(n hc Haifa SUtotim ASTOKI A, OREGON : FRIDAY FEP.RUAtt' 12. ISSi THE OliCOON SHOUT LINE. About last New Year's day a party of surveyors from Portland suddenly made their appearance at or near the mouth of the Malheur river, in Ba ker county, and commenced the sur vey of a line near the ihouth of that stream. running up it a distance of 112 miles to Crane's creek, which is the outlet of Harney lake. At this point they were met by another party "oT"surveyors torn Coxvallis. The surveyors refuse to tell who are their employers, or what the objects of the survey. Of course these surveys mean some thing; but-just what- they mean can only be conjectured at present The Oregon "Short Line has been built into Oregon, and is known to be look ing fpr an independent route to the tidewater of the Pacific. A late Boise Statesman says: 'The impression is daily gaining tren'gth that it is Union Pacific money which is building the Yaquina and Corvallis road. Yaquina bay offers splendid possibilities for a safe and commodious harbor. All that is needed to make it so is the expendi ture of money; and of that there ia no laok when an important object is to be attained. Putting all the move ments together, it begins to look very much as if a close guess could bo made at the route to be adopted for the further extension of the Oregon Short Line. It will very probably go to the Pacific ocean by the route in dicated above, whatever it may do in other directions." Some may think that if the Short Line reaches the ocean through the route above indicated, it will not need the Baker City road, nor will it want to come down the Snake river. But these results do not necessarily fol low. One object of Jay Gould, or the Union Pacific company an object overshadowing all others has been to secure a portion- of the immense trade which is destined to flow over the Northern Pacific; and a road -running from the mouth of Malheur river, while it will undoubtedly be good paying property, will not accom plish this object It is not yet abso lutely certain that Jay Gould has acquired a controlling interest in the Northern Pacific. If he has not then it will be for the interest of the Short Line either to cross Snake river at the mouth of Burnt river, and finish the Baker City branch road, or build down the east side of Snake river to Lawiston. Some facts have recently come to the surface going to Bhow that Gould has not yet got control of the Baker City Branch road. If he does not accomplish that object, then he will construct a road to Lewiston in the near future. At present all is doubt and uncertainty on this sub ject. The abova is from the Nez Perce News of the 14th, and is copied ver batim as an illustration of the feel ings of upper country people regard ing probable railroad movements. Of course to us dwellers on the coast the allusion in the Statesman con cerning Yaquina bay provokes only a smile. Any reasonable amount of money that congress could appro priate for that place would only dem onstrate the impracticability of build ing .a harbor where so little natural advantage exists. That the Short Line is casting about for a tide water outlet is evi dent That its managers are now cal culating the relative advantages of the several routes proposed is no less evident More than a year ago The Asto rian, in discussing this subject, said "The managers of the Oregon Short Line will consult their best interests by .following the Malheur up to Lake Harney and across the headwaters of the !Deschute3 to the eastern slope of the Cascades. They will find there rioh, tillable land, ready for the plow of the settler.' Going on to the west the track could cross either the Mac kenzie or the Minto pass into the Willamette valley, and from there to Astoria." From the News, now we learn that the survey has been along the Mal heur to Lake Harney; to follow out the rest of the programme outlined by this paper would, in the opinions of many, redound to the best inter ests of the management who control that line. Voii I, No. L of the San Frati ciscaiiis on our desk. It is excellent in eTery department To mention its contributors and editors would belike calling the roll of editors that made Nevada hum in fhe old Comstock "days.. Joe Goodman, than whom a heartier, cheerier man never stuck a paste-brush in an inkstand; Daggett, Goodwin, "Mark Twain," and others