0) " ' ?jTry!!?''',p'aB' ' 'im "? i1 W.v- ASTORIA, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY I, 1884. PRICE, FIVE CENTOS VOL. XX, NO. J 76. t i& IT'1! liVilr i illl?te Hi I&4 ii1l11l' (rtl"1tH ' feE SHIPPING KILLS. Washington", April 29. Dingley of Maine, who is engaged in a. genuine attempt to revive congressional inter est in snipping end shipping laws, succeeded recently in suspending the rules and passing. his bill establish ing a bureau of navigation in the treasury department. Thia bill, Tvhich will probably encounter no opposi tion in the senate, marks the first step toward encouraging a new mer cantile marine. Its object is to du plicate the British board of trade by consolidating the duties now per formed by three divisions of the treasury into one person to be called commissioner" of" navigation. Upon this man, who is to be appointed by the president, will devolve the duty of suggesting amendments to the present antiquated, navigation laws and carrying on a general investiga tion in the disappearance of Ameri can ships from the seas. For a few years, of course, the commissioner's labors will be theoretical, but after wards, Mr. Dxngley says, he may have important functions to perform. On Saturday the house supplement ed this legislation by passing Ding ley's bill to remove burdens from the merchant marine,' and among other things adopted an amendment by -Sunset" Cox allowing the importa tion of vessels of le33 than 6000 tons free of duty, and admitting all such vessels not used in the coastwise trade to American registry. This provision, however, it is feared, will be struck out by the senate, but the bill will surely pass. George of Oregon succoeded in amending it so a3 to allow ships load ed with coal, salt, railroad iron, etc., to unload within colleotiu districts at a place designated by tiio arvretary of the treasury. Thi3 i- in Hie inter est of commerce at Oakland, Califor nia, Portland. Oregon, and olhor Pa cific coast oities when unloading is restricted to a certain extent The Labor Problem in l.niiiyiv.iula. Philadelphia April 29. 1 he J'rus prints a lengtny report made by a staff correspondent concerning the causes of the labor tronh'fs in the Pennsylvania mining region . It says the objection to the Hungarians lies chiefly against their forced immigra tion, under special arrangement with steamship companies, and their economic-habits, by which they under work old minera, and sending their earnings out of the country. The correspondent says: "The revolt against pauper labor is by no means confined to this region, but reaches to most part3 of .the state, where great crowds of skilled, labojers .areem ployed. New immigrants conjing' into the coal regions here cause the ! same agitation as the Chinese did in California. Perhaps the objections are not so'broad, nor as just, but they are of the same general nature. Euglish, "Welsh, Irish, and almost all other miners are getting restless at the sight of these laborers. Already boys stone them in the street. They claim they camo to this "country to become citizenB, and add to its wealth and character. Thoy bring families to raise, and increase the sum of our population, while the Hungarians and others havo no intention Of becoming citizens, and no intention of keeping their families "here. "They live upon as little as will sustain life, and will work for almost anything. Twenty five cents to a dollar a day is the range of their wages. They house nearly as thickly as the Chinese, and their manner of Jiving is worse. They average $10 monthly in expenses, while every' dollar over that is sent back to the old country." The corre spondent coneludes: "The problem presented is difficult. The precedent established by congress to satisfy the clamor of "the Pacific coast is cited constantly