The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, December 23, 1883, Image 3

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....DECEMIJER 23. 1883
Monday excepted)
rirsi.isiiKUs and i'i:ori:iETOits,
Term ofSnb&erlption.
Served by Carrier. nr week 15cts.
Sent by Mall. per inuiitli COcts.
one year -S7.00
Free of postnge to subscribers.
2Alvcrtiseinents insetted by the year at
the nite of $2 per Mjuare per month. Tran
sient advertising fifty cents per square, each
fosertlon. .
Around the City.
Calender for '31 are plenty.
The Queen is expected back in Febru
Hry. Divine service in all the churches to
day. The bank will be closed at one r. ax.,
next Tuesday.
The American lmrk Colomu arrived at
Hong Kon last Thursday.
The State arrived in yesterday; the Ore
gon came down and sails this morning.
Cannery supplies have began to arrive.
Tho 5tatebrought up several bales of net
A British bark, supposed to be the Esk
tiac, was sighted oil the bar at 4 yester
day afternoon.
Rev. B. S. McLafferty will lecture this
evening at the Baptist" church on ''The
Bible and the future."
The revenue cutter Tom Curmin is re
ported in Baker's bay. She is bound
north nuder sealed orders.
Rev. R. Schiedt of tho German Re
formed church will hold divine service iu
the Baptist church at 3 o'clock.
Yesterday vas dark and rainy through
out, slightly interfering with the Christ
mas tnde,though the streets and si ores
wore well filled.
The Garibaldi Packing Co., will have
a meeting at Astoria Longshoremen No.
One's ball, at 'J a. m.. January 8th, VSl,
to elect officers for tho ensuing year.
Teamsters were busy hauling Christ
mas trees yesterday afternoon to various
private residences, there to be dressed
with costly fruit to gladden the hearts of
the children.
Tho lovel-hoaded weather bureau at
Washington telegraphs that tho proba-
mdicate rain on the North l'acific
coast. Ii
this wav
does look :i little damp out
The services in Grace church on Christ
mas day will bo at G-JiO a. si. and 11 a. si.
There will be a celebration of the holy
communion at each service. The collec
tion at the 11 o'clock service will be for
the Christmas fund for aged and infirm
In preparing dainties and delicacies for
Christmas if any of our charitably dis
posed ladie3 have a surplus, they can
cheor tho heart of many a poor invalid
and send a little gleam of Christmas
sunshine to his lonely ward by remem
bering the sick at StMary's hospital.
Clark Loughrey received a dispatch
from Portland yesterday asking hira to
arrest Chas. "War, on tho" Oregon, Lately
and omploye of the "Western Union Tele
graph and 0. R. fc N. Companies, who is
wanted on a charge of embezzlement.
He searched the steamer thoroughly but
could find no trace of that individual.
CnnisTaus Timiss. A visit to the dif
ferent churches throughout the city
hhows bevies of busy workers iu each
edifice beautifying and adorning the in
teriors for to-morrow evening'd festivi
ties. Tho Christmas trees will bo at sev
en o'clock. The pastors request that the
Eresonts designed for tho trees shall be
anded in by 4 i. si., that they may be
properly placed and designated. Appro
priate sorvica will bo rendered at each
charch and tho several trees will be oc
casions of pleasant remembrance not
only to tho little folkB, but also to "child
ren of larger growth."
Another Country Heard From.
.A Northern Pacific map, issued last
month and circulated with advertise
ments of the company, is u little worse
than the map wo mentioned the other
day. That did include Seattle, though
the city was located on a wagon road
back in the country, without rail connec
tion of any kind whatever. This map
dosen't even do that much for the town,
but leaves it oH altogether, with all three
of its railroads. All other connections of
the Northern Pacific Railroad, from Du
luth to Tacoma, "Wilkenson and Carbon
ado, aro properly placed, including even
the big company is said to be at. war.
