03 tm t r .. .&fffttJMfplMtflttNH -. f " m" - VOL. XX, tO. S3. ASTORIA, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1884. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. Vyf-I v. w' gfe. LAND GEANTS TO BE FORFEITED Washjkgton, Jan. 21. Representa tive Cobb of Indiana thinks that C. P. Huntington showed amazing effrontery in daring to appear before the committee on public lands, of j which Mr: Cobb is chairman, to op pose the forfeiture of the California and Oregon railroad land grant Mr. Cobb says: "In 1878 1 met Hunting ton, who was here to oppose the sub sidy of the Texas Pacific by a guar antee by the government of $29,000, 000 for its bonds. His ground of op position was that he was building a road on a parallel line by private cap ital, asking no aid from the govern ment. I believed in his bona fides and helped him to prevent the passage otthe Scott bilL Huntington, in the meantime, had passed through Cali fornia and New Mexico and had peached Colorado, "His plan was to go straight ahead, without even ask ing the government or any one else for a right of way. In California he was making rapid progress through a military reservation Ifhen be was stopped by General Sherman as he was constructing a bridge over the river at Fort Yuma. A detachment of soldiers was sent to enforce the order, and the .railroad men promised to desist. The soldiers and civilians left the spot together, the former to remain in their quarters for the night, but Huntington's men executed a flank movement and by morning had cars running over that bridge. This is a sample of how Huntington's work was rushed along. "Scott died, and Jay Gould and Huntington made an agreement whereby, according to that part which was made public, the Texas Pacific grant was conveyed to the Southern Pacific railroad Finding that a pat ent was about to be issued, Payson came to Washington last summer and filed protect against it One Newell, who had done lobbying for Hunting ton and had never been paid, was about at the same-Jime, and had .filed a very damaging document He wanted access to certain orders, which the interior department ruled were closed to him, as a private per son. Mr. Payson and I were about to file our protest, when Newell asked permission to act as an attorney, representing that it would give him the necessary access to the records. We made the appoint ment, stipulating the extent of his powers under it In the meantime we left, and Newell experienced a change of heart, from what cause I know not, and demanded back his diary, at the same time attempting to withdraw our protest against the pat ent. I came on again, just in time to prevent this." In answer to an inqury as to the cause of the delay in preparing a ro " port on the forfeiture of the Texas Pacifio grant, Mr. Cobb said: "The committee directed Mr. Payson and myself to prepare" a report on the road. At first we decided to make this brief, but in writing it we found go much that was so important for the house to be acquainted with before voting that we agreed it would be best to make it more exhaustive. As Horace Greely was wont to remark, Jt will be mighty interesting read ing.' We - shall give a number of Huntington's letters in this report It will be ready to present to the com mittee fin Tuesday, and it will bo printed and placed before every mem ber on the following day, so that when we ask for a suspension of rules we shall ask for the passage of the bilL In the next three months twen ty 'jnillion acres of railway lands will -certainly be declared forfeited to the government and declared open to public entry." Salmon Fisheries at Humboldt. One quite important industry in Humboldt is that of the "salmon fish eries" and salmon canning. I made a visit to the cannery, and also to the nsneries ueyonu. ino uuhihuss, all through, is very interesting. But to watch them oatch the fish in seines is very exciting sport, indeed. There are generally