The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, April 24, 1884, Image 3

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Zfo gaUg $tmm
(Monday oocpted) '
TermK of Subscription.
Served by Curler, pur w eek 1 Sets.
Sent by Mall, per mouth ficts.
" ' ' one j car .7.oo
Free of postage to subscribers.
JSAlvertisemeiiLs inserted by tho ear at
the rate of ?2 per square per mouth. Tran
sient adertliiic fifty cent-, per square, each
Tho Lizzie Bell ha3 arrived out.
Main street is in a nice condition at
its junction with Squemoqua.
Our hardware stores are full of such
supplies as are usuollv eraplo3od in street
There are a treasurer, assessor, street
superintendent, sexton, etc., whose sala
ries would easily stand a raise.
Yesterday would have been a pleasant
day to do a little repairs on that sinkhole
in front of Suprenant & Ferguson's shop.
Nature has done a good deal for Astoria
in the matter of prevention of epidemics.
Let our generous city council assist Na
ture. There in a town in Germany where each
citizen draws a yearly dividend from the
receipts of the treasury. The streets are
in tine condition in that town.
Disinfectants should bo purchased be
fore the druggists' stooks run low. Lime
and dilute carbolic acid tend to neutral
ize the miasma arising from putrescence.
A large iron ship has been taken to
load Oregon flour at San Francisco at
32s Gd for orders, Tho O. E. fc N. steam
ers will carry the cargo from the Colum
bia. -
Don't forget the fact that Haverly's
strategists play here on Satur
day evening, and if you haven't a
reserved seat you can procure one at the
New York Novelty store.
E. Fapmahl is the late3t victim. Some
one or two went through the back part of
his saloon at an early hour yesterday
morning and gathered in some loose
change and refreshments. As usual there
is not the slightest indication as to who
the light Angered gentry are.
There are a good many unemployed
men in Astoria. There seems to be a lit
tle spare caRh in the city's strong box.
Gentlemen of the city council if you will
take the time to look around you, or just
follow your noses, you will be astonished
to see how dirty and ill-smelling the
streets are.
The paper fair at Libert- hall laat
evening, though not as largely at tended as
its worth and novelty merited, was n
source of considerable pleasure to the
participants. To the uninitiated it was
wonderful to note tha different articles
made of paper and the ingenuity dis
played in their construction.
It is among the many other rumors
flying around that the next breeze that
sweeps from the east will bring an order
that the ocean steamers shall not go
above Asteria: that Astoria Bhall be
recognized as the terminus of ocean
steamer travel, and that the river steam
ers shall do duty between here and points
inland. Anyhow lot the streets be
"What was almost a drowning accident
occurred near the Columbia Canning
company's net racks last Tuesday night,
a man having walked oTerboard. Lin
guist, his companion, tried to save him
but had it not been for the prompt assist
ance of the watchman both men would
probably have been drowned, they for
tunately escaped with no worse hurt than
a thorough soaking.
Thero is a little proposition to raise the
salary of the police judge to $90 0
month. It came before the council last
Tuesday and will appear again next
Tuesday. Why stop at $03? Why not
make it the oven hundred? It takes at
least an hour every week day, and time
is-money. The salary of the cily attor
ney has" been raised; the salary of the
auditor and clerk lias been raised; the
treasury is bursting with money, so are
the rotten planks and cess-pools along
the streets with filth; raise all the sala
ries. It is manifest injustice that the
street superintendent's salary has not
been raised, and everyone knows that the
position of councilman i exceedingly
onerous and deserving of liberal com
pensation. Raise tho salary of m-cry
salaried officer in tho city and let those
who have no salary be granted a good
round sum forthwith. If the citizens or
their children sicken or die from inatten
tion to the most necessary demands of
common decency or municipal health,
what of il? What i tho city treasury
for anyway? A spasm of economy may
actuate other departments, but let the
good work of raising salaries continue.
The city taxes are not half high enough
now. An extra one per cent judiciously
levied may result in enough additional
ooming in to enable every one that scrubs
Bpittoon to draw a pood fat wage. If
fever comes and visitors from tho inte
rior hasten away with their handker
chiefs to their noses, what of it? "Tho
earth belongs to the saints of the Lord;
wa are the saints of tho Lord."
A Gem of Diction.
