m Wixt gaitjj fadatu ASTORIA, OREGON: FRIDAY ....FEBRUARY 20, 18S1 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE o, PORT OF ASTORIA. READ! FUR SEA. Ide of Erin, Br r p Qn-'enstown Feb 25 Berwickshire. Br bd Queenstown Feb 27 SAILED. kU&ry Junes, Quentown Fob 28 Janet McIOel, Liverpool Feb 23 ARRIVALS FROM SKA S. R. Mead. Am bk 1025 N Y Feb 23 VESSELS IX THE RIVER. 0 OlWeS.Soutbard.Amsp MtWbinjrton. Amp Red Cross. Am sp HiRnland Light, Am. sp Helicon. Martha Fisher, TUSle Staruuck. Am Chas. 'Jotesworth Br UK Merors, Am sp VESSELS OA THE WA r. froai Forlei Ports, for the Columbia Klver Abarstwlth Castle. Brsp 1K3 Liverpool Sapt II Cltr of Carlisle, Br bk Greonock Aug 1 KsJcdale. Br bk Uvrpool Jnlf 26 ltata, Br bk Liverpool Dec 5 Jorsalf arer. Nor bk Lirerpool Nov 12 Kelverdale. BrbkJWl SiW Norseman, Br bk Liverpool Dec 3 Bivor Indns, Br sp Nwoastle Nov 3D SUgboond, Br bk S73 Wilmington Sllnet. Br bk 1007 London Dec 5 Trthonus, Brbk London Dec 5 From American Port. Alameda, Am sp N Y Jan 15 Belle "of Oregon, Am bk 1169 New York TIO TABLE FOB ASTORIA. FEBRUARY ! HI OH WAYKK. I LOW WATKK. First Second. First. Second. v 2 I i 2 2g IS S S - Sittls if I if if a g 15 1 P si S is h a h m. ; h. rn. -- h. vi. . . tn. , , , -, , 9 19 10 44 0 H 0 57 1 19 2ftJ 2 20a HSijt 0-9 3 51 4 55 5o' (J5U 6 15 C II C57 7 33 J -0-2 -ill -0 -0r -0-3 0-1 (fti 1187a 0 2Sp 84 16 1 13 J6-3J 7 4"i j 1-2) S 02 1 G'J 17 HI 8 2 081 8 23 !4tp7-5I 9 Ha 0-iJ 9 Oip The hours between midnight and noon art designated by a (a. ai.). those between noon and midnight by j (p. m.). 0. 00m denotes midnight, oA. Ut. p denote- noon. The height is reckoned lrom the level of average lower low waters to which thesouud tags are given on the Coat Sui vey chart. Astoria Ketall ."Uarket. Flour per sack SI .50. Wheat, per cental 62.00(25. Oats. $2.in:2.r,. Bacon, .sides per &, 14 to 18 cfc. Shoulders, " 12Kl-r ots. Hams, " lGtJUU cLs. Lard, " 1GJ cts. Beef, 12K18 cts. Mutton, 1215 cts. Pork, 12K15 cts. Veal, 1518 cts. Butter, pur roll 70 to 85 cts. Eggs, per dozcii3540 cts. Potatoes, per lb to 1 ctd. Apples, green, per box Si .50. to &2.00 Cheese, per 2 2025 to 40 cts. uornnieai, per u cts. Oatmeal. Gcts. Beans, 4ti cts. Coffoo, i2K40cts. Tea, " 409U cts. Rice, - 8 10 cts. Sugar, 10 14 eta. Syrup, per gallon 70c & 1. Honey, per gallon $1.50. Salmon, per kit 5. Onions, per tt 2r. cts. Apples dried per & 1018 cts. Peaches " " 13 18 cts. Plums, - " 12K16cts. uanoJes, ier v 20 cts. Chickens, per dozen SG. Hay, per ton 330. Hides, per fi 6 (m 9 cts. Oils, per gallon, boiled linseed, 75c; raw linseed, 70c; coal oil, 40c; lard $1.25. Columbia River Exports. SHIPMENTS FOBKION. JANUARY, VJ4. 3 To Queen8tmrn per Ocdnvorth. Wheat, 69.070 bus $70,451 4 To Quecn'oiCTi per Obnn Bay. AVbeat, 57.9-J3 bus S5Sif. 9 To Qucenxtouvi cr Avgavna. TFlbur. 20.514 bbls S1O2.570 10 To Quecnstown jht Ladxtock. Flour. 14.131 bbls SGO.000 11 To Qtiecimtotcn per Baroany. Wheat. e5,991 bus SG9.41S 16 To Liverpool per City of Madrid. Flour, 20.4CG bbls $102,330 19 To Queenstown jer Morayshire, Wheat, 81.531 bus S5.C0! 19 To Queenstttwn per Star of Erin. Flour, 16,019 bbN $63,101 22 To Queenstown per Sarah Belt Flour. 14,680 bbls .369.GG2 31 ToQueTistotriperSopcf(7nptheSi5 .Wheat T6.180 bus $74,803 FEBBUAKY. 4 To'Queemtovm per Indiana. Wheat, 78.091 bus 77,009 , G-TorAntwerp pt.r Sea King. jWbeat, 75.100 bus $73,101 t 7 To Montevideo per Carrie Window. Salmon, 100 cs $ 5oo "Salmon, 23 hlf bbls 115 Halibut, 278cs 1,112 Lumber, 000 M . 7,000 Total 3.727 7 To Queemtown per Banco. Wheat, 57.545 bu $02,149 9 To Queemtoum per Bletnalt. Flour, 16,671 bbls $32,855 25ii-Tt Queenstown per Henry James. Flour, 1C.8G3 bbls $71,808 25 To Queenstown per Irte of Erin. Wheat, 50.334 bus $18,320 ,J27 To Queenstoum per Berwickshire. Wheat, 51,983 bus S52.7S4 " '-"'TT To Liverpool per Janet McNiel. - x Flour, 16,175 bbls $GG,974 Domestic Exports. TheTeceipts of certain articles of Or egon produce at San Francisco, from .January 1, 1884, to February 20, inclu sivehave been as follews: Flour, 'qr sks ....... . C3.472 WhSM, CtlS 31,076 Oats,rctls ............. 