The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, December 09, 1883, Image 3

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i Monday excepted)
rcRUSiiKirs ami ntoritiKTOit.s
Terms of Subscription.
Served by Carrier, e r week I5cts.
Sent by Mail, ier month OOcls.
" : " one year .$7.oo
Free ol postage to subscribers.
Advertisements inserted by the ye:ir at
the rate of S2 per square per month. Tran
sient advertising; flttv cents per square, each
Around tlie City.
And now the fun begins.
The Lillicbonne crossed to ssa yester
day. TheA.n. Field starts for Tillamook
this morning.
Rev. J. V. Millignn will officiate in East
Portland to-day.
J. V. "Walsh, editor of the Chehalis
Valley I'idettc is ih the city.
The Gorman Reformed congregation
will not hold their usual service to-day.
"aIv Neighbor's Conscience is the sub
ject of the lecture to-night by R. S. Mac
hafferty. Services jw usual at tho Y. il. C. A. hall
at 2:lsi this af tenioou. Cordial imitation
extended to all.
E. C. Holden advertises to-day an auc
tion sale on Thursday next, of eleven lots
all located in Alney's Astoria.
Divine service on board the ship Kil
lochan lying at Flavols dock at 'J r. m.
Rev. J. McCormac officiating.
The Oregon had not shown up at dark
yesterday, but will probably got away
io-day. The Columbia is due to-morrow.
Frank Johnson shot, and it is supposed
fatality wounded Slay "Williams in a
Portland cigar factory last Yridny even
ing. T. A. Orcutt publishes a card this
morning announcing himself as a candi
date for councilman from the second
Rov. R. J. Laughlin. pastor of the
church at Albina, will preach in the Prof
byterian church here to-day morning
and evening.
Leaden-colored clouds overspread the
sky yesterday, and the barometer which
had been up'to :W.41 on Friday night, foil
sevoral points.
Tho annual meeting of the stockhold
ers of the Seaside Packing Company will
be held at the office of F. J. Taylor at 2
o'clock to-iuorrow afternoon.
Carl Adler's new clock was put into
position yesterday afternoon. It is a
public convenience and reflects credit
upon that enterprising merchant.
Zamloch closed a very successful en
gagement at Occidental hall last evening.
Jos. Grismer's troupe will probably give
ono or two performances this week.
The present buovs will be removed
from Sand Island channel this week and
spar buoys put in their place. It is
doubtful if that channel will be much used
It will take about GOO piles for the
foundation of the Clatsop Mill Com
pany's new building. Gill A: Clinton have
about 'J00 in place, and are driving the
remainder at the rate of "JT a day.
The British bark Scottish Bard, 81G,
Hamilton, master, arrived in yesterday,
Til days from Brisbane. The Geo. S.
Homer, Killochan and Spirit of the
Dawn arc about loaded, and will prob
ably clear to-morrow.
Attention is directed to the advertise
ment of Ike Foster. Phenix-liko he has
risen from the ashes of last July's con
flagration, and invites his friends and
tho public generally, to call and look
through his spacious'establishnient.
It is proposed to have an entertainment
given under tho auspices of tho Y; M. C.
A., next Thursday afternoon, and for
that purpose tho ladies of that society
will meet at the Y. M. C. A. Hall at three
o'clock to-morrow afternoon to complete
the necessary arrangements.
An unoer Astoria resident, formerly
connected with tho Fisherman's Packing
Comnanv. is reported in Honolulu. He
went to San Francisco some time ago,
and an alleeed discrepancy in his ac
counts has caused suit to be entered
against him by the company.
A large crowd gathered on the corner
of Mam and Uhenamus streets yesterday
afternoon to listen to unparliamentary
language on the part of two gentlemen
who refused to quit quarreling and go to
nchlmg. Regular knock-down argu
ments will not begin till to-morrow or
Y. M. C. A The members of the Y. M.
C. A. have this week made marked im
provement in the association room. Tho
hall has been newlv papered and painted
and presents a much more comfortable
and home-like appearance, and thostair
wav has been kalsorained and painted.
This week tho floor will bo carpeted and
new furniture added: chess and checker
tables will also bo introduced, making
tho rooms an attractive resort in which
our young men can spend their evenings.
Not "Weeckkd but Badly Damaged.
Captain Olson, master of the coasting
Rchoonor Alpha, supposed to have been
wrecked, writes from Tillamook, under
date of tho 5th inst. to White, Goldsmith
fc Co.. that after a terribly stormy voyage
bay on "Wednesday, the date of the letter.
The eveninn after she crossed out from
Astoria, she was struck by a storm which
swept hor decks clean, carrying away tho
wator casks and most of the supplies.
