r- isrz&'TTjt''w - . .-jvr5T""r"r"--' en i ?ltc jpattg fstwiatt. ASTORIA, OREGON: SATURDAY ...APML 5. 1851 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE 't iJT OF ASIOKIA. TnE BEFTJBL1CA STATE CO)fTE5TI05 VESSELS IN TT1E RIVER. -o- ITHre R.Sonthard. AmspMtWaihinryn. Am p Ited Cross Am an Til'ie K"Ntnruucic. Am i?.R. Moed.Ain i.k Ktver Ind . Hr no Cm of Carlisle, Br hk Alien Basse. Am bk Highland Llcbt.Am.cp JUrtha Fisher. Cfci. ;or.ewiirth Br blc Merora. Am sp fc.kda!e. Br bit Alortniih Cattlv.Ur p VESSELS t)A THE WAT. 'rvvi ForoJjrn -lerts,-for lb1 Columbia KlTer 1MU, Br bk UrerjpoJ Pec 6 Jorsalfarer. Nor bL Liverpool Not IS Kolrerdftlo, Brbk 1191 NSW Largo I a. Br sp Uull March 13 Norseman, Br bk Liverpool DcoS Btagbound. Br bk T3 WUmlnfftoa bilbet. Br bk 1057 London Dee ft TytJionus, Brbk London Dee 3 From American Ports. Alameda Am p i Y Jan 15 Belle of Oiegoe. Am bk H69 Ncnr orlc Mar I TIttK TABLE KE AHTOHTA HIGH WATEU. APBIL. I LOW WATEI1. ABerrablican convention for the state of Oregon is called to meet at the city of Portland, Oregon, on "Wednesday, the 30th day of Apnl,l8&i, at 11 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of nominating candi dates for the following offices, to-witt Representative in congress, judge of the supreme court, the presidential electors, nnrl riiKtripr nllicprs lor lUCBeverai juiuui al districts, and to belect six delegates to attend the national Republican conven tion, end to transact such other business as may properly come before the conven- The convention -will consist of 305 dele gates, apportioned among the several counties, as follews: Baker 5Iake Benton -. 9Iane Clackamas 10 Linn Clatsop.,,-. ?i?"' 'i." Columbia Multnomah . Coos mk v - NOW IS THE TIME 1 TO CURE I SKIN HUMORS.! m"mm- . .... ,., ... IT is at this Reason worn ir. iw "" VersniiaU.m a-e IiwuImI tith impurities that wKrtmr Humor. Humiliating Erup tions. ItchVpTortnns. Suit Knoiim. or Ec VZZV Tnri..W Tetter. Rlncwoim. Haby ..10 ..12 ..18 ..85 .. 8 Tillamook.. 2 Umatilla & Union " Wasco jj Washington 8 Yamhill 9 The Indian Question. ...rth skin amlScilD are most sneeciiij i d eco'iomically cured oy the Cuticuka Remedies. Firt Second, i First. Second. P IS h is; h tn. h. m. h. m. h. m. 4 58 17-8 6 10 7 21 8 81 9 87 10 33 11 .3 0 03 039 1 1)1 1 SI 1 67 192 5 71 70 71 73 17-5. V3 86 U-2 5 -59b 0-:i 11 'Ma -0 3 10 &5p 6 56 01 - - 0 0 32 8 03 tf-1 0 02 3-2 1 37 9 03 6 S 1W 3-2 2 10 10 01 8 2,22 3 0 3 40 1U 51 72 3 42 2tl 4 36 11317 3 4 4S 21 5 'i . - - 6 4S I'd 0 03 2i 7 ea ro c 40 1 7 77 7 Ml 04 7 11 1 SO 7".. 3 12 -0 1 7 40 2 26 7 4 8 4'J O'.i 84 ami 7-2 9'J5 -08 8 3S 3 13 7 01 9 39 -OS 9 10 30 -01 01 0-3 04 .4 03 02 03 Go 0-9 14 l'b 2 3 'lli hours between mid .Ulit aud noon arc de"imatrd In a( M.). Iho; between lisifii aud luldnitit bv j i: yt ). Oft. Wrn a denotes uu.lulK'it. oA (win. w denotes noon. Thr height is reckoi fd from the level f aeraj.elwei 1a w iters ro which the sound ius are given on the Coast Survey chtrts. Crook 5 Cnrrv JDouglas 12 Grant Jackson 6: Josenhine 3, iUamatn. j Tolal S02 TiiacfTT)( rJruy one delecste at -iarge from each ooanty, and one delegate for every 125 votes, and one for every frac tion over one-half thereof, cast for Hon. M. 0. George, congressman, at the last general election. The committee recommend that the primaries be held on Saturday, the 12th of April, and the county conventions on Tuesday, the 22d day of April, unless otherwise ordered by the proper county central committees. The committee earnestly recommend that the delegates elected to the state convention attend in person, and if not convenient for them to so attend person ally, that they send their proxies by electors of the county they represent. The Eenublican voters of the state, without -regard to past political differ ences, who are in favor of elevating and dignifying American labor, giving free Dotnilar education to the masses of the people, effectually proteoting all human rigntB in every section 01 our comioou country, and who desire to promote friendlv feeling and parmanent harmony throughout the state by maintaining a government pledged to these objects and privileges, are cordially invited to unite in selecting delegates to the Be pnblican state convention. SOL. HIBSCH, Chairman. Portlund, Oregon, Feb. 21, 18S4. IT IS A FACT. Unndredi" of letters in our poH05?ion feop pios of which may bo had by return maib "re our nuthouty for the aw rtion thut Skin. Scali a d Wood Humors, whether Scrofulous Inherited or Contagious, may NOW be per munently cared by Uoticcb IUsolvej . the new Blood I'uriner, Diuretic and Aperient. internHlly, aud Cuticora and Ccticcb . So v?, the