rla-i m Vxt guitjj gUflmtu ASTORIA, OREGON: THURSDAY- APKIL 3, 18S One of the most curious customs that attract the attention of strangers in Panama is to see the native women walking along the streots smoking long, slender cigars, in much the same fashion as men do here. Mb. Cabii Schubz is to receive a contribution of S100,000 from his personal and political friends. -We are glad of thisr but we think men oould be found who would betray their party and break a newspaper for half the money. A New Yobk dealer, who does most of the -importing from Europe, claims to have handled about 17,000 cases during the year ending March 1, or say 1,000,000 dozen eggs. These eggs are collected at .Hamburg and Copen hagen from all over Europe. . The Panama canal will not be straight or of uniform width; the gen eral width willJbe about fifty yards, with expansions along the line to per mit vessels to pass one another with aase. The cut at the deepest point will b nearly 150 to 160 yards deep and 300 vards wide. The Chicago Journal of Com inwce estimates that we have now in this country about 350,000 manu facturing establishments, employing nearly 0,000,000 laborers, with $4,500,- 000,000 invested, and our manufact ured products amount to $8,000,000, 030 a year, or more than $2,000,000, 030 more than those of Great Britain. Es-CdNOUEiSMAK Pierce, of Indi ana, bays there is no doubt about Blaine's popularity in his state, or his ability to carry it and New York also. Kepublican prospects in Indiana, Mr. Pierce believes, are better now than thev were in 18S0, because the tariff issue will be brought forward earlier in this campaign than it was four years ago. Tre white sails of the Columbia salmon fleet gleam in the sunshine. However wo may differ on politics and other questions, wo an all agree that the Columbia river -salmon is a splendid institution, that his presence is an assurance of tangible property, that baked, roasted, fried, broiled or canned ho is without compare; that he appreciates the delicate attention we all show him is manifest by the eagerness with whioh he forsakes the ocean and hastens to our hospitable banks. Capt. Bullock, who was sent to Europe by the Jeff Davis govern ment to raise a fleet of pirate vessels for the purpose of preying upon the ooinmerce of the United States, has just published a book giving the his tory of his operations. He did his work very well, it will be remem bered, and his account of it is said to be quite interesting. The book ought to have a large sale in England, which country had to pay us some $15,000,000 on account of Captain Bullocks transactions. Fbanoe has, among European coun tries, the largest percentage of electors, namely, 26.85 in every 100 inhabitants; Switzerland stands second, with 22.55; then Germany, with 20.09; and Denmark, with 15.46. England is fifth, with 8.83. It thus appears that the franchise in England at present is more limited than in not only republics like France and Switzerland, but also monarchies such as Gennany and Denmark. Speaking generally, twenty persons have votes in Germany and fifteen in Denmark for every eight in England. A. WE3TEBX friend of Mr. Tilden alleged) writes that the Greystoue Sage "would not, could not, take the offioe (the piesidency), far less a nomination." Why, pray? Is he too oldr He is four years younger than Sir. Payne, of Ohio. Physical dis ability? Does he not drive the most beautiful carriage in the country, be hind the fastest pair of Kentucky trotters on the road? Is he not build ing the most beautiful new house in New York? And is he not waiting on the banks of the lovely Hudson a leap-year proposal from his fair countrywomen? Mr. Tilden should pray to be delivered from his professed friends. A story from Connecticut of a boy of twelve attempting suicide does not, we are sad to say, represent an ipolat ed case. Heavy as is the pressure of the age upon its men and women, and often as the weak turn in shud dering despair from life drained of pleasure, the young should be spared the "insane resort for trifling ills. Children nowadays think more deep ly than in previous generations. A thousand sources of information are opan to them that their grand-parents could not dream of in their early years. Exaggerated ideas of their own importance, scorn of their sur roundings, or envy of the lighter lot of other children are engeudored where a century ago