CD Site Jlstotfm ASTORIA, OREGON: WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 19, 16S3 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE rOKTOF ASTORIA. READY FOR SEA. MJlE4t, BrlilcQneenBtown Dec 15 Tlzsio.BeU, Br bk Qneonstown Doc 15 Ice King, Am ep London Doc 18 SAILED. InchRreen. Br sp Queenstotvn Dec IS YntUoette.NDec 13 VESSELS IX THE RIVER. Olive S.Sonthard. Arosp Red Cross, Am sp Helicon, lihotan. Brep Htarof Krin, Br bp Citr of Madrid. Br ep l.adstnctr. Br bk Gleniffer. Brep litre scy. Br sp AnerroDa.". Br en tiirah Boll. Br bk Oban Bay. Brbk Scottish Bard. Brbk MtWasliininon. Am ep llichlnnd Light, Am. ip Indiana. Am sp, Unrrie Winslow.Am bt Martha Fisher, Bolivia. Brbk Oak worth. Br ep Girran, Br bk Sea King. Am sp . Ornisca. Brbk Morayshire. Br ep Sovereign of the seas BIcrnah, Brsp VESSELS OH THE WAY. Fron ForolCH rtP. for tbo Celaciltin Ktvcr Aberstwlth Castle. Br fp IOC Liverpool Sept 11 Base, Brbk 1000 .Newcastle. Sept 9 Berwickshire, Brsp Brisbane Chas. Cotesw'ortb, Br bk Liverpool Citr of Carlisle. Br bk Greenock Angll rUkdale. Brbk Liverpool July 2G ltata, Br bk Liverpool Dec 5 Isle of Erin, Br sp Sydney Sept 1C Janet McNeil, Brbk Juno 13 Glasgow Jorsalf arer. Nor bk Llveivool Nov 12 Kelverdalc, Br bk 1191 N b.W Norseman, Br bk Liverpool Dec 2 River Indus, Br sp Nnwcastlo Nov 23 Stashound. Br bk S73 'Wilmington S. R. Mead. Am bk 1023 N Y Sept f. Tythonus, Br bk London from American Ports. Alameda, Am sp N Y Henry J tmcs, Br bk 'J9S N Y J hoc 1 ' Merons, Am 6p A Y Angunt 17 M WWatta, Am bk Now York May 12 TilHe E Starbnck. Am sp N Y June 2! TIDE TABIiE FOB ASTORIA. DKCHMBKR. I HIGH WATKIL ! LOW WATIEK. First. Second. I First. Second. S I 2 H 1 i ' h. til. X It. m. .5 h. m. X h. . j . T l j 1 4 4S 7-H 4 T, 7-o 10 4.1 21 11 Hi 0 'JO 5 30 7-1 5a 70 11 42 TO 11 17 07 21 C 13 72 ! :il (JM - - - - 0 42 17 22 7 01 7-4 7 S7 G-0i 0 40 1 2 2 41 lr -.23 ,7 50 7'C 8 43 0"fl 1 88 1 7 2 40 11 "24 '8 '42 7'S D47 CI 2 29 20 3 42 07 2. 9 31 8 0 10 40 G"A 8 19 22 4 43 02 20 10 16 83 11 4!j C 4 09 2 3 f. 3? -0T, 27 11 00 ST. - - - - 4 87 2 C 27 -0"C 2S 0 30 (ID 11 40a 08 r, ir, 2t3 7 14 -4) 8 23 1 15 72 0 17j) lt-0 C 31 I 2tJ 7 5'J -0 0 VO 1 55 7'C 0 53 Ifo 8 13 I 21! 8 29 -09 31 230ft 71) 1 29p 8-9 7 S&il 2'1 9 02;i 08 The hours between midnight and noon are designated by a (a. yiX those between noon and midnight by ; (t. OA. 03m a denotes midnight, vh. 00;i. v denotps noon. Tlielieight is recUoni'd from the level of average imver low w.prsiownicniuesounu nigs are given on tin t'o.-tst Survey charts. TU ftOAT CIEAIIKS. Following Is the schedule of prices for towage mi ana out over the Columbia liar : For vessels not lmvard . Outward exceeding leaded. Ballast. 800 tons.S150 $150 $18 .800 to 1000 tons 200 17. 176 1O00 to 1200 tons 22.". 2C0 200 1200 to 1400 tons... 27.", :1ir, 1400 to igoo tons 300 :0 Astoria Itctail Jliarkct. Flour ier sack Sl-"0. Wheat, per cental S2.00. "'Oats, S2.10aJMi.-5. Bacon, sides per 11. liJa els. Shoulders, 15 ets. Hams, " 1G22 t:Ls. Lard, 10 ct. Beef,1220cLs. Mutton, i2Kl.r ct.. Pork, I2jin ets. Veal, 156s m cts. ' Butter, per roll CT to ft", els. Escs, per dozen iKl cts. Potatoes, per il) l J4" to cts. , Apples, sreen, )er box 1.50. to SL7H Chease. per lb 20ig23cts. Cornmeal, per lb 4 els. Oatmeal. U0K els. Beans, 4i5 cts. Coffee, ts 12KWcts. Tea, 4i 40!)0cts. Klce, " S 10 cts. Siifiar, 10 14 cts. Svrup, per gallon 7",c Si. Ifoncj, per riallon Salmon, per kit $5. Unions, iter lb 2(a." cts. Apples dried per 11 10r 18 els. Peaches 4 12 (gt IS eLs. lMuins. ' " 12V.' lfi els. Candles, per lb 20 cts. Chickens, per dozen $U. Hay, per ton S25. Hides, per lb G D cts. Oils, per gallon, boiled linseed, 73 raw linseed, 70c; coal oil, 40c; lard Sl WEI. EDGAR, It Dealer In - . Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. CHAS. A, MAY, New Store. New Stock Toys, Fancy Goods, Tobacco and Cigars FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FH.UITS 1 PINE" ASS0ETMENT Squemoqua street, next door to the Empire More. ul7-cm Mrs. R. CtUINN, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Crockery and (Slasswarc, j&xiJJL Stocli, NEW GOODS CONSTANTLY RECEIVED, Northwest comer Squetnoqua and Main ireeis. ni7-3m ASTORIA LIQUOR STORE. AUG. DANIELSON, Troprletor. nebnlltand Refitted Tliroushoat. The Hest of XVIXES.IQUOKS, AXI CIGARS tor a Good Cigar, call for one of Dantelson's Best." Corner West 0th and WatcrStrf ets, Astoria. no-Cm CaUirrh cured, health and sweet "Ureath secured bv Shiloh's Catarrh Kern- e3v .Price CO cents, Masai Injector free. S l 3IO It it. iCUlCUU SOCIETY MEETIXGS. Temple Lodge, No. 7A.F.A-M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS fi first and third Tuesdays In oachW month, at 74 o'clock, v. 2u, at the' Hall in Astoria. Members of the order in good standing are invited to attend.. iy oruer oi me . m. BeaverLodge No. 35, X. O. O. F. REGULAR MEETING EV ery Thursday evening atraK. nan-pan seven o'ciock. at ine -jii Lodge room in Odd Fellow's Hall PK7 Astoria. Sojourning members of the order in uoou suiuaitig.coraiaiiy lnviicuioaucou. V.y order N.G. Ocean Encampment, No. 13, 1. 0. 0. F. XL cainpment No. 13. I. O. O. F.. at the lxxigc, in me uuu renews xumuiiig, :u corAn t in ffiA canntwl nml ffinrth Mondays of each month. Sojourning breth- lciiL-uiuiaii) lumcu. uy oraer - i Seaside Lodge No. 12, A. O. TJ. W. T3EGULAH MEETINGS OF SEASIDE xai UJUKOU. 12, Ji. u. i. . mil uc uuu in Pvthlan Hall on Friday evening of each week, at 7 o'clock p. m. Members of the order In good standing, and visiting Broth ers are Invited to attend. Library will be open fifteen minutes before and after each meeting. Uy order I. W. Astoria lxxlcre No. 40. 1. 0. G.I. T? EGCLAli MEETINGEVE MY TUESDAY X. evening at 7 o'clock, at Pythian Hall. Astoria, .Members of the Order, In good standing, are invited to attend. Degree meeting urst .Monuay oi eacu rnonui. By oruer i . i . American Legion of Honor. -QEGULAIl MEETING OF ASTOUIA Xfcj Council No fj Is held on the first and third Tuesdav of each month, at 7 o'clock v. M. Bv order'of the Council Commander. II. VWIONTEIXII, X'C'iy. Cu3hintr Post No. 14. G. A. E. -r-vvfiTTT. a r xTtrc-rrvnti nv Tins vnr J."C on the second and fourth .Tuesdays of cacn montn ai au r. si. visunig com- raues conuauj iiiviicu. i uiu Pacific Lodere No. 17, K. of P. TEGULAlt MEETINGS OF THIS SX Lodce even- Friday, evening, at 7 iJO o'clock, in their Castle Itall. bojouniing tvuiguis coniiauy iuviuu i iincu". liMi.r. n iir.r.i.r.ii, K. of It and S. Astor LiOdgre No. G. EL of P. "OEGULAli MEETINGS OF Tins Lodi;e c-er" Wedncstlav eveninc. at 7 0 o'clock, at lhclr lodpc room, in Pythian Castle. Sojourning Knights cordially invit ed to attend. AV. 1 KOBB. Jv. oi u. aim Common Council. REGULAR MEETINGS. SECOND AND fourth Tuesday evenings of each month it in. o'clock. s-r"ersons desiring to- have matters acted upon hy the Council." at .any Tegular meet ing must present the same to the Auditor and Clerk, on or beforclhc Friday evening iriortotne iiiesuayon wnicn tne council holds Its regular meeting. THOS. S. JEW lil l. Auditor and Clerk. Columbia River Exports. SHIl'MKNTS FORKION. KKCAl'ITULATlOX JANUARY 'S3. .$ 306,310 . lT)7.17fi has. wheat 5G,i57 ools llour.. .. Total. 3 cargoes...- 3 SStAHi rKimuAKV. lieatj 16003 hus., value; Flour, 29,400 bbbs.,': " , .5 179.103 . It4.4t . S 323.1 ;...S311.1(fir 13,030 Total. 