01 m - . . VOL. XX. XO. !5:5. ASTORIA, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL I, 13 S 4. : PRICE, FIVE CENTS. CONGRESSIONAL. HOUSE. Washington, April 2. Doreheinier presented n memorial from bondholders of. the Northern Pacifio railway company praying to be heard before the committee on public lands on the bill declaring for feiture of the land grant, and asking congress to protect their interests; re ferred. The house then -went into commit tee of the "whole on the Indian ap propriation bill. Ellis briefly explained tho provis ions of the bUL He said there was but little new legislation in the bill, but one provision was incorporated appropriating $5009 for the deteciiou and prosecution of men who surrep titiously eell whisky to .Indians. This he considered n. very important feat ure of the "bUL Another item of gen eral legislation was one requiring each Indian agent to submit an an nual census of the Indians at his agency. This information would prove of great value to future appro priation committees in making pro visions for schools and school houses. He believed the Indians should be given standing in courts, so that they could enforce the peiformance of contraots, and that in the course of time they should be raised to the dig nity of citizenship. Indians at pres ent did not feel any interest in the government, and he did not wonder at it, after 100 years of dishonor, whioh had characterized its actions, towards them. Throckmorton argued in favor of giving the five civilized nations terri torial government and a delegate m the house, granting land in severaltj to the heads of families in other tribes, and giving them a patent to the same when they showed a dispo sition to live on the land and culti vate it. The bill was read by paragraphs for amendment Throckmorton offered an amend ment striking out the clause appro- friating S12,500 for the pay of five ndian inspectors, and inserting a proviso that the secretary of war shall detail five .officers not under the grade of captain in the army as In dian inspectors. The committee rose and Eandall said": "We have the honor of having with us-on the .floor to-day General Grant. There are no words needed to Americans so far as he is concerned. I think we should do ourselves honor by taking a recess fifteen minutes, to give members an opportunity of shak ing him by the hand." (Applause.) Recess having been taking by a unanimous vote, Speaker Carlisle es corted Gen. Grant to the space in front of the clerk's desk, where, lean ing on one of his crutches, he received the respects of the mombers, the speaker standing by his side and in troducing to him representatives with whom he had not been previously ac quainted. "When the Tiouso reassembled the speaker laid before it a message from the president recommending an ap propriation of $10,000 for the pretec- i tion ot the levees of the lower Missis sippi river. Adjourned. SEN'ATK. The senate to-day, after preliminary business, resumed consideration of ihe education bilL George made arguments in its favor. Van Wyck'said he had, some days ago, offered as ian -amendment to strike from the bill the words "not sectarian in cnaraoter." Blair said he "was willing the ivhole clause containing those words .should be stricken out. Van Wyok "said it was a thrust at the Catholic church. He desired to say that the world was indebted to that church from the time when she 'preserved the literature of preceding centuries, and from the time when she establishediniBsions among Indians, until now, when she was aiding in educating the colored race. A religion whose creed we might not endorse was preferable to infidelity, hid