Le Citoyen Amoriceiu,' is received
with a request to exchange. It is pub
Iished in Minneapolis, Minn., and should
be in every household. J. N. Cadiens is
the editor. Among other things he says:
"Et aussi longtemps qu'il existera, par
l'operation des 101s et aes mamrs une
condemnation socialo creant artificielle
ment un enf er sur la terre; aussi long-
temps que les trois problemes du siecle:
la degration do l'homme par la mendi
cite et l'lnlemperance, la mine do la
Jem me par la laim, la destruction de
Pobscunte morale ne seront resons, dans
xm autre sens, aussi longtemps que 1'ig
norance et la misero existeront, nous con
tinuerons de croire que memo des efforts
aussi humbles que les notre no seront pas
inutiles." You bet.
targe Pieasaut Rontus,
Some large and very pleasant rooms
.are for rent at Mus. Twilio ht'.
Wauls n Situatlou.
A Norwegian girl wants a situation
as domestic In a small family. Apply
to A. M. .JoiTNRoN, Astoria Sail-loft.
Something; Flue.
Just received at T. fi. KawHujeV a
large stork of cigars, Cigarettes, and
tut choicest brands of tobacco.
Booms to Hen I
tMra. Currnn's. near the I'ongrega
iiomll church.
Bonis for Sale.
Ice Leathers has two line Ivoats lor
sale at the boat shop, oue block west of!U.
TJe Patent Lump Filler.
The moet useful household invention
oftheftze. Call and fes II. Also, extra
eood Coal Oil locale in quantities from
I pint to a barrel. Jordan & Bozobth.
A Capable Woman
With nood refeiences wants a situation
to do housework in a family, Inquire
t P. L. Peck & Son's.
T. II. D. Gray, for Joint Representative
J. O. Spencer for County Clerk Geo. P.
Wheeler for Sheriff A. W. Berry for
Treasurer (J. F. Parker for Surveyor
J. C. Ross for Coroner II. Sloop for
School Superintendent J. F. Warren
for Assessor D. K. Warren and II. B.
Farmer for County Commissioner.
The Republican county convention of
Clatsop county, met at tho courthouse in
this city at one o'clock yesterday after
noon, and was called to order by J. EL
J D. Gray, chairman of the state central
First in order vf?a the election of a
temporary chairman. A. W. Berry was
olected to fill that position and J. O.
Bozorth temporary secretary, and W. L.
Eobb assistant secretary.
A committeo of three on credentials
was appointed by the chair consisting of
Messrs. Johns, Cook and Matier.
A committee of three on order of busi
ness consisting of Thorn es, Xewell and
Ward was appointed and after recess re
ported the following entitled to seats in
the conventien:
Astoria W. E. Dement, 1). K. Warren,
H. B. Parker, J. W. Welch, Aug. Daniel
son, C. W. Stone, A. W. Berry, A. F.
Johns, C. J. Curtis, S. Arndt, P. J. Good
man, N. E. Goodell, E. JB. Hawes, Theo.
Brakker, John Halm, C. W. Stone, Geo.
P. Wheeler, F. R. Newell, Walter Eobb,
N. L. CoQinbury (W. E. Dement, proxy),
F. Sherman.
Upper Astoria C T. Thomes, F. C.
Heed, John Enberg, W. H. Barker.
Knappa L. N. Mitchell, J. W. Crow, J.
F. Warren, Angus Sutherland.
Westport Bobt. West, B. W. Thomp
son (J. O. Spencer, proxy).
Clifton J. O. Spencer, V. Cook.
Clatsop J. Matier, S. B. Smith, F. C.
John Day's W. H. Lewis.
Seaside J. P. Austin, F. L. Geigor (J.
P. Austin, proxy).
Young's River W. B. Painter, C.
The report of the committee was
The chair appointed C. Thomes to rep
resent Fishhawk, Yin Cook, Lewis und
Clarks, A. F. Johns to represent Misha
waka, and S. B. Smith to represent
Temporary officers were made perma
nent and order of business announced.
First in order came nominations. The
secretary read the call from The Daily
Astoriax, and tho chair announced first
in order would be nominations for coun
ty central committee. It was moved
that the chairman of the convention be
the chairman of the county central com
mitteo with power to appoint four asso
ciates. Next in order came tho election ot bix
delegates to the stato convention. Messrs.
Ward and Arndt were appointed tellers.
Balloting proceeded with tho following
result: E. S. McCormac 3, Jay Tuttle 10,
F. C. Reed, GS, S. B. Smith 39, A. F.
Johns 33, W. D. Baker, 33. H. B. Parker,
33, J. F. Halloran, 41.
Next in older of business was the nom
ination of joint lepresentative from Clat
sop and Tillamook counties. J. IT. D.
