The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, December 22, 1883, Image 3

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    She gJaUjj toratu
. DECEMBEIi 22, 1883
(Monday excepted)
rirni.ismtits an: ntormftrons,
Terms of Subscription.
Served liv Carrier, per week loets,
Sent by Mali, per month oocts.
one year .7.oo
l'rcc of postage to subscribers.
5T"Adver:is(iicnls inserted by tin carat
Uic rate ol S2 per square per imtmii. iran
siont adverllaliij; fifty cents per square, cacJi
Around the City.
The 7tM O'Slmnlor crossed out yester
day. I. "W. Case's ban; will he Jcloswl t 1
p. ax., on the 25th inst.
The Oirvan and the Onlneorlli came
down yesterday. The Cymscu went
down to bar nuchorage.
Dr. CabPiiiss has returned from Oys
torville with his son, who has been for
sometime in delicate health.
Mr. "Y. IS. Griffin returned yesterday
f roiu Chinook, whither lie had been re
tiring the government telegraph line.
The new steamboat Marie G. Haavcn
is lying inside the O. K. &. N. dock re
eumnjj her upper works and machinery.
A Vuyallup man died from oxcessive
joy last week. lie had probably found a
tour-bit piece in the pocket of his last
winter's vest.
The regular quur terry examination of
teachers will be held at Supt. Sloop's
office next Friday and Saturday, the 28th
and 23th inst.
Christmas trees are being planted in
various families. Their growth is mar
velous, and the fruit decidedly acceptable
to old and young.
Evory newspaper in the country has
given descriptions of the gorgeous sun
sets. It is now in order to write up the
equally magnificent sunrises.
By general request there will bo a
moo'ting of the citizens committee at the
city hall at eight o'clock this evi-ning.
A full Kttendence is desired.
At 2 o'clock this afternoon, in front of
Johansen's store, in upper Astoria, 12. C.
llolden will soil to the highest bidder,
sundry lots in lieach addition to Ocean
The sporadic cases of typhoid and
scarlet fever that were unpleasantly com
mon a few weelw ago, have almost totally
disappeared, and the general health of
the city is good.
Messrs. E. J. Haight, of the firm of
Haight & Newbury, and C. A. Cole, of
.Manley & Cole, who have been in the
city during the past week, leave for Port
laud this morning.
Capt. C. li. Throckmorton, 4lh ar
tillory who was for a long time in com
mand of Fort Canby, has been promoted
to major in the 2d artillerj', and goes to
Washington for duty.
Bjomstjorn Bjornson. the novelist, has
written a new drama called ''lyontl his
Powers." It probably relatGs to'tho man
who died of lockjaw in attempting to
pronounce .Mr. B.'s name.
George 11. AVcndling is lecturing in St.
Louis on ''Who, "What and Whore is the
Devil?" Before pursuing the subject any
further George should visit the compos
ing room of a daily newspaper.
The glowing sunsets of the past fow
days are uccounted for on the theory that
the sun blushes with annoyance anil mor
tification in being compelled to go to bed
a little bit earlier evory evening than for
merly. In the house of representatives last
Thursda-, Congressman George present
ed a memorial of the Astoria chamber of
commorcc for an increase of the appro
priation for the life saving service at the
mouth of the Columbia river. j
E. C. Holden will hold auction sales to
day, as follows: At 10:30 a. m., at his
auction rooms, constable's sale of sun
dries. At 2 p. si., limited number of lots
in Beach addition to Ocean Park at Jo
hanReu's store Upper Astoria. At 7 r. m.,
closing-out sale of Japanese goods.
"When the portals of the temple of jus
tice were yesterday thrown open, a
charge of assault and battery was pre
ferred against Jasper Peterson by his
ox-step-fathor, whose brow had been bat
tered by Jasper. It appears that the
assaulted party though divorced from
Mrs. Peterson annoys the family by
coming nroutid, and objections thereto
resulted in the assault by Ja3per, who
naturally took his mother's part. Ho
was fined 2T, but it is probable that the
lino will bo partially remitted.