under the mask of liberal Christianity. He rejoiced that the gentleman from New Hampshire (Blair) was willing these words should "be stricken out. Alter an executive session the sen ate adjourned. Tho Danville Investigation. Washington, April 2. The first witness examined by the Danville committee was HVilliam. Buffiu, before whose office the riot took place. Buffin wrote the Danville circular entitled "Coalition rules in Danville," and an notmced that he has since approved it, and with the exception of a single minor point inoerted by another man, upon revision, believed its statements trtfe. Kuffin was not in Danville theJ day of the riot He was examined re--garding,the condition o fallings inci dental, and he substantiated his statements with a narration of matters within his "personal knowledge. On one occasion, when some negro mur derers 4had been arrested, he was passing a party of colored men on the treet, and one of them was address ing his fellows in very intemperate language, abusing the whites in the vilest manner. He wished he could have a "ohance to shoot some d d white marij'' he never had had a chance to kill a "white man, and noth ing on the face of the earth would do hlm.so much, good as to kill a white man; he did not care who it was. th man at this took-a pistol out of pocket, and just toyed with it Aside frpm the riot and attendant oircum t&ces the relations between the two fades were of the most cordial nature ss much so as was possible between servant and employer anywhere. Irwin Hill (colored) testified that he attended a 'meeting -where a col ored speaker hacl recommended that colored democrats 4,be saturated" (as sassinated), , whereupon witness thoughtmattersjsrexe taking -a per sonal turn and left Witness--after ward met a man who claimed to have credited iim, .and "the man pulled off ta' 4T0 weoVdeaL down, an' iest double luc ban1 as'rab it Tip sn down me &Bti, in' ald, 1 un dtr, aa' I will drink 30' blood or yo' mine;' an' I didn'tpresent it; an' I took it for j?jjanted dat he had feelings toward me for voting de ticket' D. L. Clark (white), a farmer living tix mile from Danville, testified that it was the usual thing for negroes to go armed, and a very raro thing for white men to do so. .T. P. Pieasanta (white), had heard nepryeo say they "wanted to kill some d '1 poor white people." The ne groes were very impudent and gener ally armed. The War In the Simian. Losjdon, April 2. Orders have been sent to General Stephenson and Sir elyu Baring at Cairo, to report ah to the advisibility of sending an expedition via Suakem or Koroske to Berker to ass'stin the relief of Khar toum. Admiral Hay has been -asked to expedite a survey of "the upper Nile, to asceitain to what extent a gunboat flotilla will be able to ope rate on the river. Admiral Hewett's mission to King John of Abyssinia has been hastoned in order that arrangements may be made for opera tions of Abyssinian troops in south ern Soudan. The Daily News says the govern ment considers it unnecessary to dis patch British troops to Khartoum. A Times correspondent at Alexan dria says he possesses positive proof that General Gordon expects that British troops may be sent to Khar toum. El Mahdi's position is critical. His troops and tho inhabitants are ex cited against him, and his fall is daily expected. There is a plot pend ing to murder El Mahdi and the members of his council Dispatches from Gordon dated March 10th state that El Obedi is poverty stricken and destitute of trade. Few of El Mahdi's followers are there, and there are no signs that El Mahdi is about to advance upon Khartoum. The Kabbo Bish tribe is in open rebellion