13 Wj gjattjj dorian. ASTORIA. OREGON: WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY :i. lss; ISSUED EVERY MORNING. (Monday oxcptd J. F. HA.LLORAN & COMPANY, PUBLISH KKS A' rKOI'KIKTuK.-. A8TORIAN BUILDING. - - CASS VTUKKT Terms of Subscription. Served bv Carrier, per wei-k 1-iets. Seuth M-tll. permoiit'i . ;iv-t. " r ' one year -rT.'-o Free of jo-.ta' to ubvriln rs. Cs?Alveriitenients inserted bv the ve;iral ttierateof?2persiumre per month. "Tran sient atlvorl:inu flflv cm ". iiinn-. -a-J Insertion. Around the Oitv. Ash "Wednesday. D. H. Caswell is takin the school cen HU9 in district No. 1. The Janet McXeil and Berwir.tehire are coining dowu the river. The Grbtedalr, liavensluadalc and Wingtonshire have arrived out. The state Democratic central commit tee meets in Portland to-morrow. The penitential season of Lent begins to-day and continues for fort days. The Fleetwood came flying down from Portland at one o'clock yesterday after noon. In. the scow suit yesterday the defend ants were dismissed and the costs fell on the prosecution. The new slip in the rear of Foard Stokes' store is completed and will be of great convenience to tneir numerous cus tomers. "Win. Loeb fc Co. havts succeeded in building up a fine business in their line, and are now supplying the trade with :i superior quality of goods. The Westport, which Frank L. Parker chartered to take him to Portland, did not get there till four o'clock Monday morning. Mrs. Parker was buried yes terday afternoon. In school district No. 1 the second grammar department (Miss Fields, teacher) has won and still wears the ban ner for the best record during the month ending February 21. From Mr. Lawrence, the telephone agent, who goes to San Francisco to day, it is learned that every wire of each and every subscriber is a". special wire. This is a cheering thought. As if to make amends for the storms of last week the weather yebterday was all that could be desired. Overcoats were unnecessary, and that stern man date, "Shut the door,'" was unheard. Considerable activity prevails at Clat sop. Capt. Flavel, C. A. McGuire and others have made a good deal of im provement this season, and the coming summer will seo more peopln there than ever before. The Columbia arrived in yesterday, the Oregon got away after many trials and tribulations. The State leaves out to day, thus giving the Oregon a chance to get in ahead of her. The Queen goes on the southern route from San Francisco to San Diego. It is alleged that Horace Greeley onee said that his idea of news would be that whenever a hen laid an egg it should be chronicled. Following the lead of the sage of Chappaqua it may be stated that the retail price of twelve of such lays is, at present, forty cents. In the thunder of commerce and the hurrying over the bar of great vessels let not the little craft be forgotten. The Gen. Banning went to Gray's harbor with freight and passengers; the Beda crossed southward, and to-day the steam craft Kate and Anna, and the A. B. Fields Start for Yaquina. Mr. Lawrence, the telephone agent, left on the State yesterday. He easily secured sufficient subscribers to warrant the in troduction of the instruments, and the work of placing them in positiou begins next month. The close of 'S3 witnessed the introduction of gas, water and an electric fire alarm. The first improve ment in '84 is the telephone. Judge Runey, who has been down here visiting friends and acquaintance for the last week, returns this morning to his Foley. Springs property which he will shortly open for the reception of visitors for the season. These springs are famous for their curative properties, and any one visiting them this summer will be sure cf receiving cordial welcome from thfcir hos pi table manager. One of the largest and most enjoyable church socials of the season was held in the spacious parlors of E. C. Holden's residence last evening. Music and reci tations filled the earlier hours, a special feature of the occasion being the presen tation by members of the Presbyterian church of Dore's edition of "Ye Ancient Mariner,-' to Miss Katie Flavel, in partial recognition of that young lady's kind ness in officiating at the organ in the Presbyterian choir. A Knot. The knot, or nautical mile, is variously recorded at from 5,125 to G,07o feet. According to the