C33 tUte flatty gtstorian. ASTORIA, OREGON: TUESDAY. ...AriULl18S4 ISSUED EVERY MORNING. ' (Monday excepted) J. F.SALilrORAN & COMPANY. rtrr.i.iftUKXS and fropkictoks, iaTORIAN BUIMHSG. - - CASSNTREET Terms of SnlMcriptiou. 8orved by Carrier, per week l.Vts. s uy .nau. per niontn ". v M one ear ...... Free ot postage to -aibst-Tibers. ., 6"t8. ."7.00 HfAdvertlscmenU inserted b the ear at tbexata of 2 per square per mouth. Tran sient advertising fifty cents per .square, each ln&ertlon.' WHIT LS GOIXfi OS IS THE CITI. Geo. "Walker, of the firm of Mbjer, Wilson & Co., is in the city. How the years go by! It is nineteen years to-day since Lincoln died. Ches. Clagg, of this city, was dis charged from the state insane nsylum last Saturday. The--Parish Afti Sooiety of Grace church will meet this evening at the house of Rev. M. D. Wilson. Everything in the way of legal blanks in fall supply or promptly printed to or der at-THE Asxoeiik job office. Messrs. Trnllinger, Hobson, Adair and Stonagoto the Dalles this morning as delegates to the Democratic state con vention. - The Dorcas Society of the Baptist church .will entertain their friends this Ivening at the residence of ilr. J. P. ickihson. Bear-Admiral Upshur, in command of the navy in these waters, oame up on the Oregon yesterday on a visit to his son, O. P. Upshur, U. S. shipping agent for this port. The Oregon and Walla Walla came in Jesterday: the Columbia sailed: the (cram finished leading: the River Indus cleared for tjueanatown with 17,823 bar rels flour, worth 80,22G. . Gen.-NeIfton A. Miles, commanding the department of the Columbia, accom panied by Major A. S. Kimball, chief quartermaster of the department, loft by the steamer last night for San Francisco on official business. vtiFfi& . Welcome prophesies that the dem eratasrill in all probability nominate Nesmith for congress, and the republi cans, Caples. It hits the mark as far as The Dalles convention is concerned, but is "away off" as to the republican nomi nee. At the Gracs church parish meeting held yesterday morning the following gentlemen were elected to serve as vestry men fox the ensuing jear: A. Van Duson, Dr. JarTuttle. C. J. Trenchard, S. D. Adairr jB. Van Dnsen, M. Young, and C. wTbtone. In the police court yesterday John Arm strong paid $2 fine on a charge of drunk enness, John Turk went to jail to serve oat a finoof $5 for being disorderly, Lawrence Dillonpaid $10 under the va grant act, Mary Sullivan forfeited $13 on ft charge of disorderly conduct, and An ion Galloon took $5 worth of solitary confinement on the same oomplaiut. A fefff weeks ago John Hob3on lost a parse containing over $203, and immedi ately started for Thb Astobiax to adver tise ibf Dudley B, Blunt, employed at TinOld Corner saloon happened to find it lying on Chenamus street and immedi ately started to hunt up the owner, and hd tjie pleasure of handing it to Mr. Hobson thatt afternoon. As he refused any reward, Messrs. John Stearns and Jonn.Hobson determined that he should Slot go unrewarded, so yesterday they presented him with a massive gold watch chain, which he now wears and which he xioaly deserves for his honesty. Kotle. There will be a meeting of the Rescue dramatic troupe at their hall this even ing. 8 o'clock, sharp. A full attendance is desired. s- Chis. H. Stocktos, President. Cargo Of The ItnU. The'.-Itata begins discharging to-day. Shearings 14,632 bzs tin plates, 450 bxs ttrne plates, 5000 fire brick, 5 csks fire clay, 100 bxs bath brick, 60 bbls soda crye talB, 7cs 9 csks apDthecaries stores, 50 cs ginger ale, 100 cs bottled stout, 325 cs bottled beer, SOJjga bi-carb soda, 14 csks 7 cs chains and hardware, 25 cs oilmen's stores, 10 cs 5 octaves brandy, 2 csks claasware, 8 csks 1 hhd 150 pkgs earthen ware, 200 tons pig iron, 840 200's 907 100'a 280 508 salt. The CUteop Bosd. fiD.JyjTOHIAN: ySj notice in your paper of this date it will be seen that the Clatsop tide-land reclamation meeting is postponed