The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, December 27, 1883, Image 3

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    She gaUg Jovian.
,...lRrEMIJliK27. ISS8
Monday excepted)
j'irni.isiiKics an: rKoi-itiKroits,
Terras of"iitIoii.
Served by Carrier, per wvok
int by Sail, per jimmiUi............
one your .. ...
Vret of Ks!a ; sMbvrrlbVrs.
3yAt! inserted by the vnrat
The rate of $2 jht sHmr per month. Trun
dent advertising Ally tfins per Miiare. each
Around tlie Citv.
Tho barometer doesn't know wind
make of this ivoather.
The Standartl must cither send us a
cjpy that can be read, or eteo
Something of real importance must be
going on the lines art down in every
Tho dictionary j not as bij as the post
offioe, but it contains more letter-; to the
tmrc inch.
The newly elected oflioerii of Tample
liodge Xo. 7. 1'. At A. M., will bp hiKtailed
this evening.
Kant's knock down and tfift salo is in
fall operation. Tin drawing takes place
next Monday.
Tli regular quarterly examination for
teachers begins at Supt. Sloops office at
nine, o'clock to-morrow morning.
C. II. and Orilla liead will give a
unique entertainment at Liberty hall
this evening in aid of the Y. "il. C. A.
The Seattle Herald publishes a lino
Christmas edition. The Herald is a
painstaking paper and deserves its suc
cess. The regular entertainment of the As
toria Social Club will be at Pythian Cas
tle Hall this evening, beginning at half
Iast seven.
In another column -.vill be found an
ofiicial transcript of the docket at the
nest term of the Circuit court which
meets next "Wednesday.
The It. 11. Thompson came down in
Hying style from l'ortlnd j'esterday.
She was iight waisted. freight being re
markably scarce at all river points.
The proprietors of the pilot schooner
CUy of Napa intend sending the vessel
to San Francisco after January 1st. and
will go out of the piloting business.
Attention is directed to the advertise
ment of Mr. C. W. Leick. a practical
archtect and draughtsman, who comes
well recommended in his profession.
"Zampilaerostationifit" is the name
which some one says is the correct one to
apply to a roller skater. This will make
the exercise more wildly exhilirating
than evei.
Christmas was quietly spent in Astoria,
home pleasures furnishing the principal
enjoyments of the day. Sevoral private
gatherings took place and nearly every
one "had a good time.'
Cashing Post No. 14, G. A. 11., intend
giving n boll on the occasion of the visit
of Gen. Caulkins to tho Post, which will
be about the middle of next month. A
series of camp-tires is also contemplated.
llev. J. V. MiHigan was handsomely
remembered by his parishioners oh
Christmas. Among his presents .were
Poe's "Kaven, Coleridge's, "Ancient
Mariner." and a purse of from the
Hible class.
Honry lyuip. down from Cathlamet,
informs us that the mill men in his vicin
ity have been quite successful in getting
a good supply of logs to their mills.
Over 8.00O.Ovhi feet of logs were taken
down F.looonicn creek this season.
' evt-rr Atitorhin who rents a box
.a I he .jotrtoUiw linds nowadays a lottery
at rti.- went therein. Flaming au
i uv:i meiit is made of the man who
won tht $"4),t00 prize. There is no men
tic n f the fifty thousand who lost.
How . ver it nmv bo in other places real
estr.te transfers in Astoria show that
price 6 are fully up t previous figures.
There is no w:rei index to the jernianent
pro?ierity of a city than that -afforded by
tho price of rel etto within its limits
or adjacent thereto.
Sonw- of Uk oity docks indicate Astoria
time in accordance with the true meri
dian lines; others are changed to corre
spond with tlw- change in Portland. The
boats leave by Portland time, and niryone
that doesn't wa it to get left must remem
ber that Portland lime is now sixteen
minutes faster than t:me in this city.
About ten o'clock last night a loud out
crv from the slip between Wilson fc Fish
ers and Home's, attracted the attention
of some pasvrs-by. who. hurrying to the
spot, dragged out'a party by the name of
Iteymau who wn clinging to the piles.
He" was profane m his expressions of
gratitude, and offered to "set 'em up" for
all bunds.
