Site storiiw ASTORIA, OREGON: WBDNESDAY DECEMBER 12, 1ES3 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE PORT OF ASTORIA. READY FUR SEA. Virco, Sct bit Calais I"orW Caittoch, QneensLownXovil Glenperis, Br bV Qucenstown Sot 21 lUrrr Bailey. Br bV Queonstotrn Dec? A ntwerp. Br bk Queen st own Dec S Oberoa, Br bp Qncenstoirn Dc S Ubtroo. Br bk Qneenstnvrn Dec C troaslde, Br bk Queenstown Dor C Eorf&nd Ulll, Br bk Queonstotrn DecM George f nomer. Aw New York Dec 11 VESSELS IX TI1E RIVER. -o MtWashiDKum. Am sp Hiebland Light, Am. ap Indiana. Am sp, Jarrie Winslow.A.mbi Martha Fisher, Killoclmn. Br s I.izsio Bell. Br bk Mallszatc, Brbk liolivia Brbk Dakworth. Br sp Gil-van, Br bk Sea Kinc Am sp fynisca. Br bk Morayshire, Br sp Sovereign of tho Soas Itlemah, Brsp Scottish Barfl. Brbk Imperial. Ant sp Olive S.SouUiard. Amip Rod OroR. Am sp Ice Kioc, Am sp Helicon. IShotan. Br sp hUrof Krin, 15 r sp Spirit of the Dawn. Br Citr of Madrid, Br sp Inchcreen. Hrsp l.adstock. Br bk Glenifler. Hrsp Karcany. Br sp Ancrooa. Br ap Sarah Boll. I!r bk Oban Bar. Br bk VESSELS OA' THE V.'A Y. Vroux Forelffu $ort8. fvrlhe Columbia KIrcr Aberstnith Caftlc. Br sp 10(5 Liverpool Sept 1 1 Baaca. Brbk 1K Newcastle. Sept 9 Berwickshire. Br sp Brisbane Chas. Coteflworth, Br bk Liverpool City of Carlisle. Br bk Greonook Ac 1 1 Hskdale. Br bk LivirpoolJuly?6 ltata, Br bk Liverpool Dec 5 Islo of Krin. Br ?p Sydney Sept 1C Janet McNeil. Br bk Juno 13 Glasgow Jorsalfarer, Nor bk Liverpool Nov 12 Kelverdale. Brbk 1191 N S AV Norseman, Br bk Liverpool Doc 3 lliver Indus, Brfp 1015 SUchonnd. Br bk 9T3 Wilmington S. K. Mead, Am bk !ft!3 N Y Sopt C, Tythonu, Brbk London From Amcrlrun Ports. Alameda, Am sp N Y Henry Junes, Br bk DOS N Y June 19 Meront, Am sp N Y Auzust 17 M W Watts, Am bk New ork May 12 Tillie E Starbuck, Am sp N Y June 'SI TIIK TAIiE I"OK ASTOftlA. DKCKMIJKlt. I HICH AVATKIJ. LOW Flrt. Second. 11it. Seeoixl. i- S I H S r- l r H . vi. X it. . X it. . X it. I. X 11 2 OTaJTMl 1 13in-l 72SrtJ 8 0J !.2 S S ! 5Sp-0fl 2 4G 7Vi 1 IS 8-H 28 -0 .1 22 7-4 8 4S it 211 :o ii 11 10 0 52 1 50 2 40 J! 46 4 4S 5 40 Xi 7 23 S 13 y oa y 40 10 43 11 42 0 46 1 as 2 20 a 10 4 (St 4 57 5 4."( 10 10 11 11 0 1 -0-5 -0-3 00 4 7 f, 21 (! 11 T OS 5 OS y o" 1 fi"S 04 o Vi 1'3 (1-7 (T2 -04 -0 8 7 1 7S 110 03 ISM 14pJC5 10 5.1 V 18 1 17 2 on 2 r3 S .IS 1 IW i 4S 5 30 is 7 01 7 50 8 42 9 31 10 1(! 8-5 lea 41 72 75 -I'd 1-0 00 10 fvS 40 30 27 251 31 37 4:: 47 4C 41j 7C 75 -0(i -8-2 0-2 07 17 22(10 .1 17-31 1 7'4 1-5 7'fi 8 78 3 1-1 0-1 02 -0-3 11 00 -o-d 0 30 1 15 1 55 230a 11 40A -0-8 0 17f!lf0! r, 31 i 8 15 I 7 5-TtH 51 ;-0!) 7-0 0 53 2M -OH 7 1 2-1 J a 0--V 08 The hours between mid tUht and iioon un designated by a (a. m.. tluise heiweeii wm and mUkiighl by ; (r. yi. oA. Wm a denotes niKlullit. vh. 00m. v deludes noon. The liuiKht is reekdned lrtmi the level of average lnwerlow waters to wlueh tiiesoiitid -ings are given on Hie Coast Survey charts. Ti: ISOAT CHAKtiEK, Followlnf; is the srliedule of nriees for lowape n ami out over i ne uojiimuia liar : Tor ve-els not Inward . Outward exceeding leaded, lhtllsts: 800 Ions.glfi0 800 to 1IW) totis... 2iw 1000 to 1200 ions... 22." 1200 to 1400 tons... 275 1400 to 1000 tons... 300 3150 $150 175 200 250 300 175 20 250 AHtorln Itctail .lSarkcl. Klour per sack SlJH). Wheat, per cental S2.00. ()ats. 2.10?.