The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, December 20, 1883, Image 3

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he gailjj tovuuu
....DECEMBER 1. 1BS3
(.Monday excepted)
runLisiritr.M ami rnoriiiKTOii.s
Terms of Subscription.
Served by Carrier, per week 15cts.
Sent by Mall, per -month diets.
one year.. . ..$7.00
Free ol postage to subscribers.
tSAdvertiscnients inserted by the year at
itio rate of $2 per square per month. Tran
sient advertising flftv cents per square, each
Around the Citv.
Three marriages reported to take place
next week.
There is a cablegram at the W. P. T.
oflice for Chris. Lootse.
John Hobson is expected back from his
trans-Atlantic trip by Christmas.
The jug breaking entertainment at the
II. E. Church, begins at half-past seven
this evening.
At the last meeting of Astoria Council
No. 995, A. L. of H.. IS. S. Worsley was
elected commander.
The jug breaking and concert at the
-M. E. church this evening promises to be
an enjoyable affair.
The Gearhnrt farm on Clataup plains,
with stock, etc. will be sold on the prem
ises at one o'clock this afternoon.
The Queen sailed for San Francisco
yesterday afternoon. She goes on the
Sound route for tho winter months.
Mrs. Grimes, Miss Flavt-1, and S. El
more and wife were among the Astoria
passengers leaving on the Queen yester
day. The sale of lots in the addition to
Ocean Park will be continued at seven
o'clock this evening, at E. C. Holden's
auction rooms.
But little was moving at the docks yes
terdaj. The Ice King went down to
Baker's bay; the Bhutan docked and took
on :t"0 tons wheat.
There will be a special meeting of the
city council to-morrow evening at which
time the vacancy in tho first ward will
bo filled by the election of
Attention is directed to Carl Adler's
new adv. His brilliant and attractive
display is second to none in tho north
west, and every taste am bo suited.
The steamer Sam will leavo at eight
this morning for the accommoda
tion of those who wish to attend the
Gearhart sale at Clatsop. She will make
two round trips.
The funeral of Miss Anna Thompson
took place from tho Congregational
church yesterday afternoon, and was
largely attended" by the friends and rela
tives of the deceased.
A Portland girl recently captured u
burglar by knocking him down and sit
ting on him. If the Goddess of Liberty
ever strikes for higher wages that girl
should bo given the place.
Information is wanted of E. A. Nyman
and Frederick Holther. Also of Anton
Olson and Andrew Ivenson. who were
drowned in the Colombia last summer.
Addrow Arthur Vvilsou, Portland.
During tvJ present year there were 2."
mniber admitted in Denver Lodge No.
16, J. O. O. F.; 18 were relieved, .$1,G70
was paid out of th relief fund; the ex
penses of the lodge for the year are
about $950.
The sale of the Gearhart farm and live
stock takes place to-day. The steamer
Sam will leavo "Wilson & Fisher's wharf
atS a. si., and has been chartered to
bring back those who attend the sale tho
same evening.
. C. "W. Leick, a practical architect, lato
of the Polytechnal school of Munich, is
going to locate in Astoria. He practiced
his profession for five years at Cleveland,
Ohio, and Indianapolis, Ind., and will
doubtless do well in Astoria.
It is said that in a certain town not a
thousand miles from Baker City, the
postmaster keeps the mail in the oven of
a store in the postoffice, and when ho
asks them how they'll have it, tho reply
is, "well done, thou good and faithful
' Tho L S. N. Co. have changed the hour
of leaving Astoria on balurday mornings
to 7 A. M., in consequence of the estab
lishment of a tri-weekh mail to Oyster
villo and Montesano. llwaco passengers
should note the fact and not get left on
baturday mornings.
On Tuesday evening the following offi
cers of Temple Lodge No. 7, F. & A. M.,
were elected: B. Van Dusen, "W. M.; E.
A. Noyes, S. "V.; F. W. Newell, J. "W.: I.
W. Case, Treas.; G. "W. Lounsberry, Sec.
Tho installation will take place on St.
John's day, December 2tu.
fVirnnvr Franklin received a difinatch
last evening that Thos. Dillon had died
At Columbia Uity. and mat tue lunerai
would take place in Portland to-morrow.
