical ingenuitv. ASTORIA LIQDOS STORE, AUG. DANIELSON, - - Pioprletor. Rebuilt and Befitted Thrnushont. Tho Best of WINES. ti QITORg, ASU CIGAIES Tor a Good Cigar, call for one of "Danielson's Best." Corner West 0th and Water Streets. Astasia. n9-6m . CANNERYMEN ! ! PACIFIC METAL WORKS Importers and Manufacturers of "WHITE METALS. Canners' Solder a Specialty, Strip Lead, for Leading Lines, Plate Zinc, for Cutting Acid, Bar Copper, Pig Lead and Pig Tin. 48 Xerth seoead St Portland, Or 115 A 117 irt St., 8aa Frfmclsoo cmjxtrmlft. j& tub OewYorkRov8lty STORE I Af j s! Carpets! S? - . - ' J- - tjj - v . "-ri.-r rr"rrs?: mim EjSiKSiiiilSjiJ :?5Srffasssss:r jji 3.;r-JK7-c;-r rz&yz S: i-ifer J-s,a8Sii FAST TIMii ! i K 5 ? a 6 usiHl Mta ACOSIPLSTESTOCK. OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. EVERY PIECE WARRANTED. NEW GOODS Constantly Being ftlade Up. 8a tif.i ct iusi C ti:: -, ti 1 icl. Call and Examiue Our Large ASSOKTiVlEriT. TSSSS&ZSSM THE BEST IS THE ci:znj&.,EjE:&i? i Manufacturetl by the OREGON MILLING COMPANY Is of Superior Quality, and is Endorsed byallnhoityiit. TKEHGUSEKEEPER'SFAVORITE Of Superior r.lslng Quality. Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. WYATT & THOMPSON olo Agents for Afetoila. BOAT BUILDING, R. M. LEATHERS' Ha reopened his boat shop, over Arndt & rercheu's, foot of LaFayetto stieet, and is prepared to turn out FIRST-CLAbS BOATS. ALli WOni GUARANTEED. ! Drink Milk and Grow Fat And don't forget that X- IDS". X,xlt2a.c3L Always Keeps Milk by the Glass, Pint, or Quart, At his Fruit Stand, on Chenamas street. Opposite Spexarth's Gun store. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET By the SIsht. Hay, Week or Month WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD, V.'lth uso of Parlor, Library and all the com forts of a homo. Terras reasonable. Apply to MRS. E. C. HOLDEN. Cor. Main and Jefferson Sts. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. FOU TUB Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to the GEM, SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL, - PROPRIETOR. Por Tor Tor Por The Tinest Groceries. The Freshest Vegetables, The Most Complete Assortment, Absolute Satisfaction, In Filling and Delivering All Orders. C ill at FRANK L. PARKER'S Family Grocery and Provision Store, Comer Benton and Chenamus Streets, Opposite Custom House Square. P TEK apply to the Cttptaln. or to EMPIRE STORE BE-OPENING ! Fine Goods - Reduced Prices Ladies desirous of procuring Goods unequaled in Style and Pinish will take pleasure in examining our Stock of SILKS, SATINS and DRESS- GOOBSv Iff GENTS' FUBHISHQTG DEPARTMENT, Everything is Complete and of the best. PRAEL BROS. iTolm A. Montgomery, DRAT.RR iy Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A (S(- n.J Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Vilfliti f(r ftio !! In t!i- 'njir-i'l i'ttiiut.lni; unoiK f at: KtrnW i hHiut. . C.t' done hi :t rOrkuniuHkf ninvr PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. CtiL'niiuinN Mtreot. Tiext ria-tfCL'HygW'sag'igaraRaa TB-E NEW -. .VrKZm " v?2s ?" " iT c--z-r- - . - vsti ; z&s&i K2: 'Miyy " iiwl.ou, - fevt2s,'2y" cr-"v v?i 'iFiiiaii iSK.iC - -- - ri-v:-- aiiidieW'r.t cj.rcrri-!v;i.-M .' .-r,--'-.j.' H..'j,!rx.'pir355iir r A PULL STOOK ALWAYS ON HAlfD. ES L- HA"WBS, Two doora east of Occident Hotel. ASTORIA, OREGO&. M. OLSEN. J. OU8TAFSOK. MARTIN OLSEN & CO. . EALERS IN lt5 FURNITURE S BEDDING. Corner ilatu and Squemoqua Street. Astoria, OrsB. WINDOW SHADES AND TRIMMINGS; WALL PAPER ETC. A Complete Stock. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. iL KINDS OF FUKHTCTURE REPAIRED A5D VARNISHED. Magnus C. Crosby Dealer in HAMABE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, TlXl. AND OOXOX- B. F. STEVENS & CO., C1TX BOOK STOJBE, Have last received a mammoth stock of Books. Tho younK and old, nch and ioor can all be accommodated. AGENTS FOR THE Krnnich & Bach and Mandsfeldt Jt Xotnl Pinaoand TVcstorn Cottaso Oreans, Orders fox all kinds of Music orlnatru mentB will he PwmpUflUe & CQ Eben P. Parher,Master. For TOWING, FEEXQHT orCHAJt- n. B. PASSES. THE To 5 Ii. rsrker'a Store. OHEQOW. MODEL RANGE CAN BE HAD IK-ASTORIA ONLY OF - v i 5f HAWBB, - ' AGENT TALL AND EXAMINE IT. YOB oil v i8fg3ipSE WILL BE PLEASED. E. K. ILvWEa la also agent or the - M patent Cootinf Store And other flrst-cl&sa storos. Fnraao "Wsrk, Stav. Fits tings, etc, a speoialtr A. JOSNfO THE LATEST STYLES in WALL PAPER AT S. B. FRANKLIN'S, NEXT DOOBTO ASTOEIAN OFFJOS. A very large Stock from which to select. Window curtains made to order. 5-My patent Trimmer to cut Wall er will he found convenient to my patronv WIS. EDGAR, Dealer in Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarttt Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridge. CORNER MAIN AND CHENAMUS STS. Delinquent School Tax. THE DELINQUENT SCHOOL TAX Lift of School District No. l, Is now la y hands for collection. Parties- lntereatw. Avlll govern themselves aocon ingly. - A. M TWOmJBLTj , -SherUtCiatsojLCouwr Astoria, Or., March I3tb, 14: fig-.-- Afa .V -1 .'&: .jBlt. -rr 4.