3 ASTORIA, OREGON: THURSDAY .DECEMBER 13. 1S33 ISSUED EVERY MORNING. (Monday excepted) J. P. HAL.LORAN & COMPANY, runi.isiiKns ri:oi'Kii5TOit.s ASTOUIAX BUILDING, - - CASS STRUCT Terms of. Subscription. Served lv Cjirrier, per week . 13cts. Sent by Mall. per inontli COct. one year . . .S7.00 Fro of postage to subscribers. S3f Advcrtisemcuts inserted by the year at the rate of S2 per square per month. Tran sient advertising fiftv cents per square, each insertion. - - - - - - ,. Around the Oitv. THE RESULT OF TF.STERD.irS ELECTION. 4. W. HUME ELECTED XATOK. A. A. Glen-land Elected Councilman ia the Flrfct Ward Tho. Dealr Council ntaa In the Second Ward. The Slute arrived down aud loft out in good time yesterday. How desolately forlorn an election; postor looks the day after election! A harbor master is one of the city offi ces unfilled. It -will not long lnek an in cumbent. The P. Gearhnrt farm on Clatsop plains will be sold on the premises next Thursday. At eleven o'clock this morning E. C. Holden will sell at his auction rooms i elevon lots in Olney's Astoria. The Glcnjwis, Virgo and Lakr Erie sailed for England yesterday. The Schooner CoqviUr crossed out lbuud for 55. F. The Killochun cleared yesterday for Liverpool. She takes 15.031 bbls-llour, 10,701) bus wheat and 4.800 cases salmon. Her cargo is worth 103,755. The stockholders of the Scandinavian Packing company will hold their annual meeting at the company's office at nine o'clock this morning. The annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the Columbia Canning Company which is advertised for the Kith, will be held on the day following, the 17th. at the same time and place. The Y. M. C. A. dinner yesterday was an artistic, culinary, and iiuancial suc cess. Not all the good things were oaten, and there will be a bounteous Junch to day from 11:30 a. m. to 200 v. at., for wliich twenty-live cents will be charged. After the dinner at the Y. il. C. A. yes terday, the tables were cleared away, and a pleasant social reunion was had by the members and their friends; the rooms were well filled; tho ico cream was excel lent: the intellectual entertainment was j all that could be desired, and everyone went away well pleased. The sixtieth birthday of Airs. Straw inski, who is at present visiting her daughter, Mrs. M. C. Crosby, was the occasion yesterday of a pleasant surprise (o that fady by .'the arrival of n large party of ladles and gentlemen who came to congratulate her. She was the rc-cipi- i ent of several handsome presents, and a shower of good wishes. A handsome re past was served and the occasion was in every way one of plesaut remembrance. Omcui. Elixttiok llirrunxs. The fig ures that The Astokiax presents this morning relative to the result of yester day's election are not official, having been furnished by tho clerks without due verification. The returns will bo filed with tho auditor and clerk to-day, aud tho next daj', he, with Col. Spedde'u and Judge For will canvass tho returns and officially declare the result, whioh may vary one or two votes from those present ed in nnothor column. Tjie Pbocessiox Movjjs at Two. Yes terday "V. G. Ross and Charley Moffitt made an agreement as folllows, viz., namely, to wit: If D. Morgan Jr., was elected, tho said Ross was to wheel the said Mbffilt from The Astoeian office down Squemoqua to Olney, down Olnej to Chenamus, up Chenamus to Cass, up Cass to tho point of departure. If J. W. Hume was elected, Mo ffitt was to per form the same kindly office for Ross. The band has been engaged, and u spec ial detail of polico provided to keep the road clear. The procession moves at two o'clock this afternoon, and it is Ross that gets the free ride. Astobia's Gbowth. The figures of yes terday's election are very eloquent in their meaning. It is not the intent hoxr- ever at this writing to do otherwise than call attention to tho increase in the uum bor of votes cast. It will be noticed that the votes cast in tho first ward aggro gate considerable more than the entire vote of the city at the- last election for mayor, aud comparison of tho total vote indicates considerable growth. Then there were 235 vote3 cast in tho first ward; yesterday there were 554, an in crease of G5 per cent; in tho second ward there is an increase from 175 to 