-.. Bacon, sides jier lb, cts. Shoulders, lrctn. Hams. " in22cts. Jard, - MV4 e.ts. IJccf, 24(4fi.n cts. Mutton, 12X15 cl. rork, ViyiQWn cts. Veal. 1".18 cts. Ihittcr, per roll Ki to c. els. Egss, per dozen 50 cts. Jtatoes, per lb 114 to 1 cus. Apples, Kreen, per box $IIQ. loSl.75 Cheese, per lb 2025cts. Comnieiil, per ll 4 cts. Oatmeal. OX cts. Deans, " 4(5 cts. Coffee, " 12X40cts. Tea, " 40K)cts. Kicc, u 8 10 cts. Susar, " 10 14 cts. Syrup, per gallon 75c 1. Ilonej, per gallon S1J0. Salmon, perlcitSS. Unions, per lb 2(tn cts. Apples dried per 1L 1018 cts. Peaches " 12 18 gLs. Plums, " l2KCtlficb!. Candles, per 20 cts. " Chickens, per dozen Hay, per ton S25. Hides, per lb 0 (?$ 9 cts. Oils, per gallon, hoiled linseed, 75c raw linseed. 70c; coal oil. 40c: lardSl.25 Domestic Eszports. ecron nrodne.n. at Snn "Prjinplcrn from .January 1, 1883, to December rth, inclu- Mve, c ueen as ioiiows: Flour, qr sks.. , Wheat, ctls Oats, ctls . Salmon, bbls . hi bbls 2,433 24G.813 34. 2,020 1.0 2804285 582 lkgs Anr.!i;s. ltipe, bxs.... bbls... Butter, pkgs ............ Potatoes, sks Wool, balcs...M... Hides. No Tallow, pkgs ... Beef, bbls Hay, bales Oulcksllver. ll:isksM. Fmlt, Dried, pkgs.., Ialhcr. pkgs .... Hops, bales... Hams, pkgs........... Cheese, as Flaxseed, sks )orn. ctls........ Canned Goods, cs.... I-ird, pkgs............. Bacon, cs 8,11 008 29.GD9 34,310 3C,ii7 50 11 23 159 G.314 1,020 499 21 82 8.011 802 50 32 W. E. DEMENT & CO. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON Carry in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded SOCIETY 3D5ETIXGS. Temple lodge, tio. 7A.F.A.1I, OEGULAll COMMUNICATIONS IX nrst and tldnl Tuesdays In each yV o'clock, i. m., at thevrs Hal' in Astoria. Members of the order in good standing are invited to attend.. By order of the- V. 51. Beaver Lodge No. 35. 1. 0. 0. F. T EGULATt MEETING- EV- Ut, IX erj Thursday evening atjygg-!? half-past seven oVl'tck, at tliejjgg Iodge room in Odd Fellows Hall ' Aslori:u Sojourning members of the .n!er in good standing, cordially Invited to aiteud. By order N. G. Ocean Encampment, No. 13, 1. O. O. F. O EGULAlt MEETINGS OF OCEAN EN JX campment No. IS. I. O. O. F., at the Lodge, lu tlie Odd Follows lSullding, at seven r. r., on the second and fourth Mondays of each month. Sojourning breth ren cordiallv Invited. By order C V. Seaside Lodgo No. 12, A. O. TJ. W. TL? EGULAlt MEETINGS OF SE.VSIDE Xt Lodge No. 12, A. O. C. W. will be held in Pvthian Hall on Friday evening of each week, at? o'clock i m. Members of the order in good standing, and visiting Broth ers are invueu to auena. j-mrary wm ue open fifteen minutes before and after each meeting. By order M. W. V. iiiiuur,iiec Astoria Lrodge No. 40, L O. G.L REG CLAK MEETING EVEItYTUESDAY evening at 7 o'clock, at Pythian Hall. Astoria. JUcmDers oi me vracr. in goou standing, are invited to attend. i;egree meeting nrst lonuay oi eacu mown. r.y order n.i i. American Legion of Honor. TEGULAR MEETING OF ASTOBIA XV Council No. 095 Is held on the first ami third Tuesday of each month, at 7 o'clock i, M. By order of the Council Commander. It. V. MONTE1TH. See'ty. Cushlng Post No. 14 G. A. B. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS POST on the second and fourth Tuesdays of eacli month at 7:30 r. m. Visiting com rades cordially Invited. By order 1 . i;. Pacific Lodge No. 17, K. of P. TO EGULAlt MEETINGS OF THIS JX l.odgo every Friday evening, at 7 -0 o'clock, in tlieir Castle Hall, Sojourning Kiuqiits coruiauv inriteu to auenn. " GEO. P. AVHEKLEB, K. of K. and S Astor Lodge No. O K.ofP. T EGULAlt MEETINGS OF THIS L-v Lodce every Wednesday eventnsr. at 7 iSQ o'clock, at their lodge room, in Pythian Castle. Sojourning Knights cordially in1t- eo to attend. w. itouis. lw of li. and S. Common CounciL T EGULAlt MEETINGS. SECOND AND rourth i-uesday eventugs of cacu niontii at 7'4 o'clock. aPersons desiring to have matters acted unon bv the Council, at anv recular meet