A V 0 T ' ' jf-i -i VOL. XX, JNTQ. 80. A.STORIA, OIIEGOA1, SUNDAY, JAXUARY , :HS4. P&ICE, FIYI, T Bf 1 " I i . -" A -. rf A'illard Resigns the Northern Presidency Farillc. of the New York, Jan. -L The animal "meeting of the board of. directors of the Northern Pacific Railroad was held to-day in the offices of the com pnny. Present: Frederick Billings, Ashbell H. Barney, John Wells, Pos ;vell Gv Ralston, "Robert Morris, Thos. F. Oakes, J. Pierrepont IMorgan, August Belmont, J. L. Stackpole, Benjamin Cheney, John C. Bullett, and Henry E. Johnston ', The following letter from Henry Villard was read: To the Board ot Directors of the Northern Pacific Railroad Cempany: t hereby offer my resignation as presi dent of your board. I feel con strained to take the step for two rea sons. one of which is that I am suff ering from nervous prostration, which renders, .me ,no longer capable to I.)ropQrlyrdisoharge my official duties, and -my physicians advise' absolute abstention from all active employ ment as a condition o the recovery of my health. The other reason is, that in my own opinion, no less-than in that of my personal and business friends, the interests of the company call for. the severance of myconnec tionwithit". , - ., Its Rejection would bo -an unjust result of the years of severe labor :1ml anxiety which I have spent in ihy endeavor to servo the company conscientiously and to my best abil ity, but my feelings should not stand in the way of the welfare of stock holders, t am consoled by an abid ing confidence that the future will completely vindicate all my actions. Itmay, as soon as my health permits, ask thp privilege of submitting to you asummary of my administration of the company's affairs. Allow me to express to you, iu conclusion, my sin cere thanks for the cordial support and appreciative sympathy you have ajt all times extended to me. H. TiijIjAkd. The resignation was accepted. A meeting of the Oregon and Transcontinental executive commit tee was called for routine business. The investigating committee dis charged and its report accepted. !"Tlie executive committee of the O. B. & N. Co. is in session.' It is understood the dividend will be re duced from 10 to 8 per cent, for the reason that the company's earning capacity does not warrant higher rates. A report was circulated this morn ing that Endicott and Coolidge, who recently joined the Oregon Railway and Navigation Company and Oregon Transcontinental directory, have suc ceeded in prevailing upon those com panies to abandon the construction of their new lino to a connection with the Union Pacific's Oregon Short Bine. Officials of the Oregon Bail way and Navigation Company deny this, and state that the work has been discontinued owing to heavy snow and bad weather; but in the spring the road will be rapidly pushed to" completion. Stocks were active and higher this afternoon. Northern Pacific preferred touched 50, on the resignation of ATillard. . ABenton County 3Inrder. CorvaiiIis, Jan. 4. Thoma? J. Dennis and a man named JBurbank, his son-in-law, while bunting in the Alsea valley, twenty-five miles west of Corvallis, Saturday, separated, agreeing to meet on Grant's- moun tain. Dennis failed to appear at the proper time and Burbank, after vain waiting and searchj returned home and reported the facts to the neigh bors. The whole neighborhood be came aroused and scoured the coun try vainly until yesterday, when Den nis' body was found in a lonely spot shot through the heart, his