grest skin Cure and Bea-Hlfiers, exter nally in one half too time and at one half the expense cf any other season. GREATEST ON EARTH. Cdticura HnMEDtKSare the greatest medi cines on earth. Had the worst cao Salt hbeum la th s county. My mother had it twenty years, and in faot died from In. 1 be lieve Cutiocba would nave savej her life. .My arm.. breast and he'd were covered for three years, whicu notbinR re.ieved or cured until I used the CpnctraA Kksolvkxt inter nally, ana .UTtctraA and cjdticcra jsoai ex teriitl y. J. W.A DA.MS, Newar , O. GREAT BLOOD MEDICINES. The half has not been told aa to the great curative powers o he iIiticura Kmdi:s. havo iald hunnreds f dollars for medicines to cure di eaVes of the blood and ?kin. and never found anythini; yet o equal the Cun cunA Rkvikui.s Cil AS. A. W 1LL1AMS. Providouce, It. 1. CURE IN EVERY CASE. Your C0ticce Rkunotra outsell all other me 'iclno' I keep for akin disease-. 3Iy cus tomers and patients fay that they have iff ct od a cure in every instance, where other rem edies have failed. U. W. BH0CKWAY, M. D. Franklin Falls, N, H. TC BOAT CIIAttttKa, Koltowluj; Is the schedule of prices for towage 'n and out over the Columbia Bar : For vescels not Inward ,Outv,an5. exceeding Loaded. Ball.ixt. 800 tonsS150 800 to HW tons. 2iX lOuO to 1200 ton1.... 225 lSlOlollOOtoiis... 275 UyO te 1G0J tOll3. 300 :1t0 ;1T 175 175 200 SOO 22-5 250 250 300 Sold by alldruirgists. Price: CuricDEA.fOcts. Kb-olvest, $1 aoAi. v5 eenta, PoiTtE Daca Axii CatsiiCAHo, Boston, Mass, Send fer -How to'Carr !kla Dlcas?eK. DPA TTrilTT For Bough, Chapped a d JjJlllXUJLX Greasy iln, Blackheads l'imples, kin Blemihes, and Infnntile Hu mors, use Cuticcba SOAf, a real BeautiBer Columbia River Exports. SHIPMENTS FOKEIQN. JAXDAKY, '84. Wheat, 350 C75 bus 3C7.27C Flourt 8596 bbls 42,CS Total '10 cargoes $780,942 FKKBDAKY. Wheat- 314.113 bus $313,92 Flour. 49 C09 bhls 221.007 a mnn. 41 cs ................ 2.0" Lumber, coo il . 7.wo Total. 9 cargoe3....v.. .... S544.C04 JlkStoriu. Itetnll 32nrlcet. Flour perack Sl5. Wheat, per cental 32 00 Oats, ' Sl.75?.00. Bacon, sides per lb, 14 to 18 cts. Shoulders, ' 12K15 cts. Hams, " 1B20 cts. Laid, lGKcts. Bt'ef, 12K18 cts. Mutton, 12K313 cts. Pork, 12K15 cts. Veal, 1518 cts. Butter, piT roll 5063cts. Eggs, per dozeii2530 cts. Potatoes, per JOOB 10 to 1.G3 Apples, gieen, per box -S2.00. to $225 Cheese, per lb -'025 to 40 cts. Uoi nmeal, per a 4 cis. Oatmeal. " OK cts. Beans, " 43t; cts. Coffee, riK40ctb. Tea, " 40U0cts. Kice, " 8 10 cts. Sugar, u 914 cts. Svrnp, per gallon 70c Si. Honey, per gallon ?i.oo. Salmon, per kit $5. Onion.-, per "S -J3 cts. Apples dried per lb 1018 cts. Pearlies " " 13 (3. 18 cts. Plums. - 12i & l f'd- Candles, per lb 1'0 cis. Chicken per dozen S5. Hay, per ion :w.. HideK, per lb 0 9 cts. Oils, per gallon, boiled linseed, 76c; raw linseed; 70c; coal oil, 40c; IardSl.'i5. THE DE3J0CBATIC STATE COSTESTIOS. The stato Democratio convention Is here"by called to meet at Dalles City, on Thursday, the 17th of April next, at 10 o'clock a. M., for the purpose of nominat ing candidates for the following effices: Judge of the suorema court, three presi dential electors, representative in the lower nonse or congress ana aismci officers for the several judicial districts, and to select six delegates to the national Democratic convention, and generally to to do such other busiues as may of right come before such convention. The committee deem it fitting to pre sent to the Democratic Yotera of the state the following considerations; We see approaching an election of most vital import to our commonwealth in.aU its ipterests, both pnblioand private. Deeming honesty the best policy, and in strikinc contrast with the course of the opposition party, we have named an early day for the assembling of the state convention. Our principles as a party will then be enunciated, and our candi dates placed in the field subject -to the approval or oonsiaerauou ui iuu uuuy politic The variance in the vote of this state during the past few years, and especially the very close contest in the presidential election of 1880, gives us much hope that, notwithstapding our present minority, with harmony in our ranks, ana a well directed exertion of our strength, we shall oarry off the palm of victory. But to insure this end it is imperative that all Democrats should contribute their undi vided support and hearty co-operation, not only in the actual canvass but in its very initiation the county primaries. We do not presume to trespass upon the nrecincts of our popular convention, but do earnestly invoke all members of our party to put aside past differences