from six to eight men to manage one seine, and, sometimes they use a span of horses to haul it in.' Tirst, trom the shore a man, with the seine in his boat, moves out, dropping out the seine until quite a large half circle is formed, the conical-shaped wooden balls resting on ihejrater and showing to quite a dis tance. Then men at either end of the eeine begin to "haul in," until it is all in fish and net A good "haul" is from two to six or eight tons. When the fish are all in, then comes the sport The fish, entangled in fixe meshes of the seine, make a des perate struggle for freedom, spatter ing the water freely on the fishermen. It looks as if it were all the men couId3p to manage them. They are taken from the seines, put into scows or boats, and, if intended for the cannery, they are taken to a floating wharf house, where several Chinamen xcalve them, and with sharp knives Tjiftly decapitate, cut them up, wash; clean them and make them ready for the canning process. To a tudent of ichthyology it would be qaite interesting to watch the huge piieror nsn in tneir various stages ot preparation. The cannery is quite a large building, or group of buildings, and is well supplied with all needful improvements and methods for doing the work with neatness and dispatch. TJbflfisb are "pntup" in half-pound ca;jHid the cannery has a capacity lor canning 60,000 cans per day. About sixty-five Chinamen are em ployed about the works, but I saw only about half that number, as it was an off day, and they were engaged in labeling and testing cans, a perform anceby an expert that elicited our Bttrprise, by the dexterity with which it was accomplished. They were al so engaged in making cans and boxes tot shipping. After the fish are caught, canned, boxed and ready for shipping, they are taken in boats to oaaa point on Eel river, then hauled aitbes ike country to Hookton to be shipped below. Corr. Bulletin. That Hacking Cougn can be so Quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We narMitooK. Sold by W.K. Dement A Dr.y of IJccliouiu" In the house of representatives last Monday Wm. S. Holmau, of In diana, moved to suspend the rules and adopt the follewing: liesolted, That in the judgment of the house all public lands heretofore granted states and corporations, and to aid the construction of railroads, so far as the samo are subject to for feiture by reason of nou-tulfillment of the conditions on which the grants were made, ought to be declared for feited to the United States and re stored to the public domain. Resolzed, That it is to the highest public interest that laws touching public lands be so framed and ad ministered as ultimately to secure freeholds therein to the greatest num ber of citizens; and to this end laws facilitating speculation in public lands, or authorizing or permitting entry or purchase thereof in largo bodies, ought to be repealed, and all public lands adapted to agriculture, ought to bo reserved for the benefit of actual and bona fide settlers, and disposed of under the provisions of homestead laws only. Resolzed, That the committee on public lands be instructed to report to the honse bills to carry into effect the views expressed in the foregoing resolutions, and bo authorized to re port such bills at any time, subject only to revenue and appropriation bills, and that the same shall be in like order entitled to consideration. Kasson expressed concurrence in the first resolution, but thought the house ought not to act rashly on the second, which might work injury to the cattle industry. Beed thought it dangerous for the house to adopt on a moment's notice a resolution so sweeping in its pro visions. Belford supported the resolution, especially the second provision. He did not propose that four or five cat tle kings should own the West as four or five railroad monarchs owned the East. Howo opposed the resolutions, bo cause it might do injustice to somo road earnestly