standard of the British admiralty, the knot is the length of one minute of longitude at tne equa tor, or C,033, 1,527 statue inches, or 1,855 metres. The mean length of latitude, sometimes reckoned as a knot, is 5,076 feat, 1.151 statue mile, or 1,852 metres. A marine league is three of these sea miles. K. of P. Great preparations are being made in New Orleans for convening the Supreme lodge, K. of P., of the world in that city in April. It is said that ar rangements of magnitude, that are to ultimate in the reception and entertain ment of 30,000 Knights have been under the observations of and comment by the Pythians of Louisiana. .The executive committee, with the required subordinate committees, have been zealously at work for two months. Their first meeting in Hew Orleans to report on the result of their labors was the largest and most en thusiastic assemblage of the order ever witnessed in the south. Smelt. Those little fish, the forerun ners of their more pretentious brethren the salmon, have begun their annual pilgrimage up the Columbia. Every year after a cold snap in the latter part of February and when the west warm wind blows clouds of moisture from the ocean they come from no one knows where and swim steadily al ong disdaining all efforts to be caught till they get above Ska mokawa. From there on they fall an easy prey. They were first caught this season at Eagle Cliff. Yesterday a few were caught at Oak Point, and a day or so more they will show up about Bush's place. The manner of catching them is very simple; just dip them out of the water by the seine full. They are esteemed & luxury, and the first catch always bring .good prices in Portland and 'Astoria markets. The first lot brought to Port land and this city last Monday brought fifteen cents a pound, and if one could dip out a couple of hundred pounds every Atlv rioht alone for three or four months. and find sale for them at that figure he -would be able to go on a vacation to Oregon City, or McMinnville. But tho flgh ana tne zancy prices paia xor inem are alike evanescent, and by tho time tho lordly salmon show their presence they hayegreatly diminished in value. Use Dimuiitt's Cough Balsam, at W. E. Semen t & Co.'s. JJoston Baked Beans and Brown Bread every Sunday at JefTs from 5 a. m. to 2 P. H. - Dimmitt's Cough Balsam never fails. Try it, at W. E. Dement & Co.'s. A MCE SPECIMEN. j When the little car that wears a collar 1 with 'I am TCu3ii Hob's dog' engraved I on it, ran around smelling everywhere j for something 'no get a hold of,' and j J failed so manifestly, his cnrship didn't j realize how vulnerable he was himself. On the 22.1 inst the oditor of this; ,"pt?r received a letter from Portland concerning one C. J. Cnrti Iho writer' offered for sale a certain judgment ob- j taiued in Portland against this Curtis. It was and is for 220 and coste, and the rate of discount offered for a cash pur chaser suggests iu the mind of the writer faint hope that it would ever be paid. This is the specimen importation froi.y Aibiua who has to get the Sunday Jln vttry to help him in his dirty attack on men who never did him any wrong and vtiiuuuly recognize his existence by the stench he creates. If his employers don't rid their paper of his blighting presence soon t'.;jy will lose money even faster than at present. Machine Killed Cant. On several occasions it has become ap parent from the ku of English trade journals that the svstem of machine filling salmon cans is not meeting with favor on the other side. The Grocers' Gazette, of Loudon, says: Orders for salmon from the country during the we k have been very fair, there is no change of importance in val ues excepting lor maenme-packed, which may be bought at Gd per case less, and some brands even Is less than quoted last week; this looks unhealthy, and we think it is due iu a great measure to the unsat isfactory turnout of machiitc-p.icked liah, consequently dealers who havo net their faces against the above have been more inclined to stock up with good brands packed in the old style, which has somewhat enhanced the value of the lat ter. A very objectionable feature of these machine-pa cRed fish is that they are turned inside out, and consequently the skin is in the middle of the meat. The Grocer say?: Salmon has moved off less freely during the week, and