m xt gaily giaran. ASTORIA, OREGON: WEDNESDAY..... ...JANUAltr30.16S4 THE BILL OF FORFEITURE. Hon. L. E. Patson, of public lands committee, in a letter dated January 12th, says that Mr. George's bill "would not be considered a. moment by the public lands committee, as you see by section 2, that he proposes to give all the lauds, agricultural, tim ber, mineral, etc., or the proceeds of the sales of all to any railroad or as sociation which will build. A more beneficent grant than was ever made to any railroad company in this coun try." The bill which is to be reported by the public lands committee will be about the same as that which was a'dopted by Jthe Astoria chamber of commerce. At Governor Maud, says the Buffalo Exprns.1, the sun is not only made to go down with a big bang at the nation's expense, but the opera tion is preceded by an astonishing amount of red tape. JBy a regula tion of the war department the man agement of the affair must be carried out by the corporal of the guard. One corporal of the guard, as noon draws near, fixes his eye upon the Western Union time ball, over in New York, which can be discerned with the unassisted human eye from the guardhouse. When the ball falls the corpora says a much to another corporal, who instantly sets the guard house clock. The second corporal then tells a third corporal to set all the clocks on the island. While the third corporal is setting all the clocks the second corporal hunts up the hour provided for sunset in the alma nac aud writes it down on a slip of paper. A fourth corporal carries this slip to a fifth corporal at Castle Wil liam. The fifth corporal waits until his clock, as corrected by the third corporal, marks the hour designated on the slip of paper furnished by the second corporal, and then gives a sig nal to a sixth corporal, whereupon a bugle is blown, the gun is discharged and the suu has gone down officially. The provision export statistics for the past year show a handsome in crease over the figures of 1882. We gave to Euj-ope more cheese and more butler, more tallow and more lard, more ham, moro bacon and fresh beef than ever before. A cold arithmetical calculation would show that the sur plus in these articles amounted to millions aud millions of dollars in value. The exhibit is a cause for congratulation. It goes to prove our wealth as a nation, and is one of the strongest arguments we could present of the value and blessing of govern ment of the people. Every ham we send abroad is an evangelist of de mocracy. Mr. Bismarck has declared war against our beautiful hog; but the records of the custom houses show that he is invincible on land and sea. What would a navy be without salt pork! Yesteuday's t)rvyonian in discus sing the proposed land graut forfeit ures, says: "Our people very gener ally demand that the lauds within the Astoria grant be restored to the public domain. -- We see no prospect of the construc tion of the Astoria road; so that grant ought certainly to be relinquished." We never expected to see such sen timents enunciated in the columns of our metropolitan contemporary, and surprise is not the least among the elements of satisfaction with which we note the change of heart Complaint is made in eastern ex changes that Longfellow has no monument. He needs none. His best remembrance is in the hearts of thousands; the stars shed a light up on his grave that no lamp beside a kingly mausoleum could emulate and a fairer shrine is found in the homage of those who loved his words whilo living than is in the power of posthu mous effort to achieve. The Oregon Improvement com pany's floating debt is semi-officially .stated to be Sl,250,000, of which 51,000,000 is yet to be expended on a vessel building and insurance. One hundred and thirty thousand acres of land have lately been sold to the Railway and Navigation company for 8520,000, which will be applied on the debt By passing dividends until September it can all be provided for. Seroeaxt Mason, who, while guard ing Guiteau shot at the assassin since being pardoued by the President, has gone back on "Betty and the baby," and is going to the bad. A man who sworn to do his duly, would shoot a defenceless prisoner couldn't be ex pected to go elsesvhero. Mes. Julia A. Mooke, better known as 'the sweet singer of Michigan," has given up poetry and gone into the grist-mill business. If she con tinues to leave poetry alone and bears in mind that the mill will never grind with the water that is past, she may be successful. 