striving to earn its lands. Dunn and Cobb supported tho res olution briefly, though the lattor claimed there was no necessity for it, as tho committee on lands wero al ready working hard in tho matter. The resolutions wero adepted: Yeas, 251; nays, 18. George, of this state was one of tho 18 that voted in the negative. Ont of tho Jaws. ToiiEDo, Ohio. The" Express sa3's: A prominent merchant who was at the point of death from what the physicians pronounced kidney and spine trouble, has been cured by St. Jacobs Oil, tho groat pain-banisher. A. V. Ill Wholesale and Retail Dealer in QmoerteSt MILL FEED. Glass and Plated Ware, TROPICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wines, LiquorsJobacco.Cigars Drugs and Chemicals JJ.TH0IAS, 'S TTTTraTGT I $3 A """ " is ?A irz . DKormnrwrr ? i iiamiaviai, g rMAST0RlA,O Prescriptions carefully compounded Day or Night. Wilson" & Fisher, SHIP CHANDLERS. DEALEBS IK Iron, Steel, Coal, Anchors, Chains, TAR, PITCH, OAKUM, NAILS AND SPIKES, Shelf Hardware, Paints and Oils STEAM PACKING, PROVISIONS, 1XOI7B AND JirLt FJEEIK Agents for Salem Flouring Mills, and Capital Flour. FAIRBANKS STANDARD SCALES. All sizes, at Portland Prices, In Stock. Cornor Chenamus and Hamilton Streets ASTORIA., OREGON. "Hackraetacfc," a lastias and fra grant perfume. Price 23 and 50 cents. Sold by W.E. Dement. THE GREAT GERMAN REMEDY FOB Pfli. Htlisrci end eyres EIIEUjLVTISH, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumb:go, BACKACHE, EE1D1CEE, TGOIHlCn; SORE THEDAT, Qcixsr, STrnixuccs. SPHAINS, Soriss; Cut!, 2rs, rnOSTBTTES, BUBX3, SCAE.SS, And U other bodllj :he ifidpticx. FIFTT CSST3 1 E0IE3. Sold by all TrnH ml Dealer,. Direction la 11 ChsChirlcsA.7cU:C:. (Euoctttxf U A. Twdtt & Co.) VHr Wr Jam rl'- Ka3 - CtlUsere, SA, C. S. A. King of tlie Blood Is not a "cure all," It Is a blood-punfler and tonic. Impurity of the blood poisons the sys tem, deranges tlie circulation, and thus In duces many disorders, known liv different names to -distinguish t hem according to ef fects, but being really branches or phases of that great generic disorder. Impurity or Klood. Such are Dyspepsia, UUluntsncss, Liver Complaint, ComtipaWm, Kcrnms Dis orders. Headache, Backache, General Weak ness. Heart Dlscasc.Drnpiy, Kidneu Disease, Pile, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Skin Disorder, Pimple. Ulcers. Siccllings, dc, d.c. Kins of the Klood prevents and cures these by attacking the caitc. Impurity of the blood. Chemists and physicians agree in calling it "the most genuine and efficient preparation for the purpose." Sold by Drug gists, 1 per bottle. See testimonials, direc tions, &c, in pamphlet. "Treatise on Diseases of th Klood." wrapped around each bottle. D. RANSOM. SON ft Co.. Props Buffalo. X. . S. ARNDT & FERCHEN, ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop .S42fb, All kinds of SHGME, CANNSEY, AND STEAMBOAT "WOEE! Promptly attended to. A .specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LA FAYETTE STREET. REMOVAL. The Astoria Passenger Line YfTILL AFTER THIS DATE HAVE ITS t T headquarters at its Stables neil to B. B FrankllaVi. tuo doors lu-luvr Tub Aj-to- uiax office. Hrst-class Livery enicc Carts with horse furnished, for one dollar per hour. Carriages on application Tlie Astoria Passenger Line Hacks v.lll leave for Upper Astoria from the stables. Horses taken to board. MRS. T. O'BRIEN. A FULL LINE OF Fancy Groceries. WINES AND LIQUOKS HAEDWAES AND Ship Chandlery: Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. In Welch's JJew Building Mrs. R. CtTJINN, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Crockery and Glmswnre, a. :Fn.ix stooii. NEW GOODS CONSTANTLY RECEIVED. Northwest corner Squcmoqua and Main Streets. M7-3m THE THINGVALLA LINE. Is tho only DIRECT LINE Between NEW YORK and SCANDINAVIA. First class Steamers and good usage. TicbrtM for sale nt A. 31. JOIIVSOXg. Agent, Astoria, Oregon. aSTORXA Brewery Beer Saloon. The Best Beer 5 cts a Glass. Got Lunch every D3y from 10 to 12 A. M The best of Liquors and Cigars on hand. xV deservedly popular place of social resort. GEO. UILLER. For Sale. F IVE HUNDRED CORDS DRY IIEM l? lock Wood, which I will deliver at the houses of customers for S4 a cord Dray lug or all kinds done at reasonable rates. k. n. auvuiuk. BLACKSMITH .eJ&Sjggx&S. SWAP ?