to maintain the cause of those who insist that these cheap laborers 'must go.' If those distinc tions are continued the question of immigration in this country must very soon become a momentous one." la the Interest of the Laboring Hun. "WASHnTaiox, April 59, The presi dential election being in progress, congress, within two weeks, has shown a disposition to legislato in the alleged interest- of the laboring men. Over a week ago tho house passed Hopkins' bill to establish and maintain a bureau of statistics, and Senator Blair reported the same bill from the senate committee on educa tion and labor, giving notice that at an early day he would ask its consid eration. Snator George has reported favorably from the same committee the bill prohibiting the importation of foreign labor. This is called "an act to protect 'American labor." George also gave notice that he want ed the senate to. take it up very soon. Both these bills are in tho line of re strictive legislation sanctioned by congress in the passage of the Chi nese bill in 1882. The first named requires the epinmissioner, among other things, to collect statistics about the number, character, condi tion and classification of Chinese la. borers in the United States. Such statistics, as Sumner of California pointed out in a speech made week before last, would do much towards inducing the east io join with the Pa oifio coast'in forever excluding Chi nese. Tho bureau of statistics bill will probably become a law, but the chances of George's bill, under which coolies could be exoluded, are slim. Senator Dolph presented a bill to day from the Portland board of trade, asking congress to suspend the coin age of silver dollars, and provide for the issue of ononnd two dollar notes. . Railroad Notes. New Yobk, April 29. The Herald nays' "The completion of the Mexi can Central from El Paso to the City of Mexico is already beginning to producr,thQ'same effect in the trade of that place which tho junction of the Central and the Union Pacific railroads at-Ogden did upon the trade of San Frtockco. The northern and many of the ontral states of Mexioo now find the markets of Chicago, St. Louis and New Orleans open to them on better terms than the City of Mex ico, and these advantages will be multiplied by the completion of the Mexican National and other roads piercing Mexico from below El Paso.". New York, April 29. In connec tion with the proposition to cancel the Oregon and Transcontinental lease of the Oregon and California railroad, it was stated yesterday that efforts were being made to induce the holders of the 88,000,000 Oregon and Transcontinental loan to give up their option on its securities. Taking Oat Stump-, by Blasting. The Willamette Farmer gives the following description of the manner in which Mr. P. J. Beatty removes slumps: "He made a small hole un der the stump, large enough to get in a cartridge and stick of giant pow der. " The object of this was to make a cavity large enough to insert the .Tudson powder. After setting off this charge we invariably found a cavity of ample size. Clearing it ont tho Judson powder fabout twelve pounds) waR placed underneath the ' stump; a third of a atick of jiant powder with a giant powder cap on a piece of fuse inserted into it was laid : alongside the Judson and then the whole cavity was filled up again and ' the earth tamped down carefully. Of , curse the utmost caution was ob-' served. The match was applied ! the slow tiro and it was natiil to thn nan- which has twice LUUiUlUU4- the power of a gunshot, which in turn I set off tho giant powder, and that , started the Judson. Tho whole makes a simultaneous report, and was Mifii-1 cieut to open up n stump five feet across and weighing many tons. The whole mass would rise up bodily in the air and the roots for yards around