ing must present the same to the Auditor aim Clerk, on or uciore tne l-nuay evening prior to the Tuesday on which the Council iioms its regular meeting. THOS. S..TEWETT. Auditor and Clerk, CIlUItCH DIICECTOIty. Gr.Acn Ciiritcu Holy fonnmmion first Sunday of every month. Sunday services at 11 A. M., and 7 r.M. Wednes day eveniiiK service at 7 o'clock. Rev. M. I). Wilson. Rector. First Pjiesrvtbrian' Church Sw vice-satll a. m. and 7 p. m. Wednes day evening prayer meeting .at 7 o'clock. Rev. J. V. Milligan. Pastor. COXGHUG ATI OX AT ClIL'RCH StT ices at 11 a. 3i. and 7 v. M. Rev. Sanfl Wood, Pastor. Romax Catholic Church Services atlOitO A. 3i. Rev. L. Diehnan, Pastor M. E. Church Services at 11 A. m. and 7 v. 3t. Jieclure and Prayer Meet ing, Wednesday, at 7 i sr. Rev. Win. Roberts. Pastor. Baptist Church. Services each Lord's Day at 11 a. 31., and 7 i ,m. Prayer Meeting on Wednesday, at 7 p. 3i. Rev. 13. S. McLniTerty, pastor. Columbia River Exports. SH1I'31ENTS FOKKIOX. KUCAl'lTULATIOX JANUARY '6S. 201.S7S bus. wheat S 30C.310 50,257 bbls Hour. ... 257.17G Total, 3 eargoes... KKnnuAitv. Wheat, lCO.PoG bas., value..... Fiour, 29,400 bbls., " 179.1M 144.403 Total, 5 cargoes S 33.1 MARCH. Wlieat (197.524 bushels) 'AG.TZn i-iour(.os.i4l uuis).. ..StU07 Salmon (200!J case)... . i:j.oso Lumber (500 M )... M.... . Total (8 cargoes)....... APRIL. Flour, 21.850 bbls. Lumber, VR& M.M. Total, 3 cargoes 3IAY. Flour 3,525 bbls Wheat 49,212 bus Total, (l cargo) $603,311 SlKJKl 4(1.000 S 17.?S1 fiO.OW $7G.&77 S 4,970 . 1E&S)C5 JUXR. Flour. Idil Salmon, 37,703 cs.. Total, (l cargo) .1ULV. Flour, 1,531 bbls Salmon, ii8J322cs ....... Total, (3 cargoes) ....... AUGUST. Flour. 4.0Mbbls SaliiKii,72,C37 cs . ...... Total . 2 cargoes . , SHPTR3IRRR. Wheat, 13fi.4S3 bus ..? 7.C73 .. 591,010 -S593.2S3 S 21,055 SC0.185 .. STB5.150 $1274570 Total (2 cargoes) $1277)79 OCTOBER. Wlieat,740.C43 bus $092,101: FJour, 3.172 bbls . .. 14,270 Salmon. :,429cs 192.154 Total (14 cargoes) XOVE31BER. Wlieat S14.23! bus Fiour 49,118 bbls -S S31.411 .. 21S.211 Total, (19 Cargoes) REOKarr.ER. 2 To QucaiKUncn per Anticcrj), .-1,070.052 Wlieat, 59,251 bus ci;2C3 2 To QuecnslMtm per Harrv Bailey. Wlicat,37.89C bus $S8,r,8l 5- T Qucenstoicn ;xr Olxroiu "Wlieat, 51,011 bus... . . S5.lf0 C To Quccruttomi jtcr Olwron. Wlieat, C0.0E0 bus ,$51,009 C To Quccnslown vcr Irorudde. Wheat, 49,000b as 1$49,379 10 To Quccnstomi per Rowland JIM Wlieat, 49,951 bus ..S5100 11-To Xcto York per George S. Homer. Salmon. 28.723 cs $143,015 Wool. C1.037 lbs 12.217 Hides, 43.850 . 47.855 Ore, 9,571 sks . 11,425 Total $215,102 Notice. TKTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN" THAT THE o-i undersigned, nas oeen appointed the as signee of the linn of A. M..fohnsou and Co. and all persons having claims against iwiid firm are notified to present the same duly verified to me at my offico in Astoria. Ore gon, within three months Ironi this date, ll.lnlis.1-lh ' d-Gw A. W. BERRY, Delinquent City Taxes. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I. the undersigned, Chief of Police, have been furnished with a warrant from tho City Council requiring ine to collect the tax es assessed ior uie year lsas, ana now uenn ouent unon the list and make return of the same within sixty clays. All parties so in- ueotea win tnererore piease taue notice and govern inemseives accordingly. a W. LOUGHERY. Chief ofrolice. Astoria, Oregon, October 25th, 1S83. New Life isygiven by using Brown's Iron Bitters. In the Winter it strengthens and warms the system; in the Spring it enriches the blood and conquers disease; in the Summer it gives tone to the nerves and