and personal antagonisms, to unite in har monious action in the various primaries ana to send full delegations of represen tative men to attend the state convention. We have deemed it fitting to reduce the number of delegates, in the hope of secur ing the personal attendance of those, to be chosen. We especially recommend the formation of local clubs, where prac ticable, throughout the state. Believing that the sucoes3 of the De mocracy is the welfare of the people, we cordially invite all persons, regardless of past political affiliations, who favor sim plicity, economy and frugality in the ad ministration of public affairs to unite withua. AL ZIEBEB, Chairman. P. H. D'Abot, Secretary. CATARRH The United States senate has passed the bill providing for an allot ment of lancUin severalty to Indians. This measure is the beginning and the end of the Indian question, which for six ye'ars has been pending iu con gress, haviug passed the senate twice, but met with fuiluro in the house. The bill provides that whenever the president shall think proper he may lake measures to obtain the consent of any Indians now on the reserva tions, and they shall allot their lands in sufficient quantity to support them selves. None are allowed to own such lands until the expiration of twenty five years, -when the United States patent of ownership will be issued to to them. The idea of the bill is also to ultimately abolish Indian reserva tions and make the red men depen dent upon themselves. If the bill passes tho houses, it will, within the next quarter of a century, add 1UU, 000,000 acres to the public domain, all of which will be thrown open to pre-emption. It comprises some of the best land iu the country. The bill provides that after each tribe is allotted lands in severalty, its mem bers are to be considered citizens and subject to the civil and criminal laws of the state or territory in which located. .Senator Dolph has an amendment inserted in the bill providing that all proceeds from the sale of reservation lands shall be invested by the secre tary of the interior for the benefit of Indians and paid in full at the end of twenty-five years. In the meantime interest is to be paid the Indians to aid in maintaining themselves. No one objected to this amendment, but Dolph made a short speech upon it, in which he said it was proposed to prevent the Indians from being left after obtaining title to their lands, without anything. Senator Miller made a short speeoh upon the bill, in which he expressed the opinion that twenty-five years was too short a time to allow in which to make the red men dependent upon themselves. But as the time may be extended in tho judgment of the president, no change was made and the bill passed. &!& i BZ s W TnbYALPSJ 22af -PST sfsa - BfiiifH r lUB few oef TRANSPORTATION LINES. liwaco Steam Navigation Oo.'s WINTKIi SCHEDULE. Astoria to Fort Steuens, Fort Canbu, and liwaco. Connecting by stages and boats for Oysterville, Montesano and Olympia TRANSPORTATION LINES. Oregon Railway & Navigation COM PAST. CEAX I I V ISIOX. ER Absolutely Pure. This ponder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and whole-omenes. More rmi..iiiiti th.ii the i.rdlnary kinds, ami .-muni- in ;.iiii In pomnetliion with the mu - tltude ot low trst short weigh', -alum or nhoMh:it powders. Sold ovlv in cans, Koy ALBAKrXO rov.'DEK Co., 1W Wall-it. . . Until further notice the Ilwaco Steam Navigiiion Co.'s steamer CSrOXL. ailOS, t ill leave Astoria On Mondays Thursdays, and Saturdays (Oyiterville and Montesano mail davs. at 7 A. Al. FOll Ft.Stsvens, Ft. Canby and llwaoo ox Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fliday- The steamer will leave Astoria at 9 a. m.. as formerly, not belug coulliitd strictly L schedule time. Fare to Fort Canby and Ilwaco 73 cts. 3r-IlwHCo freicht, ly the ton. In lots of one ton or over, S2 per ton, "For Tickets, lowage or Charter ap ply, at the offlce of the company, Gray's wharf, foot of Bentou stn-et. .. J.H.D.GRAY, Agent Dunnsrthe month of April. 1884. Ocean Steamers wl! s.ul from Portland to San Francisco, and from an Francisco 10 Port land, a-, follows. leaving Ain-worth Dotk, Pun land, at Midnight, and Spear Street Wharf, San Fraiicweo, at 10 A. 31. : Hrom San Francisco. 