?t '". " w )xt JSatU; Historian. ASTORIA. OREGON: TUESDAY... ..FEBKUAhY 12. 1M ISSUED EVERY MORNING. (Mondaj excepted) J. F. HALLORAN & COMPANY. PPBLISIIKK8 A'D PROPItTKTuK-. A8TORIA5 BUILDING. - - CASS STREET Term of Subscription. Servrd bv C.urior. per w eek.... .. IScts. Sent by Mall, per mouth .. WMts. " ' " miejeai ... Free of, postu-se to..ubsi:ribeK. .57.09 Elf-Advertisements inserted by the j ear at the rate of 2 per square per nioiith. Trau slent ad ertislug fifty cents per square. each insertion. Around the Citv. Council meets to-night. The fuel market i lively this week. This wilt be a good day to buy that ralentine. The Beemah and Stale of California exossed out yetsrday. Proving him to be a vagrant cost Win. Vallero $10 in the police court yesterday. Cralgie Sharp is in the city in the in terests of his able journal, the West Shore. On the Columbia yesterday J. Strauss received a large lot of fine baby car riages. Yesterday was the 152d anniversary of Washington's birthday, but we will cele brate it m good shape on the 22d. The unusual sight of delicato frost work traced upon the window panes was generally noticed yesterday morning. The Ladies1 Aid society of the Presby terian church will meet to-day at the house of Mrs. J. F. Halloran at 2 p. m. "A certain Portland councilman is in trouble from having two wives." Like enough ! Lots of men are in trouble from having one. The twelfth annual convention of the Oregon state woman's suffrage associa tion will be held in Portland to-day and to-morrow. The Columbia arrived in yesterday morning. Capt. Geo. Flavel, Miss Nellie Flavel and M. P. Gallender were among the returning Astorians. On next Thursday, tho 21st inst.. E. C. Holden will have an auction sale of miscellaneous articles at the premises at the Pt. Adams Packing Co., in upper As toria. The receipts on the occasion of Miss Spaulding's lecture last Friday evening were $S6.45. Th6 next lecture of the course will be delivered the first week in March. The Northwestern lumber Company has filed articles of incorporation. The directors are A. M. Simpson, T.B.Morris, M. P. Callender, A. V. Simpson, and Samuel Perkins; capital $l,OG0,O00. Officer Peokinpah took Thos. Quirk to San Francisco on the Slate yesterday. Quirk got obstrapjrom toward the last, and began abusing Loughrey and Peck inpab, occasioning the latter to put bracelets on him. B. S. Worsely, auctioneer and com mission merchant, flings his banner to the bre6ze this morning and is ready for business. His office and warerooms are in his new building on Squemoqua street ast of C. H. Cooper's. Calvin Piatt, a civil engineer of estab lished reputation, is in the city and goes to Ilwaco this morning to make prelimi nary examination of the proposed rail road connecting Baker's bay with Shoal water bay and Gray's harbor. On Valentine's eve, the ladies of the Y. M. C. A. give a free sociable at the .rooms of the association. These socials are occasions of great enjoyment, and to-morrow there will doubtless be a large gathering at the Y. M. C. A. headquart ers. All are cordially invited. From the forts comes the news that the skating is "just splendid !" A party of skaters went down to Ilwaco yester day and report the ice in fine condition. Capt. Gray advertises an excursion for this morning, and thus gives an oppor tunity for all to enjoy the sport. There are more varieties of climate in the United States than any other nation can show. It is about the only country in the world where a man wrapped in a fur coat and with a cap pulled down over bis ears can telegraph to a friend and have his message received by an operator sitting in his shirt sleeves and fanning himself with a straw hat. Next Friday, the 15th inst., the cele brated Courtright and Hawkins Min strels give one of their unrivalled enter tainments at Occidental hall. They have some good performers, and as a new specialty announce Muldoon tho champion wrestler of the world in Roman and classic statuary. Reserved seats as usual at tho New York Novelty Store. The fine opportunity for coasting, afforded by a splendid track and a brill iant moon was eagerly embraced last evening by a large crowd who did some remarkable coasting. One sled contain ing fourteen was timed and from the time they left the top of the hill near the schoolhouse, till they rounded to in