Tho deceased was a son of Martin Dillon,
was nn old resident of Astoria, and leaves
a wife in Columbia City.
The beautiful model of tho Queen of
(he racific, won by Uaptam Alexander
some time ago, and now on cxnioiuon ai
j. oiu if iiuuiu o iu jl uiitnuu. jo w uu ai.&.-
fled next week for tho benefit of the cap
tain. Anvono wantina a chance can be
accommodated by calling on C. P. Up-
"When 'lime" was called in the police
court yesterdaj, the scream of a wander
ing sea gull that flew by the window was
tho only sound that disturbed the
sanctity of the apartment, and tho judgo,
doffing his ermine robe, stepped down
from the bench, wnile tne clerk ot tne
court lit a fresh cigar.
The District Institute for the fifth ju
dicial district will be held at Forest
Grove on the 26th, 27th, and 28th inst
All tho teachers are invited to attend.
Arrangements have been made with the
railroad company by wuicli those attend
ing tho institute will get 40 per cent dis
count from tho regular rates.
Tho boys had considerable fun yester
day afternoon over one of Astoria Ho,
One's leading members, who was an in
voluntary prisoner in the city jail for
nau an Hour. .nick unnton Kindly
bronnht the vonn? man a olass of water
and consoled him from the outside till
the arrival of tho officer of the day.
The auction sale of lots in the Beach
addition to Ocean Park will bo continued
at 7 r. ai. this evening at Holden's auc
tion rooms. On Friday at 10:30 'a. m.. a
special auction sale of a limited number
of lots in said addition will be sold at
Upper Astoria. Further particulars will
do advertised in xw& astoeiax to-mor-
Have von fioen thntTnnrmifir.nt,TYprioh
"doll that is to be raffled at Carl Adler's?
Get a chance for your little girl.
Mr. H. B. tilt.
The reliable gentleman well known
to most Astorians for the past 5 years
as a manufacturer of ladies' all wool
dresses and dolmans, is said to have the
most magnificently fitted up suit house
in America. Very likely the gentleman
will open a branch here if arrangements
can be made. It is said that he will
have a lunch room in his dressmaking
department for ladies who may visit his
eszaonsumem ana ao notice! disposed
to go 10 n noiei ior luncn.
JSIasoaic Watch Charm Xost
On December 18. Finder will leave it
at Foird & Stokes, and get S2.50 reward.
Christmas is Coming1,
Aadif you want to make your wife,
daughter, sister, or some one else's sis
ler a fine present call at Mrs. T. S. Je w
'ett's and see her elegant stock of fancy
The Doing of Tiro Continent for One Vtj.
It is reported in San Francisco that the
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad
company has bought the South Pacific
Coast road. The wreck of tho Victoria
was sold nt auction in San Francisco yes
terday. London police are closely watch
ing tho houses of leading Irish National
ists. It is reported the lord mayor has
received anonymous letters, threatening
to blow up London bridge and Newgate,
Detectives withdrawn from tho prison
after O'Dounell was hanged have re
turned there. Extra police are on hand
and about the bridge to watch tho arches.
They are examining all craft passing,and
scrutinizing all persons crossing. North
ern Pacific stocks are still on the down
grade. Jas. Blaine is heart-broken over
his son, who is going to the demnition
bow wows. Tho president has appointed
John O. "WVman, of New York and Frank
H. Truesdell of the District of Colum
bia as a commission to examine the com
pleted portions of tho Northern Pacific
railroad in Washington territory. The
senate han organized with Republican
officers. Gen. McCook is secretary.
The Louisiana state Democratic conven
tion lacks harmony at Baton Rouge.
Gov. Hendricks enjoys excellent health.
S. SI. Doane, charged with killing Al
bert "White, has been found guilty at
Pendleton, and goes to the penitentiary
for life. Louis Jano, aged 70, killed luxn
self at Tucson, last Tuesday. France
and China are still making faces at each
other. A Bob Lincoln boom is starting
in lvnnsas. A $509,003 fire at Lisbon on
the 16th burned the docks. The German
crown prince is visiting the pope at Rome.