lay bare and slivered into a thousand pieces. The process is simply to clear , ont a good place under the .slump, j fhen set off the Judson powder ami i your stump is out ana m suitaoie shape to remove either by firing or hauling off with a team. The cost's comparatively light, and can be summed up about as follews: Twelve pounds of Judson, 31.20; giant pow der (1-6 pound) 10c; fuse, 5c; total, SL33, to remove a stump five feet through, woighiug three tons. To this must be added tho labor of excavating and clearing. Wo venture to say that it will cost not to exceed ?1.!0 to re move a stump as above plated. It would lake two men two days to grub out such ft slump, to say nothing about removing it after taken out Women As "Wheat Speculators. From a broker the Cmuago ' 1 ri bunc has learned that Ihero are par Laps at least 500 women in thai city who speculate regularly, anil that manv lending brokers tofnso their custom. "They kick ilrst, last, and always," he said, 'i( thoy loso; and i mind,Ernctationoffood,irriuibii they win a dollar or -two or ?50 .they itj-of tcmpcr,i.owplrlu, AfeellnR talk yon to death. Tlnv are governed by dreams and seances, aud if tho market goes against ihein, they swear by the dream, and say that they have been swindled. 1 suppose there aro many women possessed of private fortunes who extract a pleasure from speculation, but they generally do business thrjugh ponio pergonal; friend on tho regular board, and not j nn flin nnll-linnnl. T Iniovf from r- perienco that there are very few men ' who would permit their wives to en-' gage in such practices. It is not a womanly pastime, to say tho least, I and ought, I think, to aiTord grounds for divorce It makes the woman j hard and coarse, destroys their' beauty, and turns a happy, handsome J creature into an ugly pest, for garab- J ling is sure to become a monomania J with them, and they can talk nothing else. I know of tho wife of a promi nent merchant who got so badly 'left' that she pawned her diamonds for! 8500, not long ago. and would have lost them but for her husband, who found it out at tho last moment and redeemed them. Then he got a gun and went around to see the broker. The latter, however, happened to bo out, or there might have been blood shed. So, as I said before, I don't want any of it in mine." The Work of a Single Hair. In tho base of the capitol nt Wash ington ia the enginery by whioh tho house, senate and committee rooms are warmed and ventilated, and the gas lighted by electricity. It ia alto gether a big apparatns, consiBting of three immense fans, four engines and eight boilers, with tho necessary ap pliances for regulating the tempera ture and moisture of tho nir sup plied to the nation'fl legis a tors. The instrument which tells whether the air is too moist or too dry is operat ed by a single human hair. A per fectly dry hair is put at 0: saturated air, that is, air carp'ing all tho mois ture it will hold, is put at 100. A dial with a hand like that of a clock represents the differont degrees from 9 to 100. The human hair absorbs moisture like a rope, and, like a rope, it becomes shorter when wet The difference in length between a hair G inches long when wet and the same hair when dry is made to "represent the hundred degrees of moisture on the dial; and the hand or pointer moves backward or forward as tho moisture in the air varies. It it be comes too dry moro steam is thrown in; if too moist, less steam is allowed to escape, and thus tho atmosphere for the nation's statesmen is regulat ed and kept at tho healthful point, which is about 50 Astoria Cooperage. BARRELS AND HALF-BARBELS All Kinds of Cooperage Done. J car-Leave orders with. JOHN ROGERS. Superintendent, at Central Market. NOTICE. STATE AND COUNTY TAXES A RE NOW due and payable at ome tf SherUTClatsop