CJ Ihc gaitg t$foria. ASTORIA, OREGON: TUESDAY FEBRUARY 26, 18&1 AN INTERNATIONAL QUESTION. The secretary of state recently transmitted to the house copies of all correspondence on file in the state de partment in relation to the arrest at Lodz, in Kussian Poland, of Bern hardt Wagner, a citizen of the United States. The correspondence shows that the state department was notified of complaint made by Wagner that on returning from the United States to his native country he had been -arrested and his passports seized .The department took immediate steps to ascertain the truth of the com- - plaint, and found that the governor of Tetroken claimed that Wagner was a Russian subject, although having an American passport. Secretary Freling buysen,in a "letter to Minister Hunt ..refers to the story ibat Wagner had been exiled, and says: "This govern ment cannot believe that a govern ment, which, like that of Russia, has -- ibst-no opportunity in cultivating and extending friendly relations, should have so far disregarded evidence of the right of protection of the govern ment of the United States, which Reinhard Wagner presented in his lawfully issued passport, and turned a deaf ear to the courteous interpo sition made through you in his Te- half as to seize upon him and con- . sign him to exile in Siberia. No gov ernment could be expected to look .calmly on and behold the infliction upon one of its lawful citizens of suoh a punishment" Subsequently it was ascertained that Wagner had not been exiled, but by bribing the Russian police had escaped and re turned to America. In the last letter of the correspondence Secretary Fre linghuysen calls the attention of Minister Hunt to a statement made by the governor of Petroken in a communication about Wagner, in which he says: "The American pass port with which he was pro vided was taken away from him, as in his quality of a Russian subject he had not the right 'to' have it" To this the Sec retary objects, and says this gov ernment will never admit the claim of local or general officers of a foreign government to decide that a bona fide . "bolder of an Amerioau passport has no right thereto. Such a paper is tne mgnest eviaeuce tnat tho person to whom it was granted is a citizen of the United States, entitled by our own laws and the generally accepted laws of nations to the protection due at home and abroad to all citizens, whether native or naturalized, unless it can be shown by their own acts that they have voluntarily ceased to enjoy their rights to such protection. That is the question to be decided be- tween the two governments, and to claim that subordinates of one of them have the right to determine it would show disrespect to foreign states, which it would combat" The secretary directs the presentation by Minister Hunt to the Russian govern ment of a proposition for naturaliza tion connection between the United States and Russia which shall dis tinctly enunciate and at the same time limit the claims of that govern ment over those of original Russian alegiency naturalized here, who may return within Russian jurisdiction, and who, upon their departure, left unfulfilled military obligations to that government. OUR COAST TRADE. If one hundred San Franciscans were .asked what constituted the chief "factor in the prosperity of their city, probably ninety-five would say it was ..the city's trade; her position, and the fact that she is headquarters for a large extent of coast Next to the development of the Comstock mines v which poured a flood of gold and silver into San Francisco, which built her exchanges, and covered Nob Hill with palaces, nothing has given the Joay Uity such an impetus as the l revenue derived from her coast com merce. We have no mountain of precious metal to be mined and minted in our seaport city, but we have more abiding attributes of pros . perity, more permanent sources of wealth in the coast trade that is ours . if we but secure it Southern Ore , gon is secured to