Gray and J. Q. A. Bowlby were placed in
nomination. The ballot resulted Gray,
23; Bowlby, 'J. On motion J. H. D. Gray
was declared the unanimous nominee of
tha convention. That gentleman was
called upon for u .speech, and, in re
spouse, thanked the convention for tho
honor conferred upon him, hoped the
party would win and pledged himself to
take an active part in the campaign.
Nominations for county clerk were as
follows J. O. Silencer, G. W. Lounsber
ry, Geo. P. Wheeler, S. B. Smith, A.
Kuapp, T. S. Jewett, and J. G. Hustler.
Geo. P. Wheeler declined. The first bal
lot stood as follews: Spencer, 19: Louns
berry, 7: Smith, 8; Knapp, 4; Jewett, 3;
Hustler, 2; scattering, 1. No nomination;
before the second ballot S. I. Smith
withdrew, the bailor resulting um follews:
SpenecT, 31; Lonnberry, 4; Hustler, 4;
Knapp, t'; Jew t-tt, 1. On motion J. O.
Spencer was dfvlaivd th unanimous
nominee for county cltrtu.
For sheriff the following vt-r placed
in nomination. C. V.'. Stone, I. H.
Ward, Goo. P. Wheeler, A. Knapp and S.
C. Benner. First ballet: Stono, 10; Ward,
11; Wheeler, S; Knapp, 9; Benner, fi; no
nomination. Second ballet: Waid, 10:
Stone. 7; Wheeler, 14; Knapp, 9; Benner,
3. scittering, 1; no nomination. Third
ballet: u heeler, lt; Ward, t; hiune, 8;
Knapp, 8; Benner, 1: scattering, 1; no
nomination; Mr. Benner retired. Fourth
ballet: Wheeler, l."; Stone, 7; Ward, 10;
Knapp, 11; scattering, 1; no nomination.
Mr. Stone rctiied. Fifth ballet: Wheel
er, 22; Knnpp, 12: Ward, 10; scattering, 1;
no nomination. Sixth ballet: Wheeler,
21; Knapn, 11; Ward, 7; scattering, 2.
Geo. P. Wheeler was declared tho nomi
nee of the convention for sheriff.
For county treasurer tho names of
Chas. Hcilborn, A. W. Iterry, and F. L.
Parker were placed in nomination, re
suiting in the nomination of Mr. Berry
bj' the following vete: Heilborn, 1; Uer
ry, 25; Parker, 14.
For county surveyor Gelo F. Parker
was nominated by acclamation.
For coroner the names of J. C. Ross
and L S. Kiftsey wero placed in nomina
tion, resultng in the nomination of the
former, by a vote of 28 to 13.
For school superintendent the names
of Mrs F. E. Martin, and H. Sloop were
presented to the convention, Hr. Sloop
being declared the nominee by a vote of
27 to 14 for Mrs. Martin.
For county assessor, J. F. Warren and
L. N. Mitchell were placed in nomina
tion. The vote stood, Warren 2G, Mitch
ell 1G. Mr. AVarren was declared the
For county commissioneis. the names
of D. K. Warren, H. B. Parker, Josiah
West and Henry Fisher were placed be
for the convention; tho first ballot was,
Warren, 40: Parker, 19; West, 9; Fisher,
19; D. iu warren was declared a nomi
nee. Tho .second ballot resulted in the
nomination of H. B. Parker: bv the fol-
i--i?ie vote: H. B. Parker, 25; Henry
Fisaer, 17.
1 ma ciosed the county nominations.
A. W. Berry, who had been elected as
chairman 01 tho county central commit
tee, resigned in favor of A. F. Johns,
who was unanimously elected to that
The introduction of a series of resolu
tions elicited considerable debate, and a
committee consisting of Messrs. JohnB,
Reed and Smith wero finally ap
pointed to draft and submit a
series of resolutions. Pendiing the
report of the committee a recess of
fifteen minute3 was taken to allow the
two precincts to nominate constables and
justices of the peace, and to appoint pre
cinct committees.
Astoria precinct nominated N. E.
Goodell for justice of the peace and Jas.
Christie for constable. Messrs. Goodell,
Hawes and Goodman were chosen as the
precinct committee.
Shively precinct nominated J. W.
Welch for justice of the peace and O.
Nelson for constable. Messrs. Berry,
Eobb and Davidson were chosen as the
precinct committee.