to Friday, April 25th, at 10 o'clock a. m at aame4place. The postponement of this meeting by the tide-landers need not de lay action by the Clatsop Road company. Asl'ttnderetand from their secretary. tkerJil.now subscribed $16,650 of road stocky sufficient to allow the directors to carry, oil the work of road-building. It is bow in order for the road directors to lay out the line of road, obtain right of way and begin construction. Owners of tide-land along the proposed route of road stand ready to give right of way, so the read-building will not be delayed by Item. Yours truly, . - JOHN ADAIR, JR. Astoria, April 14, 1884. iUsamea Kpnblicn Primary. SJdpanon, April 12, 1884. " o. Astebuh: The following are the proceedings of the Clatsop jarecinct republican primary, held Atha. town hall at Sipanon to -day: C. A. MoGuire was chosen chairman, and W0E. Showers secretary. The object of the meeting was stated by the chairman, af terwhiob Messrs. John Matier, S. B. Smith and J. C. "Ward, were chosen dele gates to the Clatsop county republican convention. . The following resolution was proposed aad unanimously adepted: Bti&frd:, That the republican voters of-Clatsop' precinct recommend F, C. Wjbrdtothe republican county conven gosi -Clatsop county as a suitable per Sfc sheriff of said county. W. E. SHOWERS, r Secretary. stetUsis; Fiae. jeived at T. G. Bawlines' a tock of clears. Cigarettes, and cJwcest brands ot tobacco. c- A V Beeau to Bestt jkJtJfri." Curran's. near the Congrega-z-tiflsjsl church. 9ae TkestssMd Dollars Worth of County Orders wanted. Ap ply to, Moses Rogebs. . 't3kv Fattest Lamp Filler. "- Tie Boat useful housohold invention at the age. Call and see it. Also, extra iroadCoal 011 for sale in quantities from a plnt-to a barrel. Jordan &Bozorth. j Step That Congk v-yinetoJ.E. Thomas's and getting ;doW of Iroy's Cough Balsam. - rwaz cirwc Yotr. STATE ASD TEBR1T0BIAL SHWS. The Colfax Videllc is dead. Seattle has organized a Safe Deposit Company. A big fruit crop is expected in the Wil lamette vally. Considerable immigration ingoing into Rogue River vall6y. Eighteen hundred men nrr- at work on the Oregon Pacific R. R. The Palouse country will hae OOO.OyO pounds of wool to flell this spring. The Columbia River Wool Grower's as sociation will be hold at The Dalles Miv 10th. Upper country journal anticipate a moderate stage of high water this -enson. A $175,000 lire at acoma last Sunday morning burned nine buildings, mostly insured. Chas. Curtis, uged 24, feroinnn at Grand Ronde river, was shot by Calvin Pierce on the S J inst., and died on the fith inst. Bob Buffington, a half breed, was shot and probablv fatally wonnded at New castle, W. T'., last Saturday, by Tom Macannamy. The grand encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic, department of Washington territory, will meet ut Van oouver on the 16th inst. The Dayton, W. T., Chronicle of the 11th says it is reported that the vigi lantes of Asotin county have hung P'erce, the murderer of Curti. Last Friday the first locomotive on the main track of tho Oregon Pacific railroad was run from Yaquina to Oueatta. It was driven by tho president, T. Egerton Hogg. It is stated, says tho Seattle Chronicle, that the county will be offered for its contemplated $80,000 court house, a five acre tract, as a gift outright. The pro posed present is in the south part of the city. Thepostoffice name of Skookum Chuck, W. T., has been changed to Centralia. The last legislature changed the name of the village from Centerville to Centralia and now the last vestige of time-honored Skookum Chuck vanishes from view. It is announced, says the Taooma Ledger, that the Queen of the Pacific is to be taken off her recent southern route in California, and returned to the Pngot sound run. It is also stated that steamer connection between this city and San .Francisco will be increased, steamers leaving the two points every five days. A quiet sentiment has been worked