our southern neigh bor from the Oregon line to Yaquina; but little could be done to direct the 'trade from the channels through " - "which it now runs, but from Yaquina uprthward to the Quinaiult reserva tion is a stretch of magnificent terri- "jtoryof which Astoria is the natural center. Tillamook county is just v emerging into prominence. It is, pre-eminently, a stock and dairy country. Its wealth is in the raising of cattle and the sale of dairv Trod- -. "nets. During the past year the trade lias been constantly growing, and As toria, realizing this, has made com . .mendable efforts to secure it. Tilla mook has always been an isolated, and, consequently, a slow-growing community, but'the season of '84 will ' "bring immigration and wealth which will indirectly inure to our benefit, Northward is that magnificent stretch" of country which seems designated aby the hand of "nature as the seat of future empire. .men in ail tne nat- ural resources that make a country great, this region is fast filling up and its trade is increasing in a way which already indicates its future importance. The people have the kindliest feeling toward Astoria and anything that can bo done to aug ment it will not be amiss. RIVER IMPROVEMENT. Talking about the Mississip. . river, the necessity for its improve ment, and the great convention of representative men that met last week to direct the attention of con trress to this matter, the St Louis Globe-Democrat very justly says: "The feeling of prejudice has gained some excuse, no doubt, from the practice of associating the Missis sippi with a hundred other rivers whenever an appropriation has been sought. There are othei rivers in the country that ought to be im proved, no doubt, but it is true, at the same time, that the really merito rious projects of this kind have suff ered not a little by reason of being connected with schemes of a doubt ful and indefensible sort. Congress men have too frequently insisted up. on loading down the river and harbor bill with appropriations calculated only to benefit particular localities, and members entirely willing to vote money for the improvement of the Mississippi and its navigable tribu taries have thus been forced in many instances to take the negative side because they could not consent to indorse all the outlays proposed for obscure and useless purposes." It is just this that works delay in the effort to get needed appropri ations for important improvements, as in the case of the Columbia. A CONFUSION OF TERMS. A beoekt eastern convention of "free thinkers" gives rise to consider able comment regarding: what "free thinking" is. There seems to be a confusion of terms. Some of the speakers seem to have thought th at free thinking was a discover' to the credit of which they were entitled. The fact is "free thinking" in one sense has always existed. That is if free thinking be defined as the right of the human mind to form its im pressions in refusal to an attempt at mental coercion. This applies to the inalienable right of any one to do whatever thinking he pleases Thought can no more be suppressed than wilL But "free thinking" in the sense of thought wholly outside of environment and prejudice, there is no suoh thing in the world, nor has there ever been. Shelley's brilliant thought comes in; "Life, like a dome of many 'colored glass stains the white radiance of eternity." Thought has its laws as unchangeable as ge ometry, as fixed as the stars. Of what a man is, his thoughts are the unerring index. No two men or wo men in this world could possibly think alike, if they tried. The point of view is different with every ob server. There is considerable discussion concerning Henry Watterson's bill in congress copyrighting press dis patches. What a man or set of men pay for, that they should have, and if news be made an object of costly purchase its buyers should have pro tection. Akotheb vessel has been wrecked at the entrance to Puget sound. This time it iB