PJ ': "I 4 t xHw gjnug Shorten. ! ASTORIA, OREGON: I TUESDAY MARCH In lSei ISSUED EVERY MORNING. i Monday .-fpted) J. F. HA.LLORAN & COMPANY. I'UltMsUIKKs- AND l'UOI'KIICl.m-. JkSTORlAX BUILDING. - CASs TitEETi Terms of Subscription. Served pv Carrier, per w eek Seat by M.iil. pi r month... ' " encea: .. ... .. Fre of postage to "Ub-. riLnTs. l."5c!s. 'i-ts. 7 . "J K5"Adyerri!uiiii:it- niertcd In the 3 ear at the rate of .2 per suture per month, Trm slent advertising fifty cents per square, each Insertion. " , , " " Just the Thing.-.The new steel steam- Ci.r.u ai Unnau..iun:u . should reach ban rrancisco by the 23th inst. Like the Olympian she was built , , u" ?" "- "" "y " hi been hinted that she was to be employed between Port!nd and Astoria as a daily- boat. The Oregonian says she could make the trip'in less than five hours. Such a boat could land passengers at llwaco in that time, and go around to Shoalwater bay at any time. The summer travel on the Oolumbia would justify the placing of tho Alaskan on this route, and would have the affect of increasing the travel. "While the trade of Puget Sound was large last year, there is no certainty that it will show an increase for gome time. With the Olympian, Geo. E. Starr, NorUi Pacific, Hayward and other boats there the trade could well be handled, and a daily boat to Victoria will not pay with out mail contracts. The placing of such a boat on the Columbia river would more than prove a convenience, and it is woll worth Serious consideration on tho part of the O. R. & N. Co.'s managers. ' Chamber of Commerce. At the regu lar meeting of the Astoria Chamber of Commerce last evening, J. Q. A. Bowlby, president, E. C. Holden, secretary, the report of the secretary and treasurer for the year ending January 21, 1884, were read. Communicatiens from all over the Union were read and appropriately dis posed of. In the matter of a daily mail between Astoria and Oysterville, a com mittee was appointed to drafta memorial relative thereto, composed of Messrs. Kinney, Gray and Berry. The matter of reducing the present schedule of time for carrying the mail between here and Portland was brought up and a commit tee consisting of Messrs. Fulton, Taylor and Dement appointed to make a full and complete exposition of the present schedule time, the need for its curtail ment, and the necessity of expediting the present mail service, and to report at the next meeting. On motion the meeting adjourned to meet on Saturday evening the 22d inst. Cceob d'Alene. Tom Hunter has re turned from the Cceur d'Alene mines and is not so enthusiastic over the prospsct as others. He reports from ten to twenty seven feet of snow, provisions scarce and gold uncertain. He saw some good sjieci mens that were bona fide productions, but there was no proof as to quantity. He says Cceur d'Alene City is the liveliest place on the coast, as that is the head quarters for all western departures from the mines. As there are three several locations on a good many of the pros- Eects, tho probability for "a man for reajefast" right along is very flattering. Hunter has a contract to furnish several thousand cords of wood, and will yoback about May 1st. Spobt at Clatsop. A large crowd wus down at Clatsop last Sunday, the line weather making an excursion desirable. There is a good place there to make tho best race track in the state, and were the Clatsop road constructed doubtless some 01 uregon a nyers wouia win meuais anu prizes ior oetier speea man in me ueaitu precincts of tho Willamette valley. Last Sunday there was a 403 yard dish of throe, won by B. Allen's Thatcher. A match game of base ball between the "Dndeh" .and "Tramps" was won by the latter; the score standing 9-8. New Papeb. Vol. I, No. I, of the Qrays Harbor News is on our desk. It is a neat six column folio, published weekly at Hoquiam, Chehalis county, by Livermore Brothers, and starts off with considerable go to it. Time was, not so Tery long ago, when our mail from across the river contained nothing but letters, now we get three live newspapers, the Vidette, News and Journal, all of which shows the truth of Bishop Berkeley's