- " z "-" - U M. - "'g i.j-$rt- ji 4 VOL. XX, x0. 128. A.STORIA, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1884. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. ". OJ. THE OREGON PACIFIC PUSHING 3IATTERS. San Fkaxcisco. Itfarch 2. The steamer Yaquina sailed from New York on February 22d for Yaquina bay, to stop on the way at San Fran cisco. This is the pioneer steamer of three which are to run with passen gers and freight between this city and Yaquina in connection with the Oregon Pacific road as a short line to the "Willamette valley. The Oregon Pacific has its termini at Yaquina bay and Boise City, Idaho territory. It is being pushed forward as rapidly as possible. It is expected that the next crop of the Willamette valley will be transported over it to Yaquina. The government has appropriated $120,000 for the improvement of Yaquina bay, and vessels drawing thirteen feet of water can safely pass over the bar ThB' Yaquina was formerly known as the Western Texas. She has on board a full load of railroad equip ments for the Oregon Pacific railroad. A large wharf has been constructed by the railroad company, and beside it there is a sufficient depth of water not only to float the Yaquiiui, but large ships which are expected to load wheat there for Liverpool. Most ot the grain will come here, however. Yaquina is only a little over a day distant from San Francisco, and its nearness makes it probable that its supplies will be derived from this city. The Yaquina is 240 feet long, will steam between eleven and twelve knots when loaded, has accominoda-. faons for eighty firet-olass and forty "steerage passengers, and her carrying capacity is between 1700 and 1800 tons. She is the private property of CoL T. EgertonHogg, president of the Oregon Pacific Company. She formerly ran between New York and Galveston, and is said to be provided with first-class accommodations for passengers. Two other steamers of the line, al ready contracted for, are being in spected at New York, preliminary to sailing. Altogether rails for seventy miles of track will be carried to Yaquina from here, and in a very short time. The roadbed is graded over many miles and ties are distributed along the roadway ready for use. The wharf is at the same grade as the road, which will make the discharging there of heavy cargoes easy, for a car can load or discharge directly from vessels. Twently miles of track have been graded from Corvallis to Yaquina bay. and 120,000 ties have beon cut and piled up. Kails will be placed as fast as they arrive. The Oregon Pacific road has al ready four sawmills of its own and two private sawmills working for it. A large mill has just been shipped that will turn out 40,000 feet of lum ber day. On the road a grading force of men are laboring at rock work. Seven hundred Chinese are also jat work. A car shed for use in repair ing oars has been erected. The road will do its own repairing at Yaquina. Two warehouses ara at Yaquina, one 160 feet long and 50 feet wide, and the other 50 feet long. "Work is proceeding on three tun nels, but they will soon be completed. These tunnels are respectively 45, 650 and 750 feet long. A building will be erected for machinery coming out on the steamer Yaquina. The jetty built by the government is out between 2,000 and 2,100 feet Gov ernment work will continue. The officers of the Oregon Pacific road are: President, T. Egerton Hogg; secretary, Norman S. Bently; treasur er, George T. M. Davis. A Broken-Down Old Han. The Chicago Times publishes an interview with John Donnesberger, a prominent Democratic citizen and chairman of the Cook county board of commissioners, who has just re turned from "Washington via New York. While in New Tork Dennes berger called upon Samuel J. Tilden &t his Gramercy Park residence. Don nesberger says: "Mr. Tilden received me very courteously. He is very feeble