digestive organs; in the Fall it enables the system to stand the shock of sudden changes. In no way can disease be f.o surely prevented as by keeping the system in per fect condition. Brown's Iron Bitters ensures per fect health through the changing seasons, it disarms t! danger from impure ' -vater and miasmatic air, ,tnd it prevents Consump tion, Kidney and Liver Dis ease, &c. . S. Berlin, Esq., of the well-known firm of H. S. Berlin & Co., Attorneys, Le Droit Building, Washing ton, D. C, writes, Dec. 5th, 1S81: Gentlemen: T4ake pleas ure in stating that I have used Brown's Iron Bitters for ma laria and nervous troubles, caused by overwork, with excellent results. Beware of imitations. Ask for Brown's Iron Bit ters, and insist on having it Don't be imposed on with something recom mended as "Just as goody The genuine is made only by the Brown Chemical Co. Baltimore, "Md. JNE OF THE OLDEST AND MOST REllABli REMEOIES IN THE WORLD FOR THE CURE OF Cougiis, Colds, Hoarseness Sore Throat, Broncliitis, Influenza, Asthma, "Whooping Cough, Croup, and Every affection of tho THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEST, including CONSUMPTION A WELL-KNOWN PHYSICIAN WRITES: "It does not dry up a cousli, and lave the causi frsHnd, as Is the case with xnost preparations, bu bqpcu it, dranses the lungs and albj-s irritation. aws removing the cause of complaint." DO 2OT HE DECEIVED by articles bear iC similar names. Be sure you ct Dlt. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, vhh the signature of" I. BUTTS" oa the wrapper SO Cents anil SI. OO a DotUc. Prepared by SETII V. FOWLS & SONS, JIoi Mass. Sold lv dn icut and dealers cen era!' MARKETS. CENTRAL MARKET. General assortment of table stock constantly on nand. such as Canned Fruits and Jelly Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard EGGS, SUTTER, CHEESE, Fresh Fruits and Vegetable FISH. POITLTRY Art!) GAME In tho season. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Best of 1VI3TES AISB LIQUORS AH cheap for CAS1T. Goods sold on com mission, opposite j. w. case's store. J. KODKKRS. Washington Harket jrlavi Street, - - Astoria Oregon BERGMAN .C KERRY T USPECTKULLY CALL THE ATTEN XX hon of the public to the fact that ti above Market will always be suppliod with FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS I Which will bo sold at lowest rates, wholesale and retail, bpoclni attention tares to suppU EC S01D3. LOOK HERE ! "We rcsDecttullv inform the nubile that v wiU always keep on hand the best quality of Presli and Cured Meats ALSO Choice Family Groceries, Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Crockery and viiass-ware. Shins, Hotels and Boarding Houses sup pueu on iiDcrai terms. A sliare of the public patronage is respect juny soucuea. dtf, WARREN & THOSIPSON, STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COMPANY, Fresli and Cured Meats T7"o getables, FRUITS, BUTTER, aitd EGGS OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEL, dFEXAXUHjStrcet, ABterla, Oe What Senator Jones Thinks. Chicago, Dec 10. During the conrso oi a conversation, yesterday, with a reporter. Senator Jones ex pressed the opinion that this country was evidently verging towards hard times. The reporter ashed. "What is your opinion of the political situa tion; ''Carlisle's election," he said, "of course means that tne JJemocratic party is committed to tariff reform, and ho for one was clad to see it. It will cause n healthier stale of poli tics, this dividing of the two parties on the line oi issue, than to nave gone into another presidential con test with simply the oftices at itake, or on war issues. THO sectional