A very enjoyable time was had at the
rusidonce of E. ( Holden last evening;
the occasion be'lng a surprise party given
Miss Emms: lioideu. About twenty
couples were present, and all
enjoyed themaeltes to the fullest
uxtuht. A Wuutiful repirst was served
and with music and song the evening
passod so pleasantly that it will be one
long lemembeml by thesj participating.
ToliKiMuui.-. At a citizens meeting.
hold at tho r ' hall at half past seven
last evening, it transpired that the total
cost of the recent trial in Portland be
fore Judge Dcady wherein certain citi
zens of Astoria were lined $L0l)0 and
costs, aggregated &.',335.K5. It was de
cided that tlie parties in the suit bo re
inibursed. About $1,200 of thG amount
is already pledged, the remainder to be
raised forthwith.
Ocean Text. Four year ago a small
"dinkey," not unlike the fishing boats
used at Astoria, crossed tho Atlantic
from New York to Liverpool with a crew
of two men and a cat, in 2G days. It was
ship-rigged and the feat was bought to
Ikj a remarkable one. One of the men
named Perkins, is in East Portland now.
being first officer of the ship ML Wash
ington, lying at the railroad docks. He
is a splendid seaman, aged about
years. indicator.
Sold the Goveesoes. A t'ood story is
afloat about Henry Yillard and tho gov
ernors of tho various states participating
in tho festivities of tho night following
evacuation day. He met tho distiguished
gentlonieu on a friendly, footing,
and somehow nearly every one of them
wanted a "pointer" on tho market, "just
for information, and nothing else.' So
ho magnanimously confided to. the inquir
ing ones his opinion that there would be
a marked improvement in the market
"from this on," particularly in his (the
Yillard) railroad secuitics. One week
from that time, for illustration, Oregon
and Transcontinental had dropped from
eight to ten points, enough to swamp al
most anybody's margin! It was also no
ticed that several governors still lingered
about town and in the vicinitv of Vall
street, wearing faces as long as a row of
A Bargain.
Walnut wood upright Piano, lull com
pass. Apply early on board shin OaJ:
troni, u. it. Jc j. uo.-s new docK.
Dancing School.
rrof.Xaef has organized a dancing
lass for ladies and children only at
Pytian Hall on Saturday afternoon
from 2 to 5, tuition. $1,50 per mouth.
Parties can join at any time.
Gents' class on Saturday .evening from
5 (9 luiuou, 3d per monm.
Council Proceeding.
The city council having met and ad
journed on Christmas evening, a special
session was held at tho city hall last
evoning, Maj-or Halm presiding; present,
Councilinen Case, Cooper, Hume and
Tronchard: in attendance, T. S. Jewett,
Auditor and Clerk: C. W. Loughrev,
Chief of Police.
The minutes of the last regular meet
ing were read and approved.
A communication from the fire warden
was read recommending change of ordi
nance concerning terra coita tile fluo; re
ferred to committee on lire and water.
The committee to whom was referred
the matter of C. W. Loughrey and Thos.
Hunter, reported, recommending that C.
W. Loughrey be lined S2T for neglect of
duty, and that Thos. Hunter be allowed
his salary up to the adoption of the re
port; likewise recommended that if pres
ent police force be sufficient, Thos.
Hunter Imj honorably discharged. The
motion to adopt the report was carried.
The report of the superintendent of
streets for October was adopted. The
report for November was referred.
The report of city sexton for October
was adopted.
The following claim was ordered paid:
V'. B. Headiugtou, $108.0X
The following resolution offered by
Councilman Trenchard was adopted:
That the superintendent of streets be
and is hereby instructed to at once com
mence the improvement of tho present
lire trajw by placing or making the same
three inches liigher than at present, that
they be more easily observed.
On motion council adjourned U meet
January 7. IAS!.
TJur.-Ird on (.'JtrKtroax.
One of the merriest of the many mer
ry Christmas parties in Astoria last Tues
day was at the residence of C. II. Cooper,
the occasion being tin? marriage of Miss
Allie Gibson, sister of Mrs. C. IL Cooper,
and Jas. A. Davidson, one of Astoria's
prominent young business men. The
coremony was performed by Iter. M. D.
"Wilson. Among tho. present were Mr.
and Mrs. C. iL ("tMper. Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Davidson. Mrs. Gibson. Mr. and
Mrs. C. V. Stone. Mr. and Mrs. O. F.