7 Salmon, bbls..... su hlhbb) 24 - cs.. .. 5.018 Apr5s. iupe7iws.".!Z!."I!IZ!I!IZIl -bbls pkgs - Butter, pkgs . . .Potatoes, sks Wool,- bales :. Bides. No Tallow. pkgs.... Beef.-Dbls Hsy bales ....... Quicksilver, nabks. f jfruir. Dried, pkgs A Leather, Tikgs .. Hops, hales.. .. Hams, pkgs ... is Gheese,cs... f Flaxseed, sks & ,;Oorn.'ctls..... I CtM64 Goods, cs......... Lawukgs Xwon, cs 1 174 154 3.0S6 734 15 67 501 2 4 228 To Lease. I OFFER FOR RENT MY FINE BUSI ''ness property in Upper Astoria. This Is a rare opportunity for a business man. N. JOHANSEN. THE BEPCBL1CAS STATE COXTEaTIOS A Republican convention forthestato of Oregon is called to meet at the city of Portland, Oregon, on "Wednesday, the 30th day of April, 1851, at 11 o'clock a. ai:, for the purpose of nominating candi dates for the following offices, to-wik Representative in congress, judge of the supreme court, tho presidential electors, and district officers for the several judici al districts, and to select six delegates to ntfpnri the national Kenuoiican conven tion, and to transact such other business as may properly come lefore the conven- Tho convention -will consist of 208 dele gates, apportioned among the several counties, as follews: Baker 5Lake 2 Benton. -. 9 Lane 10 Clackamas lOJLinn 12 Clatsop Sjilarion- 18 Columbia 4Multnomah 35 Coos 6Polk 8 Crook SJTillamook 2 Curry 2Umatilla 12 Douglas 12Union 7 Grant CiWasco o Jackson 6Washington 8 Josephine SJYamhill 9 Klamath 2 Total 200 The same being one delegate at large from each coanty, and one delegate for every 125 votes, and one for every frac tion over one-half thereof, cast for Hon. M. C. George, congressman, at the last general election. The committee recommend that the primaries be held on Saturday, the 12th of April, and the county conventions on Tuesday, the 22d day of April, unless otherwise ordered by the proper county central committees. The committee earnestly recommend that the delegates elected to the state convention attend in person, and if not convenient for them to so attend person ally, that they send their proxies by electors of the county they represent. The Republican voters of the state, without regard to past political differ ences, who are in favor oi elevating and dignifying American labor, giving free popular education to the masses of the people, effectually protecting all human rights in every section of our common country, and who desire to promote friendly feeling and permanent harmony throughout the state by maintaining a government pledged to these objects and privileges, are cordially invited to unite in selecting delegates to the Re publican state convention. SOL. HIRSCH, Chairman. Portland, Oregon, Feb. 21, 1884. HOCIKTY MEETIXGN. Temple Lodge, No. 7A.F.A.M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS llrst and tlilrd Tue-days in each month, at 74 o'clock, v. at., at the Hall In Astoria. Members of the order in L'ood stnndine are Invited to attend.. By order of the V. "M. Beaver Lodge No 35. 1. 0. 0. F. REGULAR MEETING EV- aj-fev er Tliursday evening attfrSKy. seven o'clock, at the Ixdge-a" room In Odd Fellows Hall, Asto ria. Sojourning members of the order in good standing, cordially Invited to attend. By order N. G. Ocean Encampment, No. 13, 1. O. O. F. REGULAR MKH I INGS OF OCEAN EN catnpment No. 13. I. O. O. F.t at the Lodge, in the Odd Fellow Building, ai jeven p. M., on the second and fpurth Monday's of each month. Sojourning breth ten coriliallv Invited. By order O" r. Seaside Lodge No. 12. A, O. U. W. REGULAR MEETINGS OF SEASIDE Lodge No. 12, A. O. U. W. will be held in Pythian Hall on Friday evening of each week, at 7 o'clock r. m. Members of the order In good standing, and visiting Broth ers are Invited to attend. Library will be open fifteen minutes before and after each meeting. "By order M. W. C. BROWN, Rec Astoria Lrodgre No. 40.LO.Q.1. REGULAR MEETING EVERY TUESDAY evening at 7 o'clock, at Pythian Hall. Astoria. Members of the Order, In good standing. ae invited to attend. Degree uw'etiug first Monday of each month. By order W. C. T. American Legion of Honor. REGULAR MEETING OF ASTORIA Council No 995' is held on the first and third Tuesday of each month, at 7 o'clock r. at. By order of the Council Commander. It. V. MONTEITH. Secty. Cushln8T Post No. 14, G. A. R, REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS POST on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7:30 p. m. Visiting com rades cordially invited. By order P. C. Pacific Lodge No. 17, K. of P. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS Lodge every Friday evening, at 7:30 o'clock, in their Castle Hall. Sojourning Knights cordially Invited to tten i. GEO. P. WHEELER, K. of R. and S. Astor Lodge No. 6. K. of P. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS lxd0 everv Wednesday evening, at 7 -J20 o'clock, at their lodge room. In Pythian CaMle. Sojourning Knights cordially invit ed to attend. W. L. ROBB. ILof K.andS. Common CounciL REGULAR MEETINGS. SECOND AND lourth Tuesday evenings of each month at V& o'clock. es-personsdeslilngto have matters acted unon bv the Council, at anv renular meet ing must present the same to the Auditor and Clerk, on or before the Friday evening prior to the Tuesday on wuicn tue uouncn holds Its regular meeting. TH03.S.JEWETT, Auditor and Clerk. -LSTOBLi FIBE DEPARTMENT. F. P. HICKS. Chief Engineer. A. A. CLEVELAND 1st sst Engineer. J. G. CHARTEltS 2d Asst. Engineer. BOARD OF DELEGATES. Regularmeet iug fourth Monday in each month, at 7 -.30 p. m. at Hall of Rescue N j, 2. Officees. C. W. Fulton. President ; B. S. Worsiey.Secretary ; F. L. Parker, Treasurer. DelEQatfj. 0. J. Treuchard, P. Grant, it O. Stone, of Astoria Engine Co. No. 1. C. W. Fulton. C H. .Stockton, B. S. Worsley, of Rescue Fnglue Co. No. 2. K. J. Taylor, E. D.Curtis, J. E. Thomas, of Alert Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1. ASTORIA ENQIXE COMPANY NO. 1 Regular meeting urt Monday in each mouth. Officers. C. J, Curtis, President, L. E. Sellg, Secretarv. Wm. Bock. Treasurer, G. P. Wheeler. Foreman. N. Wilson, dst Asst Foreman. P. Grant. "2d Asst. Foreman, Jas. Macomber, Engineer. RESCUE ENGINE COMPANY NO. 2. Regular meeting first .Monday in each mouth. Officers. C. W. Fulton, President, B. S. Worsley, Secretin,-. F. L. Parker, Treasurer, J. W. Surprenant Foreman. C H. Stockton, 1st Asst. Foiemau, J. W. Hare. 2d Asst Foreman, Charlton Fox. Engineer. ALERT HOOK AND LADDER CO. NO. 1. Regular meeting, second Monday In eacn iuouin, f Officers. J. O. Boxorth, President, u. Brown. Secretarv. Jay Tuttle. Treasurer, F. B. Elberson. Foreman, C. P. Moult 1st Ast. Foreman. F. T. Jordan, 2d Asst Fore man. TUG BOAT CHABGKS. Following Is the schedule of prices for towage n ana out over me uoiumoia uar : For vessels not Imvartl Outward. exceeding Loaded. Ballast. 800 tons.S150 $150 800 to 1000 tons... uo 175 l)0 to 1200 tt)IlS 225 2O0 1200 to 1400 tons- 275 22S 1400 to 1600 tons... 300 250 $150 175 200 250 300 For Rent. A LAF.GE, FINE STORE ROOM ADJOIN- xlL lng my place of business ; also part of the entire upper floors li desired. For fur ther particulars inquire of RUDOLPH BARTH, Comer Olney and Squemoqua streets. NOW IS THE TIME TO CURE SKIN HUMORS, T is at this season wlieu the. ltiod :ud i persphatlon ae loaded with imtur:tie that Dl'n-jiinnsr Humors. Humiliating Erup tions. Itchli g Tortures. Salt Rbeuni, or Er zema Tsorl.-isK Tetter. Rlnirwoim. Pabv HnmnJS.Scnifu'a. Scrofulous Sore. bsci es and Dischnrclni; Wounds, vnd ever sne- cies of of Itching Scaly :md Pimidy Dlsea- es if the Milu and sc-iln ar are most speed il a d economically emeu i.y tue UUTlCUKA KEMEIUKS. IT IS A FACT. riundrede of letters in our po5o?!on (cop pies of which mar ba bol by return mail re our authoiity for the apstrtion that Skin. Scalp ard Blood Humors, whether Scrofulous Inherited or Contarious. may NOW be per manently cured by Cdticcrv Resolvent, tho new Blood Purifier. Diuretic and Aperient. internally, and luticckv and la'Tln at uu. the trrcat skin Cures and