The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, April 18, 1884, Image 3

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She fuuhj .Storimn
.-..AIT.ll.l-. IKk I
(Monday excepted)
Puni.iRiu.KS axi i'i:oiM:ii.ioit.
Terms ofMitiNcrljitlnn.
Served l C unt-r. p-r week
Sent lv M til. i t iiKMit't
" ' one:, ear .
Fre- of posta . to h1 tjI-.t-..
i?"Adverti-ein-sit' invited i Hie -m
Fresh strawberries.
County court meet3 on the '2rli.
The Oregon sails for San Francisco
this morning.
A. L. Stokes has been made permanent
general freirH and passenger agent of
the O. K. & N. Co.
The Merom cleared for QueeitaUwn
yesterday morning with G2.0J9 bushels
wheat worth $50,321.
The Claru Parker comes down from
Klaskanine with a load of cedar lumb- r
for C. H. Bain's sash and door factory.
The Standard says that Villard will
visit Oregon in June. VillardVillard
seems to ns we've heard that imme be
The Weekl? AstokiaN, in sta:flied
wrappers, ready for mailing, published
this morning; full of news and home hap
penings; price ten cents.
More boats were on the river yesterday
than any time since the 1st. Several
start in to-day. Three to the boat is re
ported to be the average this week.
Major McMurray and wife armed
from Portland Inst evening and go to
Fort Canby to-day. Major McMurray
has had a severe illness ami is now con
Tho Clatsop Mill company tried their
new machinery yesterday and found it
worked satisfactory in every way. They
start up this morning and nro now renily
for business.
Further advices come by mail concern
ing the house discussion regarding tho
Astoria land grant forfeiture bill. When
it was brought up, the reading of tho re
port consumed nearly an hour, and then
Mr. Paysonof Illinois explained the pro
visions of the bill. The measure, he
said, was unanimously endorsed by the
committee on public lands. It involved
1,130,800 acres of public lands. The
claim made to a portion of them was
made solely by the Oregon Central Bail
road company, and no other corporation
was interested iu it. On the part of th. t
corporation there was neither a legal nor
an equitable claim to a single acre of the
land involved.
In reply to a question by Mr. iforr, of
Michigan, Mr. Payson sta'ted that twenty-live
miles of the road had been com
pleted, but that the bill provided that all
the land should be forfeited, because the
company by its failure to complete the
entire line within the time limited by the
granting act had no just claim to a sin
gle acre.
Mr. Horr further inquired whether
congress had the moral right to declare
forfeited the land along those twenty
five miles. '
Mr. Payson replied that that was a
question which every member must de
termine for himself, but that it had the
legal and equitable tight to do so vis it
proposition which he had never heard
disputed except by railroad attorneys.
He also explained that the bill validated
the title of settlers who purchased land
from the company, but did not grant re
lief to the holders of the bond which
bad been issued on the land grant.
Mr. George, of Oregon, criticised the
bill for the loose manner in which it was
drawn, declaring that its effect would be
to forfeit the earned part of the grant
and to forfeit the unearned part. Was
there ever a measure equal to that?
Mr. Kowell, of Illinois, opposed the
forfeiting of the earned portion of the
grant, contending that it would open up
a series of law suits that would be a
blight on the settlement of that part of
the country for years to come.
Without final "action the matter went
Railroad Disaster.!?"
The west-side train, due here at 3ii0 p.
M., met with a disaster about one mile
north of Cornelius yesterday afternoon
and did not arrive here until 5:15. The
engine struck a cow with the result of
completely demolishing four cars. The
train bound for McMinnville arrived at
the scene of disaster and took the pas
senger and baggage oars, four in num
ber, back to this city, the train that sus
tained tho injury returning with the
formerJs passengers and freight to Mc
Minnville. Ko injury was sustained by
anyone beyond a general shaking up.
Tho damaged cars were wrecked beyond
the possibility of repair. Portland
News, 17.