The Monitcuril' Borne says tho visit is
the outcome of Bismarck's project for
federating a conservative force against
an audacious democracy, and that the
place of honor in the alliance has been
assigned the papnev, us first in influence
in the world. St. Louis wants the Na
tional Democratic convention. AIouzo
Gesner is Indian agent at the Warm
Spring agencj'. Snow five feet deep in
western Montana. 701 women voted in
Massachusetts last month. There is a
wrauglo at Ft. "Wrangle. Alaska, regard
ing religion. Poole was hanged in Dub
lin last Tuesday. Ho died game. Yel
low fever is devastating Rio Janeiro.
There are f00 geysers and 498 hot
springs in the Yellowstone National park.
Baker Pasha has started for Suakem.
Ho will have supreme command of Sou
dan. Tho Egyptian khedive has in
structed -him to endeavor to conciliate
the rebellious tribes before resorting to
force. Tho Portland hotels talk of run
ning ''second-class." All they have to do
is to lower the prices. St. Louis is to
have a branch mint.
District Court DccUIon.
In tho U. S. District Court at Portland,
ast Tuesday, Judge Deady rendered a
decision in the case of Captain Flavel et
il. vs. The Pacific Coast Steamship com
pany, wherein the plaintiff claimed that
C. H. Prescott, tho managing agent of
the defendant, should show cause why
certain uionej's deposited with him by
the consignees of the uueens cargo,
should not bo brought into court, to an
swer the exigency of the suit. The state
ment of the point at issue was as lollows:
A shin and carco were saved from a
common peril after a considerable jetti
son of the latter, and allowed by thesalv-
ors to proceed to their destination, where
tho saved cargo was delivered by tue
master or agont to tho consignees with
out contribution for salvage or jettison,
but on the deposit of eacli consignee of a
sum of money equal to 20 per cent of tho
valuo of the cargo delivered to him "to
cover treneral average' and tho execution
of a bond for the payment of his pro
portion of tlio 'Josses and expenses' con
senuent upon such peril." Judge Deady
hold thut tho salvage service lwing for
the benefit of both snip and cargo, tne
expense thereof constituted a general
average; that m a suit against tue snip
and cargo for salvage tho libelants might
elect to treat such deposit as so far a
substitute for the cargo delivered and re
quire the agent of the vessel, under ad
miralty rule 33, to bring the samo into
court to answer mo exigency oi sucn sun.
ft was accordingly ordered.that the pe
tition of the plaintiff be granted, and
the amount, some $30,000, bo paid into
the court by Mr. Prescott by Mon
day, the 24th inst.
A messenger came in from Nurnburg's
yesterday for a surgeon to attend Frank
Johnson, a young man aged 19 years'
who was injured by falling logs at his
father's camp on the "Wallueki. Dr. Fal
ton started on the Tom Morris and
broueht him to the citv. It seems that
while enc-acred in turninc tho Iocs two of
tuem rowed over, oreaKing mo ieg3 oi
n- n- . ,v .,'-,
one of tho oxen and crushing the head
of the other; fortunately tho oxen got
tho worst ot it, though Johnson had a
close call; his left leg is broken, his
right shoulder smashed, his face badly
bruised, and last evening he was spitting
blood. It is the opinion ot the doctor
that he will recover. Ho was conveyed to
the hospital and last evening was resting
A young man named white was
brought down to tho hospital from Oak
Point yesterdaj afternoon with his right
arm terribly crushed, the bone being
bronen in three places, Me was turning
some logs, when one rolled back, and
struck him to the ground passing over
his arm.
Card of Thanhs.
1 tako this method of expressing my
thanks to the mends and acquaint
ances who so kindly assisted in the fun
eral obsequies of my sister Miss Anna
xuompson yesterday aiiernoon. JLneir
kindness will ever be gratefully remem
bered. Ulof Thompson,
Astoria, Dec. 20, 1883.
Buv for your daughter a fine piano or
organ, at Adlers.
For your father a Russian leather
diary for 1884, at Adler's.
For your mother a nice useful piece of
silverware at the urystai jaiace.
For your son n sensible book, at Adler's
book store.