against El Mahdi. General Hewett is timed to reach Massouah Thursday. King John offers the services of; from 8,000 to 10,000 Abyssianians, on 1 condition that the English guaran-j lee an allowance of two shillings j daily to each man and the cession of j two ports to Abyssinia. If England agrees to those terms the Abyssinians j will attack El Mahdi and relieve Kas-1 sola. Advices from Khartoum Btate that the tribes between Senuaar and Khar- toum are pressing forward and are withm three miles of the latter place. Preparations have been made to resist them. Traitors found in the Tanks of the Egyptian regiments will be in stantly shot Suakem, April 7. Osmsin Digma is actively assuming the offensive. He is attempting to cut off friendly tribes about Hardoub and Tamanieb from water. Sheikh Mahraouud Ali is op posing him. A battle is exp acted. A LIshtning Wood Chopper. At T. K. McGurn's wood yard may be seen a new invention that bids fair to destrov tho occupation of the man with the ax who chops our wood. The machine can bo more simply de scribed as a large ax fastened to the lower end of a piston rod. Thos blocks are placed under this ax, and ' it being operated by steam power it exerts such a force that it will split exerts sucn a iorce man ic wm spin, the knottiest log with a single stroke and without any apparent resistance. ; The machine has but lately been put j in placo. and is not as yet worked up to its full capacity. As now operated it strikes sixty times a minute, but is capable of making 150. A seven horse power engine runs both the chopping machine and the saw, which together can saw and split twenty cords of stove wood a day. Virginia City Chronicle. Experience and Practice. Dr. L. O. Morgan, a leading drug gist and physician of South Amboy, N. J., says that he prescribes St Ja cobs OiL the creat pain-cure, in his familv and to his patients, and has j seen the good effects of it -Snu.on'8 Cukk will immediately j relieve croup, wiiooiuim coucn ana nrmifhirlA Sn'd hv U E. PMin-nt Copper Paint. IN HALF GALLON TINS. At WILSON & FlSnFR'S, ear A. LIberU DNconnt to the Trade." FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET By the Ijcht. Dj Week or Mouth WITH Olt "WITHOUT BOAliO, Wlthtose or Parlor. Libmn nnrt nil the com forts of a home. Terms reasonable Appl to MB. E. C. HOLDEN. Cor. M.1I11 aud Jf ff erson Sts. INSTANTANEOUS PHOTOGRAPH THE California Flying Studio. WILL BE WITH OU FOR A SHORT tlnie.pulncjou a an opportunity of getting pictures of alMtles. bv the Instan taneous PnreesR. Chlldrea'i Plctwei Spe cialty. We study to pitas- BETANCUE & B OTTON, Cor. Main St. G. A. STINSON & CO.. BLACKSM1TH1NG. Ar OapU ttoseiu old stand, comer of CUss ana joun. nireou. Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoelne. Wagons made and repaired. Good worK nuaranteed. FIRST CLASS SHAVING AND Hair Dressing Saloon, FITTED UP IN A NEW AND ARTISTIC manner. Every attention paid patrons. I have Qtted up and opened a first-class Barbel1 shop at Cail Adler's -old stand on Cbenaaus street, and am Ffflf&jjz9' QTttcoBs nil German Mf CURES Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lurabaoe, Backacfce, Headache, Toottteh, Sor Throat, SreUlBv 8prjB, -Bl... Bnrna, Scald. Frott lilt, A5B AIL OT1IEE BODILY FUSS AID ACBB. SJii by DrcnlMj md DJr trtrjwbtt. Fifty Ceau'fc bottle. Direction. 1b 11 Ltnxu THE CTIAnLE A. YOOET.EB CO. IfeMuuasA TOQI ilubs I CO J Biltlanr, &.... King Blood ! u "cart nil," It h a. blood-purifier and Uiint imjmnlj of the blood poisons tlie sys tem, 1 1 1 v,"" the clrcul itlou, and thus in duce in.