TTIU Hold tlie Fort.
The Oregon Improvement company are
taking steps to fortify themselves in the
possession of the Green river coal lands.
A large number of men have been em
ployed and placed on the various sections
heretofore prospected by the Improve
ment company, and they intend to hold
it as against tho Northern Pacific Kail
road company at all hazards. The fact
of the matter is that tho Northern Pacific
Bailroad company have not, nor never
had, a shadow of a title to these lands,
and the only way the Improvement com
pany can ever get title is to have the un
earned lands revert to the government,
and then get their title direct. Seattle
Caught On the Fly.
Messrs. Betancuc & Button, of the
Fl; ing Studio, have moved to their new
gallery on Squenioqua street, throe
3nnreastof the bank. They use the
new style, instantaneous dry plates ex
clusively. The roress is truly won
derful. Little ones who could never re
main still an instant are taken accur
ately bv this process actually "raugiit
on the flj v The negatives onco taken
are as permanent as the old-fashioned
,.rf- md far superior artistically. The
sitting is done in less time than one
could snap his fiuger. No one could re
move the cloth generally used and re
nins it nuick enough for this lightning
nrocebs. Their work is already appie-
SiofM hv the nublic. for their gal ery
crowded with people waiting their turn
to sit in front of the camera. Call and
see them at their new California gal-
Situation Wanted.
By a man who is wi ling to do any
kind of honest work. Apply to Win.
Brookman, Astor House.
The Patent Lamp Filler.
The most useful household invention
of the age. Call and see it. Also, extra
good Coal OH forsale In quantities from
a pint to a barrel. Jordan fc Bozorth.
For Keat Fitting Boot
Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che
namus street, next door to I. W. Case.
All goods of the best make and guaran
teed quality. A full stock; new goods
constantly arriving. Custom work.
THE dsea oravarnw.
for Congress and Thayer for
Supreme Judge.
Thk Dallks, Or., April 17,7 v. M.-
; atato Democratic convention assembled
' in this city at 10 o'clock this morning.
and was called to order by Al. Zieler,
t chairman of the Democratic state centra
i cuuiuittee, who stated the object for
.-onventwas cal led : to
i l"u" ' 1IU1UII1U11U1I 3 JUL
j place in nomination a judge of the su-
preme court, a representative to congress,
if. ' e '
judicial districts, three presidential
electors, six delegates to the national
Democratic convention to be held in
Chicago, and to decide upon any other
matte . that the convention wished to
Judge L. L. McArthur was elected
chairman of the convention, W. T. Bur
ney, of Multnomah, secretary, and T. B.
Sheridan, of Douglas, assistant secretary.
A committee on credentials was appoint
ed, and the convention took a recess of
an hour to enable the committee to re
port. Upon re-assembling, the committee
reported as to who were entitled to seats
in the convent:on, which report was
adopted. A committee on resolutions
was appointed consisting of one delegate
from each county, chosen by the several
The discussion this afternoon was as to
the congressional nominee. No one has
as yet been definitely fixed on. The last
name mentioned in connection with the
nomination Is N. L. Butler, of Polk
For circuit judge tho Multnomah dele
gation has selected B. L. McKee, and .
F. Sears, Jr., for district a ttorney.
Second dispatch, 11:15 v. M.
Thu convention upon reassembling
made tho following nominatiens:
For congrtVH, John Mjers, of Clacka
mas; for faupremo judge, "W. "W. Thayer;
for presidential electors, L. B. Ison, AY.
D. Fenton, A. C. Jones; for delegates to
tho national convention, L. L. Mc
Arthur, F. P. Hogan, A. C. AVard, L. L.
Porter, W. T. Cook and V. K. Strode.
The platform as finally adopted favors
forfeiture of the unearned land grants,
mortgage tax law, equal taxation
throughout the state, a tariff for revenue
only, improvement of the Columbia rivor
and roast harbors, and a registry law.