Morton. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. I'. "Wheeler,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Heilborn. Misses
Maggie and Kate Davidson. Miss Alice
Pope. Fred Davidson, Thos. ltyrie. A.
Dunbar. Walter Hobb, E. llogers. The
presents were numerous and cost ly. The"
bridal party left for Portland yesterday
tatter From 5Ir. Tkomes.
Ashland. M.isf.. Dec. 18. 18S.
Friend Halloran:
As I start for Oregon on or about Jan.
1st you will please discontinue Tnu Dailt
Astomax on receipt of this. Your paper
has given me much pleasure and is a
strong reminder of home. Snow has
fallen to the depth of seven inches in the
last forty-eight hours, and very cold. It
reminds me I have stayed hero long
enough; think it a good country to get
awnv from. With regards.
Yours, etc..
C. T. Thomes.
ISiiN in School rlrt No. 9.
Astouza, Dec. ItJ, 18S3.
At a meeting of directors of School
District Xo. ), held at the clerk's office at
cannery of Tiadollet A; Co., the following
propositions wcresuummeuior me uunu
mg of fence and sidewalks as pvr speci
fications on file, opened as follows: Fred
wnent. s-tju: J. li. J'almer. S.TiV. I.I.
Sullivan. iR); John Chanpel. .s-fci".
I'm: Or.i. Oi.i. tussr ios A man went
to a shoemaker's and 1 tough t a pair of
boots for $J), and gave the shoemaker a
10 bill. The shoemaker, not having
change, went to another man and got it
changed, gave the man his $1 and the
boots, and the latter went off. Then the
other man came back, saying it was a
counterfeit Sll) bill, and makiu the
shoemaker give him ten good dollars for
How mucii was the shoemaker out?
May Lose Hub CnAimiE. On Sunday
the British bark Ihtaca, 0'30 tons. Barber-
row, master. 7." days from Newcastle, X.
S. "W.. showed up. The following dav a
puot was put aooaru, nut mo weatner
since then lias precluded all possibility
of gottiug in. As tho vessel has a ifs
charter, and jls aid charter expires un
less she gets to Portland next Sunday, it
is an even bet who is wishing tho strong
est, tlie captain tliat lie can make it, or
tho charterer that ho can't.
Toyon Punishment. For two or three
days past tho chief of police has had a
prisoner serving a sentence for some in
fraction of the citj- laws, standing in tho
cold rain on the street with a ball and
chain attached to him. It appears that
the prisoner refuses to work out his line
on the streets, and is therefore placed on
exhibition, which is Hicksning to the
public. It is a privilege that prisoners
ire to work out their hues, and if thev
do not wish to, no power can be vested
in the city to compt-1 them. A prisoner
is sent to jail for a term of days, and not
to work on tho street, or to stand on the
streets, where people can see them and
uave meir sympaiuies euusieu in ns e
half. Standard
The Besult. In the police court yes-
terthvy appeared A. Muuson and Henry
Sawmiller on a charge of resisting a
police officer. They had an interpreter
on hand through whom they entered a
plea of "not guiltj." Judge Coffinbury
held them in default of bail to ap
pear to-daj". This trouble arises from
the row in the old Scandivavian house
last Tuesdav morning when Officer Steabb
arrested Victor Johnson for the alleged
cutting of John Brinkman as reported
m full in Tuesday's Astobian. Steabb
had arrested Johnson, whereupon Mnn-
son aud bawumler took him away, when
lie ran, pursued by Ullicer JJeasley, who
finally captured hini. Johnson was
moved to tho hospital, and is badlv hurt;
one bullet penetrated his body at the base
of the spinal column and coming out at
the groin. It is considered impossible
for the unfortunate man to live. Bnnk-
nrian, who had been badly cut was out of
danger yesterday.
Yestkhdat's Stobm. The wind and
rain that lulled on Christmas nwoke in
greater fury yesterday morning and all
day the storm blew furious from the
south. The wind came in short strong
gusts that played havoc with the few
ladies and children that ventured out
Signs, fences, trees, chimneys, etc., re
ceived a severe snaking up. ana travel
was seriously interfered with. A pile
drover near Devlin's cannery toppled,
and ono or two roofs sutiered, but tne
casualties were light. In the stream, our
sheltered harbor demonstrated its safety.