line, "Westward the star of empire,' etc. Even So. Talking about quotations of allegecTsalmon sales in Astoria, the Cal. Grocer and Canner correctly says that speculations are worse than idle at the present time, on the eve of a season, re garding the details of which no one can do more than hazard a guess. The price at whioh the canned product will ba sold depends mainly upon the price at which fish can be procured, and this is a prob lem which will be solved only when the Mason is fairly inaugurated. Oct of the Coasting Trade. The schooner Gen, Banning has been with drawn from the trade between Astoria and Gray's harbor on account of lack of .business. Several circumstances con spired to divert the commerce heretofore carnea.ou uetweeu jluiuuuu aua .tvsiona and Gray's harbor to San Francisco, where the entire trade is now controlled. The Banning will sail in a few days for Ban Francisco. Oregonian, 17. HeIvy Business. The southern Cali fornia floods have so demoralized traffic on the Southern Pacific railroad as to make it necessary to convey all freight nd passengers by water. The Queen of the Pacific has been on the route and last Saturday the State of California was put on for a special trip to San Pedro, re turning yesterday, . IxifXOBATioN. The tide of immigra tion that last year flowed westward via San Francisco and the Columbia, is now following the more direct line of the N. P. B. B. 'Hansen, the immigration agent, says the number of immigrants daily arriving by that route exceeds the xmmber coming by steamer every five days." " - Thb Light or the Fotube. The Port landites have incorporated another Elec- 'triot Xight Co. There is an Electric Light Co. in Astoria that will be heard from some of these-days. The company has ajproposition now under discussion that may lead to active developments this season. Sociable. The ladies of the M. E. church will give a sociable in the church parlors this evening. Entranoe to par lors on east side. All are cordially in rited to attend. A pleasant time is an tioipated. . Ltfe Station. A bill has been intro duced into the United States senate ssk ing for an appropriation to establish a Jife saving station at or near the Point Adams light-house. CokrKO. Emerson's minstrels, the best groups on the coast are coming, and will 'play at Occidental hall next Saturday xight. Reserved seat3 on sale at the New fork XoTSliy stora this morning. by .telegraph. ff. P. E. B. FREIGHT SOHEDULE. is!rci. ro tiii: torian.j Portland. March 17. The new freight I schedule of tho Northern Pacific Railroad Uovs at the forks of Coos rver, Oregon, wni.'jv ii-nit... ..-,ii-.i n ..- ,iiirwHivinim dollar for each crane killed witiuii utiiu inuiiiArii. x uiruu ucii i of discussion and adverse criticism among the business men and others of the llin- neapolis. Minn., board of trade, that body this morning called a meeting to take home- action in the matter. A reso j lutiouvwns passed denouncing the exist j ing schedule of rote as an injustice of so I heiuou.s a character as to amount to a j :lagr;:ut abu-.e. The board asks that that , new tariff of rates be abrogated and wholly set aside forthwith, and that the old tariff. or comfefhW Pnniiint to it. be restored. A committee was appointed to confer with the St. Paul chamber of commerce on the same subject, and it was orJ-red that a copy of the resolution brt SMlt to PrBsHftnl: ir, ,, v,v President Oakes of the N. P. K. R. TICKS OE THE TKLEGIUPH. Victoria is afraid of dynamite. The cattle plague in Kansas is dimin ishing. A fire at Colfax, W. T., last Saturday burned three buildings, The English government doesn't know what to do with Egypt. Mrs. Duniway talked to Boston on wo man suffrage last Sunday. Queen Victoria i9 going to pay Bis marck a consolatory visit. Democrats in congress are reported divided on the tariff question. Suliivan will fight Thompson of Cleve land, at New York in April for $5,000. Speaker Carlisle thinks that the tariff laws should be reformed and not re pealed. A dispatch from Burmah states that Burmsse troops defeated the rebels at Bhamo. The house of representatives has re fused a pension to