en VOL. XX, NO. 70. ASTORIA, OREGON, SUiVPAY, DECEMBER 23, 1883. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. HAD TO FIND A SCAPEGOAT. Jewish Olirvnnre of Christmas. IIOTEIJ AND RESTAURANTS. TRANSPORTATION -LIKES. BUSINESS OABDS. A Tribunes St. Paul special sends the follotring: "A well informed ex railroad man o St Paul says: 'I was in New York this fall, after the re turn of Yillard, and from friends there on the Northern Paciflc learned that It had been decided that Yillard must step down and out by the 1st of January, 1831. Drexel, Morgan & Uo., of New York, and Drexel ec Uo.t of Philadelphia, are and were inimi cal to him in the sense that they must find a scapegoat, and lit was chosen, lou see, Drexel, Morgan k Co. stand in the same position to the Northern Pacific that Jay Gould once did, except m the important particu lar that the road is completed and is not bankrupt They staked their reputation, as it were, on ineir auii ity to make its stock reach par. and succeeded, as you know, only to see it, to their intense mortihcation, fall lower and lower, until, to give round numbers, preferred Northern Pacific sank to 50, common to 2u, and Oregon Transcontinental, which cost its pos sessors83 cents in hard cash, went down below 50. Their chagrin was leep, as was natural, aud as I have said, a scapegoat being necessary. Yillard was selected to play tne part. Ho will not be president of the North ern Pacific on New Year s Day, 1884. I hare no doubt whatever, that the fall of ten points in Northern Pacific after Yillard had started on his fam ous excursion was engineered by Drexel, Morgan & Co. They were bears for a time, but started a down ward rush that they could not check, and in hurting Yillard they also hurt thoir own property far more than they had believed possible. Frederick Billings has never recov ered from his mortification at be ing ousted by Yillard and he has knifed the latter constantly. He was kept accurately posted as to all the movements and interests of the management, and has consequently been in a position to do great harm. In his course he has been aided by George V. Sims, formerly his private secretary, but later that of Oakes. It is also known in New York that Oakes is a heavy loser through the stock depression. He has lost all his accumulations, in fact, and, as I hap pen to Traow, was exceedingly nerv ous about his position last October, believing that he would accompany Villard into the outer world. How many more of the present Northern Pacific officials are heavy losers I don't pretend to know.' " How Salmon Ecrs Are Obtained. The work of stripping begins dur ing the latter part of October and is continued until all the fish have been operated upon. The Portland (Me.) correspondent of the Boston Journal says that the fish when wanted are taken from the water in a dip net, and their condition readily ascertain ed by gently pressing the abdomen just back of the pectoral fin. If the ova are ripo they will bo felt like so many peas beneath the skin, and a slight pressure will cause them to bo deposited in a pan placed for that purpose. If the ova are not ripe, or tha fish is not disposed to yield them, she is returned to the water a few days longer. After the ova has been deposited the milt is obtained from the male in the same manner, and immediately after falling upon the ova it diffuses itself among them, causing them to at once individual ize and grow harder, till within two hours they will be as hard as unripe peas and perfectly globular in form. At once after this fertilizing process the ova are washed several times in cold water, and then set away in cold water for a couple of houre, that all impurities may be removed. Tho number of eggs obtained from each fish varies from 2,000 to 20,000, tho latter number having been obtained this season from a 44-inch salmon, estimated to be a dozen or more years old, and about as old as any are ever obtained for spawning pur poses, as the ages of such fish are