&ll'i" and .j5?yi2 -Boiler Shop .QfS85' FOffl & STOKES. Ed. . Curtis & Co. Carpgts, iilEterj UNSURPASSED IN STYLE AHB' FINISH. NEW FUBNXT.UBE, A C0HPLST2 STOCK. Mi are ana Slip Chandlery A. VAN DUSEH '& CO.. DEALERS IK Hardware and ShipJJhandlery, Pure Oii, Bright Varnish, Binnacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twiner . Cotton Sail Twine; Lard Oil, ,.'-" Wrought Iron Spike's, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, t Sewing Incliiue., "" L::iii.t& and Oil.s. Groceries. !. The Gem Saloon.- The Popular Resort for Astorians. fei: the ; .- . Finest of Wines andhLiquors Go to the GEM .SALOON. '' : ALEX. CAMPBELL PROPRIETOR ASTORIA IRON .VV0RKS. Brntox Stkkkt, Xkau Takkkh ifOt3Rt ASTORIA. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILEr MAKERS. LiPailABIMEN&IKES BoilerWcrk, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. O.S3n3?X3KTS-S , Ofntl neKrri'itiu'JM in ail e to Ortlet at Short Kotirc. A. D. V.ss, Pre-ldent. J. G. HcsTLKK.Secretary, 1. W. CASi'.TriMMiivr. JOH Fox.Suporintendent. C. H. BAIN & CO. dkaleks i:; Doors, Windows, Blinds, Transoms Turning, Bracket Work. S13.03P "Worl-E. A specialty, aud all work guaranteed. Oak. Ash, l)3y, and Walnut lumber ; Ore gon and Port Orford Cedar. All kinds ol boat material on hand. c. n.BAlX & CO. THE LATEST STYLES WALL "PAPER AT B. 2. FRANKLIN'S, XEXTDOORTOASTORIAN OFFICE. A very large Stock from which to select. "Window curtains made to order. f3?My patent Trimmer to cut Wall Iaper will be lound convenient to my patrons. BARBOUR'S S t HAVElfOEQtfAL. -THE- The London Fisheries Exhibition TIAVE AWARDED THE GOLD MEDAL TO- ft Barter Brothers Compy FOR THE SUPER IOR tTY OF THEIU FLAX NET THREADS. Ttails u owe HOTELS AXD RESTAURANTS. PARKER HOUSE, II, B. PARK Ell. Prep., ASTORIA. - - - OREGON. Al.CHOSBY. - - Day Clerk. PhlL BOWERS, - - Night Clerk. .Ta. DUFFY has the Bar and Billiard room. First Class in all Respects. FREE COACH TO THE HOUSE. IT IS A FACT -THAT JEFF'S CHOP HOUSE ON Concomly Street is the Best in Town. -THAT-Ho lias Alwnj-K on Hand FBESH Shoul Water Say aad East ern Ojster. THAT "JEFF" IS THE BOSS CATERER. THAT lie lin ix-eii Proprietor of tho "Aaron riotcl" la KnapptoH scTeayear. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. A Good Gup of Coffee AND OYSTERS AT Mrs. Powell's Coffee House, On Main Street next to Oregon Bakery. Campi Restaurant. SEW AND WELIi EQUIPPED THROUGHOUT, L. Serra has rebuilt bis establishment and Is prtpared to accommodate the traveling public. A good meal furnished at any hour of the day or night. 'i he tl-tcst Liquors and Cigars at the bar. Two doors west of Ike Foster's. H2S 6m LUIGI SERRA. THE BEST Boarding and Lodging House. fnns. Wallman has opened a boarding and lodging house south of O'Brien's hotel, near the gas works. - s " The table Is supplfed'wlth fne best the nritket afferds: go-d food and clean beds will be furnished at the regular prices. Give me a call and satisfy yourselves, CHA8. WALLMAN. Fipres Sew Lie ! AND JEFF OF THE CHOP HOUSE Can prove by his hooks that he 13 doing the bigceM bulue.s3 of any EESTATJRANT In the city, and he will guarantee to give the best meal for cash. H. B. PARKER, DKAI.KK IK Hay, Oats, Straw. Lime, Brick, Cement and Sand Wood Delivered te Order, Draying, Teaming and Express Business. Horses ana Carriages for Hire. DEALK& is WIKES. LIQUORS AND CIGARS. F1KMT C'LAKM Mrs T.W. Eaton. Miss Florence Carnahan. EATON &CARNAHAN, DEAXEES IX Fine Willi AlfD Fancy Goods. Cass Street, next door to Odd Fellows Building. B. F. STEVENS & CO.. . , CITY BOOK