The vessels simply put out an extra line
anu let tne storm pipe on. ine caps
the wind blew great guns; the sea came
in in immense green waves, and naviga
tion of all kinds was stopped. Porpoises
in immense Bchools came up in front of
tho city and sportively gamboled the live
long day. As the snort day darkened
into night tho wind whisked around to the
southwest and roared, at every crevice.
At midnight the storm moderated, and
about half past two this morning the
parting clouds gave promise of a nno day.
A verv desirable room in the Odd
Fellows building, for rent Apply to
Circuit Court Iloclet, January Terra. 1.SS4.
State of Oregon vs C. V. Thompson.
Held to answer.
Shite of Oregon vs V. M. Thompson.
Held to answer.
State of. Oregon vs Mark Kj-le. Held to
State of Oregon vs Thomas Talzan.
Held to answer.
State of Oregon vs Joseph Dubois.
Held to answer.
State of Oregon vs Joseph Reynolds.
Held to answer.
State of Oregon vs Frank Wedig.
Held to answer.
Shite, of Oregon vs John Silka. Held
to answer.
Stats of Oregon vs Henry X. Gabel.
Recognizance to keep the peace.
State of Oregon vs John Leahy el al.
Held to answer.
State of Oregon vs James McCnhe.
Becognizance to keep the peace.
State of Oregon vs Ah Sing. Held to
M.J. Kinney vs E.D. Heatley et al,
equity. Fulton. Taylor for pliT: Killin.
Moreland for deft.
Warren Olney et al vs W. E. Warren
et al. equity. Fulton, Page for plff;
Bowlby for deft.
Ann B. Wilson et al vs Nanev Welch,
elal.-qiiity. DelJ.Bowlby forpJir; Dolph
for delL
John I). Marshall v J. B. Stevenson,
eqttitv. Wintoit for pin": Fulton lor
deft. "
A. J. (Moutrie vs J. T. Mulkey, equity.
Fulton for plff; Smith, Chapman for
A. W. Berry vs . W. Parker et al.
eqiutv. 1 opuni for plff; Bowlby, Drake
for deft.
Marv E. Wakeman et al vs. I. M.Shive
Iv.cqultx. Dell, Bowlby lor plff: Strong.
Fulton for defU
Warren Olnei et al vs John II. Moore
equity. Bellinger. Page for plff: IJowl-
Warren Olney vs Astoria Packing Co
eqnity. Bellinger. Page for p!ff: Tay
lor. Fulton lor deft.
Isaac Bergman vs P. H. Fox. equity
Winton for plff.
O. F. Dav vs Jane X. Day, divorce.
Fulton for plff.
F. M. Knapp vs B. P. Knapp, divorce.
Fulton for plff.
Clara S. Gross vs J. A. Gross, divorce.
Fulton for plff; Bowlby for dett.
Marv Worden vs William .Worden.
divorce. Winton for plff.
G. W. Wood et al vs Thomas Doig et
a!, equity. Fulton for plff : Winton for
P. A. Trullingcr et al vs W. J. Barry,
eqttitv. niton for plff; b niton tor
James Taylor vs. Margaret .McCaun.
equity. Williams & Co- Taylor and
Hare tor pltt ; r niton lor ueiu
James W. Welch vs. O. IL & X. Co.,
equitv. Williams & Co. and Taylor for
plff; Dolph for tleft.
John McCann vs.O.IL & X'.Co.. equity.
Kelly for plff; Dolph for deft.
Henrietta Winchell vs. John Win-
chell. equity. Fultou for plff.
Wilson & Fisher vs. Thomas Walk-
ley et al, equity. Bowlby lor plff.
M. P. Madden vs. Isabella Macidtn,
divorce. Winton lor plff.
Amy B. McCee vs. James Mcfiee. di
vorce. i;oviny tor put: riuton ior
J. M. Bohb et al vs. .Mary Stanton et
al, equity, h Minn for pm.
James Cool; vs. Isabella B. Cook, di
vorce, winton ior pin.
C. A. Lawson vs. John I.awson. di
vorce, i' niton ior put.
G. W. Toothakcr vs. Phoebe Tooth-
aker, divorce. Winton for plff.
John Biddell vs. W. B. Adair, equity.
