CO jkjs . - . f VOL. XX, JVC 151. ASTORIA, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 1884 PRICE, FIVE CENTS. '4 i& ll lr 4m i Hi 11 'i 11 H"gSfe5 rg- Lm Wm I HI II I HI II - SARGENT'S RESIGNATION. Washington, M.rcli 31. The ap pointment of Minister Sargent to St Petersburg, and his subsequent dec lination and final resignation of the German mission, on the ground of ill health, has been the leading topic iu diplomatic circles this week. Be yond doubt the btate department, in transferring Sargent, intended to snub Germrny, by leaving the Ameri can mission in charge of the secre tary of the legation, for awhile; but how Frelingnuysen could have so miscalculated Sargent's disposition is a mystery not yet explained. The Eussian ministry was not a promo tion for Sargent Its salary wa3 the same, but Russia ranks last among the first-class- foreign missions of Great Britain, Franco, Germany and Russia, because St. Petersburg is the least desirable- pjace to live. It is stated here by those, familiar with diplomatic life in Berlin aud St Petersburg, that no man appointed once to the former place would ac cept afterwards an appointment to the latter. President Arthur and his secretary of state must have known this, and may have transferred Sar gent in order to give him a favorable opportunity-io xesign. It iff said here that besides his zeal for his country on the pork question, not the least part of Sargent's trou ble at Berlin has arisen from- his in difference to the etiquette of the Ger man capital. In other words, Sar-j gent has beem democratic and unpre-' tsntious in his sooial life, and has I not remained jup at night doing honor J to royal festivals. This had made( him unpopular with the governing J class, and with his zeal to do his duty , has caused the trouble He is prob ably now glad to end it with his res ignation. New Xobk March 3L Ottendor-J fer, proprietor of the Staais-Zeitung, ! being interviewed, while declining to ' say anything concerning the general j opinion held by his countrymen in I this city, said that personally be looked upon ,the transfer of Sargent to the Russian ministry in the light j of a promotion. Referring to thej Lasker resolutions, Ottendorfersaidrj "The transmission of them was a mistake-on the part of the secretary of state, and that Sargent's action in j the matter was solely the perform-' ance of duties assigned. At the same j time Sargent's position now in Berlin i is very disagreeable, and perhaps it may be with a view to relieving him of that position that the secretary re- moves him to St Petersburg. Insults I have been heaped upon him by the ' semi-official jpress throughout Ger many. The various little principali ties.dukedoms and provinces through-1 out Germany have their own, local semi-official organsTlns utterances of j which are published at the dictation of parties in .Berlin! I have been in , personal receipt of many of thoo papers, and in many of them I found ', articles extremely malignant and vi-, tuperative against Sargent" A remarkable feature about those . articles is that their phraseology is almost, identical, showing that they; emanate from one head, and I be-; lieve that head is in oontrol of what is known, as the repeal fund, located " in 'Berlin. These official organs, for , suoh they are. are supported by the fund, and are carried on with a view ' of, educating the people 1m loyalty. With such a state of affairs Sargent's position is certainly not an enviable one in Germany. Although he does not, by any means, possess the ability of his predecessor, he is a gentleman, and perhaps it is with a view to avoiding his getting involved in an other difficulty that he begs to be al lowed to oome home. The Sun's "Washington special says: "Sargent wrote a note to Hatzfeld, German