Thos. Jefferson's granddaughter. Gov. Irwin, of Idaho, is astonishing the Washington authorities by returning his salary "becauss," he says, "he didn't earn it. Doubts are entertained as to his sanity. Elijah Smith has declined to nccept th presidency of the Oregon and Traus cont.nental Company. He will probably become president of the Oregon Improve ment Company. The house committee on foreign affairs agreed upon a resolution in relation to the Lasker matter. The committee hold that it is no concern of the American congress if the relations between the executive department of the German government and the .reichstag are not such that a resolution of a friendly gov ernment, transmitted through the proper channels, cannot be forwarded to their destination. "The resolution is conserva tive and diplOiUitic, and compliments the .secretary of state for the judicious manner in which he refused to receive from the Gr jian minister the returned Lasker resolutions. Oregon Salmon in Xetr York. New Yoke, March 1G. Heavy arrivals of Pacific coast salmon have stirred up a lively strife between rival salmon dealer., who are ventilating their claims through the newspapers. Fish Commissioner Blackford was seon by an Oregonian re porter. He said: "Salmon from Port land, Oregon, is ai riving in lots of from r,000 to 20,000 pounds per day. Freight charges are about fourteen cents per pound. The-se salmon are known as steel heads, and are not considered of any ac count in the Oregon market, but there arrived yesterd.iy morning two splendid specimens of Chinook salmon, weighing tuirty-save-n aud Ihirtj'-niuo pounds re spectively. These are the very bbst vari ety, and are identical in appearance with the Sacramento river salmon. They hardly compare with salmon canght on the Atlantic caught in quality, or with salmon from the Kennebec and Penob scot rivers. The opening of the Northern Pacific railroad is going to revolutionize the salmon industry on the Atlantic coast, for as soon as Chinook salmon bo- gin to run they will bo sent east by the car load. I have already contracted for three car loads per week, when they com mence to arrive. 1 have no doubt they will retail as low as twenty cents per pound. J ust now you cannot get Uregon salmon for less than thirty, and some sell at thirty-five cents per pound. The aver age weight of the Chinook salmon is twenty-two pounds. They have been caught as big as 70 and 103 pounds. These big weights are peculiar to Oregon waters. In other waters they run much smaller." Tha Astoria Land Grant. Washington, March 1G. Senator Slater, from the committee on public lands, reported a substitute for the bill declaring forfeited the land grant of the Oregon Central railroad, and asked per mission to file a report at some other time. The substitute bill which is rec ommended for passage declares that all lands on uncompleted portions of the Oregon Central, between Portland and Astoria, granted by the act of May, 1870, be forfeited and opened for settlement on the same terms as if it had not been granted. Police Coubt. In the police yester day J. Christence was fined 20 for re sisting an officer; L. Sanguinnetti for feited $10 on a charge of vagrancy: F. Brown, J. Dee, Esq., J. Sufferin, C. Neil son, G. Johnson and N. Martrovy were each assessed $5 for drunkenness. Mrs. Malcolm is receiving some fine spring millinery, hats, bonnets, trim mings, infant's wear, etc. Girl Wanted. To do general housework; apply at A.s.ToniA.2 umce. Extra Quality orconl Oil n- il. m..IIa.. it. .rt .vnltnn Jf. fV tOCA to be found at the Crockery store of Jordan & Uozorth. Just Received. A lanre stock of soft and stiff Hats in all the latest styles, at Mcintosh's Fur- lushing storey Special Notice. Mr. X. Loeb has instructed me to dis pose of his entire stock of Clothing, Furnishing goods, Boots and Snoes, etc., at cost, without reserve. C. P. Moffit. A'otice. Now is your opportunity to buy goods at extreme, low figures. Call and see me. C. P. Moffit. Sick Headache, Pain In the Back and Ltrabs, Biliousness, Blotches. Boilsand Pimples entirely cured by m. Plun der's Oregon Blood Purifier. Mrs. C. F. Colter, of X . City will ive instruction in the New York sys tem of dress cutting and basting. Les sons in classes, S10.