Such cities as Tenino, Kulama and Uma
tilla stand out boldly in capital letters
cities of less than 1UU inhabitants each,
to Seattle's 10,030 while the towns of
Olequa, Oneonta, Juniper, Lind, Trent,
etc., that have yet to attain a population
of 25 souls each, aro equally distinctly
marked, though in ordinary type. Though
tho grievance hero is tho severest, by
reason of this being tho largest town and
being the terminus of at least three roads
included in tho Northern Pacific system,
Seattle has the melancholy satisfaction
of not being the only considerable town
.slighted, as neither "Astoria, Vancouver,
uor Port Townsend are to bo found upon
the map. Other companies will place us
on their maps, however, if the Northern
Pacific will not, and in exemplification
01 wuat wo say wo may be excused lor
again referring to the Union Pacific man.
which shows tho railroad from here to
Tacoma and the railroad to Newcastle.
as well as- Seattle, Port Townsend, As
toria, ancouver and almost every other
town in tho territorv. This sort of pettv
business always reacts upon those guilty
ot its perpetration, ana it will not be sur
prising if the Northern Pacific realizes
the truth of this assertion at an earlier
day than will bo pleasant for it. Seattle
Diminished Northern Trade.
So long as there was plenty of business
San Francisco merchants did not care to
notice this discrimination against them
But now that they have lost some of the
Oregon and other northeastern trade, and
have to look to sources nearer homo for
custom, they begin to appreciate tho evil
and desire a remedv. A"B to the marrni.
tudo of the loss of business through the
completion of tho Northern Pacific rail
road, a large grocery jobber informs us
that 35 to 40 per cent, of tho wholesale
urocerv trade of this citv was with Ore
gon, Washington, Idaho and adjacent
country, and that the completion of the
Northern Pacific railroad had reduced
the volume of that trade about 75 per
cent. "We do not know whether this is an
exceptional view, but that some trade has
been lost by that enterprise there can be
no two opinions. A few months ago.
three steam ors every week failed to clean
up all the freight shipped to Oregon and
other northern points. Afterwards two
steamers per week were found sufficient
to meet the demands. Since tho 15th of
December a steamer every live days has
been fixed upon. It is rustomarv. how
ever, to reduce this northern steamship
wcujue m 1110 wiiiujr uuouuib, mis,
therefore was in a measure ernected.
But it is feared that.Oregon will no
longer purchase in this market. S. F.
JBullctin, 20. "
A 20 cold nice on Main strett. he
twQ Cwasnaog and Sqawaoqua street.
rinaer mil piwt&e leqveu &t tnis office.
And (lie Proper Sblpplnc Point for t'olnmbla
The following is taken from yester
day's Oregonian:
Pobtlixd, Or., Dec. 20, 1883.
Notwithstanding tho universal axiom
of commerce, that "it is cheaper to bring
the ships to the produce, than to take
tho produce to the ship," The Astouian
of the Wth instant, in detailing particu
lars of shipments by the Ice King, con
siders it nec3ssary to erst one more of its
frequent slurs against Portland, assert
ing that by not coming here the said ship
had saved" the sum of $4000 in her dis
bursements, and intimating that such a
saving would be made by all vessels load
ing there instead of here. I will admit
that tho Ice King, which loaded salmon,
did save by loading at Astoria, or in other
words, she saTed by loading as near as
possible to the place of production. But
allow me to submit a true comparison be
tween tho two ports, assuming that the
Ice King loaded wheat, and taking her as
an example,
Suppose, then, she had loaded wheat at
Astoria, the cost of "taking tho wheat to
the ship' would bo approximately, say,
1700 tons, at 1 25 ."$2125 00
Insurance, jj per cent 1-J4 50
Total $2209 50
Now suppose she had come to Portland,
the expense of "bringing the ship to the
wheat'' would be, say:
Towage up and down 100 00
Pilotage up and down 115 00
Lighterage, 450 tons at $1 25 562 50
Balance against Astoria and in fa
vor of Portland 1192 00
Total 2209 50
In other words, a saving to the farmer
of about 2J-4 cents per bushel, which on
the total shipments of a good crop year
of 0,000,000 bushels would amount to
15,000 which the prodncer would lose
by taking The AsToi:t.vrs advice load
ing ships at Astoria and ignoring the
axiom wilh which I commence this letter.