secretary of the state for foreign affairs, long before the Lasker incident, for which he was gently reprimanded by Frelinghuyeen. Now Sargent .bad not interfered in the in ternal affairs of Germany. He had barely suggested that if the commis sion of German experts proposed by oux government was refused, and the order of prohibition was not modified, protective steps might be taken on our sider Frelinghuy sen's rebuke, made the more stinging by the mode of its delivery, and by young Von Hatzfeld's announcement that he al ready knew that Minister Sargent had bean discredited at Washington, necessarily left Sargent without tup port at Berlin. He was dishonored at home and insulted abroad. No wonder Bismarck snubbed him at the first opportunity. The wonder is that Sargent did not throw up his commission at the time, rather than carry "with his own hands to the im perial secretary for foreign affairs the official reprimand which Frelinghuy sen had administered. The Journal says: "Aaron A. Sar gent will arrive home in time from Berlin, for a nice vice-presidential boom. He would have the German rote, certain." Admission Bill Doomed. Washington, Maroh 3L It is prob able that all legislation looking to the admission of new states from the northwest daring this congress is doomed. On Tuesday Senator Har rison, of the committee on territories, attempted to have a day set for the consideration of his bill admitting Dakota,, when, to everybody's sur prise, the .Democrats drew the party lines, and every one of Ihem, except Garland and Jones of Florida, voted againsWt. This was hardly expected, as "the bill admitting Dakota has been stripped of every objectional feature; including a provision that would have allowed the state to vote st the presidential election this year. T&e Democrats, however, are said to belwvf that .Dakota would, if admit ted, ndjfctro Bepublioan senators to co&gress, and. for this reason they op pose it The vote, 33 to 23, shows theliopeiessless of further agitation. 'Almost the same thing may bea'aid of $ba bill admitting- Washington terri toryVada bill admitting a part of thaterritory and Idaho, under the same of Taooma. Neither of these bilk, nor tb 'measure of Harrison. tTsa-if it thould-ptts th .senate,, will ever be reported from the house committee. "What New York Papers Say of the Cin cinnati Riot. New obk, March 3L The Times, reviewing the Cincinnati riot, says: "The murder of Kirk-by Bernerww the meanest murder ever committed in the criminal records of CincInnatL Judge Carter, prosecuting attorney,, declared that he escaped thfr death. penalty by the adroitness of lawyers known for their legal talent; and through his father, who had $6,000 or $7,000 to spend. This was not-ua isolated case. Twenty-three-men con demned for or accused of murders are reported to be in the jail of Cin- j cinnaa There is but slight indica tion that at any time what i3 usually known as the lawless element was present in any considerable force durine the riots. From the begin ning up to the Jiour of last reports j there has been a notable absence on . the part of the crowd of any sym- pathywith criminals. There can bej no doubt that violence in Cincinnati ' will be repressed, if it has not already been before these lines reach our readers; but the lesson will not be ! lost Traffic injuries will be-stopped. The calling of criminal lawyers will not be so profitable as it has been. The laws of Ohio will not continue to give confessed murderers twenty-' three chances to tret a purchasable. jury, and the stats only two chances ' to got an honest one. The result mav ha worth more ilian it has cost." mi- v';f.. .;v ,. o .mo xMiimc iuiun.o m a mm, arr.inge iiu circulation, aua iuus in "blistering disgrace and warning, duce-r manv usorders, known by different