For your little ones some nice toy, at
Adlers iloliday uazaar.
For your sweetheart ono of those hand
some plush cases, only to be had at the
Crystal Palace.
And now we will all no to Adler's as
we can find there just what wo want.
Koi'd nnld ieu-lfrv. latest stvles and
patterns, at Adler's urystai raiace.
Beautiful assortment of Rocers Bros.
plated ware. You will find a full assort
ment only at tne urystai x-aiace.
If I warrant anything in my store
either silver or gold, yon can rely on it
being so, my guarantees are good for wo
aro responsioie nnanciaiiy anu. oiaer
wise. (J ABU AD LEU.
Furnished Rooms lo Rcat.
Apply to Mrs. Henry, in Carruthers'
building, over li. w. jiumes store.
For a Neat Fitting: Boot
Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che
namus street, next door to I. W. Case.
All goods of the best make and guaran
teed quality. A full stock; new goods
nnticiantlt- nrriiMniT Huctrim rnrlr.
' WHAT I do you think that
gives you a meal for nothlngand a glass
oi sometnmg loaruiKr jxoi mucu
but he trives a better meal and more i
It than anv place in town for 25 cents.
He buys uy tne wnoiesaie anu pay:
casn. "rnat seines it,v
'The Tjind Belones to the People'
Deep Rives. Dec. 15, 1833.
Editob Astoeiax:
Notwithstanding all the lessons of his
tory or the practical teachings of experi
ence, men will, unfortunately, forget the
one or ignore tho other in their eagerness
to gratify some paltry pleasure, or in
dulge their apathy for the public weal.
The true American pulse has evidently a
healthy throb in Astoria. The pro
gramme of Tjik AsToniix and of the
Astoria Chamber of Commerce com
mends itself to tho approbation of every
man who has studied the laud question,
and who has realized the nature of the
evUs that flow from land monopoly. Tho
articles m The Astobiax and the memo
rial to congress of the chamber of com
merce will certainly tend to hasten
prompt action in this matter.
The land question is rising out of the
slough of forgetfulness. The fact that!
me ngai oi every rauu iu lue u-a ui iuiiu
is being abridged, and vast tracts given
to railroad rings and speculators of every
form, shade and degree, through dishon
est administration of the lawg, what
concerns the public. A few years ago,
hardly a man opened his mouth about
these' swindling land grants, depriving
unborn generations of Americans of their
heritage or birthright in tho soil. The
newspapers resembled so many Delphine
oracles in more than one particular. Con-!
gress bartered away for so much palm-oil
to a ring of railroad kings, who palm- j
oiled their hands, the imperial heritage j
of the people without ev?u making them
fulfil their contract.
These railroad grants were apparently i
ested rights that no man thought of dis
turbing. Though such grants were great
robberies, they lay slumbering in secur
ity, except when now and again roused
for a second by the vain crie3 of justice,
or by the firm stand of such men as were
in favor of either forfeiture or building
the rauroad. well, all that is altered
now. If not in the heart, the land ques
tion is at least in tho mouth of all men
when they speak. "Whoever writes on
public matters now, cannot ignore the
land question.
Take Villaru, btamord. L'rocKer, irouid
fcCo. How have they made their mill
ions? "Wero they not all poor men a few
decades ago? Tho answer is plain: They
have swindled thepubuonnd have their
"Why should not these millionaires be
made to give back what thej'have robbed?
In the past, while tho people lay su
pine or only thought of modifying the
white wage slavery in which they lived,
tne comumaiion oi congress anu corpor
ation could nllord to do anything they
pleased; not only to swindle and rob the
people wholesale and retail; bat to insult
tnem; spit upon tnem, in auaiiion 10 pub
lic robbery. The enormous swindles of
tho public lands havo been clearly dem
onstrated to the comgressional commit
tee on public lands; yet, that committee
is as silent as death on these vital meas
ures, imperial iortunes nave oeen made
by imperial railroad rogue3, who were
paupers comparatively speaking a few
ears ago.
Tho railroad rings generally withhold
until by tho labor of tho whole people of
tue country tuey are increased in vaiuo.