and he impressed me with the idea that his health is failing. Weak as he appeared he insisted on show ing me all through the house, even to his bedchamber. He talked poli tics in a general way, and told me, or rather gave me to distinctly under stand ihat he was disappointed in not receiving the nomination four years ago. HeTeels that he was unjustly dealt with in 1876, but tnat for the sake of the peace of the country he did not insist upon his rights. I be lieve,Jrom our conversation, that he would like to receive the nomination again. He feels that it is due him. Bus mind is strong. He is very hard of hearing and he only whispers in conversation. He holds your hand . while talking to you, apparently to steady himself. He does not like Hendricks, and from what he told me I don't think he wants Hendricks to be placed on- the ticket again with I him. He 'told me that he had been pretty well all of the past year and until about three weeks ago. Ha complained of not feeling so strong now, but felt that the presidential nomination was due him." "Yes, he wants to be the candidate again, there's no doubt in my mind about that," continued Donnesber ger. 4,He gave me that impression in our half hour's conversation. He is mentally very strong and displayed a wonderful knowledge of public af fairs. We had no exchange of views on ihe tariff, nor upon the party platform generally. Whenever any aubject came up he would revert to the fraud practised upon him in 1876, nd every time he spoke of that he seemed to me to feel very sore and to be a deeply disappointed man." The Great Sheep Raiser. Mr. Alfred Hay, of Boomanoomana, Australia, says that a few applica tions of St Jacobs Oil, the great pain-reliever, cured him of painful neuralgia- Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured by Sniloh's Catarrh Rem edy. Price 50 cents. Masai Injector free. Feraale.by W.E. Dement. The Murderer of a Carolina Marshal at Large. New York, March 1. The l'im& special from Charleston, S. C, of Feb ruary 29th, says: W. H. Bichards, town marshal "of Cheraw, who was shot down by "W. B. Cash on Satur day in the streets of that village, died this morning. Bichards was a mem ber of Company C, Thirtieth Massa chusetts Volunteers, and was pro moted to the first lieutenantcy for gallant services. He was also a mem ber of Chatham Lodge of the Ameri can Legion of Honor of this place. His tragic death is a matter of deep regret to this community, in the service of which he was murdered. Mr. Coward, an unoffending by stander, -was wounded by one of the bullets intended by Cash for the mar shal He is in a very precarious con dition, his lower limbs being par alyzed, and in all probability this shocking murder may prove a double murder. Cash has not jet been ar rested, and so far no very determined effort has been made in this direction. It is said he has fled to North Caro lina. The shooting of Bichards was one of the most cold-blooded deeds ever committed in this state and is uuiver sally condemned. Cash did not give Bichards a chance for his life. He adopted the Texas method and got the "drop on him," shooting him while he was unarmed, or at least not suspecting that any attack would be made upon him. Lieutenant Kimball's Report on tbe Panama Canal. The United States steamship Ten nessee, flagship of the North Atlantic squadron, has arrived at New Orleans alter a week's stay at AspinwalL Lieut Kimball, of that vessel, was also there one year ago, and both times he inspected the entire woik which was being done on the Panama canal. He says that since last year a great deal of work has been done. At present every section but two has been let out to contractors. These two embrace difficult portions, and are being constructed by the com pany. "Work is being pushed rapidly all along the line. Between fifteen and twenty thou sand Jamaica negrot s are