rol,; mnnnfnoainnWrla Th uaill-JJ to dlsMnL'UtU them SCCOrdillg tO ef- dangerous tendencies of the popula tion in largo cities must bo distinctly recognized. In moments of excite ment there is a contagious readiness to resort to force and violence. This is speedily followed "by a mania for destruction. Since the riots of 1887 prudent Americans have not dared to nnrtarrAfA tVifl fh'sfii rhintr fnrces of nnaerrate toe aturomg iorces or social restlessness and proportionate resentment in large cities. One way of heeding the warning will be to add militia regiments in every densely populated state, and to increase the efficiency of the police force. ' The World says: "Whatever may be the rights of outraged public opin ion there can be no reason or mercy shown to a mob. Cincinnati islearn ing this dread lesson. Lawlessness and anarcny can ngnt no wrong, ana can make no headway at this time against the organization of military. It is possible the price Cincinnati ii aying for this lesson is not too rigb." The Passage of Dolpli's BUL WxsrrTNOTOsr March. L Oir Prf day the senate passed a bill intro duced by Senator Dolph, amending the revised statutes so as to author izt the unloading of coal, salt, rail road iron and other articles of like bulk under tho superintendence of customs olficeis, at the expense of the parties interested, at a place to be designated by the secretary of the treasury. This bill, which was ap proved by Secretary Folger, is de signed to allow the unloading of bulky merchandise at the Oakland side of San Francisco bar, which, under the present law, cannot be done; also to allow like merchandise to be unloaded on the eastern side of the Willamette river in Portland har bor. These two results were arrived at by Senator Dolph, and as others suggested a general law the bill was amended to apply to the entire coun try, and so passed Notwithstanding the strict construction of the present law will not permit the unloading of any merchandise by ships outside of a port of entry, it has been the prac tice of the treasury department some times to allow it to be done. For many years shippers have been peti tioning congress to pass suoh a law as this, and now there are fair prospects of its enactment. General Gordon Defeated. Lonpon, March 31. Later advices give details of Gordon's engagement of the 16th inst The rebels pursued the Egyptians two miles after the battle. The confusion during the fire was fearful to behold The Egyptian regulars and the Bashi Ba zouks kept shouting out that their generals had betrayed them The wounded received no attention for seven hours. The troops had been clamoring three weeks before they met the enemy. In the early part of the encounter the Egyptians were successful and the enemy was actually in full retreat when their cavalry made a desperate charge. Despite this reverse the inhabitants still re main staunch friends of Gordon. One Arab sent Gordon 1000, as his treas ury is empty. Another Arab equipped 2000 blacks for him. Two black pashas have been arrested for charging into the ranks of their own troops, thus allowing the enemy to enter the gap made. INSTANTANEOUS PHOTOGRAPH THE California Flying Studio. WILL BE WITH YOU FOR A SHORT time. Riving you a an opportunity of getting pictures of all stylei. bv the instan taneous Process. Children's PJetxret a Spe cialty. We study to please EKTANCOK & BUTTON. Cor. Main St. G. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSMITHING, kt Capt. Rogers old stand, comer of Oass and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeing. Wagons made and repaired. Good wort guaranteed. FIRST CLASS SHAVING AND Hair Dressing Saloon. FITTED UP IN A NEW AND ARTISTIC manner. Every attention paid patron. I have fitted up and opened a first-class Barbershop at .Carl Adler'a old stand on Chenamt3tmfc, and am roM FOR FATDJ, CURES Rheumatism.lfeuralgia, Sciatica, Luntafft, Backache, Htttfachejeothadte, hS9 AIL OTKXK MBItT PAUai13DiCHlC Si4V DrctdU tsl Dttler tnrjuhtr. Fifty Owu a owmkim a. tme&&oo) BiuaK,sunc.i.j imr rfimir: a. vnnFT.FR rut. Boiu. virwfi nu u .. MMtM - XTi-n a- ff fllA RliWli1 &mg 0I ine OlQQQ. ;. tui k "c rf alt." It is a blood-puriflerand " impuntyofthBblood-pob(mvhes- ferr. but Jeius reallytininclies orpnasevsoi thttrftit Kinetic disorder. Impurity oi Blood, rfucb are DiXtpepHa, Billlmune4t Licti Cofijnatnt.CniwUiJattwit A'crrou Dis orilrr. lUadcxht, Baehaehf General IFieaJr nw. Heart Dlteatc.Draptif. Kldnty DfneaM, Pil'X, HhewnatUm, Catarrh, Scrofula, Skin DitwrUrM, Pimple. UIcrt. StcrUings, ax.. tc. Kinr or tko Bloed prevents and cures these b attacking tbe cav. Impurity uftlutMood. Chemists and iibsiciaus agree chUIiir it "the most Renulnt- nnd efllcirnt prep.iniou for thp pur.. SoldbyDnrg- ts.l:er bottle. See-tesUmonlal3, dlrec- uwk. Ac, In pamphlet, "Treati'iwDiafcaes "' ,h" "" Wk? sov cS ft?ot i . a- Buffalo.'. Y. JACKSON'S ASTORIA q v r j - M, , BaKGrV LOniBDlIOnerV J A .J Ouch and w Cream Parlors. OYSTERS Tti ZESroxry Style. i:iir..A.1IUS STBKET. .srPERIOR Bread and Cakes OF ALL KI.MN. We.'tlliiiji aud I'arUe supplied wilh strictly FIRST-CLASS WORK. -French and American-o CANDIES Mauifaet!ir-!, Wholesale and Retail. THE CELEBRATED i Foley Springs. I'ETEIC KUNEV. Manager. T IIESK CELEBRATED MEDICINAL . Spring si tuated in Lane Coiinu , wregun, are uuequtv'ed for the cure f Catairhal at fections. Itheumatlsm. and Dyspepsia, as th-usands throughout the Northwest I11 attest. - Every care b riven Invalids and those , who seek the benefits f the waters ' Carriages leav the St Charles Hotel. Eu gene City, every Wednesday and Saturday, direct for the Spriiun. CALL AT Jordan & Bozorth's CROCKERY STORE . And sea the PATENT Lamp Filler. Its Merits are ECONOMY, SAFETY, And Labor Saving. One of the Most Useful Inventions of the Age. ALSO IN STOCK. THE Best Coal Oil IN THE MAHKET. For Sale In any Quantity from one Quart to a 45-s.illon Barrel. Copper "Paint. IN HALF GALLON TINS. At WILSON & FISHER'S, rJL Liberal DUteeunt to the Tradf.l J. H. D. GRAY, Wuotesale and retail dealer ia. GROCERIES, aOUR,AHDFEED Hay, Oatt, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND, AND CEMENT. General storage and Wharfage oa reason ble terms, Feetof BeetoaSrtet. AstorU Ortflea. -Ltt Hardware ani Ship Ctaillery A. VAN OUSEN & CO.. OBAI.KR.-5 j.t . Hardware ani Ship $h2?'1$ryt Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails Agricultural Implements, SewlBjc Sfacklne, .Palais aa! OJl. CSrocerleN. etc. IO.OOO BOTTLES SOLD Great Northwestern Remedy. TAKP IT W.PruMDEft'S. Olg(BUMPDBlFIEa KIDNEY UVEfLDlSEASE5..Dr6rePS!A fiMi-VtS.tS.UILTLSAHDSSM DSEASE& lHEAUAGHS.,6 COSUVDiEss. Thnw -urhn irirlr i'jrK -t !.. wholesome, lellabln Medicine like PfandM-'s Oresa Blood Pnrlfler. A4. a reiiiedy. and lireventaiiTeof disvascx itvahnot b-bfat. It checks BheaattliM and Malaria, relieves Co&fttiBitlen. DnneDtla and BlIlamiBu and puts freh eue-gy into the system by making ifen Rich Bloofl. All Drueeisis and Deal ers keep it. 5100bottle9 6lor.S3.G0. Wilson & Fisher, SHIP CHANDLERS. ni.Ar.hH r4 -Hi Iron, Steel, Coal, Anchors, Cluins, TAR, PITCH, OAKUM, NAILS AND SPIKES, Shelf Hardware, Paints anS Oils STEAM PACKING, PROVISIONS. PLOPli I.VD THSfA FKF1. Agents for Salem Fkurinjf- Mills, and Capital Flgur . FAIRBANKS STANDARD : AW flzeN ar Poitlanil ITIees, in Stock. Corner Oheuuiu and Hamilton trv .STHUA. OKE60N. Ed. D. Curtis & Co. UNSUKPASSED IN STYLE AND FINISH. NEW FURNITURE, A COMPLETE STOCK. C. H. BAIN & CO. DKALERS XX Doors, Windows, Blinds, Transoms Turning, Bracket Work. A specialty, and all Viork guaranteed: Oak, Ash, Bay, and Walnut lumber ; Ore gon and Port Orford Cedar. All kinds of boat material on baud. C H. BA1X A CO. CANNERYMEN ! ! PACIFIC METAL W0BKS Importers and Manufacturers of WHITE METALS. Canners' Solder a Specialty, Strip Lead, for Leading Lines, Plate Zinc, for Cutting Acid, Bar Copper, Pig Lead and Pig Tin. 48 Hertb necond 8U. Partlaad, Or IIS 117 lrt Rt.t aa Fraselacn, uunnu. GERMANIA BEER HALL AND- BOTTLED BEEE DEPOT, Chenamua Street, Astoria. The Best of Lager 5 Cts. a Glass. Orders for tile Celebrated Columbia Brewery Beer Left at this place will be promptly attended to aarXocfeMp Baa Francisco Beer sold at .Vl Camels Iplstery STONE & DAVIDSON (HUME'S BtJILIilXQ.) AGENCY Red Crown Flour. Guaranteed a Superior Article-. DEALERS GRAIN, MILL FEED, POTATOES, Country Produce, fctc. -Consignments Solicited, and Adrano made on same 3. ARNDT & FEROHEN, A8T(U:iA. OKECON. The Pioneer Machine Shop Rl.AOKSMITH SHOP BoJItr Shop Ail kinds ol ENGINE, CANNERY, " AND STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. ARHDT & FERCHEH, Acwti for Oregon, Washington Territory, . " l and Alaska for f E. W. BLISS' Spcial Cannery Machinery ! l- ' 'Engines Soldering Machines, jf improved Acid Bath and Crimping , . Machines, Power Presses, Foot Presses; Squaring Shaars, And all other machinery ued in cannt-ries. Including the new COMBINATION DIES. Working without j-mall springs, constantly on hand. We respectfully invite all cannerymeu to call and examine tbe ab ve machinery as It la greatly superior to any heretofore intro duced on this coast. Ciders solicited. Alt.VDT &. FKKCHE.V, Foot of Lafajette Street, Astoria, Oregon. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. BKKTOy STBKET, NkAB l'AKKKK HOOBK, ASTOKIA. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LANDaiflMARfflEINGINES BoilerWork, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. Of all Descriptions made te Order at Short Xotlce. A. D. Waf8, President. J. O. HOBTLEK.Secretary, I. W. Cask, Treasurer. J oux Fox.Superintendent, BARBOUR'S t HAVE NO EaUAL. -THE The London Fisheries Exhibition HAVE AWARDED THE GOLD MEDAL TO- The Barter BrottaCoipy -FOR THE SUPERIORITY OF THEItt FLAX NET THEEADS. T. G. RAWLINGS. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Tropical, Domestic. Green and Dried MJTS. CANDDZS.DEIED MEATS, ETC. Flao Cigars and Tobacce. Next door to L J. Arvold's, Squemoqua St. THE THINGVALLA LINE. Is tbe only DIRECT LINE Between NEW YORK and SCANDINAVIA. First-class Steamers and good usage. Ticket tar MUeatA.M. JOXiyi Xgm, Alttrix, QrM. Salmon Ne Threatts HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. PARKER HOUSE, B, B. PABKEB. Pre.. ABTORIA. - - - OBEGON. Al.CBOSBr, - - Day Clerk. PhlLBOWEBS. - - Night aerie. Jas. DT7FFT ha the Bar andBOUard rooa. Eirat Clatt in all Eeapecta. HEEE. OOAOa TO THE HOUSE, A Good Cup of Coffee AND OYSTERS AT Mrs, Powell's Coffee House, On Mais Street'nezt-to Oregoa Bakery Campi Restaurant XEW AXD WELL EQUIPPED THROUGHOUT, r qriNi ha rT;iilH hia mtnhllahinpnt nnrl is prepared to accommodate tbe traveling public, a A good meal furnished at any hour of the day or "night. no nies( uqaora aau jigars a uia ui. Two doors west of Ike Foster's. n2$-6m LUIOI SEERA. Fipres Sew Lie ! A!fD JEFF OF THE CHOP HOUSE Can prove" by hlf books thathels doing the biggest business of any RESTAURANT In the city, and. he will guarantee to give tbe best meal for cash. . MARKETS. . CENTRAL MARKET, Geseral assortment of table stock constantly oti nand. such as Canned Fruits and Jelly, Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard, Eggs, Butter, Cheese, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Fish, Ptultry, and Game, In tbe seasoa. Cigars and Tobacco, Best of Wines and Liquors. . All cheap for CASH. Goods sold on com