who made the Tirginia Enterprise famous, are once more on deck with sparkling thoughts; the silver tongued Tom Fitch contributes an eloquent article; Sam "Davis, of the Carson Appeal, comes smilingly for ward, and Arthur McEwen again . jtunes his humorous lyre. The de v lightful contrast to the hide-bound arrogance of the Argonaut is refresh ing, and that the San Franciscan shall flourish is the wish of many ''fnousand's of its friends rom the OdrbnaH&s to Cariboo. t Senatob Shejdwt declares that it is labor we are protecting, not capi tal The majority of the people had an idea it -vras the other way. HAZLETON HALLUCINATION. The little town of Hazleton in Pennsylvania, which has been built over an old coal mine, is, it is an nounced, slowly sinking into the depths beneath it A large number of families have been compelled to leave their homes. A hotel has die appeared. The track of a railroad is in danger, together with the tele graph poles and whvs that run along it How many Hazletons there are all over the country. Hazletons not built on worked out coal mines, but on foundations still more unsubstan tial! There are thousands of them all oyer the country. They are in every village. The country is full of Hazletons, Hazletons in politics, finance, business the whole world, in fact, is one great Hazleton.. Mb. Abthub's presidential boom is above ground in the Empire state. It is as delicate as the little crocuses which have just begun to shoot under the snow and ice; but there is no telling how vigorous it may become after the showers of April and the balmy sunshine of May have de scended upon it The convention will be held in June, the beautiful month of roses. Mr. Arthur is an expert in the political farming pro cesses, and within the next ninety days it is not impossible that he will 'have the finest plaut in the conserva tory of the national convention. Like the Widow Butler he seems to know what he wants, although his manner of asking for it is slightly different One of the stories told to show the value of presence of mind in times of excitement and danger, is con cerning some recent riots in New Orleans. The mob was threatening and increasing, and the local militia were called out At a crisis in the affair one of the citizen soldiers leveled his musket at a prominent opponent, when the man next to him struck up the gun, exclaiming: "Don't shoot that man nis lire s insured in our office!" NEW TO-DAY. CONTRACT TO BE LET. I?Ott 100 COKDS OF HEMLOCK BAKK. For particulars inquire ai the Tannery of C. LE1NKNAVEKER & CO. 22-1 m Annual School Meeting. JVtOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE H leal voters of School District No. is, of Clatsop county. Oregon, that the anuu;il school meeting for said district w 111 be held at the school house lit said mstiict. to begin at the hour ol iyt r. m on the first Monday, being the 3d day or March, A. I). 1884. This meet lug is called for the purpose of electing one bchool Director for said district to serve lor the term of thiee j ears ; also or electing a School Cleric for said district to serve ut the term of one ear; and the transacting of any other business coming befoie the meeting. Dated iu me uity ot Astoria, uoumy oi Clatsop. tatc of Oregon, this 2lst day of February, A. D. 1S31. C. W. SHIVELY. DNtrict Clerk. The Weekly Asiorian OUT TTrlfft 3MCoxTTl-ng; In Wrappers read for Mailing. Price, - - - Ten Cents. DO YOU OWN A HORSE? THEN' DOXT LET HIM SUFFERTHESE cold nights when you can keep him comfortably wanu with a No. 1 New Horse Blanket that you can get for a dollar and a half at K. C. HOLDEN'S Auction Koonvs. Mrs. R. QTJINN, GROGERltS AND PROVISIONS, Crocbory and Glassware. jSL DFul3JL Stools.., NEW GOODS CONSTANTLY KKGEIVKD. Northwest corner Squeiimqii.i and Main Street. nt7-3in The A 1 FjihI Sailing Schooner "GEN. BANNING," ttston register, will leae Astoria, on. or about FEBRUARY 23. lfcKl. FOlt Cray's Harbor. She will take freight at Portland, and on her return from Port land will leave Astoria. For fuither particular npplv to J. II. D. G It AY. Astoria, Oregon. For Rent. k L AKGE, FI NE STOKE ROOM ADJOIN ix. ing my ;lacc of business ; also part of the entire upper floors it desired. For fur ther particulars inquire of RUDOLPH BAKTH. Corner Olney and Squemoqua streets. School Notice. THE AfsNUAL MEETING OF THE LE gal voters of School