HeautiOers. cxter- Dally, in ono half too timo and at one half the expense r any other season. GREATEST ON EARTH. Ccticura ItEVEntts are the greatest medi cines on ea th. Had the worst cae Salt Kbeum in th s county. My mother had it t feenty years, and in tact died from v.. I be lieve Cdticuea would have savca her life. .My arms, breast and boip were covered for threo years, wbic.'i cotniDKre.ieved or cured until 1 osBd the Cuticcba RioLVi.vr inter nally, and Cchcuba and Coticura Soap ex ternally. J. W.ADAMS, .Newark, O GREAT BLOOD MEDICINES. The half has not been told as to the preat curative powers ot the Oiticurv Ii'jikkiis.! have paid hundreds cf dollars for medicines to cure di eases of tho blood and skin, and never found anything yet io equal the Cuti cdba Hkms. Cil AS. A. W 1LL1AMS. Providence, R. I. CURE IN EVERY CASE. Your Cuticcea. Rkmrdiks outsell all other medicine I keep for skin disease. My cus tomers and patients fay that they have cfl ct ed a cure in eve y instance, where other rem edies have failed. H. W. BROCKWAY. M. D. Franklin Falls. N. II. Sold by alldruKKists. Price: Cuticura.EOcIs Resolvkxt, $1 Soap. ' cents. POiTkr Dbuo a.vo CnKmcAL Co., Boston. Mass. Send for IIow Io Curt SKIu Discuses "DTTl A TTmXT For Rough. Chapped a d DjLU.Ll Greasy Shin, iilackiicads Pimples, skin Blemishes, and Infnntilo Hu mors, use Ccticdha Soap, a real BeautiCcr CATAR COMPLETE TREATMENT $1 A single dose of Kan ford's Jfadiral Cure instantly relieves tho most iolent Snee2inB or lleadCo'ds Clears the II-ad a by magic, stops waters' discharces from the Nose and Eyes, prevents Hinging Noises in the Head, cures Nervous Hc.idachp. and Subdues ChilLs and Fever. In Chronic Catarrh it cleanses the nasal passes of foul mucus, re stores tbe sense of smell, taste, and hearing when affected, frees tho bead, throat, and bronchial tubes of oflensivc matter, sweetens and purifies the breath, Hops the couch and arrests tho progress of Catarrh towards Con sumption, une bottlo Radical Cure, ono box Catarrhal Solvent and Sanford's Inhaler, all in one package ofalldrucgists for $l. Ask for San to bd's Radical Ouek. Potter Duco axi Chkm, Co,, Bostos, t( 1 I Mo. For tho relief and pre ven- CUUl-liftion, the liiHijint it Ih ap- VOtTAJc plird.of 1 heumatbm.Nou- VViWy ra,R,a'. Sciatica, Coughs. O-A W-tffc Colds. Weak Back Stomach .' srr r i FCTRI CN t-'oillu truiierN(anKIcc . t v A trie. Battery combined r A STE" witharoronsPluiirr)and lausti at pain. 23c everywhere. W. E. DEMENT & CO. DRUG GISTS. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON Carry in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANGY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded BUY THE BEST ! BARBOUR S Irish Flax Salmon Net Threads Woodberry, and Needle Brands. SEINE TWLNES. AND CORK Ali! LILUI LINES. Fifth Pounds, Seine, and Xetx Imported to Order. A Lame Stocfcof NettiuiJ.FisliLiiiss AND FISH HOOKS. CONSTANTLY ON HAND. HENRY DOYLE & CO., 517 and 519, MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO. j3?Agents for the Pacific Coast. Annual School Meeting. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE legal voters of School District No. 18, of Clatsop county. Oregon, that the annual school meeting for said district will be held at the school house in said itistiict, to begiu at'the hour of 74 r. l on the first Mondav, being ihe3d day or March, A. D. IS84. This meeting is called for the purpose ot electing one School Director for said district to serve for the term of three $ ears ; also of electing a School Clerk for said district tu serve fi.r the term of one jear; and the transacting of any other business coming before the meeting. Dated in the City of Astoria, Countv of Clatsop. State of Oregon, this 2lst da$' of February, AD. 184. C. W.SHIVELY, DMrlct Clerk. Sheriffs Sate. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION is sued out of the Hon. Circuit Court of the State or Oregon, for the County or Clat sop on the 15th day or Ff binary, 1884. and to me directed on a decree lor foreclosure or certain mortgage liens wherein Isaac Berg man, plaintiff recovered a judgement and decree or roreclosure against Peter H. Fox. Kobert Fox and LH y Fox, defendants for the sum ot three hundred and forty-five dollar.