m t gattjj tetorian. AST01UA, OKEGON: WEDNESDAY AritIL 2. 18S1 w . oohn hi:i;max savs ne is not a candidate in the sense that he was four years ago, but that if nominated lie will not decline. As opossum farm ia one of the en terprising plans for making money in the vicinity of Savannah. Fine, fat. stall-fed opossums sell for forty cents each. - - The Troy Press says that the pres ident has three Presbyterians, two Episcopalians, one Congregation slist. and one Bill Chandler "in his cabinet There are said to be 20,000 idle men in Chicago, and similar reports come from other cities where me chanics and others are suffering for the want of employment. Pasha Louisa fought when a boy in the Texan revolution, later in the Indian war in Florida, in the Mexi can, in the civil war, and he then served ten years in Egypt. - LiA-LY is about to strengthen her coast defenses with ten steel guns, each fifty-five feet long, weighing 121 tons, and capable of sending a pro jectile of more than 2,000 pounds' weight The United States army is the best Xaid organization of the kind in the world, and that with only 25,000 men it costs within $500,000 of the amount spent yearly upon the German army of 400,000. The only ocean steamers now in service that are 500 feet in length or over are the City of Rome, 516 feet; Sei'Via, 515 feet; Alaska, 500 feet, and Oregon, 520 feet. The Great Eastern is 678 feet long. The American Bell Telephone Com pauy was experimenting in conversa tion between Boston city and New York over a No. 12 copper wire re cently, and with the aid of ordinary telephone instruments the faintest whisper of conversation could be heard. Oso hundred and forty-seven fish ermen from villages at the mouth of the Volga, who were oarried away a few weeks ago by the ice, were drift- ed ashore in safety 150 versts from the spot where the accident happened, after a perilous voyage of three weeks. Mes. jVIaby. L. Booth, the editor of Harper's Bazar, says that the great advantage -which man has over woman in the struggle for existenoe is pockets. A woman haa to carry a shopping-bag, but man "turns the key of the world's great lock easily and well, having both hands free to do that exercise.'' The Cincinnati Enquirer (Dem.) has Bent out inquiries to Indiana Democrats for the purpose of ascer taining their ppmions on the tariff question. Of about 7,000 answers re ceived, 631 declared for a tariff for revenue only, 811 for protection, and 5,3M for the double-end platform of the Ohio Democracv. Two of the five confederate generals are still living Joseph E. Johnston and P. G. T. Beauregard. The con federates had twenty-one lieutenant geuerals, and of these nine are still liviug Jamas Longstreet, "Wade Hampton, John B. Gordon, D. H. Hill.S. D.Lee, A. p. Stewart, Jubal Early, S. B. Buckuer and Joseph E. Wheeler. Oapt. MAitsuAiiii, of the U. S. En gineers, on the Mississippi river com mission, in charge of its improvement a short distance below the Arkansas lins, reports that at Mayersville chute there has been a surprising change within the past year. He says: 'A pile five feet longer than the rest, marked to indicate the front of the dike at high water, still remains standing upright and firm, but it has traveled sixty-two feet down stream erect and firmly imbedded in the sand. Such cases have been reported heretofore, but not credited by me. This case I observed myself It can only be accounted for on the supposi tion of a bodily movement of the sand foundation." TnE Mormon authorities are busy denying a report that a certain Bishop Wesi, at a place called Juab, preached a sermon advising the assassination of Governor Murray. They point out feelingly that there is no longer a Bishop West in the Mor mon churoh, and that there is no bishop at all at Juab. This may be all true, but the fact may