STORE. Have lust received a mammoth stock of Books. The young and old, rich and poor can an ne accommodated. AGENTS FOR THE Kranich. &. Bach aBd tf aadsfeldt St Xotnl Plaaoft and IVcMtera Cottage Orsaas, Onlers for all kinds of Music or Instru ments will be promptly filled. B. F. STEVENS & CO. FOR TILLAMOOK. The new Steamer jA.m b. fx:e:xj-:d. N.P.JOHANSEN, - - - Master Will leavelor TILLAMOOK, on When Freight la ffere. (Weather permitting.) FOR SAILING DATES AMD! PARTICU lars apply to J. G. HUSTLER, Main street Wharf, Astoria : AL1 JTN & LEWIS. Portland ; J. L. STORY Tulamoolc TRANSPORTATION LINES. Oregon Railway &Navigatior- cojiPAanr. OCEAX DIVISION. During the month of January, 18&4. Ocean Steamers will sail from I'ortland for San Francisco, and from San Francisco for Tort land everyS dayH, leaving Alnsworth Dock, Portland, at Midnight, and Spear street Wharf, San Francisco, at 10 a. m. Threajch Tickets sold to all principal cities in the United States, Canada and Europe. RAIL DIVISION. Passenger Train leave Portland for East em pulun, at 7 :30 P. M, dally. KIVEK DIY13IO.Y (Middle Colombia). Boats leave Portland for Dalles at 7 :OH A 1L also : LeavePorH j i f land for Mon Tu. I We.lThu.1 Frt. 1 S u Istorta nd I I I lower Co- I tomb's.... 8 AMIR AM RAM SAM RAM fiAJ DmjtOB. Or. 7 AM,' 7AM,' 7 AM S5ii;::i ! ! I Viotori.BO fi AMJ6 AM fiAMJfi AM.P AMJP AM Levrtu AitorU for Portland at 6 a. in. daily ex otpt Sacday. Pollmin Palaca Gar rannloK between Port laad. and St. Paul. C. H. PBESCOTT. JOHN MDTR, Manager. Siip't of TraWc A. L. STOKES, E. P. KOOETtS, aalst. Sop't. General Agent of rrafflo. Passenger Dep't. Oregon & California R. R OREGON & TRANSCONTINENTAL COMPANY, LESSEE. On and after Dec 2d, 1883. trains will run as follows : DAILY (Except Sundays). EASTSIDE DIVISIOX. Betweem PORTLAND and CRAXT'S PASS MATE TEA!!. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 7 :30A.M,Grant,sPass-l:20 A. M. Grant'sPasslO:W)P.M' Portland 4:25 r.t. ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 4 :00 p. M.'Lcbanon o 50 p.m Lebanon..! :45 a. m. Portland... 10 :05 a. 21 The Oregon and California Railroad Ferry makes connection with all Regular Trains on Eastslde Division. WESTSIOS DIVISIOX. Between Portland aoU Ctirvnllla 3LUL TKAIX LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 9 KX) A. JciCorvalli 4 -o p. m. Corvallis 8 :30 A. M.iPOrtland 3 :iM P.M. EXPHESS TKAIX LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 5 :0O P m McMlnnvllle 8 :00 P"M Mc3Ilnnvllle5:45 a m Portland 8 :S0 a m Close connections made at Grant's Pass with the Stages of the Oregon and Califor nia Stage Company. S"Tlcket3 for sale at all the principal points In California, at Company's Office, Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Or Freight will not he received for shipment after5o'JockP.M. on either the East or West side Dlvhlon. 1 JOHKMUIB, ftaa't. of.Trafflc. E-P-EOOfcXa, Utnerai tcf ' Paajener Dep't. B.. KOEHLER, Cta't Ma- ar. JC.V.OTOKKA, AMU. Sap'c of Traffic. Ilwaco Steam Navigation Gc.'s WINTER SCHEDULE. Astoria to Fort Stevens, Fort Ca'by, and lluiato. Connecting by stages and boats for Oysterville, Montesano and Oiympia 4&ft Untl1 further notice the Ilwaco 2ftlMb Steam Navigation Co.'s steamer Gen. Affiles, "V 111 leave Astoria On Mondays Thursdays, and Saturdays (Oysterville and Montesano mall days. at 7 A. M. FOB Ft.Stevens,.Ft. Canby and ilwaco ox Tuesdays, Wedne3iays, and Fridays The steamer will leave Astoria at 9 a. m as formerly, not belntr confined strictly to schedule time. Fare to Fort Canby and Hwaco,....75 eta. Byriwaco freleht. by the ton. In lots of one ton or over, $2 per ton, t BPForTlckets, Towage or Charter ap ply at the offlce of the company, Gray's wharf, foot of Benton street. J. H. D. GRAY, Agent. Shoalwater Bay Transportation Co. SUMMER HOUTE. Astoria to Oiympia, Touchlug at Frt Stevens. Fort C'nnby. II warn SsrtkBeaeli. Oysterville. Xorth Cave, Petersons