portions of recent consignments remain un cleared, especially "machint. filled"' tins, which are offering at 22s to 23? per case, while -'hand filled" tins of British Co lumbia fish realize 26s to 27s. This is a question to which there are two sides. Some of the most favored brands ol Columbia river salmon were machine filled in '83. they were examined by experts here, in Portland and in San Francisco and pronounced Al. The fill ing is done cheaper, and the real trouble is in the fact that there -'is nothing in it" for the agents across the sea. The clamor that the trade journals are mak ing is a little like the attempt to "boom" Frazer river salmon in Liverpool last vear. Tardiness In School. Editou AsreiiiAX: We had hoped it would not be neces sary to say anything to the patrons of our .school about tardiness. But we can refrain no longer. We earnestly ask your co-operation in suppressing unneces sary absence and tardinas. If school work is worth anything to our children it s worthy their best efforts. If the parents of children are indif ferent about habits of promptness, the true teacher is not. Nor can this habit be overestimated iu a business point of view. Promptness, faithful, painstaking effort in business life insures success. Few, if any, possess these traits of character iu childhood and youth. They must be cultivated. We must begin with the first months and vars of f-choo! life, and persistently keep this thought before tht child if wo would have him grow into habits which will bo so much capital when he is ready for the duties of man hood. When we think of the goals of useful ness which are waiting our girls and ooys, if they develop mentally and mor ally as they should during their -school days, we wonder at the indifference of some parents over the habits they form during their school years. If an education is not worth making some sacrifice for its accomplishment, by both parent and pupil, we can hope for no liberal scholarship, no earnest work from those who are taught in our public schools. Yours, etc., MRS. C. B. MARTIN. Tho S. IU Meade. The steamer Wellington, which arrived this morning, reports that on Saturday morning, before daylight, during a dense fog thirty miles off the Columbia river, she was run into by the ship S. li. Meade, and damaged on the starboard quarter, of the mizzenmast, above the main deck. The Wellington lay by the ship until day light, and found that her only damage was her bowsprit gone. Both vessels thon proceeded on their way. The cap tain of the Wellington says his lights were burning brightly and the whistle blowing every three minutes, and the ship is to blame. Victoria dispatch, 25. The tug Columbia started out yester day morning and found the Meade about twenty-five miles to the north'ard. A pilot was put on board and tho vessel will probably be in to-day. The School Meeting. There was a somewhat larger attend ance last evening than on the afternoon previous at the school meeting in district No. l's school house. L. Hartwig was chairman and J. O. Bozorth secretary. On motion of C. H. Stockton it was ordered that the direc tors be empowered to issue bonds to pay balance due on school buildinc: it was also moved that a committee of three taxpayers be appointed to examine the accounts of the district and report there on at the next annual meeting on tho 3d of next March. J. O. Bozorth read a re port of the receipts and expenditures of the building fund, showing that it re mained necessary to raise about SS.100 additional. On motion the meeting ad journed. Blacksmith Vnritut. A blacksmith capable of doing gener al work is wanted atSkipanon. Applv to E. M. Grimes, or C. A. Maguire, Skip anon. Extra Quality of Coal Oil By the gallon, five gallon can or case, to be lound at the Crockery store of Jordan & Bozorth. ForaU'eat Filling Boot Jr Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che namus street, next door to 1. W. Case. All goods of the best make and guaran teed quality. A full stock; new giods constantly arriving. Custom work. John IVorton. Please call at the Oregon Market and j get your pay. ueo. txAxsz. Dimmitt's Cough Balsam cures Croup A Nasal Injector free with each bottle of Shlloh's Catarrh Kemedy Price 50 cents. Sold by W. E. Dement Jeff says he gives two meals to any other restaurant mau's one and