The committee on resolutions reported
the following, which, after some dis-
Resolved. That tho delegates from Clat
sop county to the liepublioan state con
vention, to be held in Portland on
Wednesday, tho 80th day of April, 1834,
be and are hereby instructed to support
Hon. 0. W. Fulton for representative
in congress, and the Hon. F. J. Taylor
I for circuit judge of th9 Fifth judicial
I Resolved, That it is tho sentiment of
this convention that the representative
from Oregon should use all honorable
moans to obtain govemmont aid at an
early day for tho improvement of the
mouth of tho Columbia river and for the
completion of the locks and canals at
Tho Dalles and Cascades, nnd for tho
improvement of other rivers and harbors
in Orogon and Washington territory;
and be it further
Resolved, That the land grant to tho
Oregon Central railroad ought to bo de
clared forfeited.
On motion, the convention adjourned
A Terdlct of Accidental Death KemWred
the Cnroner'fc Jorj.
Last Sundwy John Howlett, a well
known mechanic, came down from Port
land on the Fleetwood to superintend the
construction of tho now Gray's harbor
steamer to be built by the Astoria and
Coast Transportation company. Ho was
around town on Monday and Tuesday
and about ten o'clock Tuo.duy night
came down from his room in the Parker
house and said that lit was to affected
by asthma, from which he has long been
a sufferer, that he couldn't breathe. He
went out, and about half-past ono a
glash and a cry for help was heard by
ulcer Steabb, apparently coming from
the piling in the rear "of the I. X. L.
Every attempt was made to render assist
ance but upon reaching the spot he could
not be seen.
About half-past nine yesterday morn
ing his Iifele33 remains were found on
the beach under the Olympic saloon.
He was conveyed to the morgue and on
inquest held, the jury finding "that the
deceased was named John Mowlett and
was a native of Maine, and aged about
45; that he came to his death on the 23d
day of April in this county, by drowning,
havins been found in the Columbia
river, city of Astoria, at or near Hustler's
dock, and that we, the jury, nnd that the
deceased came to his death by accidental
Deceased was unmarried, and, besidb
his mother, who lives in Marshfleld, Coos
county, and who was immediately ap
prised by telegraph 01 tho sad event, he
is not known to have had any other rela
tives on this coast. Th remains will be
sent to Portland this morning for inter
ment. .NW fork. Fire Department.
Fow persons know to whut physical
perfection the men of tho New Vork fire
department havo attained by constant
exercise; their drill and even their games
tend to that end. In each engine house
of the city the men never use the Btairs
to go down from one flight to another.
A shining brass rod runs through a hatch
way from the third, or dormitory, floor
ty the ground, and the men always slide
down this rod in order to gain u second
or two in getting off to a fire. There is a
standing reward of $100 offered for any
improvement which shall lessen the nec
essary time in getting off to a iiro by one
second; the man who can devise u plan
to save five seconds in the maneuver gets
$500. Until recently there were improve
ments made every few months, but now
the system is so perfect that tho depart
ment feels that it has done all that can
be done to get to fires in a hurry and
work efficiently when there. The stale
authorities must forbid the erection of
tinder boxes and then the city will be
pretty safe. The devices for saving frac
tions of socouds iu our crack engine
houses are little short of magical. In
the John street Btuliou the same electric
current which gives the abirra of u tire
sets the Wholo establishment iu motion
automatically. Tho current of electricity
which causes the gong to strike also re
leases a weight which starts n remarkable
series of movements. It strikes u brass
lever that removes another catch, and
tlfon the- arm of a long brass lover is
pulled down by a heavy weight. When
tho long lever goes down it pulls three
wires which run into thieo horse stalls,
two on 0110 side of the room and ono on
the ot!u.r. It opens a circuit through
numerous incandescent " lamps, lighting
up the rvhole buildiug from lop to bot
tom like day. It turns oyer n little piece
of wood that instantly stops th& ticking
of little wooden -ead clock. The cur
rent of electricity tlirt fim Marts tho
little weight corae's from some fire-alarm
box in the fire alarm district to which
this engiuo is assigned. The same
cunent then pastn through an
other magnet in the big case
above tha gong, und releases for short
intervals u heavy weight, which throws
the hammer against the gong once for
each pulsation, and thus cjimls out the
numler of strokes indicating the box
from which the alarm was sent. The
pulling of the three wiros leading to the
three stalls, removes three pins that
fastened three halters. Whoii these
pins are withdrawn tho halters unreove
through tho rings on the bits of the threo
horhes. and the animals are at liberty.
Two of them are trained to run to their
places before the engine nnd under the
hanging harness, and tho other stops
when ho is beneath the humess of the
tender, which is in the rear of tho room.