The railroads have up to tho present
time only disposed of some twenty mil
lions acres granted these corporations
within the last few years; and they have
realized for these twenty million acres
over one hundred million dollars. On
the two hundred millions m round num
bers of United States interest-bearing
bonds given to them, they refused to pay
any interest. The government had to pay
and did pay such interest, nmounting to
Is this right ? Does it not dig in under
every foundation of our institutions ? Is
it t j go on long? Is it not cowardly for
tree people to looic on witu stmt np3
and folded arms while this is in full
blast? Can anythmg under tho canopy
of heaven excuse men for looking on at
tho rnnroaching doom of the republic
and the lasting doom of posterity ? Can
men, who are by nature's ordinance
Americans, support the yoke which chains
them downr Are not these railroad
lands stolen from the Creator Himself
when they are stolen from his equal chil-
"What remedy is there at hand ? Will
petitions to congress bring the needed
cure? Ha 1 ha ! ha ! answers laughingly
back tho "Golden Spike Brigade."
The N. P. railroad management aa well
os Portland seems to be no lover of Asto
ria. The fact is they aro jealous of your
fair "Venice, and vour Astoria Venus
must be determined if sho does not wish
to be once more jilted or betrayed by her
selfish and seductive suitors, both of
Portland and N. P. R. R. manias.
D B Newcourt, Port C Stokes. Knappa
H II Woatherbee D Ross, do
& wf, Eagle Cliff I N Lott, Ska
Z T Wright, Port T B Goodpasture,
Ji tr (Jabamss, Uyst blayton
W H Roberts, Port T Thompson, city
pamceb nouss.
A Condit, Sea Side A B Coe, city
A Schlesinger, S F Alex Maltmau, Port
Z T Wright, Port A Peterson, D River
Jb w bmith, D river A bnaw, "
C D Stuart, llwaco G H Heather.Oak P't
J Edgar, Oak Point V Bergman, "
ai omitn, city u uumerioru j u i t
P F Peterson. Cath S F Wilson, Bay C't'r
j iiurnham, isasell
For the Holidays.
You will find at J. W. Conn's the best
assortment in the ctty of Rocers IJro's
Plated ware, consisting of Castors, But
ter dishes. Pickle Castors, Berry Dishes.
ianicin flings, Jvnives, .tones and
Spoons. Spoons and Forks arc all the
best, marKed .xu; also the best assort
ment ot .Dressing Uases, Udor cases,
Geuts' Sets. Fancy Brushes and Mirrors.
and all the leading brands of Toilet
Soaps, Perfumery and toilet articles of
an Kinds. Jixannne my stock neiore
purchasing elsewhere: opposite Occi
dent Hotel.
The Clarions.
Just the thing for balls and parties, a
compieiu orcnesira, wun uauce music,
ficures for callins dancc3. etc.. complete.
To those desirous of having dances, and
not otherwise provided with music, it is
mvaiuauie. vaii ai uiu cw x urK ruv
eltv store and examine it
At Hie Empire Store
You will find the finest laces and em
broideries, of richest quality.
everyday from 4:30 to 8 o'clock. The
best 25-cent meal in town: soup, fish
seven kinds of meats, vegetables, pie,
pudding, etc A glass ot s. r. ueer,
.French uiaret. tea or couee included
All who have tried him say Jeff is the
Hosiery, Hosiery, Hosiery!
The latest novelties in ladies and
childrens hosiery at Prael Bros'.
Fine Dress Goods.
A splendid line of ladles dress goods is
uetng mspiayeanc tne empire store.
Notice to the 'Ladies.
Switches made from combings or cut
hair: new switches made to order from
the best imported hair, in any shade de
sired. Old switches repaired. All
work warranted. Rates reasonable.
Call or address
TTytt y vtt 4 T m P CmTAtVWT
Occident hair dressing, saloon, Astoria,
What We Eat.