-., besides the costs and accruing costs, and expenses. I have levied upon and will sell at public auction on the 22d day of March, 1884, at 2 o'clock v. au or said day, at the court house door in Astoria. Clatsop County, oreuon, for cash in band at time of salo. all right, title, and interest the above named defendants nave inthe following de scribed real property, to wit : Lots one and two Jn block 138, in McClure'r Astoria, Clat sop County, Oregon, as extended by Cyrus Olnev. A.M.TWOMBLY. feblO d-30d Sheriff. uiiackmetack," a lasting and fra Tant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents. ld by W.E. Dement r- 'jT'r auu du)tbu.ouuiuiiei ains, vVr5So' ar Complaint BiliousFover, f-. C- I'nlnifntir.n. Ilvtnpn.m I ,v- rC-s Alalariaana epidemics. use The Small Boy. I shall not soon forget a stage coach rido from Fort Smith f Ark.) to Muskogee, Indian Territory. I thought that 1 would be tho only pas senger, but when a woman and a boy and subsequently a half Indian en tered, I very naturally revised my former impression and decided that I would have company. The half In dian had been educated at an eastern school, and was a very intelligent man. He was, I understood him to say. a member of the Cherokee coun ciL pnd was returning homo from a visit to Washington, to attend a ses of that grave, if not potent, body of Indian legislators. When the boy learned that tho man was an Indian, ho began to eshibit a restlessness which I soon discovered would result in the red man's annoyance. "Did you ever kill anybody?" asked the boy. ''Tommy," said the woman, "don't be rude." "I think not," replied the Cher okee. "Then what makes you be an In dian?" "Which half f "Thomas l" exclaimed the woman, turning him around, unbuttoning his coat and buttoning it again. He re mained quiet for a few moments and then said: "MawS" "What, dear?" "A half Indian would only half kill anybody, wouldn't he?" "If you don't hush TH put you out" "Then Tdhave to walk, wouldn't I?" "Yes." "An' the bears might get me, mightn't they?" "Yes, they would." "Would you care?" "Yes." ."Then what makes you wanter put me out? Do the Indians scalp folks?" again addressing tho Cherokee coun cilor, who exhibited the stoical side of his Indian nature; but then, yield ing to the white, and, of course, the polished half, replied: "The wild ones do." "But you are not wild, are you?" "No." "Why ain't you?" "My little man, I must say that you are asking too many questions," cast ing a reproachful glance at tho woman. "If yon don't hush I'll whip you; do you hear me?" taking his hat from the floor and putting it on his head. "Yessum." Ho remained quiet a few moments, but dropping his hat on the floor, he reached down, took it up and said: "If you was a wild Indian you'd cut me with a knife when I stooped down wouldn't you?'' The Cherokee looked far out over the lands of his fathers, but made no reply. "If I waster hit you, you'd hurt me anyhow, wouldn't you?'' "No," the red man replied. "Why wouldn't you?" "Another word out of you and I'll whip you. Never mind; Til tell your father," said tho woman. It was impossible for him to keep qniot, and after awhile he asked: "Have you got any boys?" "Yes, two." "Are they Indian boys?" "Their mother is a white woman." "As whito as my maw?" "Just another word out of you and I'll box you," said tho woman, blush ing." Ho had evidently tested his indul gent mother on many an occasion, for, after the shortest possible silence on his part, he asked: "Did vou ever seo any scalps?" "Yes, I think so." "Did thoy have blood on 'em?" "No, they were dry," replied the Cherokee, plainly showing that his polite readiness to answer the ques tions had risen abovo his Indian sto icism. "Do they peel them liko apples when they dry 'em?" "Hufh your mouth." The Indian nature was endeavoring to assert it self. 