1214, or 'l per cent. The ix-rcentage of m crease on the city vote is over 50 per cent. The "Oldest Settleu" Again. "We hnd supposed that all the counties were hoard from, and that the "oldest settler' business had been settled. Now c Dr. V. C. McKay, who being sworn de poses and says: "Mr. Sweet claims this honor for Mr. Gamier. It is all a mis take. I know of ono G. B. Ganyon, an older settler. I recollect tho arrival of tho two above mentioned men at Vancouver, when I was a wee chunk of a boy (as tho Missourian would express it). Mr. Gan yon was an educated Canadian, and there was more attention paid him than others, Gobaiu was called one of the best men in the employ finest physique and trusty. But Marion county does claim the oldest pioneer in the country in the person of Andre liochapcll, living at bt. Jjouis. Ma rion county. He was one of tho black. smiths at Vancouver as far back as I can recollect. The New Scnooi. House. In writing of the now school honso in District No. 1 yesterday, no mention -was made of tho cost of tho completed structure. The original estimate was about 25,000. At the time tho plans were drawn tho lowest responsible bid was 23,497, and it -was then derided to do it by day's work, Jj. Hartwig directing and superintending tho work. Several important changes were iounu necessary m tho nlan. nota bly the arrangement of the stairs. As they aro now built a safe exit is at all times assured, and in case of an alarm of any kind no danger of a panic need be apprehended. The water closets also, which, according to the original plan were located in tho basement, have, in accordance with sanitary suggestions, been built at some distance from tho main structure. Other changes were also considered necessary, and while the one jnal cost of the building is increased, vet it is tho belief of the directors that it will be ultimately found the wisest economy to complete the building as it now stands Tho entire cost of the building, furnished and ready for occupancy, is estimated at 36,000. It has been suggested that a stone wall, three feet wide at tho base and two feet wide at the top, on both the Court and Benton street sides, level with the school site, would be in keeping witu tne rest ot the structure. The cost of such a wall would be about 1800. The mcreuseu expenso is a question ior tne taxpayers ot tho district to consider. Social To-Xiglit. Tho first social of the reorganized social Club will ue Held at Pythian Castle this evening, the grand march to be played at nine o clock. JSono will be admitted except members of the as sociation and the ladles they bring with 'tnem. Jiembsrs can procure certin cates by applying to C. w. -Stone. No bettor weather could be presented for outside button-holing than yesterday afforded. The curling mists from the river floated to the north and by nine o'clock the sun was shining bright and warm as in September. By nine o'clock thore was also some bright and warm shiniilg around the polling places, and at that hour the polls were opened and the work of regstering votes began. In the first ward M. C. Crosby, G. . Ross and J. C. Trullinger were judges; F. C. Norris and R. V. Monteith officiated as clerks. In the second ward W. B. Head ington, Robt. Carruthers and J. W. Welch were judges; Doc. O'Brien and C. "W. Shively acted as clerks. B. B. Franklin cast the first vote in the first ward; O. Sovev cast tho first vote in the second ward. Hacks profusely covered with banners and bunting tore up and down the streets, and tickets and posters were as thick as flies in a sugar barrel. Groups of men stood on every comer discussing, com paring and inquiring; some seemed de sirous of knowing if any "sugar'' was go ing, and evinced a willingness to have their curiosity satisfied on that point be fore the day was over. Many there were found to prophesy that at the next muni cipal election in Astoria ladies would have the privilege of the ballot: if they had that right 3'estcrday it is very prob able that the bright sunshine would have contributed to the feminine vote which would have been undoubtedly cast. At tho polls, though the usual amount of bantering and buttonholing went on, there was little disturbance, loth sides "getting in their work" by means of men with bunches of tickets at some