It is estimated that the state of Massa
chusetts does not raise enough wheat
during one year to supply the tables of
that commonwealth jvith bread for ono
day, wliich is only another way of saying
that the residents of tho old Bay state
have to buy what they eat. In this re
spect they resemble Astorians. We of
Astoria have to buy nearly all we eat. In
some respects we are as islanders who de
pend on vessels for what their own insu
lar country does not afford. Tinio and
again have Astorians had to go with
light dinners, not that they lacked the
wherewith to buy, but because the peas
end the cabbage, the celery and the
sauces, the fruit and other concomitants
were tossing in the hold of the vessel out
side the bar. Whether wise or unwise :
whether productive of prosp?rity or the
reverse: whether necessary or not. the
fact is patent that nearly all we eat is '
brought to us, and we pay well for it. j
The profit goes mo3tly to outside parties.
Our merchants make very little, some- j
time1) barely save themselves, oftentimes :
lose. Especially is this the case withl
fruit, etc., which is brought, here at a
high rate of freight, and sold bv our
grocers more as a matter of accoaiuioda- i
tion than with a hope of making a profit. ;
The high, prices tlint Astonans pay for
food has Ieen the subject of considerable
comment in theso columns. The reason
for the high prices may lc brietly titated :
demand greater than the supply, and
though when one has to pay fifty cautaj
for a little beefsteak, ninety-five centi a i
roll for butter, and more for a dozen of !
eggs warranted eighteen carat? fine than
for the hen that laid, them, yet. tue-1
knowledge that tho seller has such a i
slight margin of profit is illustrative of i
the proposition stated above. .
lour ot the few thm-M that is
of Oregon production, an A 1 article sell-f
ing in Astoria for 1.50 a small sack. !
bometime, when we have the Wil-'
lamette valley wheat pouring into!
Astoria elevators from tho rail
way track and Astoria mills
grinding it for European shipment we
may be able to get flour a little cheaier.
Till then we must depend upon Salem
or Albina. For hpni, the Astorian hps to
depend on the Willamette valley, though
fair articio of (Jalifornia ham is
brought here. The best ham, wo are
constrained to say, comes from the oast,
and by tho time it gets to the Astoriau's
breakfast table it costs enough to justify
the expectation of a prime cut, tweuty
ono cents a pound not being an outside
figure. Fresh moat is extremely high,
and as it is one of tho principal articles
of purchase, the price that ono has to
pay for it is noticeable. Iho Astona
butchers have tho reputation of furnish
ing neater, cleaner, fatter and juicier
meat than tho jnurvevors of anv other
city in the northwest, and to meet the
demands of their customers, situated as
they aro down hero in tho extreme west
ern part of the state, often taxes their
abilities to the utmost. They have to
pay a high price for cattle and sheep and
all things considered aro not getting rich
very rapidly at the present prices,
flutter and eggs aro on tho borderline
between necessities and luxuries. Like
other extravagances they come high, but
people will have them. As to vegetables,
we are better supplied. l'otatoes, carrots,
parsnips, turnips, etc. of splendid qual
ity are brought from Clatsop, and from
across the river, and find ready salo. Ap
ples come down the river, and this sea
son are scarce, and consequently dear,
$1.75 a box leiug about the prevailing
figure. In other departments of the fruit
line there is a good deal bought in the
way of dried and canned fruit, particu
larly the latter. Though Astoria is head
quarters for the finest salmon in the
world, jet there is comparatively Iittlo of
the canned article consumed uere, partly
because wo get such a surfeit of it when
it is finest and freshest in tho spring. On
the grocers shelves are mackerel, oodlish,
trout, wlutefish, etc.- which find their
purchasers on the ground that variety is
the spice of life. In game and fresh
fish, however, Astoria excels. Through
out the year we havo. an ever changing
variety of the finest fish, and in the ifa.ll
and winter months the stores aro never
devoid of fresh game of all varifties.
Mr. Noble Thompson of the popu
lar stables, 1393 Broadway, N. Y.,
states that St. Jacobs Oil is the best
pain-cure for man or beast that has
come under his notice in fifteen years,
For Toys nml IVovcIlIcs
Go to Chas. A. May's Iloliday Empori
um, one door cast of Kescne 2o. li s En
gine House. A full line of goods. Pri
ces as low as the lowest.
