G'l Jt -" " '&Zr ' T S"9"2i!?ti&X iV5-3 .-:'!',c vtSrOie- & y&? ! sE& s? ASTORIA, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 1884. VOL. XX, $. !(0. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. . . . . - Il'Vat jrt-MfcHWW; if, J1 all Art fer. - iMm-w-ir iwiisrni sr f i3 iH -- gjg--. sm lsfH I k'H"" I I I I II SalBS .stav m. Jl I I III SaUVJ ' x I I I A 93 & b .jPy W THE TERRIBLE KNOIT. The Dreadlul Punishment of a .Murderfi' in Ru-oiii. Mazof bad murdered a iiihu, a woman and a little boy. .Before the magistrate he made a full confession of his guilt A determined attempt was made by the'soldiers to mob him while he was making his coufes-Jon, but it ra repressed. He was re served for a much more terrible pun ishment than that accorded by ljnch law. He was sentenced to 399 lasLes with the knout, which meant to be knouted to death, unless he poesed superhuman endurance. He was 'marched out to punishment in company with two forgers, all .St. Petersburg -turning out to witness the spectacle. This horrible show is thus graphically described: "Thejstake prepared for him ki& a strong block of wood fixed in the ground with three grooves at the top and two riugs near the bottom; the middle groove was for the neck, and the two others for the armpits, the rings below to look round the ankles; about the stakes were laid co ir&e skins, especially where the knout master .trod,- upon which lay his whips, marking-irons, pincers, etc. An officer then read a paper to the people, signifying that forgery upon the Imperial bank being a capital crime, and two of the prisoners con victed of it were condemned to re ceive eleven blows with the knout, to have their nostrils pulled out, and be banished for life to Siberia; the mur derer of bo many persons to receive 399 blows, to be branded thiee times in the face, have his nostrils pulled out, and (if then alive) be ban iBhed for life to the mines of Siberia. "The executioner and his asihtantb then stripped him, lied his hands across, and led him to the post Af lei fixing his ankles they bent his neck and arms over it, and drew the rope with which hia hands were" tied through the ring on the opposite sida, which seemed to stretch nil the muscles of his back. He then retired about four or five j ards from him. and. taking up one of the knouts, worked it with one of his hands to give it proper elasticity. Walking toward the criminal with four or five steady steps, then taking a spring he struck a perpendicular stroke with a heavy, loud crack. The first stroke cut from the right side of the bottom of the neck to the left armpit The effeot was visible in a moment, audby the violence of his screams afforded reason to suppose that the pain wa3 very great. The second was about half an inch below the first, and so on till twenty-five, when, changing the whip, the operator erased the former wound, striking from the left side to the right, and afterward quite pernen dioular. The strokes were given with 1 the greatest regularity. Between I each a person might deliberately count eight, the executioner always walking slowly to and from the stake. "His cries were now so terrible that some of the spectators -were oblinod ' to turn their backs aud put their i fingers in their ears. All was quiet j v.a' i.,i: a m, -, o;.snn uaa thn ,,inriV -rr,.n 1 VWlUg W AtJ . ra w 'Uww grew famt, and during the last 1UU he After the last blow the assistants lifted up the face by the hair, and the exo eutioner struck "him forcibly three times with an instrument that left the initial of murderer, throwing each time a handful of black dust into the wound, after which, at two pulls he tore the gristle of his nose, and loos ened him from the block. The whole lasted about three-quarters of an hour, and it was generally thought that he had -been dead some time; however, he made a feeble attempt to put on his coat, and recovered suffi ciently to be able to make some repa ration to society by working in the iron mines." Ben Butler's Nerve. Butler would have made a duellist of himself had lie been born in a is.