BtraiED TucAsunn. A family from Mis
souri recently settled in Chohalis. One
of them, a boy of twelve years, was taken
seriously ill. Last week ho disclosed the
fact that two years ago ho accidentally
discovered at their Missouri home a ket
tle containing forty nine large gold
pieces and n quantitj' of silver and old
rotten notes. Ho had kept his discovery
a secret, returning the kettle to the hid
ing place. It seems the boy, with unusual
foresight, was bearding the treasure up
for future use and could not help casting
out vague hints that he knew where ho
could get all tho money he wanted when
ne was a man, mnts to which no impor
tance was attached at the time, but which
now confirm the boy's story. Tho boy's
iiiness nas taiccn a lavorable turn and
his recovery is only a matter of time,
when his father will return with him to
Miasouri and unearth the buried treasure.
Gkacc CnuEcu School. The school
room of Grace Church Parish school was
the scene of a pleasant entertainment
yesterday afternoon, furnished hy the
pupils of tho school, and witnessed by a
largo number of visitors. The exercises
were a portion of the regular school work
recitations, calisthenics, music, etc.,
and singing of Christmas carols; a
noticnnbla fenturfl toir tho rfwit ninn in
concert of some good, old maxims whose
juuuuuu lii cu-yuu inu ure 01 practi
cal benefit. This portion of the enter
tainment closed with the apt quotation
from Longfellow:
"Let us then be up and doing.
With a heart for any fate.
Still achieving, still pursuing,
Learn to labor and to wait.'p
Tho school is in a flourishing condition
and is in good hands. It will reopen on
jionuay, January v, losu
Oil and Vikegak. "What I don't
like,' said the steady boarder at tho din
ner table yesterday, "is to order tender
loin stake and get something else. Now,
when I was runnine a restaurant in Port'
laud n few years ago I made quite a ref
utation for tender meat, audi don't mind
telling you in confidence how I fixed
things. You see there's only a few pounds
of tenderloin steak in the whole beef, and
you can't give everyone that calls for it
a genuine tenderloin without crowding
matters a little. I used to get common
sound steak and pickle it over nieht in
oil and vinegar. That softens the fibres
and mates the meat tender, when tho
moat is proporh tooked vou can't tell tho
difference, and if tho cook understands
hov to trim and serve it, and you look
out xo Keep your Knives ground fiharp,
you can bet on havine tenderloin steaks
xlht along, and half of 'em can't tell tho
difference. Will I have a cigar? "Well,
l fiaoaitt oiusu tonesitate."
Fer a Neat Fitting; Beet
Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che-
iiuMjus street, next aoor io x. w. ijase.
All roods of till hpst nrialrA and miomti.
teedqwdlty. A full stock; new goods
cuj'jauuuiy uuiiii, uusiom TvorK.
fonnrll Proceed Injrs.
The common council of the city of As
toria held a special meeting last evening.
Present, Mayor Halm, Councilmen Case,
Cooper, Johns, Hume and Trenchard.
Mr. Case suggested that the council
proceed to the election of a councilman
to fill the vacancy occurring by the re
moval of Councilman Carruthers from
the First ward.
A communication from the citizens of
the First ward, recommending M. J. Kin
ney for councilman, was read. Mr.
Trenchard nominated Mr. M. J. Kinney
and he was elected by a unanimous vote.
The following bills were presonted and
ordered paid: Mrs. P. Qmnn, 25.20; I.
W. Case, 4-r0: Jackins fc Parks. .$t2-'K);
A. V. Allen. $2.20; Thof. Logan, $7f: G.
F. Parker, $100.
The bills of judges and clerks of elec
tion and special poKce wero also ordered
Bill for drawing map of the cemetery
for $100, was brought up by Councilman
Trenchard, who stated that the contract
for the man was SIS, if the drawer did tho
surveying, otherwise $2S, and he could
not understand how the bill should
be $100, when tho committee had
made no such bargain, and bo
recommended that the bill be
re-referred to the committee on public
property. Mayor Halm stated that this
was tho proper course, as tho council had
no use for $15 worth of map, and it
wouldn't do to slice off that amount.
