ca ht gaittj historian. ASTORIA. OREGON! THURSDAY FEBRUARY 7, 1884 Three million southern adults can not read and writs. They vote u8olitL' The Supremo Court of California has decided that grand jurors can not be compelled to reveal how they to ted. The steamer Carlisle li. Patterson, built for the TJ. S. Coast Survey serv ice oh this coast, was launched at Williamsburg, N. T., January 15th. She is a staunch vessel of 719 tons displacement . . Washington Tebbitoby has 131 insane persons. This is exclusive of her candidates for office. (Attention is directed to the above campaign joke. This size, warranted not to rip in the seams, three for a dollar; caveat filed.) One of the present popular con tentions in Norway is for a merchant marine flag which shall be distinct from the "union'' flag, which now aids in confusing Norway with Swe den in the minds of foreigners. The Norwegians are very sensitive to any blunders regarding their identity, and especially resent the idea that their language is the same as Swedish. The statement is made "upon high authority," that President Arthur is doing absolutely nothing to secure a renomination. He is said to have looked the situation over Very care fully, and, while he would be very much pleased to be renominated, he holds that it would be very impolitic and undignified on his part to make any great effort in his own behalf. The American sovereign's symbol of power is the ballot If he sells it for coin, he is worse than a dog. If he is wheedled out of it, he is a weak ling, a fit subject for an idiot asylum. If he is frightened out -of it he is to be pitied. If he is driven from the ballot box by the shot-gun, his prop erty, family, and very life, put in peril, he is a dethroned monarch. The perpetrators of such persecution and outrage are traitors in arms against a sovereign. Fbed Douglass was once a Mary land slave. He fled from the dark ness of bondage into the sunlight of freedom, and in the anti-slavery struggle of the thirty years which closed with the Emancipation Proclamation of Abraham Lincoln won a more than national reputation. He was the friend of Daniel O'Con nelL An English anti-slavery Dutch ess more than a generation ago took his arm on one of the most fashion able streets of London sending a thrill of horror through the ranks of the British aristocra3y. Until a few years ago the old Maryland statutes were in force against him as a run away slave. In his honored old age he has found a white wife, and the statutes of Maryland, in force in the capital of the country as a part of its common law, again rise up condemn ing her, not him, to pay a fine of five thousand pounds of tobacco. And. yet this is the nineteenth century! Mrs. Douglass should pay the tobacco fine and let our civilized law-makers smoke it Regarding the Oregon and Trans continental company, the Boston Transcript publishes a paragraph to the effect that as soon as it could be conveniently done the affairs of the company would be wound up, and the assets distributed pro rata to the stockholders. This has been denied, but the denials are from persons less likely to be informed on the subject than the Trariscript would be. The paragraph stated that the information it received was from persons having large interests in the properties, and there is good ground for saying that it knew what it was talking about. At the S3me time rumors were in cir culation here that the Oregon Navi gation company was to be leased to the Northern Pacific company. 1'hese also were denied, as usnaL Never theless, it is the natural course to pursue under the circumstances. The Oregon Transcontinental com pany would seem to have died for all useful purposes killed by Wall street speculation. Its main ostensi ble object was to secure to the North ern Pacific control of the Orogon Navigation company. If the Oregon Transcontinental company be wound up and formally be put ont of exist ence, a lease of the Navigation eom- pany to the Northern Pacific would be a simple and easy way of holding it JIARRIKD. In Astoria, Oregon, February 6, 18S4," at th residence of the bride's parent-. Walter L. Robb and iliss Kate David son, Rev. M. D. W.ilson. officiating- NEW TO-DAY. Oregon Paint and Varnish Works, t Manufacturers of Paints. Yaroisi anil Lacpr. Any shade mixed and ground to order. C. F. PEAKSOif fc Co.. P.O. Box 148. Portland, Oi. TAX