distance from the polls, the great majority, how ever, walking straight up and depositing their ballot as though it wore a religious duty. The usual routine of olwlioi: day was enlivened by two pictorial illustrations done in oil and conspicuously placed, the truth or falsity of the assertion having been a much mooted topic during tho last week. At two o'clock there were 123 votes cast in the Second ward and 320 in the First. The glorious afternoon had brought out a large number, to whom the occasion was a sort of semi-holiday, and seldom have there been more people seen on the streets at this season of the year. Some few there were whose unsteady gait showed that the arduous duties of elec tion day had unstrung their frames, and as tho afternoon wore on an occasional speech by an impromptu orator here and there added to the fun and made it all the more interesting. About three o'clock James Turk, an alleged candi date for the mayoralty, was arrested by Officer Beasley on a clfarge of disorderly conduct. He was promptly bailed out by George Hill, who put up 20 for his ap pearance this afternoon in the police court. At six o'clock tho polls closed and the work of counting the votes began. Fol lowing is the result: riBST wabd tok mayor. W. Hume 319 D. Morgan. Jr 235 THE DATS DOIXCS. The Tales tho Telerraph Told Teiterday. Cheap CIgari Condemned When To Indulge and When to Abstain. One thousand and twenty bills were introduced in tho House of Representa tives last Monday and Tuesday. The Manitobans are still threatening seces sion from tho Dominion. In tho House, last Tuesday, Congressman George intro duced a bill framed and forwarded by tho Astoria Chamber of Commerce pray ing for tho forfeiture of the Astoria land grant. Ex-Secretary Schurz has retired from the editorship of the New York Post. Bud Thompson shot and. killed Frank Morgan at Prineville last Satur day. In a crush for alms at Moscow, Russia, several were squeezed to death. Parnell's Dublin banquet on the 11th was a success. He counseled Irishmen to be patient. The freedom of San Fran cisco has been extended to Gen. Han cock, who arrived there last night. The San Francisco Merchant?' Exchange re port three schooners lost on the 11th. The Kiltie Stevens at Albion, the Jdn and Florence at Rough and Ready, Mendo cino county, and the 11. B. Handy at Sig nalporL Captain Lawrence and the mate of the last named, in their efforts to get ashoro were drowned. Four inches of snow in northern Mexico alarms the su perstitious inhabitants. Tho secretary of the interior is "greatly annoyed" by the receipt of letters asking for information relative to the Texas Pacific land grant. War is still threatened between France and China. The Canadian Pacific en gineers are on a strike. The new Mc ifinnville bank opened for business lest Monday. Xnrrow Er4e of Casper ttalte From In jur aud Poulble Dronnln. Every Asturian knows Casper Baltf-s, ho though totally blind has for years erambulated our streets with no other aid than that of his walking cane. If nny obstructions are placed in his way his cane apprises him of the fact, but he justly complains that sometimes planking is removed from the sidewalk and no temporary barrier erected to pre vent a blind man from falling in, even in the day time. Yesterday tho old gentle man was wending his way to. the polls to denosite his vote and when on tho sidewalk near Danziger's store, his ami was providentially seized by two gentle men just in time to prevent his being percipitated 18 or 20 feet into tho water below. Two planks from the sidewalk had been temporarily removed and no protection erected. Of course any person with the use of his eyes could have seen tne aancer, duc uunu .air. joaues iuluks that at no time should there be any pos sibility of his meeting with such a seri ous mishan as would nave occurred to him but for the presence and kindness of Messrs. Brown and Hanthom, to whom ho extends his sincere thanks. He re quests that this incident may be inserted in The Astobian in hopes that when any one has occasion to move sidewalk plank ing they will remember there may pos sibly be a uunu man arounu. Assault and Battery. Hume's majority 81 sncoxn WABD. W. Hume 130 D. Morgan. Jr 80 Scattering 4 Hume's majority 40 Total vote for Hume 4-19 Total vote for Morgan 315 Hum e's plurality 134 The vote for council stood as follows FIEST w.vi:o. . A. Cleveland 291 L Bergman -247 Cleveland's majority. 