up, says tho Vindicator, in the "garden pi'toh," a body of land embracing all that part of Multnomah county lying east of the Willamette river, favor the division of Multnomah county, making the Wil lamette river the dividing line, and set ting off the eastern portion as a new county with East Portland as the cojnty seat. J. Shelton, of this placo, says the Co quille, Or., Herald, has on exhibition an egg which has a shell half soft and the other half hard, and which has n protub erance, very much like a piece of rubber pipe, at one end, over three inches long. The hen that laid it is doing well. This suction pipe will be handy for those who like raw egga. The editor of the Herald ought to patent that hen. The Pacific Journal thinks that Shoal water bay and Gray'sharbor are becom ing sufficiently important as maritime ports to justify the establibhment of a port of entry at one or both places. Ves sels of all sizes are constantly plyiug be tween these ports and San Francisco, and it is not improbable to suppose that ves sels from foreign ports will find their way hither at no distant day. Woodland is situated in Cowlitz county, W. T., on the left bmk of Lewis river, about five miles from where it empties into the Columbia' says the Ta ooma Ledger. The adjoining country is generally farming, the principal export being hay. Tame meadow lauds yield one and a half to three tons of hay, wild lands from one to two and a half tons. About 1000 tons were shipped from the valley last year, for which the farmers re ceived from $12 to $20 per ton on the bank. The Salem Statesman figures up the cost of six chickens and one turkey stolen near Staytou, Or., recently. The thieves were fined $25 and costs, of $137.40. As they could pay neither, the county will have to lose the latter, be sides "their board, of M4 days in the county jail, at the rate of 71 cents per day, or a total cost of $64.45 for board. Adding to the cost of trial, etc, $137.40, to tho cost for board, and we have $204.85, This figure shows what the county is out. I. A. Clark fc Sons, oywtermen on Shoalwatcr bay, haye turned out for market the past winter and spring in the neighborhood of 3000 baskets of oysters. They have raked over some of their beds pretty clean, although some portions of tbeir ground have not yet been gathered from. It is their intention to commence gathering peed oysters from the natural bods, to be spread upon the artificial beds, where they will be left to grow from two to three years, when the oystors will have attained marketable size. The land department of the Northern Pacific Railroad company has sent out a poster, printed on cloth, to be posted in the timber regions of Washington terri tory, warning all persons against starting nres in the forests, which, through care lessness of the parties starting them, fre quently destroy large tracts of valuable timber. The poster contains the orders of the commissioner of the general land office at Washington directing the timber agents to proceed against all offenders under the laws of Washington territory relating to the unlawful setting out of fires, and admonishes all offenders that the Northern Pacifio will aid the govern ment in checking the evil. The Coos Bay Argus says: Spring salmon occasionally jump in the lower bay, but so far this season the fishermen have had but little success in capturing them .... The Parkersburg mill shut down last Saturday. for a week.... The mail service from Coquille City has been ex tended to Marshfield, and the office at Coos Citv discontinued Henrv Miller. of Ten Mile, brought the hide of a pan ther to town on Monday, which he bad lately trapped near his place. The pan ther was a large one, having measured over eleven feet from tip to tip.. . . A par ty of U. b. engineers are at the month ol the Siuslaw river, hunting for a suitable location for a light-house. Mrs. Ann Condill, a native of England, but who has been a resident of this state for the