5 cargoes' .... MAUCII. Wheat (I97.r,24 bushels) riourcus.Hl bbLS)......-.... Salmon (2Co3 cases) , L.umoer(.XJJl ) Total (8 cr.rgoe'-).. .. APRIL. .....$895,311 L.S135.55i .. -16.000 Flour. 24.630 bids . ' Lumber, 375 M.... ., Total, 3 cargoes 51 AY. ..$180,554 $ 17.8S1 . OJ.OX ...S7GJ77 Flour .1,525 bbis Wlicat 49.212 bus Total, (1 cargo) JUXE. Flour. S01 bbls J 4,970 lSSAKS Salmon, 87,793 cs . Total, (1 cargo) -. S13SJ935 S 7.C73 001,010 JULY. Vlnur 1 rill lillc Salmon,' J1S522 cs'Z!."!...".". Total, (3 cargoes)... AUGUST. .-SD93.2S3 S 2405 3C0.185 Flour. 4J3Xi)4bbs 8:11111011,72,037 cs . . Total, 2 cargoes SKPTKMimn. $3S3.1fiO .$127,570 Wheat, 12C.4E3 bus Total 2 cargoes) . OCTOKER, ...$127,570 .$!2,ior. ... 11,270 . 192.1M Wheat, 740.W3 bus Flour. 3.172 bbls Salmon, 38,423 cs Total (14 cargoes) 2iOVKMUER- $S8S)30 ..$ 831.111 218,211 Wheat 61123! bus Flour 49,118 bbls Total, (19 Caigoes) ... $1,070,052 IlHCEMItKU. 2 To Quccnsloirn per Anliccrji, Wheat, 59,251 bus. . .SC1.2C3 To -Qucaistoicn pcrHarrii Bailey. Wheat, 37.S3G hus SHSCSI 5- To Quccmtmcn per Obcrtm. Wheat, 55.011 bus $55,150 C To Qucemloicn jicr Obcnm. Wheat, CO.OOO bus C To QnccTiRtmcn per IroruiIe. Wheat, 4i),O00bus 1 $04,009 -$49,979 10 To Qucenstoun per Rowland Hill Wheat, 40,954 bus. ST. 100 11 To Xcw Tori; jtcr GcorgcS. limner. Salmon. 28.723 cs .....-S143,Gir WOOI, Gl.O f IDS 12 .207 Hides, 43.850 47.855 Ore, 9,571 Sks . 11,425 Total . 12 To Liverpool per Killochan. Flour, 15.031 bbls Wheat, ln.700 bus - . .$215,102 $C7.M5 UTilO Salmon, 4,800 as .. 2!,000 Total . $103.1i 14 To Liverpool ier.sjiifit of the Bairn. Wheat, .5,839 bus $ G.S00 FlourAloO bblsfKs....vr;.-.".':: 4000 cs . 26,925 Total : : 14 To Antwerp per Imperial. Wheat, 03,240 bus 15 To Quccnstoicnper Malltgatc -.$73,725 $CC,3ii W heat, 5S,S59 bus wheat ......SCl.lft) 15 To Quccnstotm per Lizzie Dell. Wheat, 59,501 bus... . .. $00,003 18 To Quccn&tomi per Incharecn, Wheat, 50,017 bus !5....$57,1CS 18 To London per Ice King, salmon". 47,491 cs... .. . $214.2.77 Hal I but, GO c ... 240 Total $214,497 BOAT BUILDING, R. M. LEATHERS Has reopened his boat fehop, over Arndt & Ferchen's, foot of LaFayette street, mid Is prepared 10 mm out FIRST-CLASS BOATS. ALIi WORK GUARAXTCKI) G. A. STINSON & CO. BLACKSMITKING, At Capt. -Rogers old stand, comer of Cas ana uourt streets. Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeing Wagons made and repaired. Good wor: guaranteed. fNE OF THE OLDEST AND KOST RELIABU REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR THE CURE OF Congns, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Tliroat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, and Every affection of tlio THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEST, including- CONSUMPTION. A WELL-KNOWN PHYSICIAN WRITES: "It does not dry up a cough, and leave the caus4 fcchlnd, as Is the case with most preparations, bd -loosens it, cleanses the longs and allays irritation, thus removing the cause of complaint." DO :XOT BE DECEIVED by articles bear ng similar names. Be sure you ct DR. W1STAFVS BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, vith the signature of " I. BUTTS " on the wrapper SO Cents arjtl S1.00 a Bottle. Prepared by SETII W. FOWLE & SONS. Bo -aa.Mast. Sold hv dmssi aad dealers ceneraS MxVltKETS. CENTRAL MARKET. General assortment of table stock constantly on nanc. such as Canned Fruits and Jelly, Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard EGGS, BUTTER. CHEESE, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, FJSn. POULTRY AISD OAI1IE In the. season. CIGARS "AISD TOBACCO. Best of IVZXES ASI r.KlXiORS. All cheap for