NOTICE. RESIDENTS OF SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 9 are hereby notified that the taxes for the ear 1883 in said dbtmt are now due and payable at tho offlcn of Badollet & Co., Upper Astoria. J. K. HIGGINH, Acting School Clerk. .Astoria, February 6, 1SS4. NEW TO-DAY Street Superintendent's Notice. THE ATTENTION OF THE rUKLIC 18 calleii to the following extract from Or dinance No 2o4 : Sec. 5. No person shall throw into or di'po&it upon any public street high way or grounds, or upon any private premise, or anywhere, except such pla ces as may be designated by the Super intendent of Streets, any glass, metal, broken ware, dirt, rubbl&h, garbage, or filth, and no person shall carry upon any sidewalk, exposed so as to be often jive to pedestrians, any rubbish, garb age or fdth. THOS. LOGAN. Street Supt. Astoria. Feb. 6, 1854. Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY UIYEN THATTHE undersigned has been appointed the as signee of L J. Arvold, and all persons hav ing claims against said I J. An-old are no tilled to present the ame duly verified to me ai my office In Astoria. Oregon, within three months Iroia this date. January 5th. 18S4. - C. IL PAGE. d-0 w Assignee of L J. Arvold. Notice. THIS IS TO INFORM ALL WHOM IT may concern that the business formerly known as Sun Shim; Co.. in tne city of As toria Oregon, on (.'henamus street opposite tne rosi omce. aura owned oy aotxy rang, WonstChu. and Hone Yin. ua been bouttht bv Hong Panff who will assume all the fla bilitle'iof titeMin ShiRCo., and will collect all debts doe the same, riong Fong will Keep uninese groceries, teas, iruits, etc. Astoria Jan. 2sth, 1831. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. 4 T MRS. GEO. HILLEIi'S. NEXT DOOR xjl. to wesion noiei. Notice. HAVING CLOSED OUT MY BUSINESS In Astoria all parties Indebted to 'me are requested to make immediate settlement of the aine at the office of D. L. Beck & ons in this city. All parties having claims against me will present the same at the aooveomce. ueu. w.iiuMt. Jan. a, 1881. 0. L. BECK & SONS. (Successors to Geo. W Hume.) DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND CAN ne i y. supplies, corner Skamoqua and Oluev streets. Astoria. On -retiring from the above bushier, I take great pleasure in recouimeiidlug ray iucceors to my friends, mid bespeak for Messrs. D. L. Beck & Sons, a liberal share of tueir patron ige. G. w. HUME, Notice. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE MEM bers of the P. L. & B. Association of As toria, will be held in Liberty Hall t.e even ing of the 9th day of February, 18. at 7 o'clock r. M. WM. L McEWAN. dtd ' Secty. Executors' Notice. THE COUNTY COURT OF CLATSOP Count, Oregon, hating appointed the undersigned executors of the last will and te-tament of Truman r. Powers, deceased. all persons having claims against said estate are request ea to present tne same with tne proper vouchers, at tne office of C. Leluen weber. Upper Astoria, within six months from this date. C. LEINENWEBER, Wm. WADUAMS. Astoria, December 14. 1883. Notice of Dissolution. I HAVE THIS DAY SOLD OUT MY HALF interest In the Astoria Sail Loft to C. J. Johnson, who, in connection with Mr. A.M. Johnson will cam ou the business at the old stand. J. HESS. Mr. A M. Johnson will collect alt bills and settle .-ill accounts of the late Arm of J. Hess & Co. J. HESS. per A- M. J. Astoria, Jan. 14th. 188 J. HAY FOR SALE. fTlHIRTY TONS OF THE BEST CALI JL fornlaOatHa for. sale. Enquire of E. A. QU1NN. at O'Biien's Hotel. Notice of Sale. "WEN SING LUNG & CO. HAVE HOLT) J their gooiii and bunlnevi to ong Fat oisan rrancisco. who will ii business un der the firm name of Wah llnig Jan. Wong Fat will not be responsible for any debt-, incut mi by Chen Sing Lung & Co. All kinds of Chinese Goods for sale. WONG FAT. Astoria, Oregon, Jan. 21th, 1884. BOAT BUILDING, R. M. LEATHERS Has reopened his boat shop, over Arudt & Ferchen's, foot of LaFayette street, ud is prepared tq turn out Fl RST-CLA;S BOATS. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. G. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSMITHING, At Capt. Rogers old stand, corner of Cass and Court Streets. Ship imd Cannery work. Horseshoeing. Wagon mad and repaired. Good work ihru -.! Copper Paint. IN HALF GALLON TINS. At WILSON & FISHER'S, air A Liberal Discount to the Trade.