Gray's woodyard 1200 feet was 30 sec onds. Forty feet a second is moving pretty lively. English Salmon Market. Th demand this week hag run princi pally on salmon, of which the first cargo of the new season's pack from Astoria is clo3e at hand, though it will of course be some days before any sales of moment will be effected in this shipment. In landed parcels of Columbia river, how ever, a pretty good business has been done, partly for export to Australia, and favorite marks have brought satisfactory prices, say 27s to 28s per case, other and inferior qualities selling less readily at 24s to 26s. "We hear of samples of "machine-filled" tins of salmon being offered from Liverpool for examination and ap- Sroval in the London market, but they o not answer the requirements of the trade, the fibre of the fish being soft and pulpy, instead of coming apart in un broken flakes, and distinctly proves the superiority of the hand-packed process to that performed by machine. London Grocer. Xore Chadnell Chlpt. Chadwell, Feb. 9, 18S4. Editob Astebian: It was my good fortune to be present last night at a party given by Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Ingalls, at their residence on the Lewis and Clark river it being the occasion of the closing of the winter term of school. Quite a numerous 00m .pany was present, considering the in ctemanoy of the weather, and dancing was kept up until the early morning hours. Good rcusc was furnished by ,Krs. Ingalls and Miss Mary Harder at the organ, by Mr. Ingalls upon the banjo, by "Messrs. Miller and Bartell upon the acoordeon and by Mr. Davidson upon the flute. The supper was the chief feature of the occasion, and showed Mrs. In galls to be complete mistreas of the art of. New England pastry cooking. Fun presided at the bead of the table. Frolic at 'the foot, and midway between sat Yorick, who "kept the table in a roar." The company regretted the absence of Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Hartill, who would have contributed so much to the "inioyment of the evening the one de tained at home by sickness in the fam ily, and the other by the storm. "When aext Dan gives a party hop, may we be there to see. S. I. B. Vftieatlmea, Yaie-tlae For Oae vent. Where: At the New York Novelty Stgra. A BLIZZARD FROM THE MOUNT AIXS. In tTonsnal And Prolonged Cold Snip. Ittras ion irorn conceruinq the weather. Some with chattering teeth said they liked it, others j who sat suddenly down nd -lood up and cu ,, : r 11 spit out pieces of tongue used remnrLs' that are found in tho Hible, but the great majority will be glad when tho warm breath of the Pacific floats in from the west and puts Jack Frost to flight. The cold which circled down upon us from the east after tho unusual snow fall of Thursday and Fridav. reached its low est degree yesterday morning. Men who' are orainaruy gooa naturea were out of all humor upon arising and finding every thing frozen up. Discomfort of all kinds was occasioned and the forenoon was oc cupied mainly in thawing out. In many localities the water pipes burst, and the consequent annoyance is considerable. The usual weather that we all so much enjoy renders us poorly prepared for such an arctic wave as that which has rolled down upon us from the frosty regions to the east. At davbreak vaster- day morning the thermometer registered n aegrees, the lowest temperature in Astoria for 3 oars, the dry snow filled with frost creaked beneath the tread, the sidewalks were a glare of ice, long icicles hung pendent from the eves of tho houses, and no one was really happy ex cept plumbers, tinners and men with leisure to enjoy the sleigh ridine. No city in the United States affords better facilities in the way of thoroughfares on which to enjoy sleigh riding, for the slightest covering of snow suffices to make a smooth track. The S. O. Heed encountered broken ice on her upward way from Tongue Point to Knappa, and upon reaching Ealama had to lie to for repairs to her sheath ing. The Thompson, which managed to get through yesterday evening, shows on her bow and keel signs of the rough pounding she got on her way down. As there will be no ocean steamers to break a track to day it is doubtful if tho Heed will .get down this evening. The Colum bia got in yesterday morning and re ports a frigid trip all the way from San