CASH. Goods sold on com mission, opposite i. w . Rise's store. J. RODGERS. Washington "Sarket, Main Xircet, - - Astoria Orcgm BEIiGMAX .0 BERRY RKM'CTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN tion of tbo public to the fact that Uii abovo'JIarket will always boscpplicd Trith a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY FRESK AND CURED MEATS! Which will be sold at Iotv&st rotes, wholwalo and retail. Spoclal attention pivea to suppl) nc hio. LOOK HERE ! We ref nectfullv Inform the nubile that we will always keep on hand the best quality of Presri and Cured Meats ALSO Choice Family Groceries, Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Crockery and liiass-ware. Shins, notets and Honrdimr Houses sun piico on noerai terms. A share of the nubile nntronose Is resoect liiiivsouciieu. dtf. WAR REN & THOMPSON STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COMPANY, Presli and Cured Meats Vegetables, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS OrrOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEL. CI1EXA3HI.S Street. AKtoria, Oc I. W. CASE, niPOKTRR AND WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL DEALER IN SENERAL MEBGHAHDISE Corner Chenaraus and Cass streets, ASTORIA .... OREGON W. E. DEMENT & CO XBLXJGf GRISTS. ASTORIA, - - OREGON Carry in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET ' and FANCY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded TA1LOH.IKTG, Cleaning Repairing NKAT.CnEAF AND QUICIv. BY GEORGE LOVETTt Main Street, opposite N. Loeb'.s. L. K. G. SMITH, Importer and wholesale dealer hi Clears and Tobaccos, Smokers' Articles, I'layiBz carus. Cattery, Sta tlonrrv. Ktc The lanrest and finest stock of MF.FJt SCHAinrand AMBER GOODS In the citr. Particular attention paid to orders from uie counuy, TnKo. BRACKER, JlanaRer. uuenaraus oireer, Asiona. uregon. SEMOVAL. The Astoria Passenger Line TTTILL AFIER THIS DATE HAVE ITS t V headauartcrs at its Stanies next to 15. B. Franklins, two doors below The Asto ni.vx office. First-class Iivpry service Carts with horse furnished, for one dollar per iuur vsirnages on application Tlie Astoria Passencer Line Hacks w leave ior upper Astoria from the stables. Horses taken to board. MUS. T. O'BRIEN. ASSIGNEE OF T. BA1LY. 7WTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT JLl vrtll annly at tlio next term of tho CIr cult Court of the iUate of Oregon, for the County of Clatsop, to be discharged from urt ner irusx as assignee oi i. uaiiv. i. w. Case. Assignee. AMona, ugrn, ov. 0, ibw. a-iir Slmt Out the Lobby. The abnscs o the lobby call for re form. "Under tbo rules of privilege, ex-members, ex-officials of a certain graac, ana persons specially desig nated are permitted to go upon the floor of tbo bouse at will. There are in "Washington from fifty to seventy five ex-members and senators who advertise themselves as possessing this privilege and as ready to use it for the benefit of those desiring leg islation. This numoer is increased by others who, without openly set ting themselves up, are m the busi ness. They are all lobbymen, fornix ing a platoon of tho grand army who every session infest congress. The right to go upon the floor at will is of special importance. It con fers on its possessors many advan tages. Persons having it are in re- nnpcf A mime! Rtim lm? lppn known to be paid to one having it ior an hour's service, his employment being fetclnng and carrying between inter-1 ested tiersons outside and members relied on to put things through in side. The privilege was conferred orig- ally as a recognition of the honor of having been a member or senator, the presumption being that tho recipients would