Polut. Ho- qiiRHi Jlontrnani, And all points on Shoalwater Bay, and G nt Harbor. GEN. MILES, 1 Strs. or V On Columbia Kjvei GEN. CANBY.) " GEN. GARFIELD " Shoalwater Baj M MONTESANO - Gray's Harbo Connecting with Stages over Portages. Leave Astoria for Oiympia, at - - 7 A. 31. On Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays, arriving at Montesano the day after leaving Astoria through trip In 60 hours. Leave Oiympia for Astoria on same days. Columbia Transportation Co. FOR PORTLAND. (FAST TIME.) Tho popular-steamer FLEETWOOD, Whlrh has been refitted for the comfort o pavsenpers will leave WILon and Fisher's dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P. M. Returning loaves Portland every Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6 A, M. Arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. An additional trip will be made on Sunday of Each Week, Leaving Portland at 9 e'eleck 8b day Meraiag. Passengers by this routa connect at Kalama for Sound ports. U. B. SCOTT, President. UUSLKESS CARDS. Q u. Tiaoisof, Attorney and Counselor at Law. Room No. c, over White House, ASTOKIA, OREGON. C VT. FCI.TOX. C. C. FULTOX. FUK.TOT' BROTniSS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Iiooms5and C.Odd Fellows Building. T (J.A.BOVLBY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Chenamus trret, - - ASrOELA, OREGON l J. CUXITIS, ATT'I' AT LAW. Notir- Piib'lc, Commissioner of Deeds for Calliorula, 2ew York aud Washington Ter ritory Rooms 3 and 4. Odd Fellows Building, As toria. Oregon. N.B -Claims at Washington. U. C, and collections aspecialty. Astoria Agent Hamburg-Magdeburg and German-American FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. P C. HOLDEX, 'OTAEY PUBLIC, AUCTIONEER, COMMISSION ,N1 IN SURANCE AGENT. C. XV. iEICK, ARCHITECT AND DRAUGHTSMAN. Scholars received for Course of Draughting. -Offlce over White House Store. Q.KLO F. PARKER. SURVEYOR OF Clataop County, and City or Astoria Oftlce : Chenamus street, Y. M. C. A. hall Room No. 8. A PASTOX, M. !., Etc. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Graduate of University of T run to, Canada. 2-Office and Resl lenco at Mrs. E. C. Ilu.deu's, cjruer of iVlaln and Astor streets, Astoria. jtr. ar. c. uoatmax, Phisician and Surgeon. Rooms 9 and 10, Odd Fellows Building, ASTORIA, OREGON. ' ' JAY SJOTTJjE. M. I. ' ' PHYsiciAlNrURQ Office Rooms 1, 2, and 3. Pythian Build ing. Rf.side-ce Over J. E. Tliomas' Dra Store. p P. HICKS, PENTIST," ASTORIA, - - - OREGON Kooms In Allen's building up stairs, corner of Cass and Semocqhr stret . D X. CAiJAXISS, Late of Fort S'evens. has come to Astoria for the purpose of pra ticlug MtDICINE AND SURGERY. Will visit patients In the country and city. Office m Odd Fellows Bui din. Residence aboe Catholic t. hurch. GENERAL STEAMSHIP AGENCY. Bills of Exchange on any Part o1 Europe. 1AM AGENT FOR TIK FOLLOWING welt known and commodious Memshlp hies, ' STATE LINE, RED STAR. WHITE STAR. HAMBURG-AMERICAN, D. MINION LINE, NATIONAL, and AMERICAN LINE. Prepaid tickets to or from any European port. For full Information as to rates of fare, sailhiK days, afc, apply to L W. CASE. GEO. r. WHEELEE. Notary Public. W. L. BOBB. WHEELER & ROBB. GENERAL Real Estate g Insnrance Agents. We have Xtrv ilpsimhlA nrnnortv In Aa toria and Upper Astoria for sale. Al3oi line lariub imuuj;iiuui uie county. Accounts carefully adjusted and collec tions made. We represent the Royal, Xorwleh Union ami .Lanca shire Insurance Co's., With a combined capital of S3C.O00.O00. THE Traveler IAte and Accident insur ance Co , of Hart'ord. and the Mud. Iiattan J,fV Insurance Co.. of New York. We are aeents for tlie Daily and Weekly Aorthiveat iVeicx, and the Oregon VidetU. All business entrusted to our care will re ceive prompt attention. stoi yrasi COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Dealers !n LUMBER, HAY, GEAIN, POTATOES, AND OOUiVTRT PRODUCE. Advances made on Consignments-