Councilman Johns stated that he had
been over the cemetery grounds, and a
person looking at the grounds in their
present condition and the map would be
unable to recognize it.
lhe proposition made by the Columbia
Water Comnauv whs next broucht no:
tliere being no communication in writing,
themayor stated that if the committee
desired to confer with Mr. Thompson or
their agent, there being no proposition
before the council from that company
iue council couiu not consider it.
Tho matter of the suspension of Thos.
Hunter was next brought up. A commu
nication from Clark Loughrey to the
effect that he suspended Mr. Hunter, as
there was no more work to do outsido of
what he and tho two officers could attend
to, was read.
Ihe mayor stated that the chief of po
lice had no power to suspend an officer
except for the causes mentioned in the
charter, neglect of duty, etc. On iuo
tion the matter was referred to tho com
mittee on health and police.
Tho following ordinances were passed:
An ordinance extending the time of the
improvement of Hamilton street until
tho SOth day of April, 1S34, read third
time under suspension of the rules and
An ordinance providing for the time
and manner of improving Genevieve
street, read third time and passed.
Un motion council adjourned.
The Fire YiMtnlay.
"When the few and feeble notes of the
fire alann sounded faintly at noonj'ester-
day, JUT men took hasty positions on
Squemoqua street at its junction with
Main, while 211 more stood on the last
uaiued thoroughfare to see tlic depart
ment get to work. Others whose noon
day meal was interrupted hastened to ad
jacent roofs, and one man in the exuber
ance of an impatient disposition,chmbcd
a flag-staff and yelled "fire!" Several oth
ers made the same remark, which added
to the manifest interest. A shaky-looking
chimney in ihe rear of a frame building
on the west side of Main street was ihe
center of attraction. Thin wreuths of
smoke were issuing from tho ventilated
bricks and tho general impression wjih
thut the red demon was concealed therein.
This impression was intensified by tho
lurther proseuca of a puu of smoke
from that particular portion of the roof
whore the bricks emerge, as it were, from
the surrounding shingles. JJy this time
Alert H. fc L. No. 1 had arrived and was
busilv engaged in chopping away some
of the shingles to admit of water being
thrown in from the leather buckets that
were filled and handed up bv other mem
bors of tho company, llescuo No. 2 laid
pipe, and at u subsequent stage of the
conflagration threw n stroani. Astoria
No. 1 stationed their hoso cart on Benton
street and utilized the stream from their
engine in giving that portion of tho ap
paratus a bath. By this time it was de
cided that there was no real danger from
the devouring element, and the order to
take up being given, the procession
moved. Damages, $7.75: insured.
Closini; Exercises at Cedar Street School.
The usual programme of school duties
at Cedar street school was pleasantly
varied yesterday afternoon by the ren
dition of an attractive programme by tho
pupils. Tho principal's room was well
filled with pupils and visitors who evinc
ed tho greatest pleasure at ihe evident
progress mads by the children. Follow
ing is the
Our Greeting, School: The Faitlitul
Sculptor. Gussio Gray; Recitation, Geo.
Welch; Babv's First Church Visit, Ethel
Merryman; l)rivo a Nail, Harry Gray;
My Trundle Bed, Cordie Ilobb; Price of
a Drink, Goo. Coffinbury; Barbara
Frietchie, Alice Wrood; Family Record,
Alary Dealey; ihev nay, liottie lievmgs;
Death Doomed, Dixio Bain; Bonnie's
Reprieve, Lennie Bain; Exhibition Song,
Harry Gray; Guilty or not Gniltv, Min
nie Warren; Buy mv Flowers "Daet
Mary Dealey and Gussio Gray; The
Polish Boy, Minnie Sovey; Closing Ad
dress, Willie Levings.
ihe above, interspersed with songs and
choruses by tho school, was rendered in
a manner that would do credit to older
heads and well illustrated the careful
training bestowed upon the pupils by tho
At the close of the exercises Rev. "Wrn.