estimated to be from four to fourteen years. At the expiration of the two hours mentioned above tho ova are prepared for the hatching troughs b' being placed upon tho wire screens with meshes about an eighth of an inch square. These screens are in closed in frames a foot square, and thick enough to allow a half inch of water to flow beneath each one, to assist which an eighth of an inch of an inch is removed from the bottom of each of tho four sides for three fourths of their length. Ten of these hatching frames are then placed above each other in a skeleton frame to form a "nest," and the whole then deposited in the hatching troughs of a depth and width just sufficient to con tain a row of these nests, after which tho water is turned on and a steady flow maintained through the trough till the latter part of January, when the ova will have developed as much as it is safe to allow before distribu tion among the several states, under whose care they aro finally hatched and disposed as'desired. "When a citizen of Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., wishes to send a letter to a friend in the opposite village on the Canadian side of the river, he directs it, prepaying the postage, and puts it in the post office on the American side: then, in order to reach the post office on the Canadian side, which is about one mile distant, the letter goes to Detroit through the United States mails, crosses the Detroit to Windsor, where it enters the Canadian mails, and is sent over Canadian rontes back to the Sault, reaching the Ganadian office in about ten days from the time it started ten days to go one mile. But when one is in a hurry he goes across the river himself; ho doesn't write. This is something after tho style of certain" mail service in this section, where it frequently takes a newspaper three days to reach a post office six miles away. Advocating the bill that was before tho South Carolina legislature to regulate di Toroes. Senator Henderson said m debate recently that South Carolina is the only state in the Union that has no divorce laws. "Later the bill was defeated, and the state still remains without a divorce lew. Rabbi Sonneschein of St Louis de cides that the American Jew can keep Christmas without in the least viola ting his religious convictions. He asserts that the 25th of December was celebrated by the pagan world as the time when the longest night gives way to the lengthening of the day, and that the early Christian church, which had originally celebrated the natal day or its founder in the spring accepted at the end of the fifth cen tury the pagan festival, transferring its celebration of Christ's birtu, to JJe aember. Moreover, the Maccabean pViests iustituted a festival on the 25th of Kisler, the corresponding Jewish month, to take the place of this pagan feast when they had by their victory over the Syrian king driven out ureek idolatry. The learned rabbi therefore advocates the celebration of the Jewish Hannuecah upon Christmas, adding with the gen crosity of tin American Jew: "Our Jewish children may thns learn by practice and example to respect the work of the great Nazareue and the mission of his church. It may not be known to all of you that the three great doctors of mediteval Judaism have unreservedlv proclaimed the fact that without the continuous zeal of his church the nations of the earth could never have been enlisted in the service of tho true God, whom they learn to worship and to obey so much through the instrumentality of the Christian church." Over ten years ago a Cauadiau French half-breed named Thomas Gorrand, shot and instantly killed a white man named T. H. Hubbard, be low Salem. Gerrand was tried and convicted of murder in tho first de gree and sentenced to bo hanged, The case was appealed to the supremo court aud a new trial was granted, but Gerrand was again convicted of murder in the first degree. A gallows was erected, but at the last moment s respite was granted and tho sont ance