eo. THE GREAT GERMAN REMEDY FS1A5 RlIEUXATIStf, Neuralgia, Schtiea, Lumbago, BACKACHE, HflSiCSS, IMIZiCSS, SORE THROAT, Qci:.5r. bttzluzios. SPRAINS, Stztas, Cats, Bruis. FEOSTBITE3. nenxs, scalds, Ani til olhtr boillf Ml- m ri ens i soraL Dwlci. DSreitlosi la 11 2fc9ttidjiA.VejalsrC:. (hwiun u A. Vcitlii t CO -KS-Jj fc,h!?r. 3d, C. S. A. H W CELEBRATED l X IW . STOMACH ff oiTTEffS Jtcgeueratioa for EafeeJ l.'d Systems un"erlnjj from a pcnpral ant or tone, and Its usual couc mltai t .dyspepsia and ner- outness, is seldom tierivuble from 1he ue of a nourishing did nud stimuli or appetite, unaided. A medirh.e that willctftet a re moval ot the specific obstacle to -ren wea health and v!Kr, l hatis a genuine corrective. Is the real need, (t is the possession ot this prand requirement which make.- Hosteler's Moi ch lJitters so etfeett e as anlnviswant. For -.ale by all Drusai'ts and i:ealer generally. TUTTS wi I 1mIim I TORPID BOWELS, iMSOIID E ftEDc -LIVER, ana malaria. From these sources arise threo-fonrtlis of the diseases of the human raoe. These symptoms Indicate their existence. Xioss of Appetite, Uovcla oostlro, Stele Headache, mllnecs after eat ofiiavlng neglected some duty,I)lz zliiess.rinttcrlnjf atthelleart.Dots before the eyes, highly colored tIrlne,COXSTlPATIOA,an(ldemnnd the use of a remedy that acta dlrectlvon. tho Liver. As aLlvermedicineTUTT'S PIIE.S have no equal. Thciractionon the Kidneys and fckln i3 also prompt; removing all Impurities through these threo "scavenger of tho tutim, producing appi-lito, sound digestion, icRular stools, a clear skin and a vig orousbedy. TCTT'S FILLS cause no nausea or frripinj; ar Interfere wlta daily work and are a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. hold every wheres. OUice U JlurrnySuN V. TUTTS HA5BBYE. Gray Hate ohWhiskkes changed in stantly to a Glopsv Black by a aingle application of this D b. Sold by Drug Lts,orscnt by express on receipt of SI. Office, 44 Murrov Street, Xew York. :57T2 uaotal cr tnsruL esjsipsb rstc. BITTERS !, Wilmerding & Co., San Francisco. Loeb & Co., Agents, Astoria. Carnahan & Co. SCCCESSOliH TO I. W. CASE 3 IMI'OrTKHR AND WHOLESALE U BP AIL DEALERS fN AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE ''orncr Chenamm and Cass streets. ASTORIA - - OREGON Fishermen's Headquarters. THE GENUINE Cape Ann Oiled Clothing, OVERALLS COATS. HATS. SHIRTS, GUM BOOTS, ETC. And a Complete Outfit, of Ben Quality, and at the LOWEST I'RICE of any EsUUUsh- raont In the city. P. A. STOKES & CO. Have cpoued a New Stock ol A 1 Goods in the store next door to ronrd& Stokes, and Guarantee Satisfaction TO ALL CUSTOMERS. 6 .HHinrTg ffr ii i ihiihiij i&&UFZZd$hi -U-&. 2g?3 I m&BBfflm&Asem ri " ' ' ' '"I ' i AUttkAMt -rVE"I -w.mjt. q SPRING The Mammoth Clothing Emporium Opens This Day vr 7arvv v Prides at 2Sero. M.D.KA.NT,TeBossMerchantTailor ? Mian anil Slip GM'toy A. VAN DUSEN & CO.." -L-i OKA LRUS IV Hardware and Ship Chawllery, Pure Oil, Bright Vanaish, -Til Binacle Oil, Cotton QanvasJ Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spik$-; Galvanized Cut Nail,s Agricultural Implements, sewing .nnnuBoaxr fit n?lr rm.intlt flyy PJglUig; , .?. t . i. 10.000 BOTTLES SOLD Great Northwestern. Remedy TAKE IT W.prUMDER'S. Oregon BldqdPorifiebl KIDMEy ? UVEJLD5SSASCS.. DYSPEPSIAS PjiiRESSlDTCKS 4DSK!H DSEASCSc HEACAGHLTo CScTlVENESS. Tho who work party and lite ntol n v, holeoau ieliall .Medicine Hkf PfQHdcr On-yon Blood 1'uriner. .v? a roiie.'y and prevenla!ieof dlee It cxrnnot be be.vt. It checks Gheuiaatlsm and Malaria, relieves C'onxtlD&tlon. DrcbeDtlit and BU!ou8p4 and puts fresh energy into the SAStm bv making pw KIch Blood. All Dnnrists and Deil- rrsKeepit. SinouotuesGiortfj-W. C. H. BAIN & CO. DK.LTJ13 IN Doors, Windows, Blinds, Transoms; Turning, Bracket Work. Sliop 'Worls. A specialty, and all wort Ruaranteed. Oak, Ash, Bay, and Walnut lumber : Ore Ron and Tort Orford Cedar. All kinds or boat material on itaud. C II. BALV A CO. Wilson & Fisher, SHIP CHANDLERS. nRAi-iiUS IX Iron, Steel, Coal, Anchors, Gnaint, ... .