-sn PETEE BLANXHOLM, Dealer t: FINE CIGARS, IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC. THE BEST BRANDS OF TOBACCO. KMOKKIW ARTICLES. Cor. Squemoqua and Oluey Streets, Astoria. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. ron THK Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to the GEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. - PROPRIETOR. CANNERYMEN ! ! PACIFIC METAL WOBES Importers and Manufacturers of WHITE METALS. Canners' Solder a Specialty, Strip Lead, for Leading Lines, Plate Zinc, for Cutting Acid, Bar Copper, Pig Lead and Pig Tin. 48 Xertk second HU. Portland, Or. 115 A 117 r iri-t Nr., Ja Fraaelsea, California. B. F. STEVENS & CO., CITT BOOK STORE, Have Just received a mammoth stock of Books. The young and old, nch and poor can all be accommodated. AGENTS'FOR THE Kraalrh St, Bach and .tfaiiaBftoldt Xetnl Plane and Wetera Cottage Oixaas. Orders for all 'kinds of Music or Instru ments will be promptly filled. B.F.SIVNSftCO. ThcAl Fast Sailing Schooner "GEN. BANNING," ans register, will leave Astoria, on about FEBRUARY 13th, 1884, -FOB- Cray's Harbor. She will take freight' st Portland, and on her return fn m Portland wl I 'eavo Astoria. Forfuitherpartlculatsapplyto J. H. D. GKAY, Astoria. Oregon. ASTORIA MUSICAL SOCIETY. THE ASTORIA MUSICAL SOCIETY will hereafter meet at the Library rooms In the Odd Fellows building. By order of the Presldent; B. VAN DUSEN, -; Secretary. Notice to the Public. HAVING SOLD MY ENTIRE INTEREST In the Market and Groi-ery business to J. B. Wyatt, ot'Portland. I rake this method of expressing thanks for the uniform court esy and liberal patronage of the citizens of Astoria for the'pasi fourtean years, and I cheerfully recommend the tlrtnof Wyatt & Thompson to the confidence and liberal pat ronage of the public. Including, especially the friends of the old Arm. d. k. Warren. Dissolution of Partnership. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE firm of Warren & Thompson Ii dissolved by mutual consent, and all putties Indebted to the late Una will please make luunrdiate settlement, and all partie- having claims against the firm of Warrrn & Thompson will please present the same to IL C. Thompson, at the old stand, for pavrnent. WARREN and THOMPSON. ' Astoria, February 1st, 183L NOTICE.' THE BUSINESS FORMERLY DONE UN der Che firm sign Quong Man "Wa & Co, has been chanced and the business sign will hereafter be Quoug Wine Hie. Wong Ing Gum acting as agnt for Quoug Wing Hie. will do all kinds of business for the store. Dealer in Fdary Goods Etc Ace-at for Ckleeae liabor. 52w To Lease. I OFFER FOR RENT MY FINK Busi ness property In Upper Astoria. This Is a rare opportunity for a business man. S. JOHaNSEN. For Sale. FIVE HUNDRED CORDS DRY HEM lock Wood. )vhtch I will deliver at the bouses of customers for Si a cord. Drayiug or all kinds done at reasonable rates. R. R. MARION. JORDAN & BOZORTH, A FULL LINE OF ' Crockery and Glassware. GEO. GANSZ, DEALEB IK Fresh and Cured Meats. SAUSAGE A SPECIALTY. Next Door to Jobn Rogers' Central Market. COAL! COAL! The Orogon Improvement C6. Now have for sale at the new Bunkers. SEATTLE COAL For Domestic use, clean, 9T.5 per ton of 2.210 lbs. For Steam use, average. $ per ton of 2.XW ins. For Steam use, screenings, $4.5 per ton of z;u) ids. Also constantly on hand Flrt-ela& Cumberland Coal For Blacksmith use, at market rates. E. A. NOYE8, Jan20-3m Agent. Mrs. R. QUINN, GROGERILS AND PROVISIONS, Crockerj and C21aNwart jBk. FuXL Stools.. NEW GOODS CONSTANTLY RECEIVED. Northwest corner Squemoqua and Main Streets, ui7-dn Wilson & Fisher, SHIP CHANDLERS. DEALERS in Iron, Steel, Coal, Anchors, Chains, TAR, PITCH, OAKUM, NAILS AND SPIKES, Shelf Hardware, Faints and Oils STEAM PACKING, PROVISIONS, FJLOUB AHD IKIIX FEEIK Agents for Salem Flouring Mills, and Capital Flour. FAIRBANKS STANDARD SCALES. All sizes, at Portland Prices, Jn Stock. Corner Cheo&mus and Hamilton Street-. ASTORJA. OREGON. A. M. JOHNSON. C. J. JOHNSON. Astoria Sail Loft. MANUFACTURERS OF SAILS, tents; awnings, TABPATJLINS, And everythinffelse pertaining to our Business. LoweitPrice and Best Work For your Money, At the Old Stand. Leave your orders and get your work done at once. JOHNSON CO. Oxtgofi. Ajtecia, You Are Sure AT Leading Furniture House OF ASTORIA. CHAS. HEILBORN. i F U R N I T TJ R E AillJyJKk FOR THE