From the attention now being given to
river improvement, it is certain that
when the time is ripe j he easily removed
obstacles between this city and Astoria
will be removed, so that vessels of the Ice
King clas3 can load here entirely at all
times; and this will increase the saving to
the ships by nearly tho amount allowed
for lighterage in the above statement,
thus showing on such a ship a balance
against Astoria, in favor of Portland and
the farmer, of about 3:1759.
That salmon should bo shipped from
Astoria no one will question: but when
The Astobiax talks of loading wheat, the
staple 01 tins country, at 11s wnarves,
it manifestly ignores the rules of nature,
commerce and common sense, in order to
boom the healthful little town by the sea.
The Astoman makes no statements
that are not susceptible of direct proof.
The charterer of the lee King, and the
master of that vessol arc both hero, and
to them wo arc willing to refer the mat
ter. It is a well known fact that a ves
sol can come to Astoria, load and depart,
it far less expense and proportional
profit to her owners than by going to
Portland. To deny this argues ignor
ance on the part of "Exporter."
1'ollowing is the item to which "Ex
porter'" refers:
Tho Ice Kinn cleared from this port
yesterday with a valuable cargo for Lon
don, hue was chartered uy a. w. ixrry,
of this place. Her disbursements proper
do not aggregate above $2,000. Had she
gone to Portland the probability isarqa-
xiuiii rank uak:iji;iiu; kuu n uiir
bursements would have been at least
0.000. This illustrates the superioritv
of Astoria over interior points as a
port for ships to load and sail from, as
in the case of the Wallacctown and other
vessels that have loaded here, the great
difference m favor of Abtona.
In that wo underestimated rath
er than exaggerated the lacts, know
ing that those statements aro peculiarly
unpalatable to our friends in the interior,
and that if it wore possible to contro
vert them some clever Portland reader of
The Astoeiak would do so.
The party signing himself "Exporter"
is either an exporter or he is not. If ho
is, he knows thit his suppositional fig
ures are false, if he is not, he seeks to
create a false impression by Ins signa
ture. He raises the question himself
about loading whept at Astoria, and
having done so proceeds to charge The
Astobiax with ignoring tho rules of "nat
ure, commerce and common sense.' Let
us examine "Exporters' figures:
In the first place the Ice King, as she
lies here ready for sea, draws 21 feet 8
inches. To mention such draught as that
in connection with Portland provokes a
smile, but this is "Exporter's" own illus
tration. He figures 1,703 tons lighterage
at 1.25. "Exporter" must bo a recent
importation or ho would know that the
Astoria Transportation company offers
to transport 10,000 tons of wheat from
Portland to Astoria for C2K cents per
ton. It would have token 1,003 tons at
that figure when it owned barge No. 1,
but "Exporter and his confreres didn't
want to see that enterprise succeed, and
withheld their trade, all in the interest
of tho producer, "thus affording a saving
to the farmer," about whose welfare "Ex
porter" is so solicitous. Ho knows that
wheat can be brought from Portland here
at a profit for fifty cents a ton, and that
the fact that the O. R. &N. Co. charges
1.25 a ton is no criterion in making
statements to stand tho test of invest iga
tion. Tho next item is a palpable error.
H "Exporter' knows anything, ho is
aware that that 144.50 has no business
there: that it is a creation of his fancy.
He must know that tho rate of insurance
is governed by the class-rating of tho
'Now, suppose," he goes blunderingly
, "that she had oome to Portland."