is sues are dead, as no portion of the Anglo-Saxon race in this country will ever consent to the negro socially or politically, where he may be in the numerical ascendancy, and the rest of the country will have to como to understand this and the sooner the better. Do von smmose all the iKwer in the United States could ever make the people of the Pacific coast tolerate Chinose, sup posing tho latter were naturalized and outnumbered them .' It is always in politics a question of force, and tho greatest force is bound to get the supremacy of tho ballot, which sun- ply presents a certain force, and if it does not represent a greater force it amounts to nothing. Realizing that they are a greater force morally, in tellectually and physically, the whites of tho south will never respect the ballots of negro majorities." t t " - A Dreadful Warnius;. Xew Orleans Times-Democrat Greenville, Miss., special of the 10th inst., says: At a difficulty Saturday night at a iolitical meeting between a colored man named Homer and Frank Montgomery, as in usual in such occurrences, pistols were drawn and shooting commenced, bam J? Hi ley (white) "was seriously injured. Three negroes were shot. One is dead and one is expected to die. The other is slightly wounded. A coro ner's jury found that Homer was killed by Montgomery and Finley. local politicians. The Walla "Walla Journal, under the head of -'Startling Rumor," says: The rumor has currency here and at Wallula that the Union Pacific peo ple have leased the Baker City branch of the O. B. & ST. line for a long term of years, to be used as a link in the extension of the Oregon Short Line to the Sound, via the Yakima country and the Cascades, and the work on the projection, which is to start from "Wallnla. where is a fine natural loca tion for abridge, will be begun in the spring. Tlie alleged lease is said to be the concession which the Oregon fc Transcontinental company made to the Jay uould party in consideration of the cessation of war on the O. & T. stocks. The rumor here is given without endorsement, for what it is worth. If true, the matter is of im mense importance to tho northwest and particularly to "Walla Walla, which "would thus gain not only direct communication to the Sound, but be placed on a through line to tho east shorter than the Northern Pacific, and, if no combination is formed, acquire every advantage to be had irom competition m ffeight rates. The new trail to the Camr d' Alone mines from Heron Siding is finished. It is reported almost impassible. There is but ono mule in the Camr d' Alene country and tho owner of the animal demands 15 a day for him. Quartz prospecting has ceased. Lvery foot of ground in Pritchard gulch is already taken up. Eagle City is being built at a lively rate. There aro five saloons and a stud horse game in each of them. Many men are going into the new camp daily and almost as xnanv leaving. Such is the location of Eagle City that the sun disappears from sight at noon daily. Eeaty for Business. The Portland and Astoria STEVEDORE COMPANY Is prepared to contract witii masters and consignees ol vessels for tho Loading and Unloading cf Vessels AT KITIIElt PORT. Promptness and satisfaction guaranteed in nu cases. Drugs and Chemicals Prescriptions carefully compounded Day or fright. j FOR TILLAMOOK. (Weather permitting.) The new Steamer JEEZ. FITlTtP. NP. JOHAfrSEN. - - - Master. Will leave for TILLAMOOK, on T70R SAILING DATES AND PATtTICU JL lars apply to J. G. HUSTLER, Alain i;oniana ; J . 1. bitjky TlliamooK. SOLED GOLD JEWELRY Scarf Pins. Chains, Watchesj SILVERWARE, OI every description. v The finest stocK.oI Jewelry In Astoria. 