Boberts in a few well chosen remarks
called attention to tho desirability of
correctly learning to speak English. Miss
Lawrence, the principal, then announced
a vacation till Wednesday, January 2.
Petty Pxltebiko. Several of our citi
zens have been annoyed by finding, on
arising in the morning, that tho morning
paper, the milk, etc., had been stolen.
Of late A. G. Allen has been minus milk
in his morning coffee, but yesterday
morning, hearing a noise in tho hall,
went out and found a gentleman helping
himself with great good will to all that
was in the pitcher. Upon being seen he
turned ond fled, but not without being
rccognizeu. jur. a. says mac in luiuro
he will havo two pitchers, one for his
family and ono for tho gentleman who
was never weaned, and hopes he will
play fair and not.drink it nil,
For the Holidays.
You will find at J. W. Conn's the best
assortment in the city of Rogers Bro's.
Plated ware, consisting of Castors. But
ter dishes. Pickle Castors, Berry. Dishes,
Napkin Jiuigs, Jviuves, Forks and
Spoons. Spoons and Forks are all the
best, marked XII j also the best assort
ment of Dressing Cases, Odor Cases,
Gents' Sets, Fancy Brushes and Mirrors.
and all the leading brands of Toilet
Soaps, Perfumery and toilet articles of
all kinds. Examine my stock before
purchasing elsewhere; opposite Occi
dent Hotel.
Ulasonic AVnlcli Charm .Lost
On December 18. Finder will leave il
at Foard & Stokes, and getS2J0 reward
Hosiery, Hosiery, Hosiery!
The latest novelties in ladies' and
childrens hosiery at Prael Bros'.
Have vom seen that magnificent French
doll that is to be raffled at Carl Adler's?
Get a chance for your little girl. ,
The Hint: of Christmas In Jolly Good
"Come in," said a cheery voice.
A knock nt the door marked "Privato
office of Santa Claus" had elicited this
hearty response.
The visitor entered tho room. Good old
Santa Claus stood in his shirt sleeves
mixing lather.
"Y'hy, what are you going to do?"
was the spontaneous query of the visi
"Shave f was the laconic reply. j
The direful consequences that would!
arise from such an act had not entered !
the mind of tho good old saint, who;
wouia never oe recognized asaama ciaus
without his busby hair and lace mil of
"For mercy's sake, don't do it,' pleaded
tho excited caller. "You will lose your
identity if you do. Think how many,
many years you uavo presenreu juss mat
little red nose to view."
'1 don't count by years, nut by Christ
mas tides," replied Santa Claus. "but I
will spare tho whiskers if you think that
iny changed face would frighten the chil
dren on Christmas eve." And a kindly
look that boded well for the little ones
came into his eyes.
"So vou want to interview me. eh ?"
chuckled Saute. "Just conic iuto my"
store and see what I have for your jx-o-ple,"
and he led the way into a vast room,
which seemed to be all out-doors, so big
was it. An army of assistants were hard
at work on their labor of love. "For it's
only a few day's more," chirped Santa.
And the hammers flew and tho saws
whizzed and the forges scattered sparks
of gold, ihe candy-makers moulded
their wares into tempting shapes, and
the doll-makers bent to their task of
making 2f,0,000,l.OO spuiking dolls.
The workmen didnotsbirK wbenftamn
Claus was awayJjut his presence gavo
them new vigor, and the amount of work
they did was astonishing. Presents for
babes, for little boys and little girls, for
larger children, for young men and .mai
dens., for staid married folks, and for the
childhood of old age, wero stacked up in
huge piles, covering acres of ground,
seemingly in confusion; but they were j
not, all 'being ready for the cunning
hands of tho packers.
Then bauta escorted his visitor to his
public office, where his clerks wero dash
ing away at corespondenco and filling up
great books with the names of children
and tho description of presents. Every
laud and ever tongue were represented,
but it was noticed that tho American de
partment was the largest, and its clerks
wero the busiest of the lot. The tele
phone, which connected with the branch
office, was ringing all tho time.