can prove it. common council peooeedings. CONSIDERABLE WORK FOB 05E ETEMSG. Old Ordinances Affirmed and Passed. Sew Ones The city council met in regular session loef arnninn "T"nnr TTnmn in fVia Vin?r Ca8e, Cleveland, . . . , . - - .., J' .... . ., .. m 0 ancs. .u. mnion, cuy aiioruej., x. c. Jewett, auditor and clerk and C. "W. Loughri-y, chief of police. The minutes of tho last meeting wore read and approved. A petition from Cedar street residents Hfkiug for its improvement was referred to Ktrti't committee. A petition from the Sunset Telephone Telegraph Company asking for franchise anu privilege to put up wire, poies, eic, was referred to street committee. The name of Thos. Linville, was pro- pord by Chief of Police Loughrey, to be placed on the police force, was reierrea to police committee. The committee to whom was referred th. matter of extending West oth street, rejorted favorably; the report was de bated at considerable length. The mat ter was in the form of a question; should the street be extended northward forty feet from it.; iresnt terminus. The de bate vus participated in by the council and by f. W. Welch who stated that he was part owner of the property; at the time ot tne nre tne streets were paruauy destreyed: that the landing would add value to the property adjacent; that the city need be to no expense in building the street; anu tnat it was an analogous case to any street improvement in any other part of the city; that it was a necessity as a matter of conveni ence and that the requirements of the cis" iuae: :t h public convenience. That a landing f.r u aus was essential and that the p-tition should bo granted. There port was finally adopted. The committeo to whom was referred a petition, concerning the reieal of a portion of 'the twelve o'clock ordinance" reported recommending that no portion of the ordinance be repealed and that the chief of police be instructed to enforce the ordinance without preju dice. The report of the committee con cerning this matter was adopted. The reports of the police judge and street superintendent for January were adopted. Tho committee to whom was referred tho matter of improvements concerning fire matters as suggestep in the mayor's message, made a report rec ommending a change in the construction of torts of fire trails, that cisterns be placed in at least three different locali ties for the u.e of the fire engines in case of fire; that the bell tower be raised at least eighteen ftvt and built up under neath; that p huse carriage be purchased of Preston, Knott & Co., of Chicago, and making other suggestions in regard to fire apparatus and equipments. The report was adopted. The committee to whom was referred ordinances concerning houses of ill fume and the city attorney's salary, reported adversely, and the ordinances were tabled. An ordinance entitled "An ordinance providing for the licensing and regulating of barrooms and drinking shops in the city of Astoria," was read first and second times and passed on third reading under suspension of the rules It being discov ered that the whole of the ordinance had not been read, the whole business was gone over again, and after the rules were again suspended and the ordinance was again read the third time it was finally passed. An ordinance making appropriation out of the general fund to refund 150 to the Pythian Land and Building Asso ciation, was read first and second times and passed on third reading under sus pension of the rules. An ordiuunce concerning the licensing of auctioneers, steamboat and board ing house runner, was read first and sec ond times and passed on third reading under Mispension of tho rules. The following claims wer ordered paid: II. Dixon, $8; M. C. Crosby, 12.85; Astor House, 15; E. R. Hawes, 10.87; Mrs. O'Brien, 5; West Shore Lumber Mills. 115.f."; S. J. Pitkin, $2!t.70; Johanseu and Hill, 3.40; Inde pendent, ll.".0; F. Pike, 1.70. Mrs. O'Brien's claim of 20 was allowed by unanimous vote. The mayor anuouueed nominations as being next in order, and said that for city attorney he would nominate F. J. Taylor. The vote on Mr. Taylor's con firmation stood, ayes, U; noes, 2; the nomination was not confirmed. For city assessor George P. Wheeler was placed in nomination and was con firmed by a unanimous vote. On motion council adjourned. 