47 SECOND WAItO. Thos. Deoly 127 T. A. Urcutt 74 Dealv's majority 53 The vote of the first ward was 554; the ote of the second ward was 214; the vote of both wards aggregated tUf. ai me last municipal election in mis city, held Dec 13, 1881, the vote of tho urst ward lor mayor was 3.i; 01 the sec onuwaru, im; total, .'iu, snowing an in crease in the yote of 2.s. Immediately upon tho announcement of the voto the successful candidates were loudly cheered, and hearty congrat ulations and hand-shakings were m order. It was a closely contested fight, and the most interesting municipal elec tion ever held 111 this city. AFTKB THE ELECTION. "When the vole was announced last even ing the boys concluded to let joy be un- conuncu. so nastiy organizing a torcu licht procession they paraded tho princi pal streets. In front was the newly elected mayor mounted on the locKeu wrists 01 staiwnrt supporters, followed by tho new ly elected councilman from the urst ward carried in similar f:ishiou. Tho drums beat, tho homs blew, tho jirocession cueerea nnu as ic marcneu 11 grew m numbers and vehemence, unallv march inc down in full force to tho second ward where more cheers and hurrahs awaited them. Wobk Resumed. Yesterday morning work on tho Oregon Pacific Railroad which suspended about four months ago, was resumed, and 300 Chinamen sent to Corvallis, from this city, wero put to work at tunnels. Operations will be pushed .1 41.,. .i:.:n nr if wi,;i,. superintendent , who arrived recently from Kew lork. Whorothe money comes from to prosecute the work, is not known. The company was out of funds when work was suspended. The impression prevails that the Oregon Pacific is being backed by the Oregon -fchort lme, who want an independent outlet to tho Pacific Coast. It is reported that thev have sev eral surveying parties in th Minto pass of the Cascade mountains. Oregonian 12. Beautiful Ilolidny Gift Books 'You are certain that you saw the prisoner strike this man?1' asked the judge of a witness who was testifying in an assault and battery case. "Yes, Your Honor, I am certain," re plied the witness. "Ana do you Know what he struct him for?" continued the interested magi strate, leaning forward, expecting to hear some startling testimony. "Well, yes; 1 believe he urst struck him for l0.r' HOTEL ARRIVALS. Just received at Adler's bookstore, an excellent selection. Mrs. Holmes. Marion llariaml. May Agnes Flem ing, Wilkie Collins, Mas. A.L.Wister. J. G. Holland, William Black. 3Irs. Soutliworth, Oliver Optic. Macaulny, Dickens, Miss Mulock, Ane Bronte. Bertha M. Day. Frank 1. -Benedict, Augustus .Evans Wilson, Edward Eggleslon Marlittes, Mrs. Whitney. Ouida, G..P. Roe, J. S. C. Abbat, Mrs. Alcott, Walter Scott. Lord Lytton, Alex. Dumas, Thackeray's Works.Schil!er and many many more, uome before they are picked out and secure your favorite an thor at AUier7 t-rystai jrauicc, For Toys ami IVovclIicK Go to Chas. A. May's Holiday Empori urn, one door east of Rescue No. 2's En gine House. A full line of goods. Pri ces as low as tne jowesr. For the Holidays. You will find at J. W. Conn's the best assortment in the city of Rogers Bro's, Plated ware, consisting of Castors. But ter dishes. Pickle castors, uerry uisnes. Nankin Rincs. Knives, Forks and Sdoous. Spoons and Forks are all the best, marked XII; also the best assort ment or Dressing uases, uuor uase, Gpnts' Spts. Fancy Brushes and Mirrors, and all the leading brands of Toilet Soaps, Perfumery and toilet articles of all kinds, jsxammo my siock ueiore purchasing elsewhere; opposite ucci aentnotei. When I first began to smoke," said the Old Smoker, "you could buy cigars for two cents apiece, and they were scented with musk and cinnamon. There's no good reason why a good cigar shouldn't be sold for ten cents, but nowa days you have got to pay at least twice that amount for anything of the finest flavor." I like a good black cigar," said u ruling smoker, "and you can buy 'oni for ten cents." 