& TAR, PITCH, OAKUM, NAILS AND SPIKES, Shelf Hardware, Faints and Oils STEAM PACKING, PROVISIONS. IXOUIJ 4AI .miX FJEE1. Agents for Sslent Flouring Mills, an J Capita! Flour. FAIRBANKS STANDARD SCALES. All ito. nt Portland Prices, In Stock. Corner Chenamus and Hamilton Street TIA. OREGON. THE CELEBRATED Foley Springs. PKTr.K RCNCY. MpnHor. m HESU CELT .ICilltATED MEDICINAL n.,Hnjunrtrti!i ijmoCountA'.Orecon. sire uuenua'ed for tho curerf Catairhal al fectlons. Rheumntism. and pyspepala, as thousands throughout tho Northwest will attest Everv care L given Invalids and those wbo 8eektlx benefits of ttw water?. Carriases leave tho St. Charles Hotel. Ea iieue City, every Wednosday and'Saturday, duect for the Springe. OPENING P W: for Inspection. THE LARGEST Finest and Best STOCK Of Men's and Boys' Wearing APPAREL North of San Francisco, Look Out for Novelties Every Department. TEE TAILORING DEPARTMENT Contains the Oholoe3t Patterns In Spring and Summer Good. A Complete Fit nnd AYorSraanshlp Guaranteed In all Garments. FOH Finest Groceries, FOARD & STOKES. A FULL LINE OF HARDWARE AND Ship Chandlery. A - NEW SLIP -ausTFtnlTOed in Retwrot Worn. 5. ARNDT & FER(HEN, ArtTOUlA. OKKGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH SHOP Boiler Aii k'nit- of ENGINE, CANNERY, I AM STEAMBOAT WORE Prompuy attended to. AHpeeiatiy madeo repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. ARNDT & FERGHEH, Agent- Inr Oregon, Washington Territory, tuid AhtfXafor K. W. BLISS Special Cannery Machinery ! Engines. Soldering M&chiaea, m I Improved Acid Bath and Crimping Machines, Power PresseB, Foat Presses, j Squaring Shears, j And all other machinery used lu eanatHes. ! including the tio 1 COMBINATION DIES. Working without small springs, consuiotlj We respecUuily 1 canaerymeu to , call and examine the abpre machinery 23 U h-, greatly superior to anr heretofore tntro- i duced on this cost. Orders solicited. .tHXDT A FEKCHE.V. foot ol Lafayette Street, Astoria. Orejron. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. BK.VTNSrHJU,.T, NRAK PAhKKJC fLHWfi. A)iTORL. - OREGON. I GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LAUD ana MABIMG1S1S Boiler Work. Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. OASTZSTGrS, Of alt DefteriptfeHS ma&e te Onter Rt Mhert Netlee. A. l. Wam, President. J. O. Huan.En8erctftry. I. VT.CAhf, Treasurer. Joux Fox,Suprintendeat. For Sale. FIVE HUNDRED CORDS DRY HEM loek Wood, wtlch I will deliver nt the houseAoteustonteMiorWa-eortL - Drayinsof all klad eJSHf ratei B. R. MARION. 'JIbHIiTa- Shop "S HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. PARSER. HOUSE, H , M. PAKKKJB. Prop., 'AaTORlA, . - - OREGON. Al.CfiOSBr. - - DayCierk- hU.'BOWEEd, - - Night Clerk. Jas. DUFFY ha the Bar and Billiard room. First &B93 in all Eespects. FREE COACfl TO THE HOUSE. A Good Cup of Coffee AND OYSTERS AT Mrs. Powell's Coffee House, On. Msla Stieet next to Oregon Bakery. Campi Restaurant. SF.W AXD WKLL F.qCIPPilD TUJtOCGHOUT, L. Serru hhi reb3it his establishment and l prepaivd to nccoramodaie the traveling public A good meal funii-Jicsi at any hour of tho day oe night. T be unest Llquotb and CiHi-s at the bar. 