-! tt-Htrders. known by different u niH-i tt distinguish tliem acconilns to ef fect's, bat bums re.ill branches or pnxses of tli it ureit !!0ti-nc disorder, lmpnrity ol Itlnod. Such are Dypepia, UHllousnest, Live Cinphtlut, C ruitpatlmi, Ntrwrux Di orilcr. Headache, llachachc. General Weak iiw, lluirt Dwrnt,. Dropxy, Kidiusu Dueasc, Pile, fthcuinatttm. Catarrh, Scrofula, Skin Dt4nnlr, Pimple. Ulcer. Sicelllnas, Jx.. Lc. ILmg ol the Ztloori presents and cures these by atUckinB the cawe. Impurity oftbebliKxl. Cliembtsiuid physicians agree In t.dlin? It "the moat genuine and effluent prep lnition for the purpose." Sold b Drug KiM.I per bottle. See trstiumnUda, dircc n ms. &c.. In pamphlet, "Treatise oi Diseases ot rho Blood," wrapped around each bottle. 1. K A.NM)M, SON' & Co., Props Buffalo. N. Y. A. V. Allen, Wliulerftle a"d Retail Dealer 4o lj ?,& ttvVul l&&g PrOYlt086, MILL FEED. Giat- -nd Plated Ware, TKuriUAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGEfABLES. fjiftiior wKh Uf , . . n. WtfieS. Uq"J0r3, 1 ODaCCQ.Ulg JACKSON'S ASTORIA ry i w t . BRKGrV J? 101116011011617 CnfTeP and Ice Cream Parlors. OYSTERS In. 353T7'x,y Stylo. OIIKaAMUS STREET. SITPEitlOR Bread and Cakes OF ATX KIUDs. "Weddings aud Parties supplied with strictly FIRST-CLASS WORK. -Freiichand Anierican-o CANDIES Manufactured, Wholesale and BetalL CALL AT Jordan & Bozorth's CROCKERY STORE And see the PATENT Lams- Filler. Its Merits are ECONOMY, SAFETY, And Labor Saving. Oae of the Most Useful Inventions of the Age, ALSO IN STOCK, THX Best Coal Oil IN THE MABKET. For Sale in any Quantity ireat so Quart to a 43-jpUlun BaxraU FOR TILLAMOOK. Th, new Steamer N.Y. JOHANSKff , --. Master Will leaVe for TILtAMOOK, OS When Freight la Offer, (Weather permitting.) FE SAILING DATES AKD fcABTlCU lars apply to -J. Q. HU8TLKB, Main street Wharf, Astoria; ALLEN & LEWIS, For&7w.-L.TOBY TUteaook.. of "the UQ Harfliare and Slip Chanftlery A. VAN OUSEH & CO.. DRA.IUlt is Hardware and Ship Ghmlerj, Pure Oil, Briglit Varuish, Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas Hemp Sail Twiue, Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, "Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvauized'Cut Nails, Agricultural Implements, Sewing Machines, PnlBts and OISn. (Sroccries.ctc. 10,000 BOTTLES SOLO Great Northwestern Remedy. TAKE IT TW.PrUKDER'S. Oregon BlogbPurifiebl KIDNEY UVEROlSEASES. DYSPEPSIA: ii)tTtt-a- mi PiWPlS.BLQTCHE3ANDSKW CREASES.. .HEADACm&'o COSTlVENESa Tliose- who work fitly and late nee a w.holesom, relialil Medicine like ZtmxAtt'n OrefcBH Blood Parlfler. As n rclnrtU and nrevent.uie)f ilw Asei It r.mnnt be brat. It checks Hheaatlsm and Xalirla, relieves Coutlpttloa, Dysppil and Bllleuaesa and putsTrcslt ene gy luto tht system bv making Xew Klch Blood. All DrugiIsis and Deal ers keep It. fl 00 bottles 6 for $5.00, Wilson & Fisher, SHIP CHANDLERS. OKALKBH rS Iron, Steel, Coal, Anchors, Chains, TAR, PITCH, OAKUM, NAILS AND SPIKES, Shelf Hardware, Faints and Oils STEAM PACKING, PROVISIONS. F I,Oim l.U MILL FEK1. Agents for Salem Firming Mills, aixd CR'pual'irTliiir. tCz . FAIRBANKS STAWWH&. SCAJL,ES A 0 ilxti, t lruTUndrrlc8, In Htock. rrnpr CliOnaTilus and Hamilton tnu't- hTOKI A. OREGON. Ed. D. Curtis & Co. Carjets, Upholstery UNSURPASSED IN STYLE AND PIITISH. NEW FURNITURE, A COMPLETE STOCK. C. H. BAIN & CO. ItKALKRfl IK Doors, Windows, Blinds, Transoms Turning, Bracket Work. SIiop W"orlt A specialty, aud all v.otn Kuoranted. Oak, Ash, Bay, and Walnut lumber ; Ore gon and Port Orford Cedar. All kinds of bo-.t inaterl.il on hand. c n. BA1X A CO. CANNERYMEN!! PACIFIC METAL WORKS Importers and il-iuuf ctnrers of WHITE METALS. Canners' Solder a Specialty, Strip Lead, for Leading Lines, Plate Zinc, for