commuted to imprisonment for life, Gerrand served in the state prison over nine years, but has been pardoned out byihe governor on con dition that he would leave the state. Ho immediately left for "Washington Territory. A firm at Danville, Ya- published the following in a local paper a few days after tho election riot: "Indi viduals and firms borrowed guns and pistols of us during the evening of tho riot Some of thorn failed to re turn them, and it was impossible in the rush for firearms to take a memo randum of tho names of all parties. We call upon our friends to refresh their memories and examine their promises, and if they should find any property of the land hero advertised, not returned or propeflyacco""unfed' for, to attend to the matter at once." Tho schooner Alvina drifted into tho breakers at Crescent City on tho 10th inst In answer to signals of distress a boat from shore put off, but swamped in the endeavor to reach the schooner. William Horton and Henry Sortell, two of the boat's crew, were drowned. Mr. Joseph G. Walton, druggist at , Sherbrooke, Cana., says that the con j queror of pain, St Jacobs Oil, is the ; best selling article he ever handled in his trade. Judge Denuison's wife is a notary public, tho first woman in Washing ton Territory to occupy that position. As a public benefaction, St Jacobs Oil has no equal in the world. M. STUDZINSKL Holiday Goods ! SOLID G-olc2. and silver Comprising Every, Variety of FlHe Presents GUARANTEED GENUINE. A Fine Assortment of WATCHES CLOCKS, JEWELRY, AII OPTICAS, GOODS. Agent for the CHICAGO CLOCK COMPANY. PftfSpecial attention given to repairing Watches. Satisfaction guaranteed in all cases, 31. STUDZIXSKr. Practical Jeweler. In Hume's new building, next to Wheeler & ltobb. SOLID GOLD JEELET Scarf Pins. Chains, Watches, s jk ware:, 01 every description. The finest stock of Jewelry in Astoria. 3TA11 goods warrantedasrepresentcd GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. Figures Never Lie ! AND JEFF OF THE CHOP HOUSE Can prove by his books that he is doing tho biggest business of any RESTAURANT - In the city, and he will guarantee to give the best meal for ash. FOR HPjSLXKT. CURES Rheumatism,Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Hcadache,Tcothache, Sore Throat, Swelling. Spralnt, Brulsca, Burnt, Scald. Frott Bit, ASD ALL OTHER BODILY PlIXS ASD ACHES. Soli by DrcfgiiU and Dealers ertrrwbtre. TITlj Ccati a betUe. Direction la 11 Lcacute. THE CHARLES A. TOOELE II CO. (SutttunuA. VOUElXBftCO.) XUlllBOre, C 8. A. A. V. Allen, Wholesale and lietall Dealer In PPQYislOSSj MILL FEED. Glass and Plated Ware, TUOPICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with . Wines, UquorsJobatmCigars King of the Blood Is not a "cure all." It Is a blocxl-imrinor and tonic Impurity of the blood poisons the svs tern, deranges tne circulation, and thus In duces many disorders, known bv different names to distinguish them according to ef fects, but being really branches or phases of that great generic disorder, Impurity or Itlood. Such are Dyspepsia, mUlvuxnc, Liver CnmplatnttpantUiyiUon.Cervfrtiit ZHa-. orders. JJtada'cht, JBtoKache, General Weak-. new. Heart Diieaae,Trnpsyt Kidrxv -IFtxtntc,- , iincumausm, uaiarrn, nemjuia, HKtn d-c. King; oC tke ISIootl prevents and cures these by attacking tho eawc. Impurity of the blood. Chemists and physicians agree in caning u "ine most genuine aim emcieiit preparation for the iunose." Sold bv Drurr- Kfcts, SI per bottle. See testimonials, direc tions. &c,In pamphlet, "Treatise on Diseases ot thft Blood' wrapjMd around each bottle. IK KA.NSWM. SON S Co.. I'rops Buffalo, N. V. S. ARNDT & JPERCHEN, ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BI.ACKSMITH Sfl All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, AXD STEAMBOAT WORE Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. The Portland and Astoria STEVEDORE COMPANY Is prepared to contract with masters and consignees of vessels for the Loading and Unloading of Vessels