Bowlby for plff.
General assignment of T. Bailey.
General assignment of Prael Brothers.
D. G. Boss vs. Hannah Boss. law.
Bowlby lor plff: Fulton lor defL
Biirelow & Morris vs. J. E. Comtit,
law. niton for plff: Page for defL
Goldsmith & Lowenberg vs. M. J.
Kinnev, law. Winton for plff; Fulton
for deft.
George Pink vs. Dean Blanchard. law.
Bowlby for pur: f niton tor ueit.
Wetherhee & Thonies vs. Peter
Mauck, law. Winton for plff.
Alex. Grant, aduitn'r. vs. W. I). Baker
et al, law. Bingham & Gleason for plff;
Stilton lor delt.
Yee Teung vs. Chin Lock, law. Win
ton for plff.
J. G. Chanman vs. Julia
Winton fc Chapman for plff; Fulton for
Wong Doe et al vs. Hen Lee, law
Winton for plff.
A. W. Berry vs. Hargrove & Hellon,
law. Strong lor plff.
John Bogers vs. G. W. Birchard, law
Curtis lor plff.
C. Carlson vs. Peter Halappa; law.
Fulton for pill.
Strauss & Co. vs. A. M. Johnson & Co.,
law. Winton for plff: Fulton for defL
Brighani, Hopp & Co. vs. A. M. John
son cc Co-law. wtnton for pin: v ni
ton for defL
M. Seller & Co. vs. A. M. Johnson, law.
Winton for plff; inton for deft.
McCracken & Mason vs. A. M. John
son & Co., law. Winton for plff; Ful
ton for defL
Max Pracht vs. A. M. Johnson & Co.,
law. Winton for plff; Fulton lor deft
C. II. Bain vs. William Howe, law,
Fulton & Bowlby for plff; Elliott lor
C. U.Bain vs. William Howe, equitj-.
Fulton & Bowlby for plff; Elliott lor
Astoria Iron Works vs. Seaside Pack
ing Co., law. Fulton for p:ff; Taylor
for defL
J. W. and Y.Cook vs. John L. Gill,
law. Fulton for plff.
II. H. Wolf et al vs. James and Catha
rine. Turk, law. Curtis lor plff; t ulton
lor deft.
Heckel Xaviervs. Lee Yune Chung et
al, law. Curtis for pill; ulton for defL
John McCann vs. O. B. fc X. Co- law.
Kelly for plff: Dolph lor defL
James Steel et al vs. Ross Brothers,
law. Strong for put; uuiton lorueit
James Steel et al vs. D. G. Ross, law.
Strong for pltt; Fulton ior aeiu
G. G. Smith vs. J. G. Fairchild et al
law. Winton for plff.
A. P. Xash vs. Frank Ridley, law,
Bowlby lor pin.
Bigelow & Morris vs. Astoria Gas
Light Co. et al, law. Winton for plff;
Page for delL
Bigelow. Sinnns & Morris vs. Astoria
Gas Light Co. et al, law. Wintm for
plff; Page lor deft.
William Beasley vs. Mrs. J. Badollet,
law. Curtis for plff: Fulton for deft.
Peter Peretto vs. William Oliver, law
Winton for plff; Fulton lor deft.
Fisherman's Packing Co. vs. Robert
Hamilton, law. Fulton lor plff.
Martin Johnson vs. Henry Matson
law; Fulton for plff; Curtis for defL
George Xazel vs. Jackins & Fafks,
law. Fulton lor plff.
Fisherman's Packing Co. vs. Robert
Hamilton, law. Fulton for plff.
Astoria Iron Works as. nansen Bros.
law. Fulton for plff.
A. M. Simpson vs. Moody Bros- law
Bowlby-for plff.
Charlie Yen vs. Ah. H octal, law. Ful
lumurpm, xuyiur iur ueu.
Kwong On Loom & Co. vs. Hong
Chong. law. Winton for plff; Taylor
for defL
Lem Wee vs. Sam Sing Looug & Co.,
law. Winton for plff: Taylor lor delt.
Wilson & Fisher vs. John Davis, law.
Bowlby & Fulton lor plff; Page & Bel
linger lor deft.
Bergman & Berry vs. Charles Lcroy,
lor confirmation of sale. Page lor plff.