at Borilla Point, opposite Cape Flattery. The unfortunate ves sel was the bark Lizzie. Marshall, and is a total loss. NEW TO-DAY. J. W. RUDDOCK, Practical Plumbing in All Its Branches. Steaui and Gas Fixtures, A Complete Stock of First-class 3lateri:U. All Work Guaranteed. Onlce and Shop ou Cas Street, rear ot Case's bank, A.storia, Oregon. Notice. T1IEKE WILL BK A MKETIXd OK THE Stockholders of the Olympic Gvmna siumheld In the Alert Hook and Ladder Co's room, in Astoria, Oregon. Tuesday, February 2Gth. at 8 o'clock i. si. for the rmr- pose of increasing the. capital stock of the corporation and considering other import ant business. C. Y. FULTON, S. T. McKEAX. PresIdenL Secretary. For Sale. OXE GOOD MILCH COW FOUR YEAKS old. Inquire of DR.JAYTUTTLE. SCOW "ANNIE," On -Friday, Feb. 29, 11 A.M. I am Instructed by the owner. Mr. John Glazer, to sell to the highest bidder, at PUBLIC AUCTION, The scow "ANNIE." 18 tons measurement and 40 tons carryiue capacity, as she now lies above Devlin's Cannery, together with a new suit of Sails, consisting of mainsail, fore sail, and Jib. two anchors, oars, rowlocks and lines. Scow and whole outfit to be sold in one lot. Terms, Cash, or. If desired bv purchaser, ono third cash, balance in C and ii months, at 10 per cent per annum interest, on ap proved endorsed notes. E. C. HOLDEV. td Auctioneer. FOR SALE. IN LOTS TO SCIT. FROM 5 ACRES TO 40 acre tract In S. W. corner of Chas. Stevens' D. C. Title perfect. For particu lars Inquire at office of N. D. Raymond. City Hall ; or on the premises of 0. D. Young. Astoria, Nov. 3d. 1883. SjBuil AicM Sale , Notice of Sale. (HEN SING LUNG & CO. HAVE SOLD J their goods and business to wonc Fat of Saa Francisco, who will do business un der the flrra name of Wall Hlng Jan. Wodr Fat will not be responsible for any debts incurred by Chen Sine Lung & Co. All kinds of Chinese Goods for sale. WONG FAT. Astoria, Oregon, Jan. 24th, im. xTv TROYAL '? j S . mm . rtf U& ' ' 3 tt, Absolutely Jwre. This -powder never arJe. Ajnarvel of puritv, strength and w holeiucntss. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot besold In competition with the mul titude ot low ttot snort wright. p.tum or phosphal- powders. Sold imhj i rn . Itov alBakiko 1'owDi.n Co.. :oj Uap -t. N. . ASTORIA LIOUOR STORE J AUG. DANIKLSOX. Proprietor. Rebuilt and Refitted Throushout. The Best of wis km. iiio.ro its, a:j v.w , it For a Good Cigar, call for ow of "Danielson's Best." Comer "West 9th and Water St rf-etv A.vUiri:i. no-Cm ARNDT & FERGHEN, Agents for Ore;;"". Washington IVnitotv.j ana AtaK:i lor E. W. BI.1S.V Special Ganierj Machinery ! Engines, Soldering Machines, Improved Acid Bath and Crimping Machines, Power Presses, Foot Presses, Squaring Shears, And ail other machinery used In canneries, including the new COMBINATION DIES. Working without small springs, constantly on hand. We respectfully invite all canuerynien to call and examine the ab ve machinery as it is greatly superior to any heretofore intro duced on this coast. Orders solicited. AKXDT & KEKC11V.S. Foot of Lafayette Street, Astoria. Oregon. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. A T MRS. GEO. niLLEIt'S. NEXT DOOR L to Weston Hotel. Dissolution of Partnership. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE firm of Warren & Thompson Ls dissolved by mutual consent and all parties indebted to the late firm will please make immediate settlement, and all partUs bavin" cl;tiirs aealnst the Ann of Warr-n & Thompson will please present the same, to H. C. Thompson, at tne old sianu. ior payment. WARREN and THOMPSON. Astoria, February 1st, 1SS1. Executors' Notice. rTPHE COUNTY COUHT OF CLATSOP X County. Oregon, having appointed the undeisiimed executors of the last will and testament of Truman P. Powers, deceased, all persons having claims against :i:di-tHte are requested to present the saint- with the proper vouchers, at tne office of C. Lelnen weber. Upper Astoria, within six mouths from this date. C. LEINENWEBKR. WM. WAD1IAMS. Astoria, December 14. isss. Notice to the Public. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I will not be lesponsible for any debts contracted in my name without a written order from me. N..IOHANSEN. Astoria. January 24th, ISSl. Notice. THE .MEMBERS OK THE SOCIETY OF "Friends of Progress" are reu nested to meet at Liberty Hall on Wednesday even ing, the 27th February. 184, at 7 o'clock v. si. that being the regularseml-anmial meet ing of the society, for the election of onleets. Wm. L. JI'EWAX. Acting Secretary January Cth, ISSL d-td FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET By the XIcht.ay. Week r .Himtli WITH OK WITHOUT KOAKl. With use of Parlor, Library and all the miu fort of a home. Terms reasonable. Apply to MltS. E. U. HOLDEN. Cor. Mahniud .le'Tewm Su. For Rent. A LARGE. FINE STORE KOO M AIMOIN- ing mv place of business ; also part of the enure upper floors if desired. For fur- eutlre upper Hot - narticulnrs inn ther particulars Inquire of RUDOLPH BARTfl. Comer OIney and Squemoqua streets. For Sale. TMVK HUNDRED CORDS DRY HKM- I? lock Wood, which I will deliver at the houses of customers for S4 a cor.l, Draylnc or all kinds done :st reaonabIe rates. . R. R. .MARION. TAX NOTICE. RESIDENTS OF SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 9 are hereby notified that the taxes fr the vear 1SS3 lu said dbtrirt are now due and payable at the office of BadoIIet & Co.. Upper Astoria. .I.E.HIGGINS. Acting School Clerk. Astoria, February C, 1SS4. School Notice. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE LE gal voters of School District No. l. Clat sop countv. Oregon, will be held at the new school building in said dbtrict, on Monday March 3, 1881. at 7 o'clock r. iin for the pur pose of electim; one director to servo Jor three years, and one clerk to serve for one year. By order of the Directors. .1.O.B0Z0RTU, Clerk, School District No. 1. Clatsop County Or. February 20, ISSL dtd Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned has been appointed the:is slgnee of I. J. Arvold, and all persons hav ing claims against said 1. J. Arvold are no tified to present the same duly verified to me at my office In Astoria. Orr gon, within three months from this date. January 5th. IBM. C. 1L FATJE. d-6v Assignee of L J. Arvold. To Lease. T OFFER FOR RENT MY FINK RC5I- JL ness property In upper Astoria. This Is a rare opportunity for a business man. N.JOHaNSEN. Notice to the Public. HAVING SOLD MYENTIRKINTHREST in the Market and Grocery business to J. B. Wyatt, of Portland, I take this method of expressing thanks for the uniform court esy and liberal patronage of the citizens of Astoria for the past fourteen years, and I cheerfully recommend the firm of Wvatt& Thompson to the confidence and liberal pat ronage of the public. Including especially the friends of the old firm. D.JK.WAEREN. R J2? . ttf la i &5k ?srfB Jr-ft You Are Sure AT THE Fyroiture Leading OF ASTORIA. CHAS. HEILBORN. XT .j N I T XT R S FOE Hal! Office. Library, I W I and DINING ROOM., in WALNUT, CHEEKY, ASH, AND MAPLE. We aire without a doubt showing- the Largest and Most Complete hue of CHAMBER SUITS in this city, unequaled in Design, Work manship and Finish. We Carry an IMMENSE STOCK OF CARPETS of All Designs and Colors in Body, Roxbury, and Tapestry Brussels, Tbree Plys, Extra Supers and Ingraius. FOSTER'S EXCHANGE. THE liiliard Parlors Are not excelled by any norih of San Francisco. Nothing but the best dispensed, and every convenience for the com fort of guests. Imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars. The Most Complete Establishment in Astoria. AT THE ENTRANCE TO THE 0. R. & N. DOCK. TKK .EW YORK IIMLTT STORE ! Opposite the Parker Hou Headquarters for tllC Yoilllg and the Old turn mo urn. P,,,.'-.- M..ol..1 liutninnint. T...-J t timer and Novelties of Every Description. AM tlie Trending Publications of the Iay. Ask so be shown the Clariona, the latest ; novel of mechanical Ingenuity. 