District No. 1. Clat sop county, Oregon, will he held at the new school building in said district, on Tuesday, March 3, 16S1. at 7 o'clock p. ji for the pur pose of electing one director to serve for three years, and one clerk to serre for one year. Bv order of the Directors, J. o. BOZORTH. Clerk, School District No. 1. Clatsop County Or. February 20, 1S1. dtd Notice. THIS IS TO INFORM ALL WHOM IT mav concern that the busings formerly known as riun Shine Co., iu the city of As ioria Oregon, on Chenamus street opposite the Tost office, and owned by Honir Fanp, Wong Clxu, and Honi; Yin. ba been bought by Hong Fang who will assume all the na liillties of the Sun Sing Co., and will collect all debts due the same, Hone Fong will keep Chinese groceries, teas, fruits, etc. Astoria Jan. 28th, 18&4. TAX NOTICE. RESIDENTS OF SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 9 are hereby notified that the taxes for the year 1883 iu siid district are uow due and payable at the office of Badollet & Co., Upper Astoria. J. E. HIGGINS, Acting School Cleric Astoria, February c, ISM. I (111 s mJkMfmO Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of puritv, strength and w holesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the mul titude ot low test short weight, alum or phosphat powders. Sold only in cans. Itov al Baking Powdkr Co., jo; Wali-st. N. Y. SPECIAL AUCTI VALUABLE Seaside Located in the Immediate Vicinity of Already Im proved Property. The Favorite, and Most Fre quented Seaside Resort Of the Elite of Portland for Many Years, and without Doubt Affording the Fines! Sea-bathing Facilities and Summer Rec reations on the Oregon Coast. INSTRUCTED BY Messrs. BOZORTH & JOHNS, I WILL ON Saturday, February 23, IK THE AFTER3fOO?f, At 2 P. M. Afltt IJS TOE EYEXSftG, 7 P. M. At My Auction Rooms, Con tinue to Soli At Public Auction A LIMITED NUMBER OF LOTS, Each 50x100 feet In the First Addition to Ocean Grove, Immediately Adjoining the l'niuTt on which is located the Well and Favorably Known CRIMES' SUMMER HOUSE. In calling attention to the extraoi dinar faorablc surroundings of the property of fered for sale as a suti'iner resort.it is only necessary to remind Astorians th.it it oilers not only t he most fa orable faeilitio for ea bathing, but also for hunting both bear and elk, shooting, fishing and the healthy exer cise of boat rowing on the Nccaniciim rner, the western boundary of the plat comprising the first addition to OCEAN GROVE. AS A IxWESTniKXT Which must eventually prove highly re mun rative in case present purchasers buy on a speculation, it is only necessary to state that lots in close- proximity to those now offered for sale, have been sold for not Ies than $100 each, and uill be. improved :nd occupied this season by many of the pur chasers, among whom are sucn well-known gentlemen In this state as M. S. Burrell, (Kuapp. Burrell & Co.. Portland), J. B. Con gle, Esq. Portland, Geo. C. Sears (sheriff Multnomah county). A. If. Johnson the we 1-known cattle dealer, Portland, Hon, Geo H. Durham. Hillsboro.Charle? Iviiowles, Ksq., .1. O. Hauttiom. Esq., Geo. Stowell, Hon. J. B. Kellogg, C. E. Sitton, E D. Mc Kee. Esq., of KocLers. Meyer & Co.. C. P. Hogue, Cashier Northwestern Sain-'s Bank. Portland, and several equally prominent Oregonians. For further particulars enquire of Messrs. Bozoitli & Johns, real estate ageuts, or E.C.HOLDEN. Auctioneer. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. AT MRS. GEO. HILLER'S. NEXT DOOR to Weston Hotel. Dissolution of Partnership. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE firm of Warren & Thompson is dissolved by mutual consent, and all parties indebted to the late firm will please make Immediate settlement, and all parties having claims against the firm of Warren & Thompson will please present the same to H. C. Thompson, at the old stand, for pavraent. WARUEN and THOMPSON. Astoria, February 1st, 18S1. Executors' Notice. THE COUNTY COURT OF CLATSOP County, Oregon, having appointed the undersigned executors of the last will aud testament of Tniman P. Powers, deceased, all persons having claims against said estate are requested to present the same with the proper vouchers, at the office of C. Leinen weber. Upper Astoria, within six months from this date. C. LEINENWEBER, WM. WADHAMS. Astona, December 14, 1SS3. LUlQ Yoii Are Sure AT THE Leading