Contending religious factions aro blow
ing each other's brains out in Newfound
land. Tho Pennsylvania state Republican
convention at'Harrisburg on tho 15th, de
clared for Blaine and Lincoln.
The president has recommended to the
senate the removal of Collector Wickers
at Key West, because of alleged sympathy
and collusion with the Cuban filibusters
who recently Jeft that port.
The comptroller of the treasury has
made & decision in effect that u liquor
dealer who sells at one time different
kinds of liquors to the amount of five
gallons i to be considered a wholesale
"William Strong, with a strong posse of
his gang, some seventy-five in number,
are in possession of Jackson, Kentucky,
and says he will hang seventy-five of the
best citizens, in retaliation for hanging
Ben Strong and Henry Kilboume, one of
whom was a member of the Stiong gang.
The stockholders of the Oregon and
Transcontinental company have become
alarmed at what they term the inaction
of th6 piesent management. A short
time ago they asked President Endicott
if the statement that he wished to resign
the office was true, but in reply they re
ceived only excuses for a longer delay.
Just before adjournment of the Ala
ba na state Republican cjuvantion last
Wednesday, a banner flung out on
the stand inscribed, "Our choice, Chester
A. Arthur. Second choice, John A.
Logan." The bannor will be taken to
Chicago. Arthur, on the first ballot, will
get nineteen out of the twenty Alabama
votes at Chicago.
A "Washington special states positively
that Blaine and Grant wc-re brought
together by General Grant at the Arling
ton hotel, and that Grant informed Blaine
that he had declined to be present at the
dinner which the latter attended because
he desired to avoid a public scene of
reconciliation. It is also stated that
Blaine declines avowing himself a candi
date because he is convinced that the
New York independent Republicans will
not vote for him. ,
In the Sharon divorce case at San
Francisco last Wednesday, Mrs. Fanny
M. Simpson testified that Miss "Hill told
her in March, 1883, that she had been en
gaged to Sharon, but it was then all
broken off, and she was going to sue him
for breaoh of promise. MiBS Hill asked
witness to help her in the case. If she
won she would give her $100,000. On
cross-examination, witnessed acknowl
edged that she had received money from
Sharon to cover expenses in hunting up
Stop That Cough
B going to J. E. Thomas's and getting
a bottle of Leroy's Cough Balsam.
It wilt, cure you.
ICoohin to Kent
At Mrs. Curran's. near the Congrega
tional church.
Otic Thousand Dollars
Worth of County Orders wanted. Ap
ply to Moses Rooers.
Bon In Tor Sale.
Joe Leathers has two fine boats for
sale at the boat .shop, one block west of
Hansen Bros.' mill.
Buy your Lime of Gray at Portland
Gray sells Sackett Bros.' Al sawed
cedar shingles.
The bad effect of mercury will be ef
fectually eradicated from the system
by using several bottles of Plunder's
Oregon Blood Purifier, already a staple
Catarrh cured, health and sweet
breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Rem
edy. Pru:e 50 cents, Masai Injedor free.
For sale by w. Ji. Demeut.
Use Dimmitt's Cough Balsam for
Chesl, Throat, and Lungs, at W. E. De
ment fc Co.'s.
Shiloh's Vitallzer is what you need
for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz
ziness ana all symptoms of Dyspepsia.
Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold
by W. E. Dement.
Dimmitt's Cough Balsam never fails.
Try it, at W. E. Dement & Co.'s.
Boston Baked Beans and Brown Bread
every Sunday at Jeffs from 5 a. m. to
Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron
chitis Immediately relieved by Shiloh's
Cure. Sold by W. E. Dement,
I State Senator Jessup, of Yamhill coun-
i ty, has resigned.
I The loss in the Tacoma fire last Sun-
dav aggregates $125,000; insurance, $63,
!OO0. j Captain Noyes has resigned command
of the Alden Besse. Captain O'Brien,
late of the Umatilla succeeds him.
it it, asserted in Paris that the dyna
i mie used in the Loudon outrages, was
procured from an authorized factory in
nance, una mat Jtzw was pam ior u.