gun, still loaded, lying near him. The circum stances indicated that the body had been dragged fifty yards from where it fell and footprints not correspond ing to Dennis' boots were noticed. There is no doubt of foul play. Bur bank was arrested on suspicion at the grave during Dennis' burial and is expected to reach this city to-night Dennis was 50 years old and 'leaves a Irtrge famuy. Italy ou Top. TLe report is confirmed that the representatives of Germany, Austria, and sltalyjiave signed a treaty by which, in the event of a war between either of the two first named powers or both of them and France, Italy is left "entirely free to take part or not; but should France go to "war with Italy, both Germany and Austria are pledged to Iielp Italy. Until further explanation this may be pronounced the most remarkable treat' of mod ern times. It gives to Italy every thing and asks nothing from her in return; not even the payment of the var expenses of the two most oblig ing nations. This singular treaty was signed as early as last September, aiot long after the rumpus in Italy ave,the".JFrench-military movements in Tunis. " - J Ejrypt Getting Tired. I Caieo, " Jan. 4. The relations of Egypt and England are strained. Egypt has sent a note to Great Britain, pointing out that in the present state of things Egypt cannot continue asking final decision on the Soudan question. If England re fuse's the assistance asked'the khedive jjfndthe ministry are 'determined to .abandon to Turkey eastern -Soudan, nnd reduce the Egyptian tribute to ihe -porte, Egyptian troops will then be concentrated in Egypt proper, tlius giving a force of 15,000 men to protect the frontier, -without the English army. JSvelynBaring thinks 15,000 men insufficient for, that ser vice. The Secret. i.Th.e Baltimore Netcs, says it is pre posterous to speak of the substantial gucces without intrinsic, unques 'fcjoned merifc. St Jacobs Oil, the gjreat pain-care; is tt most pronounced example Its -immense sale is due to its merits The Greed for "Wealth. The temptations to excess in efforts oi money-making in this country are well-nigii irresistible. The land is comparatively new and much remains to be developed. Our National growth is unexampled and rapidly progressing. Opportunities for trade multiply on every hand, and here, as nowhere else iu the world, "the hand of the diligent maketh rich.' And so, with a shout and a spring, every body makes a grand msii into some business enterprise or movement. Some deliberately count tho cost in advance, go slow and sure, and make 'steadv advancement toward the final goal of competence or affluence. Others go pell-mell, and lose through indiscretion and lack of foresight Others win by the mysterious work ings or what is called blhid luck. If it was with us more as it is with the staid and worn-out countries of Europe, where everything is cut and dried and encrusted with the oppress ive customs and regulations of cen turies, where opportunities for change or progress are limited and hopeless despair represses ambition and ener gy among the poorer classes, we should see a different stale of society altogether. There would be less ex travagance and less impetuosity, less confusion and competion, less prof its, and perhaps smaller losses. Of course, we shall gradually work to ward a moro settled, regular and bus iness activity as we grow older, and as the experience of centuries brings wisdom and prudence and caution to venturesome minds, but that is a good