AT EITHER PORT. Promutness and satisfaction Guaranteed in all cases. CHAS. A, MAY New Store, New Stock Toys, Fancy Goods, Tobacco and Cigars. b OEElGN AND DOMESTIC IP 3Et XJ I "3? S A PINE ASSORTMENT. Squeraoquastrcet.nextdoor to the Empire Store. nl7-cni Mrs T.W. Eaton. Miss Florence Caniahan. EATON &CARNAHAN, DEAI.KIIS IK Fine Millinery AND . . Fancy Goods. CiiS Street, next door to Odd Fellnvrs SIldlHg. and : iijpyci Boiler Shop Reaay for Business. Greaf Knock Down ! AND GIFT SALE!! Immense Success ! Remember this is no lottery, nor have I any favorites to draw the prizes, every thing is fair and squnre. On New Year's Eve 1 will put np for raflle three prizes'. FIRST: I -Suit of Clothing, $25. SECOND: I Overcoat, Worth $20. THIRD: I Hat, Worth $5.00. To any person purchasing at my .store 2 worth f 6ogds ! $2 OR MORE FOR CASH ! I will give a number for said raflle, 1 offer my goons at me lowest marcel juices, marked In plain flgu res. I do this to reduce my enormous fall and winter stock of clothlngaud luniishlnggoods The Boss Merchant Tailor and Clothier ! i M 1 : The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. rOH THK Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to the GEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. - I'ROPKIETOU. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Brtox Street, Xeak Pakkkk House, ASTOBTA. - OUKGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LAHDaiMABIEEN&lES BoilerWork, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. Ofall UcHcrlptloBH made to Order at Short Xotlre. A. D. Wass, President. J. G. HusTLEu,Secretcry. I. V. Cask, Treasurer, jous Fox.Suporintendent. C. H. BAIN & CO. SE.VI.KRS IX Doors, Windows, Blinds, Transoms Turning, Bracket Work. Sliop w oris. A specialty, and all work guaranteed. Oak, Ash, Bay, and Walnut lumber; Ore gon and Tort Orford Cedar. All kinds of boat material on band. C U.BAIX fc CO. THE LATEST STYLES WALL PAPER AT B. B. FRANKLIN'S, NEXT DOOBTO ASTOItlAN OFPICE. . A very large-Stock from wlifcli to select. "Window curtains made to order. jarMy patent Trimmer to cut Wall Paper wiu Diouna convenient my patron. PARK EH HOUSE, -51. . PARK Kit. Prop.. ASTORIA. - - - OREGON. E. P. PAKKEU. - Manager and Agent, Al.CltOSBY, - - Day Cleric PliH. BOWERS, - - NlgbtClerk Ja. DUFFY ha the Bar and Billiard room. Pirst Class in all Respects, FREE COACH TO THE HOUSE. IT IS A FACT -THAT JEFF'S CHOP HOUSE OX Concomly Street is the Best in Town. THAT lie has Always on II ami FRESH Shoal Water Bajr and East ern Oysters. THAT- JEFF;, IS THE BOSS CATERER. THAT He has Leca Proprietor er tke "Aurora Hotel" la KnapptoH sctch years. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. A Good Cup of Coffee AND OYSTERS. MRS. POWELL HAS OPENED AN OYS ter stand and Coffee House on Main street next to the Oregon Bakery. Every attention paid to patrons. COSMOPOLITAN Chop House and Restaurant. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Meals tiS cents and. np-frards. G. BOULAJRD, MMS STKEET, Proprietor. - ASTOKIA. Campi Restaurant. ASU U'JELIi EQUIPPF.D THROUGHOUT. L. Serra has rebuilt his establishment and Is prepared to accommodate the traveling nubile. A Kood lneaLfurnlshed Jt-any-hour o the u.iv u r infill. 1 he finest Liquors and Cigars at the bar. Two doors west of Ike Fosters. n2S-m LUIGI SERRA. Astoria Restaurant. EDWAED YOUNG- Announces to the public that he has located In the rooms formerly occupied by the City Book Store, where he will keep a Restaurant ai Chop lose Furnishing meals to order at all hours. HLs patrons will find the tables supplied with ten or twelve ol the best newspapers. His reputation as former proprietor of the New England Restaurant Is a sufficient recommendation for his new house. THE BEST' Boarding and Lodging House. Ph&s. Wallman has opened a boarding and lodging house south of O'Brien's hotel, near the gas works. The table is supplied with the best the market affords: good food and clean beds will be furnished at the regular prices. Give me a call and satisfy yourselves, CHAS. WALLMAN. H. B. PARKER, DXAT.BR IK Hay, Oats, Straw, Lime, Brick, Cement ami Sand Weed Delivered te Order. Draytng, Teaming and Express Business. Horses ana Carriages for Hire. DEALKS IK " WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. FIRST J.. H. D. GRAY. Wholesale and retail .dealer In. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Gats, Straw, Wsod, Etc LIME, SAND, AND CEMENT. Generalstoraeeand Wb&rfaze- on reason- able terms. Foot of Bectoa street. Astoria Oregon. REGEAESTEA1 PACKET "Daisy," and Barge. Will leave Astoria, from Gray's Dock, For Olney. and Head of Yonnja Elver, Dallv, at 8 A. x.t (except "Wednesdays and Sundays.) Returning same day. For Landings on Lewis & Clark's KlTer, On Wednesdays, at S A. M Returning saae day. BsyFocFxeight or Pasesre, apply oa beard or at Grsv's Bock, wlj ere Zreto t will bfl r ceired. and stored, II neceee&ry. J. H. D. GRAY.- Oregon Railway & Navigation COXPA5Y. OCEAX"tolVISIOS. Duriiigthe month of. January,. 18, Ocean niu SOU XI Will i UIUWU JUi i?au Francisco, and from San Francisco for Fort land every o days, leaving AinsworthDock, Portland, at Midnight, and Speat Street 11 uaii, tuii x nuiuuco, Ul IV A. M. Tbrotizk Tickets sold to all principal iim iu luc tuiifu omws. uannaa ana Europe. RAIL. DIVISION. Passenger Trains leave Portland for East- cm pom is, at t :u aauy. EIVEK DIV1SIOX (Middle Celambla) Boate leave Portland for Dalles at 7 H)0 A 31. also : LeavePort land for Ulonl Til IweJuiuJ Frt. 1 Sat Astoria nd lower Co-I lnmbla....lRAMl6 AMIRAM 6 AM RAM It AM 6 AM wjton. Or. jlAMJ 7AJa 82Bib::I I VtotorU.BOg AM 1 6 AM I AH 6 AMI SAM AM! RAM Ldijes Alton for Fortlxad at 6 .ia- daily ei cspt Sunday. Paluaan Palaca Can running betwoaaPort- an. phescott. Manager. A. L. STOKES, Assist. Snp't. ot Traffic. JOHN MDIR, Sup't of Tratrlc E. P. ROGERS, General Agent Passenger Dep't. Oregon & California R. R. OREGON & TRANSCONTINENTAL COiLPANY, LESSEE. On and after Dec 2d. 1883, trains will ran as iouows : UAILY (Except Sundays). EASTSIDE DIVISIOJf. Between PORTLAND aa GRANT'S PASS MAIL TKAIX. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland... 7 -JSO A. MlGrant's Fassl:2o A. m. Grant'sPass 10:W)p. ail Portland i5 p. m. ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland.-4 rf p. M.ILehnnon..9 20 p. m Lebanon 4 : a. M.'PortIand 10 :05 a. m The Oregon and California Railroad Ferry makes connection with all Regular Trains on Easteido Division. WE3TSIDK Between Portland and Corvnlllg MAIL TRAIX LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 9 $0 x. sr.iCorvalllx 4 ao r. m. Corvallls 8 :3o a. i.PortIand 3 0 p.m. EXPRESS TKARf LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 5 :00 p MlMcillnnville. 8 0 pm McMlnnvllle5:15 AMlPortland 8:30 am Close connections made at Grant's Pass with the Stages of the Oreson and Califor nia Stage Company. aes-TIckets for sale at all the principal points in California, at Company's Office, Corner F and Front Sts., roriiand, Or. Freight will not be received for shipment after 5 o'clock p. m. on either the East or West side Division. R. KOEHLEB, Oen'l Manaeer. JOHXMUIB, Snp't. of Traffic. K. P. ROGERS, General Ax't Passenger Dep't. A. Iu STOKES, Asat Hup c of Traffic. WINTER SCHEDULE. Astoria to Fort Stevens, Fort Car.by, and llwaco. Connecting by stages aud boats for Oysterville, Montesano and Olympia Until further notice the llwaco Steam Navigation Co.'s steamer G-G23L. Miles, Will leave Astoria On Mondays Thursdays, and Saturdays (Oysterville and Montesano mall days. at 7 A. M. POB Ft.Stevens, Ft. Canby and llwaco ox Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays as formerlv.