-t5ingle,Sl2.. bhe also wishes to establish an agent in As toria. Can be seen at Mrs. E. C. Holden's. STATK AXD TEBBITOBIAL 5EWS. Forest GroTe retains the Indian school. The Willamette stove foundry is to be moved from Portland to Milwaukie. About fi.ODO fathoms of mil nets will ' be used on Itoue river during the com- hie nshing season I in that neighborhood. -..-.. - -- It is reiwrted that tho Oregon Im provement companv has bonded the mill of Dean t Co., at Coos bay. Mr. Ye.sler. of Seattle, has just dis posed of $S ,030 worth of real estate in a portion of that city. It probably cost him about $3,000. One hundred and twenty thousand dollars have bw-n appropriated by con gress for the improvement of the entrance to Yaquina bay. A voters' leagae for Washington Terri tory is proposed, having for its purpose that of inducing women to take more active interest in polilic-i. Tho O. R. R. R- Co.'s tug Favorite is plving on Yaquina bay. She is 8 1 feet long, 22 feet beam, and is claimed to have engmts of 121 horse power. About :O0 Chinamen are now building at Um tlilla several large boats, with which tbey expsct to begin miming the bars of the upper Columbia river. The Uftw steamer Olympian cost about $20,600, and is expected to make the run between Tacoiua and Victoria, 140 miles, in eight hours, including stoppages, car rying 230 first-class passengers, besides her craw of 54. It is asserted that shortly arrangements will bo made at Oiwago for patting 15-M men to work. The new stack is to be completed, and a commencement made on tne rolling mill, foundry and machine shops, and other buildings. A Walla Walla infant ate some bread suitably seasoned w.th "Rough on Rats," for rat appetite, it began to' vom.t and have bpos jis, but a physician adminis tered 2. timely antidote. The stuff proved to be "Rough on Babes." The Albanv Democrat is assured on good authority thut work on the Cali fornia side of the Oregon and California railroad will be pushed with vigor during the summer, and it is stated that by Oc tober there will be but a few miles of staging to be done. The Dayton Journal suggests as a pos sible reason why Washington has not been admitted as a state, the fact that the Northern Pacific grant would be re duced in case of admission to ten miles on each side of the road, and that this powerful corporation was interested in having the territory remain outside of the Union. An enterprising citizen of Helena went out to the Coeur d'Alene mines about three weeks ago, taking with him a ten gallon keg of whisky, which he packed into the mines on his shoulder, says the Cceur d'Alene Post. He made an even thousand dollars on it, and is now under stood to be on his way to the town with a carload, purchased with his profit on tho first keg. The various parts of the new transfer boat to be used by the Northern Pacific in crossing the Columbia river at Kalama, has been unloaded in Portland. A force of 103 workmen are now engaged at Smith Brothers & Watson's ship yard in patting them tjgether. Eectnc light posts have been erected, so that, if nec essary, the men can work night and day. The great rush of immigrants for this country, says the Walla Walla Journal, has now fairly commenced. Sixteen cars containing over 50J men, women and children, arrived at Wallula Junction last night, and three cars, containing about 180 persons, cam6 through to Walla Walla. The hotels were taxed to their utmost capacity. This morning four more cars, well loaded with prospective settler.-?, arrived from wallula. 