Cutting Acid, , Bar Copper, Pig Lead and Pig Tin. 482Verth second HU, Psrtlaad, Or HSjfcllT f-lr-tHt., Ka Frmaelven, Cml.fot-nltu GERMAN! BEER HALL AND- BOTTLED BEER DEPOT; Chenamus Street, Astoria. Tht Best ot Lager 5 Cts. a Glass. Orders for the Celebrated Columbia Brewery Beer Left at tbls place will be promptly attended to OT-Xoc&tap tlrriiciM6'e.Qi4' SffllOAVIDSflN (HUME'S BUILDING.) AGECY Red Crown Flour, Guaranteed a Superior Article. DE1XERS GEAIN, MIIJi TEED, potatoes; Country Produce-, Ktc. -Consignments Solicited, and Advances made on some. S. ARXDT & FERCHEN, VSTOKIA. ORFGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BJ.AOKSMITH SHOP AND Boiler Shop All kind of ENGINE, CANNERY, AKI STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to. A specialty made of re palling CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE 9TBEET. . ARNDT & FERCHEH, . Agets'for Oregon, Washington Territory, , and Alaska fur E. W. Btl8S Speeial pmj MaoMnenr! 3? r .... - .,. .A engines aoia&nng-Ma&nin&3. -' pnv&tAcm Uutn ana urimftng t ? itfiW Squaring Shears, And-ali other machinery used In canneries. Including 4he new COMBINATION-DIES. Working without malLsprlngH, constantly on nam!. We repectfull Inlte nil cannerymen to call and examine the (iDve machinery as It Is Rre.ul superior to- any heretofore intro duced on this coast. Orders solicited. AKM)T 4k. FKHCHEJf. Footof Lafayette Street, Aitoria; Oregon. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Bkxtok Stbekt, Nkak'Pakkkr Housk, ASTORIA. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LAMMABira&fflES BoilerWork, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. or all DesrriptleBs rfade te Order at Short Notice. A. D. WA8B, President. J. O. HcHTLBK.Secrelair. I. W. Cask, Treasurer. johx Fox.Suparlntendent. . BARBOUR'S S t HAVE NO EaUAL. THE The London Fisheries Exhibition HAVE AWARDED THE GOLD MEDAL TO The Barbour Brothers Company FOR THE SUPERIORITY or THZIH FLAX NET THREADS. T. G. RAWUNGS. Who'eoale and Retail Dealer in Tropical, Domestic. Grqen and Dried UT8. CAVDIES, DRIED MEATS, ETC. Fine Clgarsvml Tofeaeco. Next door to L J. Areola's. BquemoqnaSt. THE THINGVALLA LINE. Is the only DIEECT LINE Betweea NEW TORK and gCANDIKAyiA. Tlrjt class Steamers nd good aaaf. tUktafr tale at A. M. .X&!!h ai Oil Ttoeajs JL AtSlt.lAXori. ffu HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. EAR&R. HOUSE, ASTORIA, .- OREGON A1.0R03BT, - - Day Clerk- Phil. BOWERS, - - Night Ctefc. Jan. DUFFY haa the Barwid Billiard zoom. ririt CIam in aU Beipecti; FREE QOACa TO THE HOUSE. AtGood Cup of Coffee ANDI0YSTERS AT Mri. tPowelVr Coffee' House On Mhln-Street next-to Oregon Bakwy. ' Campi Restaurant. SEW AHD WF.LIi , EqUlPFEP THROU6UOBT, L. Srrs.hasjebulltlils establishment ard Is prepared to accommodate therayellny A good. meal furnished at any hour of the (Ujroraigiit. 'i he Q- est Liquors and Cigars at the bar. . Two door west of Ike k osier's. niS-em LUIGI; 8KKRA. Flpres Ivrar Lie ! AKO JEFF Or THE CHOP HOUSE Can proje by hU book that he U dolnR the blggestDuelneu of may SESTATJBANT In the,eltf, and ae wSl suanatee to give ine ocst hui ju vsu. MABEETS: CENTRAL MARKET, General aaserttBeni of table stuck, constant j t onjauKLseh ac ' Canned Fruits and Jelly, Bacon". Hams.'ShtwWePtvLirfV. . '5,nj5srM? 