1 From Portland. .Ap:il April StMeoff'al . FFi 4 0 egon Sit 5 Columbia Tues S hute 1 1 C.....Wed 9 1 regon at 12 Commbia Sua 13 taieof al....Wed i OrrROti Thur IT Coin bia .Sun 2titatof L'al....Mcm 21 Oregon .Thar 24 Columbia In 25 Jt&teof t "hi. ...Mon IS.Oreton .Tnea 29 ,. , .. May May Columbia... Fri 2'Stateof Cal....Sat 3 Through Tickets sold to all principal cities la tlie Cnited States, Canada and Europe. RAIL DIVISION. P.3sengerl rains leave Portland for East ern poiuu, at 7 :ao a. ai. dally. . " Pullman PMaofl Cars running between Port land, and St. Paul, KITEH Dn ISIOX (Middle Columbia). Boats leave Portland for Dalles at T A al. ALSO : LeavePort-i 1 land for I Muni Tu. We.lThu. FrLlSat. Trj-Mir-ri fH m 11 i W SANFOWS RADICAL CURE, Head Colds, Watery .Discharges from the NoHe and Kyei hinging Xoiges in the Head, Nervous Ueaduche and Fever Instantly re lieved. Choking inucuB di loged, membrane cleans ed nnd healed, breath sweetened, smell, taste and hearing restored, and ravages checked. Cough, Bronchitis, Droppings into the Throat, Pains in the Chest. lyspepsia. Wait ing of strength and Flesh, Loss of Sleep, etc. cured. Uno bottle Radical Cure, one box Catarrhal Solvent and one Dr, Sanford'J Inhaler, in ot.e nackace. of all drutnrisU. for SI. Atk for Sax- Fni)'s KadicalCurk. a pure distillation of itch Hazel. Am. Pine. Ca. hir, Marigold, Cloror Blosfomg, etc. I'otterDeco amdCuku ical Co . Boston, Collins' Toltale Electric Plaster instantly affecta tho Nervous System and bununcfl l' m. A periect Klprtrlr tlntfArr rAin. 18THECBI blned nlth a Porous Plas- oA ter for 2S cents, ltunni- SBfTPUMB ItBVC nilates Pain, vitalises Weak and U orn Out Parts, strengthens Tired Muscles, prevents disease, and does more in one half the time than any other plaster in the world, fold everywhere. DAW! SBtT $67,000,000 Capital ! Liverpool and London and Globe. Itforth British and Meroajitile Of Londdn and Edinburgh. Old Connecticut of Hartford, OOMMERCIAC OF CALIFORNJA Fire Insurance Companies, flepresent.ng a Capital or 667,000,000. A. VAN DU8EN. Asent. BANKiKC AND INSURANCE a- - .4, I. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insnr- ance Agent, iSTOUJA, m - OBEGOY. . OFFICE HOUltS : From 9 o'clock A. TA. until 3 o'clock P. M. INTEREST ON DEPOSITS. ' THE DNDER-IGNED WOULD KE spectfully Inform the cltbens of Astoria and vicinity that he will pay Interest ou daliv dcixislts and balances, from this d:ttc until further notice J. W. CASE, Banker. March C h, ISSl. DEM0CBATIC CALL. 'Hie Demoqraticconvention of Clatsop county is called to rueet at the county court-house in the city of Astoria at one o'clock r. m. on the 13th day of April, l8Si, for the purpose of electing dele gates to the Democratic state conven tion. At some future date (to be named by the committee) the same delegates will be convened for the purpose of nominat ing "'candidates for county offioora and transacting anyvpther business that may properly come .before tho meeting. Che couutv convention will tie com posed of forty-oneonembera apportioned among tue vonag preciuon as zoiiewe: Astoria 21 Clifton , 1 Clatsop 2 Fish Hawk.-. 1 John Day 1 Knappa,-. S Lewis and -Clark.. '. 1 Miabawoka,. .- 2 SeaSide 1 Upper Astoria 5 Vesper. 1 Westport 1 Young'a-River 1 Democratic primaries' for the election of delegates to the county convention will be held in the respective precincts on Saturday, April 5, lb84. S. D. Adair, C.'H. Stockton, Tbos. Dealt, C. J.Tbwchabd, R; J. MoKMSoif, W.T.Bow ,. County otHiAittee. Astoria, Oregon, March l6,18Si. MOCIKTYT MEETINGS. Temple lxxlffe. No. 7A.F. A.M. REGOLAE COMMDNICATIONS S first and third Tuesdajs In eacliVy month, at 7J$ o'clock. T. M., at tho ' Hal in AMona. Members ot the order lu good standing are Invited to attend.. By order of the W. M. Bea?er Lodge No 85, 1. 0. 0.P. ICUULAn JltbllilU Xi- -rift sevtn o'click, at the Lodge room lu Odd Fellows Hall. Asto ria. Sojourning members of the order h good standing, cordially Invited to ate d. By order 2. G. Ocean Encampment, No. 13, 1. O. O. F. KEGULABMf-EiINGSOF OCEAN EN- c&mpmeut No. 13. 1. o. O. F., at the Lodge, in the Odd Fellows Building, a seveu P. M., on the second and fourth Mondays of eacn mouth. Sojourning breth len cordially Invited. By order C P. Seaside Lodge No. 12, A. O. TJ. W. KtGULAIt MEETINGS OF SEASIDE LckIk No. 12, A. O. 0. W. will be held In Pythian Hall on Fild.tv ertidns of each we-'k. at 7 o'clock p. ju Members ( the order in good s.atnling. aud visiting itrutb- ers are mviiea to auena. L.ioniry win oc open fifteen minutes before and after each meeting. By order M. W. C. BRmvN.Kec Astoria Lioage Wo. 40. LO.Q.l. KEGULAK MhETING EVEltY THUltB day Vf nlng nt 7 :S0 o'clock. In the HslI over Mr. Cases stose. Membersot the Or der, In good standing, a-ie invited to attend. Hy ower W C. T. American Legion of Honor. KEGULAK meeting of astohia Council No 995 Is held on the flrbt and third Tuesday of each muutli, at 7 o'cHick p. M. By order of the Council Commander. B.V.MONTE1TH, Secty. Cushlng Post No. 14, G. A R. REGUI.AP. MEliTINGS OF THIS POST on the second and fourth TuesdiVi of eaoh month at 7 30 p. m. VlNitlng cora- raacs curaianj mviiea. ny oiacr P.O. Pacific Lodge No. 17, K. of P. 13EGULAK MEETINGS OF THIS M Lodge every Friday evening, at 7 so o'ciock, in tneir uasue linn, uojouruing Knights cordially Invited to xtten . . GEO. P. WHEELEB. ILcifR. and 3. Astor Lodge No. 6. K. of P. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS Lodiie every Wednesday evenlnc, at 7 :30 o'clock, at their lodge room. In Pythian Ca-tle. Soluurulug Knights cordially Invit ed to attend. W. L. EOBB. K.ofB. and 8. Think twice before you believe ev ery evil story you bear, and think twenty times before you repeat it especially if it is about a woman, Say to yourself, "this may not be true, or it may be exaggerated,' un less you bare proof of the veraoity of your informant. People some times tell falsehoods they often make mistakes, and they sometimes "hear wrong." There is auricular il lusion as well as optical illusion. Take all these things into consider ation before you even believe. As for repeating the story, ask 'yourself if it necessary. Then do it with the fear of God and the remembrance of the golden rule before you. Let us give thelelping hand, not the downward push; so may the angels reach their hands toward us wneu we stand iu 1 need. People who have been denouncing the bottle or the jug, it amounts to the same thing so vigorously, will probably temper their remarks "when they hear of the jug found near Island Shoals, Georgia, with 18,000 S5 gold pieces in it. And yet it was the old reliable whisky jug, with liquor iu it when found. It is sup posed to have been hid away since the time of the Florida war, and the qual ity of the liquor was decidedly im proved by age. That Hacking Oougti can be so quickly cured by Shilon's Cure. We guarantee it Sold by W. E. Dement When von come to think of it, it is not odd that literary people prefer a pipe to a dtfar. It is handler to smoke -when they are writing, and erer so much cleaner. Atirt then it gives them tna true es-eucu and flavor of the tobacco. The most f astidloua mnoKera amonpr an nationa and all classes of men agree that tho tobacco grown on the Golden Tobacco Belt of North Carolina la the moat delic ious and refined in the -worli Lighter than Turkish, more f r&gTant than Havana, freer from nitrates and nicotine than any other. It la Just what the connoisseur nraises and th habitual smoker demands. The very choicest tooacco ktowh on this Belt is bought by Black, well's Durham Tobacco Co.. and appears in their celebrated Bull Durham Smotins Tobacco. It is known the world orer. Get tho genuine,wlthBull trade-mark, then yon will be sure of having abso lutely purs tobacco. BUY TEE BEST ! BARBOUR'S Irish Flax Salmon Net Threads Woodberry, and Needle Brands, SEINE TWINES- AND COM m LEAD LINES. Astoria and I 1 lower Co-I I lumbia....lAJll8 AM Dayton. Or I7A11 Salem.....) 1 . i forvallis.. " AM VictornuBeAMG M HAM 7AM 6 Alt 6 AM BA.M18AM SAM 7 AM ,e am 6A34 BAM Luayos "V storia for Portland at 6 a. in. daily ex cept oucday. . r cm- 0. H. PRESCOIT. A. L. STOKES. Manager. Act'g Gen'l Freight and Pass, Agt m mhM Fish Foundn, Seines, and Xet Imported tu Order. A Laqp: StocM UetiiiiE,IisliLines AND FISH HOOKS. CONSTANTLY ON HAND. HENRY DOYLE & CO., 5l'7 and 519, MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO. 253""Agent3 for the Paciflc Coast. Oregon & California R, R. OREGON & TPwA'SCOXTTNENTAL COMPANY, LESSEE. On aud after February 24th, 1S84, trains will ruu as follows : DAILY iKxcept Sundays). ZASTSIDE DIVIHIOK. etween roitTiaADaiidPHSfflX. MAIL TKAIS. LEAVE. AKKIVE. Portland 7 :30A.M'Phos:nlx 5:00 A. M. ThOJUlx 7:tOP.MtPortland... 4:23P.M. AuBANY EXPRESS TKAIN. LEAVE. APEIVE. " Portland. 4 :00 p. ar. Lebanon..:9 5op. M i.t-hanon...... i :15 A. m. Portland... 10 n a. m The Oregon and California Kallroad Ferry makes connection with all Regular Trains un liastalJe Division. BEPDBLICJL5 COUSTT C0SYESTI0X. A EepubHcan county convention for the county of Clatsop is hereby called to meet at the county court house in the city of Astoria, on "Wednesday, April 23d, at one o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing six delegates to the .Republican state convention, and to nominate county officers and transact such other business as may properly come before the conven tion. The convention will consist of 44 dele gates apportioned among the several pre cincts as follews: Astoria 20 Clatsop 3 Seaside 2 Clifton 2 Young's Bivor 2 Lewis and Clark's 1 Mishawaka 1 John Days , 1 Upper A storia 4 Vesper. 