'Take my advice, young man, ' said the Old Smoker, "never smoke a cheap, black cigar of the kind you name. The color not natural to the tobacco and is pro duced by dipping the leaves in a chemical preparation. All large cigar boosed, manufacturers I mean, employ chemists, and they doctor the tobacco used. "When hear of a smoker having a cancer on the lip caused by smoking, I make up my mind that he has been using chemically prepared tobacco." 1 generally go tor a cigar that nis small yellow spots on the wrapper, re marked a genius fresh from Salem. And you get sold nine time out ot ten." said the old man. "Those spot are produced by acid, and are not the re sult of age, as most people immag:ne. I see that you are a young man who needs , advice; let me give you a little. Never smoke a cigar, at least make r practice of smoking, before you have one tt-od square meal in your interior. Smoking on an empty stomach is very hard on the nerves, and you can t do that sort 01 thing long without running tho risk of suffering from nervous diseases. Ex cessive smoking on an empty stomach often ends in a sort of St. Vitus's dance, and is apt to injure the optic nerves. Fve known case3 of blindness caused by indiscreet indulgence in smoking. Nover smoko the butt of a cigar you have laid aside. The end is clogged with nicotine, and the smoking of stumps may produce a cancer on the lip or tongue." "1 notice sometimes that alter smoking treat daal I have a dull nain in the icinity of tho heart." said the young smoker. '"When you feel -that pain, stop. That pain is an evidence that you aro troubled with 'nicotine poisoning,' as the doctors call it. Liquor in moderate quantities is on antidote." Evervliody nraises St Jacobs Oil. from youth to age, as the great pain- Fine Dress Goods. A splendid line of ladles dress goods is being displayed at the Empirestore. For a Ureal Fitting Bool Or Shoe, go to P. .1. Goodmans, on Che namus street, next door to I. W. Case. AH goods of the best make and guaran teed quality. A full stock; new gous constantly arriving, custom work. pabkeb house. A Condit. Clatsop W McLeod, Grays H U Munger, bac J ililcPneeters.city C T Stanton. Mont C Martin, do A J Weiler, Port J ScoUard&wf Jams H Rhoades, do CD Stewart, Dwaco w WMasters,Seat'e A J Pollard, d JJ luv w Wfaackett.Kiv'rs e Alex Maltman T H Fulder, city S Shean, Cathlamet P F Bewer, lios An U bpear,city d Jb btewart, uakland OCCIDENT. W H Browning.Port L A Chandler fc wf , Wii-braney, do ituanby AM James, do FB Morrow, SF J W Walsh, Mont H S Gile. Hwaco C Palmer, city H Ji Tmkei, do C Stokes, Knappua T B Goodpasture, C Spear, do Stayton d jj uain, city WIT AT! do you think that JKFF OF THE CITOP IIOUSK ives you a meal foruothingand a glass of something to drink? Xot muchT but he gives a better meal and more of it man any place in town tor '2z cents. He buys by the wholesale and pays cash. "That settles it." Ket t'astoHi Work. Uoot nnil Shot. Can be had at I. J. Arvold's, next to CilvBook Store. Ladies and gentlemen call there for tne finest fitting boots and shoes, and lowest prices. Perfect fit guaranteed. . The Clariona. Just the thing for balls and parties, a complete orchestra, with dance music. figures Tor calling dancc3, etc., complete. To those desirous of having dances, and not otherwise provided with music, it is invaluable. Call at the New York Nov elty store and examine iL Oysters lit Every Slyle, And coffee at Mrs. Lovett's. At the Empire Store You will find the finest laces and em broideries, of richest quality. IVotlcc. -Dinner at"J EFF?SC1I0P HOUSE everyday from 4:30 to 8 o'clock. The best 25-cent meal in town; soup, hsh seven kinds of meats, vegetables, pie, pudding, etc A glass of S. F. Beer, r rencn Claret, tea or conee included, All who have- tried him say Jeff is the 'BOSS." Corsets and Underwear. All the latest makes and styles of cor sets and ladies underwear at Prael Bros. Empire store. Hosiery, Hoslcrj-, Iloslery! The latest novelties in ladies and childrens hosiery at Prael Bros'. Notice to the Tidies. Switches made from combings or cut hair: new switches made to order from the best imported hair, in any shade de sired. Old switches repaired. All work warranted. Rates reasonable. Call or address UnLKXHABT & ScnOEXHE, Occident hair dressing saloon, Astona. Oregon. tse DlniKltt's CoBgk Balsam. W. "W. Batterton. Columbia. Mo-says "I cannot say too much for Dimmitt's tough Balsam, tor it always cures my cniidren or croup and myseit.ana