be recalled that there was a Mormon Bishop West who departed this life some fourteen years ago under significant oircumstanoos. Filled with the desire to be one of the greatest of the saints, he had gradually added to his wedded bliss until at last ho had eleven wives. Now, the economio rule in Mormon- dom is that the latest wife gets all the spring bonnets and silk dresses; but Bishop West knew no such law. He treated all alike to the best of his ability witu tne result tnat an were equally short of the luxuries of the wardrobe. They all loved him, but his inability to keep them all on the Brigham Young level of -fine clothes broke his heart. His fate is pointed to yet as showing the dangers of sen timent in practical polygamy. The leading English medical jour nal has been seriously considering the case of Mr. Gladstone, and pro scribes a peerage for him. This is an excellent idea and is in the order of the eternal fitness of thines. Mr. Tennyson failed as a poet years ago. The queen recently ordered him to write an elegy upon the devoted, loyal friend of the throne, John Brown, but he could not summon up the divine afflatus and was compelled to send his apologies and regrets. Nothing was left but to make him a lord. Mr. Gladstone, too, has fallen behind in the race of English states men. He has been beaten in Ireland and Egypt. The deceased wife's sister bill is still pending in the commons and the peers. The -best thing to do with him is to turn him into the old paddock of the peers, where he can dream the happy hours away. The house of lords is a splen did cave of AduUam. NEW TO-DAY KING of the HAMMER Special Auction Sale. This Day, at 2 o'clock P. M. I will sell at my Auction Booms, for whom it may concern, a complete Household Furniture, Consisting of Fine Black Walnut Bedroom sets, (maroie top;, uarpets, unairs, wnat nois. Dlnlngroom, and kitchen Furniture, one Fine Mrdalllon Ranee, almost new. and a general assortim-nt of Miscellaneous Goods Remember the time and place, B. 8. WOESLEY, Auctioneer. Ladies of Astoria ! Your attention Is directed to the Fact that at Mrs. T. S. Jewett's FANCY GOODS EMPORIUM, 1 a Iirge and Complete Stock of FINE GOODS, Comprising every variety of Fancy Wear, Milliner;, Hata, BobbcU, Laeei, Emlirolderlei, Ties, Collars, Flefans, La diss' Underwear, Children' Clothei, Hosiery, Oloi'ti, Zephyrs, Wonted, Etc., Of the Newest Styles, And GUARANTEED to be FIRST QUALITY, Stamping Done at Reasonable Rates. Dressmaking a Specialty. None but First-class Assistant Employed. Squentoqua Street, two doors west of Cass. Garnahan & Go. SUCCESSORS TO I. W. CASE, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND UK TAIL DKALKRS IN GENEBAL MEBCHAMSE ''orner Cheuamus and Cars streets. ASTORIA ORKGOH Notice of Application. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned will, at the next regular meeting of the Common Council of tbe City of Astoria, Clatsop County, Oregon, apply to said Council for a license to retail wine, malt and spirituous liquors in less quanti ties than one quart, for tbe period of one year. In the building fronting on Water street and situated on lot 6, In block 133, In that Dart of said city laid out by J. M. ;Shlvely. AUGUSTDANIELSON. April 1st. 1SS4. Notice. THERE WILL BE A STOCKHOLDERS' meeting of the Garibaldi Packing Co. . at the .Longshoremen's nail. No. 2. In this city, Saturday, April 5th. at 10 o'clock in the fore noon. By order of the President. CH AS. WICKS IROM. Astoria. Or.. April 2d, 18M. To All Whom it May Concern. HAVING THIS DAY' SOLD MY ENTIRE pecualary interest In the Mercantile Business. t R. H. Caruahan. tie (Carnation) will pay all bills (If any) owlus z by me. on account of said mercantile business, and all amounts due rod on account of the same should be paid M ltitu. I desire to kindly thank all my friends and patrons for j our .liberal support during the rtfteen veais I have been with jou. and I desire to bespeak for my accessor even more 1 beral patronage th.ui ou have given me. With some regrets aud much pleasure I tp down and out.