'Important, if True." In a report from one of the canning stations upon the Columbia river we see it stated that the offal of the salmon can ned, consisting as it largely does of tho egg and milt of the fish, and thrown into a convenient reservoir, had, in this rough way, become self impregnated, and that hundreds of millions of salmon fry had thus been produced. This, if true, presents a new phase of this ever enlarging proposition of fish culture. If the myrads of fish that are every year supplied to the canneries can also by this Casaran operation ba mado to supply their own successors in bound less profusion, we have only to make our fish commission an adjunct to a cannery to not merely supply but to overstock our rivers, and the waters of tho globe. The statement that this has been done makes it worth further inquiry. And if this thing is possible, and we see no rea son to doubt it, with a very little atten tion and at a trilling expenditure the question of keeping up our supply of salmon is solved without maintaining a closi season or interfering in any way with the constant employment of our fishermen. San Jose, Cal., Mercury, 21. That salmon hatch out in the vicinity of the canneries every season in countless myriads is an undoubted fact. That they attain any size is extremely doubtful. the water of the lower Columbia, its temperature, the soil formation, the bed of the river, its depth, the current, the quality of the water and other matters are all against the probability of the lit tle salmon living. Corsct-s and Underwear. All the latest makes and styles of cor sets and ladies underwear at Prael Bros.' Empire store. Notice. Dinner at"J EFF'S"'CUQP HOUSE everyday from 4:30 to 8 o'clock. The best 25-cenl meal in town; soup, fish, seven kinds of meats, vegetables, pie, pudding, etc. A glass of 3. F. Beer, French Claret, tea or coffee Included. All who have rrlwl him say Jeff Is the "BOSS." At the Empire Store You will find the finest laces and em broideries, of richest quality. Boats for Sale. Jic Leathers has, two lino boats for sale at the boat shop, one block west of Hansen Bros.' mill. Fine Dress Goods. A splendid line of ladles dress goods Is being displayed at the Empire store, Arevou made miserable- by Indi gestion. Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of appetite. Yellow Skin? Shilbu's Vital izer is a positive cure. For sain by W. E. Dement. The Rev. Geo. H. Thayer, of Bour bon, Ind., says: "Both myself and wife owe our lives toSniLOH's Cohsumptiox Cure." Sold by W. E. Dement. EEPOET OF PUBLIC SCHOOL In District Xo. 1, for Month Ending Febrn rj 21, 1S8. L S.-si.r : 2!3H.5n"S 3 : : j : sncH. 3!2 r agflzi ' SuirJer Iteji. t t; Av A'o. JJ SSggrSjs Btlcnginj. H -4v. Daily - i2SSH$ Attendance. " Per Cent. 2 52332 Attendance. Av. Daily ' wr!3. r Absence. -4 OU-151 N dumber 2s"Sj: Remaining. " No Catei SSguru Tardy. Names of pupils neither absent nor t?rdy: flHST ORAMMAH DKPAETMBJCT. Beatrice Gragg liichard Prael liozetta Sherman Will McCormac Lucy Nichols Thad Trulliuger Otto Parker Katie McKean Alice Stookton Frank Crang Charley DeForce Hattie Dunning Zoe Carruthers Emma Devol Georgia Badollett Grace Carruthers Daisy Goodell Bertha Powell Willie Tallant Sallie Jones Olga Heilborn LilyStanfield Jtossie Clinton Curtis Perrie Frank Brallier Mande Saffarrans SnCOh'D OB1MHA.U DKPABTMKST. Ella Tanger Amy Powell Annie Anderson Sherman Prinnell John Trulliuger Willie Tucker Leouie Cronk Sadie Crang Jennie Niohols Katie Logan Mary Monteith "Weston Daggett LillieHulett Agnes Stockton Katie Monroe Wm Trulliugsr Max Berendes Thomas Eawlings Lemuel Howes Alfred McClanahan Charles Devol Frank Bucker Ethel Hunter. Belle Cleveland FIEST IKTEBMEDIATE DEPABTStEXT. Jennie Monteith Zenas Gross Charlie "Wetherbee Oscar Jackson Bertha Devol Christopher Ham- Andrew McDuff Mable Parker Benjamin Coe Nelson Borglund Frank Curran Amelia Hambacher bacher Minnie Hobson Fred Itawlings. SBOOND INTERMEDIATE DEPABTMBST. Paul Badollet Seliua Houghton Lucy Morton Helen Monteith Jennie McClanahan Bobert McLean Hila Tucker Mamie Stinson Minnie Cleveland Jotty Campbell Daisy Stockton Mnbol Hunter Duncan McLean yiusr rniMAUi DBPAimtmcr. Kate McCue Henry Snow Emma Lovett Alfred Cleveland Archie McLean James McEwau Eddie Pitkin Frank Veatch Mamie Herbert Alfred Babbiage Mattie McDuff Delia