'ine im migrants in the main ara composed of thrifty Germans with money to buy farms'. At a meetm" of the trustees of the llwaco, Shoalwater bay and Gray's har bor railroad, held in llwaco Wednesday, says the Pacific Journal, a call was issued to stockholders to meet tne 1st 01 April, at which time tho propriety of immedi ate tvmst ruction of the road will be con sidf n.d. The election of officers for the ensuing year will take place, and a perm anent organization effected. Everything paints with favor upon tho scheme, and an enterprise never started undsr more favorable auspices than does this rail road. It is thought by parties who ar woll posted that operations will not be fairly started before fall. The Farmers' Whirf and Transporta tion company is the name of a company organized recently, articles of incorpor atiou of which were filed in the Pacific county auditor's office Wednesday. The object of the company is to build and complete a wharf, docks and warehouse in or near the town of llwaco, and to build or purchase a steamboat or boats or other vessels, also for the purpose of carrying freight or passengers or for tow ing and other legitimate business usual in ihe line of wharf and steamboating, on the waters of the Columbia from its mouth to Portland and on tho coast to San Francisco and the bays north and south. The principal place of business is llwaco. The amount of capital stock shall be 20,003 divided into 403 shares at tho par value of $50 each, with liberty of increasing the same. Duration of the company, 50 years. The incorporators are John Briscoe, N. Howerton and Robert Chabot. O. P. Olwell, of Phconix, Jaokson county, shot and killed a youag man named Joseph Culver a few days ago under the following circumstances: Two burglars attempted to enter a house op posite -where Olwell and Culver resided. The lady of the house gave a cry of alarm, which aroused both Olwell and Culver. They rushed out to the rescue almost at the same instant, Culver a little in advance. The burglars ran and made their escape, and in the excitement of the moment Mr. Olwell mistook his friend Culver for one of the burglars and fired at him with a double barreled shot gun with fatal effect. Xo one can regret it more than he. It was another one of those strange coincidences which cannot be accounted for on rational principles. Mr. Olwell is a man whom every one re spects who knows him. Culver was also a young man in high social standing. It was simply a hasty mistake, and an inno cent man fell a victim to it. Persons lately arriving in this county from the east, who came via San Fran cisco, says the Corvallis Leader, usually express more or less surprise at the na ture of the climate, people, products and society they find in Oregon. They say that in San Francisco, everybody, and particularly emigration agents, are loud mouthed and bitter in denouncing every thing in Oregon, and use every means to discourage emigrants from coming here. A gentleman who recently passed through 'Frisco on his way here, was told while there, that if he came to Oregon he would "have to live on squashes or starve to death: that -thov could not even raise potatoes up there." He states that had it not been for the fact that he had re latives in this county, from whom he had received favorable reports and encourage ment for coming here, ho would in ail prooaouuy nave remained in ualiiomia, so great was the discouraging pressure brought to bear on him. Ho has become infatuated with Oregon since his arrival here, and does not speak very kindly of California and her enormous liars. Blacksmith Wanted. A blacksmith capable of doing gener al work is wanted atSkipauon. Apply to E. 31. Grimes, or C. A. Maguire, Skip- Boats for Kale. Joe Leathers has two fine boats for sale at the boat shop, one block west of uausen uros mm. At the Empire Store You will find the finest laces and em broideries, of richest quality. EXCUSABLE EDITORIAL ECCfeSTniCTTIES. And now the festive frog warbles all the live long night. His cheerfulness under the most depressing circumstances is something wonderful. Chehalis Vi dette. There was a man once on a time whom thought him wondrous wise. He swore by all the god's he'd never advertise. But his goods were advertised ere long, and thereby hangs a tale. The "ad." was set in nonpareil and headed "Sheriff's Sale." Oregon City Enterprise. We will hereby state that it will be dan gerous business to frequent our hen house in the future. There will be dan ger of stumbling against n wira attached to a dynamite bomb, possessing a thou sand horse power, which will be set every evening. Albany Democrat. Wo