1 "Westport 2 FiBhhnwk 1 Knappa 4 Total 44 The same being one delegate ior each preoinct and one delegate for every 20 votes, and one for every fraction over one-half thereof cast for Hon. M. C. George at the last general election. It is recommended by the committee that the primaries be held on Saturdpy, April 12th. It is also recommended that delegates unable to attend give their proxies to parties residing within their own pre cincts. . By order of EepubHcan county com mittee. T. S. JEWETT, Secretary. Astoria, March 20, 1884. REMOVAX. The; Astoria Passenger Line WILL AFTER THIS DATE 11 AVE IT headquarters at JtsStaules next to B B Franklin's, t0 doors b-low Thr Ahto 111 an office, first-class Livery service Carts wlthhorse furnished, for ono dollar pel hour.- Carriages on application The Astoria Passenger Lliii 1 lacks will leave for Upper Astorl.i from lh staMes. Horses taken to hoard .., j am. 1- unnitA. VBESJ L'AITNDBY. CereiWashlngton and Ccricwnly Streets. Astoria, Oregon. "Sine Lee Proprietor. Astoria, Feb. 3il,184. The hearer. Sing Lee-has had consldorabla expedience in the be&t L mndrieson thePa clflc coast, and can he well vconimendea.py. those who liav- patronized htm since he commenced business here. .,,. m38-lm S.jLHILL. Notice of Application. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE underslioied will, at the next regular meeting of the Common Council of the City of Atrla, Clatsop County, Oregon, appy to said Council lor a license to retail wine, malt and .sp'ntuous liquors In less quautl ilps than one ciuart. for th- period of one year. In the building: froutlng on Water street and tituated on lot fi. lu block 135, In that part of said city la'd out by J. M. !Shlvely. AUGUST DANIELSON. April 1st, 18SL Notice of Application. INE OF THE OLDEST AND MOST RELIA8L1 REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOU THE CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, and Every affection of tho THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEST, including CONSUMPTION. A WELL-KNOWN PHYSICIAN WRITES 1 " It does not dry up a cough, and leave the caui' tchlcd, as is the case with most preparation;, bt bases; it, cleanses the lungs and allays irrhatiar thus removing the cause of complaint." DO NOT BE DECEIVED by hrtides Lrt C similar names. Be sure you ga D3. YISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. hh the signature of " I. EUTTS " oa the vroppcr nn Crnta and Sl.vi a Bottle. Prepared by SETH W. FOWLK L c1'a. ia.Mssc 55c4d W lf-z3-t-a?.J dealer f-rr- ASK FOB- TJnion India RuhBer Go's PuroPara Gum CRACK PROOF RUBBER BOOTS. 11EWAKK OF IMITATIONS I Be sure the Boots are stamped CRACK PROOF on tho heels, and have the PURE QUM SPRINGS on tlie foot and Instep, whicu prevent their cracking or breaking. We aie now making theai with RUBBER AND ASBESTOS stales which will make ttiem last more than twice as long as anj ltubher hoots made. FOK SALli BY ALL DEALERS. ALL KINDS KUBBEK BELTING. PACK ING, HOSE. SPRINGS. CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOEri. Etc. COODYEAR RUBBER CO. K. H. PKASli. Jr. Agents, S. M. KUNYON, f Sau Eranclsco. WEST3IOE DIVISION. Oetwecn lortIituU and CorvalUa MAIL TRAIN LEAVE. ABEIVE. Portland 9 :C0 a. ir.,CorvaIIl i i30 p. tt. CoivallU S :30 a. ar.! Portland. .3 :20 p.m. EXPRESS TRAIN LEAVE. AERIVE. Portlaud 5 :00pm MclIInnvllle 8 M rH Mcillnuvllie5:15 am Portland 8 :30a 31 Close connections made at Phaanlq wltu the Staues of the Oreiton and Califor nia Stage Cohipauy. snickets for sale at all the principal points lu California, at Company's Office, Corner F and Front 6rs.f rortland, Or. Freight will not he received for shipment after 5 o'clock p. zi. on either the East or West side DIvblon. R. KOEHLbR, Gen'l Manager. E. P. ROGERS, Act's G. F. & Pass. Aet Proposals for Military Supplies. Headquarters Department 1 of the columbia. i Office okChikf Quariermaster, y Vancouver Barracks. W. T., i March 6, 1634. J SEALED PROPSALS, IN TKU'LICATE, snhipct tu the usual conditions, will be re ceived at this office or at thr offices of the U. S. Qu trteruiasters at the fodowiiiK-naineii posts, until 12 o'clock, noon, on Monday. Apill 7th. 1881, at which places and time they will be optntd, in presence ol bidders, for the furntsbuig aud delivery of iuitltar supplies during the fiscal year commencing July 1. 1-81. and ending June u, 1685. as 101 101 iews: Wood. Coal. Ch ircoal. Oats, Barley, Bran, Hay, and Straw, or Hay In lieu ot Straw, or such of said supp.ies as may he required at u Boiss Hatracks, I. V. Fort tt- alia J alia, V . T. FortTown-ai.d. W. r, Vancouver Dep.t. w. T. hort oeurd'AlHoe. I.T. Fort Klamath. Oregon. Fort Spokane, W.T. 