0, Tell Me Where Is Fancy Bre(a)d ! j WHY, AT THE Asioria.Balerj & WeclioDeri' CHEXA3IUS STREET. Not only SUPERIOR BREAD ANDI CAKES AND PASTRY In great variety, but I also THE LARGEST STOCK OF CANDIES IN TOWN. Weddings and parties supp'ied with the most elaborate ornamental work on the shortest notice and on reasonable terms. This Is the most complete establishment in Astoria. I ED. JACKSOX. Prop. ; jP THE j OewYorkHoveuy! Notice. mms is to give notice that i wish A all parties knowing themselves to be In - debted to me to make immediate settlement thereof. X.JOHANSEN. to be Suited House F XT R N I T XT R E THE Parlor Chamber and Club Rooms PETER ELANKHOLM, Dealer In FINE CIGARS, IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC. THE BEST BRANDS OF TOBACCO. S.nOItKRS' AitTICIjES. Cor. .Squemoqua and OIney Streets, Astoria. Just Received Kx Walln Walla 500 Tons Seattle Coal. COAL! COAL! Tho Oregon Improvement Co. Now have for sale at the new Bunkers. SEATTLE COAL For Domestic use, clean. $7.50 per ton of 'n10los i FoTsteam use. average. $c.30 per ton of 2-240lDS- I For Steam use, screenings, .54.50 per ton of I --,u l"3' Also constantly on hand First-class Cumberland Coal For Blacksmith use, at market rates. E. A. NOYES, jan20-3m Agent. THE BEST IS THE o:ocjE:.:EjE2sa? ! Royal Brand Flour Manufactured by the OREGON MILLING COMPANY Is of Superior Quality,' and Is Endorsed oy an wno use tr, THE HOUSEKEEPER'S FAVORITE Of Superior Rising Quality. j Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction, ' WV A TT Rr TPTf ITlTPQmvr , V V JL J. JL X W, L nVrJUroMIM I Sole Agents far Astoria. ' FRANK L. Fresh Fruits FANCY GROCERIES. TKK apply to the Captain, or to EMPIRE STORE KE-OPENING ! Fine Goods Reduced Prices Ladies desirous of procuring Goods unequaled in Style and Tinish will take pleasure in examining our Stock of SILKS, SATINS and DRESS GOODS. IN THE GENTS' FUENISEING DEPARTMENT, Everything is Complete and of the hest PEAEL BEOS. John A. Montgomery, DKALEB If Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Magee Stoves and Kangf The Best lu the market. Piumbiug goods of all kinds ou hand. Jot work done in a workmanlike manner. PLUMBING.. GAb FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. Clicnumus Street. Xext to C. Ii. Parker's Store. ASTOHIA, - - ORSQOH. THE NEW MODEL -P A FULL STOCK Two doors east of Occident Hotel. M. OLSEN. J. OUSTAFSON. MARTIN OLSEN & CO . KALERS IN JL6 FURNITURE 3 BEDDING. Corner llniu and Squemoqua Streets. AHtoria. Oregon. WINDOW SHADES AND TRIMMINGS; WALL PAPER ETC. A Complete Stock. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. ALL KIIYJIS OF FITKISITURE KEPAIKED AWD VAXCTISIIED. YOU CAN TAKE THE CAKE! And by Buying it at . F. B. ELBERSON'S SEASIDE BAKERY You will be sure that It is worth taking. Every Variety of Fine Cakes and Confectionery Special Inducements For tho Holiday Trade. Candies, Christmas Tree Trim mings, Etc. The Best Quality of Ft -no 33rapl Delivered every Morning SEASIDE BAKERY, F. R.F.IiUEBSON, Proprietor, Shlloh's Catarrh Remedy a posi- tlve cure for Catarrh, Dipt! Jiptherla ana Canker Mouth. Sold by W. . Dement PARKER. Vegetables SIVEAMEB IUM PARKER ben P. Parker, Master. tVrTUWLSi;. FREIGHT orCHAK- II. is. PABiE. RANGE CAN BE HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OF E. B. JIAWBB, AGENT CALL AND EXAMINE IT, YOD WILL BE PLEASED. E. K. HA WES Is also agent for the Ml patent Mm Stove And other first-class stoves. Fnrnaoe "Work, Staam FiU inss. etc.. a specialty. ALWAYS ON HAND. ASTORIA. OREGON. A. JOHNSON. California Exchange The best ot California and Foreign Wines and Liquors Kept Constantly on Hand Domestic and ForelffH Cigars oT the best frauds. NATIONAL BREWERY BEER. On Concomly between Benton and Lafa yette streets. Ira GEORGE GORLTEE I. W. CASE, IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE AND RK TAIL DEALER IN GEERAL MEBCHANDISE Corner Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA OBSQON