tamiiy ot cougiis ana coius. ' At w. is. ue ment & Co.'s. The best Mmce and Pumpkin pies at Astoria uaKery. Roscoe Dixon's new eating house is now open. Everything has been fit ted up in first-class style, and hU well known reputation as a caterer assures all who like good things to eat, that at his place they can be accommodated. Furnished or unfurnished front rooms at Mr. Campbell's, over the Gem saloon. ADYICE BT A J0LLT SMOKED. HOT WATER FOB DYSPEPSIA. A Lunch Fiend Who Went Jtnt a Trifle Too Far. It was at the Occident after the doors were opened last evening that he fol lowed a number of men in, and gazing at the bartender in a wistful sort of manner, gently edged his way to the free lunch counter. That ho had seen free lunches before cannot be doubted, from the sys tematic manner in which he worked along the table from the cheese bowl to the pickle dish. The young men left the place and also left the lunch fiend at work. J U3tus gazed a t him fiercely as he wiped up the bar, and mattered some thing about "beats." It made no im pression. Baked beans followed cabbage, and bologna sandwiches followed the baked beans. As the once heaped-up table was gradually relieved of its bur den the bartender could stand it no longer. "Did you say ale?" he inquired. "No, not ale but if you can accommo date me with a glass of hot water for my dyspepsia you will confer a favor, for cold victuals never did agree with me." One minute and eight seconds af ter,the fiend picked himself from the sidewalk and, quietly caressing his swollen eye, murmured : "The dyspepsia racket is Slayed; hot water ain't no good without avoring." Furnished Rooms to Rent. Apply to Mrs. Henry, in Carruthers' building, over G. W. Hume's store. The Rev. Geo. H.Thayer. of Rour- bon. Ind., says: "Both myself and wife owe our lives toSnii.on's Con'sumptiox Cuhk." Sold by W. E. Dement Fortify feeble lunas against winter blasts with H yt.k's Honey of Hoke- HOUND AND FAR. Pike's Toothache Drops cure in oue minute. All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles, etc can be bought at the lowest prices, at J. w Conn's drug store, opposite Ociden hctel, Astoria. Why will vou cougu when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts 50 cts and Si. Sold by W. E. De ment. Foi Dyspepsia andLiver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never fails to cure. Sold by W. E. Dement. Are vou made miserable by Indi gestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of appetite, leiiowbKm? bin ions vital izer is a positive eure. torsaieny w E. Dement. Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a oosi live cure for Catarrh. Dintheria and Canker Mouth. Sold by W. E. Dement. A Nasal Injector free with each bottle of Shiloh's Calarrh Remedy Price 50 cents. Sold by W. E. Dement "llackmetuck." a lastinc: and fra- g rant perfume. Price 2.1 aim 50 cents old by W. E. Dement What's the use of having dyspepsia ? w hv beicii and say you ve got the heart burn, every time you eat? Be sensible take urown s iron Bitters and get well A remedy for Indigestion. Consunm tiou, Dyspepsia. Weakness, Fever, Ague ete, Coi.den's IjIqfih Beef Tonic. fmtfimmiv: ilicnncoc mnlnrtti livor complaint, are all prevented bv' using inc Kium uui puuiTiiu Mime, luun in iron umers. Shiloh's Cure will immediately relieve Croup, whooping cough and n.n.l.?: Cnl.l 1... 1r V Ttnn.nnf wiumiiiiii.-i. dum ui i . it. senium. The Peruvian syrup has cured thou sanus wo weresuneriug ironi uysjep sia,deUiIity, liver complaint, boils, hu mors, female complaints, etc. 1'ampn lets free to any address. Seth W. Fowl &Sonp Boston. LADIES NOTICE FOR BAKGAIXS Call at MRS. K. A. HULL'S. A Choice .selec Hon ot FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS rictures and Mottoes of all Descriptions. Card Doard, 5cLs. a hkept. Opposite the Astoria Candy Factory. M. STUDZINSKI. Holiday Goods ! SOLID G-olci and Silver CoraprlHlnsc Every Variety of fine Presents GUARANTEED GENUINE. IQRDAN&BOZORTH Wholesa leand Retail Holiaay Goods Jnst Received, OMI'KlSINfl : Rogors3ros. Platedware.. Bisque Figures, Fine Majolica. apanese Goods.. Willow and Rattan Goods. Green River Cutlery. DECORATED China Dinner and Tea Sets, And a Full Line of Crockery H Glassware. ALSO First-class COAL OIL a Specialty. JORDAN & BOZORTH, Cor. Chenamus and Genevieve Sts. Astoria, Nov. 22nd, 1683. Figures Iw Lie ! AND JEFF OF THE CHOP HOUSE Can piove by his books that he U doing the mtjpest unsmcss 01 any RESTAURANT In the city, and he will Guarantee to give ine oest meal ior casn. 0, Tell Me Where Is Fancy Bre(a)d ! WHY, AT TOE Astoria Batey & Confectionery CnEXAItllJS STREET. Not onlv SUPERIOIt BREAD AND CAKES AND PASTRY in great variety, but also THE LARGEST STOCK OF CANDIES IN TOWN. Weddings and parties supplied with the mom elaborate ornamental wonc on tne shortest notice and on reasonable terms. TliLs is the most complete establishment in Astoria. ED. JACKSON. Prop THE THINGVALLA LINE. Is the only DIRECT LINE Between 2EW YORK and SCANDINAVIA First-class Steamers and good usage. Ticket Tor sale at A. 31. JOHN'SOX'S, . Agent, Astoria, Oregon. Administrator's Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned has been appointed admin istrator of the estate ot A. P. Nash, de- PMSPit. am! all oersons havinz claims against said estate are hereby 'notified to nresent the same duly verified to the under signed at his ofnee in Astoria, Clatsop county Mate 01 uregon, wiiiun six iuuiiud itvm this uate. J. H. D.GRAY. Astoria. Nov. 22nd, 1833. d-4tT Annual Meeting. THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE CO U lombia Canning Co. will be held at the Company's office, on tne 10m uay 01 uecem hr iHxa. at ! o'eock i. 3i. sDarD. for tho pur- ntvM nf pieetin? a Board of Directors for the ensuing year, and transacting such other Dusiness as may properiy cuiue uciurc me meetng. uy oruer THOMAS DEALY. R. JOHNSON, Secretary, President, A Fine Assortment or WATCHES CLOCKS, JEWELRY, AND OPTICAL GOODS. Agent for the CHICAGO CLOCK COMPANY. cerSpecial attention given to repairing "Watches. Satisfaction guaranteed in all cases, M. STUDZI.VSKr. Practical Jeweler. ' In Hume's new building, next to Wheeler &Jtobb. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. AT MRS. GEO. KILLER'S, NEXT DOOR to Weston Hotel. NOTICE. STATE AND COUNTY TAXES A ItE NOW due and pavable at my office. - A.M.TWOMBLY, tf Sheriff Clatsop Co. Stockholders' Meeting. ftTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 1.1 annual ineeunn 01 me siwiuiuiuco uj tlniMnuHilnl -inil nnil RlllllHmr AssSOCiatlOn ,,-m,. UalA ot the nfflno nt f!nnt. Ceo. Fla- vel. hi Astoi ia, Oregon, on Weduesday, Dec. pose' of electing five directors and transact ing such other Business as may icgaiiy come netoreme meeting. J0EABHAOTf Secretary. Astoria, Nov. 17th, 1S83. d-td Meeting Notice. mHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE X stockholders of the Fishermen's Pack ing Company will be held at the Company's in Rmu, Actnrla fir . on Saturdav. Dec 29th. for the purpose of electing a Board oi Lnreciora ior iue cmsuiuk auu act Such other business as may come before tne meeting. p. q. EEED. President. S. B. CROW, PHOTOGRAPHER Corner Benton and Squemoqua Streets, East of the Court House. Astoria, The Leading Dry Goods and Cothing House of Astoria. LARGEST STOCK FIN LOWEST frig: New Goods Received by Every Steamer. CARL ADLER'S Crystal Palace DISPLAYS THE Finest Stock of Goods The Latest Novelties and Importations, TOYS, HOLIDAY GOODS, GOLD AND SILVERWARE, BOOKS, MUSIC and FANCY GOODS, Etc. SSTWe Suit nil in Styles and Prices. Ed. D. Curtis & Co.IL () E B & CO. JOBBERS IN lin-mrj WINES. Ii U MJUUJLW IUJL I UNSURPASSED i Earnfits ITnnn s V U1MV IN AST IN STYLE AND FINISH. NEW FURNITURE, A COMPLETE STOCK. CIGARS. AC.ENTS FOR THE Best San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. Tumblers Decanters, and All Kinds of Saloon Supplies. r-All goods sold at San Francisco Prlcta. MAIN STREET. Opposite Parker nousc. Astoria. Orecon. New Goods!! New Goods!! 11ECE1VF.D AT Clothing and Gent's Furnishing Store for the Holiday Season, PINE NEGKWEAE, SILK UMBRELLAS, SILK MUFFLERS, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, A complete stock of Underwear, TVIiite and Colored Shirte, Fine Cassiincre Shirts, Hosiery, Gloves, etc. Tlac largest sioclz of Hats in tlin city, comprising all tlic standard aud latest styles. -Sults and Overcoats, ready made or made to order, at the lowest prices, lit. and quality ot goods guaranteed. D. A. Tlae heading. TAILOR, CLOTHIER, HATTER and GENT'S FURNISHER