way ahead as yet. But the nat urally existing conditions of life and the natural jnovoment of men and things, we shall be compelled to pass through a succession ot trials and failure-- for many a year before age sobers and represses the impulses and ardor of National youth and ex- Kntiefc i TYinncnrn if ifc ciirornliiinl- . v: ,., . .I i ... t ie anr vnaiiry anil resuessiiess. jiux n, in the meantime, morals, arts and 1 higher intellectual pursuits should i ?.. , t J . snirer by reason of excessive absorb-; tim of inierasl in material progress, and gain, we can console ourselves with the reflection that this prelimin-1 ary stage cf development must needs precede the more perfect and equable j condition which lies just before us iu the roseate light of an ideal future. TLc Sioux Ilvnin I'ool. A hymn book has lieen prepared for the Indians in the missionary jurisdiction of Niobrara. It is said -;, to contain 110 hymns. The first stan za of "Jerusalem, My Happy Home," runs in this melodious mauner: Jerusalem, wati waxie, Caje tewarinda. - Tohan kiuban rtwarie xiii. " Heci wovizuxkiu.' No bald-headed man is taken into the United States army as a recruit. This rule has been adopted to concil iate the friendly Indians. Nothing exasperates an Indian so much as to kill a United States soldier, and then bo deprived of the satisfaction of scalping him. Such an outrage on t.lio friMiillv Inrlifmsj is nnlraiil,iifi1 ti goad them on to war. It is at the re- j quest of tho Indians that the scrc tarv of war issued the order that nouo but scalpable recruits shonld be received into the army. It appears from the evidence that ' both the vessels sent by tho govern- j inent on the Grcely relief expedition J were unnL lor tne service ana aiso imperfectly equipped for such a hazardous undertaking. It would have been much more intelligent, humane and less expensive to hae killed Lieutenant Grcely before he started on the expedition. "Work still goes on tit the quick silver mines on the Nestucca. They have tunneled into the mountain about eighty feet, and are confident that they will soon strike it rich. The Cherokee Indians have estab lished a national bank in their terri tory. Now they will find that direct communication cither with Canada or Mexico is an actual necessity. A fashion editor says: ''Now that cats' heads are being used to adorn bonnets, tho cat must go.' We hope he won't go out any more at night than he now does. A Toronto man waited until he was eighty-three years old before he got married. That's like running three miles to get a good start for a fonr- teen-inch jump. It is estimated that about 1,000,000 feet of logs, belonging mostly to Sno qualmie loggers, went out to sea on a late freshet The loss amounts to about SG,500. A wise man never contradicts his wife. He bides his time and sits smil ingly, sure that she will contradict herself if he doesn't spoil it by his rashness. Mr. Gladstone, it is said, dislikes to put on a new suit of clothes. "Well, it is annoying to have everyone you meet ask if it has been wet yet. A good quality of timothy and clo ver hay, baled, sells at $12 per ton at the ranches in the vicinity of Coquille city. If "a man is known by the company he keeps,' then should not the sheriff be indicted for somctUmg or otner r Bnlwer was correct there is no such word as fail; it is mollified down into assignment Coultl Harilly Slnutl on Iter Dr. 11. V. Pierce, M. D., Buffal .. X. T. Dear Sir: I must tell you what your medicine has done for me. Before tak ing vour "Favorite Prescription 1 could'hardly stand on my feet, but, by following vour advice, I am perfectly cured. The '-Favorite Prescription" is a wonderful medicine for debilitated and nervous females. 