Francisco. "Water froze in tha state rooms yesterday morning and the crowd of passengers were heartily glad to get into smoother water than was afforded them outside. From the interior come reports of un usual cold. At Portland the thermome ter registered ten degrees yesterday morning, and from points along tho road is reported extremely low temperature K0RT1I1YESTEBN' SOTES. Oregon has 11,321 horso-power in grist and saw mills. Eight degrees below zero in eastern Oregon. Ughl Immense shipments of bullion go east ward over the N. P. B. It. from Montana. Real estate is in demand at Spokane Falls, W. T. Improved farms sell at $30 per acre. During 1833, from Washington Oregon got 76 patents, or one to every 3000 of population. Poll tax assessors in eastern Idaho take a good many chances in collecting from irate residents. Pneumonia among men and blind staggers among horses make life unpleas ant in eastern Oregon. Judge Bull of Yakima county is probate judge, hotel keeper, ranchman, mer chant, and manager of a tell road. Corvallis papers say that a locomotive will be running over "the Oregon Pacific in forty days. Other papers say no. Nightwatchman Ohlm at AVadhams fc Elliott's Chehalis saw mill was burned to death by tho furnace fire last Friday. "Washington territory juries composed of men and women usually disagree. Human nature is tho same on or off a jury. "Col." Howlett, prospective candidate for Washington gubernatorial honors, goes to the Coour d' Alone as a mining correspondent. J. H. Foster fc Co., an Albany milling firm, are embarrassed to the extent of $100,000 and have deeded their property to their creditors. The talk of "Washington Territorial division has ceased. The Territory will come into the indissoluble union as a sovereign state in 1886. The Southern Oregon coyotes are mak ing sad havoc with the Ipinbs aud sheep and the farmers are offering from $20 to $50 apiece for their scalps. The mail rider between Cceur d'Alene mines and the Mission charges 50 cents for each letter. Twenty and even 50 let tors a trip is a common thing. A small insect closely resembling a fly has made its appearance in portions of Southern Oregon, destroying ell fall sown wheat, eating the blades down level with tho ground. A Salem vigilance committee threatens tramps with the penalty of death if they refuse to leave the town. If the threats are carried into execution the executors will be sued in the court of Heaven's chancsry. The Coos bay coal miners have struck for $1.25 per ton. The superintendent threatened to employ Chinamen. The employes said if he did they would never come up alive. Then the superintendent offered $L22K and the boys went to work. "While skating on a mill-pond back of Oregon City, last Friday, Otto and Hor ace Schram, sons of John Schram, aged respectively 10 and 17 years, broke through the ice and before assistance could reach them wero drowned. The bodies were recovered. The railroad passes over the highest ranges in Montana have an altitude of 6000 feet above tho sea level no greater than the plains of Cheyenne, "Wyoming. Nearly all tho arable valleys of Montana average from 500 to 2000 feet lower than the most fertile ones of Colorado or Utah. Orthodox Portlandites couldn't stand the name of "Hobt. Ingersoli" on a ferry boat. It has been changed in the name of the senate and house of repressnta tivesof the United States of America, to "Theresa May," and the rippling waves of the "Willamette sparkle in unsullied peace. The largest forco of men on the O. B. & N. is being worked in the Blue moun tains, between La Grande and Meacham'8, where there is a total force of 2500 Chinamen on hand, 1500 of whom aro at work. In a very short time the work on the line will be resumed in full force, and the road pushed to completion to the point of junction with the O. S. L. at Huntington. Ml There is no mistake, St Jacobs Oil never fails as a pain-banisher. WHAT! do you think that JEFF OF THE CHOP HOUSE gives you a meal for nothing and a class of oiuethimr to drink? uNot much!" but he gives a better meal and more of it than any place in town tor 35 cents. He buys bv the wholesale and pays cash. "Tha't settles it" At the Empire Store You will find the finest laces and em broideries, of richest quality. Corsets Had Underwear. All the latest makes and styles of cor sets and ladies