past fifteen years, was admitted to citizenship in the U. S. district court yesterday. This is probablv the first in stance, says the Oregonian, in which a woman has applied for naturalization papers. Mrs. Condill is a widow and a number of years ago took up a homestead near Springyille. She now desires to prove up on it, and in order to do so it was necoessary that she should become a oitizen. It is not generally understood mat a woman oi ioreign oirm ueeus w become naturalized, but it appears that under some circumstances such is the case. If her husband gets naturalized, or she marries an American, Bhe becomes a citizen without taking out papers. Just Received. A large stock of soft and stiff Haw in all the latest styles, at Mcintosh's Fur nishing store. Corsets aHd Underwear. All tho latest makes and styles of cor sets and ladies underwear at Prael Bros.' Empire store. Boats Tor Salo. Joe Leathers has two fine boats for sale at the boat shop, one block west of Hansen Bros.' mill. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Rem edy. Price CO cents. Masai Injector free. Tot sale by W.E. Dement. THE OLD WORLD ASD THE SEW. Connecticut is troubled with thousands of pauper immigrants. Mexicans grow madder every day and now talk revolution. John L. Sullivan, Jr., arrived at Boston from Port Natal last Saturday. Suakem dispatches say that Khartoum is rumored fallen and Gen. Gordon n prisoner. It is claimed that India cannot expect to compete with America in tho European grain markets. The Astoria land grant comes up for final action in tho houso of representa tives sometime this week. Bob Ligorsoll was defeated by a negro for a delicate to tho national conven tion, at W t-niKtvn, but week. Tho governmunt h:w officially recog niztHl the world's centennial exhibition, which op--ns at New Orleans next De ceinler. England continue to be badly Beared over tho recr-nt dynamite arrests, and want3 the United States to take nction relathe to nllogrd onpirators. Washington dep itches nominate Re publican candid it-- daily. This tiw6 Grant, Blaine, Lo'an, Lincoln and Arthur fro ill suro of it. Tildeu is said to have made S. J. Randall his rejdduary legate.-, who will immediately proceed to administer on the estate. "Sab KrnclifO and I'ortlsad Freights.1' l'httru has always existed an unreason able diilertuco in freights from San Francisco and Portland to Liverpool. At present this difference amounts to 10s sterling, or $2.50 in our money, per ton, paid from Portland than from San Fran cisco. At one time last fril this excess from Portland whs onl 5s psr ton, but with thai exc-puon, the difference of 10s per ton bis boon steadily maintained. The Farmer lias shown this up for years back and protested that it was unfair. The ship off on the broad Pacific cannot be more than two or three days' sail further from Portland than from San Francisco, und the voyage round from Liverpool and return cannot bo over one week longer from Portland than from San Francisco. It is no doubt true that ships make voyages to and from one port as readilv as the other. Every vessel un dergoes detention of weeks, and often of months, waiting lor cargoes or ior sea men. The short detention caused by the difference in distance cannot he of seri ous moment. We learn that ships only ask at Paget sound tho current rates from ban irancico; ss distance does not figuro in the account as the sound is more distant than Portland. It is no doubt true that they make a bug-bear of the Columbia river, but it is time that hum bug was exploded- Willamette Farmer. Yes, indeed; it is "time that humbug was exploded," and one of the ways to produce the explosion is for the Farmer to stop writing such humbugging state ments as the above. The Farmer knows very well that the Columbia bar is tho cause of the difference in freights be tween here and San Francisco; that deep draught vessels, carrying larg& cargoes that oau enter San Francisco bay cannot enter the