1 cannot express how thankful 1 am to you for yur ad vice. Yours truly, 3fRS. COKNEL1A ALLISON. Peosta, la. 2! THE GREAT GERMAN REMEDY FOB PAIN. Eelleres and certs RHIOATIS3I. Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, EACKACKE. SZ1DACHS. TC0IS1C2S, S0P.E THROAT, QCINSY. STVELUSC3. SP2VIXS, Sorest Cats, Urua. FROSTBITES, Ecnxs, SCALDS. .Ini cU cUar toJU 1 xnjr-xiai. FIF7T K373 1 BOTTLE. SoIJby all Dresstoi iml DeJn. DirtcUcui iu 11 lo;oitJ. (Snecciun u A. TcjtUr i Co.) Bt!UaofT. HJ-, U.S. A. Urns' Blood Is not a "cure ?." it is a blood-purifier and tonic. Impunty of tiie blood poisons thesys tcni, deninjics tne rirculation, and tlius in duces many disordir kuotTi by different names to d'istiu;uKli them aecoruimito ef feet!, but bcins really bmnclirs or phases of thatreat Keiu-ric disorder. Impurity or SSIoosl. riiieh are )j;c;)M"n, liilltoiisnexf, Liter Complaint, CttnxtipnWm. Xcrruu Di onlcrr. Headache. BnchacJie, General Wcak no, f4irt Dh4xc,nni)y. Kidncjl Dheaxc, Pilot. IthcitmathiK, Catarrh, Scrofula, Shin Db-oulrrA. i:;7c. Ulcer. SircUinu. J.C.. ltc. Ii:ir o. rJie tJloort nnrwiiN mu c,,r tirw,. i... :ii,.ni-i ulf -,.W iintmniv of the blood. 'Clirimstsaiui i".iMcian.s:ijn-ee " ": "tlieiniistiwiiuliie ami cmrtwit ;l('lmJtIollfotln;J)urM),." Sold l)T Dru- Ux .Sl ,lt!r hottlc; SeC istiinoniali direc- t'oiis&c.. in iami)ldci,"TreatNe0JiUise:uces Blootl."ijTOnwdarniimlirii Jm i.i.an&o..i. so&jgo-ji roj.s . A RNBT & PEI10II EN, ASTOIMA. oi:i";ox. The Pioneer Machine Shop - IltACKMIITll vESa 5JT ! li ' , ?Jzg&i Sr& il O V -40bM?p $ i 1 1 T llil Tl 1 h v-ft . '-' - ZZS i -pBprr.w Boner bnoD .'rssiv '& All kinds of EMeMS, CANNERY, AX- STEAMBOAT W0EK Promptly attended to. A le r repslriii8 OANNEJRY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. PETEE BLAHSH0LM, Dealer in FINE 0IGABS, IM POUTED AJsD DOMESTIC. THE BEST BRANDS OF TOBACCO. s32o:ts::k akticekw. i Cor. .v)iitiMMi:a and Olney Streets Astoria. A, . Allen, Wholesale and Kolftll Dealer in MILL FEED. Glass and Plated Ware, TItOI'ICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wines, Liq'JorsJofaacco.Gioars BOATBTJILDING, R. M. LEATHERS Has reopened Ids boat shop, over Arndt Si Ferehen's, foot of LaKayette Mre.et, and is prepared to turn out FI1LST-G1ASS BOATri. AL.Ij AVORft GITAICAXTEF.I). TjSlIXjOH.I'N'G-, Cleaning Repairing. SKAT, ClIIIAl' AND QUICK. BY GEORGE LOVETT, Main Street, opposite X. Loeb's. Boat Building. JOS. P. LEATHERS ronncrly over Arndt & Ftrchen'a iltchine Sho TSRFILDINC5 FIRST-CLASS BOATS IN A the "hop formerly occupied by SI. John son on Concomlv street, one block west of Hansen Itro" Mill. .Ilot'.ct, Jl.itertal antl Finish Flrst-rlass Are you made miserable bv Indi lieilion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of appetite Yellw:Skin? Shiloh's ViUil izer is a positive cure. For sale by W. E. Detneiit, Hi iiiiiiiiiiii minim n rip! iMr"y" " w OKvanbi i1 jifejiniiP533!! JLfe- of the Ed. B. Curtis & Co, Carpils, Uittn UNSURPASSED IX STYLE AND FINISH. NEW ', ' Elf KM IT HIKE,' A COMPLETE STOCK. Hariware ait Slii j Cliailerj A. VAH DU8EN & GO, ' ' DEALKKS IX Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binnacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine. Cotton Sail Twine. Lard Oil. Wrought Iron Spikes. Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, Noiviiijr rrliicliiiios. Paints anil Oils, firoft-ries. elc. i he Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. I'OU T1IK Finest of Wines and Liquors Co lu the OEM SALOON. Ai.r..CA?.irr.i:i.i.. pnonrinroK rv ASTORIA IRON WORKS. ASTOKIA. - OltCCOX. GENERAL MAGHiNISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LANDaMIAEIEEH&IM BoilerWork, Steamboat Wor and Cannery Work a spe cialty. Of nil l)eeriptioiis made to Onlor at Short Xotlrc. A. D. "Wass, President. .1. 0. IU'STLEit.Secretarj'. 1. W. Cask, Treasurer, .joitx Fox.Superintendent. C. H. BAIN & CO. t)K.I.EnS is Doors. Windows, Blinds. Jransoms Turning, Bracket Work. A specialty, :ir.d all work guaranteed. Oak. Ash, Ha y, and Waluut lumber : Ore gon ami Ttirt Orford Cedar. All kinds of boat material on hand. C.H.RAU' & CO. THE LATEST STYLES 4 WALL "PAPER AT B. B. FRANKLIN'S, NEXT DOOR TO ASTORIAN OFFICE. A veo' large Stock from which to select, "Window curtains made to order. JSTMy patent Trimmer to cut Wall Paper will be lound convenient to my patroiw. BARBOUR'S It HAVE NO EQUAL. THE The London Fisheries Exhibition HAVE AWARDED THE GOLD MEDAli TO The Barlioir Brotes Cgianj -FORTHE SUPERIORITY OF THEIIt ELAX NET THREADS. II j i Salmi TtoeaJs HOTELS AND RESTAUKAXTS. PARKB-R HOUSE, JJ.B.I'AKKKIt. ASTOKIA. - -. - - OREGON. E. P. PAJtKEK. -Ai . CKOSIIY. Thll. BOWEItP, .Tas. DCEFV has the .Maiiauerand Agent. Day Clerk- Xlglit Clerk. Bar'and Billiard room. Pirst Class' in all Respects. I'UEH COACH TO' THE HOISE. IT IS A PACT ' i- -.--- -TilT J "'". JEFf 'S :CH6.fe;rHdUSE - Concomly Street is the Best in Town..; , " 4 -THAT II'-Itus Alnays on IlautLFKESII Slioal Alater JJar anl l-.ast-- c?n Oysters -TJIAT- fl "JEFF" IS THE BOSS CATERER? THAf " He has been Proprietor or the "Aurora Hotel" in Knappton hcven jenrs. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. A Good Cup of Coffee AND OYSTERS AT Mrs. Powell's Coffee House, On Main Streot iiet to Oregon Bakery. Campi "Restaurant. . TJEKOUGIIOrT, L. Serni has rchnllt his estahlUhment and Is prepared to accommodate, the traveling public. A jxood meal furnished at,auv hour or the day or night. ' 'I lit flntst Liquorj and Cigars at the bar. Two doors v. ettif Ike Foster's. ' f 2S fiiii LUIGI SEKI.A.- THE BEST set Boardinq and Lodqinq Hotf Chas. Wnllmau hxf opened a hoanlingand lodging house south ot O'Brien's hQtcl, near thegttsyrork , , . , -2.r,, Tlie table Is supplied Avlth the bBit-nht matket airerN: god food and clean beds will lt? furnished at the regular prices. Cive tut a call ami satisfy yourselves. CIlAsCWALLMAX. Can prove 1: Ills books that he Is doing the bigge.t business of any RESTAURANT BrH! TuFBjvBflsKSL --i.fn the city, and he will guarantee to give ? Mi a ltnct irtnnt fni k.li DRAI.KK IX Hay, Oats, Straw. Lime, Brick, Cement and Sand lVootl Delivered to Order. :0raying, Teaming and Express Business. Horses ana Carriages for Hire. DEALER IN WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. F1I1NT CIjASS Mrs T.W. Eaton. Miss Florence Carnahan. EATON & CARNAHAN, PKVI.FItS IK Fine MiH'iifery AXD Fancy Goods. Cass Street, RuiidiiiL'. next door to Odd Fellows I. "W. CASE, IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHAMSI Corner Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA . - - - OREGON G. W. LEIGK, PRACTICAL ARCHITECT! DRAUGTSMAN (Ofilcc QVer"Whtte House Store), IS 2COW READY TO FURNISH PX.4.XS and J4PKUIPICATIONS ofaUdcs tiriptlons or