- not taHnir confined strietlv to schedule time. Fare to Fort Canby and Ilwaco,......73 cts. E&-Hwaco freleht, by the ton. In lots of one ton or over, S2 per ton, tFor Tickets. Towaze or Charter ap ply at the office of the company, Gray's wharf, foot of Benton street. J. 11. L. UilAl, Agent. Shoalwaier Bay Transporlation Co. SUMMER ROUTE. Astoria to Olympia, Touching at Fert Stoveas, Fort Canby, Ilwar.o. KortkBeaeh, Oysterville, Xertli Cve, Petcrseaa PelHt. He; qslHis, MoatesaBe, And all points on Shoal water Bay, and Orny Harbor. GEN. MILES. StTS- or y On Columbia Rlvei QEN.OANBY - GEN. GARFIELD " Shoalwatcr Baj " MONTESANO " Gray's Harboi Connecting with Stages over Portages. Leave Astoria for Olympia, at - - 7 A. 21. On Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays. arxlring.at Montesano the.day after leaving Astoria through trip In 60 hours. Leave Olympia for Astoria on same days. Columbia Transportation Co. FOR PORTLAND. (FAST TIME.) The popular steamer FLEETWOOD, .Which lias been refitted for the comfort o passengers will leave Wilson and -Fisher's dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 .Mnrriuingat Portland atlPlM. Returning leavos Portland eery Tuesdays. and Thursdays at 6 A. M. Arriving at Astoria at1 P. M, An addittoual trip will be Biade on Sunday of Bach Week, Leaving. Portland at e'eleeir gas stay MerslBir. Paseeager&by tate route conaect atXalaaa :Tyeidat Q K. THOMSON, Attorney and Counselor at Law. Room No. 6, over White House; ASTORIA, OREGON, C WVFtn.TOJi'. O. C. FULTOX; BILTOS J3BOTHEIIS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Rooms 5 and. 6. Odd Fellows Building. J q. A. BO TIL BY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Chenamus treet, ASTORIA, OREGON Qt 3. CURTIS, ATTT AT LAW. Notary Public, Commissioner of Deeds for California, New York and Washington Ter ritory. Rooms 3 and 4, Odd Fellows Building, As toria. Oregon. N.B.-Claims at Washington. Dr C. and collections a specialty. V. ALL.KS. Astoria Aseat Hamburg-Magdeburg and GermanrAmerican FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. C. HOLDE5, NOTARY PUBLIC, AUCTIONEER, COMMISSION AND IN SURANCE AGENT. Q.ELO F. PARSER, SURVEYOR OF Clatsop CeRHty.aad. caty or Astoria Office :-Chenamus street, Y. M. O. A. haU Room No. 8. J)B. A'. C. BOATXAU Physician and Surgeon. Rooms 9 and 10, Odd Fellows Building, ASTORIA, OREGON. JAY TUTTLE, M. I. PHYSICIAN AND SUBGEON lng. RFSTTIKVIIP HvP1 T V Thnm.il Tk... Store. jp P. IUCR8, PENTIST,: ASTORIA, - - - OREGON Rooms in Allen's hnlldinp- nn utalrq mmAr of Cass and Sqemocqhestret . jyn. jr. e. LaFoscE, Room 11, Odd Fellows Bulldlnjr, Astoria, Or. Gas adminktprwl for nafnlaaa r?r--Hrm TK. RAHlVIMH Late of Fort Stevens, has corae to Astoria ior tne purpose oi practicing MEDICINE- AND SURGERY. Will visit patients in the country and city. Office in Odd Fellows Buildine. Residence aDove catholic Church. GENERAL STEAMSHIP AGENCY. Bills of Exchange on any Part oi Europe. I AM AGENT FOR TIE FOLLOWING well known and commodious' steamship lnes. STATE LINE, RED STAR. WHITE STAR. HAMB URG-AMER ICAN, DOMINION LINE. NATIONAL, and AMERICAN LINE. Prepaid tickets to or from any European port. tor iuii lniormauon as to rates or iare, sailing days, etc, apply to l. W.UA31S. GEO. P. WHEELER. "W.L.EOBB. Notary Public. WHEELER & EOBB. GENERAL Beal Estate g Insurance Agents. We have very desirable property in As toria and Upper Astoria for sale. Also, fins farms throughout the county. Accounts carefully adjusted and collec tions made. We represent the- Beyal, Norwich. UbIor and Xtaaca shire iBsaraHce Cb'b With a combined capital ot SM,e9,06e. Travelers Life and Accident issu ance Ce , of Hartford, and the Mas hattaa liife IsHsraace Ca., of $Tew York. We are aeents for the DaUu and Weekly Northwest News, and the Oregon Vidette. All business entrusted to our care will re ceive prompt attention. STOHE &MYES0H COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Dealers In' LUMBER, r:" HAY, GBAOT, POTATOES. AND COraTRI PRODUCE. Advances made oil Consignments. Steamer TOM MORRIS. ftm t, TM1S SEW SEmSbEsaL u Faverite Beat IS NOW READY FOR BUSINESS AND can be chartered for excursions, special parties, etc, at reasonable rates. Agennal ateaaaboatiag business transacted;. . ' Y. BOSLLIt, Master.