'f wo doors west of Ike Foster's. - it2S-flm IXKH .SEBKA. Figures Heyer Lie ! ASP JEFF 01 THE CHOP HOUSE Can pr&ve by Ida book that he Is doing the blee.t business of anj . reItattkant In the, city, nd he-will Ruarantee to give the best meal lor cah. . MARKETS. WASHINGTON MARKET, Mats Mreet, Astotia, reoa. BKG M i.S & BEJCKY. PKOPKIETOB.S. RESeECTFCLLY-CALL THE ATTfiN tlou of Uie pubUe to the fact tlmt the aiKveiJarket.vvIll alnay b3uruuedv.lth a FULL "VABICIT AND BEST QUAUTS rH A ft cyRCDJMCAT I I Wbieli Tlil b o?d at 1ovmI rate, whote saJeand retail. BP"Speeial attetitlou gien to supplying ship'j. Pacific Market. N. DAV1CH k CO. - - Proprietors. Leuve Your Orders tor Fish, Game, Eggs, Butter, VEGETABLES, ETC. We furnlaa Provisions. Fresh and In Good Condition, Dressed Chicken3. Vetcetables, and MarKet Produce of nil klnd3 lu season. A Fine Mock of Tamils Wines, Liquors, ulnars ana loijaccos. STAR. MARKET. WHERRY k COMPANY, Fresh aud Cnid Meats, Vesetablee, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE XCH)KNT HOI EI.. CHERT AHUM Street. Asterla, e WYATT & THOMPSON. DEALERS IN FRESH AND CURED MEATS, CHOICE GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Ciookerv and Glass ware. Trm FeedLtBtot A. V. Allen, Wttoleiale and BetuU Dealer lu FrarittoM, MILL FEED. Glass and Piated Ware, TROPICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wiflts, LiquorsJobacco.Cigars T. G. RAWUNGS, Whoicrfalo and RotollDealer in Tropieal, Domestic, Green and Dried NUTS.tXVNPIES.DRIED MEATS, ETC. Fle Clgkrn MTebilWe. Next" door to I. J. Arvold's, Squemoqua St. BUSINESS CARDS. GEO. A. nOBBIS, aso.sbuso HOIUlSI fe BOBSUv ATTOfiNEYS AT LAW-1 ,- v . Office lu Kinney's Bloci. opfWeUr-Olf Hall, AatoriSr-Oregoa, sJ,. Q K. THOMSOA, Attorney and Cwtfiiifcr atiawT Eoom No. c, oer Wbite'BQa3j. . ' AsioBiA. oxsaosr. ' ! .'; o.-w.rtTioir. r;.ft ATTOBJfEYS AT LAW.'' Bodznijj and 0, Odd FeUaws J -4 T l.B9WLar, ATTORNEY AT t&tt, Cnenamus treet, - - ASTOfclAV 0900 T08EPH A. Glfi, ATTOENEY-ATAW; ; . 5rOfflcewithJ.Q'A.Bo?rbr. " ASTORtA, - - - - '" TMMlT Qt J. CUKTW, ATT'5f AT LAW. Notary Public, Commissioner ot Daodgtor CaUforuia, New Yorfcaad Wehin5re ritory: r . Rooms 3 aud i. Odd Fellows BtalitosrA-' tona. Oregon. N.B -Clalnw at WaSalngtoo. D. 0V' colIecUons specialty. A V. ALLKai, Astrla AMrmt Hamburg-Magdeburg and Gtnwm-AaiHuii FIRE INSDEANCK C0MPA5U3. JJ ). HOLDES, NOTARY PUSlio, " AUCTIONEER, COilMUSSIOtN SD fi$ SOEANCE AQEC1. O. F. IiSICK, ARCHITECT AND DEAUGMTSKA: Scholars recelred for Coarse of Vrin&viif BT-Omee orer'WhMte Hbuie StUtt, Q.KIiO P. PIRKKK, , SURYBYOE Of Clatep rnnntr nud rityar 1'gf rlii Office :-ChenBmai6tTee,.Y;M.O. A. hull Room No. 8. Q BEXHO MABTOT, W. Bj . FfayslcUa mud. fUrink ; ASTOEIA. - - Om&M- Ot-riCK-Room 13, Odd Filww thiUift RKatDEKCE Hume bulldmj,uy4ais. TAX TUTTIiE. M. I. PHYSICIAN AND SITKQIOH Office Rooms l, 2, and ft. Pyifcka SM- Inx. s Rf-sidknce Ou Cedar Htreet, bcii f St. Mary's Hospital. F. J. HI0K3. A.s.aaAjr.. niCKS Oc 8H1W, - DENTISTS. j,. Rooms in Alien'a Building, up stales, m ner Caaa and Squemoqua streets. AmaT Oregou. J. RISBERC. Practical Tailor.. On Genevieve street, opposite iaes&b it Johns. tlB-sm. Bozorth & Joltn Real Estate and lnturtnctAfioify and Brokeri. ' - ASTORIA. Oragc. BuyandellaU kiada ol liealasSat a4 represent the XoUowuujJfire Insurance Coopanleff : ScottUh Union and Na- tionar, . assets Phcenbc; of Hartford M Home of Nev Yorfe, " Hamburg and Bremen. . Western. " Phenlx of Brooklyn. Oakland Home, " PolIcieawrittanbvu3ln-the 1 Home and Scottish Union and Ni equitable rates. . j BANKING AND IHSMAlK! ' I. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and law ance Agent, - OFFICE HOUES : 1 From 9 o'clock A. M. until 8 o'clock,?. L B. S. Worded t ATJCTIONEEK AND COMMISSION .MERCHAOT -Office and Ware Rooms on Sgocsjeguft Street, next door to' corner ot Oiftey. . Advancements made, on CoaslgBSMlr a Cliarses for t&tmrMk' qiJHkti GEORGE LOTXIT, Tailoring, Cleasiii, Blit NEAT, CHEAP ANT QUiCK. ? Mala W.. oppMltc 5f. Uc)', A4rtK;'v G. A. STINSON 4 CO., BLACKSMtTHINO, At Cape Rogers old stasd. corner ftAi and CortSTw4B. tihln and Oinnerv rrerk. Wagons mode and repaired. guaranieea. Estate tUB- tiSLLx