Some flgmes as to the time taken in.
getting to a fire may be of interest in
this connection as showing how the time
has been gradually decreased. Accord
ing to tho official reports of the firo de
partment, the average time taken in all
the engine houses to get reedy, counting
from the second the clock was stopped
by the alarm till the engiuq dashed clear
of the door, was as follews: In 1877 it re
quired 13.0J seconds, or about one-fifth
of a minute; in 1878 it was 10.26 seconds;
in 1879 it was 9.54 seconds; in 1880 it was
8.21 seconds, and for the last year the
John-street engine, perhaps the swiftest
of all, has never exceeded five seconds,
and has done the work in 3.25 seconds. It
is by such spaed that six engines reached
the St. George's flats on Monday within
seven minutes of the time the alarm was
sent out, the first one getting there in
side of four minutes. A1 Y. Letter.
Stauaer.Dafs for April.
From San Fran. From Astoria.
State 4iOregon C
Columbia 8State 10
Oregon 12jColumbia 14
State 16IOregon, 18
Columbia 20Stato 22
Oregon 24!Columbia 26
State 23!Oregon 30
Columbia, May... 2! State, May. 4
lnterevtiuff te the Ladies.
Grand opening on Tuesday aud Wed
ULsd iy, April 22 nnd 23.
J. Pii.onn's Leading Suit, Cloak aud
Dress Goods Housi. of Portland, has on
eiitil a permanent branch at Adler's
CrystalPatace, uccupjing part of this
well known .-tore. A full ami large as
sortment of New Styles and Fashion-
in siot'k
In the Order department a complete
lino of Saiuplo will be bhown, compris
ing all the latest novelties In Dress
goudb, Silks, .Sitins-, VelveLs. Cloths,
etc.. to select from. Orders will batake.n
nnd made to measure by Mrs. Pllger,
for nnj garment desired, or sold by the
yard In any iiuantity.
Low prices will rule, our aim being
to give the Ladies of Astoria equal fa
cilities wlllt tho'c of San Francisco or
Portland. J. Pilokr.
153 First and Morrison streets. Portland,
nnd Crystal Palace, Astoria.
Luo I. Stock, Manager, Astorh
Hosiery, Hosiery, Hasleiy!
Thu latest novelties la ladies and
childrens hosiery at Prael Bros'.
England wa3 badly shaken by an earth
quake last Tuesday.
An enormous European immigration is
expected this summer.
The Irish National League of America
asks for money to aid Parnell.
Exceedingly hard times are reported in
England and much destitution in the
manufacturing districts.
It is thought that tho United States
may havo to give Mexico a box on the
ear and. make that country behavo it
self. Vanderbilt doe3 not deny the report
that he has sold his 1,000,000 of Oregon
Short Lino bonds to a syndicato of
Friends of tho bill for tho relief of Fitz
i John Portor are opposed to calling up tho
I measuro in tho house until after the Chi
cago convention.
Mormon missionaries are instructed
not to try to make any Irish converts.
They seem afraid that tho capture of
Utah would be but a matter of time.
The Pall ifall Gazette demands that
the government shall ni once declare that
England will not retire from Egypt for
five years. "Othorwise," it says, "we
shall speedily drift into war with
A dispatch was received in Seattle last
Tuesday from W. O. Squire, who is now
in NewYork,which states that Col. Gray,
chief engineer of tho Northern Pacific
railroad, told him authoritatively that
the Cascade branch would be built, nnd
that the road would cross the mountains
through the Stampede p?ss, and that
pa33 only. Tho dispatch is rec ived with
some incredulity.
Gen. Gordon has sent a telegram to Sir
uiuiju uaiiu, iub utmost in
dignation at the manner in which he has
been abandoned by the English govern
ment, and saying henceforth he will
suit himself, and cut himself
adrift from those who have deserted him.
and on whom will rest the blood and all
lives hereafter lost in Soudan. It is be
lieved that the government has deter
mined to dispatch the utmost available
force of arms of the Egyptian army of
The most colossal criminal trial of
modem times was to have begun last
Tuesday at Catania, iu Sirily. Threo
hundred prisoners were to be put on trial
on charges of being members of the
Mania secret society, which has long
been the most dangorous of secret orders,
and supposed to combine brigandage
with anarchism. Many of tho prisoner
nro wealthy and influential, and 112
lawyers have been engaged for thoir de
fense. The government has no publio
building big enough for the trials, and
was obliged to postpone them until June.