'If you ask another question I'll whip you, you rascal," said the wo man. "Aro you going to hush?,' "Yessum." He twisted himself around, scratched the coach door with a nail which he mysteriously produced, and asked: "Would you rather be an Indian then a white man?" "Hold on," demanded the Chero kee, calling out to the driver. "Let me ride outside." "It's going to rain. I think, colonel." the driver responded. "Makes no difference " and he got out and climed up on top of the coach. I then thought that my time had como, but he was after better game; our red man of the forest was his affinity. He screwed himself around a while, and then, leaning from the coach window, he called: "Say, does Indians scalp niggers?" "Whoa," said the Cherokee; "let me get down." "Want to get back inside?" asked the driver. "No, I'm going to walk. Drive on, and, if I don't overtake you, all right Damned if I wouldn't rather be a witness in the United States court" Opie Bead. WSI. EDGAR, Dealer In Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. J. H. D. GRAY, Wholesale and retail dealer In. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND, AND CEMENT. General storage and Wharfage on reason Ale terms. Foot or Benton street. Astoria iregon. Notice io the Public. HAVING SOLD MY ENTIRE INTEREST In the Market and Grocery business to J. B. Wyatt, ot Portland, I take this method of expressing thanks for the uniform court esy and liberal patronage of the citizens or Astoria Tor the past fourteen years, and I cheerfully recommend tho firm or Wyatt & Thompson to the confidence and liberal pat ronage or the public. Including especially the friends or the old firm. IHl OF THE OLDEST AND MOST RELIABU HEMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR THE CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness. Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, and Every affection of the THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEST, including CONSUMPTION. A WaL-KNOWN PHYSICIAN WRITES: " It does cot dry up a cough, aad leave the csus fiehind, as is the case with most preparations, btr bosens it, cleanses the lungs and allays irritation !hus r.-aioiiag tl.e cause of complaint." DO XOV nr. DECEIVED by ankles b r-2 similar uasts Be sure you get DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. & ihc signature of" I. BUTTS " oa the wrapper CO Cents and S1.00 a Bottle Prepared by SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, Be an. Mari. Sold hv dmcsx and dealers ccncrali" MARKETS. CENTRAL MARKET General assortment of table stock constantly on nand. such as Canned Fruits and Jelly, Baoon. Hams, Shoulders. Lard, Eggs, Butter. Cheese, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Fish, Poultry, and Game, In the season. Cigars and Tobacco, Best of Wines and Liquors. All cheap for CASH. Goods sold on com mission. OppoMto I. V. C:ise's store. J. HODGEKS. MhYGTOn MARKET, JJala Mrcct, Astoria, Oresoii. BERGIH.V A KKKRY, rKOPRICTORS. RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATT EX -tion of the nubile to the fact that ihe above Market will always Uo .supplied w itli a FULL VAKIETY AND BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS ! ! Which will be sold at lowest rates, whole sale and retail. r-rSpecial attention given to supplying ships. STAK MARKET. WKERRY & COMPANY, Fresh and Cured Meats, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEL, C1IEXA3I1TK Street. Antoria, e WYATT & THOMPSON. DEALERS IN FRESH AND GURE0 MEATS, CHOICE GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Crockery and Glassware. WM. PFUHDER'S OEEGON BLOOD PURIIER CURES ALL KIDNEY AND LIVER DISEASES, Headache, Costiveness, Boils, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Skin Diseases, Pimples, Piles, Etc., And various Female Complaints induced by Bad and Defective Circulation of the Blood. Price,$I 00 per Bottle. Six for $3 OO HOSPITAL, ASTORIA, - - - OKEGOB THIS INSTITUTION. UNDER CARE Or the Sisters ol Charity, Is now ready roi the reception of patients. Private rooms Tor tho