mission. Opposite I. W. Case's store. J. RODGERS. WASHINGTON MARKET, Maim street, Astoria, Orejcsa. BEBGM S A BEKBY, FKePSIETSKg. RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN tlon of the nubile to the fact that the above Market -will always be supplied with a FULL VARIETY AND BEST QUALITi FRESH AND CURED MEATS ! ! Which will be sold at lowest rates, whole sale and retail. ST Special attention glren to supplying ships. STAR MARKET. WHERRY fc COMPANY, Fresh and Cured Meats, Vegetables, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEL. CIIEXAMUS Street, Astoria, Os WYATT & THOMPSON. DEALERS IN FRESH AND CURED MEATS, CHOICE GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Crockery and Glassware. TVrm Feed,Eto, GEORGE L0VETT, TailorinE, Cleaninjr, Repairing, NEAT, CHEAP AND QUICK. Mala St.. site V. Loeb'a, Astoria, Br. A. M. JOHNSON. CJ.JOHNbON. Astoria Sail Loft, MANUFACTURERS OF SAILS, TENTS, AWNINGS, TABP4TILINS, And eYerythingelse pertaining to our Business. LowestPrice and Best Work Fer your Mosey, At the Old Stand. Leave your orders and gt your work done at once. BUSINESS CARDS. axo. a. DOBSia. obo xoiosd If OIII & SOBBli, ATTOENEYS AT LATT. Office in Kinney's Block, opposite Ctry Hall, Astoria, Oregon. Q K. THOMSOiT, Attorney and Counselor at Law. Room No. 6. oyer White House, ASTOKIA. OBEUON. c. tr. Ttrcroir. , o. c rxwtqs. FUtTOM BBOTHEB, ATTORJfEYS AT LAW. fioetns&and 6, Odd Fellows Building. T (t.A.BOWLgY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Chenamus treet, - - ASTOBLA. OBEGON T08EF A, QILIi, ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW. aarofflce with JQ- A.Bowlby, ASTORIA, -----. -OrefsnT Q J. CUfiTIS, ATT'iT AT LAW. Notary Public Commissioner o Deeds foi California, New York and Washington Ter ritory Rooms3aud4,OddFellow3 Building, A3 tona.oregon. N.B -Claims at Washincton. D. C aad Collections a specialty. A V. AIiliEai, Astoria AeK Hamburg-Magdeburg and German-American FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. "CJ C. HOJLDK2V, NOTART PUBLIC, AUCTIONEER, COMMISSION AND IN SURANCE AGENT. C. W. LEICK, AKCHITECT AND DRAUGHTSMAN. Scholars recelred for Cooisc ol Draufiuisg, HOfflce over White Home Store. Q.EL.O S. JPAfiKEK. 8URVEY0R OF CIatap CoHmty,al Cltyr Astoria j. Office : Chenamus street, Y. M. O. A. hall. Boom No. & TK. N. C BO ATM AST. Physician and Surjaoa. Rooms 9 and 10, Odd Fellows Buildla.. ASTORIA, OBEQON. TA1T TUTTUC. M. D, PHYSICIAN AND SURQION OrnoB Booms 1, S, and 3. Pythian Balld Ing. Bksidkkck On Cedar Street, back of St. Maiy's Hospital. F. P. HICKS. A. X. SHAW. HICKS & SHAW, DENTISTS. Rooms 1b Allen's Building, up stairs, cor ner Ca-j and Squemoqua streets, Astoria Oregon. J. RISBERG. Practical Tailor. On Genevieve street, opposite Bozorta Johns. JlQ-sra -. Bozorth & Johns, Real Estate and Insurance Agents, and Brokers. ASTORIA, Oregoa. Buy and cell all kinds of Real Estate and represent tho following Flro Insurance Conpmles : Scottish Union and Na tional, Phoenix of Hartford Home of New York, Hamburg and Bremen, Western. Phenix of Brooklyn, Oakland Hume, assets $33,000,000 400W.000 ?,oau,VM 2.OUO.00O aos,io 4.000.900 900,000 Policies written by us in the Phcsnlx and Home and ScotUsh Union and National at equitable rates. GENERAL STEAMSHIP AGENCY. Bills of Exchange on any Part o1 Europe. I AM AGENT FOB THE FOLLOWING welt known and commodious steamship lnes, STATE LINE, BED STAB. WHITE STAR. HA3D3UBG-AMERICAN. DOMINION LINE, NATIONAL, and AMERICAN LINE. Prepaid tickets to or from any European port. For full information as to rates of fare. sailing d ays, etc, apply to I.W.OASE. A. V. Allen, Whleala and SeUU Daaler ta sPrtWtJMt, MILL FEED. Glass and Plated Ware, TBOKCAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Togethar with Willis, LiquonJihKCf ,Cfifi