'm- r Cigars andTooacco, , Best of Wines and Liquors. All cheap for CASH. Goods sold on com mivloa. Opposite I. W. Case's store. J. RODGERS. WiSHIXGTON MARKET, Mala treet; - Asterla, ressa. BEKGM ,t 4.BEKKY, rK9PBIETK9. RE-SPECTFOLLY CALL THE ATTEN tlon.of the public to the fact that Jbe above Market wflL always be supplied with a FULL VARIETY AND BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS 1 ! Which will be- sold at lowest rates, whole sale attd retail. fc-Special attention given to supplying ships. STAK MARKET. WHERRY Ic COMPANY, Fresh and Cared Meats, Vesjetalsles, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OITOBITB OCCIDENT HOTEL, CHENAMVb M treet. Aaterla, O WYAH & THOMPSON. D1ALEXSXN FRESH AND CURED MEATS, CHOICE GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Crockery and Glassware. GE0EGE LOVETT, TailorinE, Cleanins, EepairiniL kEAT, CHEAP AMD QUICK. Mala St.. nyfMslte a. Utb'i, AsterU. r. A. M. JOHNSON. C. J. JOHN&ON. Astoria Sail Loft. MANUFACTUKKHS O? SAILS, TENTS, AWNINGS, TAEPATJLINS, And ererythlniir ele pertaining to out Business. LowMt Price and Best Work For your Money, At the Old Stand, Leave yoarorte and gat your work douaatane. jonraoN 00. BUSINESS CARDS, QKO. A.) DOKBli. OXO. SOUJOT ATTOIn5STLA.W. Ofiee. ta'jKlBaey'a Bleck, cppoeli OBf HaJl, Aftorla, Oregpn.. Attorney and Counscltr it Ltw. Room, No., oy en .Wklte House, k ASTORIA, OBEUONr O. W, Ff uios. o. c vmsQif . FUtTOX BKOTHKJM ATTORNEYS AT LAW EooaSand e,Odd Fellows BalldlBg; w i J KA.BOHJLBV. ATtoaNKY AT: LAW,. Cteaanjud.lre&t,.- - ASTQUAQSIMB TOSPH a. eixiv t ATTVBlfET-AT-LAW, aCQ4 JFlh J.,Q-A.JBawlhr, UaTOElA, 0. q j. cuavria, A.TTT AT LAW. Notary PubUc, Commissioner oiD4.fcc Callioruta, New Yorlcand Washlngtott Tae- nwry Rooms 3 and 4. Odd Fellows BulldLftgY As toria, uregoa N.Br Claims at Washinton. D, C aaA collections aspeolalty. Astoria Aarat Hamhurg-Magdeburi and German-AiMrtcti FRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. KOTARY PUBLIC, AUCTIONEUt, COMMISSION AND IN SURANCE AGENT. O. W. I.EICK, AECiilTECT AND'DEAUGHTsOLLN. Scholars received for Course of Dr&cAtagt l-Office orer White Bouse $tore. Q.Ello F. FAKM.KU. SURVEYOR OF ClatMap Caanty.aHd 'lly af Aatarta Otncw :h Chcuamas atrwot. V. M. JC a. JuJl ' lUMim No.8-r JTif-. T J . "It- ' KHae'l.lLaafS.'FnalaaMla- i"i i " vy V"iJ"rv t '4U 1 KasKifffiBoaceaaccMiaat, , IwalLjaC 1 , 1 " F. P. HtCKS. A. X. tMXW. HICKS 4c SHAW, DENTISTS. Rooms In Allen's Building:, tip stairs, ear ner Cas and Squemuqua streets. AstorU Oregon. J. RISBERQ. Practical Tailor. On Genevieve street, opposite Bocorta. Johns. JlV-sai Bozorth & Joluis, Real Estate and Insurance Aglets, and Brokers. ASTORIA. Oreaaa. Buy and sell all kinds ot Real ItyaU represent the following; Fire Insurance Conptales : Scottish Union and Na tional, Phoenix or Hartford Home of New York, Hamburg and Bremen, Western. Phenlx of Brooklyn, Oaklaijd Hme, assets xs,mjm ijmjm Policies written by tu la the Paosnlx aad Home and Seot'lsh Union aad Natleaatat equitable rates, GENERAL STEAMSHIP AGENCY. Bills of Exchanging!) any Part ol Europe. 1AK AGENT FOR TH E FOLLOWWa well knows aad eomaedleM steiawlita "ines, STATE LINE, RED STAB. WHITE STAK. HAMBURG-AMERICAN. dominion line. NATIONAL, and AMERICAN LINE. Prepaid tickets toorfromaay Earaaa jrt. . For full Information as sailing days, etc, apply to ror iuii iniormaua wj ivtcs-in- I.W.0AS8, B. S. Worsley, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT rOffice and Ware Rooms on Sqaeaoqaa Street, next door to eornrof AHaay. Adran cements made on Cooslgns&eatr- JTe Charsra for tStaraste af 6a. A Private Carriage CAN BE FEOCrRED AT ANY HOUB by sending ordfr to Occident Hotel or B. F Stevens & Co.'s "ton . Patsene-ers nd baeaxe taktrn to morning noHts. Ready at nil times ProaiBtatM sad 8at!ifaetla GunaU4. F. D. BLAKE. Oregon Paint and Varnish Werks, Manufacturers of Paints, Vanish aii Lazier. Any shade mixed and growd to order. C. F, PAKf!" . r P.0.8ri.. iWilaaCNr. PIClA.ANmilfeiC'B ,VA, ;: -