"Come and listen to tho reports," said
Santa-to tho visitor, as he grasped tho
transmitter and placed it to his ear, say
ing "Hello," in a very natural manner.
"Hello! This is headquarters. Yes.
This reply seemed to stagg6r the man
at tho otner end, ns tho saint rarely an
swers any of tho hundred telephones.
"Go ahead," resumed Santa, "give me
a full report. Who? Little Jimmy Green,
ha, ha! Been a bad bay, eh? Pulled tho
head off the doll 1 gave his sister lost
Christmas. That's bad. Did you ask if
he should bo forgotten this Christmas on
account of it? Well, I should say not.
Do you think I want to lose my reputa
tion? Pll givo him a toy pistol. Hold
on a minute, I'm called at tho Berlin tel
Hanging up the ear-trumpst Santa
Claus tripped to tho telephone marked
JJerliu. '
"You must excuse me,"' said the kind
old man to his caller, "but I am called up
by influential men now and then, who
are real!' my agents. Just before yon
came I had a nice chat with Emperor
William, of Germany, who asked mo to
tako caro of the German children in
The popular saint then resumed the
telephone. The anent was telling him a
long story which interested Santa very
much, as his exclamations attested. Af
ter ho had finished, the listener turned
to his guest rnd said:
"My trusty man on the Pacific coast
has been talking on a subject that pains
me every year at this happy season. It
is impossible for me to visit every child,
and it grieves mo to think of the many
little worn stockings that oro hung up in
my namo in which the trusting wearers
hud nothing but disappointment on
Christmas Day, tho one day of all the
year in which such a thing should not
exist. .Now, I cannot tend to everything,,
and really, I wish when you get back to"
Sour office you would inform my able
and of assistants that I shall depend on
them to look out for many oi tho child
ren in your city, even if they do no more
than to fill them to the necks with
goodie?. Here is a list of the persons to
whom I allude."
This list contains .the names of many
rich men and women which if published
would create a sensation, and many who
have given in secret would gain a rep
utation far different from tho ono they
now enjoy.
"Why, isanta, exclaimed the visitor,
'do you really mean that these persons
delight to please child life, and will bo
wining io assist you mis iurisininsr
"I assuredly do." replied the good old
saint, with a tear of gratitude in his eye,
my coming was eagerly looked for by
them when thov were vounp. and tho onlv
way in which they can revive those pleas
ant memories is through the grateful
hearts of other children, made so by their
Just then the St. Petersburg telephone
rang out loudly for Santa Clans, tho Lon
don telephone joined in, and then as if
by a concerted signal all tho bells in tho
room chimed merrily. In the midst of
which musio tho visitor took his de
Notice to tho Public.
Notice is hereby given that Alex. Mail
man has no longer authority to do busi
ness for tho Astoria Longshoremen and
Stevedore's Union No. 1, and that none
of his transactions will be recognized by
the association. Tuos. Gbodt,
Buy for your daughter n fine piano or
organ, at Adler's.
For your father a Russian leather
diary for 1884, at Adler's.
For your mother a nice useful pit-ce of
silverware at the Crystal Palace.
For your son a sensible book, at Adler's
book store.
For your little ones some nice toy, nt
Adler's Holiday Bazaar.
For your sweetheart one of those hand
some plush coses, only to be had at the
Crystal Jfalace.
And now we will all go to Adler's ns
we can find there just what we want.
Solid cold iewlerv. latest styles md
patterns, at Adler's Crystal Palace.
Beautiful assortment of Kogers Bros,
plated ware. You will find a full assort
ment only at the Crystal Palace.
If I warrant anything in my store,
either silver or gold, you can rely on it
being so, my guarantees are good for wo
ore responsible financially and other
wise. Cabx. Adlek.
everyday from 4:30 to 8 o'clock. The
best 25-cent meal In town; soup, fish,
seven kinds of meats, vegetables, pie.
pudding, etc A glass of S. F. Beer,
French Claret, tea or coffee included.