M'I n riHn7tti filAfivaii fmm
. London for Nofa gctfe OI1 the 15th. It
, carries the first installment of tho
filackay and Bennett cable, to the amount
of liuu miles.
The Swedish Government una sum
moned four of the leading Norwegian
j foi -libelous offense against
the crown. The poet, iijornser, whose
i al?lej are especially implicated, has left
i Pntii for Phrnstiania. in Tf-nly nersoncllv
to the citation.
Telegrams from Shanghai and Hong
Kou make no mention of the seizure of
Aiaoy. The report that the French fleet
has occupied An.oj- is discredited at Lon
don and Paris. The French government
is undecided in regard to the amount of
indemnity to claim from China.
Valera, Sninish minister at Washing-
ton, his been instructed to maku strong
representations to tne uniteu States gov
ernment against Cnoan niibustersbeing
allowed to organize more expeditions,
and to intimate th:t the guilty persons,
when caught, even if foreigners, are lia
ble to death.
In the Portland city council last
Wednesday night, his successor being
nominated' for chief of police, "W. H.
Watkinda. the oresent incumbent, exhib
ited a note for $'.00 and claimed that Dr.
Chapman, the mayor, had been paid
$1,000 for his (Watkiuds'; .tppointment.
Tho niayor said it was false and the chief
aaid lie oonh. pr.vit. Then they ad
journed, tho council failing to conlirm
tho nomination,
A dispatch from Fracasecas, Mexico,
aven hundred miles south, received at
El Paso, says there is trouble among the
inhabitants, and a general uprising
against American residents. After an
attack upon the Mexican Central rail
road the mob burned bridges and tore up
the track for several miles. In Chihua
hua the governor called out the troops to
prevent any demonstration. Travelers
from tho interior for several days have
reported general uneasiness, and fears of
rebellion among iho inhabitants.
Patrick Joyce. Secretary of the Fenian
brotherhood, has issued it manifesto. He
says: ''The brotherhood has good cause
for rejoicing at the discomfiture of Johu
Bull. Eugland has never before felt ven
geance expiated with such crushing force.
All honor to tho inauguration of scien
tific warfaro by tho brotherhood. Wo
have- convincing proof of the efncacv of
sciencb when handled by brave and in
telligent men. We summon all to help
us. We advise our brothers to persevere
in tho glorious war and wo will live to
witness free and regenerated Ireland."
lucoinlng 1'aKftengem.
The steamship Slate of California ia
is due from Snn Francisco this morning
with thu folio wing passengers:
W L Chalmers C B Hawley
J G Gi6stiug Mrs Verture & dtr
Mrs M David Rev T S Ashcrof t
C D Ant is O Alexander
H H Bmuson,wl2o SHKay
LBettuiau D Gross
TBHumpbreys,wffc3H F Frahni
Miss M K Nawcomb Grace McCreary
T W Fenu At Isaacs
Mrs Warner G H Burnett
Miss E M Watson J Kaum
W C Wilcox O H Burnhail
Kv M Erz D J Levy
V WBottmjin RPrager
BMcClure STOler
J S Lyle wr Myrtle Tracy
L Mel D H Seaver
F Parmouter & wf Mrs C Chambers
Miss Knight M L Reynolds
H Elki G A Fellow3
Mi-sDeLaRoctie&frdRev J C Churchill
D Wilson Gove
S D Solomon W M McClure
Ka!cr C Tracy
C H Hastings J F Cameron
EMGouhold J Kennedy
Mrs J Gage I Garvin
i A McUartnev &wtiurs bcumitz & 1 chn
Mrs Deusmore
G G Mackaiu
John Hayden
Mrs E Kuowlea
C Cosar
Woo Wing
G M Lishy
Y Rirt
G Williamrf
Miss Kult
Mrs Jessup
Mrs E Fitzgerald
Mrs John Brien
L Raum
A N Hamilton
J P TurmT
Miss Ella Brieu
FN Hill
F Fagan
Mrs K Judge
T K Mackarcn
John Cratsmiue
Steamer Dajs for April.