underwear at Prael Bros.' Empire store. Roscoe Dixon's new eatine house is now open. Everything has been fit- ted up in nrst-ciass styie, ana nts wen Known reputation as a caterer assures all who like good things to eat, that at bis place they can be accomsjodated. FULXINATIOKS FROM OTHER TRIPODS. j No set of men, in recent years, have 60 justly and completely earned tne con -its i Lini ail- uirr. 1111 ij c& l.uli.j authontv in Portland. Standard. In spite of this overwhelming majority ,for luo "Sbt3 of the people, in the lower houe, we are not sanguine that the onopoUsta and corporation lawyers who are misnamed United States senators will permit any such legislation. But law or no law, it is high time for the railroad companies that have not lived up to their contract with tho government 10 restore to it the immense bodies of land which they have forfeited by non-fulfillment of their promises and pledges. Jr. Jr. Statesman. Millionaires have their worries. They worry long years in trying to accumulate more property than God intended, or the welfare of society justifies, and then spenu me sorry remnams 01 a soruia uie in worrying over the, danger of parting wuu a portion 01 meircoiossai accumula tions. And when death comes, and piti lessly unclutches their skinny fingers from their heaped up and hoarded treas ures, they pass into eternity backward, thoir agonized faces yearning hungrily for the cold they worship. Just now tho source of trepidation among these metal lic potentates is a mooted proposition to revive the income tax. Seattle P.-I. We hear of a yonng man, or at least one just in life's prime, who by hard work in his profession made a good start, say $10,00J or $12,000, and having made a really shrewd investment in Albina he sold out in the nick of time and realized nearly $50,030, which he put into Oregon and Transcontinental and lost, not only all his speculative gains but his profes sional earnings, the result of a dozen years of hard labor. The man who found himself on the road to fortune suddenly saw his lucky speculation dis appear in thin air. He grieved over it until his mind gave away and he is watched now by keepers. Here is a strik ing illustration of the unhealthiness of making money too easy. Money made or earned in the regular way gives more satisfaction and is more apt to last Wil lamette Farmer. Jay Gould is the master-spirit of the Short Line. As soon as it became ap parent that there was a probability of the completion of the Northern Pacific, he commenced throwing out lines to pro tect the northwest traffic of the Union Pacific He gained control of the Mor mon lines and extended the Utah and Northern into Montana, thus heading off the Northern Pacific into that territory. In 1881 he conceived the idea of the Oregon Short Line, which is almost on a bee-line from Granger to the Pacific coast. When the Short Line was started Viilard pushed out the Baker City branch to meet it, and gaining possession of a narrow pass in Burnt river canyon he attempted to, and actually did, check mate Gould. Jay Gould's intention was, and is, to get to tide water, and he will not stop until he accomplishes this ob ject. Nez Perce News. The present cold snap has brought out a multitude of beggars, large and small. They look so cold and hungry, and gen erally miserable, that it is not easy for one with a spark of pity in his breast to resist their appeals. The little girl whose mother is sick, has no fire or medi cine, appeals very piteously these cold mornings. The boy who begs just a nickle to get something to eat, or the man who needs just two bits to pay for a lodging, may be passed by when the night is warm, but now, when the wind cuts like a razor, as one muffled to the throat takes the walk, at the end of which he discerns a warm glow of fire and attending comforts, he does not ask in vain. Sometimes we give him tho two bits, with the thought that maybe the whisky will do him no harm on such a night, after all. All of them have "hard times" and cold weather to back up their appeals, and, they do not leave empty handed. Standard. We have all tho natural resources of a rich country, and by means of labor and economy any one can make a livelihood and, in time' acquire a competence. But there is a certain class of men who hold as their gospel that the world owes them a