All who have tried him say Jeff is the
All the patent medicines advertised
in tliis piper, together vith the choicest
Eerfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can
e bought at the lowest prices, at J. YV.
conn's drug store, opposite ucihien.
iiciei, Astoria.
rawoncer oa To-Day'a Steamer.
Tho Slate of California is duo this
orning with the following passengers:
Robert Becra
C Leinenweber
L D Taylor
George Vourhill
Mrs H M Bolander
it 2 daughters
F Livingston
J W Merchant it wf
J J Stokes
Rev N Castle
Rev J C Baker
S E Kennedy
S K Thompson
Mrs A Hart
Mrs Taylor
Mrs E Everutt
Mollie Archer
A Johnson
A Davis
J B Kellog
C White
G S Wright
L C Bodenberger
S Swabacher
Miss J J Lemniou
D C Lawis
C? - TTT Till
H C Caswell
Thomas Strong
O D Garrison
J Q Shirley
Mrs Hulbrick
L M Merchant
J Goldstino
E Danker
T F Maker
E D Kingsley
Miss E A Kennedy
Mrs Hogan
Mrs J Palmer
Flora Franks
M Downing
Walter Birdsall
B Allen
C Von Otterstedt
Frank Wendroth
J Daie
J B Luther
S G Ross wf & ch
Mrs JK Weather-
iuiu uibiwu o u limine '
Miss Lottie Walker Mra W R Stokes & j
ford t child
ran K Johnson 2cmldren
John Smith V D Lowell
A Davis Mrs Q T Andariftju
Mrs McDumou Mrs D D Kent
Mrs 11 Morgan i ch Miss Lizzio A Hall
Jliss Mattie Wyans Mrs J C Howard
M Wnllnrn .t vrifo. V. A On
Charles P Church Hat tie Church
W Jones C Cnrnnh
Dr Henley J Lee
Jonn itay and wife Mary Golden
Miss Minnie Dewitt Ah Hon and wifa
O W Johnson
J Belgin
J K Miller
A Condit, Sea Sidy ton
AKMallot. Ft C C Yaumi, Simpson.
E Kinrr. Port Kansas
T C Kearri3 " C Lerov, Seattle
LB Chase, West P HDola'uev. Dean 1:
J:is Brownell, Fort C J Eagler
O P Higgins, Salem J W McGowan, Chi
C A Kc-etl, Oyster- nook
ville S Keller. Mishuw.:ku
J Chappel, Yamhill D Lucy.
W C Roberts. Port E S Rothchild. S F
A Emanuel. do W P Callende. Knnn
Jas Strang- do T S Barr, wf Gray R
u Hauseu, do F V Holmnn, Port
F C Congdon, Port
3Ir. II. JS.1LUU
The reliable gentleman well known
to most Astorians for the past r years
as a manufacturer of ladies' all wool
dresses and dolmans, is said to have the
most magnificently fitted up suit house
in America. Very likely the gentleman
will open a branch here if arrangements
can be made. It is said that he will
have a lunch room in his dressmakimr
department for ladies who may visit his
iuiuw&iiiuciii una uo not leei disposed
to go to a hotel for lunch.
Christinas is Comiiiir,
And if you want to make your wife,
uaugnier, sister, some one else s sis
ter a fine present call at Mrs. T. S. Jew
ell's and sec her elegant stock of fancy
furnished Booms to 3Scnt.
Apply to Mrs. Henrv. in Carriithers'
building, over G. W. Hume's store.
WHAT! do yon think that
fnvps villi hiiipmI fir linf 1iin"iitil .1 trlncc
of something io drink? Xot much!"
mil lie gives a ueiier meai anu more 01
uiuan any piace in town lor i cents.
He bnvs hv tho vhohs:ili jiiiiI nnvs
cash. "That settles it."
I'sr Dtutitiill's Cuus!i :;.-tinm.