Columbia; that the dangers and detentions between Astoria and Portland cause heavier rates of insurance to be required; that the vessels that have loaded at Astoria have saved so much by not going further up the rivor as to dem onstrate the reason of the onerous freights; and that to attempt, as the Farmer do?s, to write upon this subject not in ignorance, which is excusable, but in deliberate perversion of facts which is contemptible, is alike opposed to justice and that spirit of honesty which is sup posed to aotuate all editorial utterances. Steamer 1M)S for April. From San Fran, j From Astoria. State 4,Oic-gon 6 Columbia. 8 State 10 Oregon 12, Columbia 14 State lGlOregon 18 Columbiu 20State 22 Oregon 24 1 Columbia 26 State 23lOregon 80 Columbia. May... 2lStuto, May. 4 Something to Read. JihI leceivcd.ublglot of new read ing matter. Seven complete novels Tor 30 cents. An immense assortment of reading matter of every description on hand. L:ite.-: novels and edition's re ceived every night by overland mail at Carl Adlpr's Crystal Palace and Bonk store. Something Xcw. Tin latest in Ladiea' fashionable Wmpsi the Newport scarf. It is de iirneti t tak the place of shawls or dolmans, and U the most elegant wrap for tin price m existence. They can only be obtained at present of Mrs. A. B..fevett, who has intioduced them in this market. It Is worth your while to see them. Fine Dress Goods. A splendid line of ladies dress goods is being displayed at the Empire store. At the Empire Store You w ill find the finest laces and era broideries, of richest quality. "JEFF" At enormous expense has just secured the services of Professor Ellis one of the best white cooks in the state; and Jeff proposes to excell any of his for mer efforts In the culinary art. Italian and French dishes a specialty. Notice. Dinner at"J EFFyCHOP HOUSE everyday from 4:30 tod o'clock. The best 2.Vcent meal in town; soup, fish, seven kinds of meats, vegetables, pie, pudding, etc. Tea or coffee included. All who have tried him say Jeff Is the "BOSS." Special Notice. Mr. N. Loeb has Instructed me to dis pose of his entire stock of Clothing, Furnishing goods, Boots and Shoes, etc., at coit, without reserve. C. P. Moffit. The bad effect of mercury will be ef fectually eradicated from the system by usinir several bottles of PftimW Oregon Blood Purifier, already a staple urucie. Shiloh's Vitallzer is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz ziness and all symptoms ot Dyspepsia. PrirelOandij cents per bottle. Sold by W. E. Dement Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron chitis Immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold hv W. K. Dompnt. That Hacking Cougn can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee It Sold by W. E. Dement. Sleepless Nights, made miserable by that terrible couch. Shiloh's nnr u the remedy lor you. Sold by W. E. De ment Shiloh's Cough ana Consumption Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It cures consumption. Sold by W. E. De menL Shiloh's Cuke will immediately relieve Croup, whooping cough and Bronchitis. Sold by W. K Dement For lamo liack. Side or Chest nsa Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price 25 cents. i? or sale oy w. k. uement. Use Dimmitt's Cough Balsam, at W E Dement & Co.'s. More About "Reclamations." A correspondent of tho Portland Coi mercial Herald, writing -regarding the outrageous charges of "reclamation" brokers in Liverpool, says: "I am glad to see tho salmon canners in Astoria aro beginning to open their eyes regarding reclamations. There has been, and still continues to be, a regular system of rob bery (you can call it nothing else) going on in Liverpool, not only in salmon but in other products shipped from the Pacific coast, and that by houses that stand high in the business community both hero and on the other side of tho water. It has surprised me very much that ink rested persons have not long ere this taken nteps to change the plan of making reclama tions. The very thing that brought dis aster to the Astoria fishery in 1877 was the paying of heavy reclamations, which, as now turns out, ought never to have been paid by the canner. as th damage has been snown to be sea d.