Rest Custom Work, Uoot and Shoes,
Can he had at I. J. Arroid's, next to
Citv Book Store. Ladies and gentlemen
call there for tne finest litting boots and
shoes, aud lowest prices. Perfect fit
guaranteed DiuiuilU's Cousli Dalsani.
J. M. Yanlis, Sweet Springs, Mo-
writes: "My mother has had bronchial
and pulmonary affection for forty j'cars
and in that time has tried almost every
thing, but never found anything to give
her the relief Dimmitts uongn uaisaiu
has.' At W. E. Dement & Co.'s.
I'.sc niimnltt's Cousli Balsam.
V. "W. Batterton, Columbia, Mo., says:
"I cannot saj too much for Dimmitt's
Cough Balsam, lor It always cures my
cnildren of croup and mvselfand family
of coughs and colds.' At W. E. De
ment te uo.-s.
Corsets ami Underwear.
All the latest makes and stvles of cor
sets and ladies underwear at I'raei
Bros.' Empire store.
Oysters iu Evcrj- Stylo,
And coffee at Mrs. Lovett's.
Itoscoc Dixon's new eating house
is now onen. Everything has been fit
ted up in hrst-ciass style, ami uis wen
known renutation as a caterer assures
all who like good things to eat, that at
his place they can oe accommouaim
-Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need
fnr fTonsrlnation. Loss of Annetite, Diz-
ziness and all svinntoms ot Dyspepsia.
Price 10 and 75 cents per oouie. som
by W. E. Dement.
Sleenless Niuhts. made miserable
hv that terrible coutih. Shiloh's Cure is
me reiiieuy ur ju. oum i . o. ce
Most violent explosions of coughing
are stonneu uy iles iioxey ur
Pike's Toothache Ditors cure m
one minute.
All the natent medicines advertised
In this paper, together with the choicest
Eerfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can
e bought at the lowest prices, at J. V.
Conns arug store, opposite ut"im-n
hctel, Astoria.
That Hacking Cough can be so
ouicklv cured by Shiloh's Cure. We
guarantee it Sold by W. E. Dement
Tlif wpaV. worn and dvsnentic should
take Coudex's Liquiu Beef Toxic,
jvo oinci'. ui aruggisis.
Shiloh's Couch ana Consumption
is sold bv us on Guarantee. It
cures consumption. Sold by W. E. De
Catarrh cured, health and sweet
hrpflth secured bv Shiloh's Catarrh Hem
edy. Price 50 cents, Masai Injector free.
1? or sale by w.ii. ueinenu
For Sale.
JD lock Wood, which I will deliver at the
hnntM nf rnstnmpr for P4 a cord.
Draylng or all kinds done at reasonable
Holiday Goods Jnst Receives,
Rogers Bros Platedware,
Bisque Figures,
Fine Majolica,
Japanese Goods, '
Willow and Rattan Goods,
Green River Cutlery.
. t,, , m
'hlTiq llflllP" JUlfl ' 'Pfl
UiilUQ JJllillDl Q11U JLUU
And a Full Llue of
Crockery i Glassware.
First-claSS COAL OIL a Specialty,
iJU II UH11 UULU Mill,
Cor. Cher.amus and Genevieve Sts.
Astoria, Nov. 22nd, 1883.
0, Tell Me Where Is Fancy Bre(a)d I
Astoria Baierj & ConfeGtiooery
CAKES AND PASTRY In great variety, but
also a
Weddings anil parties supplied with the
most elaborate ornamental work on the
shortest notice aud on reasonable terms.
Tlib is i lie most complete establishment In
Is the only
First-class Steamers and good usage.
Tlrkrts for ale at A. 31. JOHXSON'S,
ARcnt,, Astoria, Qregon.
Call at MRS. E. A. IHJLIS. A Choice selec
tion ot
Pictures ami Mottoes of all Descriptions.
Card Uoaril, Set, a Sheet.
Opposite the Astoria Candy Factory.
Corner Kenton and Squemoqua Streets,
East of the Court House.
Fifiures Im Lie !
Can prove by his books that he Is doing the
Digpesi Dusiaess oi any
In the citv. and he will Guarantee to give
tlie best meal ior casn.
Meeting Notice.