living, and to be orthodox they never consider themselves indebted to society for anything they receive. To such, tho Pacific Northwest is not a desirable loca tion. It will be better for them and for us that they do not come to Oregon. We hpve room only for workers who expect by habits of industry to help themselves, and in so doing aid in developing the country. We have rich, unoccupied lands for the agriculurist, and opportunities for mechanics and artisans. To men of cap ital, no place offers better inducements than the Pacific Northwest. Wo have the resources of an empire, and only need development to take the rank that na ture has destined we should occupy. Among our population wo number some of the .sturdiest toilors, and we desire no commingling with a worthless element. Dalles T. ZL Steamer Dajs for February. From San Fran. From Astoria. Columbia 91State 11 Oregon UiColumbia 16 State 19Oregon 21 Columbia 24State 26 Oregon Columbia, Mar... 2 State, Mar SjOregon. 7 Hosiery, Ilosierj-, Hosiery! The- latest novelties In ladies and childreus hosiery at Prael Bros'. Blacksmith Wanted. A blacksmith capable of doing gener al work is wanted atSkipation. Apply to E. M. Grimes, or C. A. Maguire.bkip anon. ForaSeat Fitting Boot Jr Shoe, go to P. J. Goodman3, on Che namus street, next door to I. V. Case. All goods of the best make and guaran teed quality. A full stock; new goods constantly arriving. Custom work. Boats Tor Jalc. Joe Leathers has two fine boats for sale ut the boat shop, one block west of Hansen Bros.' mill. Rich, Rare and Racy Are the Valentines at Carl Adler's. The finest in the city. Fine Dress Goods. A splendid line of ladles dress goods Is being displayed at the Emplrestore. Why will you cougn when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts 50 cts and Si. Sold by E. De- menu Arevou made miserable by Indi gestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of appetite, Yellow Skin? Shiloh's Vital izer is a positive cure. For sale by W. E. Dement. The Peruvian syrup nas cured thou sands who were. suirenng from dyspep sia. debility, liver complaint, boils, hu mors, leniaie complaints, etc. Pamph, lets free to any address. Seth V. Fowl &Son Boston. Sick Headache, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Biliousness, Blotches. Bolls and Pimples entirely cured by Wm. Pf un der's Oregon Blood Purifier. All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can be bought at the lowest prices, at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Oclden hctel. Astoria. The delicious Crescent Creamery But ter for sale at Wyatt & Thompson's. "liackmetack," a lasting and fra- Sant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents. Id by W.E. Dement. HOTEL ARRIVALS. OCCIDENT. G Debney, city Miss Bremer, TC Arnold, SF Miss Harris, Port do An A F Meics. do s w Crane, E S Fish, A C Fish, F F Fish, L Sehrang, A Emanuel. do do do do do do C L Silverman, do B Chabot, Okland L A Loomis, ciiy F DuBoIls, do J Collins, do L Hartman, deol-lavel, do F C Nichols,wf.Ft C R Hennick, do j hums, .Berkley PACKER HOUSE. A E King, Ilwaco W Muldoon, N Y M Lucht, SF JCMorrissy.do W Dudley,do J W McGowan, iJ A beaborr, Ilwaco Uhinook A Marks, S F A McCne, Ft Canby A Glnfu. do tr Peterson, do W Ward, Oak Point W Senior. ill C Sham. Jr. Port J M Coulter, do T Kvlfi. do W SorrenVancouver H Foster, Cathlamet J Stephanson.do H H Taylor, Clifton - M I" Extra Quality of.Coal OH Rr tlif 'mllon. firo cnilnn nan nr noun to" be tound at the Crockery store of joruan cc uozorin Notice. Dinner at'-JEFFycnOP HOUSE every day from 4 30 to 8 o'clock. The best STi-cent meal In town; soup, fish, seven kinds of meats, vegetables, pie, pudding, etc. A glass of S. F. Beer, French Claret tea or coffee included. All who have tried him say Jeff Is the "BOSS." INe IHmiiiltt t'uiish RalMira. TV. W. Batterton, Columbia. Mo, says: "I cannot say too much for Dimmitt's Cough Balsam, for it always cures my cnlldren of croup and myself and family of coughs and colds." At'W. E. De ment & Co.'s. Foi Dyspepsia amiLivcr Complaint, you have a printed guarantee on every bottle or Sliilohs Vital izer. It never fails to cure. S!d by W. E. Dement The Iter. Geo. 11. Thayer, of Bour bon, Ind., says: "Both myself and wife oweour lives toSmi.OH's'Cox.suMPTioN Cukk." Sold by V. E. Dement Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. Sold by W. E. Dement. Notice. HAVING CLOSED OUT MY BUSINESS In Antrim :il! n:ii-tu InHplitMil f mo are reo.uestci! tomakrimin dl.itesc tlemeut 01 me same at uie omco 01 u. 1.. ueCK & aoiis in this dty. All parties having claims against me will present the same at the above oflke. GEO. W. HUME. Jjii.