-iune, as shown by the ship's log. Tho Titan was rail under for several days; cargo w.-is adrift, water in the hold, both wheat, flour and salmon were damaged by salt water, but it being the usual thing to make reclamations for bad salmon, some 30,000 claims wem made, which wero paid by tho canner, he not knowing tho circumstances of tho voyage at the timo. I know of a case of a cargo of wheat consigned to a certain house, which they carried until it was nearly duo in Liverpool. The mar ket showed signs of a quick advance, then advanced rapidly. They cabled the owners of the wheat, it was sold before tho rise. The owners would not staud it, as they had given no orders to sell. The matter was finally compromised Anothor case was of a lot of flour consigned, flour that has no superior on thi3 coast. When it arrived in Liverpool it was pronounced by the firm to whom it was consigned to be of inferior quality, in fact inferior to ordinary Oregon flour, and could not be sold for over 23s. per 280 xwunds. For tunately, a gentlenmn interested in the flour was in Great Britian, and ho at once telegraphed them not to sell. Ho then sent to an expert to examino into the matter and test tho flour. After a thorough test and examination, tho firm said a mistake had been made, that the flour was of superior qu-lity, worth J7h per 280 pounds. They, however, ren tiered account sales at 55s, the then pric of ordinary Oregon flour. That eiuiwl the business. When u firm of hi"! stand ing does such things, what can consign ors of salmon, wheat, flour, hops, or nnj other product of this coast expect? The only solution to this is for the salmon canners to appoint a man of their own to represent them und see that these practices are stopped. Tho same may be said of millers, etc" ForaXent Fitting Bool Dr Shoe, go to P. .1. Goodmans, on Che namus street, ue.t door to I. V. Case, All goods of the best make and guaran teed quality. A full stock; new goods constantly arriving. Custom work. Hosiery, Hoslerj , Hoierj'I The latest novelties in ladies und childrens hosiery at Prael Bros'. WIIAT! do yon think Uiat JLKFF OF Till- Cllt'fP (tOUSE gives you a meal tor nothing und a glass of something to drink? 'Not muchP but he gives a better meal and more of it than any place In town for 2. cents. He bnvs bv the wholesale and pays cash. "Tint settles it." Cauiicryinrii Merchants, r.le. You will do we I in looking over Carl Adler's immpii.se -took of books andsta tionery. The urticli bj'ing n o numer ous to uiention.it will pi ove satisfactory to every one ti examine that enormous stock of blank books and novelties in statloneij jut received, funn the eat. Spceial i ates to dealer-. Remember the Crystal Palace. Carl Adler Proprietor. . All the patent medicine advertised in this paper, togelhpr with the choicest perfumery, and toilel articles etc.. can lie bought at the lowest price.-, at ,1. V. Conn's driis store, opposite OeMden hctel, Astoria. Brace up the wh. system with Kiuy of the Blood. See .dvr iement. Have Wisrar's balsam m wild ''ti y always at hand. It cures eouhs. colds, bronchitis, whooping cough, croup, in fluenza, consumption, and all throat and lung complaints. 