X stockholders of the Fishermen's Pack
inir Comuanv will be held at the Company's
oflice In Upper Astoria Or., on Saturday.
Dec 23111. ior tne purpose oi electing a iwaru
of Directors for the ensuing year, and trans
act such otlier business as may come before
the meeting. Byorder
J?. U- llliED.
JUL to Weston Hotel.
undersigned has been aDDOinted the as
signee of the firm of A. M. Johnson and Co.
nml mi nprsnns nnvinc claims aeainst saia
nrm are nonneu 10 present uie same uuiy
verified to me at my office In Astoria. Ore-
con, witmn tnree mouius irom mis uaie,
October, inkj. .
U-Uv A. Vt.JS.Btt.aX,
Delinquent City Taxes.
7i the undersigned, Chief of Police, have
been furnished with a warrant from the
City Council requiring me to collect the tax
es assessed for the year 1883, and now delin
nupnt unon the list and make return of the
samfe within sixty days. All parties so ln-
dcDten wui mereiore piease iase nonce anu
govern themselves accoramgiy.
Chief of Police
Astoria, Oregon, October 25th. 1S83.
Boat Building.
FonnerljorerArndt Jc. FerchanV Machine Shop
i the sIiod formerly occupied bv M. John
son on Cnncoinlv street, one block west of
Hansen Bros Mill. Model, Material and
FibImh First-class.
Notice to Stockholders.
annual meetintr of the stockholders of
the Pacific Union Pk'g Co. will be held on
Ritnrd.iv Dec. 22 1883. at their office In As
toria for the purpose of electing a board of
Directors ana the transaction of such other
business as may come before the meeting.
Secy. .Pres't.
Astoria Nov. 23, 1833,
(Weather permitting.)
The new Steamer
N. P. JOHANSEN. - Master.
WIU leave for TILLAMOOK, on
JC? lars apply to J. G. HUSTLER, Main
street Wharf, Astoria : ALLEN & LEt
Portland ; J. L. STORY Tillamook.
The Leading Dry
House of
New Goods Received
Goods at
To The Public.
Acting on the Reasonable Presumntion thac you do not desire to buy lnferlor
Goods at Exorbitant 'Prices, I offer the following
FACTS for your consideration.
T always pay CASH, consequently buy at BOTTOM PRICES.
I buy direct from FIRST HANDS, thereby getting my goods at COST of manufacture
I have just spent S3000 in fixing tip
JiUMK. witn Asiona aiecnanics.
ronage, even If you can buy some
I take SMALL PROFITS and sell at LOW PRICES.
My Guarantees are good, for I am RESPONSIBLE, financially aud otherwise.
Mine Is the LARGEST and MOST RELIABLE establishment In the city.
I keep the BEST SELECTED stock and the GREATEST VARIETY, which is a well
known faot.
I am agent for OLD ESTABLISHED MAKERS of PIANOS and ORGANS, and keep
only thtBEST.
I NEVER MISREPRESENT the value of an article.
I mean to do a SQUARE. HONEST BUSINESS, giving FULL VALUE for every
cent I receive.
The foregoing constitutes 12 GOOD and sufficient REASONS' why you should
patronize me.
Is the Most Complete as You can find Everything
Pertaining to It.
JEWJEURY and SILiVEK. WAKE of the latest btyie ana pattern.
Remember EVERT ARTICLE in this Line is WARRANTED.
Fine Repairing a Specialty.
My Toy Bazaar
. Speaks Tor Itself.
You can find EVERYTHING you may want, at the
New Goods!!
Clothing and Gent's Furnishing Store for the Holiday Season.
A complete stock of
Under-rear, TVMte and Colored Shirts, Fine Cassimero Shirts,
Hosier?-, Gloves, etc. The largest stock of Hats in tke
city, comprising all the standard and latest styles.
eySu!tsand Overcoats, ready made or made to order, at the lowest prlcesrflt, and
quality oi goods guaranteed.
Th.e Leading
Goods and Gothing
by Every Steamer.
new store, which amount I snent AT
I hope this ought to cive me a share of your pat
thlngs a little DEARER In Portland.or S3n Frau-
epart men!
consists of DIAHIOITDS and SOUUD
New Goods!!