employed under the direction of French en gineers. Several large American dredging machines are being used. The Panama railroad is brought into play to transport material, while for the "dump railroad" to draw the ex cavation away nearly 150 new loco motives have been contacted for. Great difficulty is being encountered in the Clvigres river, which crosses the canal at right angles. The en gineers have determined to dam it up entirely and dig an entry 'near the new channel for it to the gulf, par allel to the line of the canal. At the rate the work is now going on the canal will be ready for opening in five or six years. The French director at Aspinwall has been assured that money enough will be furnished to push the enterprise vigorously to completion. Lieut Bodgers, of the Tennessee, has forwarded to the navy depart ment a report upon the present con dition of the canal, setting forth its status in detail. Boston In Mexico. A leading Boston paper affirms that for three years last past, that city has j contributed not less than one million t dollars a month for the construction of railroads in Mexico. Now thirty six millions is a very large sum for a single city to contribute to railroad building. But this is only a fraction of the amount which that city has contributed. The amount put into the Atchinson and Topeka Bailroad within a few years is probably nearly as great The Mexican Central Bail road is practically an extension of the Atchinson road to the City of Mexico. Becent telegraph advices show that only eighteen miles of the Mexican Central Bailroad remain to be com pleted. While this great enterprise has been prosecuted by Boston, it is to be noted that the capitalists of the same city have acquired so large an interest in tho Northern Pacific Bail road, that some of the more important offices of that great railway corpora tion will be moved to Boston. The railway capitalists of that city rarely have any antagonisms to state author ity. An impartial railway commis sion has by a long course of patient attention to duty, so completely earned the confidence of the people, as well as of the corporation, that disputes are easily settled. The rail road companies attend dilligently to the development of local traffic. Boston has entered Mexico with probably not less than fifty millions of capital, or, rather, the capitalists who make Boston their headquarters and who prefer to be identified with that city, have made investments in Mexico to a greater extent than the capitalists of any other part of the country. They probably know what they a. e. about They invest capital for the steady revenue which it will return. The Mexican Central Bail road will in a few weeks be an accom plished fact Boston has quietly taken Mexico. 0, Tell Me Where Is Fancy Bre(a)d ! WHY, AT THE Astoria Batai & Confectionery CHESAMUS STBEKT. Not onlv SUPERIOR BREAD AND CAKES AND PASTRY in great variety, but also THE LARGEST STOCK OF CANDIES IN TOWN. "Weddings and parties stipp'ied with the most elaborate ornamental work on the shortest notice and nn reasonable terms. This Is the most complete establishment In Astoria. ED. JACKSOX. Prop. For Sale. rNE G00D3III.CH COW FOUR YEARS old. Inquire of DR. JAYTUTTLE. W&M GERman RErvlEOt CURES Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Headache, Toothache, Sore Throat. Swelling. Sprslnc, BrnUea, Burns Soldo, Fwt Ultc. ASD ALL OTHEB BODILY PAWS ASD ACHES. Soil br Drntitiu nd Deden ererrwhert. Flftj CtsU a bottle. Direction! In II LiB(tMes. TITE CHARLES A. VOQELER CO. (SoMriMnuA-VOGElX&ftCO) iUlUavr. S4, C 8. A. 1 w STOMACH BlTTEffS Which, uhilf act in.: as :t .stimulant of the kliln5,N.iifltliiTexciienr rritatps them, was Joup stme supplle I bv Hosteller's Momac'i B tters Tuisilnem-dicliie eerts thorrquMtc desire. of stimulation upon, th je organs, without M-nduucuir irrittions ami Is. therefore, far