- state and at a time when the co of honor held good. But bean-eat ing Massachusetts never fights duels, aad Butler's nerve has had to be ex pended in other ways. A notable in stance of- this occurred in 1856, when Butler was a young practitioner at Lowell The Buchanan campaign was in full progress and a great meet ing was being held in the largest hall of the city. Buf us Choate, the great lawyer, was addressing the meeting, and his eloquence had thrown them into the wildest enthusiasm, when a jar was felt and a crash was heard. The cry went -forth, "The floor is sink ing." Every one turned pale and the audience -rose for a stampede, when Sutler oaaae to the front of the plat form beside Mr. Choate, and, calling the audience to halt, said there was no-danger; that the architeot of the building was present, and that he Would go with him, and examine the building,' and report to allay their fears. Thio quieted the audience. Butler and the architect made an immediate examination of the hall and found the danger very great Butler at once returned and smiling ly assured" the audience there was not present d anger, but as the hall was over crowded, he advised them to quietly adjourn to the public square and there Hr. Choate would finish his speech. The crowd went quietly out and the catastrophe was averted. As Butler stepped on the platform he had "whispered- to Mr. Choate with a half laugh in order to deceive the audience. This is what he said: "Mr. Choate J must clear this house or we shall all be in hell in ilve minutes." t i - It is said the custom of having twelve men "on a jury, established by King Alfred, in England, wa3 bor rowed by him"fronran old Brehon law jnlreland whichref erred all disputes about IsjkU to the-deoision of twelve The Ber-Geo. U. Thayfer.of liour bon, IncLaayS: iiBotb-myself and wife motorlim-toSBir.oaVKtoxaUMPTioN QV9X? SoklbyW.'E.Dement. showed no signB of life whatever, the --,;.,! ..,..; r . ,.,,. , UI hozl romovlng all Impurities through these whol of the upper part of the hack Proreu nal gnmblcis lu, i un t ueir tUreQ 8CRVeuKer of the , stem, beiujr beaten to a blaek muramv. faro banks hero under the cry noses produeln? nnpeUti! i. sound digestion, Arziinient for Cremation. In all the cemeteries in Italy which I have vibited- -Genoa, Pisa, Florence, Bologna, Borne, Naples the system of burial is the same. The popr are simply interred in the earth in the quadrangular spaces, surrounded by colonnades and chapels. The rich are covered up in vaults in chapel-, or beuoath the stone flooring of the arcades, or in niches along the walls, one above the other from floor to ceiling, in all cases going through a process, more or less rapid, of putre factive decay. Soil and aspect affect the rapidity" of the process; but I was assured that about ten years was the period which must elapse before a body can be regarded as inoffeushe or injurious to the living. Compare this with the two hours required by the practice of cremation, and com pare the Italir.n cemeteries with om own over-crowded hot-beds of cor ruption. In this metropolitan dis trict, in the twenty-five years 1359 1883, the deaths registered numbering 1,890,31-1. Of course the dead .have been buried, and with scarcely an ox ception in and around London. Grant that in ten ears a bod' may become harmless although I do not at all believe that it does so within twenty years in our soil and climate can any imagination conceive the enormous mass of decaying animal matter by which we are surrounded? Could any one be surprised at the outbreak of