Now we have estimates in place of exag
geratcd statements. The tonnage and
pilotage items are so little out of the way
that it is not necessary to notice them
But "Lighterage, 450 tons at 1.25." The
Imperial is a vessel of the same build
and tonnage. Tho captain of that vessel
stated to us that his bills for lighterage
were over 1,000. Th& captain is gone to
sea, but the bills in the O. R. fc N. Co.'
office will prove the assertion. Now, an
clogy suggests that if the Imperial paid
over 1,000 for lighterage, a vessel, of the
same build and tonnage would pay the
So that all through "Exporters" article
we find deliberate misstatements, exhib
iting eith er falsehood or ignorance. The
only part of it thnt savors of knowledge
of tho subject is where he concedes that
the Ice King saved money by loading at
Astoria, which is a good deal for him
He caps the mendacity by calling his far
rago of aD3ardity, ."a trne comparison
between the two ports."
It is hardly worth waileor The Abto-
HXiTX to train p its heavy artillery to de
molish "Exporter;'" wo rarely notice
these fellows, but occasionally it is well
to show such as he'that it is one thing to
talk in a newspaper and another thing to
prove. So we have taken tho trouble to
collate the following, which we trust will
prove interesting and instructive to "Ex
porter.' According to his figures he is of opin
ion that it would cost 259J0 to get
,700 tons of wheat from Portland to As
Referring to the books of the Astoria
Transportation Company, wc will - take
the -first page, being a record of the first
trip. Everyone known that tho first start
of any new enterprise shows proportion
ately poorer returns than after it gets go
ing, but, nevertheless, the first shall be
Mav 25. S2. 815 tons wheat
1 ton wool.. $523 75
523 75
Telegrams.. 1 90
Lo'd'gwh't. 90 93
Dis'chg do . 70 14
Towage 150 CO
318 94
Profit 209 81
It will be noticed that but 81G tons
were carried, though the bargo's capacity
was 1,103: that those 815 tons cost more
in proportion psr ton than 1,100 would;
that 150 was paid for towing with fair
profit to the towers, and that 81G tons
carriage from Portland to Astoria cost
$313.91, or lesi than cents per Ion.
There is no supposition or hearsay about
this. It is an indisputable fact.
Now we hope that ''Exporter" will con
cede to others the consistencv he claims
for himself, and suffer us to do a little
figuring. Taking a leaf from his book,
and "supposing that she had come to
Portland," we find that to load 1,700 tons
would have cost the Ice King:
Towage up and down .403
fnotaco un and down itf
Lighterage (as per Imjerial) 1000
But had she loaded at Astoria with
wheat (as she has with salmon) her ex
penses would be
Lighterage, 1700 tons 33 cents 64G
Balance against Portland and in
favor of Astoria bOU
In other words a saving to the farmer
of about 1J cents per bushel, which on
tho total shipments of a good crop year
of 6,000,003 bushels would amount to
75,000 which the producer would make
by taking Tnn Astohian's advice load
ing ships at Astoria, and ignoring the
specious arguments of "Exporter.'
As to tho remainder of "Exporter's"
letter, it need but be said that when "tho
timo is ripe," he and others will learn by
tho inexorable, logic of eventa that grain
will be loaded for foreign shipment at a
seaport and not on an inland rivor. Till
then "Exporter" would do well to study
his subject before he presumes to com
ment upon The Astoeian's statements.
It mav save him from farther mistake?.
A Presidential I'rocbimstlon.