At Albany, Linn county, last Tuesday,
Judge It. P. Boise, of tho circuit court,
decided that tho mortgage tax law is
constitutional. The object of this suit
was to enjoin the collection of n tax as
sessed under the mortgago tax law, on
the ground that such law violated tho
constitution of the stale in that it is a
special law levying a tax, and lacks equal
ity and uniformity, being the same
questions lately passed upon by tho U. S.
court of Oregon. His honor decided
that the law is constitutional, and that
the decision of tho supreme court in
Mumford vs. Sewell concluded loth ques
tions. Caught Ou the Fly.
Messrs. Betancue & Button, of the
Flying Studio, have moved to their new
gallery on Squemoqua street, three
doors east of the bank. They use the
new style, Instantaneous dry plates ex
clusively. The 1 roeess is truh won
derful. Little ones who could never re
main still an Instant are taken accur
ately by this piooess actually vaught
on the fly." The negatives once taken
are as permanent as the old-fashioned
surr and far superior artistically. The
sitting is done iu !. time tifan one
could snap his linger. No one could re
move the oloth generally used and re
place it quick enough for this lightning
process. Their work is already appie
cinted by tho public, lor their g'alseri is
crowded with people waiting their turn
to sit in front of the camera. Call and
see them at their new California gul
let y.
Slop That Cough
By going to J. E. Thomas's and getting
a bottle of Leroy's Cough Balsam.
It wn.r, cuke roe. '
JJ list Ittr'ii't.
A laige oi-li and .-tirt Hatn in
all the lifo-t st Itw, a McItito-h Fur
nishing Mor
Corsets und IJudrrneiir.
AH the latest makes aud styles of cor
set and ladit-s underwear at Prael
Bros.' Empire store.
An-vou made iiii-emblf by Indi
gestion, Constipation, lizine.--. Los of
appetite. Yellow SLInV ShiloVs Yital
teer i a positive e'tte. I"wrn!el W.
K. Dement.
A asal Injector !re with eaeh
bottle of MiHoii'a Cut&irh Kemcdj
Priee :) cents. Sold bv W. E. Demon;
Old Scrofulous Sores and Rad Uleer3
removed by ttn OREGON RI.OOD Pt'
RIFIKH. 'llaokineiuck.' a lasting ami fra-
grant prrtum
PruvfC mid M eeuts.
m 11
K IVni'f5i
brace up the wltot. aym with King
ot the Wood. Seo Adveribiucr.L
Shlloh Cfltairh Remedy a posi
tive cure for Catarrh. IVintheria and
Canker Mouth. .-ld by v. K. Dement.
Have Wistar'i-baLsaui 01 wild cueny
always at hand. 1 1 cures coughs, colib.,
bronchitis, whooping cough, croup, in
fluenza, consumption, and all throat and
lung complaints. 50 cents aud.?l a bot
tle. Use DimiiiittS (uyli U-iNani. mi W.E
Deinenl & Co.s.
Hoscoe I)ioifs new eating house
Is now open. Everything ha been fit
ted up In fit-t-eia- style, and hi-well
known reputation a- a caterer assures
all who like good things to eat. that at
his place they can In? accommodated.
ilade ot Fine
Will Not Crack.
The Gutta Perch k Rubbir Mf'g Co
Portland, regwi.
An Appeal from ex-Union and exUonfederata
Veterans of Richmond, Va.
The annexed document, emanating
from Phil Kearuoy Post No. 10, G. A. E.,
and It. E. Camp No. 1, C. V., of Rich
mond, Ya., has been received by Tub
Astoeiax with request to publish. The
movement referred to receives tho com
mendation of the ablest and best soldiers
of the ceuntry:
To the People of the United Stales:
Tho ex-Union and ex-Confederate vet
erans, resident in the city of Richmond,
Va., jointly appcul to you in behalf of a
movement the object of which you have
been informed by the press of the coun
try and otherwise is to establish a Home
at said city for disabled ex-Confederate
soldiers wno are unable to take care of
themselves, and whose helpless and nitia
ble condition calls for a liberal charity.
in some sense above und more nressm?
I man any otuerever urougnt to your at-
ium:on. vruiisi; 1110 response to zormer
calls, especially from the Grand Army
memoern, uns nceii iioerai ana prompt, a
goodly sum is still necessary to make the
object a success. Will yon holp in this
If Cf ii.I iimiiAV tit T : ItiiAfnrA
treasurer, care of Planters' National
bank, at Richmond, Ya., which is the de
pository for casu contributions.