some devastating pestilence a hundred-fold more destructive than the plague or black death of the middle age-.' And ought not erery sanitary reformer to aid in the revival of the ancient practice which would convert the existing cemeteries, so rapidly becoming Sources of danger to the public health, into permanently beau tiful gardens, receptacles for vases and cinerary urns, which would en courage sculpture, murnl decoration and colored glass-work; while in our eoiintr tilnirche.1 the ashes of the people might again repose in death near the scene of their work in life, perfectly harmless, instead of pollut- J mg the earth of the churchyard and the water drunk by the surviving tinoitith weakness, they need toning. They people, or being carried far from btc iie healt! tuli acmobyiiieuoeof Hos their homes and places of worship , to $ l 9& some distant cemetery, which before stltmd.-itlng tome also ,.nei,ts and arrests lonff must become overcrowded and j fet ei nnd aeue. co:istiiatlon. Her com- ne;Hlential. Public sentiment mav ' for a time revolt at an innovation,' but a very little reflection will bring most people to agree with part of the bishop of Manchester's address on consecrating a new cemetery. He said: "Here is another hundred acres of land withdrawn from the food-producing area of the country for ever. " In the same sense in which the 'Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath,' I hold that the 'earth was made not for the dead, but for the living. No intelligent faith can suppose that any Christian doctrine is affected by the manner in which, or the time in which, this mor tal body of our, crumble into duM." Com'mnit'' ilciJ to London Thn. A South Carolina CourT-KiMw. In the crowd around the oonrt- room ma bo seen ali sorts and condi- iio of mon;brokeu-down politicians and ex-lcaders sit beside the able law- blintc' and making friends with the "lambs" they desire to tleece; tho "crackers' sit in open-mouthed amazement and admiration as the speaker who is urging the convic tion of an illicit distiller pounds on the table and stamps his feet and pours forth his flood of eloquence; the women slyly smoke their pipes; the judge nods drowsily, and the clerk of the court yawns, for this is tiresome work to them; on every side squalor reigns supreme. The benches are dirty and uncomfortable, the floors are covered with mud of that peouliar tenacious character that abounds here, and the windows look as if they had not been washed since that peri- 00" from which everything dates here, "befo de wah." The conrt has been in session here two weeks, and during- that time nearly half a hundred illicit distillers have been tried, and most of them convicted. Correspondence of the Philadelpia Press. - iii - The Massachusetts legislators want higher salaries. But they won't strike. Ah, no. There isu't enough sand in the average legislator to en able him to go out He wants all he can get Nature made tho member of the legislature with two hands, so that he could gesture with one and crrab with the other. .But he won' strike. He will demand more and more, and more and more. But when it comes to the pinch he would legis late for nothing and find himself1 rather than not legislate at all Burlington Hawkeye. As the man who makes bats is u hatter, and the individual who makes vats is a vatter, you 'should never be lost for a rejply when any one asks you what is the matter. Tell him that it's the man who makes mats. Drink Hilk and Grow Fat And don't forget that I. 3ST. 3Dctrla.ia.ca. Always Keeps Milk by the Glass, Pint, or Quart, At ids Fruit Stand, on Chenamus street, Opposite Spexarth's Gun store. T. G. R WLINGS, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Tropical, Domestic, Green and Dried FRUITS. .NUTS. CANDIES, DBIED MEATS, ETC. Fine Cijrars and Tobacco. Next door to L J. Arvold's. Squemoqua St. FIRST GLASS SHAVING AND Hair Dressing Saloon. IMTTEDUPKCANEW AND ARTISTIC 1 manner. Every attention paid patrons. I have fitted up and openea a first-class Barbershop at Carl Adler's old stand on Chenamus street, and am ready for Duslne3s 12 8m LKN. OiiLtK. i var-a Tyt.m I Vkliitnlim iiul I1 p!