From San Fran, j From Astoria.
State 4,Oregon C
Colnmbia djState 10
Oregon 12Columbia 14
State IGlOregon 18
Columbia 20!State. 22
Oregon 24Colmnbia 26
State 28lOregon 30
Columbia, May... 21 State, May. 4
1'ine Dress Goods.
A splendid line of ladles dress goods Is
being displayed at the Emplrestore.
.11 the Empire Store
Vou will find the finest laces and em
broideries, of richest quality.
At enormous expense has just secured
the services of Professor Ellis one
of the. best white cooks in the state; and
Jeff proposes to excell any of his for
mer efforts In the culinary art. Italian
and Frencli dishes a specialty.
Just Reccired.
A lai ge stock of soft and stiff Hats In
all the latest stylos, at Mcintosh's Fur
nishing store.
Cornets and Underwear.
All the latest makes and styles of cor
sets and ladies underwoar at Prael
Bros.' Empire store.
Hosiery, Hosiery, nosierjr!
The latest novelties in ladles and
childrens hosiery at Prael Bros'.
Something Fine.
Just received at T. G. Rawlings' a
large .stock of clgara. Cigarettes, and
the choicest brands of tobacco.
The Peruvian 33'rup nas cured thou
sands who were suffering from dvspep
sia. debility, liver complaint, boils, hu
mors, female complaints, etc Pamph
lets free to any address. Seth W.Fowlf
&Sou Boston.
Roscoe Dixon's new eating house
is now open. Everything has been fit
ted up In first-class style, and his well
known reputation as a caterer assures
all who like good things to eat, that at
his place they can bo accommodated.
Jeff says he gives two meals to any
ouier restaurant man's one anu can
prove u.
Dimmitt's Cough Balsam cures Croup
Shiloh's Cough ana Consumption
Cure Lb sold by us on guarantee. It
cures consumption. Sold bj' W. E. De
ment All the patent medicines advertised
In this paper, together with tho choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can
be bought at the lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Ocslden
hctel, Astoria.
"Me an' The UudcrtaVcr."
He walked in, lit n cigar stump, and
remarked, "your cemetery here seems
pretty full." Tho crowded condition of
tho boneyard was admitted, and the
statement volunteered that a new bury
ing ground had been laid out down by
the sounding sea and that the departed
went to their last home by water. "Well,"
he said, "that gets me. I'm authority on
cemeteries and burying grounds, and
I when I see your graveyard there on the
I niu x inougus u was mignty singular.
bo you send 'em by wat6r, eh! I've trav
'. eled some in my time, and though I sav
it tb.H shouldn't, I'm no slouch on
cemetery business myself. Your cit au
thorities just ought to make me extun.
You belchyou I'd give em some points
in the business. Did you ever hear of
the contract mo und another fellow had.
the undertaker I bolievo they called him.
though 'Doc' was all the nam- I ever
had for him, over in Bodio in the spring
of '77? No? Well, that's singular.
Thought every one on tho coast had
heard of that, I ouly alluded to it to bring
in the little feet that I'm tho man. You
see along about March and April '77, Bo-
aie was juai. uuuiuiii;bouiu oi tue boys
and the first thing we knew thero was a
whole slew of 'em down with pneumonia.