rlirSIPliiTP or ASTOEIA. CHAS. HEILBOKN. F U .Vj N I T U E, E TOR Hall, Office, Library, Parlor, Chamber and DINING ROOM, in WALNUT, CHEKRY, ASH, AND MAPLE. We are without a doubt showing1 the Largest and Most Complete line of CHAMBER SUITS in this city, unequaled in Design, Work manship and Finish. We Carry an IMMENSE STOCK OF CARPETS of All Designs and Colors in Body, Roxbury, and Tapestry Brussels, Three Plys, Extra Supers and Ingrains. FOSTER'S THE illiard Parlors Are not excelled by any north of San Francisco. Nothing but the best dispensed, and every convenience for the com fort of guests. Imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars. The Most Complete Establishment in Astoria. AT THE ENTRANCE TO THE 0. R. & N. DOCK. a mm Mi 3 iym 1 1 fmrmti THE NEW YORK II NOYELTY STORE ! Opposite the Parker Houe. Headquarters for the Young and the Old. Books, Musical Instruments, Toys, Stationery, and Novelties of Every Description. .ill tlie Lending: Publication? of the Day. Ask to he shown the Clariona, the latest novel of mechanical ingenuity. jtf tsii: Nv New York Novelty STOKE X r to be Suited House! i F U Br N I T U R THE EXCHANGE. and Giub Booms S (HUME'S BUILDING.) AttEXCY Eed Crown Flour. Guaranteed a Superior Article. DEALERS GRAIN, MILL PEED, POTATOES, Country Produce, Etc. -Consignments Solicited, and Advances made on same. PETER BLANKHOLM, Dealer In FINE CIGARS, IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC. THE BEST BRANDS OF TOBACCO. S3IOKEKS' ARTICLES. Cor. Squemoqua and Olney Streets, Astoria. Just Keceived Ex Walla Walla 500 Tons Seattle Coal. COAL! COAL! The Oregon Improvement Co. Now have lor sale at the new Bunkers. SEATTLE COAL For Domestic use, clean, $7.30 per ton of 2.210 lbs. For Steam use, average. Ss.50 per ton of 2,240 lbs. For Steam use. screenings. $4.50 per ton of I'JIU 105. Also constantly on haud First-class Cumberland Coal For Blacksmith use, at market rates. E. A. NO YES, jaE20-3m Agent. SflEiMVffl FRAR& L. Fresh Fruits FACY GBOCERIES. TEU apply to tlie Captain, or to EMPIRE STORE RE-OPENING ! Fine Goods Reduced Prices Ladies desirous of procuring Goods unequaled in Style and Pinish will take pleasure in examining our Stock of SILKS, SATINS and DRESS GOODS. IN THE GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT, Everything is Complete and of the best. PRAEL BROS. Join! JL DKALF.K j?n-ta?w :vjwui Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Magee Stoves and Kanges The Best In the market. I'lumatug goods of all kinds on hand. Jot work done In a workmanlike manner. PLUMBING.. GAS FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. Chemimus Street. A'cxt to C I.. Parker's Store. ASTORIA, - - OREGOW. THE NEW MODEL P A TTTT.T. STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. IE3. 3E.. BEA WJbJS, Tu o doors east of Occident Hotel. ASTORIA, OREGor . 51. OL3EX. J. GUSTAFSOX. MARTIN OLSEN & CO. KALEKS IN SSaT FURNITURE S BEDDING. Corner 3Iatn and. Squemoqua Streets. Astoria, Oresoa. WINDOW SHADES AND TRIMMINGS; WALL PAPER ETC. A Complete Stock. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. AI.I. KIIV3. OF FUKWITUKi: BEPAIRED ATTD TARWISHED. YOU CAN TAKE THE CAKE! And by Ru)iugitat F. B. ELBERSONrS SEASiDE BAKERY You will be sure that It is worth taking. Every Variety of Fine Cakes and Confectionery Special Inducements For the Holiday Trade. Candies, Christmas Tree Trim mings, Etc. The Best Quality of Delivered every Morning SEASIDE BAKERY, r.B.EIiBEK80X, Proprietor, That Hacking Cough can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it Sold by W. E. Dement. PARKER. Vegetables STEADIER ILiHA PAMER Eben P. Parker, Master. For TOWING. FREIGHT orCHAlt 11. B. PAEKEK. ntgomery, !' rifagyfanoiinii RANGE CAN BE HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OF E. 1. UAWB8, AGENT CALL AND EXAMINE IT. YOU WILL BE TLEASED. E. R. HAWES Is also agent for the fink patent Cooiii Stove And other first-class stoves. Furnace "Work. Stasa Fit. t-inss. etc, a specialty A. JOHN30X. California Exchange The best of California and Foreign Wines and Liquors Kept Constantly on Hand Domestic and Foreign Clours of the best Brands. NATIONAL BREWERY BEER. On Conconily between Benton and Lafa vette streets, in GEOKGE GORLIEE I. W. OASE, LMPORTKB AND WHOLESALE AND KX TAIL DEALEE m GEESAL MEBCHAME Corner Chenamus and Caas streets. ASTORIA -.-- OBEGON