'Whebe are the yesterdays gone?' asks a sweet poet What, and thou knowest not, thou long-haired dreamer? Then, by our halidome, every last stiver of it, we tell thee, they have gone to protest What, man! Brace up, and have some style about you. In the house of common members are necesFary to r:a quorum, in the house of lords only three, and frequently in one night measures affecting lives and proper ties are passed through two readings by three old gentleman in a gilded room. The news concerning land grant forfeitures is consoling to those who toiled during the heat of the day. But in this as in the days of our Lord, those who came in at the elev enth hour should also take heart and be exceedingly glad. Mr. Holloway. the noted pill man, is dead. Before dying he made a will bequeathing several thousand pounds to a neighboring lunatic asy lum. 'Tis infrequent that wealth is so soon restored to the source from which it came. Mrs. Rutherford B. Hayes has the finest poultry yard in Ohio. She keeps .her husband busily engaged in searching for hidden nests aud listen ing for the cackling which deuotes-the arrival of a new lay. Selecting women on grand and petit juries in Washington Territory is leading to some funny complica tions. The enforcement of woman's rights sometimes augments woman's wrongs. A Connecticut couple who quar relled fifty-eight years ago have just been reconciled and married. There is a moral in this, somewhere, for those who have the time to hunt for it Senator Payne has fired off his presidential gun and is waiting for the boom to reverberate through the country. Like many a promising puffit may prove to be only an empty echo. Of the 113 members of the Iowa legislature but four are natives of the state. The only consolation left to defeated candidates is to call the chosen ones carpet-baggers. The dark horse in politics will be snowed under before spring comes, and many a presidential boom will be blasted by the frost It is expected that the junction of the Baker City branch with the Ore gon Short Line 'will take place next August It is barely possible that Jay Gould may be compelled to sell his yacht in order to sail closer to the wind. The repeal of the mortgage tax law will be an issue in the coming state campaign. Wyoming has just had her first legal hanging of a white man. Judge Lynch should make an appeal. Henry Viliiard will not at present resume reportorial duties. Aioicemeflt Extraordinary ! The Champion's Triumphal Tour Across the Continent. THE GREAT L COMBINATION Will Exhibit at OCCIDENTAL HALL On FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1. This great combination embraces the best known and most famous boxers and ath.etes living, amoiur whom :tt'. first: JOHN L. SULLIVAN, Champion of the World. HEItBEUr. A. SLADE, lhe ureat Maori (iiaut. STEVE TAYLOR. ex-tlMiupion heavy weight of the United Stat .. PETE MrCOY, cnampioii light-weight of America. MIKE GILLESPIE, Boston's favorite sparrer FRANK MORAS, m.tster of ceremonies. J. MUNZINGER. and other celebrities. Scenes of the famous Madison Square, New York contest, reuarted by SLLLI- va.n ano MjAur.. Dcclal atlriiilnu Mill be Riven to Indie. AimiNSIOX - . . - S1.50 No extra charge foi reserved seats, at the New York Novelty Store. Al. K. Smith, Manager of Combination. F. W. Stechhau, Manager Oregon, Wash ington and British Columbia. Notice. THIS IS TO INFORM ALL WHOM IT may concern that the business formeily known as Sun-Shim: Co.. in the city of As Toria Oregon, on Chcnamus street opposite wo i osl omce. aim owned o itonu rang. Wong Chu. and Hong Yin. ha" been bought bv Hong Fang who will assume all the lia bilities of tlie Sun Sing Co., and will collect all debts due the same. Hong Fong will keep Chinese groceiie. teas, fruits, etc Astoria Jau,2fith, 1881. EMILE TURIN, A COOK BY PROFESSION, IS WANTED at Flshertou Cannery. Tacoma Ledger please copv. 3t Notice. HAVING CLOSED OUT MY BUSINESS in Astoria