For ten days the crew were almost with
out wo ter, having to depend on what lit
tle was caught during tho slight rainfalls.
Tho carco is badly damaged, though how
badly he was not able to estimate, and
could not till tho vessel was dischareed.
The insurance, he says, will probably cov
er the lossos in full. Urcgoman, tf.
A. F. D.
There will be a special meeting of
the Board of Delegates of Astoria'Fire
Department at 7:30 o clock.
Ahead, and you miss a good meal
when you lorget it.
Cod, Family Stvle.
Beef Mutton, Pork, stulfed Veal.
Chicken Fricassee. Corned Beef and
nlh-iTA Tlnilrwl Tnnrrnn Ti1rl Cii,,.n
Slewed Tripe, Spanish style, Spare Ribs
and Appie sauce.
Mashed Potatoes, Tomatoes, Squash.
Corn Starch.
Mince, Plum, (Cheese.)
Dinner from 4:30 to 8 i. M.
Tea, Coffee, Wine and Beer. Meals 25
House to Rent.
Inquire at this Office.
Itoscoc Dixon's new eatinir house
Is now open. Everything has been fit
ted up in hrst-ciass style, and his well
known reputation as a caterer assures
all who like good things to eat, that at
ms piace iney can ue accoimnoaateu.
Furnished or unfurnished front
rooms at Mr. Campbell s, over the Gem
The best Mince and Pumpkin pies at
Astoria AsaKery.
Ilmnt aud CleTelaud Nominated.
Somewhat before the time set for the
meeting last evening, the court-room was
pretty well filled. The meeting was or
ganized by the election of J. G. Hustler
as president, and J. F. Hnlloran, secre
tary. Tho president statl the object of
the meeting to be the nomination of a
mayor, and of a councilman from the
first ward, and that nominations were
in order. Martin Dillon asked for in
formation concerning the right of citi
zens of tho second ward to vote in that
meeting. The president decided that
they had no right, it being a ward meet
ing A. F. Johns placed the name of D.
Morgan, Jr.. in nomination. B. S. "Wors
ley placed the name of J. W. Hume in
nomination. A. M. Twombly placed tho
name of I. Bergman in nomination. Mr.
Bergman declined. It was carried that
nominations clore, and that the vote be
by ballot. C. W. Fulton and B. S. "Worsley
were appointed tellers. The vote resulted
as follows: J. "W. Hume, Til; D. Morgan,
Jr., 4G; scattering, 3. J. W. Hume was
declared the nominee of the meeting for
dominations for councilman for the
first ward being in order, B, S. "Worrley
nominated A. A. Cleveland; A. F. Johns
nominated I. Bergman; Mr. Bergman de
clined the nomination, and moved that
the nomination of Mr. Cleveland le
made unanimous, and tho secretray was
instructed to cast the vote of the meet
ing for Mr. Cleveland, which was done.
The meeting then adjourned.
florrran and Hercman JVomlniited.
Shortly after the meeting at tho court
house had adjourned last evening, a party
of gentlemen, among whom were O.
Sovey,A.F. Johns, W. J. Barry, R. R.
Speddeu and others, came to the editorial
office of The Astouian and stated that
they had come to hold n meeting for the
purpose of placing in nomination candi
dates for the offices of mayor, and coun
cilman from the First ward.
The office was placed xt their disposal.
D. Morgan, Jr., was nominated for
mayor, and L Bergman for councilman
from the First ward, and the meeting ad
journed. Another Meeting.
At a meeting of citizens of the second
ward held in Johnson's building' last
evening Aug. Danielson presided; J. M.
Olsen, secretary. J. W. Hume was
unanimously nominated for mayor, and
,. Urcutt as councilman irom tne
second ward. Tho meeting then ad
An Anonymous Corrr.inondcut.
At nil times tho anouvmous correspon
dent is a somowhat pervasive individual,
but it is in the political campaign that ue
flourishes like a green bay tree.
Never, by any chancs, does the anony
mous correspondent get anything pub
lished. Xso reputable newspaper over
pajs any attention to his communica
tions, execpt to waste-basket them and
nut them in the wav of appropriation to
some useful purpose after the paper mak
ers have punned them. V cry rarely are
they over read, lne glance tuat snows
thein auonoymous usually seals their
fate. Yet their writers continue to send
them, in" tho hope, apparently,
that on some lucky occasion they will
get into print.