A. A. Cleveland vs. C. Leinenweher et
al, law. Fulton lor plff.
James McCann vs. Warren Clark, law.
Fulton lor plff.
J.T.Brown vs. Warren Chirk. law.
Fulton lor plff.
F. L. Parker vs. Warren Clark. law.
Fulton for plff.
luck. Port T Owensby. .Merced
H S Wheeler do
X5nA2l!!n1Si2PPSG.u..C!ins.A.May'3 Holiday Eranori
L Booth. do
A LeGrand. do
A Condi t. Seaside H M James. Port
J D Merriraan, citv BJMcKevett, Cath;
Jr d," rmi)r'do !
V V 'uu",
A Davis, do Dan Davis. Yr.nco
SS Smith, Port OO Thomson. Port
T Wood, do XV P Gabriel, Ir
John Walters, Se.i Geo Watson. Wains
E Kichardsou, Oak Point t
Orer the Unlrfrv. !
Iniweiilv-sixdifierentcotinlri; of!
the globe, the great paiti-con.iueror, I
bt. .Jacob? Oil, is praisml in every km
Iross IVotirc.s.
"Dr. ReadV entertainment i one nf
the most unique aud complete I have
.verseen. l can near: iiy commend in
expose' to the public, as worthy in everv
respect their attention and patronage.
JIKV. .1. .1. JiAKlUS.
Xorth San Juan.
'1 can assure von from wh:it f wit-!
nessed last evening, that your commun-
ity -will be highly entertained an.i prof- '
ited bv a .similar exhibition.
Rr.w .!. A.ri:rxx:i:. :
"The Materializations of Katie King.
as well as the Physical Manifestations,
as given by Dr. Chas. II. Bead, is a most
wonderful and pleasing entertaitimenL
liv all means go and see Ins exposi
tion. IIkv. W. II. Pascok.
Buy for vour daughter a fine piano or
organ, at Adler's.
For vour father a Russian leather
diary for 1851, at Adler's.
For your mother a nice useful piece of
silverware at the Crystal Palace.
For vour son a sensible look. at Adler's
book store.
For your little ones some nice tov. at
Adler's Holiday Bazaar.
For your sweetheart one of those hand
some plush cases, only to be had at the
Urystal Palace.
And now we will all go to Adler's as
we can find there just what wo want.
Solid gold jewlerv, latest styles and
patterns, at Adler's Crystal Palace.
Beautiful assortment of Rogers Bros.
plated ware. You will find a full assort
ment only at the CrysLil Palace.
If I warrant anything in mv store.
either silver or gold, you can rely on it
being so. my guarantees are good for we
are responsible financially and other
wise. Caut. Ani.:iu
And coffee at Mrs.
tVZIATI do you think that .
jeff of Tii3: C5iii :nrsK
gives you a meal for nothiugaud a glass
of something to drink'.' Xot much!"
but he gives a better meal aud more of
it than any place in town for ii cents.
He buys "bv tlie wholesale and uavs
cash. "Thntsclt'es it.
S'm IHiimiltfs C'uuh i:aIini.E3n5
W. W. Batterton, Columbia. Mosays:
I cannot say too much for Dimmitt's
Cough Balsam, Ior it alwavs cures my
cnildreu of croup and uiv.M'lf and family
of coughs anil colds." At ' W. E. De
ment A: Co.s.
The Clarion:.
Just the tiling for balls and parties, a
complete orchestra, with dance music.
figures for calling dances, etc, complete.
To those desirous of having dancesJand
not otherwise provided with music. it is
invaluable, ( all at the .New l ork uv
eltv store and examine it.
Masonic "Watch Charm F.ost
On December 18. Finder will leave it
at Foard & Stokes, and get S2-10 reward.
llest Custom YVorK. Hoots and Shoes,
Can he had at I. J. Arvold's, next to
City Book Store. Ladies and gentlemen
call there for tne fiucst lilting boots and
shoes, and lowest prices. Perfect fit
For the Holidays.
You will find at J. W. Conn's the best
sortmcnt iti.the city of Rogers Bro's.
Plated ware, consisting of Castors. But
ter dishes. Pickle Castors, Berry Dishes.