-JS, ibSl. 0. L. BECK & SQNS. (Successors to Geo. W Hume.) DEALEES IN GKOCERlES AND CAN neiy supplies, corner Skamoqua and Olney streets. Astoria. On retiriuir from the above business. I take great pleasure In recommending, my Micce vtrs to my friends, and bespeaK for Messrs. D. t. Heck & Sons, a liberal share of their patron ige. . V. HUME. HAY FOR SALE mHJRTY ToNS OF IHE BEST CAL1 X foini.i Oat lla fornlf. Inquire of E. A. QU1NN, at O'BiIeu's Hotel. ToLease. IOFFFR FOK RENT MY FINE Busi ness property in Upper Astoria. This is a rare opportunity for a basinets in.in. N.JoHaNSEN. FOR SALE. Ff lots to snr. frm s acres to 40 acre tract in S. W. comer of Cbas. Stevens' 1). C. Tule perfect. For particu lars inquire at ofllcr of N. D. Raymond, City Hall ; or on tin premises of O. D. Young. Astoria, Nov. 3d, 1883. Notice. TTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO AT THE LX undersigned has been appointed tlieas slimee of I. J. Arvold, aud ail persons hav ing claims against saul I J. Arvold are. no tifieii to present the Mime duly erifled to me a inyofllce In Astoiia. Oregon, within three months from this date. Jauuarv 5th. 1831. C. II. PAGE. d-6w Assignee or L J. Arvold. Notice. THIS IS TO INFORM ALL AYHOM IT may concern, that the businvs formerly known as Sun Suing Co., hi tne dt of As toria Uregon, on chenamus street opposite tle I'ost t fficr. and owned bv Hona Fang. Woug Chu. and Hong Yin. lia-f been bought bv Hong Fang who will assume all the lia bilities of tue Sun Slug Co., ami will collect all debts due the same. Hong Fong will ktep Chinese groceries, teas, frulis, etc Astoiia Jan. '.Mh. 1881. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. k T MRS. GKO. HILLER'S. NEXr DOOR iX to Wes on Hotel. Notice of Sale. C1HEN SING LUNG & CO. HAVE SOLD J their gon sand business to woug Fat of Sau 1 ranclsco, who will d. bus noss un der the Ann ranieof Wan lilugJait. Wong Fat will not be responsible for any debt iuciirn d by Cln u bin Lung & Co. All kluds of Culuese Good'' for sale. WONG FAT. Astoria, Oregon, Jan. 21th, 1881. Notice to the Public. HAVING SOLD MY ENTIUE INTEREST In the Market aud Gro cry business to J. B. Wjait, of Portland, I ake tills method of expressing thanks fori lie uniform court esy and liberal patronage of the citizens of Astoria f r the pe-t foiteen ears, and I cheerfully recommend the llrm of Wvatt & Thompson to thee uiQdence and liberal pat ronage of the public. Including especially the friends of the old firm. D. K. WARREN. Dissolution of Partnership. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE firm of Warren & Thompson Is dissolved by mutual eonsem.and all parties Indebted to the late firm will please make Imnu diate settlement, aud all p.trtie having claims against the firm of Warren & Thompson will please present the same to H. C. Thompson, at the old stand, for pavment. WARltKN aud THOMPSON. Astoria, February 1st, 1831. Executors' Notice. THE COUNTY COURT OF CLATSOP County. Oregon, having appointed the undersigned executors of the last will aud testament of Truman P. Powers, deceased, all persons having cl.ilms against said estate are requested to present the same with the proper vouchers, at tne office of C. Leineu weber. Upper Astoria, within six mouths from this date. C. LEINENWEBF.R. Wm. WADHAMS. Astoria, December 14. 1833. For Sale. FIVE HUNDRED CORDS DRY HEM lock Wood, which I will deliver at the houses ot customers for $4 a cord. Draylng or all kinds done at reasonable rates. n. xt. iUAiiiun. NOTICE. THE BUSINESS FORMERLY DONE UN der the firm siKn Quong Man Wa & Co. has been changed aud the business sign will hereafter be Quong Wlnsr Hie. Wong Ing Gum acting as agnt for Quong Wing Hie. will do all kinds of business for the store. Dealer in Fancy CSooda Etc. Acent for CkineMe Labor. 5-2w W. E. DEMENT & CO. DRUGGISTS. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON Carry In Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded FEBRUARY FOURTEENTH! VALENTINES VALENTINES Sentimental :.H I Valentines ! VALENTINES! OF EVERT SIZE, SHAPE, aTIALITY, STYLE OE PEICE, AT Carl Adler's THE LATEST STYLES IN WALL PAPER AT B. B. FRANKLIN'S, NEXT DOOR TO ASTOBIAN OFFICE." A very IargefStock from which to select. Window curtains made to order. 3r-My patent Trimmer to cut Wall Paper will be tound convenient to my patrons. FOR TILLAMOOK. The new Steamer A. IB. FXIEIXjID. N.P.JOHANSEN, - - - Master Will leave for TILLAMOOK, on When Freight Is ttffered, (Weather permitting.) FOK SAILING DATES AND PARTICU lars apply to J. G. HUSTLER, Mam street Wharf. Astoria ; AL1.EN & LEWIS. Portland ; J. L. STORY Tlllamoolc. Notice to the Public. , NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I will not he 1 esponMb.e for any debts contracted in my name without a written order from me. N JOHANSEN. Astoria. January 24th. I8S4. Notice. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE THAT I WISH all part es knowing themselves to be In dented to me to make immediate settlement thereof. N. JOHANSEN. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET By the Night. Dy. Week r Jf oath WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD, With use ot Parlor. Library and all the com forts of a home. Terms reasonable. Apply to MBS. E. C. HOLDEN. Cor. Main and Jefferson Sts. BOAT BUILDING, R. H. LEATHERS Ha reopened his boat shop, over Aradt & Ferchen's, foot of LaFayette street, nd is prepared to turn out first-class boats. AIjIi work guaranteed. Copper Paint. IN HALF GALLON TINS. At WILSON & FISHER'S, PA Liberal Discount to the Traded Oregon Paint and Varnish Works, Manufacturers of Paints, Yamisl it Lacper. Any shade mixed and ground to order. C. F. PEAKSOff 4k C., P.O. Box 148. Portlaa. Or. TAX NOTICE. RESIDENTS OF SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 9 are hereby notified that the taxes for the year 1883 In said district are now due and payable at the office o( Badollet Si Co., UpperAstorla. JiimflQIWi Acting School Clerk. Astoria. February 6. lWi. Coic Valentines ! Crystal Patano ANNUA Dry Goods and FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS I wUl offer my STOCK of. CLOTHING at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES in order to reduce previous to stock-taking February lt. itiMHMauiiiiniiniiiaiaiuii OVERCOATS, AT COST For the Next 30 Days. GENTS Furnishing Goods, I XL C.H. COOPER, IX L The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House of Astoria. t"For special Dry Goods Advertisement see Daily Indcpendent.jgZl FIRST QUALITY LUMBER. THE WESTPORT Mill. COMPANY IS IN THE FIELD AND PBOPOdES TO remain. Wo will take orders for lumber from 100 to COo M., at the mill or delivered. We also manufacture lath and shingles of Al quality. Flooring a Specialty . Address all orders WESTPOBT MILL CO. 3. C, Bknnkk. Supt. SOLID GOLD JEWELRY Scarf Pins. Chains, Watches, SILVERWARE, Of every description. The finest stock of Jewelry In Astoria. TAll goods warrantedasrepresented GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. First Annual ClotMna, Hats, Gents' FurnisMng Goofls Begins To-day at the 0:cident Store. Will Continue for 20 Days Only. Men's Overcoats Reduced, Youth's Overcoats Reduced, Business Suits Reduced, Dress Suits Reduced-, Hats Reduced, Furnishing Goods Reduced. d. a. Mcintosh; Tb.e Leading TAILOR. CLOTHIER, HATTER and GENT'S FURNISHER LOEB & CO. JOBBEBS IN WINES. LIQUOKS, AND CIGARS. AGENTS FOK THE lMt San Francisco Houses and fastsrn Distilleries. Tumblars Decanters, and All Kinds of Saloon Supplies. sVAll foods sold at San Francisco Prices. MAIN STREET. OMMlf TsrkM- bue, Astoria, Oregon. Clothing. OVERCOATS, OVERCOATS, FINK DRKSSSQITH, BUSINESS frTJITS. WORKING SUITS. Hats and Gaps Magnus C. Crosby Dealer in HARD! ABE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, T1-n and Copper. Stop That Horse ! From Slipping. USE THE PATENT SHOE. George McLane TTAS .TU-T UECKIVhD A PATENT n Horseshoe fmm the I atcnt Oflke. for the mirpotuol preventing allclaesofhori es from slipping on pl.mk. or steep road. Hor-.cs slim: with tills shoe WILL" NOT bLIP. A trial l I mnvhice anyone. I keep To Firri-eli Sherfi In my shop. Try the N E W SHOE eaJTm-n anil Contracted Hoof cure a specialty. No satisfaction no pay. GEO. JIcLANE. Clearance Sale of PERUVIAN BJ ITERS !, Wilmerding & Co., San Francisco. toeb & Co., Agents, Astoria, ISM IWMvf