I, the President of tho United States
of America, do issue this proclamation :
"Whereas, both houses of congress did, on
the 20th inst., request a commemoration
on the 23d inst. as the one hundredth
anniversary of tho surrender by George
Washington at Annapolis of his com'
mission as commander-in-chief of tho
patriot forces of America; and whereas,
it is fitting that this memorable act,
which not. oniy &iimauzea me termina
tion of v heroic struggle for seven years
for independence, but also manifested
Washington's devotion to the great prin
ciple that ours is a civil government of
and by tho people, should be generally
observed throughout the United fetates;
now, therefore, 1, Chester A. Arthur,
President of tho United States, hereby
recommend, that either by appropriate
exercises in connection with religious ser
vices on the 23d inst, or by such public
observance as may be deemed proper on
Monday, the 24th inst, that this signal
event in the history of American libertv
should be commemorated; and further, 1
hereby direct that at 12 o clock, noon, on
Monday next, a national salute be bred
from all the forts throughout tho coun
try. In witness whereof 1 herewith set
my hand and cause the seal of the United
States to be affixed. Done on the 21st of
December, A. D. 1883, and of the inde
pendence of tho United btates one bun
dred and eight
(Signed) Chestee A. AirrnoB,
Feed'k T. Fbelikohutsek, President.
secretary ot state.
Santa Clan Heard From.
Eorron Astouian:
Tho superintendent of the Baptist
church has just received a long dispatch
from banta Clans. He promises to visit
Astoria Christmas eve with a sleigh load
of goodies for tho eager children. Ho
will leave Boston on time and with his
superb outfit will arrive about 7 p. ai.
nis arrival win do Known irom ine paw
ing of the prancing team on tho shingles
of tho old church. Extensive arrange
ments have been made to give him
hearty greeting. Kjo and see the jolly old
fellow. bin?!.
ChrUtmu Dinner BUI of Part.
Oyster and Dauphine
Cod a la Hollandaisc.
Turkey, Oyster Sauce. Mutton, Caper
Ribs of Beef. Pork, Apple Sauce. Chick
en, uoose. Mutton. Muued Turkey.
Cranberry Sauce.
Macaroni auGratin. Baked Ham. Cham
pagneSauce-PouItry Wings ala Polette.
oyster ratues. iiptgramme ot lamo
with Tomato. Friccassee Chicken,
English style.
Corned Beef. Saddle of Mutton. Corned
Pork, Lambs Tongues.
Boiled and mashed Potatoes, Tomatoes,
Cauliflowers .Parsnips. Fritters.
Celery, Olives, Russian Salad, Pickles.
Pies: Mince, Apple, Cocoanut.
English Plum, hard and Brandy Sauce,
Filberts, English Walnuts, Raisins.
Coffee, Tea and Chocolate.
From T to 8 r. l
Have you seen that magnificent French
doll that is to be ramed at Carl Adler s
Get a chance' for your little girl.
Masonic Watch. Charm T.ost
On December 18. Finder -will leave it
at Foard & Stokes, and get 20 reward
Best ChsUbi AVerk, Beets aad Skees,
Can be had at I. J. Arvold's, next to
City Book Store. Ladies and gentlemen
call there for tne finest fittingboots and
shoes, and lowest prices. Perfect fit
A Emanuel, Port A H Stone, Knappa
Joa Taylor, do J"VCrow, do
31 Somes, Ilwaco T H Foss, do'
A Hitter, Tacoma W W "Wherry, ClaT
J H Woodrun, S F J Shaak, Highland
G AV Parker, Petil'a Light
C D Stuart.Oysterv'o V H Tackett, Knap
J 11 Hopkins.OI vm'a T Bovle, do
G Hartman, "Westp't W R "Gould, Port
G Hunter do W S Humphrev, do
xl j xi ui. mil, w uorman, iam 1
Lewis A- Clorke's G Clark. Deep Ri er i
TT T" -v , i 1 f , .1
?.JJbv, uun;,uo a perawyno.oKamoK t
r ivrae7 "L 15 ?r Ar ??-n 1 ui? OTt
J f Moody, Knappa A McMillan. Knap
Real Estate Tranactlons.