30 cenls uud,?l a bot tle. Kommh Dixon's new eating house is now open. E erj thing h.is 1-een tit ted up in-first-clasa style, and hi well known reputation as a caterer assures all who like good things to eat, that'at his place they can be accommodated. Jeff says he gives two meals to any other restauraul mans one and can prove It. Dimmitt's Couch Balsam cures Croup Children all like Dimmitt's Cough Balsam. Dimmitt's Cough Balsam never falls. Try It, at . E. Dement A Co.'s. Use Dlmmitts Cough Balsam for Chest, Throat, and Lungs, at V7. E. De ment & Co.'s. Boston Baked Beans and Brown Bread every Sunday at Jeffs from 5 a. m. to 2 p.m. ASK FOR "THE BOSTON" RUBBER BOOT. Made of Fine Ii3ra., 3ELxk"fc ox win Not Crack. FOR SALE EVERV'WHEttC. The Gutta Percha & Rubber Mf'g Co rortland, Oregon. For Sale. FIVE .HUNDRED CORDS DRY HRM lock Wood, which I will deliver at the houses of customers for St a cord. Dravlnz of all kinds done at reasonable rates. K- R- MARION. Notice. ALLrERSONS ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED not to trust my wife, Bridget Gorman, on my account, as I will not pay any bills P. GORMAN, jSBBbIbBBBBBBBBb HOXTIILY BKPORT Or Cedar Street Public School Ihtrlct Xo. IS. Names of pupils neither absent nor tardy for the month ending April 11th: OIU.MMAT! DEPABTMEXT. Dixie Bain Ella Belcher Mary Dealey Josie Dealey Gussie Gray Lottie Levings Ethel Merryman Mvra Stevens Minnie Warren Alice Wocd George Coffinbcrry Walter Douglas Jacob Ferrill William Grant Hurry Gray Willieiovings Frank McCann George Stevens George Welch . Mark Warren Nace Grant Nellie Levings Maggie Burke PKBFECT IN Di;rOET.MKNT. Ellen McCann Grace Carruthers Zoe Carruthers Myra Stevens Acnes McCann Minnie Warren J0310 Dealey Lottie Levings Maggie Burke EllaBelcher Mark Warren Harry Burke George Welch Walter Douglas John Feely Clam Cook pnnunr. department. Mo! lie Foster Amanda Matt son Nellio "Morrison Emma Sabo Leona Welch Oliver Bottom Alban Burns Dick Carruthers HalvorDahlen Harry Higgins Andrew McCrosky Willie Mattson Adrian Merryman James Morrison Merton Welch Joseph Gorman Thomas Foster Eddio Erickson OOOD IK DEPOBTMEXT. Eva Warren Dick Carruthera Mary Feely Nellie Morrison Duncan Douglas Emma Sabo Leona Welch Andrew McCrosky - M. F. Lawbence, Principal. E. J. Connelet, Primary. INSTANTANEOUS PHOTOGRAPH THE California Flying Studio. WILL BE WITH YOU FOR A SHORT time, giving jou a an opportunity of getting pictures of all stjles.bv the Instan taneous I'rocrss. Children's Pictures a Spe cialty. Westudv to plpas EKTAXCUE & BLTTOX, Cor. Main St. BARBOUR'S Imon Hot Threads HAVE NO EQUAL. -THE- The London Fisheries Exhibition HAVE AWARDED THE GOLD . MEDAL TO The Barbour Brothers Company FOR THE SUPERIORITY OF TUBIK FLAX NET THREADS. Ladies of Astoria ! Your attention Is directed to the Fact that at Mrs. T. S. Jewett's FANCY UOODS EMPORirM, Is a Large aud Complete Stock of VIXF. GOODS. Comprising every arlcty of Fancj Wear, Millinery, Hats, "Bonnet, Laces, Embroideries Ties, Collars, Fichus, La dles' Underwear, Children's Clothes, Iloslery, GloTes, Zephyrs, Worsted, Etc., Of the Newest Styles, And GUARANTEED to be FIRST QUA LIT V, Stnmpim: Done at Reasonable Rates. Dressmaking a Specialty. N'one but FIrst-c.la.ss Assistants Employed. Squeiuoqua Street, two doors WfcJt ol Cass. Copper Paint. IN HALF GALLON TINS. At WILSON & FISHER'S, WA Liberal Discount to Hie Trade.-S H, B, PARKER DKAIRU IN Hay, Oats, and Straw, Brick. Cement, and Sand. Wood Delivered to Order. O.aymg, Teaming, and Ex ress Business DEALER IN WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. FIRST-CLi ASS. TAX NOTICE. RESIDENTS OF SCHOOL DISTKICT NO. 9 are hereby notified that the taxes for the year 1883 iu said district are uow due and payable at the ofllce ot Badollet & Co., Upper Astoria. J. E. HIOOIN8, Acting School Clerk. Astoria, February 6, 16S4. Carnahan & Co. SUCCESSORS TO I. "W. CASE, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND RHIAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL KIERCHAHDISt Corner Chenamus aud Cass streH. ASTORIA - - nKBMOK $67,000,000 Capital ! Liverpool and London and Globe. North British and Mercantile Qf London and Edinburgh. Old Connecticut of Hartford, AD COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA Fire Insurance Companies, Representing a Capital or 867,000,000. A. VAN DU3EN. Agent. A Good Chance. 