'ort atevona, Oroxoa. Fo tLapnai, I.T, Tne uovernuient reserves the right to re ject any or all proposa.s. Preference will be given o ariic es 01 aoinraiiu inuuutuuu ami 10 articles of doine.tIc pniduction produced 011 the Pacltlo coast, conditions of price nnd quality being equal, to the extent of cou smnptlou required by the public service ihere. . , Blank proposals aud printed circular-, giving fu 1 particulars as t the manner of bidding. &c. 'Ill be furnished on applica tion to this office or the Quarttriuasters al the var.ous po-s nametl. , , ... Envelopes containing piopoaals should be ntarked: "Pr posal- for ar --. and uiidresed to ihe uadersigned or the respective Post Qiiarterm.istcrs. A.S.KLMI1ALL, Major and Quaitern aster, U. S. A.. Chief Quartermaster. Notice of Chief of Police. Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issueu by the Auditor and Clerk of the city of Astoria in Clatsop county, state ot Oregon, on the 19th day of February, 1834, and to me directed, commanding me to levy upon and sell as by law provided, lot numbered 6, in block numbered 134, in that portion of said city of Astoria which wa3 laid out and recorded by John M. Shively, to satisfy an assessment of S262.20. as declared and assessed upon .said lot 0 by ordinance So. 567 of said city, for the Improvement and repair of that portion of West Eignth street in said city, between the south side of Water street and the south sideot Cedar street, as provided and directed by ordinance 2o. 5t30 of said citv, I have levied upon said lot 6 and shall proceed to sell the same at public auction to the highest bidder lor cash m baud, at the court house door of Clat sop county, which court house Is in said city, on tho 2lst day of April, 1884, at tho hour of ten o'clock A. m. ot said day to satisfy said sum ot 52P20, and costs otsale. The names ot the owners of said lot as designated by said ordinance No. 567 are YV. W. Parker and G. W. C. W. LODGHERY, Chief of Police of said City of Astoria Drugs and Chemica Common CounciL REGULAR MEETINGS. SECOND AND fourth Tuesday evening of each mouth at 7(4 o'clock. arperson3"dedrng to have matteis acted upon by the Council, at any regular meet ing roust present the same to tbe Auditor and Clerk, on or before the Friday evening prior to-the Tuesday on which the Council holds Its regular meeting. T0S.S..T2WETT, Auditor and Clerk. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned will, at the next regular meetiui: of the Common Council of the cliy of Afttorl.1, Clatsop Connty, Oregon, apply to said Council for a license to retail wine, malt aud-splrituous liquors in less quanti ties than -one quart, for tho period or one year, iu the bu Iding fronting on Concoraly street and Mtuated on lot S. in Work 8, In that part of sold city laid nut by John MtClure. H.B. PARKER. April 1st. ISM. Shiloh's CtjbkcwII Wmmedlat!?. relieve Croup, -whooping cough ana Bronchitis. Soldby W.X.Btaj&t, Notice of Application. XTOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE i undersigned will, at the next meeting ot the Common Council of the City of Astoria, Clatsop county. Oregon, apply to said coun cil lor license to reran wine; mail ana spir Uusuh liquors In les quantities than -one quart, for the period of one year. In the building on lot five (6), block ten (10). cor ner Benton .and Chenamus street, iu said city, as laid out hy John M enure. ' J. BOTTGER & CO. Astoria. April 3, IBM. 1 1 J. E. THOMAS, DRUGGIST and ty ? Pharmacist, ite AASTORIAfo' A & '.A SSr w 1 f UH.Vf2 lK57!Sjn 1 (CEVOU.) I7IXCTUO-VOLTAIC B-LT and otccrELSCTEi ili Appuacks nro sem en to liars' Tilal Ti ing froin Nebvocb DEErurr. ' Lost VrraLm Wasti.no Weac-esses, r.nd all thoe d'sccres of . PcnsoxAL Natcee, rrsultljiR from Anrsrs nm Otuee Causss. Speedy rvller and complet restoration to Health. Vicor and 3lA.noo PCARAXTEro. Seid at once for IUustratu amphlut free. Addreu VOLTAIC BELT CO.. aiujshall, Ulich GEO. GANSZ, DEALER. IN Fi'esh and Cured Meats. VL illilS M -AND- NS O EGA SMALL MUSICAL MERCHANDISE SAUSAGE A SPECIALTY. Next Door to John Rogers' Central Market. rrescripUeas earefaHycompooBded i . Day or Night, To Whom tt May Concern. THIS IS TOtJIVE NOTICE THT LUNG Ah Moon has rented ail the furniture, dishes, cooking uteulls and and every ar ticle iu use by hint for restaurant or other purposes contained la the rooms occupied ny his, up stairs in the buiWlag situata 011 E.i-8ftot71a:wBlockL9,McCliire Astoria, ;irom the undersigned, to-wom all the, above mentioned property belongs, ajl-lirk DB.LG0NG, Stop That Horse! Frm Slipping. USE THE PATENT SHOE. George McLan JHST JtET.EIVEDr A PATENT HorsAshoA from the Patent Office, for the purpose of preventing all classes of hors- es fro slipping on plank, or steep roads, Horses shod with this shoe WILL NoT SLIP. A trial will convince anyone. I keep Two Fimt-rlnK 8hocrs In my shop. Try the NEW SHOE. 9TCraa aad Caatrseted Heef cure a specialty. No sattefactioa pay.