BUILDINGS, Etc. A School of DrausUtin will be ojiened on JANUARY 2d next, at 7 7. m.. to which a limited number of pupils will be admitted. TKAXSPORTATIOX LTXES. Oregon Railway & Navigation ..r C03IPAST. CKAJS" Xlj1S!OX. During tho month of .January, iss-I. Ocean Steamers will sail from Hiriland for San Francisco, and from i?an Frsujeisco for Fort- lano:overftdny:ieavingAlnswortliDocKi Fonlanrtat. Jlidnight. and Spcar.trf et AVhrtrf;SanFrancisc(.atlOA.3r. ' " r TIirouhTSftietN .sold to all principal cities in the" Tinted State. CdmuU and Europe. rD RAtL OIVISIOK. I'assenger Train leave Fortland for K.ist- eru i)oinia. at r :20 F. 31. ilasl v. .. ' UIVSR UITSSapv (JllddJc Ci)t::itjh:a. Iinat? leave IMrtianri for Dalles at T-.ttt) A M. IMpni.Tu. jWe.lTbu.l Frl.l S-r A.tifria r.tfl j I lower Co-1 I ! I luinbia....lBA.!KAM hAM fi All Daytoa. Or.TtiAAl! ZAM! RAM 6A5J AM aalem .. L. .,.1 I c ,I I uarYaiiiR'.-A i -'- - i- -"i VictonaJSCSS ASl6 AM:.VM,,6AM,': AM nxc x ,"""'; .'.'"; R.A-SI Lcarcs. Astoria fo; Porticd at. Gj. in, daily ox ceptjsandiy. -T "-. . Pullman Pa! see (C'AXwuin!c: betwesnPor lsnd:aDdt.'PanI.J n C.JIJ'KESCOTT. t , - TMauayer. CfaL-STOICES. .lOHioitjn:, f Snu't of Tratilc K.P;KOnKK. GencraXAsaht v PasenRor Dep't. 1- dtTramc. Oregon & California &'. KL OREGON & TRANSCONTINENTAL COMPANY, LESSEE. On and after Dec. 2d. 1SS, trains will ran as follows : DAILY (Except hundays). CASTSIDF. DIVISIOX. Kctccn FOUri-A.M)a:id ILi?.'T'a IMSS MAir. TltAIX. LEAVE. -4i AKRIVE. rortland 7 :C0 a. M'tGrantVFassl:2u A. m. Ur:mtjtras.sl0:i:0i,M'rortIantl .'. i!5 i M. ALBANY .EXPRESS TRAtN. LEAVE. 'AlIKIVC. Portland....: 1 ootk 3t.'Lehanbn a i2n r. m lbauon...?t543. m. Portland. 10 :0." a. m The Oregon and California Railroad Ferry makes connection with all Regular Trains on Eastsiito Di ision. west?ide ili:twcc:i lortlamJ nnil t'tirvnlUs 3rinr,TKAtx ILVVF ' ARRIVE. Portland 9 :0o a. ar.JCorvalli 4 -JK) p. m. Corva!ILs...8 :S0 A. m.' Portland a :tw v.ix. LEAVE. ' ARRIE. Fortland 3 -.00 p 3i;3rc?dinnvUIe 8 aTO pm McOnnnvilier:I5 aji Portland. .S:CUA3t Close connection made at ('rant's Fass with the Stages of tho Oregon and Califor nia Stage Cutnnariy. 0S11cl;et Tor- sale at all the principal poiutiuCaUforuixsit Company's Oillce, Coryer Jind,Front Sts Portland, Or. " Freiglit.wiU not be receive for shipment .'after o o'clock p. rJ-ou either the East or WestMde JMiiion. U. KOEIU-hR. .(cn'J llanager. A. L. aTOICi:., I -Afct Snp't. of rratlic. J01IN.MUIU. hun't.ofTr.Mfle. I". PjROGLRa. tJpneral As't Paaaonger Dcp't. I ISwacQ Staam Navigation Go.'s WINTER SCHEDULE. itoria o Fort Steutrs. Fort Ca bu. and lluiac. Connection by stapes and boats for Oystervilie. ftlontesano and Oiympia Until further notice the Ilwaco Steam Navigation Co.'s bteamer C3-022L. Miles, Will leave Astoria On Mondays Thursdays, and Saturdays (Oystervilie and Alontesano mail das. .at 7 A: K. FOR Ft.Stevens, Ft. Canby and llwaco OJT Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays The steamer will leave Astoria at 9 A. at., as formerly, not benn; confined strictly to .schedule time. Fare to Fort Canb and llwaco,, icts, JSf-Ilwaco frehrht, by the ton, in lots of one ton or over, 2 per ton, CS"For Tickets. Townjie or Charter ap ply at the oflice of the company, Gray's unari. toot oi lieuion sireet. .1. II. D. GRAY, Aitwit Shoalwater Bay Transportation Co. SUMMElt ROUTE. Astoria to O'ympia, Touching at Kort Stcvejis, F ft t'anSiy. !v:i: XorCh iturIi.4.yNirvi!Ic. TVorlb Cove. VtcrOK- S'oini. liu