belter adapted for the purpose tlian umeuicated .xut.tnts often rsortd t. I)i)-.enla. fever nni acue. and kiudred illsersi s. are :1 curd by It. Foraa.e by all Druggists and Dealers genera ly. TUTTS PILLS TO RpIFOWELsT DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. l rom these sources arise three-fourths oftho diseases oftho human race. These symptoms Indicate their existence: Loss of Appetite, Bowels costive, Slclc Headache, xullncts after eat ing, aversion to exertion of body or mind, Eructation of fond, Irritabil ity of temper, Xorr spirits, A. feeling of having neglected some duty,DIx zIiies3,FlutterlngattheHeart,Dots before the eyes, highly colored TJrIne,COXSTXPATIO.,ana demand tho use of a remedy that acts directly on tho Liver. As aLiverwedicinoTUTT'S 1'IXI.S have no equal. Thelractlonon tho Kidneys and Skin is nlso prompt; removing all impurities through tbeso thrco scavengers or the 8atem," producing appetite, Bound digestion, regular stools, a clear skin and a vig orouabody. TUTT'i PIXELS causcno nausea or griping nor lnti-riero with daily work unu are a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. boldeverywjicrc5s. (Jiiire41 i.nrmvSt.N Y. TUTTS HAIR DYE. GratHaiii on Whiskers changed ln stantly to a Glossv Black by a single application of this Dte. Sold by Drue dsts,or sent by express on receipt of $1. Office, 44 Murrav Street, New York. FOR Finest Groceries, FOli & STOKES. A FULL LINE OF HARDWARE AND Ship Chandlery. A-- NEW SLIP Just Finished In Rear of Store. A. V. Allen, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Provisions, MILL FEED. Glass and Plated Ware, TROPICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together -with Wines, LiquorsJobacccCigars For Rent. A LARGE, FINE STORE ROOM AD.TOIN lng my place of business ; also part of the enure upp r floors It desired. For fur ther particulars inquire of RUDOLPH BARTH.. Corner Olney and Squemoqua streets.' H " CELEBRATED S I X Ed. D. Curtis & Co. CuTjets ujlstery UNSURPASSED IN STYLE AND FINISH. NEW FURNITURE, A COKPIETE STOCK. Hardware anil Slip Ctailery A. VAN DUSEH & CO.. DEALERS IK Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails, Agricultural Implements, Sewing Machine, PnlntH ami Oil. Groceries, vie. Wilson & Fisher, SHIP CHANDLERS. DEALKKS IJ Iron, Steel, Coal, Anchors, Ohains, TAR, PITCH, OAKUM, NAILS AND SPIKES, Shelf Hardware, Paints and Oils STEAM PACKING, PROVISIONS. FLOUR iXO III.I, FEEI. Agents for Salem Flouting Mills, and Capita) Flour. FAIRBANKS STANDARD SCALES. All sizes, at Portland Prices, In Stock. Corner Chenamus and Hamilton Streets A.STORTA.. OREGON. C. H. BAIN & CO. DEALKRS IX Doors, Windows, Blinds, Transoms Turning, Bracket Work. SlLOP 'VOX'lSL A specialty, and all worn guaranteed. Oak, Ash, Bay, and Walnut lumber ; Ore KOn and Port Oiford Cedar. All kinds of boat material on' band. c. n. BAIX A CO. B. F. STEVENS & CO.. CITY BDOK STORE, Hav Jnst received a mammoth stock of Books. Tbe vnunj; and. old, neb and poor can all be accommodated. AGENTS FOR THE Kranlch & Bach and Jl andafeldt Jt Notnl Pianonand Wetttera Cottuice Organs. Orders for all kinds nf Music or Instru ments will be promptly filled. B. F. STEVENS & CO. Boat Building. JOS P. LEATHERS Formerly orer Arndt & Orcben'a Mchin Sho IS BUILDING FIRST-CLASS BOATS IN tht hnn fornierlv occupied by M. John son on C ncomlv street, one block west of H tnen Bro-' Mill. Model, Material aad FlalHh First-class. BOAT BUILDING, R. M. LEATHERS Has reopened his boat shop, over Arndt & Ferchen'. foot of LaFayetie stieet, mid Is prepared to turn out FIRST-CLAS BOATS. ALL. WORK GUABAXTEED. Oregon Paint and Varnish Works, Manufacturers of Paints, Yarnish and Lacpr. Any shade mixed and ground to order. C. F. PEARSON fc Co., P.O.BoxllS. Portland, Or. Copper Paint. IN HALF GALLON TINS. At WILSON & FI8HER'3,r rA Liberal Dlsetami to tfcelndri STOKE & DAMON (HUME'S BUILDING.) AGENCY Red Crown Flour, Guaranteed a Superior Article. DEALERS GRATTC, MILL TEED, POTATOES, Country Produce, Etc. -Consignments Solicited, and Advance? made on same. S. ARNDT & FERCHEN, ASTORIA, - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine .Shop BLACKSMITH SHOP S'C W AND f V'3EataHutiH3J Boiler Shop All kinds ot ENGINE, CANNERY, -rXSD STEAMBOAT WORE Promptly attended to A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, OOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. ARNDT & FERCHEN, Agents for Oregon, "Washington Territory, and Alaska for E. W. BLISS ial Cannery Machinery ! Engines Soldering Machines, Improved Acid Bath and Crimping Machines, Power Presses, Foot Presses, Squaring Shears, And all other machinery used in canneries, including the new COMBINATION DIES. Working without f mall springveonstantly on nand. We respectfully invite all cannerjmen to call and examine the ab ve machinery as It is greatly suprr!r to any heretofore intro duced on this coast. Orders solicited. AKXDT A. FEUCHEX. Foot of Lafayette Street, Astoria, Oregon. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Brktox Stbebt, Near Paiiker House, ASTORIA. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILEI MAKERS. LAND ana MABDM&IES Boiler Work, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. Ofall Descriptions made to Order at Short BTotlce. A. D. Wass. Fwldent. J. O. Hustler, Secretary, I. W. Cask, Treasurer. John Fox,Superintendent. BARBOUR'S Salmon Het HAVE NO EQUAL. THE The London Fisheries Exhibition HAVE AWARDED THE GOLD MEDAL TO The Barbonf Brothers Company FOR THE SUPERIORITY OF THEIR FLAX" NET THREADS. ASK FOR- Union India Rubber Co's Pure Para Gum CRACK PROOF RUBBER BOOTS. BEWAKK Or 1MITAT10K8 I Be sure the Boots are stamped GRACK ftiuur on me neeis, ana uavo iub ruim GUM SPRINGS on the foot and Instep, which prevent their cracking or breaking We aie now making them -with RUBBER AND ASBESTOS Soles, which will make them last more than twice as long as any Rubber boots made. - FOR SALE BY ALL DEALER8. ALL KINDS RUBBER BELTING, PACK ING, HOSE. SPRINGS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, Etc S.U.SU2TI02V. f SaalMMiM. jSf" iKr"rSi?w jtS j&m&vm TSsRBs' TtaBads HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. PARKER HOUSE. H, B. PARKER. Prop.. ASTORIA, .-- OREGON. Al. CROSBY, - - DayClerk- PhiL BOWERS, - - Night Clerk. Jas. DUFFY has the Bar and Billiard room. First Class in all Eespects. FREE COACH TO THE HOUSE. IT IS A FACT!! TILAT JEFF'S CHOP HOUSE On Concomly Street IS THE BEST IN TOWN That he has always on hand FRESH SHOALWATER BAY AND EASTERN OYSTERS. THAT- "JEFF" IS THE BOSS CATERER. THAT e has brea Proprietor of the "Aurora Hotel" la Kaapptou seven 3 ears. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. A Good Cup of Coffee AND OYSTERS AT Mrs. Powell's Coffee House, Ou Midn Street next to Oregon Bakery. Campi Restaurant. NEW AXD IVELIi EQUIPPED THROUGHOUT, X. Sena has rebuilt his establishment and Is prepared to accommodate the traveling public. A good meal furnished at any hour of the day or night. 'i he fl est Liquors and Cigars at the bar. Two doors west of Iko Foster's. n2S-6m LU1GI SERRA. Figures lira Lie ! AND JEFF OF THE CHOP HOUSE Can prove by his books that he Is doing the oiggest ousmess 01 any RESTAURANT fn the city, and he will guarantee to clve the best meal for cah. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. FOrt THE Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to the GEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL, - PROPRIETOR. CHAS. A. MAY, New Store, New Stock Toys, Fancy Goods, Tobacco and Cigars. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS A FINE ASSORTMENT. Squemoqua street, next door to the Empire Store. nl"-6m GERMANIA BEER HALL AND- BOTTLED BEER DEPOT, Chenamus Street, Astoria. The Bist of Lager 5 Cts. a Glass. Orders for tlie Celebrated Columbia Brewery Beer Left at this place will be promptly attended to irNo cheap San Francisco Beer sold at this place. War. BOCK, Proprietor. THE LATEST STYLES IN WALL PAPER AT B. B. FRANKLIN'S, NEXT DOOR TO ASTORIAN OFFICE. A very large Stock from which to select. Window curtains made to order. . T"My patent Trimmer to cut Wall Paper wui oe iouna convenient 10 my pairons. Astoria Shooting Gallery Next Door to A. G. Spexarth's Chenamus stieet, uear Main. Txy "SToixr S"km As a Marssman, and win a PRIZE. First-class Guns : Charges Moderate. Open till 10 :30 P.M. A..W. CtATKtf, - - Proprietor. BUSINESS CARDS. GEO. A. DOIUUS, GEO. XOLAJTO IVOLAM fc DOimiS, -I ATTORNEYS AT LAW. - - Office In Kinney's Block, opposite City Hall, Astoria, Oregon. - Q K. Tn0MJ0, Attorney and Counselor at Law.. Room No. 6, over "White House, ' ASTOKIA, OREGON. "i C. V. FUtXOX. O. C FCX.TOX.. FULTOX BROTHERS, ' ATTORNEYS AT LA.W. Rooms 5 and 6. Odd Fellows Building. f T q.A. BOHJL1SY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Chenamus trret, - - ASTORIA, OREGON" JOSEPH A. GIL.I4, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 0a-OfficewithJ.QA.Bowlby, "- ASTORLA., - - - - Oregonr r J. cuitTis, ATT-r AT LAW. Notary Pub'lc, Commissioner of Deeds lot Callioruia, Aew York and Washington Ter ritory Rooms 3 and 4. Odd Fellows Building, As toria. Oregon N.B -Claims at Washington. D. C, ana collections ispecidlty. A V. AIiLEX, Astoria Agent . Hamburg-Magdeburg and German-American - FIRE INSURANCK COMPANIES. " I C. HOLlKX, j, .NOTARY PUBLIC, AUCTIONEER, COMMISSION ANU IN SURANCE AGENT. C. W. LE1CK, ARCHITECT AND DRAUGHTSMAN. .. Scholars received for Course of Draughting -Offlce over White House Store. rj.EL.0 F. PUtKEB. SURVEYOR OF ClntHop Conniy.and City of Astoria Ottlce : Cheuamus street, Y. M. O. A. hall Room No. 8. FR. X. C UOATJ1AX, v. Phjsician and Surgeon. Rooms 9 and 10, Odd Fellows Building. ASTORIA, OREGON. T1Y TUTTIiE, M. I. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Rooms 1, 2, and 3. Pythian Build ing. REsiDRxrE On Cedar Street, back of St. Maiy's Hospital. F. P. UICEB. A. E- SHAW. HICKS & SHAW, DE.NTISIS. Rooms In Allen's Building, up stairs, cor ner Ca s and Squenuqud streets. Astoria. Oregon. J. RISBERG. Practical Tailor. On Genevieve stieet, opposite Bozorth & Johns. JlU-sia GEO P. WHEET.ER. Noiary Public. W. L. ROBB. WHEELER & ROBB. GENERAL Real Estate I Insarance Apnts. We have very desirable property In As toila. and Upper Astoria for sa.e. Also, tine farms thrmignotit the county. Accounts carefully adjusted and collec tions made. We represent the Royal. Norwich Union anil Lanca nliire Insurance Co's., With a combined capital of 830,000,00t. THE Travelers Iiifp and Accident lnaar- nu-e Co, of H.utrord. and the 31 au- hattau Life luxuraiice Co., of New York. We are aeents for the Daily and Weehlu Norlhvcesl Ncvx, ana tne Oregon viaeuc. All business entrusted to our care will re ceive prompt attention. Bozorth & Johns, Real Estate and Insurance-Agents, and Brokers. ASTORIA, ..- - Oregon. Buy and sell all kinds ot Real Estate and represent the following Fire Insunmce Cuiipnles : Scottish Union and Na tional, assets $J3.roo,oco Phoenix or nartford " 4 5OU000 Horn of X-w Yurk, " 7 0O,iix) turnout-jr and Bremen, " 2.00.oi,0 Western. " 300, Hiemx or Brooklyn. " 4.Oo.0O) Oaki.11 d U..me, 300.WJ0 P.ilicl? wn ten by us In the Phce.ilx anil Home and Scot Ish Uuiou and National at equhabir nitt-g. GENERAL STEAMSHIP AGENCY. Bills of Exchange on any Part oi Europe. 1AM AGENT FOR THE FOLLOWING well known and commodious steamship ines, state line. red star, white star, hamburg-american. Dominion line. NATIONAL, and AMERICAN LINE. Prepaid tickets to or from any European port. ; For full Information as to rates of farel sailing days, etc, apply to I. W. CASS. tJJBT