have seon with our own eves men who aro financially able to nav for tli paper, and tuns improve tne prospsrltv of ' the place in which they live, steal, yes, 1 actually steal the Enterprise from tho I doors of its subscribers, aud others bor-1 row it and forget to return it. Wnshinj ton Enterprise. , We are getting tired of haying men. come in here and jokingly tell us that they would like to be editors, but th-y' naven't tne-gau or orass. it doesn't take either to be an editor; it takes the happy faculty of being able to livo on one meal a day, and trusting to luck for what you are going to get next day. Salem Tall:. The suit of John Bauck against Tom Jones for possession of a heifer, before Justice Whitlock, on Thursday of last week was decided for plaintiff by the jury. Witnesses for plaintiff testified that the heifer could be known by its "peculiar b-a-w-l,M and one of them edi fied tho court and distinguished himself by imitating the heifer's "bawl! bawl!" Tom Jones says the heifer is his and has taken an appeal to tho circuit court. Oregon City Courier. HOTEL ABBIVALS. OCCIDENT. M Scblussal, oity H Avery, St Louis W O Owen. Ft Stev A S Dean, Chicago W H H Smith, do J R Goulter, llwaco W Scott. do JHnrae,Berkeley,Cal R H McDonald, Jr, J E Young, Canby S F J Hays, Westport G P Godsey, do W Goodwin, do CC Haley, do C A McGuiro.Clatsop PABKEB IIODSe. E M Grimes, Sesid J H D Gray, city C Harrimari, Seattle A McCue, b't Cni G Mortenson, S F W A Anderson, Cos A Nigoli, wf, do mopolis, W T ECordy, Port J R Robertson, O Pt J B David, do W H White, do F Corea, do Mrs Kimberlin, Ne- E Richardson, do halem J Helyer, do Mrs Haines, Nehalm M J Pierson, W W W Schaffer, W W P Cardiff, Knappton Steamer Kajs for 3Iarcb. From San Fran. From Astoria. State, Mar 5Columbia, Mar... 2 Colombia 10 Oregon 7 Oregon l.lState 12 State 20!Columbia 17 Columbia 25iOregon 22 Oregon 3JJState 27 State April 4Colnmbia April... 1 A A'evr Departure. Ed Jackson the popular confectioner lists opnieil a coffee and ice cream par lor at his establishment on Cheiiamus .street. Every attention paid to custom ers. Hosiery. Hosiery, Hosiery I Tlie latest novelties in ladies and childreiis hosiery at Pniel Bros'. JelFof the Chop House Gives notice that on and after this date lie will sell no iinuv wine or beer in his restaurant. Amen. -The IVonian'it PIm siei-.ui. A common sense niciieal work ' for Kd"es only. Fully answers ;:ll que-s-I'ons which iuode"ty prevents a(ing n m.ile phyician. Give.s causes and symptoms of all diseases of the .sex. wL 1 positive cure foreaeh in plain Ian .lu.ige, written by ladies who have made iliese diseases a life study. A plain talk in delicate . 'auguage wliich every wo man, young aud old, should read. It is recommended by many eminent tail nhjsici.ui.- as a .sate guide for the sex. ilnml-.umely bound aud illustmtid. SeiM post paid for $1.00. Address n. IIOOlIKSTKi: PUHLISHINfJ Co., :, XI and :). Oaburn Block. Rochester, X. Y. Fine re.s (mhhIv A splendid 1 no of ladles dress goods is being displayed at the Empire store. Corsets ami Underwear. All the latest makes and stle of cor sets and ladies underwear at Prael Bios.' Empire store. MKFF" At enormous expense has just secured the services of Pkofessok Ellis one of the best white cooks in the state; aud 'eff proposi s to excel! any of his for mer efforts in the culinary art. Italian and French dishes it specialty. Roscoe Dixon's new eating house is now open. Everything has been fit ted up in first-class style, aud hi well known reputation as a caterer assures all who like good things to eat, that at his place tliej can be accommodated. Catarrh cured, health and sweet brenth secured by Sluloh's Catarrh Rem edy. Price 50 cents Masai Injector free. For sale by W. E. Dement. Jeff says he gives two meals to any other restaurant man's one and can prove it, Use Dimmitt's Cough Ralam, at W. E Dement & Co.'s. Use Dimmitt's Cough Balsam for Chest, Throat, and Lungs, at V. E. De ment & Co.s. Boston Baked Beans and Brown Bread every Sunday at Jeff's from 5 A. M. to 2p.ii. Children Balsam. all like Dimmitt's Cough ASK FO "THE BOSTON" - RUBBER BOOT. Made of Fine I2?a, 3Elix"l3"fcr Will Not Crack. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. The Gutta Percha & Rubber Mf'g Co Portland. Oregon. OUK XOTE BOOK. Special council meeting to-night. O. B. Thomas has the Astoria agency for the Standard. The Indejyendenl appeared again yes terday as an evening paper. The next session of the county court t will be on Monday, April 7th. Joseph Hume, of the North Shore I xucKiug company, was among tne pas sengers on the incoming Oregon yester day. The Beda is discharging several hun dred tons of general merchandise at Fla vel's dock. Geo. Gansz advertises his meat market and sausage factory for sale, ill-health requiring temporary cessation from busi ness. The Oregon had 2G5 tons of Astoria freight to put off yetjrday aud such a crowd of passengers! Four dav time will soon be resumed. Betacune & Button have put up a tent opposite Bergman & Berry's market, and advertise to take instantaneous photo graphs at San Francisco prices. Ben Worsley will sell a Whitehall boat, a fisllinc? boat. Snmn TIP-, nml cnmlrrr household furniture at his auction rooms on Squemoqna street, at two o'clock this afternoon. The Oregon came in at two o'clock yesterday afternoon. The Columbia sailed at four with 1US0 tons of freight, among which was a lot of copper ore which goes to eastern smelting works to be refined. Yosterdaywas St. Patrick's day. but beyond the fine weather wh'ch always favors the memorial day of Ireland's patron saint we saw no remembrance of the occasion except some green ilagd with tha sunbuist imprinted theron in front of the Crystal Palace. The mail boat was late again last even ing. This matter might be borne during the winter months, though it is at all times an injustice, but now that business livens up it is a positivo necessity to busi ness men and citizens generally to have tho mail here at least on tjmo. The thanks of The Astoiuan are due Mr. P. L. Cherry, British vice consul at this place, for a copy of Whittaker's an nual compilation of information respect ing government, finance, commerce, and general statistics. The book is as neces sary ira newspaper office as Bareau Ver itas or the Maritime Register. For a IV eat Fitting Hoot Jr bhoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che iiamus itrcet, next door to I. W. Case. All goods of the best make and guaran teed quality. A full stock; new goods constantly arriving. Custom work. Stop That Couli By going to .I.E. Thomas's and getting a bottle of Leroy's Cough Balsam. It will Cl'KK VOL'. oJiee. Dinner at "J EFFVCIIOI HOUSE every day from 1 UM) to S o'clock. The bet 25-cent meal in town; soup, fish, seven kinds of meats, vegetables, pie, pudding, etc. Tea or coffee included. All who have tried him say Jeff is the 'riivis" WH IT! do you think that JhFF OF T1IK C5Ii ItOUSt: gives you a meal tor umliiugaud a glass ill" Minii'Mmi"' tn iiritilr ' Vnt imnlii but he gives a better men! aud iimre of ittnan any pi.ice in town lor 2.1 cents. He buy.s bv the wholesale and pajs cash. "Tint settles it.' That Hacking Cough can be so quickly cured b Shiloh's Cun. We iimnuiiei it. .Nold It V. K. O.-tnent. Slnloh's Cough ami CoiLsiiiiiutioii Cuie is sold b u 011 guarantee. It cures consumption. nU, w y. R. iv meut. The IVruvwi svrup mis cured thou saiuLs who -re suffering froj5J dspep sia. debility, liver complaint, boils, hit mots, reunite complaint-, te. Pamph lets free to anj address. Seth V. Fowl ifeSoie' 'ioston. Dimmitt's Cough Balsam never fails. Try it. at W. E. Dement & Co.'s. All the patent medicines advettised in tills paper, together with the choiccl perfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can lie bought at the Iovt 1 rices, at .!. V. Conn's drug store, opiate Ociden hrtel, Astoria. b'or lame Hack, Side or Chest use Shiloli's Porous Plaster, Pric- 2.1 cents. For sale by W. E. Dement. Shiloh's Vitalize!