they could not take root It is one of the penal ties of modern progress. "While, there fore, -whispered knowledge is -ripening young minds at such a rate, parents must remember to teaoh their children.that only in the light of the sun and the freshness of the dewy breeze can sturdy plants be grown; thaicheeriness the sunlight of the oal-cotmtsJfor as much in our mod era life gg earnestness. BORN. In Astoria, April 2, to the wife of W. G. Ross, a 6on. NEW TO-DAY House to Let. TXQUIKE AT SrOKK & DAVIDSON'S. Fishermen's Headquarters, THE GENUINE Cape Ann 0 led Clothing, OVERALLS COATS. HATS. SHIRTS, GUM B iOTS, ETC. And a Complete Outfit, of B-st Quality, and at the LgWEST PRICE of any Establish ment In the city. P. A. STOKES & CO. HaTeoponedaNewStock of Al Goods In the store next door to Ford & Stokes, and Guarantee Satisfaction . TO ALL CUSTOMERS, First Class Blacksmithing AT LOW BATES AT . v Gilbert Christiansen's HORSESHOEING4" Done on Scientific Principles by ah Al Horseshoer who Guarantees GOOD WORK., Genera! Blacksmithing Done And SATISFACTION ASSURED, at HLs Shop, in rear of Aug. Danlelson's Saloon. Ladies of Astoria! Your attention is directed to the Fact that at Mrs. T. S. Jewett's FANCY GOODS EMPOEIUM, li a Large and C-mpIete Stock or FINE GOODS. Comprising every variety of Fancy Wear, JHUlnery, Hats, Bonnets, Laces, Eabrolderlea, Tie, Collars, Fichus, La dlea Underwear, Children's Clothes, Hosiery, Glores, Zephyrs, Worsted, Etc., Of the Newest Styles, And GCABANTEED to he FIRST QUALITY. Stamping Done at Reasonable Rates. Dressmaking a Specialty. None but First-class Assistants Employed. Squenioqua Street, two doors west of Cass. Carnahan & Go. SUCCESSORS TO , I. W. CASE, rMI'DKTKKS AND WHOLESALE AND HKTAIL i BALERS N GENERAL. MEBCHAMSE Corner Chennmus and Cms streets. ASTORIA OREGOU SOLID GOLD JEWELRY BRACELETS, Scarf Pins. Chains, Watches, SILVERWARE, Of every description. The finest stock of Jewelry In Astoria. ;STA11 goods warrantedasrepreented GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. FOR TILLAMOOK. The now Steamer a. is. :fm::s2XjX. N.P.JOHANSEN, - - . Master Will leavr forTILLANOOK, on When Freight In Offered, (Weather permitting.) 3L10K 2AIf,IXr; DATES AM) PARTICU 1? laia apply to .1. O. HUSTLKK. Main ie?l Wharf. Asteria: AlJ.EN LEWIS, i'ortland : .1 I. STOKV Tillamook. Notice of Application. NOflCVI IS HEREBY GIVEN 1HAT THE underpinned wl I at the next regular meeting of the Common Council of the City of Astoria, Clat.sop County, Oregon, apply to said Council for a license to retail wine, malt and spirituous liquors In lets quanti ties than one quart, for th period of one j ear, in the building fronting on Water sneet ;ind situated ou lot ti lu block 135. In that part of sdd city lad out by J. M. JShlvely. A IM JUS r D ANIELSON. April 1st, 18M. Notice. 11HEKE WILL BE A STOCKHOLDERS . meeting of the Garibaldi Packing Co.. at the .Ltingshoretnen'-s nail. No. 2, In this city, Satutdav. April 6th, at 10 o'clock In the fore noon. K order oi ihe President. CHAS. WICKS rBOM. A9toria. Or., April 2d, 1881. Notice. 4 LLPEttSONS ABE HEREBY NOTIFIED i. not totiust my wife, Bridget Gorman, on my account, as I will not pay any bills P. GORMAN. Notice of Application. VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE .! undersigned will, at the next regular ineetmg of the Common Council of the city of Astoria, Clatsop County, Oregon, apply to a!d Council for a license to retail wine, malt and spirituous liquors In less quanti ties than one quart, for the period of one year.intbebuldlngfrontin? on Concomly street and hltuated-on lot Q. In blot k 8, In that part of i.Ud cjty laid out by John MrClure. H. B. PARKER. April 1st, 18S4. To Whom It May Concern. mnis IS TO GIVE NOTICE THT LUNG JL Ah Moon has rented all the furniture, tlkbes, cooking utensils and and every ar ticle in use by htm for restaurant or other purposes contained Jn the rooms occupied by him. up stairs in the building situated on K.Hoflot7in Block o, McClure Astoria, from the undersigned, to whom all the above mentioned property belongs, apl-lwk OH LOONG, For Sale. rrfWACORDS DRY HEMLOCK "WHICH Ovlv r,will deliver at four dollars per r-ord. LeaVe" addrcs at Foard & Stokes. JAMES BELL. March 31st, 1R84. Astoria ind Coast Transportation Company. AT A MEETING OF DIRECTORS, HELD March 23, au assessment of fifty dollars per share was. levied. ou the capital stock, payable on or before-April ft, 1B81. - . A.NOYE8. - Itt'y. FOK Finest Groceries, FOARD & STOKES. A FULL LINE OF HARDWARE AND Ship Chandlery. A NEW SLIP J tut Finished In Rear of Store. Drugs and Chem leal; Prescriptions carefully compounded Day or Night. $67,000,000 Capital ! Liverpool and London and Globe. North British and Mercantile Of London and Edinburgh. Old Connecticut of Hartford, AMD COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA Fire Insurance Companies, Representing a Capital or $67,000,000. A. VAN DU8EN. Anent. BANKING AND INSURANCE! I. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, ASTORIA, - OREGON. OFFICE HOURS : From 9 o'clock A. M. until 3 o'clock P. M. INTEREST OH DEPOSITS. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE spectfully Inform the cltfrens of Astoria and vicinity that he will pay Interest w dally deposits and balances, from this date until further notice. I. W.CA8E, Banker. March 0th, 1681. Oregon Paint and Varnish Works, Manufacturer! oi Paints, Tarnlsn and Lacpr. Any shade mixed and ground to order. C. F. PEARSOJN A Co., P.O. Box 118. Pertlaad. Or. J. H. D. GRAY. Wholesale and retail dealer In. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND, AND CEMENT. (leueralaloraaeand WharfaKt; uh rean ible terms. Foot of Bertonsueet. AhJoh Oregon. Drink Mil k and Grow Fat And don't forget that X. 2ST. Darlancl ' Aiwa s Keeps Milk by the G!as, Pint, or Quart, At his Fruit Stand, on Chenamus street, Opposite Spexarth'a Gun store. A Private Carriage CAN BE PROCURED AT AMY HOUR by sending order to Occident Hotel or B. F Sterens & Co.'s store. Passengers and baggage taken to moiulng boats. Ready at all times. Pronptaus a&d SfttltfectUa GitaraBteed. F. D. BLAKE. BOAT BUILDING, R. M. LEATHERS Has reopened his boat shop, over Amdt & Ferchen's, foot of LaFayette street, nd Is prepared to turn ont FIRST-CL.A33 BOATS. AM. WORK GUARAXTERD. Seining Ground for Rent. IN FRONT OF B.C. KINDRED'S CLAIM, near Fort Stevens. Enquire on the premises or cf C. A. May, Astoria. iu23-lm For Sale. FIVE HUNDRED CORDS DRY HEM look Wood, which I will aeliver at the houses of customers for $4 a cord. Drayingot all kinds dpne at reasonable rates. R, R. .IARION. Notice. THERE WILL BE A STOCKHOLDERS' meeting of the Point Adams PkK. Co,, at their office In Upper Astoria, ou Saturday April 6th. By order of the president, JOHN BOYE, W.-T. CHOXTBR. Sec'ty. Notlca to Contractors. UNTIL APRIL 5. at 13 o'clock, the 4inder Klgned will receive sealed bids for a dw elllne house to be erected for Mr. C. Boel llng. Plans and specifications can be seen at my office. C. W. LEICK. Architect, A Good Chance. TOFFEE FOE SALE THE OREGON MAR- X Ket and sausage Factory, as will not allow sae to carry It on. as my health mu is & rood ehante to buy a savlnsr business. O20.QANSZ. J. E. TH0MAS, -DRUGGIST V Pharmacist, Aastoria, & A You Are Sure torbe Suited , AT THE Leading 01" ASTORIA. CHAS. HEILBOEN. F TJ R N I T TJ R E fHfellfiKlrJ FOR THE Hall. Office, Library, Parlor and DINING ROOM, in WALNUT, CHERRY, ASH, AND MAPLE. We are without a doubt showing- the Largest and Most Complete line of CHAMBER SUITS in this city, unequaled in Design, Work manship and Finish " We Carry an IMMENSE STOCK OF CARPETS of All Designs and Colors in Body, Roxbury, and Tapestry Brussels, Three Plys, Extra Supers and Ingrains. Columbia Transportation Company. FOR PORTLAND. THE POPULAR STEAMER FAST TIME ! FLIIfWQOD Which has been refitted for the comfort of passengers will leave Wilson d Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. MT-An additional trio will be made on at 9 OVleek Saaday Moraiajc. for sound ports. THE SEW YORK Opposite the Parker House. Headquarters for the Young and the Old. Books Musical Instruments. Toys Sta tionery and Novelties of Every Description. All tke LeadiHff Publications of the Day. Ask to be shown the Clarions, the latest novel of .mechanical ingenuity. J. W. RUDDOCK, Practical Plumbing In All Its Branches. Steam and Gas Fixtures, A Complete Stock of First-class Material. All Work Ganraateed. Office and Shop on Cass Street, rear of Cage's bank, Astoria, Oregon. THE FINEST BREAD IX THE, CITY Hade from the Finest Flour AT F. B. ELBERSON'S SEASIDE BAKERY ! FANCtf CAKES AND CONFECTIONERY. Everything first class and guaranteed. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. AT MBS. GEO. HILLSB'S, NEXT DOOB toWMton Hot!. NOVELTY TI JP THE V OewYorkNoveltO STORK! Jf Furniture House F TJ R N I T U R E Chamber j FAST TIME! Sunday of Each We vu. leavlni? Portland Pa&iengers bj this route connect at KaLima . u. a. scu ir, president. PETER BLANKHOLM, Dealer in FINE CIGARS, IMPORTED AND D0ME311C. THE BEST BRANDS OF TOBACCO. SJIOKKRS' ARTICLES. Cor. Squemoqua and Olney Streets, Astoria, COAL! COAL! The Oregon Improvement Co. Now have for sale at the new Bunkers. SEATTLE COAL For Domestic use, clean, $7.50 per ton of 3.210 lbs. For Steam use, average. $6.50 per ton of 2.240 lbs. For Steam use, screenings. $4.59 per ton of Also constantly on hand Flrat-clau Cumberland Coal For Blacksmith use, at market rates. E. A. NoYES. Jan20-3ni Agent, THE BEST IS THE Royal Brand Flour Manufactured by the OREGON MILLING COMPANY Is of SuptrlorQuallty. and Is Endorsed by all who use it. THE HOUSEKEEPER'S FAVORITE Of Superior Rising Quality. Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. WYATT & THOMPSON Mole AsenfK for AMtorfa. ASTORIA LIQUOR STORE, AUG. DASIELSON, - - Proprietor. Rebuilt ana Kefltted ThroHgbOHt. The Best of W1M-N. LIQUORS, AX D CIGARS For a Gjod Cigar, eall for one of "Danielson's Best." Corner West 9th and Water Struts, Astoria, no-flm The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. FOB THE Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to the GEJT SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL, - PEOPBIETOB. For For For For The Finest Groceries. . . The -Freshest Vegetables, The Most Complete Assortment, Absolute Satisfaction, - In Filling and Delivering All Orders, C ill .it FRATvK L. Family Grocery and Provision Store, Corner Benton and Chenamus Streets, Opposite Custom House Square. TER apply to the Captain, or to EMPIRE STORE RE-OPENING I Fine Goods Reduced Prices Ladies desirous of procuring Goods unequaled in Style and Finish will take pleasure in examining our Stock of SILKS, SATINS and DRESS GOODS. IK THE GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT, Everything is Complete and of the "best. PEAEL BEOS. THE NEW MODEL nil iiPI i $ A FULL. STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. E2. JEL. SLA. W3BS, Two doors east of Occident Hotel. ASTORIA OREGON . John JL -DEALER Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A Get eral Assortment ol HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Magea Stoves and Range? The IJest In the market. Piumblng goods of all kinds on hand. Job work done In a noikmanltke tnannf r PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK . Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. Cbennmns Streot. Xext to O JL. Parker's Store. aSTORXA, M. OL3EK. J. QUSTAFSOX. MARTIN OLSEN & CO. . EALEItS IN mSS FURNITURE S5 BEDDING. Corner Main and Squemoqua Streets. Astoria, OregSB. WINDOW SHADES AND TRIMMINGS; WALL PAPER ETC. A Complete Stock. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. AtL, KIXIS OF FURHITURE REPAIRED AI1 TARKISnED. Magnus C. Crosby Dealer In HAM ABE, IM, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, Tin AND Copper. B. F. STEVENS & CO., CITY BOOK STOBE, Havo Just received a mammoth stock of Books. Tlie youiiR and old, nch and poor can all be accommodated. AGENTS FOE THE Kranlch. A Bach and Df andflfeldt A Sotnl Pianonand Wcwtera Cottase Organs. Orders fop all kinds of Music or Instru ments will be promptly filled. PARKER'S STEAMER CLARA PARKER Eben P, Par her, Master. For TOWING, FREIGHT orCHAR- H. B. FAKHL RANGE CAN BE HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OF E. M. MAWBB, AGENT CALL AND EXAMINE IT, YOO WILL BE PLEASED. E. R. HA WES is also agent for the M patent Wior Store And other flrstclas3 stores. Faraace 'Work. Steam Tit tings, etc., a specialty. L'sojcamu ontgomery, iy- A. JOHX0OX. THE LATEST STYLES IN WALL PAPER AT B. B. FRANKLIN'S, NEXT DOOR TO ASTOEIAN OFFICE. A very large Stock from which to select. "Window curtains made to order. " ' -My patent Trimmer to cut Wall Fapr will be tound convenient to my patrons. WM. EDGAR, Dealer In Cigars, Tobacco and Cigartttis Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridge. COBNER MAIN AND CHENAMUS 8T8. Delinquent School Tax. DELINQUENT SCHOOL TA3 THE DELINQUENT SCHOOL TAX LItT of School District No l. Is now in ray hands for collection. Parties interested will trove m themselves acroriMuelv. . A.MTWOMBLY. Sheriff Clatsop County. Astoria, Or., Marcli 13U, m. HBs8EjHBKBiBv-a