Richardson & Co., St. Louis, one of the
largest wholesale drug firms in the Uni
ted States, vvrHtvs: "Vc have handled
Dimmitt's Cough Balsam in our trade
for the past sixteen years and have
bought as much as one hundred gross
nt a time, and from our knowledge of its
merits believe it to have given perfect
satisfaction to our customers." At V.
E. Dement & Co.'s.
The Clariona.
.Iimt lluWliln.' for rinil nnrliiw:
complete orchestra, with dance music.
jiiih..-) iui Killing utwiuia, tiv, v-uminuic
To those desirous of having dances, and
not otherwise provided with music, it is
invaluable. Call at the New York Nov
elty stprc and examine it.
ForTors and iVovcltie.s
Go to Chas. A. May's Holiday Empori
um, one door east of Rescue No. 2s En
gine House. A full line of goods. Pri
ces as low as the lowest.
IVof ice to Ihe T.ntlies.
Switches made from combings or cut
hair; new switches made to order from
the best imiorted hair, in any shade de
sired. Old switches repaired. All
work warranted. Hates reasonable.
Call or address
Unr.EXUAirr & ScuonxiiK,
Occident hair dressing saloon, Astoria,
At tilt: Km i ire Store
You will find the finest laces and em
broideries, of richest qualit-.
Fine Dress Goods.
A splendid line of ladles dress goods is
being displayed at the Etnplrestore.
Rest Custom Work. Hoot ami Shoe.
Can be had at I. J. Arvold's. next to
City Book Store. Ladies and gentlemen
call there for tnt finest flttiiiir hoofs and
shoes, and lowest prices. " Perfect fit
Corsets and Underwear.
All the latest makes and styles of cor
sets and ladies underwear at Prael
Bros.' Empire store.
Oysters iu Every Style.
And coffee at Mrs. Lovett's.
Sleepless Nights, made miserable
by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is
the remedy for you. Sold by W. II De
ment The weak, worn and dyspeptic should
tike Coldex's LiQtnn Bekf Toxic.
A"o other. O f d ruggists.
Shiloh's Vltallzcris what you need
for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz
ziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia.
Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold
hy W. E. Dement.
That Hacking Cough can be so
quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We
guarantee it. Sold hy W.E. Dement.
Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's Vitalizer is
guaranteed to cure you. Sold by W. E.
Tho Pernuan syrup has cured thou
sandswhovcre suffering from dyspep
sia, debility, liver complaint, boils, hu
mors, female complaints, etc Pamph
lets free to any address. Seth W.Fowl
&Son" "Boston.
Roscoe Dixon's new eating house
is now open. Everything has been fit
ted up 4n first-class style, and his well
known reputation as a caterer assures
all who like good things. to eat, that at
his place they can he accommodated.
CrouD. Whooninc Couch and Brou
chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's
cure. coiii oy vy.js. ucment
Ifor larne Back, Side or Chest use
Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Pries 25 cents.
r er s&ie by w. is. -Dement.
Holiflaf (xooils Just Beceivei,
eoMvnisiNa :
Rogers Bros.' Platedware,
Bisque Figures,
Fine Majolica,
Japanese Goods.
Willow and Rattan Goods,
Green River Cutlery.
China Dinner ai Tea Sets..
And n Full rJnertf
Crockery H Glassware.
First-class COAL OIL a Specialty.
Cor. Chenamus and Genevieve Sts.
Astoria, Nov. 22nd, 1883.
Meeting Notice.
stockholders of the Fishermen's Paek
Inc Company will be held at the Conmaiiv's
oftlce hi I'pper Astnrht Or., on Saturday.
uec.2i;n. iorine purpose oi electing a isoard
of Directors for the ensulnir year, and trans
act such other biulncss as may come before
me ineeunjr. nyoruer
Jr . U. 1USE1J.
to Wesion Hotel.
Dealer hi
Cor. Squemoqua and Olney Streets, Astoria.
0, Tell Me Where Is Fancy Bre(a)d !
Astoria Bakery & ConfectiODery
CAKES AND PASTRY In great variety, but
Wi-iMhiss and parties supplied with the
most elaborate ornamental work on the
.shortest notice and on reasonable terms.