-is wnatjouneed for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz ziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Prw in and 71 cents per loUle. Sold by W. E. Dement. Shiloh's Cukk will immediately relieve Croup, whooping cough and Bronchitis. Sold by W. E. Dement. Sleepless Nights, nuuie miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy tor you. Sold nj W E. De ment Croup, Whooping Cough and Cron chilis immediately relieved by Shiloh'. Cure. Sold bv W. K. Dement. Dimmitt's Cough BaNnui cures Croup HOSPITAL, ASTORIA. 0REO 'I11US INSTITUTION, L'NDF.KCAKE Ol . the Sisters of Chanty, Is tiow ready fin the reception of jiatlrnts. Pilvate rooms tor the accommodation 01 tuy desiring tliein. Patients admitted at all limns, day or niht. No physician has exclusive rilit, even patient is free to and has the privilege ol employing any physician they prefer. United Mtntus 3Iarine Seamen who pay Hospital Dues, are enti tled to Free euro and attendance at this Hos pital iluriue xickness. I'ennits must De ob tained tor United Stales Marines at the Cus torn House. StSTKItS OK OHARtTl STEAMBOAT FOR SALE &4nnn a sukf and stkongly 4fclll, built side wheel steamboat, jvuiid work and machinery nearly iiew, fit ed for passi nger tiahic, freight and 10 ing, will he sold at once, as the owner is about to rpmuve from the stat. Apply t llAltllOV.s& OLIVER, 4 Washington sr. Portisuid Ocn. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET By the Xicbt. I)n3", Week or Month WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD, With use of Parlor. Library and all the com forts of a home. Tetms reasonable. Apply to 3IRs. E. C. HOLDEN. Cnr.M.ihi and Jefferson Sts. FOR SALE. TX LOT- TO Stir. FR M 5 ACRES TO 40:icre tnct in S. W. corner of Chas. Stevens I). C Ti le perfect. For lartlcu- lars inquire at ofllc- of N. l. Ihumond. City Hall : or on the premises of O. 1. Younu. Astoria, Nov. 3d. 18$. NOTICE. STATE AND COUNTY TAXES ARENOW due and payable at my onlce. A. M TWOMBLY. tf Shpriff Clatsop Co. CONTRACT TO BE LET. IOR IOO CORDS OF HEMLOCK BARK. For particulars Inquire ai the Tannery C. LEINENWEBER & CO. 22-lm For Sale. FIVE HUNDRED CORDS DRY HEM lock Wood, which I will uelUer at the houses of customers for $t a cord. Draylns or all kinds done at reasonable rates. R. R. MARION. asaBHasQnanaBuD I lasBHEHHHBKaBBMasMBSEaa tenKaBBanHuaH9a9BiaIlnBsne9E3S3ESMSBBiiBHa 1884. New Spring Importations ! Ertroiieries ! Eitaoiileries ! We have received from New York, per express, upwardss of 6,000 yards of Embroideries in Cambric, Swiss, Lawn and Nainsook, " Of the Latest Designs and from 15 to 25 per cent, cheaper than ever before. 1760 yards of Embroideries from 2137 " " ' 1275 THE I XL G. H. COOPER The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House OF 2LSTORX&. i rlRST QUALITY 'LUMBER. THE WESTPORT MILL COMPANY IS IN THE FIELD AND PROPOSES TO remain. We will take orders for lumber from 100 to f0o XL. at the mill or deliveied. We also mauutacture lath and shingles of At quality. Flooring a Specialty . Addre.vs all orders WESTPORT MILL CO. . C, Bknwkk, Supt. SOLID GOLD JEWELRY Scarf Pins. Chains, Watches, silverware:, Of every description. The finest stock of Jewelry In Astoria. 3?-All goo'l" uarrantedasrenrescnted GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. NEW HATS -RECEIVED AT McXXTTOSH'S Clothing and Gent's ASTOKIA, LOEB & GO. JOBBERS IN WINES. LTQTJORS, AND CIGARS. AGENTS FOR THE Best San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. Tumblers Decanters, and All Kinds of Saloon Supplies. BBAll goods sold at San Francisco Price?. MAIN STREET. Opposite Parker House. Astoria. Oregon. 3c to 1 2c per yard. 15c to 40c per yard. 50c to $1.00 per yard. THE1XL Magnus G. Crosby Dealer in SARBW ARE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, Tin AND Copper. Stop That Horse ! From Slipping. USE THE PATENT SHOE. George McLane HAS JU.VT RECEIVED A PATENT Horseshoe from the I atent Office, for the purpose or preventing all cla-v-es of hors es from slipping on plank, orstt-eo roads. Horses short with this shoe WILL NOT aLIP. A trial wl 1 convince anyone. I keep Two Fii-Ni-r!it.H Shoert In my shop. Try the NEW SHOE. jtSTorriH and Contracted Hoof cure a specialty. No satisfaction no pay. GEO. McLAXE. STOCK -OF- 1 Furnishing Store, ORECOIT. PERUVIAN BITTERS I Wilmerding & Co., San Francisco.. Loeb & Co., Agents, AstoriaV- i'1