5yAU goods warrantedasrepresented GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. 4 J. OHOMASjy ii DRUGGIST AND 2 Pharmacist, ? Xastoria.o A o S o i TO keep the pores open, the ii elands and tubes actire, nnd thus ftirni'li an outlet for impurities in tho perspiration and blood which cause humiliating blotches. Wacklioails anil min. r ?kin blemi?hc. especially of in fants: to clean ?e, whiten and beautify the skin, remove tan, freek a', junbuxn, and oily matter ; V keep the hands soft, white and treo from chaps or roughne?, prevent conta gions skin and scalp ni;oae?. and provide an exquisito skin beautifior and t4Iet. bath and nuriory sanative redolent with delicious Sow er odnt and ("LTin i: a. healing balsam. uc tbe Citi'i;ra so.vr. In.inrsed by physi c..n and chem-t s ab oiutcly puro nnd hUhly medicinal. Sales l!fl-i 1.0w).'-t0 cakw. THE HERITAGE OF WOE Mi?ery. shame and asony often bequeathed as a sole legacy to children br nnrents. is nes- Iected Scrofula. To cleanso tha blood of tim hereditary i-oiron, uni thus remove the most prolific cause of human suffering, to clear tho fkinot dUtifrurinc humor?, itchinr torture?. humiliating: eruption-?, and loathsome soies caused by it. ti purify and beautify the skin, and restoro the hair so that no trace or tho disease aemains. Clthth Kkol.vk't, tho new blood iurifi r, diuretic and aperient. and Clticuka nd CCTit UKA Soai the Croat skin cures and bcastificrs, arc infallible i HAD SALT RHEUM In the most azzravnted form for eixht yea No kind of treatment, medicine or doetors did mo any permanent good. -My friend in .Maiden know h'w 1 suQetcd. hen 1 becan tocsetho Ulli IUA lii.MKDll my liuib3 were .o raw and tender that I could not bear nir ueivhl on them without tho sKin crack ing and bleeding, and was obliged to go about on crutches. L'setl t jol'l "jiccka ICkm kiuks five mcAth. and was completely nnd permanen ly curctl. Mns. r. A. UliOWN, .Maiden. Idas. Kefcreucas: Arc citizen of Maiden. Mass. COPPER COLORED Ilmve hecn allllcted with troublesome skin disease, covering completely the upper part of my body, causing my skin to assume a copper-colored hue. It could be muueu ot iiKe uaudruii. ami at times cius ing intolerable itcidug and the most Intense suueiing. 1 navi- useu uioou puriuers, puis. anu inner au veniseu remeuies. uut experi enced no relief until I procured theCcrici i:a koikdies. wiucii, aitiiougu used care Iesh and irregularly curedme, allaying that terrible itching, and restoring my skin to its natural color, i am wining to maKe an alii davit to the truth of this statemt-nt. Lilian, ilich. H. (". Hl'XTOX Sold by all dnigglsls. CtTicri:.,."o cents ; Rksoi.vent.Si : Soai,2.j cents. I'ottku Djcuo and C'unvit'Ai. Co. l.oston Seinl rar"Uon to Cure S:iin Ii-ieasc.i" SANF0RDS RADICAL CURE The Groat BJmic Distillation cf "Witch. H. mXi AxnoricanFlnct Clovor Blossom. "Etc.. For tho imtncdiito relief nnd Permanent Cure ofovory form of Catarrh, from atimple Hoad told or Jnuucnza to tbe Los of MncII, laste, and Hearing. Couh. Rronchitis and Incini- cnt Consumption. Relief in tiro minuted in any and every caso. Nothing liko it. Oratc- ful fracrant. wholcsomo. Curo begins from iina application, nnd is rapii, nidicil pcrma nent. nnd never failins. Ono boctlo Radical Cure, onollox Catarrhal Solvent nnd'Sanford's Inhaler, all in ono package, forming a completo treatment, of all druggists for SI, Ask for SACTtituVd Radical (JL'rk. Pottec. Drug asd Ciikjiical to. Uoston. A'Al 1 I RfPi For tho relief and proven VV',t'r,,"'w' tion, Hie instant it I.h ap pi tl, of Rhcumatiim.Ncu "V ralsia. Sciatica. Couch?, y" Colds. Weak Rack' Stomach -5 and