1 .a fu-bh? t(l ? G lburt lot 1,lk ; ' "Uackmetack," a lasting and fra
140,Shivelvs Astona; 500. ;i.tut ierfuiiie. Price 25 and 50 cents;
, -hl' ren?h ." J ! Scothan. lot Sold by U E. Dement
blk. 53, Olney s Astona; 115. J
J. B. Stevenson and wife to J. D. Mar
shall, lS.7t acres T. 8 N., R. 10 W.;
Buy for your daughter a fine piano or
organ, at Adler's.
For your father a Russian leather
diary for 1881, at Adlers.
For vour mother a nice uefn! piece of
silverware at the Crrstal Palace.
For your son a sensible look. At Adler's
book store.
For your little ones some nice toy. at
Adler's Holiday Bazaar.
For vour sweetheart one of those hand-
someplush cases, only to le had at the
Crystal Palace.
And now we will all go to Adler's rs i
we can lind there just what we want.
Solid cold iewlorv. Litest stvlt-s 21ml
patterns, at Adler's Crystal Palace.
Beautiful assortment of Rogers Bros.
plated ware. You will find a full assort
ment only at the Crystal Palace.
If I warrant anvthinif in niv store.
either silver or gold, you can rely on it
being so, my guarantees aro good for W6
are responsible financially and other
wise. Cjutti Adi.iiiu
For the Holidays.
You will find at J. W. Conn's thf lu-st
assortment in the city of Rogers Bros.
Plated ware, consisting of Castors, But
ter dishes. Pickle Castors, Berry Dishes.
Napkin Rings. Knives. Forks and
Spoons. Spoons and Forks are all the
nest, marked ai; also the best assort
ment of Dressing Cases. Odor Cases.
Gents' Sets, Fancy Brushes and Mirrors,
and all the leading brands of Toilet
Soaps, Perfumery and toilet articles of
an kinds, txamme my stock before
purchasing elsewhere: opposite Occi
dent Hotel.
Christinas is Coming,
And if you want to make your wife,
daughter, sister, or some one else's sis
ter a fine present call at Mrs. T. S. .lew
ett's and see her elegant stock of fanev
Furnished Rooms to SS:ut.
Apply to Mrs. Henry, in Carruthers
building, over G. W. Hume's store.
WHAT! do you think that
gives you a meal fornolhitigand a glass
in boiueiuiii louriiiK.' ot mucii:
but he gives a better meal and more of
it than any place 111 town for 2." cents,
lie buys by the wholesale and pays
cash. "That settles it.'
tVp Dtmmltt's Co 11 2 h EaUam.
W. "W. Batterton, Columbia. Mo.ays:
"I cannot say too much for Dimmitt's
tough Balsam, tor it alwavs cures my
cnildrcnof croup and myself and family
of coughs anil colds." At W. E. De
ment, tc Co. s.
The Clarionn.
Just the thing for halls and par ties, a
complete orrln'.stra, with dance music,
figures for calling dances, etc. complete.
To those desirous of having daiifts, and
not otherwise provided witn music, -it ts
invaluable. Call at the New York Nov
elty store and examine it.
For Toys and IVoveltics
Go to Chas. A. May's Holiday Empori
11111. one door east of Rescue Xo. 2s En
cine House. A full line of goods. Pri
ces as low as the lowest.
IVoticc to the TT.udics.
Switches made from combings or cut
hair; new switches made to order from
the best imported hair, in any shade de
sired. Old switches repaired. All
work warranted. Rates reasonable.
Call or address
Occident hair dressing saloon, Astoria,
At the Empire Store
You will find the finest laces and cm
broideries, of richest quality.
fine Dress fioods.
A splendid line of ladles dress soods is
being displayed at the Empirestore.
Corsets and Undmrcar.
ll the latest makes and styles of cor
sets and ladies underwear at rracl
Bros.' Empire store.
Oysters in Every Style,
And coffee at Mrs. Lovetfs.
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
Eerfttmery, and toilet articles, etc can
e bought at the lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Oelden
hctel. Astona.