1 OFFER FOR SALE THF OREGON MAR ket and Sausage Factory, a9 my health will not allow me to carry It on. This Is a good chance to buy a paylD&JSJnJ?va7 GEO. GANSZ. i 1884. New Spring Importations ! EiroiuGries ! Ertrofcies ! . We have reeeired from New York, per express, upwardss of 6,000 yards of Embroideries In Cambric. Swiss, Lawn and Nainsook, . Of the Latest Designs and from ID to 25 per cent. - cheaper than ever before. 1760 yards of Embroideries from 2137 1275 " . " " THE I X L THE I X L C. H. COOPER, The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House OF ASTORIA. Books and Stationery. Having made SPECIAL AR ANGEMENTS with the management of the N. P. K. and Eastern Houses. I am now getting ray STOCK, especially BOOKS and STATIONERY, from the East This enables me to give the Public a show to buy at LOW E 1STEBN PRICES. I have Just received : Fine Stock of STATIONERY: Full aud Half bound Ledgers. Day and Cash Books. Journals, new Letter Copy Books, all sizes; H.ind's Stlozraphtc Copy Books. All kinds Bill and Letter Files, Bank Files of all descriptions ; Copy Presses, invoice KOOKS,j.nai naiances. rocKei i.eugux3,oounuii". uiu .aaii duum. ah wuiu ui Oiders, Urafjs and NoteH.anu Keceipts ; also a full line of Bill Holders and I. O. Boxes The Latest NOVELTIES in Mnall Stationery, used In every ofll( e. Belug uow In business connection with one ot the largest Eastern PAPEIt FACTOR IES, I can sell any and all Kinds of PAPER cheaper than any other house north of S. F. I have now a Large stock of Legal Foolscap Paper, all weights ; BUI Paper, all sizes ; TO different .kinds of .Letter and Note Paper. Some very fine Writing Paper for the Ladles, In Liuen and all Colors, with Envelope? to match. 5&,00 Business Envelopes. Just Received. My Assortment of BOOKS, NOVELS, and READING MATTER Is well known to the Public and my store Is the ONLY ONE where People Can Find What They Want. - Watches, cTocks, and Jewelry. SOLID GOLD LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S WATCHES in all Styles and Qualities- , ,. The Celebrated Duber. Newport, and Keystone. Waltham, and Elgin Silver Watches from 812.150 840 OO. The Latest Styles of Gentleman's Solid Gold and Quartz Chains from S18. upward. Also a Full Assortment of LADIES' JEWELRY : Diamond Finger Rings, Earrings and Breastpins. Solid Gold Guard Chains, Neck Chains. Earrings and Breastpins, In sets or -single. A Large Assortment of Plain Solid Gold Rings. Rings with Sets, such as Ame thysts. Topaz. Cameo. On yx. Garnets. Emeralds, Rubies, andotht-r precious stones. - Solid Gold Sleeve Buttons, Collar Buttons, Studs, Scarf Pins, Lockets and Chains, Em blem Pins and Charms for all Orders. ,,, Also a Complete Assortment of the Finest ROLL PLATE JEW KLR . Solid Silver and Plated Ware. Remember The Crystal Palace. The Leading Book Store. - New Goods for ixanxxsNSz: CLOTHING, HATS AJ'1 GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Direct from the Manufacturers, Retailed at Belnc In the Manufacturing Business I am prepaied to sell Clothing that will give PERFECL SATISFACTION both in FIT and QUALITY of Goods. Perfect Fitting White Shirts, Medium and Fine Grade Underwear, ffewest Styles iu Scarf-, and Tics. BJTA FULL STOCK OF FRENCH, EKQLISH AND AMERICAN SUITINGS.-wa D. A. McINTOSH, OCCIDENT BLOCK, - - Most Popular Remedy Sold. Pnr pimnlea. BloteheE. Chronic Sores and Diseases, Loss of Energy and Habitual Con- j stlpation unequaieu. ueiiex uuwameeu. Sold everywhere, 31. 6 bottles for $5.00. LOEB & CO. JOBBERS IN WINES. LIQUOK8, AND CIGARS. AGENTS FOR THE Best San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. Tumblers Decanters, and All) -All goods sold at San Francisco Prices. MAIN STREET, Opposite -Parker House, Astoria, Oregon. IBIfa;iytHTia;l;tifffciifi i 3c to 1 2c per yard. 1 5c to 40c per yard. 50c to $1.00 per yard. - - Carl Adler. Proprietor. Spring and Summer! AX OP - - - - ASTOBIA. PERUVIAN BITTERS ! I WilmSfding & Co., San FranciSCO. Loeb & Co., Agents, Astoria. l5iSBSS' rtjii i i m 'WRgfti BAiff-cmiictt " ' TJH ' T -mmm B JP