be honorable men. But now the privilege is similar to a member ship of a stock exchange. An ex member now plying his vocation in tuo iouuy unuiusuuigiy avers inai ins principal object in seeking an election to congress was to possess himseit oi the privilege of the floor as a lobbyist alter nis term expireu. xso one who has witnessed the rush of these privileged persons, will be in doubt for a'single instant howstrictly right it would be, independent of the stock-in-trade use of it, to take away the privilege. In view of the cloak it serves to a promiscuous crowd, espec ially on private bill dav, there is no defending the longer continuance of a rule which amounts to little else than a great convenience of the lobby. It has long since ceased to be the compliment it was originally intend ed for. The house owes it to ltsclt to crush the evil. If it wishes a -way left open to extend the courtesy of admission to the floor to such sis de sire and will not abuse it, the matter can be left to the speaker or commit tee on rules, who can do whatever is requisite. The herd kept out, there may be honor in being admitted. A Xew 3Icthod of Washing Rntter. Anew mclliod of washing imtter has been patented in Germany. As soon as gathered in the churn in particles about a tentli of an inch in size, it is transferred to a centriftifral machine, whose drum is pierced with holes and lined with linen sack that is finally taken out with the butter. As soon as the machine is set in rapid motion the buttermilk begins to escape; a spray of water thrown into tho revolving drum washes out all foreim matter adhering to the butter: this washing is kept np until the wash-water comes out clear, and the revolution is then continued until the last drop of water is removed, as tho clothes are dried in the centrifu gal wringer; the dry butter is then taken out, moulded and packed. It is claimed that the product thus so fully and quickly freed from all im purities, without any working or kneading, has fine flavor, aroma and grain, and better keeping qualities than when prepared for market in tho ordinary way. A traveler who visited Egvpt and the Holy Land, says he heard S.t Jacobs Oil, the great pain-cure praised as a blessing. BARKING AHDJHSURAHGE. X. W. CASE, BROKER, BANKER INSURANCE A0EH1 - - - OREGON ASTOK1A, OFFICE HOUKS: FHOil 9 O'CLOCK A. 3kT. UNTIL 3 O'CLOCK P. M. $67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LOHON AND GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART- FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Representing a capital of S07.U0O.U0O. A. VAN DTJSRN. Agent. IN A STILL HQUF Two beamed 3Icn Have a Talk and Come to a Common Conclnslon. 'Therocan bo no question as to that," said Dr.P , who is prominently connected In a certain hospital, to his friend, the IIouso Surceon, as the two sat having a sraoko and quiet chat in tbo reception room lato on a recent stormy night' no question at nil. Ever since I began practice in that little country villaeo you'vo heard mo speak of, away up near Lako Ontario, thirty years ago, I havo felt in common with other pbysiciass the need of a roliablo plaster. There aro so many diseases If, indeed, tho majority do not como under tho rule for which a good external application is better than remedies poured into a patient's stomach. That's so, Doctor, and to show you my faith in your theory, I may say that sicco 1 have held my position here, I have opposed tho idea of dosing people, except in cases whon wo were at oar wit's end and it seemed to be that or nothing, Somo soothing application , if tho patient needs anything, combined with rest and good nursing, will do tho business- save