- ' usuw.p.. ,K0MflLANE. TJAS a LKINKyWEBER. H. BKOWN Leinenweber & Co., R3TABUSURD 185S. ASTORIA, OREGON TAMERS AD GUBBBES, Manufacturers and Importers of all kinds of LEATHER AM IIDDJ&S. Wholesale Dealers In OIL ANT) TALLOW. s-H!ghest cash price paid for Hides and Tallow. Piano, and Organ Instructors. -CELEBRATED STECK & KNABE PIANOS I -AND-THE WONDERFUL LITTLE GIANT STECK PIANO " -USED BY- PBESIDENT OF UNITED STATES GOVERNOR-GENERAL OF CANADA GOVERNOR OF OREGON. ASTORIA MUSICAL SOCIETi. MBS. J. W. CONN, of Astoria. D. A. McINTOSH.q. " J.D.HlGGINS.Esq. CHAS. "WRIGHT, Esq. And bj Xany Other Prominent Miulelans. Brewery Beer Saloon. The Best Beer 5 cts a Glass. Hot Lunch every Day from 10 to 12 A. 31 The best ot Liquors and Cigars on hand. A deservedly popular place of soclal'resort. GEO. HILLEB. CELEBRATED TABER ORGANS. ElejraHt Packard Orchestral Organ Only exclusive Music House in the North west. Only wholesale and retail House iu theNorthwest. GARDNER Bros., 165 First St., Portland, Oregon. W. E. BEMENT & CO. ASTORIA, - - - OltEGOX Carry In Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and . FANCY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Coiapounded Notice of Chief of Police. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant Usued by the Auditor and Clerk of the City of Astoria, in Clat3op county, state of Oregon, on the 19th day of February, 1884, and to me directed, commanding me to levy upon and sell as by law provided, lot numbered 6 In block numbered 134, in that portion of. said citv of Astoria, which was laid out and recorded by John M. Sblvelyi to satisfv an assessment of forty dollars as dtciafedund assessed upon said lot 0 by ordinance No. 548 of said city for the improvement and repair of that f.vnrm nf Wtr street in said citv between the west slri of West 6th street and west i-nd of Water street as piovided and directed by ordinance No. 31 of bald city, I have levied upon said loc 6 and bhall proceed to sell the same at public auction to the highest bidder, tor cash in hand, at the court house door of Clatsop County, which court house is in said city, on the 2lst day of April, 1884, at the hour of ten o'clock A. m. of said day, to satisfy said sum of iortv dullars and costs of sale. The names of the owners of said lot as des mnaied by said ordinance No. 548 are YV. W. Parker and G. YY. Parker. C. YV. LOUGHERY, Chief of Police of said City of Astoria Proposals for Transportation. Headquakteks department of the Columbia, Office of cuiek Quaktekmasteb, VANCOUVElcBAitBACKS, W.T., AToroh K ISM SEALED PROPOSALS, IN TKirLlUAAX., subject to the usual conditions, will do received at this offlce, until 12 o'clock. noon, on Monday, April 7, 1834, at which time and place they will be opened In the presence el oldiiers. for the transportation ormlhiary supplies on the following described routes during ear commencing July 1, 168. zna purlins .Tune 30. 1KS5. tt ucou Transportation. Route No. 1 Spokane Falls, W. T., to Fort Spokane. W.T. , t . route No 2. Ashland, Oregon, to Fort Klamath. Oregon. RourE No. 3. Pendleton, Oregon, to Bolae Barracks, I. T. , Route No. 4. Kuna.I.T., to Boise Bar racks I T Route No. 5 Rathdruua, I. T to Fort Cceurd'Aleue.LT. t , m . Route No. c Lewiston. I. T to Fort Lapwal.LT. :tamer Transportation. Route No. 7. For transportation of U.S. Military Supplies between Astoria nnd Foit Stevens, iregon. and Fort Canby, "W. T. Koute No. 8 Between Portland, Oregon, and Vancouver, YV. T. The Government reserves the right to re ject any or all proposals. Blank propusals. iorm of contract, and printed circulars, giving full information as to the manner of biddiugrterm3 of contract and payment, will be furnished on applica tion to this offlce. , , , , . Envelopes containing proposals should De marked -. 'Proposals for Transportation on Route No. ," and addressed to tne undersigned. AgKiMBALL Major and Quarterm;ister, 7. S. A., Chief Quarternuater. Notiofl. ATOTICE IS HEREKYGIVEXTHATISOLD X and disposed of all my jnterestia and to the firm of Wherry t'o. to U.J. Traochard oa May nrst. 1SS3 aud that since said date I hava not bean a partner nor have I had any intaraat in said firm, nor have I now any interact therein, anal hereby gie notics that I will not be rwponsloU for any of the debt or liabilities coniractl alnco said date or rbich may bo haraatter con U.Ct.dbySdfirm. RogBT cXBUTaERS