Herbert SECOND PEIMABr DKPABTMENT. David Beasley Eddie Hobson Carrie Berendez George May Harry May Annie Borglund Dolly Campbell Chas Borglund Chas Hpbson Bobert Smith Leonard Stinson Arde Strom BAKKIKO SCHOLABS. Normal grade, Beatrice Gragg; 6 A grade, Bertha Powell; 6 B grade, Olga Heilbern: 5 A grade, Hattie Dunning; 4 A grade, Ella Tanger; 4 B grade, Jennie Nichols; 3 A grade, Cora Bechau: 3B grade, Amelia, Hambacher, Helen Mon teith; 2 A grade, Albert Leighton, Frank Veatch; 2 B grade, Olga Nordstrem: 1A grade, Eddie Hobson; 1 B grade, Harry May. ROTELABBIVALS. OCCIDENT. J "W Newell, S F AS Forelle, Port D N Brown, do J Monhimer, do Mra Boss, city E Lingi, do Mrs Daly, do V Cook, do GWBowe,do "WH Morrow, do A H Stone, Knappa GAHegelle, do WH H Smith.Stevns C Pratt, do N O'Connor, Fish B "W Bobson, Knapp J O Young, Canby M W Bullard, J B Johnston, do W Landing J C Davis,. do F M Flye, Knappton PABKEB BOUSE. M Yocum, Str Miles H Sewell, Seaid C Smith, do J P Austin, do G BirMnshaw, do F Dhl, S F H O Bishop, Albi E Simmer, do CO Walker, Port Thos Norman, Knap John Ellis, do EC Crow, do AGirsch, do H Stone, do P Titus, J D's J P Potter, Clifton Thos Graves, city Otis Spear; Knapa Hosiery, Hosiery, II osieryl The. latest novelties In ladies and childrens hosiery at Prael Bros'. Just Received. A large stock of soft and stiff. Hats la all the latest styles, at Mclntosh'9 Fur nishing store. "WITAT: do jou think that JEFF OF THE CHOP HOUSE gives you a meal for nothing and a glass of something to drink? uNot muchl" but he gives a better meal and more of It than any place in town for 25 cents. He buys bv the wholesale and pays cash. "Tha't settles It." aUackmetack," a lasting and fra grant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents. Sold by W. E. Dement. Use Dimmitt's Cough Balsam for Chest, Throat, and Lungs, at W. E. De ment & Co.'s. Children all like Dimmitt's Cough Balsam. Roscoe Dixon's new eating house Is now onen. Everything has been fit ted up In first-class style, and hi well known reputation as a caterer assures all who like good things to eat, that at his place they can be accommodated. For Dyspepsia andLiver Complaint, you have a printed jruarantee on every bottle or Sniloh's vitalizer. It never fails to cure. Sold by W. E, Dement Have Wistart balsam of wild cherry always at band. It cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, whooplnjc cough, croup, in fluenza, consumption, and all throat and lung complaints. 30 cents andl a bot tle. - All tho patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with tho choicest Eerfumory, and toilet articles, etc can e bought at the lowest prices, at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite OcMden hctol, Astoria. Brace up the whole system with King of the Blood, See Advertisement, HEBE, THERE J.5I) KLSEWOKHK. There 13 no telling in Portland when the St. Paul train will get In not for a week at any rate. About iwvontv miles of Northern Pacific road is washed out between Spokane and Ainsworth. Antelope hunting has afforded great sport iu some portions of Klamath coun ty, Oregon, this winter. Large bands of antelope congregate at the heads of the different valleys where the snow is deep, and fall an easy prey to tho hunter. A genteman from Bath, Maine, writes to the Olympia Transcript that quite a number of good, reliahle youag men from Maine will come to Washington Territory iu tho spring. Most of them baye some means and a good deal of pluck. The log drive on the Nisqually river, started last week, the rain having raised the river sufficiently for that purpose. The logs belong to the Tacoina Mill Co., who have nearly $22,000 invested in them. There are also loggers' liens upon them to the amount of several thousand dol lars more. There is over three million feet of fir timber in the drive. L. D. Durgin, a well known nursery man of Puyallup, committed suicide at the residence of bheritT "Winsor, at New Tacoma. on Thursday morning, by stab bing himself in the heart with the blade of a pair of shears. He was on his way hope from Olympia where ho had been drinking heavily for several weeks, and was taken in charge by Sheriff Winsor. So far only one woman has ventured into tliB Coaur d'Alene mines, savs the Walla Walla Statesman. She' ma3e the trip in male attire, and wlien she changed