accommodation ol any desiring them. Patients admitted atall houis, day or night. No physician has exclusive right, even patient Is free to and has the privilege ol employing any physician they prefer. United States Marine Seamen who pay Hospital Dues, are enti tled to Free rare aud attendance at this Hos pital during sickness. Permits must be ob tained lor United States Marines at the Cus tom House. Sisters of Chabiti HANSEN BROS. SASH AND DOOR FACTORY, AND PLANING MILL. A full stock of home manufactured goods constantly on hand. Special Attention given to Orders. All work guaranteed. Your patronage so licited. ASTORIA. Oregon ASTORIA Brewery Beer Saloon. 4 The Best Beer 5 cts a Glass. Hot Lunch every Day from 10 to 12 A. M The best of Liquors and Cigars on hand. A deservedly popular place of social resort. GSO.HLLLES. PIANOS AND- O EGANS SMALL MUSICAL 1NSTRUME OF ALL KINDS. FINEST VIOLIN STRINGS StLeet MulsIo Piano, and Organ Instructor CELEBRATED STICK &MABE HMOS ! -DSED BY President of United States" "Governor of Oregon," Astoria Musical Society, Mrs. J. W. Conn, of Astoria, And otber prominent persons. Pianos and Organs of many leadins makes. wnoi&saie anu reiau. Including CELEBRATED TABER ORGANS. AM WOX'DERJTl LITTLE GIANT STECK PIANO Largest House on This Coast. GARDNEE Bros., .165 First St., Portland, Oregon. CANNERYMEN ! ! PACITIC METAL WORKS Importers and Manufacturers of WHITE METALS. Canners Solder a Specialty, Strip Lead, for Leading Lines, Plate Zinc, for Cutting Acid, Bar Copper, Pig Lead and Pig Tin. 48 North second St.. Portland, Or. 115 & 117 ir-t St., Nan Frauclseo, California. G. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSMITHING, At Capt. Kogers old stand, corner of U:us and Court Streets. NYaons made and suaranteed. repaired. Good wor -KTOKSTGCEKSST (before:) Trwrtr rt (AfTGB.) I?LECTRO-VOLTAIC BELT and other Electei It Appliances era sent on So Days' Trial Tt MEN ONLY. YOUNG OR OLD, who aro suffer lng from Nebvocs DEBarrv, Xost VrrALm Wasti.nq Wkikxesszs, and all those diseases of x Pebsoxal Nature, resulting from Abuses am Othzk Causes. Speedy reller and complct. restoration to Health, Vigou and Hanhooi OuABAXTEno. Send at once for Illustrate Pamphlet free. Address VOLTAIC BF.T,T CO.. Marshall, Mich C LEINENWKBKU. H . BKOW Leinenweber & Co., ESTABLISHED 1S65. ASTORIA, OREGON TAMERS LM CRRRRIES, Manufacturers and Importers of all kinds of LEATHER LM MDIM Wholesale Dealers In OIL AND TALLOW. &w Highest cash price paid for Hides and Tallow. A. SL JOHNSON. C. J. JOHNSON. Astoria Sail Loft. MANUFACTURERS OF SAILS, TENTS, AWNiNGS, TARPAULINS, And everything else pertaining to our Business. LowestPrice and Best "Work For your Money, At the Old Stand. Leave your orders and get your work done at once. JOHNSON & CO. Astoria, ... Oregon. Drugs and Chemicals. Prescriptions carefully compounded Day or Night. REMOVAL. The Astoria Passenger Line WILL AFTER THIS DATE HAVE ITS hpadfiuarters at its StaDles next to B. B. Franklin's, two doora below The Asto HTAynfflca. First-class Livery service. Carts with horse furnished, ror one dollar per hour. Carriages on application The Astoria Passenger Line Hacks will leave for Upper Astoria from the stables. Horses takan to board. T MRS.T.OBRTKN. DR. tt nL BYE'S it ij.KTHOIAS, " DRUGGIST AND V sA Pharmacist, $ astoria,o A fa $ IS l& TRANSPORTATION LINES. Oregon Railway & Navigation cojiPAjnr. OCEAS I J VISIOX. Diirinn the month of February. 18S4, Ocean SteamiTs will sail from Portland to San Franci.'-co. and from San Francisco io Port land, as follows, leaving Ainworth DoJr. P.r land, at Midnight, and Spear Street Wh.irf, San Francisco, at 10 A. M. : Tom San Franclsco.l From Portland. Olumbia DjState of Califorula10 i)res:oii .I4trolumbia 15 'tate of (aufuriii..19i Oregon ..... io oluiiibi.t 24State of aIlfotnla2S Oregon '.oCo umbia March l estate of Ual..iiarch 5Oregon ............. 