Why will you cougu when Shilolfs
Cure will give immediate relief. Trice
10 cts COcts and Si. .Sold by E. De
ment. The grin of pneumonia may be ward
ed off with ITyi.k's IIonky ok Houe
nouND axd Taii.
Pike's Toothache Duops cure In
one minute.
Physicians attest: "Coltiex's Liquid
Beef is particularly useful in Diptlie
ria, Fever,and every depressi ng disease.
Are you made miserable bv Indi
gestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of
appetite, Yellow Skin ? Shiloh's Vital-
izer is a positive cure, .r or sale by w.
E. Dement.
Have Wtstar's balsam of wild cherry
always at hand. It cures coughs, colds,
bronchitis, whooping cough, croup, tn-
uuenza, consumption, ana an inroat. una
ping complaints, so cents anui a bot
tle. Iloscoe Dixon's new eating house
is now open. Everything has been tit-
ted up in first-class style, and hi well
known reputation as a caterer assures
all who like good things to eat. that at
his place they can be accommodated.
Shiloh's Catarrh Bcmedy a posi
tive cure for Catarrh. Dintheria and
.Canker Mouth, ttild by W. E. Dement
iSiiixoii's Cuke will immediately
relieve Croup, whooping cough and
Bronchitis. Sold by W.E. Dement.
Foi Dyspepsia andLiver Complaint,
you naveannntea guarantee on every
bottle of Shiloh's Yitalizer. It never
fails to cure Sold by W. E. Dement
A Nasal Injector free with each
bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy
Price 50 cents. Sold by W.E. Dement
The Iter. Geo. II. Thayer, of .Bour
bon, Ind., says: uBoth myself and wife
owe our lives to binim's uoxsumptiok
Citbi:.' Sold by w. E. Dement.
everyday from itso to 8 o'clock:. The
best 25-cent meal In town; soup, fish,
seven kinds of nients, vegetables, pie,
pudding, etc. A glass of S. F. Beer,
French Claret, tea or coffee Included.
All who have tried him say Jeff Is the
Hosiery, Hosiery, Hosiery I
Tim latest novelties in ladles and
childrens hosiery at Prael Bros'.
t'omlYcat Fitting Boot
Or Shoe cro tn P. .1. finru'mjins. nn niiw
Ilftinus street, next door to I. W. Case.
Aj jjoq o tho best niake and 11-
1 itji quality. A full stock; new goods
t ooiWanlly arriving. Custom work.
Holiday Goofls Just Received,
:o3ipmsix :
Rogers Bros.' Platedware,
Bisque Figures,
Fine Majolica,
Japanese Goods,
Willow and Rattan Goods,
Green River Cutlery.
China Dinner aai Tea Sets,
And a Full Llue of
Crockery H Glassware.
First-class COAL OIL a Specialty.
Cor. Chenamus and Genevieve Sis.
Astoria, Xov. 22nd, 1SS3.
Dealer in
Cor. Squemoqua and Olney Streets, Astoria.
Hat reopened hU boat shop, over Arndt &
fercneii'i', lootoi J4iirayeut! suaer, nu 13
nrepareu to turn out
0, Tell Me Where Is Fancy Bre(a)d !
Astoria Batery & Confectionery
CAKES AND PASTRY In great variety, but
Weddings and parties supplied with the
most elaborate ornamental work on the
shortest notice and on reasonable terms.
This is the mast complete establishment in
Importer and wholesale dealer iu
Clznnt and Tobaccos, Smokers' Articles,
tloncrv. Etc
The larcest and finest stock of MEER-
SCHAVM and AMBER GOODS In the city.
ramctiiar attention pal a to oruers irom
the countrv,
Thro.BRACKER. Manacer.
Chenamus btreet, Astona. Oregon.
By the Night. Dy. Week or Month
With use of Parlor. Library and all the com-
lorts 01 a Home. lermsreasonauie.