all parties Indebted to me are requested to make immediate seulemeut of the amt at the office of D. L. Beck & Sons in this city. All parties having claims against me will present the same at the above office. G EO. W. HUME. Jan. a. 1881. D. L. BECK & SONS. (Succesvirs to Geo. W. Hume.) DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND CAN nery supplies, corner Skamoqua and Olney .streets. Astoria. On retiring from the above business, I take great pleasure in recommending my successors to my friends, and bespeak for Messrs. D. L. Beck & Sons, a liberal share of their patron ipe. G. W. HUME. Notice. THE ANNUAL MEETING OK THE MEM-bfr- of the P. L. & B. Association of As toria, will be held in Liberty Hall ti.e even ing of the 9th day of February, 1884, at 7 o'clock P. M. WM. L McEWAN. dtd Sectv. Executors' Notice. THE COUNTY COUKT OF CLATSOP Conntjvi'reEon, having appointed the undersigned executors of the last will and te-tamwit of Truman V. Powers, deceased, all pTsoiw .having claims against said estate ate requested to present the same with the proper vouchers, at ttie office of C. Lelnen weber. Upper Astoria, wi;hin six months from this uate. C. LEINENWECKR. Wm. WADHAMS. Astoria. December 14. 18. For Sale. 1J1IVE HUNDRED COKDh DRY HEM 1 lock Wood, which I will deliver at the houses of customers for $4 a cord. Draylng or air kinds done at reasonable ratM. B.B. MABION. m WHU iiCCMffi ILL Thursday Night ! ' JAN. 31, 1884. Special Engagement of the Charming Com edienne, Popular Favorite Vo-a'Is:. and Queen of Protean Stars. MISS . KATIE PUTNAM! Supported lv her EXCELLENT COMEDY COMPANY i Who will pr-:n n THURSDAY. JAKUAKY Ma,j The iMipiiJHr four-act Cnncitx I cntitffl j Lena, the Madcap, j Admission an usual. Kt-rwil Seat) at The- New York Novell Store. nituMit extra charge. J. II. FKKR.IS. Manascr. It. A. H. WILLIAMS Secretarj to Mlv l'iitiiai. Copper Paint. IN HALF GALLON TINS. At WILSON & FISHER'S. 3"A Liberal Discount to the Trade.-S CHAS. A, MAY New Store, New Stock Toys. Fancy Coods. Tobacco and Cigars. FOREIC.N AND DOMESTIC phuits A FINE . ASSORTMENT. Squemoqua .street, next door to the Empire Store. :it7-om PETEE BLANKHOLM, Dealer In FINE CIGARS, IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC. THE BEST BRANDS OF TOBACCO. SMOKE US' AKTICL.KM. Cor. Squemoqua and Olney Streets, Astoria. Boat Building. JOS P. LEATHERS Formerly over Arndt & Frchen'a Machine Sho IS BUILDING FIRST-CLASS BOATS IN the shop formerly occupied by M. John son on Concomly street, one blo'ck ie.st of Hansen Bros' Mill. JIoilcl, .Material ami Finish First-class. A. M. JOHNSON. C.J. JOHNSON. Astoria Sail Loft. MANUFACTURERS OF SAILS, TENTS, AWNINGS, TARPAULINS, And everything olse pertaining to our Business. Lowes tPrice and Best Work For your Money, At the Old Stand. Leave your orders and pet your work done at once. JOHNSON &, CO. Oregon. Astoria, WM. PFUNDER'S OREGON BLOOD 'PURMR CURES ALL KIDNEY AND LIVER DISEASES, Headache, Costiveness, Boils, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Skin Diseases, Pimples, Piles, Etc., And various Female Complaints induced by Bad and Defective Circulation of the Blood. Prlce.Sl 60 per Bottle. Six fur $5 00 GEO. GANSZ, DKALEK IN Fresh and Cured Meats. -SAUSAGE A SPECIALTY. Next Door to John Rogers' Central Market. PLUMBING, Gas and Steam Fitting TVNEBY RUDDOCK & WHEELER. AT xs fair rates. Also a complete stock of goods In our line. Estimates given and work guaranteed. Cass street. In rear of I O O F building, uext to Gas Co's office. TheAl Tast Sailing Schooner "GEN. BANNING," 15S tons register, will leave Astoria, on. or about FOH Cray's Harbor. She will take freight at Portland, and on her return from Portland will leave Astoria. .For f u i tber particulars appl v to J. H. D. GRAY. Astoria, Oregon. Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned has been appointed the as signee of L J. Arvold, and all persons hav ing claims against said I. J. Arvold arc no tified to present the same duly verified to me at my office In Astoria. Oregon, within three months from this date. January 5th. 1884. a E. PAGE, d-fi w Assignee of L J. Arvold. Yon Are Sure AT P I i urniture OF ASTOBIA. OHAS. HEILBORN. F U B N I IT B YSx FOE ft ttkJfeH XT'sikHBu VwSsK M. Hail, Office, Library, Parlor, Chamber and DINING ROOM, in WALNUT, CHEERY, ASH, AND MAPLE. We aru -without a doubt showing' th Largest and Most Complete line of CHAMBER SUITS in this city, uuuqualed in Design, Work manship and Finish. We Carry an IMMENSE STOCK OF CARPETS of All Designs , and Colors in Body, Roxbury, and Tajiestry Brussels, Three Plys, Extra Supers and Ingrains. POSTER'S THE Hard Parlors Are not excelled by any north of San Francisco. Nothing but the best dispensed, and every convenience for the com fort of guests. Imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars. The Most Complete Establishment in Astoria. AT THE ENTRANCE TO THE 0..R. & N. DOCK. VALENTINES VALENTINES Valentines! VALENTINES VALENTINES Valentines! Has lust recnlved DIRECT from the EAST, . the LARGEST and FINEST stock of Sentimental and Conilc VALENT1M2S that have ever been displayed here. Besides selling them CHEAPEK than any other house In Oregou we also f urn ish STAMPS and ENVELOPES with each VALENTINE. Remember the Place ItEMEilBER KEMEHBEK Sew York Novelty Store Opposite Parker House, Main Street, Astoria, - - - Oregon. jtf THE V Oew York Novelty STORE! r to he Suited THE F U R N I T U R E THE EXCHANGE. and Giub Rooms PIANOS AND O RGANS SMALL MUSICAL 1NSTRUME OF ALL KINDS. FINEST VIOLIN STRINGS Slieet Music Piano, and Organ Instructor. -CELEBltATED STICK & KNABE PIM USED BY President of United States" "Governor of Oregon," Astoria Musical Society, Mrs. J. W. Conn, of Astoria, And other prominent persons. Pianos and Organs of many leading makes, wholesale and retail, including CELEBRATED TABER ORGANS. AM) U'O.VDEKFUIi LITTLE GIANT STECK PIANO Largest House on Thii Coast. GARDNER Eros., 165 First St., Portland, Oregon. The Portland and Astoria STEVEDOBE COMPANY Is prepared to contract with masters and consignees of vessels for the Loading and Unloading of Vessels AT EITHER PORT. Promptness and satisfaction guanmteed in all cases. Realf for Bis FRANK L. I Fresh Fruits FANCY GROCERIES. TER apply to the Captain, or to EMPIRE! STORES RE-OPENING I Fine Goods Reduced Prices Ladies desirous of procuring Goods unequaled in Style and Finish -will take pleasure in examining our Stock of SILKS, SATINS and DEESS GOODS. nr the GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT, Everything is Complete and of the best PRAEL BROS. John A. Montgomery, -DEALKK Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Magee Stoves and Ranges The Best lu the market. Piumbing goods of all kinds on hand. Job work done in a workmanlike manner. PLUMBING, GAb FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. Chcoamns Street, Next to C. 1. Parker's Stare. ASTORIA, THE NEW MODEL ' A FULL STOCK Two doors east of Occident Hotel. M. OLSEX. MARTIN OLSEN & CO. EALERS IN J& FURNITURE Be BEDDING. Corner Ulam and Squemoqua Streets. Astoria, Orecea. WINDOW SHADES AND TRIMMINGS; WALL PAPER ETC A Complete StoeJc. FRIGES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. ALT, KinmS OF FUKIVITUKE REPAIRED AHST TARKISHED. YOU CAN TAKE THE CAKE! And by Bujlug It at F. B. ELBERSON'S SEASIDE BAKERY You will be sure that It is worth taking. Every Variety of Fine Cakes and Confectionery Special Inducements For the Holiday Trade. Candies, Christmas Tree Trim mings, Etc. The Best Quality of a-PrLn. D3ra.cSL Delivered every Morning SEASIDE BAKERY, F.B.EI.BERSO., Proprietor, Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by W. E. Dement PARKER. Vegetables STEAMER CLARA pamer Eben P. Park9r,Maatsr. For TOWING, FREIGHT orOHAB B. B. PARKJES. !'- - - I KANGE CAN BE HAD IN AS TOEIA ONLY OP B. ff. MAWB9, AGENT CALL AND EXAMINE IT, YOO WILL BE PLEASED. E. B. HA WES Is also agent for ttu Bod patent (Mil? Store And other first-class stoTM. Fnraaoa Werk. Steam Fit xiBgi. etc., a afaaialty ALWAYS ON HAND. ASTORIA, OREGON . J. OUSTAFSOJf. A. JOH2TOOX. California Exchange The best of California and Foreign Wines and Liquors Kept Constantly on Hand Domestic aad Fere's Gleam f the beat Brutda. NATIONAL BREWERY BEER. On Concomly between Benton and yette stretts. lm GEOBGEGOSLDOE I. W. CASE, IMPORTER ANO WH0LE3ALI ASD JtX TAIL DEALER HI GENERAL MCHAMSI Corner Gheo&mns and Oms iCntta. ASTORIA . . - -.OUOOB