- " I. W. CASE, Astoria, March 21t, 1831. Notice. 4 LL PERSONS ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED A. not to trust my wife, Bridget Gorman, on my account, as f will not pay any bills ennti acted bv tier. V. GORMAN. Notice of Application. TVTOl'ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE II undersigned will, at the next regular meeting oi me uoinuion uouncii ot tne city of Astoria, Clatsop Countj , Oregon, apply to said Couucll for a license to retail wine, mall and spirituous liquors In less quanti ties than one quart, for the period of one year, iu the-bu ldluglroiilim; on Coucomly street and situated on lot 3. In blork 8, in that pirt of iid citv laid out by John MiClure. II. H. PARKER. April 1st, 181. To Whom It May Concern. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE THT LUNG AhMiKHilias rented all tbe furniture, aisues, cooKing utensils ana ana every ar tIMfi In hup. liv lilm for restaurant nr ntlipi Eurposes contained in the rooms occupied y him, up stairs In the building situated ou E. H of lot 7 In Block 9, McClure Astoria, above mentioned property belongs. JIB. i.OUMi, For" Sale. KWCOBDS DRY -HEMLOCK WHICH 0JJ I will deliver at four dollars Dor cord. Leave address at Foard u Stokes. .IAME8BELL. March 3lst, 1P84. Astoria and Coast Transportation Company. AT A MEETING OF DIRECTORS. nELD March 23, au assessment of fifty dollars per share was levied on the capital stock, payable on or before Anril 5, 1881. " E. A. NOYE3. Sec'y. Notice. THK STEAMER FLEETWOOD, WILL J. not receive freight for way iwrts, on and after this dale. Astoria, Or., Hatch 19th, 164. Special Auction Sale Wednesday, April 2, 11 A. M. At HoIdcn'H Auction Rooms. BEAUTIFUL WORKS OF ART Carved in High Relief From GENUINKCA.RRARA MARBLE, (the Finest Marble in the iV rid). Exported from the STUDIOS In IIALY direct to iAN FRANCISCi. I nave received a small cenMcmnent from San Francisco of the ab ve mentioned splen did Works of art. There are only thirteen nieces In all. and I shall submit them for public competition to those who can ap preciate truly artistic work. Every article ily a sdto B guarantee be eniilne Italian marble. Nothing of the kin has ever before been offered In this cltj :ltv at Public Auction, and probably never will be again. The article are 1 pair Massive Gray Marble Vases.helght 221n l wmie atarwe vase 21 13 16" 30" 25" 2 " " Urns 1 Elegant " " Epprgne i nanasorae uaru receivers. The goods are now on exhibition at my store and must be seen to be appreciated. K. C. HOLDE, td ' Auctioneer. FOR Finest Groceries, FOARD & STOKES. A FULL LINE OF HARDWARE AND Ship Chandlery. A NEW SLIP Just Finished In Rear of Store. $67,000,000 Capital! Liverpool and London and Globe. North British and Mercantile Of London and Edinburgh. Old Connecticut of Hartford, COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA Fire Insurance Companies, Representing a Capital or $67,000,000. A. VAN DU8EN. Anent. BANKING AHDJHSURAHCE ! I. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, ASTORIA, - OREGON. OFFICE HOUES : From. 9 o'clock A. M. until 3 o'clock P. M. INTEREST ON DEPOSITS. fUHE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE- spectfully Inform the citizens of Astoria vicinity that he will pay Interest on dally deposits and balances, from this date I. W. CASE, Banker. March Cth, 1681. Oregon Paint and Varnish Works, Manufacturers of Paints, Yamisl anil Lacper. Any shade mixed and ground to order. C. F. PEARSON & Co., P.O. Box lid. Fertlaad. Or. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET By the Sight. Dy. Week r Month WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD, With use of Parlor. Library and all the com forts of a home. Terms reasonable. Apply to MBS. E. C. HOLDEN. Coh Main and Jefferson Sts. Drink Mil k and Grow Fat And don't forget that X. 20. Xt3llXl.a. . Always Keeps Milk by the Glass, Pint, or Quart, At his Fruit Stand, on Chenamus street. Opposite Spexarth'd Gun .store. A Private Carriage CAN BE PBOCURED AT ANY HOUR by sending order to Occident Hotel or B. F Stevens & Co.'s store. Passengers and baggage taken to morning boats. Ready at all times. PrompUew aad Satlifaettoa Guaranteed. F. D. BLAKE. House for Rent. NEW HOUSE JUST BUILT, OPPOSITE Post Office, corner Benton aud Chena mus street. Apply to " H. B. PARKER. Seining Ground for Rent. IN FRONT OF B. C. KINDRED'S CLAIM, near Fort Stevens. Enquire on tho premises or cf C. A. May, Astor ma. in33-lm For Sale. FIVE HUNDRED CORDS DRY HEM lock Wood, which I will deliver at Uih bouses of customers for $4 a cord. Draylncof all kinds done at reasonable rates. R. R. MARION. Notice. THERE WILL BE A STOCKHOLDERS' meeting of the Point Adams FkK. Co., at their office In Upper Astoria, ou Saturday April 5th. oin. order of the president, JOHN BOYE, W.T.CHUTTBB. Sec'ty. By Notice to Contractors. UNTIL APRIL 5, at 12 o'clock, the under signed will receive -sealed bids for a dwelling house to be erected -for Mr. C Boel Ung. Plans and specifications can be seen at my office. C.W. LEICK, Architect, TAX NOTICE. RESIDENTS OF SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 9 are hereby-notified that tho taxes for the year 1833 In said district are now due and payable at the office ot Badollet Co., Upper Astoria. J.E.HiaGIN8, Atting School Oerlc Astoria, Frtnuuy , UN. You Are Sure AT THE Leading Furniture House OF ASTORIA. OHAS. HEILBORN. FOE THE Hall. Office, Library, Parlor and DINING ROOM, in WALNUT, CHERRY, ASH, AND MAPLE. We are without a doubt showing the Largest and Most Complete line of CHAMBER SUITS in this city, unequaled in Design, Work manship and Finish. We Carry an IMMENSE STOCK and Colors in Body, Roxbury, and Tapestry Brussels, Three Plys, Extra Supers and Ingrains. Columbia Transportation Company. FOR PORTLAND, FAST TIME ! THE POPULAR STEAMER FLEETWOOD Whlchhas been refitted for the comfort of passengers will leave Yvuson r isners uock eery Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. y-An additional trip will be made on Sunday of Each Wceu, leaving Portland at 9 O'clock Maaday Xornlaz. Passengers b thb route connect at Kalama for Sound ports. U. B. SCOTT, President. THE MEW YORK Opposite the Parker Home. Headquarters for the Young and the Old. Books Musical Instruments. Toys Sta tionery and Novelties of Every pewrlptlon. All the Leading Publications of the Day. Ask to be shown the Clarlona, the latest uovel of mechanical Ingenuity. J. W. RUDDOCK, Practioal Plumbing in Ail Its Branches. Steam and Gas Fixtures, A Complete Stock of First-class Material. All Work Guaranteed. Oulce aud Shop on Cass Street, rear of Case's bank, Astoria, Oregon. THE FINEST BREAD IN THE CITY Hade from the Finest Flour AT F. B. ELBERSON'S SEASIDE BAKERY ! FANCY CAKES AND CONFECTIONERY. Everything first class aad guaranteed. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET.. ' AT MBS. GEO. HILLEB'S, NEXT DOOB to WMtou HoteL NOVELTY TEE jtf THE Oew York Novelty STOIC K I dr to be Suited F u R N I T U E- E Chamber 5 OF CARPETS of All Designs FAST TIME ! PETER BLANKHOLM, Dealer In FINE CIGARS, IMPOltTED AND DOMESTIC. THE BEST BRANDS OF TOBACCO. SHOKERS' ARTICLES. Cor. Squemoqua and Olney Streets, Astoria. COAL! COAL! Tho Oregon Improvement Co. Now have for sale at tho new Bunkers. SEATTLE COAL For Domestic use, clean, $7.50 per ton of 2.240 lb. For Steam use, average. $c.50 per ton or 2,240 lbs. For Steam use, screenings, $4.50 per ton of 2.240 lbs. Also constantly on hand First-class Cumberland Coal For Blacksmith use, at market rates. E.A.NOYES, Jau20-3ra Agent. THE BEST IS THE 0:BC3u.3E2fil07 1 Royal Brand Flour Manufactured by the OREGON MILLING COMPANY Is of Superior Quality, and Is Endorsed by all who usn It. THEHOUSEKEEPER'S FAVORITE Of Superior Klsing Quality. Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. WYATT & THOMPSON Solr Areut for Afttorla. ASTORIA LIQUOR STORE, AUG. DAXIELSON, Proprietor. Bebullrand Refitted Throughout. The Best of tVlXES.IilQTTOR&tiAXD CIGAB8 For a Good Cigar, eall for one of - "Danielson's Best." Comer Wfct 9th and Water Stn-ets, Astoria. n9-Gm The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. -FOR THE- Finest of Wines and Liquors Go totho GEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL, - PBOPBIETOB, Tor For Tor Tor In Filling and Delivering AU Orders, C ill sit FEME L. Family Grocery and Provision Store, Corner Benton and Chenamus Streets, Opposite Custom House Square. SSHBlMSPiSS STEAMER WKbSSsS CLARA PARKER TER apply to the Captain, or to EMPIRE STORE RE-OPENING! Fine Goods - ReducedPrices Ladies desirous of procuring Goods unequaled in Style and Finish will take pleasure in examining our Stock of SUES, SATINS and DEESS GOODS. IN THE GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT, Everything is Complete and of the best. PRAEL BROS. THE NEW MODEL Basil! ilall1 IHI sl Writes ssHEsHttF "THniiPiflllis! 3. MCIy. " A FULL STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. IE. 3EL. TTA W.bJS, Two doors east of Occident Hotel. ASTOBIA, OBEGOH . John A. Montgomery, -DFALKR Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for JUagee Stoves and Ranges The Best in tho market. Piumblng goods of all kinds on hand. Job work done In a workmanlike manner PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. Chenamna Street. Xext to C I. Parker Store. ikSXOStXA, M. OLSEK. J. OUSTAFSON. MARTIN OLSEN &. CO. . EALEBS IN tKE FURNITURE Ss BEDDING. Corner 31atn and Riqueinoqua Streets. Astoria, Oresem WINDOW SHADES AKD TRIMMINGS; WALL PAPER ETC. A Complete Stock. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. 4IX KI2fIS OF FURHriTlTRE REPAIRED AI VARMSHEB. LESS" THAN COST ! A Large and Complete Stock THAT IS TO BE SOLD ! AT TnE SIGN OF The Golden Shoe. On Squemoqua Street. A Complete Assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES Of the FINEST QUALITY, and at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Ladies' and Children's Shoes A SPECIALTY. If You Want a BARGAIN Do Not Miss This Opportunity. THESE GOODS WILL BE SOLD AT A GREAT DEAL LESS THAN COST- I. J. ARTOliD, Agent. The Finest Groceries. The Freshest Vegetables, " - The Most Complete Assortment "- Absolute Satisfaction, PARKER'S Eben P. Park&r,Maater. ForTOWINO, FREIGHT orOBAB H. B. Fi RANGE CAN BB HAD IN AS. TOBIA ONLY OF E. . MAWB9, - AGENT CALL AND EXAMINE IT, VO WILL BE PLEASED. k. k. hamtks is Hso agent or the Ml patent CGoUnf store And other first-class stoves. Furnace "Work. Staat Tit tines. oto. a peoialty. iy- A. JOHXSOX. THE LATEST STYLES IN WALL PAPER AT B. B. FRANKLIN'S, NEXT DOOR TO ASTOEIAN OFFICE. A very large Stock from which to select. Window curtains made to order. My patent Trimmer to cut Wall Paper will be lound convenient to my patrons. WIS. EDGAR, Dealer in Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarittis Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, . -, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. CORNER MAIN AND CHENAMTJ8 8TS. Delinquent School Tax. THE DELINQUENT SCHOOL TAX LIST of School District No. 1. is now in my bands for collection. Parties Interested will govern themselves accordingly. A.MTWOMBLY. Sheriff Clatsop County. Astoria, Or., March 18th, 1S4.