Xapkin Rings, Knives. Forks and
Spoons. Spoons and Forks are nil the
best, marked XII: also the best assort
ment of Dressing Cases, Odor Cases,
GenLs SeLs, Fancv Brushes and Mirrors,
and all the leading brands of Toilet
Soaps, Perfumery and toilet articles ol
all kinds. Examine my stock berore
purchasing elsewhere; opposite Occi
dent Hotel.
IVew YcarN is Coining.
And if you want to make your wife,
daughter, sister, or some one else s sis
ter a fine present call at Mrs. T. S. Jew
ett's and see her elegant stock of fancy
Furnished Kooiu.s to Itcnt.
Apply to Mrs. Henry, in Ca
building, over G. W. Hume's sti
i store.
The grin of pneumonia may be ward
ed off with HVLE'S HOXF.V OR HoitK-
Pike's Toothache Drops cure in
one minute.
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, etc can
be bought at the lowest prices, at J. V.
Conn's drug store, ouitosite OcMden
hctel. Astoria.
Art, von made miserable hv Indi
gestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of
appetite, xciiowJbKiny dntimi s v itai
Izer is a positive cure. For sale by W.
K. iement.
Hackmetack. a iastttig and fra
grant perfume. Price and at cents.
Sold by W.T5. Dement.
Shiloh's Cure will immediately"
relieve Croup, whooping cough and
Bronchitis, bold by W. E. Dement.
Have Wistar's balsam of wild cherry
always at hand. It cures coughs, colds,
bronchitis, wnoopnig cougn, croup, in
fluenza, consumption, and all throat and
tung complaints, r-n cents andl a bot
tle. Rosqoe Dixon's new eating house
is now open. .Everything has been fit
ted up in first-class style, and his well
known reputation as n caterer assures
all who like good things to eat, that at
his placo they can be accommodated.
The Itev. Geo. H. Thayer, of Bour
bon, Ind says: 'Both myself and wife
owe our lives toSnii.on"K Coksumption
Cure." Sold by W. E. Dement.
A Nasal Injector free with each
bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedv
Price 50 cents. Sold by W. E. Dement
everyday from 4S50to8 o'clock. The
best 25-cent meal in town: soup, fish,
seven kinds ol meats, vegekibles, pie,
pudding, etc. A glass of S. F. Beer,
French Claret, tea or coffee included.
All who have tried him say Jeff is the
Hosiery, Hosiery. Hosiery I
The latest novelties in ladies and
ohildrens hosiery at Prael Bros'.
for a Seal Fitting Boot
i Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che
I nainus street, next door to I. W. Case.
I All goods of the best make and guaran
i t. ed quality. A full stock; new goods
ciiiMatitly arriving. Custom work.
urn. one door east ot Rescue No. 2's En-
gun' House, a run itue of goods.
ce as low as the lowesL
At the Empire Store
You will find the finest laces and em
I,mt,l,.rii! nf rinmt nimlifv.
Fine- irtvs Goods.
splendid I ne of ladles dress goods is
being displayed at the Empire store.
. - - -
c:ir.?i nil ii linuenrcar.
All the !:i:e.-.t makes and styles of cor-
S'jVVi!1 . jj!,U? "5le'e:"-- at Prael
,,,"! i'"';"lt "'"'
Why will you cougn when Shiloh's
Cure will give immediate relief. Price
10 cLs.r0et.-andSl.
Sold by W.E.De-
Phic ans attest: Coi.rKXs Liquid
Bkkf is particularly useful in Dipthe
rla, Fever,and every depressing disease."
Holai Goods Just Eeceiveil,
Rogers Bros.' Platedware, .
Bisque Figures,
Fine Majolica,
Japanese Goods,
Willow and Rattan Goods.
Green River Cutlery.
China Dinner ai Tea Sets,
And a Full Line of
Crockery J Glassware.
First-class COAL OIL a Specialty.
Ccr. Chcnamus and Genevieve Sts.
Astoria, Nov. 22nd, 1SS3.
For Sale.
: lock Vmk1, which I will deliver at the
houses of customers for S-t a cord.
UrayhiK or alt kinds done at reasonable
rates. R. It. MARION.
Meeting Notice.
JL .stockholders of the Fishermen's Pack
ing Company will !e held at the Company's
oflice in t'pper Astoria Or., on Saturday.