Apply to MES.E.C.HOLDEN.
Cor. Main and Jefferson Sts.
Notice for Proposals.
JL secretary of School D'strlct lib. 9, for
lenctn:: anu smetvaiK on scnooi crounas. 1111
Tuesday, the 25tb inst. Plans and specifica
tions can oe seen at uaaoiiet a co.-s oince.
Upper Astoria.
School Clerk.
of A. M. Johnson & Co. have been
placed in the hands of Wheeler & Robb for
coucctiou. Ail parties Knowing memseives
to be Indebted to said firm are hereby not!
fled to settle the same within thirty days
irom tne date 01 tms notice.
per Wbeeler&Roob.
Astoria, Dec. 20th, 1S83. d-tf
Delinquent City Taxes.
the undersigned, Chief of Police, have
been furnished with a warrant from the
City Council requiring me to collect the tax
es axsesseu ior ine year isxj, ana now aeun
queut upon the list and make return of the
same within sbxtv days. All parties so in
debted will therefore please take notice and
govern tnemseives accordingly.
Chief of Police.
Astoria, Oregon, October 2oth. 1S83.
Meeting Notice.
A stockholders of the Fishermen's Pack
ing Company will be held at the Company's
nRice in TJDoer Astoria Or., on Saturday.
Dec 23th. for the purpose of electing a Board
of Directors ior tne ensuing year, ana trans
act such other bu-siness as may come before
the meeting, uyoraer
X3L to wesion uotei.
For Sale.
JD lock Wood, which I will dellrer at the
houses ot customers for $4 a cord.
D raying or all kinds dose at reasonable
rates. xv. a. iHaiy.
Wholesale and Retail
The Leading Dry
House of
New Goods Received
Goods at
To The Public.
Acting on the Iteasonable Presumntion that you do not desire to buy Inferior
Goods at Exorbitant "Prices, I offer tho following
FACTS for your consideration.
I always pay CASH, consequently buy at BOTTOM PRICES.
I buy direct from FIRST IL.N'DS, thereby getting my goods at COST of manufacture
I have just spentS3000 in fixing up my new store, which amount I spent AT
HOME, with Astoria Mechanics. I nope this ought to cive me a share of your pat
ronage, even if you can buy some things a little DEARER in Portland or SaosFran
cisco. - .
I take SMALL PROFITS and sell at LOW PRICES.
My Guarantees are good, for I am RESPONSIBLE, financially and otherwise.
Mine Is the LARGEST and MOST RELIABLE establishment In the city.
I keep the BEST SELECTED stock and the GREATEST VARIETY, which Is a well
known fact
lam agent for OLD ESTABLISHED MAKERS of PIANOS and ORGANS, and keep
only the BEST.
I NEVER MISREPRESENT the value of an article.
I mean to do a SQUARE. HONEST
cent I receive.
Is the Most Complete as Yon can find Everything:
Pertainina to It.
The Jewelry department
CAN NOT BE EXCELLED. This Stock consists of IIA3IONDS and SOLID
JEWEL St and SITCVER. WAltE of the latest Style and Pattern.
Remember EVERY ARTICLE in this Line is WARRANTED.
Pine Repairing1 a Specialty.
My Toy Bazaar
Speaks Tor Itself.
You can find EVERYTHING you may want, at tho
New Goods!! New Goods!!
Clothing and Gent's Furnishing Store for the Holiday Season.
A complete stock of
Underwear, "Wliltc and Colored Shirts, Flue Cassimere Sliirts.
Hosiery-) Gloves, etc. The largest stock: of Hats In the
cIij- comprising all tke standard arad latest styles.
f-Suits and Overcoats, ready made or ma?e to order, at the lowest prices, fit, and
quality ot goods guaranteed.
Tke Leading
Goods and Cothing
by Every Steamer.
jiving FULL VALUE for every
ou should