whero cases of accidents rcquiro heroic treatment." X ear. Doctor." said tno otner. you can sneak of it. or not. iust as you like, but in mv private practice, when 1 want anything of tnosorLIuso BENSON'S UAI'CINE i'OK- UUS PLASTER. It's a proprietary thing of cours, but it is by all odds tho best plaster I havo como across. It is scicntiGcally pre pared, quick in taking hold, sure to relieve whoio relief is possible, and as neat as wax to handle. It is just tho perfect flower of all um nas over been bono in tnat line. 1 bap Den to know. too. that it is beinir ranidlv in troduced In tho principal hospitals of London Paris, and other leadinc citio of Eurona." You needn 't fret, mv friend." lanphml tho IIouso Surgeon, "over tho chance of being """KUk u uu act oi proiesionni ueierouoxy, for wo uso Benson's hero every day, and so they do at tho other city hospitals. VTo find itso much better than liniments. lotions, &c, that the bottle aro actually getting scarce in thehouso " Benson's rilasters aro brenarcd frnm nn Im proved formula by distinguished physicians and chemists to meet a want felt for yea's. XOU will not ba disaDDointed in them. In ihn middle of the genaiae is cor tho word CAP- uix rrtce-25 cents. Sebary & Johnson v it tors. TO keep the pores open, the f il elands and tubes active, and thus furnUh an outlet for impurities in tho perspiration and blond which cause huinitiatin blotches, blackneads and uiiii.. r skin bletaishc, especially of in fants; to cleanse, whiten and beautify the skin, remove tan, frcck c. sunbutn, and oily matter: t keep tho hands soft, white and trco from chaps or roughness, prevent conta gious skin and rcalp isisea'cs. and provide an eAiiuisilc SKin ucuuiiut-rucu iuiiui. uuiu imiu nursery sanative redolent with deliciuus flow er odors nridCxTitTKA healing I als ira'-. use the Cmri n.v So.l. Inlor?cd by physi cians and chemist 03 absolutely pure and highly medicinal. Sales lssi-l' l.OaV.CO cake?. THE HERITAGE GF WOE Misery, shame and acoay often I)2jur-athed a? a solo le?ncy to children bv parents. i neg lected Scrofulw To clcanso tho blood of this hereditary poison. nnJ thus remove the most prolific chusc of human sufferine, to clear the kmot ditiRiirin? humor?, itching tortures, humilintiu eruption?, and loathsotuQ sores caued by it-1 purify and beautify tho skin, ard restore the hair so that no trace o' the disease ncmnin--. Oithtra Resolknt. the new blood puritiT, diuretic and aperient, and CimrcitA nd Clticcka Soap tbo sruat skin cures and bcautitleis, arc intnllible HAD SALT RHEUM In tho most aggravated form for eight years. No kicd of treatment, inedicino or doctors did me any permanent qood. My frtsnils in Maiden know how IsuQercd. When I began to use the ctrriouBA RK3tEDiKS my limbs were so raw and tender that I could not bear my Vkcijrhl on them without the skin crack in? nnd bleeding, and was obliged to go about on crutches. I'scd tacClTicuitA Rem eoiks five months, and was completely and ucrmnnenily cured. Ml:. S. A. BROWN. Maiden. Mass. j lieteroncw: Any citizen ot .i:uacn. iuass. COPPER COLORED I have been afflicted with troublesome skin dlseasf. covering almost completelythe upper part of my body, causing my skin to assume a copner-eolorecl hue. It could be rubbed of like dandruff, and at times caus- ing intolerable itching and the most intense suffering. I have used blood purifiers, pills, and ottier advertised remedies, but experi enced no relief until I procured theCtmct; isa Rkmkoiks. which, although used care lesl and Irregularly curednie, allaying that terrible itching, and restoring my skin to its natural color. I am willing to make an atll davit to the truth of this