I wasn't dom' anything jast then, and
piOKeu up tne nrst tning i come across
which was digin' graves for this under
taker. Graves. Graves wasn't his nnmi
but we just called him Graves, or Doc or
anytning tnat come nanay. i ive dollars
was what they paid for diggin' a grave
and though it took the best'part of p day
eot to bo a regular thine a crave n flnv
and then two, and at last three, until one
day Doc. came to me, and he says, 'Look
here. This thing is just beginning and I
don't want to aa caught out. What'll
you charge to dig ono hundred and fif tj
graves?' Well, I fignred for a minute,
and says I, Fll dig you that many graves
for $400. 'All right;' says he, and so tho
bargain wps made. We weren't cramped
for room over thre, so I picked out i
bit of sloping ground that wasn't as hum
mocky as most of it and hired hi.Jf-n-do7-en
Piutes and a couple of stray ShosLoi--ies
to help inc. I agreed to gi-.i Via a
dollar and a half a day. I offered 'era a
dollar first, but they stuck out for n dol
lar and a half, and as I knew I'd win it
all back from thorn at bean poker every
night anyhow it didn't make any odds,
and we went to work on them terms.
We worked all day for about two
weeks and everything was niovin' as har
monious as you please; wo just about
kept ahead of the demand, and could
have worked faster, but used to have to
knock off out of respect to the remains
whenever a procession hovo in sight, and
if it wasn't that the force started in
Eretty early in th morning, Doc. would
avo crowded us even closer than ho
But as April wore along I noticed that
the graves weren't used up as fast as at
first, and along about the last week there
was whole rows of 'em that were lying
waiting. At last Doc. cnuo to me one
afternoon and says, 'how niauv bavejen
dug?' One hundred and twenty-four,
says I. 'Well,' says he, 'that's more than
I'll need in a yiar: you'd be astonished
to see how business has fallen off. I
guess you'd better quit!' I told him I
guessed not; that a bargain was a bar
gain, and I was going to turn him over
his 150 graves according to contract. One
word led to another, an' me an' the un
dertaker had considerable of a row over
it. Well, I kept on and finished tho con
tract, and blamed if Graves didn't re
fuse to pay me. I brought suit, and he
up an' denied the contract; said I'd dug
them graves on spec' and with tho under
standing that ho wasn't to pay for 'em
unless he used 'em, and that even then
he couldn't afford to pay over $1.50 a
grave; that opposition had plumb ruined
his business, and good Al graves could
be had for 2.50 any day. Well, sir, I
was beat. There I was "with about ono
hundred first-class, clean-cut graves on
my bands and no market for 'em. I'd
paid my help rght along, and nothing
but my extraordinaiy luck at poker
o' nights kept me from being bankrapt.
"How did you finally come out?"
"Well, we kind o' compromised; he
gimme $100, and as he had the dcadwood
on me 1 had to take it. He seemed
mightily tickled, for it was right into his
hand to huve about a hundred nice ready
made graves on hand, as it were, but his
luck turned and I don't know when any
thing happened that did me so much
"How was that?"
"Why, along about the 1st of May
came a cloud burst; the water came down
the canyon foamiu an' bilin', and just
naturally scooped the whole sido of tho
hill where we'd started the cemetery; It
didn't leave one, but cut out and carried
awaythe whole thing, soil and all.'
"What become of the interred?"
"Well, if there isn't a mired erowd
where that cloud-burst piled up things
promiscuous, when Gabriel toots his
trump, then I don't want a cent."
And the cigar stump having gone out,
the grave contractor from Bodie followed
everyday from 4:to8 o'clock. The
best 23-eci:t meal in tewn: soup, fish,
seven kinds of meat-, vegetables, pie,
pudding, etc. Tea or coffee included.
All who have tried him say Jeff i.s the
Sleepless .N'ights, niuue inu-erable
by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure ia
the remedy for yon. Sold by W. E. De
ment Suii.oh's Cure will immediately
relieve Croup, whooping cough aud
Bronchitis. Sold bv W. E. Dement.
Brace up the whole sjstcin with Klug
of the Blood. See Advertisement.
Made of Fine
Will Not Crack.
The Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg Co
Tortland, Oregon.
For Sale.
lock Wood, which I "Will aellver at the
houses of customers for $4 a cord.