Do they ever read tho papers, wo won
der, these anonymous ones If they do,
thev must have learned lone since that
the'newspaper has absolutely no use for
their communications: that it does not
want them even whon thev contain news
which would be valuable if authenticat
ed, and that it wants them still less when
thev contain attacks on individuals.
whether candidates or not. And do they
ever think what it is they ask a newspaper
to do when thev invite it to publish an
authorless attack upon a public man or
private citizeiu Do they realize now
owardly their position is?
There are times when the value or use
fulness of a communication in the press
is enhanced by its appearing unsigned,
and tho newspaper is very rarely unwiu-
mc to respect the incognito ol a corre
spondent. But eveir when the corre
spondent cives his name, ho has no right
to asu a newspaper to pccomo responsioio
for statements which he himself is uu
willinc to stand sponsor. Still less has
he the right to such expectation wnen no
carries his unwillingness to the extent of
withholding his name from the new:
paper publishers.
American and English Ships.
Tho trade that commerce brings a suit'
able port is every year adding to the
amount of money spent at Astoria and
will increase with the growth of the Co
lumbia river exports. The supplying of
ships with provisions, the amount of
money expended along tue docics in tne
receipt and discnarge ot cargoes, and a
large part of tho lower river traffic natur-
urany concentrates ac Asiona. uip
captains are not slow to discovor that
tueir own interests as as wen as iub in
terest of tho owners of their vessels are
best served by disbursing the money at
Astoria, thus avoiding tedious and vexa
tious delays. When, as will ul
timately occur, the greater part of
the out outconi" cram is iirst
pnt into a ship's hold at Astoria2 tho
uusmess win uo on a rauie prupuiuuuai
to the other industries that Astoria will
sustain. Tho difference in the English
and American system of disbursing
pa vine crews, etc.. is noticeable. An
American vessel arriving in the Colum
bia pays its crew and makes all settle
ment for the vovaco upon arrival: each
American snip averages auoui. $h,uuu iu
- . i i ao nrk -
tho matter of Astoria disbursements. An
English vessel makes its settlement with
the crew upon arrival in Jjiverpooi.
For Toys and Novelties
Go to Chas. A. May's Holiday Empori
urn, one door east of Rescue Iso. 2's En
gine House, a mil line ol goous. rn
ces as low as the lowest
For tlie Holidays.
You will find at J. W. Conn's the best
assortment in the city of Rogers Bro's.
Plated ware, consisting of Castors, But
ter dishes. Pickle Castors, Berry Dishes
Nankin nines. Knives. orks and
Sdoohs. Spoons and Forks are all the
best, marked XII; also the best assort
ment of Dressing uases, udor uases,
Gents' Sets. Fancy Brushes and Mirrors,
and all the leadins brands of Toilet
Soaps, Perfumery and toilet articles of
all Kinds, examine my siock ueiore
purchasing elsewhere; opposite ucci
dent Hotel.
Fine Dress Goods.
A splendidline of ladlesdress goods is
being displayed at me .empire siorc
Fnrnisltcd Koorns to Rent.
Apply to Mrs. nenrj. in Carruthers'
building, over G. W. Hume's store.
Itcst Custom Work, Boots aud Shoes,
Can be had at I. J. Arvold's, next to
VI JJUOJV UWIV. j.nuiu u.iu ,v,wv,.tiv,.t
call there for tne finest fitting boots and
shoes, and lowest prices. Perfect fit
For a West Fitting Boot
rtrKlino Tf tn P.. I. ftonrimnns. on Che-
namus street, next door to I. W. Case.
All goods of the best make and guaran
teed quality. A full stock; new goods
wiifit'u thp iisn of having dyspepsia
Whv lololi nnH snvvnn'vfi trnt tlie heart
burn, every time you eat? Bo sensible,
taue jjrown s aruu jius uuu set ytdh
From au Occasional Reporter.
Editou Astobiax:
With a considerable frontage to the
magnificent Columbia river, this front
age pierced by such well defined rivers as
the Deep and Gray's available by tho
deepest draught ships; its surface oov-
ered with good timber; its ribs lined with
economic and valuable minerals; with
sufficient agricultural lands,when cleared,
to feed over a million of inhabitants,
and pastoral lands upon which can be
raised the choicest grade of horses, sheep,
and cattle: with its waters abounding m
the linest hsh from the imperial salmon
to the lowly sturgeon; with a climate un
surpassed for mildness and salubrity;
witn water power suuicient to dnye tho
machinery of the world such is Wah
kiakum, the smallest, nicest, richest, best,
most cosmopolitan county (a? far as its
present inhabitants are concerned) in the
whole extent of Washington ierntory.