If vou wish to send merchandise or
other articles, address J. B. 3rcKenny,
418 East Marshall street, Richmond, Ya..
who has charge of such contributions
until tho bazaar opens. A grand bazaar,
for the benefit of the Home spoken of.
will bo held in tho Armory hall, Rich
mond, on the 14th day of May, to con
tmue during the month. Any merchan
dise that you may send will bo there dis
played for sale and appropriately
placarded with the name of the donor;
and the names of all persons contribu
ting money or merchandise are given in
the columns of the press daily.
"The Blue and the Grey" act in har-
uiuuy uuu ua in. uccuru iu ima uecuoii.
Phil Kearney Post, G. A. R., and R. E.
Lee Camp, C. V., meet at each other's
camp hres and occupy the same hell.
which is decorated with tho flags of our
country, and the walls ornamented by
portraits of leaders of each army of the
late war. Yery respectfully,
Geodhr B. Waixjott,
Com. Phil Kearney Post No. 10, G. A. R.,
W. J. Man-nixo,
Ciiairman Com. Phil Kearney Post,
W. C. CARurxoTox,
Commander R. E. Lee CampNo. 1, C. V.,
Cuas. U. Williams,
Chairman Com. R. E. Lee Camp.
Gband iVniir or thf. Rfpubuc )
Richmond, Ya., April 1, 1884.
I heartily npprovo of the appeal made
in the abovo circular, and hopo it will
meet with n liberal response.
B. C. Cook,
Department Commander.
FuraXfiU Fittlu;r Root
JriMme, iio to P.. I. Utodiiuuis, on Che
uauius street, next door to I. V. Cue.
All goods f the best make and guaran
teed quality. A lull stock; new goods
eonsiaiilh arriving. Custom work.
.it the CmpIre Store
Vou will find tho linest laees nnd era
broideries, of richest quality.
Fine Dress Goods.
A splendid line of ladles dress goods is
being displayed at the Erapircstore.
WHAT! do you think that
gives you a meal for nothiugand a glass
of something tortiink? -Not much!'
but he gives a better meal and more of
it than any p'.ice in town for -25 cents.
He bays by the wholesale and pavs
eah. Thnt sellle-' it."
At enormous expense has ju-it secured
tho services of Pr.orr.ssou Ellis one
of the be-it white cooks in the state; and
.Jeff proposes to excel I any of his for
mer efforts in the eulinary art. Italian
and French dishes a specialty.
-Dinner af.J EFFS''CIIOl' OlSK
even da from 4 20 tort o'clock. The
be-t AVe.Mit meal In tewn: Mnp. tih
rt-veu Linus or meat, vegelaltje
oiulduig. ete. I ea or hiliw tut
All who have ir'p-dhim sav.lelfH th
Why will you cougn when ?hilotfs
Cure vv:l give immediate relief. Priee
10 ets .V els ninl Si "ohl b V. K. De
ment. All the patent medem.- udvtrlNed
in iImn paper, together with the choicest
prrtuniery. and toilet -.trtiak . ciccan
ie ".ought i the lowe-i price1;, ni J. W.'- Uiti store. opioslte OeMden
!;i fel. ir,ria.
all like Dimmiit-'x Cough
Ts-e Dimiuilt'- Cough Jinbaiu for
Chest. Throat, and Lungs, at W. E. I le
nient jtt'os.
DimiuitlV Cough lial-am never f.ii'.-..
Try it. at Y. K. Dement & Co.'s.
Arvold will sell a large toek of Hoots
and Shoes at cost, at the Leading boot
and shoe store.
A full line of ladies' and" children's
Shoes, latest style-., to lie found chpap
at Arvold's, sign of the Golden Shoe.
Arvold sella l?oo:s and Shoes cheaper
than any one else in town, because wn
buy for cash.
Boston fiaked Beans and Brow n- Bread
every Sunday at JefTs from 5 a.m. to
2 p. M.
Gray sells Saekett
cedar shingles.
Bros.' At sawed
Buy your l.iine
of Gray at Portlaud
--The" Bour
bon, nil., says: "Both myself and wife
oweour lives to Silicon's Coxi;Miiiof
CVui:." Snid ,v VT. E. Dement
DimmiuV Cough BuNam cures Croup
Bakery I Confectionery
Ciffwauil IceCreniu i'm-Ior.'.s stri:kt.
Bread and Cakes
Weddings and Parties supplied with strictly j
o-Frenchand Aniericaii-o
, , . .. , , , ,,,..