Draylog of all kinds done at reasonable
rates. B. B. MARION.
"WHAT! do ou think that
gives you a meal for nothingand a glass
of .something to drink? uXnt muchT'
but he gives a bettor meai and more of
it than any place in town for 25 cents,
lie buys "bv the wholesale and pays
cash. "That settles it."
That Hacking Couch can le so
quickly cured b .shiloh's Cure. We
guarantee it -ofd by W. R. Dement.
Use DimmittV Cough lialsaui. at W.E
Dement & t n.V
Children all like I)immitr Tough
California Flying Studio.
time, giving ou a an opportunity of
getting pictures ol all styles, bv the instan
taneous iTocess. Children's Pictures a Spe
cialty. We studv to pleast.
BCTAXCClJ & BUTTON. Cor. Main at.
Luhienweber & Co.,
Ml VHt.l-HXD irv'ft
Asroi:iA. - - . orecon
Manufacturers aud Inij.., ars of
all kinds of
WttoleiiUo Dealers lu
'Highest e&sh price paid for Hides aud
Hrewury IWr Saloon
The Be3t Beer 5 cts a Glass,
r- 1 -uu'h every Day froi tu to 12 a. M
l'-'t b-M of Liquors and Clgiin on hand.
-. m. i'tj ixivx'ar place of social resort.
ko. lULmr
Ladies of Astoria!
Your attention Is directed to the
Fact that at
Mrs. T. S. Jewett's
and Complete Stock of FINE GOODS.
Comprising every variety of
Fane Wear, JlUUnerj, Hats, Bonnet, Laces,
Embroideries, Ties, Collar, Flchn La
dles Ft-'wear, Children's Clothes,
Hoiier;-, Gloves Zephjrs,
Worsted, Etc.,
Of the Newest Styles,
Stamping Done at Reasonable Rates.
Dressmaking a Specialty.
None but FhM-cla-jS Assistants Employe!.
Squenioqua Street, two doors we.t of Casa.
Copper Paint.
vaA Liberal Discount tu the Trade.-ca
JL existing between the undersigned in the
Astoria Re-.taurant Is this day dissolved by
mutual consent. E. Young will continue
the business, collect all debts, and pav all
outstanding Indebtedness.
Witness. E. ('. Holukn.
Astoria. April 11, 1S84,
Corner Washington and Coneom Streets.
Astorja. Oregon. Sing Lee Proprietor.
Astoiua. Feb. 3d. 13S1.
The bearer. Sing Lee has li3d considerablD
expe-Ience in tlie liest L-iuiulries on the Pa
cine eo:ist. and can be well recommended by
tho-e who have patroni?el him since he
commenced business here.
m23-lm S. A. HILL.
TSy the Sight. Dny, Weok or. Mouth
With use or Parlor, Library and all the com
forts of a home. Terms reasonable.
A pply t o MR. E. C. HOLDEN,
Cor. Alain and Jefferson Sts.
Oregon Paint and Varnish Works,
Manufacturers of
Paints, TaraisI ai Lacpr.
Any shade mixed and ground to order.
C. F. PE,lIlSOi fc Co.,
P.O. Dox 113. Portland. Or.
Dri 11k Milk and Grow Fat
And don't forget that
X. 1ST.
Always Keep?
Milk by the Glass, Pint, or Quart,
At his Fruit Stand, on Chcuamus street,
Opposite. Spexarth's Guu store.
A. V. Allen,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer In
Glass and Plated Ware,
Together with
Wines, Liquor$,Tobacco,Cigar$
GODDARD, Master.
. ineuce discharging at Flavel'a Dock, on
Tueday, the 15th instant.
Parties havlnc ponds i in board will Dleasd
take delivery as discharged, as all goods
leit on wiian after o o'clock on uay 01 uis
charge will be at their rlk and expense.
New Spring
We have received from New York, per express, upwards? of 6,000 yarda of
Embroideries In
Cambric, Swiss,
Of the Latest Designs and from 15 to 23 per cent
cheaper than ever before.