tier clothb.s and appeared in the conven tional costume of her delightful sex, great was the joy in Eagle City. The lady will open a restaurant, it is said, and will secure all the trade, whether she giTes the boys anything to eat or not. They are said to look upon her as though she were an angel. The Yreka Journal says: We learn from Mr. A. H. Burrows, who arrived here Sunday afternoon, that 1230 more Chinamen came up from San Francisco to work on the railroad above Bedding, probably discharged from Oregon roach1, going from Portland to San Francisco by steamer. Instead of showing any signs of quitting work, the California company appears to be just commencing in earn est, and now have about double the force ever before employed. The men are evi dently employed now so as to have them well organized for spring operations, the time when the ground can be worked to the best advantage, by reason of not then being baked hard by the influence of tho beat at a later period of tha season. ' In addition to the Chinamen from below, large crowds pass through here almost every day, with several more wagon loads to come, and a Chinese agent has been here for over a week securing all the Chinamen possible in this vicinity, offer ing $30 a month. TheAl Fast sailing Schooner "GEN. BANNING," 153 tons register, will leave Astoria, on. or about FOB Cray's Harbor. She will take freight at Portland, and on her teturn from Portland will leave Astoria. For fuitber partlculats applv to J. H. D. GkaY. Astoria, Oregon. FOR TILLAMOOK. The new Steamer A. OB. rFIjE3XjX. .'. P. JOHANSEN, - Master Will leave for TILLAMOOK, on Vrhou Freight it Offered, (Weather iwrralttlns.) tNOit SAILING DATES AN'D PAiri'ICU 1 Ian apply to J. O. IICSTLEK. Main .street Wharf. Astoria ; ALLEN & LEWIS. Portland : J. L. STOGY Tillamook. Carl Adler's c R Y S T A L O ob a o U - H o m P 0 o 8 9. h i i & CT IT 3 g. jjj 5 OS pj Carl Ailler. P A L A G E 2 fl S.J'g 33 3 fc o 9 u m rj C3 CJ P R fU o p N 5 M a H H P m BS HP Py B M o S, S p Carl Adler's CONTRACT TO BE LET. F or iee cords of hemlock bark. Forpartlculanlnaulreattne xannexy of ' C. LEIiJENWEBEB & CO. 22-lm ANNUAL SA Dry Goods and Clothing. FOR I will offer ray STOCK of CLOTHrNG at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES in order to reduce previous to stock-taking February 1st. OVEEC0ATS, OVERCOATS, OVERCOATS, AT COST For the Next 30 Days GENTS GENTS Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps I XL G. H.COOPER, IXL The Leading Dry Goods and Cothing House of Astoria. iSTFor special Dry Goods Advertisement see Daily Independent, FIRST QUALITY LUMBER. THE WESTPORT MILL COMPANY IS IN TIIE FIELD AND rEOFOSES TO remain. We will takH"onlen tor lumber from 100 to 500 3L, at the mill or deliveied. We also manufacture lath and stilngles of At quality. Flooring a Specialty Address all orders WESTPOKT MILL CO. S. C. I5KXN Kit. Sunt. SOLED GOLD JEWELRY Scarf Pins. Chains, Watches, SILVERWARE, Of every description. The fluest stock of Jewelry in Astoria. jyAH goods warrantedatreprtoeuted GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. NEW HATS ! -KECEIVED AT- McINTOSH'S Clothing and Gent's JLSTOHX&, LOEB & OO.i JOBBEKS LN' WINES. LIQUORS, AND CIGARS. ' AGENTS EOK THE gMt 8n Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. j Tumblers Decanters, and All i Kinds of Saloon Supplies. EVAll goods sold at San Francisco Prices. MAIN STREET. Opposite Parker Hook, Astoria. Oregon. THE HBSMBSBhCabU F1NHDRKSS SUITS. BUSINESS SUITS. WORKING SUITS. gmis C. Crosby Dealer in HARD? ARE, IRON, SHU, Iron Pipe and Fitting's,, STOVES, T9NWARI AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAI SHEET IRON, g?iri and Oooy, Stop That Horse! From Slipping. USE THE PATENT SHOE. George McLane x H AS JU.VT RECEIVED A PATBJfT Horseshoe from the Patent Office, far the purpnoe of preventing all classes oibipfi es fiom slipping on plank, or steep roedi: Hor-.es short with this shoe WIIX NOT SLIP. A trial wi 1 conviuce anyone. I keep Two Fii-Mi-fln h Mfce?ra la my shop. Try the NEW SHOE. v arNrriM and Contracted. Hf ew a specialty. No satisfaction no pay. GEO. McLAXX. OF- Furnishing Storii, OREG02T. IXIXSTI T f TTT A VT .r.Ei.rxu iJn BITTERS!, : WHmerding & Co., SlD FniMJMt . . p LOeD b0., AjfintS, ASttTML STOCK 1 -'Jl ! PIT KvTA w- nfHf-tUUJT ""--Lx.-rJ ,')'j 1