Mauufaetur!. Wholesale and iteiaU.
New Spring
Embroideries !
We have received from New York, per express, upwards? of 6,000 yards of
Embroideries In
Cambric, Swiss, ,;
Lawn and Nainsook.
Of the Latest Designs and from 13 to 23 per eenr. '"5
- . . - cheaper than ever before.
1760 yards of Embroideries from
The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House
Books and
Havlng-made SPECIAL ARA2CGE1IENT3 vrltn the management of the S. F. R. and .
Eastern House?, I am now Retting my STOCK, especially BOOKS and STATIONERY,
from the East. This enables me to give the Public a show to buy at
I huve list received Fine Stock of STATIONERY: Full aud Half bound Ledgers.
Day and Cash Books Journals, new Letter Codj Books, ail sizes; Hand's Stylographic
Copy BoofciAll kinds Bill ana Letter Files, Bank Files of all descriptions ; Copv Presses,
In?ol BooKs, Tr.Kl Baluuee?. Pket Ledgers, Journals, and Cash Books. All kinds 01
Orders, Lrufrs aud .Notes, arte Keceipts ; aha a full line ot Bill Holders and P. O. Boxes
The Latest NoVELTIEd in small Stationery, used In e ery office.
Being now Hi Dusluess connection with one ot the largest Eastern PAPElt FACTOR
IES, I can sell any and all Kinds of PAPElt cheaper than auy other house north of 9. F.
I have now a Large stock of Legal Foolscap Paper, all w eights ; Bill Paper, all sizes ,
r diflerent kinds ot Letter and Note Paper,
Soma vtry Hun Writing lapsr for the Ladies, in Linen and alt Colors, with Envelope.
5O.OO0 Business J2utc1ot Jnst Beceired.
Jly AaOtUneut of BOOKS, NOVELS, und READING 3IATTEE L ell known to tin?
Puhllc and mv store Is the ONLY ONE where
Peoplo Cuu Find What They Want.
Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry.
SOLID GOLD 'LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S WATCHES in all Stjlesand Qualities.
Thf C'-Ifhrated Dnter, Newport. and Kcvstouo, Walthain, and Eu;ln Silver Yv'atchej,
from 812.50 SIO OO.
Thu I.aU?t Stlv, of Genllfuu-n's Solid Gold and Quartz Chains from SIS. upward.
Also a Full Assortment of LADIE.V JEWELRY; Diamond Finger RIurs. Earrings and
Rrt-H.iltrfR. Solid Gold Guard ChtiiiH, Neck Chains, Earrlncs and Breastpins, In bets or
Sln-N. A Lar-re Assortment e: Plain solid Gold Rings. Rlns with Sets, such as Ame-
thiJt-., 'loimz. Caniro. 1 i yx. Garnets, Emeralds, Rubles, and oth-r precious atones.
Solid JoId Hles;e Buttons, Collar Jluttous, Stud", Scan Pins, Lockets and Chains. Era
li!m lhi and Charms for all Oiders."
Al-o a LVmrts'tP Assortment tf the Finest ROLL PLATE JEWELRY.
Solid Silver and Plated Ware.
Remember The Crystal Palace.
The Leading Book Store. -
New Goods for
Direct from the Manufacturers, Retailed at
Heine in the Manniaeim In Bu;nrt I am prepaied to sell Clothing that will gi e
Perfect Fitting Wklte Shirts, Medium aud FlKe rade
Underwear, tfewest Styles in Searf-J and Ties.
d. a. Mcintosh,
o 4:ii:xt BLOCK.
Most Popular Remedy Sold.
For Pinole. HlotchM. Chronic Sew and
DUeaes,X or Kp.-rjr Habltiu! Con
stipation uwnustfrd. Belief Huarantefci!.
Sold even w Vn . ?t. 6 hot ties for ..00.
4 T () li) T) & ( O
jmthKRo i.n
1 8est gan Franc,sc HnUSrs ri
S3r IHM.Hcnes
Tumblers Dcantes, and All
, I" Kndg ftf gboon $,.
& -.- --.i w k...-n..
MAIS rtUtflErj. .
Opposite Parker Houi. Alort.
r-Tin r nrnir""""""
Importations !
3c to 12 Ac per yard.
15c to 40c per yard.
50c fo $1.00 per yard.
Embromeries !
- Carl Adler. Proprietor.
Spring and Summer!
Wilmerding & Co., San Francisco.
, Loeb It Co,, Agents, Astoria.
totMK&mela TTn i:'i.jxn nonJ