(w( in- 1110 JvlUncVS mill Slrin 19 n Kn nmmnt i in nil iiMT.-ii siiii nurnii's. lire iiuu-ijoii- -i,"" oiuuu.u titui anui iuiu u vnr THE GREAT GERMAN REMEDY FOR PAIN. BilEUXATISX, Neuralgia, Scblica, Lumbago. HACK ACHE, EIlBiC22, TOdHiCE SCFE THROAT, ji tr. sn EU.n03. STRAINS, So Culi, Btcjm, FROSTBITES. m;iixs.scAX.is, Ant !! otUr tcJU Athet and pits. nm ecus i BoniL ScM bj til Dro jtf tti asi Dealer. DIrestUat In tl Ths Chttls: A.VesItr C:. r.:.in, ax, c. a. x. 1, STG9ZACB &lTTEffS Tliekuliirsi t as partners of the Mood, plaint, di-esu.rlif uiuMtlsm and other all I'l.rsoie i V uuiniuiiiu Lsr l: with leeularUA. iy a'l uniUKisis aun ueaif rs generally. TUTTS PtLLS TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. From these sources arise thrce-fonrtua of the diseases of tbo human race. These symptoms Indicate their existence Los of Appetite, Bonclt costive, Kick TTcadache, fullness after eat lu,nversIon to exertion of body or mind, Eructation of food,lrrltabil Uvof temper, Xor spirits, A feeling orb.a Insrcelccted some duty,DIi zlues8,FlattcrlnattheIIeart,Dots before the ej'es, lilphly colored, Urlne,COXSTlPATIOX,and demand tuo uic 01 aremedy that acts directly on the Liver. AsaLivermedlcincTDTT'S PIXL.S havo no equal. Their action on Ski orousbodi. TDTT'S T1L.I.S causo no nausea or grinlng nor interfere with tuny woi-k unu arc a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. tola OTerrwhere 25s. OffioeilurraySt.N Y. TUn'S HAIR DYE. GiUTlLua orWuhkers changed In stantly to a Glossv Ulack by a single application of this Di E. Sold by Druff. Tista.orsentby express on re coin tor U Ofllee, ii ilurrav Street. New York. En-73 U.IT?AIi OF rSZTUL SX3t?Z3 T3XL JACKSON'S ASTORIA Dlrrmr V PrsnfnntinnnMf DQfVery UUriI6CII0nGry v J I ouee ami Ice Cream Parlors. OYSTERS Xxx Every Stylo. CHKJEAMUS STREET. SUPER IOII I Bread and Cakes OF AEt KISDS. Weddings and Parties supplied with strictly FIRST-CLASS WORK. French and American CANDIES Manufactured, Wholesale and Hetall. Wilson & Fisher, SHIP CHANDLERS. DKAI.KnS IN Iron, Steel, Coal, Anchors, Chains, TAR, PITCH, OAKUM, NAILS AND SPIKES, Shelf Hardware, Paints and Oils STEAM PACKING, PROVISIONS, FLOUR ANT IUIIX FEEIK Agents for Salem Flouring Mills, and Capital Flour. FAIRBANKS STANDARD SCALE S. All sizes, at Portland Prices, In Stock. Corner Chenamus and Hamilton Streets " iLSTOKIA, OREGON. iiflSTlTTE&v H W CELEBRATED l X 9SSSt2iK tivflSifeSIPk "JL&k?XTT! ff SPRING OPENING The Mammoth Clothing Emporium . n. Kikicr Opens This Day Prices eft Zero. M. D. KANT, The Boss Merchant Tailor LNTT OtiOTHIHR. Mi are aud Shio Ctofllery A. VAN DUSEN & CO.. liFAI PKH IN Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil. Bright Varnish, Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails, Agricultural Implements, .Senilis "Uuchliirs, 3titit uiul tits. ;rwtrieJ. t'iv. IO.OOO BOTTLE SOLO Great Northwestern Remedy. TAKE IT W.PFUNDER'S. Oregon Blood Purifies, KIDNEY S-LIVERJDiSEASES. Dr'SPfcPSIA.' UUHt-a ' -. PaVPLES.BL07C8ESANDSKM DISEASES., HEADACHE C0ST1VENESS. Those who work ".it-ly ami l.iie nefl a w holosoine, lellablo 3I tllcine liko Pftintlcr'-. Oregon Iilood Purifier. As a rciuvth and lrerntatheof dlsi-aof. II cannot be beat. It chocks Ilheumatism and MalarU, relieves Constipation, Djvprpsln .ind ItUIontines and puts fresh cneig into iJicsWemby making Sew IIcli Mood." All Druisrs aud Deal ers keep it. 51 00 bottles Cf.ir5 00. Ed. D. Curtis & Co. tery UNSURPASSED IN STYLE AND FINISH. NEW FURNITURE, A COMPLETE STOCK. C. H. BAIN & CO. DEALERS IX Doors, Windows, Blinds, Transoms Turning. Bracket Work. Sliop Work Aspeolalty.and all work Rturanteed. Oak, Asb, Bay, and Walnut lumber; Ore jjtfn and Port Orford Cedar. All kinds of boat material on band. C. II. BAIX A CO. BANKING AND INSURANCE! I. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, ASTORIA. - OREGON. OFFICE HOUKS : From 9 o'clock A. M. until 3 o'clock P. M. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET By tke Xlght. Dny, Week er Moath WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD, With use of Parlor, Library and all the com forts of a nome. lernus ruuiuwic Apply to iraa v n. wnrnvv Cor. Main and JeBetson sb. m Carpets Mols for Inspection; THE LARGEST Finest and Best STOCK Of Men's tnd 8oyt' Wearing APPAREL North of Sari Prkhcisco'. Look Out for KtvtHiM IN Every Department THE TAILORING DEPARTMENT Contains the Choicest- Partcfia la Spring and Summer Goods. A Complete Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed In all Gaiacafe. STOHE & DAVIDSON (HUME'S BUILDING.) AGEXOY Red Crown Fleur: Guaranteed a Superior Article?. DELtEEIiS GRAIN, MILL' FEED, POTATO Country Produce, Etc. -Consignments Solicited, and Advance made on same. A ARNDT & FERUHEN, AS rOKI A. OKKtJON. The Pioneer Machine Sh'op BLACKSMITH SHOP AMI Boiler Shop AU kind ol ENGINE, CANNEEY, AXI STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE 8THEET. ARNDT & FERGHEN, Agents for Oregon, Washington Territory, and Alaska for E. VF. BLISS' Special Cannery Machinery ! Engines, Soldering Machines, improved Acid Bath and Crimping Machines, Power Presses, Foot Press', . Squaring 8 hears, And all other machinery uaed la canneries. Including the new COMBINATION DIES. Working without small springs, constantly on hand. We respectfully Invite all cannerymea to call and examine the aboye machlaery as-It is greatly superior to any heretofore Intro duced on this coast. Orders solicited. ARNDT A FERCMEJf. Foot of Lafajette Street, Astoria, Oregon. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Bentok Sthket, Nkab Parkkb Hoube, ASTOKIA. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LAND anfl MAE1M EMGKES Boiler Work, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. Of all Deseriptieaa aae f rtlep at Skert Hetlce. A. D. Wash. Prealdent. J. G. Hobtlkb, Secretary, I. W. Case, Treasurer. johk Fox,Superlnteadent. Seining Ground fw Rent, PI FRONT OF B. aINDBED'S CLAIM, near Fort Stexeus. . . Enautre on the premises or et C, A.-Hy, Astofi. aaS3-la HOT. EJlS &b RES TrAtJRAJTTS'. BARKER HOTSE. m. m. fajikcs. Pro.. AJ3XORIA, - . OREGON. Al.OBpaSYj. - - Day Clerk. PfeH.BOWjEB8, ,.- - Nlhtadc. Jit DltFFY his "tnVBir MrtEllUirMroW Fint ClaM in all KiipeoU U FiicOAoa'-ro iitiiBaraE: A Good Cup of Coffee AND OtSTEKS" Af MrSPowtU' Coffee House; Oa Mala Street next to OMgoMikery. Campi Restaurant. XJ6W AJTDl Wltl. E4UIP?XJ I.. Serra has rriwiUt his establishment and Ls prepared-to accommodate the traTellng public. . s. A god meaifuralsked at any Eour of the aayorsifBtr -. , The finest Liquors adtars at. the bar. Two doors west of Ike Foster's. B2fca ' LUIQI SEBSA. HiredwLie ! AND J EFf OF THE CHOP HOUSE Can. prove by his hooks tbt be Is doing the Biggeu dusuum w asy RESTAURANT In th att. and ka vlll cniarojaf tn !vft i Tw riT""' . -3- " o ' - ---j tw west-wow tut aun. t MAiXXfii CENTRAL MARKET, GeMMl MwrtButt ?f tttHe itoak; ttmsxaatly ;eaa, sacfta. Cilinid Frulti if'Jefly, Bacw, HtittuMftrf ;Lrd Eggr, Butter, 'Cruise," Mth FruHs udXff ittMti FiskfJPMittryf tfrfaMf , fa the SMspa. Cttjirs and Ttbtcco, Bestof Wiriei and Liquors. All cheap for CASH. Goods soid. on com mission. Opposite I. W. Case' afore. J. R0DGEK3. wisnmoTON market, Mala street, Aatarta, rcgea. BKOsiAW BEXBT, PKPMIETK8. RESrECTFOLLY CALL. THE