1760 yards of Embroideries from
2137 " "
1275 " " "
The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House '
07 A.STORX&.
mmmmmmmaamasgBmmaBmmmM I lHKaaHQaaHUHa
Books and
Having made SPECIAL ABANGEMENTS with the management of the N. P. R. and
Eastern Houses. I am now getting m STOCK, especially BOOKS and STATIONERY,
from the East. This enables me to give the Public a show to buy at
I have just received .1 Fine Stock of STATIONERY: Full and Half bound Ledgers,
Day and Cash Books. Journals, new Letter Codj Books, all sizes ; Hund's Stylographic
Copy Books. All kinds Bill and Letter Files, Bank Files of all descriptions ; Copy Prrses,
Invoice nooks. Trial Balances, Packet Ledgers. Journals, and Cash Books. All kinds of
Orders, Drafts and Notes, ana Receipts ; abo a full line of BUI Holders and P. O. Boxes
The Latest NOVELTIES in .-mall Stationery, used In every office.
Being now Iu business connection with one ot ihe largest E.istern PAPER FACTOR
IES, I can sell any and all Kinds of PAPER cheaper than any other house north of 3. F.
I have now a Large stock of Legal Foolscap Paper, all weights ; Bill Paper, all sizes ,
so different klnd3 of Letter and Note Paper,
Some very fine Writing Paper for the Ladles, in Linen and all Colors, with Envelopes
to match.
50,000 Business Euvclopes, Just Reccired.
My Assortment of BOOKS, NOVELS, and READING MATTER Is well known to the
Public and my store Is the ONLY ONE whera
People Can Find "What They Want.
Watches, Clocks, and Jeweiry.
SOLID GOLD LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S WATCTES in all Styles and Qualities.
The Celebrated Duber, Newport, and Kcvstone. Walt ham, and Elgin Silver Watche3,
from 812. oO S-IO OO.
The Latest Styles of Gentlpmn's Solid Gold and Quartz Chains from SIS. upward.
ALso a Full Assortment of LADIES' JEWELRY ; Diamond Finger Rings. Earrings and
Breastpins. Solid Gold Guard Chains, Neck Chains, Earrings and Breastpins. In sets or
single. A Larce Assortment of Plain Solid Gold Rings. Rings with Sets, such as Ame
thysti, Topaz. Cameo, onyx, Ganifts, Emeralds, Rubies, and oth. r precious stones.
Solid Gold 8Ieeve Buttons, Collar Buttons, Muds, Scarf Piu3, Lockets and Chains, Em
blem Pins and Charms for all Orders.
Also a Complete Assortment of the Finest ROLL PLATE JEWELRY.
Solid Silver nnd Plated Ware.
Remember The Crystal Palace.
The Leading Book Store. - - Carl Adlor. Proprietor.
New Goods for
innmixsnrsi: stoce
Direct from the Manufacturers, Retailed at
Being In thu Manufacturing: Business I am prepared to soil Clothing that will give
Perfect Fitting White Shirts, Medium and Fine 3rade
Underwear, fewest Styles in Scarf and Ties.
Most Popular Remedy Sold.
For Pimples Blotckes, Chronic Sores and
Dlieases, Loss of Energy and Habitual Con
stipation unequaled. Belief Guaranteed.
Sold everywhere, St. G bottles for $3.00.
Best San Francisco Houses and )
Eastern Distilleries..
Tumblers Decanters, and All
Kinds of Saloon Supplies.
J-All goods sold at San Francisco Prices.
Opposite Parker House, Astoria, Oregon.
moroiaeriRS !
Lawn and Nainsook,
3c to 12c per yard.
15c to 40c per yard.
50c to $1.00 per yard.
Spring and Summer!
Wilmerding & Co., San Francisco.
Loeb & Co., Agents, Astoria.
. ' i - titT