statement. Milan. Mich. S. . BUXTON Sold by all druggists. CLTirci:A.r0 cents : Kksolvrxt.SI : cents. I'ottek DltL'G AND C1IE3IIPAL CO. Boston Mass. Send rnr"IIiur to Cure Skin IMscascV SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE. Thi Great Balsamic DIstillsitlon cf "Witch; Hazi'. Aznorfcan Pine. Canndinn Pur, Marigold Clover Blossom. Etc.. For the immcdintc relief and Permanent Curb ofcycry farm of Catarrh, from aiiinple Head LoldorlnUuonza to tbo Los ot Miioll. laste, and Hearing. Cough, Ilronchitis and Incipi ent Consumption. Relief in fivo minutc3 in any and every caso. Nothing liko it. Grate ful fragrant, wholesome. Curo begins from first application, and is rapid, radical perma nent, and never failing. Uno boctlo Radical Cure, one Eos Catarrhal Solvent and Sanford's Inhaler, all in one package forming a complcto treatment, of all druggists for SI, Ask for SAXFuan'd Radical Cl'rk. Pottek Dace .xn Chemical Co., Boston. XY1 I IKfCi For tho relief and proven-VJUI-liVO' tion, thcln.sinut It Is ap- S8 VOUTAtc niirii.of hhcnmatism.Xcu .v'iralria. Sciatica. Cocfrhs. V Colds. Weak Rack' Stomach Ty-Zr anu towels, snooting fains. cr Complaint. BiliousFevcr. Malaria and Epidemics, uso c I p'cVw CV ;o,ln'1,, llastcrs(anEJcc fiVc lr,c B;,,,cry combined "L ASTE wth a Foroas I'lasterland langb at pain. 23c everywhere. Brewery Beer Saloon. The Best Beer 5 cts a Glass. Hot Lunch overy Day from 10 to 12 A. 51 The best of liquors and Cfcars on hand. A deservedly popular place of social resort. GEO. IIILI.EK. NOTICE T 0 CANNERYKEN ! I WILL MAKE BOXES NEXT SEASON in any amount required, and guarantee to have them satisfactory in every respect. My price for shooks will be 13 cents ; for nailed boxes 17 cents. Any one wishing to make a contract for cases can confer with J.C.TRULLINGER. ocH-3m Proprietor West Shore Mills. FIRST QUALITY LUMBER. THE MILL COMPANY IS IX THE FIELD AND TEOrOSES TO remain. We will take orders for lumber from 100 to fCo M., at the mill or delivered. We also manufacture lath and shingles of At quality. Flooring a Specialty . Address all orders WESTFORT MILL CO. 3. C, BKKKKK, Slipt. J. HESS. A. M. JOHNSON'. Astoria Sail Loft. MANUFACTURERS OF sails! tents, awnings.. TARPAULINS, And everything else pertaining to our Business. Lowes tPrice and Best Work For your Money, At the Old Stand. Leave your orders and get your work done at once. J. II ESS & CO. Astoria, - Oregon. HANSEN BROS. sash and door factory, AND PLANING MILL. A full stock of home manufactured goods constantly on hand. Special Attention given to Orders. All work guaranteed. Your patronago so licited. ASTORIA, - -' - -" " Oregon CATARRH YOU CAS TAKE THE CAKE! And by Buying it at F. B. ELBERSON'S You will be sure that It is worth taking. Everj" Variety oi Fine Cakes and Confectionery Special Inducements For the Holiday Trade. j Candies. Christmas Tree Trim j mings. Etc. - The Best Quality of Fine Bread. Delivered every Morning SEASIDE BAKEEY, T. B. KLBERSO.V. Proprietor, lartas and Sliip Glianfllery A. i & CO.. DEALERS IN- Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binnacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine. Lard Oil. Wrought Iron Spikes. Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, S'oiyiii; Itiiicblntis. Paints :ijs1 Oils, Groceries, etc. SOLID GOLD JEWELRY Scarf Pins, Chains, Watches, Of every description. The finest stock of Jewelry "m Astoria. SAll goods warrautedasreprcsented GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. fi STUDZINSK1. joliday ? SOLID AND JSX"7"02? Comprising Kvery Variety ofFIxie Presents GUARANTEED GENUINE. A Fine Assortment of WATCHES CLOCKS, JEWELRY. AISD OPTICAT. GOIS. Agent for the CHICAGO CLOCK COMPANY. FfSpecial attention given to repairing "Watches. Satisfaction guaranteed In all cases. HI. STUWZIXSKI. Practical Jeweler. In nume's new building, next to Wheeler & Robb. ASK FOR Union India Rubber Co's Pure Para Gum CRACK PROOF RUBBER BOOTS. BKWAItK OF IMITATIONS ! Re sure the Boots aro stamped CRACK PROOF on the heels, and have the PURE which prevent their cracking or breaking. We are now making them with RUBBER AIS'D ASBESTOS Soles which will make them last more than twice as long as any ituuuer uoots mnue. FOR-SALE BY ALL DEALERS. ALL KINDS RUBBER BELTING, PACK ING, HOSE. SPRINGS. CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES. Etc. COODYEAR RUBBER CO. R. 11. PEASE. Jr. i Agents, S. M. RUNYON, f San Erancisco, HOSPITAL, ASTORIA, - - - OKEGOU TniS INSTITUTION, UNDER CARE OF the Sisters of Chanty, Is now ready for the reception of patients. rrivate rooms for the accommodation of anvdeslrinc them. Patients admitted at all bonis, day or night. jo pnysician nas exclusive rignc. everv pauent is ixee 10 anu nas me pnvuege oi employing any pnysician iney preieri United States DIarluo Seamen who nay nosnital Dues, are enti tled to Free care and attendance at thLs Hos pital during sickness. Permits must be ob tained for united States Marines at the Cu toni House. SlSTKKS op- Ciiakita BITTERS !, Wilmerding & Co., San Francisco. Loeb & Co., Agents, Astoria. NOTICE. O TATE AND COUNTY TAXES A RE NOW 3 due and payable at my office. v A. M. TWOMBLY, tf Sheriff Clatsop Co. -AND O RGANS SMALL ilDSICAL INSTRUMENTS OF ALL KINDS. FINEST VIOLIN STRINGS, Slie &-t 1ML1&.&5 9 Piano, and Organ Instructors. CELEBRATED STECK & ENABE PMOS ! . USED BY President of United States" "Governor of Oregon." Astoria Musical Society, Mrs. J. W. Conn, of Astoria. Ami other prominent persons. Pianos and organs or many leauing makes, wholesale and retail, including CELEBRATED TABER ORGANS. AND WOXDERFUL LITTLE GIANT STECK PIANO Largest House on .This Coast. GARDNER Bros., 165 First St., Portland, Oregon. BARBOUR'S t s HAVE NO EOTAL. THE The London Fisheries Exhibition HAVE AWARDED THE GOLD MEDAL TO Tie Bartar Brothers Company FOR THE SUPERIORITY OF THEIR FLAX NET THREADS. BUY THE BEST ! BARBOUR'S Irish Fiax Salmon Net Threads Voodberry, and Needle Brands, SEJNE TWINES. CORK MB LEAD LINES, Fish Pounds, Seines, and Xets Imported to Order. A Large StocMiffii,MI AND FISH HOOKS. CONSTANTLY ON HAND. HENRY DOYLE & CO., 517 and 519, MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO. EgTAggents for tho Pacific Coast Leinenweber & Co., C X.KTKKXWEBEIJ. H. BROWN ESTABLISHED 1865. ASTOBIA. OREGON, TANNERS AM CMIBIES, .Manufacturers and Importers of LL KINDS OF A2TD FINDINGS Wholesale Dealers In OIL AND TALLOW. eHighest cash price paid for Hides and. Tallow. Sallow Threafl Magnus C. Crosby Dealer in HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL; iron Pipe and Fittings, Plumbers and Steam Fitters 0 Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, 0?32L and Copper. Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN, COP PER PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with neatness and dispatch. None but first class workmen employed. A large assortment of SCALES Constantly on hand SETOSX. ATTZ3. ELECTRO VOLTAIC BELT, and otber Exzcraio Ajtliaxcxs- "We irlll send on Thirty Days" Trial, TO MEN, YOUKG OR OLD, -who are sufferiasr from NtKTor3 Dxsturr, Lost Yitalitt. and those diseases ot a Pzssoxai. Natcsx restUtiasr trom Abuses orul Othib Cirsss. Speedy relief aad com plete rcstoratloa to Huti.TH. Vioob aad Maxhood 0cxsi5tee. Scud atosceforlllnstrad Pass piles free. Address Yoltaig Belt Co., Iasshail, Ita 30