ATTEX ilort of the public to the fact that the above Market will always bo supplied with a FOLL VARIETY hfD BEST QUAUTX FRItH AND CURKD MI ATS 1 I Which will be sold at lowest rates, whole gale and retail. . easpeclar aite&tion giren to supplying ships. STAR MARKET. WHElftY k OOKPAIfT, Fresh and Cared Meats, FRUITSy BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSIXB OCCIDENT HOTEL, CHILVAMUli Hret. Aateria, Ok WYJin & THOMPSON. DEALEBSLN FRESH AND CURED MEATS, CHOICE GEOCEEIES, PROVISIONS, Crockery and Glassware. TVrm, Feed, S2to, GEOEGE LOVETT, Tailiriii CleaiiDi Re jairiBL NEAT, CHEAP AMD QUICK. Mala SC, aypaaUe V. iMk'i, Astsria, . A. M. JOteSOK. C. J. J0H2TSON. Astoria Sail Loft MANUf ACTUBERS OF SAILS, TENTS, AWNINGS, TABPAULINS, And CTbrythlsjrebe pertaining to our BualceM. LowettPric aiutBtttWork For yoar Money, At the Old Stand. Lear youx.orders-and get yoar Ttork WWW WUWJ. JOmNSONAOO. OregoQ. 4 Astoria, i - BUSINESS OAEDS aSO. A. DOKJII, 00. NOiOJfC- PIOLaJlb fc BORlaV, ATTOSNEYS AT LAW. " Office! In KInney'3 Bloct, opposite City HaU, Ajtorfe, dgofi. L Attwnsy and DoHnstW it Ltw! "2, Boom No. e, oyer White House. ASTORIA, OREUON, e. w. rtmroK. o. c. tuviox. FUI.TOII BBOTHSM, ATTOB2TEYS AT LAW. Booatjand if. Odd Fellows Balding. T q.ABWLBY, - ATTORNEY AT LAV. Chenaatna facet, - - ASTORIA, QBJUJQH JOKPat A. GUJu, ATTOBNBY-AT-LAW. WtMBe with J. Q A. Bowlbyr ABTOBIA, Oregon.,. Qa J. cuatTia, ATT'r AT LAW. Notary Public, CotnmlssJoaerei Deeds toi C&llfacolx, New York aad Washington. Ter ritory. , Rooms 3 aad 4. Odd Fellows BoUalag.As torla.Oregon. , N.B.-rCIUa siWaAlnton. D. 0., aad collections aspeclalty. A T". AliliEX, Astasia Aeat HambUrf-MagdefHirj and German-American" FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. T? G. SOLDK3I, NOTABY PUBLIO, ADOTIONERB, COMSnSBION AHU IN SDBANCE AGENT. 0. W. X.EIGK, ABCHITECT AND DRAUGHTSMAN. Scholars recelTSd for Couaa of Draughting TOfflc'ovar Whfta House Store. & EXO F. JPARKB. SURVEYOR OF Clataa Caaatr.ax City af Aaterta OOce r-Chenamus street, Y. M. 0. A. hall Boom No. 8. Q BEXMOSt MABTIJr.M.O., Fkyitalaa aa Smrgeaa ASTORiA, OREGON. OFFicE-Room 12, Odd Fellows Building. Residence Hume's building, up stairs. TAT TUTTIiE. M. I. PHYSIdAN AND SUBGEON Oftice Booms 1, 2, aad S, Pytulafl Build ing; Besioxxce" On Cedar Street, back of St. Mary's HospltaL r. P. HICKS. A. E. SHAW . HICKS A SHAW, DENTISTS. Boorai In Allen's Building, up stairs, cor ner Cass and Squemoqua streets. Astoria, Oregon.' J. RISBERQ. Practical Tailor. On Genevieve street, opposite Bozortb & Johns. Jio-sm Bozorth & Johns, Real Estate and Insurance Agents; and Brokers. ASTORIA. Otegoe. Buy and sell. aB kinds of Real Estate and repreMQt the following Fire Insuraaca Conpanles : Scottish Union and Na tional, Phenlx of Hartford Home of New York, Hamburg and Bremen, Western. Phenlx of Brooklyn. Oakland Home. asseU 33,0000 4J6Q0fltQ 2,0004)00 900,009 4300 JOW 900.0W Policies written by us In the Phoenix and Home aad Scottish Union and National at equitable rates. GENERAL STEAMSHIP AGENCY. Bills of Exchange on any Part ot Europe. 1AM AGENT FOB THE FOLLOWING well known and commodious steamship lnes, STATE LINE. BED STAR. WHITE STAR. HAMBUBa-AMEBICAN, DOMINION LINE, NATIONAL, and AMERICAN LINE. Prepaid tiokets to or from any European port. - . For full Information as to rates of fare: MUllng days. ec, apply to j B. S. Worsley, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT gyOfBce and Ware Rooms on Squemoqua Street, nextdoor to corner of Olaey. Adran cements made on Consignments' - Ha Ckargea far Starace af ea. A Private Carriage CAN BE PEOCDBED AX ANY HOUBu by sending order to Occident Hotel or B. F. Stevens Co.'a store. , Pasaeniers and baggage taken to raornlag boats. Ready at all times. Premium aaa SatMaetlaa 6aanaU4. F. D. BLAXX. :