itiiiini, .lloiitefiami. . And all pointsonSlioalwater Bay.and l5r.ij Harbor. GEN. MILES,) Sirs. or y GEN.CVNBY. Ou Columbia RiM'i GEN. GARFIELD " MONTESANO Connecting with Stage Shoalwater Uaj Gnij'j. iar!n er 1'ertajres: Leave Astoria for Oiympia, at - - 7 A. 31. On Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays, arming at Montesano the day after leaunj: Astoria through trir in 60 hours. Leave Oiympia for Astoria on same days. Columbia Transportation Co. (FAST TIME.) The popular steamer igg&ii - FLEETWOOD, Which has been reP.tted for the comfort o naenjrersw ill leave wSd Iisher'a dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.&. umvfrv at Portland at 1 P. M. Ectuniiiy; leaves rortland every Tuesdays, and Thursdays at 6 A. At. Arriving at Astoria, at T P. Af. An additional trip will be made on Sunday of Each Week, Leaving Portland at 9 o'clock Sunday 3Iorniii Passengers by this rout canned at Kalama for Sound port XT. B. SCOTT, - President. BUSINESS I Q K. THOMSON, ' Attorney and Counu , Room No. c, over White Hofi ASTOIUA, OREG i;. t h r.VC. KULTOX. . .if ATTORXETS AT LA- -; Rooms 5 and C. Odd Fellows. .." : il . ;, T J. A. SOTFJ.nV. - . " attorneyTat law. Chenamu? treet, - - ASTORIA, rt J. CU11T1S ,- ATT'VAT-LAW. Xotarv Public'. CdmraUsronerof I. Cailioriiia, Nev York and Washiugt ntox-. Rooms .and4rOddtFelIowsBiildeti toria. Oregon. Nr3 -Claims' at-Washlngon.-I: ' collections, aspceialty: y .'- Astoria Agent Hamburg-Magdeburg ... and German-Amt FfRE INSURANCE COIIPAN'IJ OTVEY PUBLIC, AUCTIONEER, COMMISSION AX. SURANCE AGENT. G1 EI.O F. fAKKEK. SURVEYOR OF Clataop County, aiid City of Am Ottlce : Ctienaiuns street, Room No. 8. Y.M.C. fA O "H"3;. X. C. BOAT3IAX. Physician and Surgeon. 'Rooms i and 10, Odd Fellows Bull. ASTORLA., OREGON. AY TJjTTIjE, 31. . PHYSICIAN AND SURGE02 Offick Rooms l, 2, and 3. Fythian Bi luff. Rkstdkxck Over J. E. Tliomas' r Store. "CT 3P. HICKS. PENTIST,: ASTORIA, --. - OREO? Rooms in Allen's building up stairs, con ofCassandSqemocqueatret . ii;. ca:iaxsss. IiieotFortSlovenSwhas come to Astot for the purpose of practicing MEDICINE AND SURGERY. Will vNit patients In the country and cit; Office in Odd Fellows Buildin?. Residene above Catholic Church. GENERAL STEAMSHIP AGENCY. Bills of Exchange on any Part oi Europe. T AM AGENT FOR TIE FOLLOWING JL welt l;n ;nown and commodious steamsldp lnes. STATE LINE, RED STAR, "WHITE STAR. HAMBURG-AMERICAN, DOMINION LIN' NATIONAL, and AMERICAN LINE. Prepaid tickets to or from any Eu port. For full Information as to rates sailing davs. etc, apply to T.W oi:o. P. WIIKKLCII. Notary Fnblie. W WHEELER & T iOBB. GENERAL' Real Estate I Insnr, ii We h:nc very desirable toria and Upper Astoria V farms tlirounout tho cor Accounts carefully af tions made. "We reprej 'TJOT. TKoyal. A'ofivicIi.T )iirc InsB With :t combined ca' property in As .nty3 Aho' nn'' tjasted and collec- -enl.ihe JRQnre Co'., " P3I or 336,000,000. TICK i Srd Acent lasui-. ord. and the Man. 0?,a-Sn"lnee Co.. Travelers life mice Co . of J hattau lji 6f We are asent IV'orfiirest A'eir All biLsiuess ceive prompt - ,, ioric. Ah I the Oreson Vidcttc Ar-Ka.dt00urcaro,- WMli wm co AMISSION MERCHANTS. Dealers In KAY, GBAEST, POTATOES, AND OOUftTET PE0DU0E. Advances made on Consignments. W. E. BEHENT & GO. ASTORIA, , 7 . 0REG0N iV.try in Stock, leeOGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and ' FANCY ARTICLES! Prescriptions carefully Compounded .opean of fare, .CASE. . Xr-r.oui:. m fe i