Between Stark's Point and Harring
ton's Point are the mouths of Gray's
river, about a mile distant from one an
other. The physical appearance of
Gray's bay is very peculiar. I feel con
vinced that the whole bay wrh formerly
the bed of some old crater. The bay
may be said to resemble n horse shoe in
appearance. Looking at it from Harring
ton's Point the view is grandly beautiful.
The water in Deep river is of wonderful
depth, as opposite Olson's I am told it is
62 fathoms deep, while in front of
Colonel Shaw's beautifully located resi
dence it is some twelve fathoms deep in
. J. r in.
are, generally speaking, covered with
evergreens, and when properly ditched
will be the most valuable lands in the
world. Their fertility may be said to be
exhaustible and these lands will never
be worn out or require manure like the
Willamette valley lauds and other lands.
Game of nearly all kinds is abundant.
Deer and bear are to be found here;
largo numbers of grouse and pheasants,
and immense flocks of the well-known
mallard ducks are to be seen quietly feed
ing on the flats within gunshot range of
tho tourist's gun. These rivers also
abound with the finest of trout.
To the lover of nature's charms, and to
those in search of health and pleasure, I
would say, there are few more attractive
places than along these rivers. One is
seldom afforded viows of such peculiar
scenery, even in a lifetime of constant
travel. However, to be appreciated ono
must not rush right through on the gen
ial Captain Raphael's boats; but take his
time, spend a month prospecting about;
take u few Russian vapor baths which
ho can have gratis at nearly every
Finn's homestead live on ducks and sal
mon mixed with trout and pheasants
and ho will havo cause to bless the writer
of these few lines.
Fred Krosel, Geo Campbell
lonngs River Hooumm
C Halctead, city P W Iteed, Hoqniam
Mrs West & ch'ld, W K Tichenor,
llwaco Ulatskanie
W Crow, luiapon D Craic. Portland
Capt H A Mathews, Geo Watson,
Uitv of Aapa Waluski
SASoule-SouthBendJ Wood South Bend
Richardson, city S B Smith, Clats'p
Zamloch. S F W Marx, S F
D McKenzie, city J W Walsh, Mont
M Simpson.G'y H M P Callender. K'n
Goulding, N J G W Jessun, S F
F N Getchtel, Ptl'd AH Stone, Knp'n
li Hoyt, city
Wasting AQectlon on a Doir.
Ksappa, Oe., Dec. G, 1833.
Editou Astobiak:
When Peggy's arms her dog impriiwn
l always wisu my necK was nisen
How often would I stop and turn
To get a pat from a band like hern;
And when she kisses Towser's noso
Oh, don't I wish that I were those!
I see his last api endage drag
And wish I had a tail to wag,
Why must I pine and long for that
A dog can not appreciate
But I will never own to her
I'm jealous of an ugly cur.
Ah, Peggy! Is it really true
That you do just as others do?
You hug and pat that dog of yourn.
Yet wish the while that he would turn
According to a better plan,
Into a real good-looking man.
And while I'm getting on so swimmin'
1 like to know if you young women
Hug close your dog and hug again
Just cause you ain't got nary man?
If so you girls are sort of o'mellow
To hug a dog, when any fellow
Would gladly get down on his knees
Just for tho tiniest little squeeze.
Til bet a coon Pll not be missin
When you are in the mind for kissin
So, Peggy; it is wrong to waste
Your huggin on an ucly beast
A man can hug you back; he's stronger
Don't practice on your dog no longer.
W.J. D,
Via X. I It. It.
Fresh Baltimore oysters packed in
ice at .leus.
The Clariona.
Just the thing for balls and parties, a
complete orchestra, with dance music,
figures for calling dance3, etc-complete.
To those desirous of having dances, and
not otherwise provided with music, it is
invaluable. Cal at the New York Nov
elty store and examine it
Oysters in Every Style,
And coffee at Mrs. Lovctt's.
At the Empire Store
You will find the finest laces and em
broideries, of richest quality.
every day at 5 o'clock. The best25 cent
meal in town; soup, tisli, seven kinds of
meats, vegetables, pie. pudding, etc. A
glass of S. F. Beer, French Claret, tva or
conee lnciuacu. vu who nave inuu
him say Jeff is the "BOSS.
l'c Dlnuiiltl'u C'oBSh Balam.
Richardson & Co.. St Louis, one of the
largest wholesale drug firms m the Uni
ted States, writes: "We have handled
Dimmitt's Cough Balsam in our trade
for the past sixteen years and hav
bought as much as one hundred gross
at a time, and from our knowledge of its
merits believe it to liave given perfect
satisiaction to our customers."7 At w
E. Dement & Co.'s.
Corsets and Underwear.
All the latest makes and styles of cor
sets and ladies underwear at Prael
Bros.' Empire store.