6. Through Tickets sold to all prmclpal cities in the United States, Canada sad Europe. RAIL DIVISION. Passenger Trains leave Portlandfor East ern points, at 7 :30 P. M. dally; lUVEK DIVISION (Middle Colaabla). Boats leave Portland for Dalles at 7 : A M. Leave Port- lMonl Tu. I We.lThu.1 FrL I ! land for Monl Tu. lYe.lThn. FrL I Sat .toria and I lower Co-I I lambU....I6 AMI6 AM Dayton. Or. 7 Ail J Corallis"! lRAM! Vlctoria.BOs AMJ6 AM riASC 6AJA SAM 7 AM 7AM 6 AM ramisam; CAM CAM fees Astoria for Portland at 6 a. in. daily ex cept San day. i P?1'm'in,.Ptiac Car runnhw betweaa Port land, and St. Paul, C. H. PKESCOTT, . , Manager. A. L. STOKES, Assist- sup't. of Traffic. JOHN MOTS, Sup't of Traffic E. P. ROGERS, Gaceral Af8t Puaefifr DapX Oregon & California R. R OREGON & TRANSCONTINENTAL COMPANY, LESSEE. On and after February 24th, 1884, trains will run asfoUows : DAILY (Except faundays). EASTSIDE DIVISTOlf. Between POKTLAJVDaHdPHUrX. MAIL TEAUr. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 7 -.30 a. stlPhoenJx G.-OO a. m. Phoenix 7:tf) p. Ml Portland 4:26 ?. u. ALBANY EXPRE88 TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 4 HX) p. M.'Lcbanon 9 aip.si Lebanon 4 -.45 a. m. Portland... 10 :05 a. m The Oregon and Caliromla RaUroadFerry makes connection with all Regular Trains on nasisiue uivision. WESTSIDE DtVISIOIf. Between Portland and Corvaltla MAIL TBAIX LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 9 :00 a. M.CorvallI 4 -JO P. M. Cotvallis 8 :30 . M.lPortland 3Q t.M. EXPIIE3S TKAlif LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 5 :00 p MlMcMInnville.-S roo pm McMinuviUe5:45 am Portland 8:30am Close connections made at Phcenlq with the Stages of the Oregon and CaBior nia Stage Company. es-TIckets for sale at all the principal points In Caliromla, at Company's Office, Corner F and front Sts., rqrtland, Or. Freight will not be received for shipment alter 5 o'clock p. m. on either the East or West side Division. R. KOEHLKB, Gen'l Manager. A. L. STOKES, Asst Sap't. of Traffic. JOHN MUIB, iiup't-of Traffic E.P.ROOEIU, General Ac't Passenger "Dpt. Ilwaco Steam Navigation Go.'s WINTER SCHEDULE. Astoria to Fort Stevens, Fort Canty, and Ilwaco. Connecting by stages and boats for Oys'terville, Montesano and Olympia Until further notice the Ilwaco Steam Navigation Co.'s steamer. G-oxx. TVT1 1 ea, WUl leave Astoria On Mondays Thursdays, and Saturdays (Oysterville and Montesano mail days. at 7 A. M, FOR Ft.Stevens, Ft. Canby and Ilwaco ON Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays The steamer will leave Astoria at a a.m., as formerly, not being confined strictly to schedule time, ' Fare to Fort Canby and Hwaco,....r.T5 eta. y-Hwaco rreh'ht, by the ton. In lots ot one ton or over, $2 per ton, ear-Fur Tickets. Towaaa or Charter ao- at tue omca 01 tnc company; uray- r, foot of Benton street. J. XX.1J. UIUI, Agent. Columbia Transportation Go. FOR PORTLAND. (FAST TIME.) The popular steamer FLEETWOOD, Which has been refitted for the comfort o passengers will leave WlLon and Fisher's dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriuing at Portland at 7 P M. Returning leaves Portland every Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6 A. M. Arriuing at Astoria at 1 P. Jf. An additional trip will be made on Sunday of Each Week, Leaving Portland at 9 'elect Sunday aieraio. Passengers by this route connectatama for Sound ports. U. B. s'v t Shoalwater Bay Transportation Ct. 8UMMER ROUTS. Astoria to Olympia, Touching at Fort fStevena. Fort Canby, Ilwaco. North Beach. Oysterville, UTerta Cove, Peterseas Paiat, - qnlnm, dlontesaae. And all points on Shoal water Bay, and Gray Harbor. GEN. MILES, l strs. or On ColumblaBlver. GEN. CANBY, - GEN. GARFIELD " MONTESANO Shoal water Bay. Gray's Harbor Connecting with Stages over Portages. Leave Astoria for Olympia, at - - 7 A. 3fL On Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays, arriving at Montesano the day alter leaving Astoria through trip in 60 hours. Leave Olympia for Astoria on same days. THE THiNGVALLA LINE. Is the only DIRECT LINE Between NEW YORK and SCANDINAVIA First class Steamers and good usage. Ticket far sale at A. M. JttMXMX'S. Ageat, Astoria, Qrsgoa.