TiiU isihf most complete establtsbmeut In
Is the only
First class Steamers and good usage.
Tirkrts Tor sale nt .1. 31. JOIIXSOX'S.
Apcut, Astoria, Oregon.
At Car. Rogers old stand, corner of Cass
and Court Streets.
Ship and Cannery work. Honteshoelne.
Wairom Iliads mul renalred. Good work
AUG. DANIELSON, - - Proprietor.
HelmUt and Keflttcd Thronshont.
The Best of
For a Good Cigar, call for one of
"Danielson's Best."
Corner West 9th and WaterStreets, Astoria.
Importer and wholesale dealer lu
C'iznrs nad Tobaccos, Smokers' Article.
rinjlBC cards, Cmiery, Sta
tionery, Etc
The largest and finest stock of MEER
SCHAUM and AMBER GOODS tn the city.
Particular attention paid to orders from
the country,
Thko.BRACKER, Manager.
Chenamus Street, Astoria. Oregon.
The Astoria Passenger Line
headouarters at its StaOlcs next to B.
B. Franklin's, two doors below The Asto-
nr ax office. EIrst-cLTSS Livery service. Carts
with horse furnished, for one dollar per
hour. Carriages on application
The Astoria Passenger Line Hacks will
leave for Upper Astoria from the stables.
Horses taken to board.
Comer Benton and Squemoqua Streets,
East of the Court nouse.
Fipres Sever Lie !
Can prove by his books that he Is doing the
Dlggest uusiness oi juiy
In the city, and he will guarantee to glvq
me oest meai iur uu.
Catarrh cured, health and sweet
hrpflth secured bv Shiloh's Catarrh "Rem
edy. Price 50 cents, Masai Injector free.
For sale by W.E. Dement.
Wholesale and Retail
The Leading Bry
House of Astoria,
New Goods Received by Every Steamer.
To The Public.
Goods at Adler's,
Acting on the Heasonable Presumption that you do not desire to buy Inferior
Goods at Exorbitant Prices, I offer the following
FACTS for your consideration,
j I always pay CASH, consequently buy at BOTTOM PIUCE3.
2 f !"' direct from FIRST HANDS, thereby gettiug my goods at COST of manufacture
I take SMALL PKOFITS and sell at LOW TRICES,
0 My Guarantees are good, for I am RESPONSIBLE, financially and otherwise.
tj Mine is the LARGEST and MOST RELIABLE establishment in the city.
8 I keep the BEST SELECTED stock and the GREATEST VARIETY, which Is a.vell
known fact. ,
9 1 am agent for OLD ESTABLISHED MAKERS of PIANOS and ORGANS, and keep
.only the BEST.
-jQ I NEVElt MISREPRESENT the value or an article. ,
UI mean to do a SQUARE. HONEST BUSINESS, giving FULL VALUE for every
cent I receive.
JO The foregoing constitutes 12 GOOD ami sufficient "REASONS why you should
JLl patronize me.
Is the Most Complete as
Pertaining to It.
The Jewelry Beparimeni
OAX NOT HE EXCELLED. This Stock consists of IAIIOIOS and SOT.II
JEWEI.U and SIEVEB WAKE of the latest Style and Pattern.
P.einemherEVERY ARTICLE in this Line is WARRANTED.
Fine Repairing a Specialty.
My Toy Bazaar
Speaks for Itself.
You can find EVERYTHING you may want, at the
New Goods!!
Clothing and Gent's Furnishing
A complete stock of
Underwear, White and Colored Shirts, Fine Cassimere Shirt.
Hosiery, GIotcs. etc. Tho largest stock of Hats in ihe
city, comprising all the standard and latest styles.
-Sults and Overcoats, ready made or made to order, at tho lowest prices, fit, and
quality of goods guaranteed.
d. a. Mcintosh,
Th, Xieading
Goods and Clothing
You can find Everything:
New Goods!!
Store for the Holiday Season.