Rowels, Shooting I'ams, l'nlnitntinn.Dvsnpiwin. l.iv .x or Cointilalnt. RilionsFover. j luniiinu uhu x-.'iaviiiii7. us LECTPJ CVS -"" i ia.sicr.svan t.icc- ""uc Ir,c iniicry comoincu "LA TEcW with a I'oroiiH I!astcr)and ASIC FOR TJnion India Rubber Co s Pure Para Gum CRACK PROOE RUBBER BOOTS. KKWAKK OF IMITATIONS ! Re sure tho Roots are stamped CRACK PROOF on the heels, and have the PURE GUM Sl'RIXGS on the fool and instep which rtrevent their cnickinir or breaking We are now making them with RUBBER AND ASBESTOS .Soles which will make them last more than twice as long as any Rubber boots maun. FOR SALB RY ALL DEALERS. ALL KINDS RURRHR BELTING. PACK I NG, IIOSK. SPRINGS. CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES. Etc. GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. R. II. PEASE. Jr. I Asrents. S. M. RUNYON. f San Francisco, HOSPITAL, ASTORIA, - - - OHEGOS Tms iNSTrroTioN, under care of the Sisters of Chanty, i3 now ready for the reception of patients. Private rooms for tlie accommodation oi any desiring them. Patients admitted at all liouis. day or niuht No physician has exclusive right, every patient is free to and has the privilege of eiiiiu,)iiiK j'jij Titian iiikj jnnci. United States 7Iarinc Seamen who pay ITospltal Dues, are enti tled to Free care and attendance at thLs Hos pital durinc sickness. Permits must bo ob tained lor United States Marines at the Cus tom House. Sisters of Chaiut BITTERS !, Wilmerding & Co., San Francisco. Loeb & Co., Agents, Astoria. ASTORIA LIQUOR STORE, AUG. DANIELSON, - - Proprietor. Rebuilt and Itcflttcd Throuchout. The Best of WIXES.IjiqUOKS.ASD CIGAKS For a Good Cigar, call for one of "Danielson's Best." Comer "West 9th and Water Streets, Astoria. n9-Cni s:se::3::2iz323SE33:Bis:3taiiiE9i2aisss:iE:ai332i35Sjias3ssa33iis:isi:3SNaiaii3i: n S a c I la WW V iS .r:i7:3u;:i7Z2rr;iis:c:ae;r:;33se:sr3?:s:s::3:rs:::ses2a!:3E3:33a33aBiS 1 Journal of and for the People, Devoted to the Best Interests of the Community. The. largest circulation of any jNTews- i paper published on It is delivered to any i he Daily Aslorian One Year. Six Months. One Month. TREK OF J. F. Magnus 0. Crosby- Dealer In j HAMABE, IBON, STEEL, j iron Pipe and Fittings. ! Plumbers and Steam Fitters I Goods and Tools, j SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD I SHEET IROft, S?22l and Copper. Sieves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing GoGds JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN. COP PER PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with r.catnecs and dispatch. None but flrst clas3 workmen employed. A large assortment of SCALES Co:tstantly on hand SLIGHT ODDS. A Little Storj-witli a Tjarce Hloral One 3ian Avho Itncwliis Oirn Business. "So. my 3ear," said tho vcneraLlo kocper of a country storo to a timid little girl whose head scarcely camo up to the level of tho counter. "Xo, ray dear, we hayen't any rod flannel, but we have some first rato Now Or leans molasses." Softly hinting that she didn't think that would answer tho purposo quito a3 well, tho child went her way in search of tho articles she wanted. "Have you BENSON'S CAPCINE PLAS TERS?" asked a Rcntlcman of a certain drug gist whoso namo could bo erven wcro it do sircd. "I am troubled just now with a touch of my old friend, tho lumbago, and tho Ben son' 5 Plaster seems to go to tho spot almost as soon as it touches tho skin." "Not at present." replied tha druggist, gen ially " but, wo havo lot3 of plasters just as good. There is Allcock's. tho Capsicum and others won't ono of them do as well?" "My dear sir," retorted tho gentioman, with a slight show of temper, "1 