DeVJ9:h. for the purposed electing a Board
ot Directors for the ensuing year, and trans
net such otticr business as may come before
the .meeting. By order
Dealer in
Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes
Meerschaum and Brier Pipes,
Revolvers and Cartridges.
Has reopened his boat shop, over Arndt &
Ferchcii'3. foot of LaFayette stroeh, and is
prepared to turn out
L. K. Gr. SMITH,
Importer and wholesale dealer hi
ri'-ytr and Tobacco, Smokers' Articles,
IMay ins card. CHiiery, sia-
tteurry. Etc .
The largest and finest stock ot MEKR
SOHAtTM and All BE It GOODS In the city
Particular attention paid to orders from
tne countrv.
Thko.BRACKER, Manager.
Clienaians Street, Astoria. Oregon.
due and payable at my oruce.
tf Sheriff Clatsop Co.
Stockholders7 Meeting.
baldi Packing Co. will hold a meeting at
the hall of Astoria Longshoremen No. 1, in
Astoria, on the 8th day of January. 18S4, at
ti a. 3i. for the purpose of electing officers
for the ensuing year, aud to transact such
ousmess tw may come neiore ine mpeune.
Astoria. Dec. 21, 18S3. dt
Regular Quarterly Examination.
JL Teachers desirotw o: securing Clatsop
countv certlllcates will be held at my office
on Friday aud Saturday, the 28th "and 29th
itiM., two uoors west or tne tat none cnurcn.
d-td Co, HupL
By the Xlght, Day, Week er Month
With use ot Parlor, Library and all the com
lortsoianome. lermsreasonaoie.
Apply to JIRS. E. C HOLDEN.
Cor. Main aud Jefferson Sts,
of A. M. Johnson & Co. have been
placed in the hands ot "Wheeler fit Bobb for
collection, ah parries Knowing inemseives
to be indebted to said arm are ncreny noti
fied to settle tlie .xanie within thirty days
irom ine oaie ot inw notice.
v Assignee,
per "Wheeler &Rot)b.
Astoria, Dee. eoth, 1833. d-tf
Wholesale and Retail
The Leading Dry
House of
New Goods Received
To The
Goods at
Acting on the Reasonable Presumption that you do not desire to buy Inferior
Goads at Exorbitant Prices, I offer the following
FACTS for your consideration.
I always pay CASH, consequently buy at BOTTOM PRICES.
I buy direct from FIRST HANDS, thereby getting my goods at COST of manufacture
I have just snent S3000 in fixing up my new store, which amount i spent aT
1IOJ1E. with Astoria Mechanics. I nope this ought to tiive tue a share of your pat
ronage, even if you cau buy some thlnus a little DEARER in Portland or San Fran
cisco. I take SMALL PROFITS and sell at LOW PRICES.
My Guarantees are good, for I am RESPONSIBLE, financially and otherwise.
Mine is the LARGEST and MOST RELIABLE establishment in the city.
I keep the BEST SELECTED stock and
Known iact.
I am agent for OLD ESTABLISHED MAKERS of 1'IANOS and ORGANS, and keep
only the BEST.
Tniean to do a SQUARE. HONEST BUSINESS, giving, FULL VALUE for every
cent I receive.
The foregoing constitute.-? 12 GOOD and sufficient REASONS why you should
paronize me.
Is the Most Complete as You can find Everything
Pertaining to It.
The Jewelry
CAX NOT BE EXCELLED. This Stock't and SI.VEI WAKE of tue latest style and pattern.
Remember EVERY ARTICLE in this Line is WARRANTED.
Fine lSepairiug a Specialty.
My Toy Bazaar
Spcalis for Itself.
You can find EVERYTHING you may want, at Hie
I New Goods!! New
23. A. KEelJtfTOSH'S
Clothing and Genfs Furnishing Store for the Holiday beason.
A complete stock of
Underwear, Wliite and Colored Shirts, Fine Cassiinore Shirts.
Hosiery, Gloves, etc. Tlie largest stock of Hats in the
eity, comprising all the standard aud latest styles.
By-Suits and Overcoats, ready made or made to order, at the lowest prices, lit, and
duality ot goods guaranteed.
Tlie X-sading
Goods and Clothing
by Every Steamer.
the GREATEST VARIETY, which Ls al
of an article.
consists of DIAMONDS and SO MI)