Hall, Office, Library, Parlor, Chamber and DINING ROOM, in WALNUT, CHEERY, ASH, AND MAPLE. We are without a doubt showing" the Largest and Mo3t Complete line of CHAMBER SUITS in this city, unequaled in Design, Work manship and Finish. We Carry an IMMENSE STOCK and Colors in Body, Roxbury, and Tapestry Brussels, Three Plys, Extra Supers and Ingrains. FOSTER'S THE Billiard Parlors Are not excelled by any north of San Francisco. Nothing but the best dispensed, and every convenience for the com fort of guests. Imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars. The Most Complete Establishment in Astoria. AT THE ENTRANCE TO THE 0. E. & N. DOCK. valentines Valentines Valentines! VALENTINES VALENTINES Valentines! Has lust received DIRECT from the. EAST, the LARGEST and FINEST stock of Sentimental and Comic VALENTINES that have ever been displayed .here. Besides selling them CHKAPEB than any other bouse in Oregon we also furnish STAMPS and ENVELOPES with each VALENTINE. Remember the Place BEMEMBER XEMKMBEK New York Novelty Store Opposite Parker House, Main Street, Astoria. - - - Oregon. jP THE CNew York Novelty STOBEI 4? to be Suited THE F U R N I T TJ R E OF CARPETS of All Designs EXCHANGE. and Club Rooms PIANOS AND O RGANS SMALL MUSICAL lNSTtfUHE OF ALL KINDS. FINEST VIOLIN STRINGS, Slieet 2MT.ia.J3lo Piano, and Organ Instructor -CELEBRATED STECK&OABEPMOS! USED BY President of United States" "Governor of Oregon," Astoria Musical Society, Mrs. J. W. Conn, of Astoria, Aud other prominent persons. Pianos and Organs of many leading makes, who.eH.ile and retail. Including CELEBRATED TABER ORGANS. AND WOXDKBKUL LITTLE GIANT STECK PIANO Largest House on This Coast GARDNER Bros., 1 65 First St., Portland, Oregon. The Portland and Astoria STEVEDOBE COMPANY Is prepared to contract with masters and consignees of vessels for the Loading and Unloading of Vessels AT EITHER PORT. Promptness and s&ttsiactloa guaranteed laallcaMS, Beady for Business FRANK L. Fresh Fruits FANCY GROCERIES. ':i', ','',' TEH apply to tbf Captain, or to tQjfy'f EMPIRE STORE RE-OPENING I Fine Goods - ReducedPrices Ladies desirous of procuring Goods - unequaled in Style and Finish will take pleasure in examining our Stock of SILKS, SATINS and DEESS GOODS. IN THE GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT, Everything is Complete and of the best. PRAEL BROS. John A. Montgomery, OKALKR I Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A Get era! Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Mngee Stoves and Ranges The Best in the market. Piumblng goods of all kinds on hand. Jot work done In a workmanlike manner. PLUMBING, GAb FITTING, AND CANNERY WOR! Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. Cliennmns Street, Xoxt to C Ii. Parker's Stere. ASTORIA, THE NEW MODE A FULI. STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. :E3, JBL. TT A "XKTJEl&n Two doors east of Occident Hotel. M. OLSEK. J. GUSTAF30X. MARTIN OLSEN & CO. FUENITURE Corner 3Xain and Squeinoqna Streets. Astoria, Oreson. WINDOW SHADES AKD TRIMMINGS; WALL PAPER ET A Complete Mock. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. AT.I. KI!fHS OF FriSIVITritF. YOTT CAN TAKE THE CAKE! And by Bin li git at F. B. ELBERSON'S SEASIDE BAKERY You will be sure that It 13 worth takmjr. Every Vark-tj oi Fine Cakes and Confectionery Special Inducements For the Holiday Trade. Candies, Christmas Tree Trim mings, Etc. The Best Quality of Delivered every Morning SEASIDEBAZEEY, F. B. F.IiBEKtfO.V. Proprietor, aHackmetack1" a lasting and fra grant perfume. Price 23 and SO ccats. Sold by W. IL Dement PARKER. Vegetables jm-jc STEAMER ILAUA PARKER Eben P, Parker,Uaater. For TOWING, FREIGHT orCHAB II. U. PAftKRB. OREGON. RANGE CAN BE HAD IN A3 TOKIA ONLY OF E. B. BAWB91 AGENT CALL AND EXAinNE IT. YC WILL BE PLEASED. E. E. HA WES Is also agent for Ml patent Mm Stoi And other fkstdass stoTet. Furnace "Work. Steam Fil tinlis. etc.. a specialty- ASTOR f A. OREGOI A.J0HX80X.I IHKH KALERS IN 3s BEDDINi REPAIRKT) AI1 TtRMSIIEt California Exchanj The best of California and Foreign Wines and Liquoi Krpt Constantly on Hand Domestic aud ForelB Cigars the bent Brands. NATIONAL BREWERY BEI On Concondy between Benton and Kiesueet3. lui GEORGE GOI I. W. CASE. IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE AND : TAIL DEALER IN GENERAL MEBCM forcer Ohenamns and Cass street ASTOBIA .... OKE(