say nothing against thoso articles, but I am a business man, and always ask for precisely what I want, and for nothing eke. I may enlighten you, however, when I say that somctimo ago, for another disease, of which tbe Capcino has since cured mo, I tried all those you montiou. with no appreciable benoGt- Thoy aro ineffi cient, every ono of them, tho moancst act ot tho proprietors of somo of them being this : that they mako plasters with similar sound ing names to dectivo the unwary into believ ing they are tho samo thing. Experience tanght me the difference. I'll go to the next man in your lino. Good day." Bo on our guard against imitations. Tho genuino has tho word CAPCINE cut cleanly in tho middle of the plaster. All others aro impositions. Scabury & Johnson, Chemists, Now York Sheriff's Sale. "O V VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION JL issued out of the Hon. Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for the County of Clat sop, on the 2Cth day of October 1S33. and to mu directed, on a decree for the foreclosure of certain mortgage lelns, wherein, Isaac licrKman anu a. v. jserry, piamtius, recov ered a iudecment and decree of foreclosure against Clias. Le Hoy defendant for the sum of thirteen hundred seventy-five and fifty onehnndredthsi$l375.50)dollars,and Interest thereon from the 4th day of August 1SS2 at the rate of 10 ner cent ner annum, and tlie costs and disbursements taxed at $1( 90 to gether with accruing cost3 and expenses 1 have levied upon and will sell at public auction on the 8th day of December 1833, at 2 o'clock P. M. of said day at the Court house door in Astoria Clatsop County Oregon, for cash In hand at time of sale, all the right title and interest the above named defendant has in tlie following described real prperty to wit: ue a. v. i. oi ace. 'n, x. 8 is., ot it. s w. 1 UlilUlClll IIIAIVUUII. A. M. TWOMBLY Sheriff, FIRST QUALITY LUMBER. THE WESTPORT MILL COMPANY IS IX THE FIELD AND PROPOSES TO remain. "We will take orders for lumber from 100 to C00 JL, at the mill or delivered. We also manufacture lath and shingles of Al quality. Flooring a Specialty . Addres3 all orders WESTFORT HILL CO. S. C, BEXXEE, Supt. Fifteen Cents per Week, M a the Columbia River. part of the city for is Sent by Hail $7.00 3.50 .65 POSTAGE. ZaX.OBiT & Co. PIANOS AND O EGANS SHALL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OF ALL KINDS. FINEST VIOLIN STRINGS. Slieet ZMULsio , Piano, and Organ Instructors. CELEBRATED STECK & KNABE PIANOS ! USED BY President of United States" "Governor of Oregon," Astoria Musical Society, Mrs. J. W. Conn, of Astoria, And other prominent persons. Pianos and urgans.oi many teauing maKes, wholesale and retail, including CELEBRATED TABER ORGANS. A!I IVON'OERFILL LITTLE GIANT STECK PIANO Largest House on This Coast. GARDNER Bros., 165 First St., Portland, Oregon. BAXtBOUB'S Salmon 11 Ttais HAVE NO EQUAL. THE The London Fisheries Exhibition HAVE AWARDED THE GOLD MEDAL TO The Barter Brothers Cmpy FOR THE SUPERIORITY OF TIIEIE FLAX NET THREADS. Leinenweber & Co., C. LERflSiWEBKR. II. BROWN ESTABLISHED 1865. ASTORIA. OREGON, TAMERS AM GUBBBffiS, tManufacturers and Importers of LL KINDS OF AND FINDINGS Wholesale Dealers la OIL AND TALLOW. 03"IIighest cash price paid for Hides and Tallow. BUY THE BEST ! BARB0URS Irish Flax Salmon Net Threads VYoodberry, and Needle Brands, SEINE TWINES AND CORK MD LEAD LIKES, Fish Pounds, Helixes, and Nets Imported to Order. A. Large Moflffii,MI AND FISH HOOKS. CONSTANTLY ON HAND. HENRY DOYLE & CO., SI7 and 519, MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO. 23T"Aggcnts for the Pacific Coast.