Hosiery, Hosiery, Hosiery!
The latest novelties in ladies and
childrens hosiery at Prael Bros'.
Fortify feeble luncs against winter
blasts with H ale's Hokey of hore
hound axd Tab.
Pike's Toothache Dkops cure in
one minute.
A remedy for Indigestion. Consump
tion, Dyspepsia, Weakness, Fever, Ague
Contagious diseases, malaria, liver
complaint, are all prevented by using
the gentle but powerful tonic, Brown's
iron Bitters.
A Nasal Injector free with each
bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy
Price 50 cents. Sold by W.E. Dement
They Will. Marry at 'eiv Vesr.
"Is this where they edit?
"Yes, ma'm," said the man who" reports
conventions and mass meetings where
they nominate mayor and councilmen by
acclamation and otherwise, as he looked
up and discovered a trimly-built young
lady standing in the doorway. "This is
the exact spot where Right, environed on
every side by Intellect, deals tellingblows
agaiiLst Wrong and Injustice, clad though
they be in the garments of Might and
Oppression. Armed with tho lances of
Thought that glisten brightly in the sun
light of Reason, the editor stands ever
ready, a helmeted knight in the holy
cause of Justice, fully panoplied, and
with weapon in couchant poise."
"That wasn't exactly what I wanted to
find out about," paid the young lady. "I
am going to make a crazy-quilt, and
mamma said that an editor'could prob
ably tell me all about if and a bewitch
ing smile illuminated the features of the
fair visitor.
"Our insane beJ-clothes editor," said
the political reporter, is not here at
prestnt, and the rest of us naturally feel
somewhat diffident about intruding
upon the domain of quilt- which are
suffering from temporary aberration of
mind and pillowshauis concerning who-e
mental condition there is doubt.' -
"I hardly think you understand ,me,
sir," continued the young lidy. "A
crazy-quit isn't really and truly" crazy,
you know it is simply called so "because,
being made of silk of different colors, it
presents an outre appearance."
"Presents a what?
"An outre appearance looks rather
strange, you know."
"Oh. yes; sort of dizzy looking, oa
"That probably expresses the idea. sir.
although not perhaps in the most choice
language. I should be very glad, though,
if you could give me some information
about this matter, because it is necessary
that I should bejnn the work at once.
"Making this demented quilt for Your
'No, sir that is, not exactly. and a
ivid blush suffused tho young lady's
features. "But I want to have it donp by
the 1st of January, because wo won't
have any room for the frame iu the other
"Which other house?'
"Whv, the one I that is, we oh. I
think your'ro awful,' and more blushes
"Tho 1st of January is not generally
considered the most auspicious season of
the year for moving," said the political
reporter. "The blithe carol of the New
ears caller, and the low. sad wail of the
man who is buying twine and hiring
knitters for next season, are about the
only features of prominence connected
wuuuomestic me in Astoria at mat sea
son of tho year. Why don't you wait
until May joyous, happy May when
the Columbia sparkles to the sea and its
smooth service is dotted with white
sailed fishing boats, catching the festive
Chinook salmonr'
That's just what I have said all
long," replied the young lady but Char
ley declares that he will never live iu the
same house with mamma, and now I
shan't say another word," aud more
blushing ensued.
"Uh, said the political reporter.
you're going to be married, are you.' '
ies, sir. Ihat is, Charley said 1
'I know what he said. He leaned vou
up confidentially against his suspender,
and, speaking in low, tremulous tones,
asked you if you felt that you could leave
parents, brothers, sisters, custard on ami
day, and all that makes home at once the
altar of our affections and the joy of our
Uvea, and live forever more with him.
And you yanked him out of the realm of
doubt so quick that it made his head
swim, isn't that itr
"Why, yes, sir that is, I said'
"'Certainly. You said that when a girl,
standing on tho threshold of womanhood
and watching with wistful eyes for the
mists of futurity to lift, sees advancing
the one man to whom she can give her
heart, all her doubts and fears disappear
as if by magic, and she knows that only
a great happiness and holy content en
shroud her beincr. Charley then kissed
you warmly about an inch, below your
nose, and broke himself next day buying
an engagement ring. He calls at the
house every night now, and when he
savs to you: 'Myrtle, do vou love me as
much this evenmg as you did last 'Ihurs-
day afternoon r you look at '
Ho doesn't call me Jlvrtle at all,-' in
terrupted the young lady, "jiv name
is '
It s the same thuiL'. A rose bv anv
namo would have as many thorns. When
he asks vou if you love him as much as
you did last Thursday, you climb up a
little higher on his neck and want to
know how he can ever doubt vou. It s
all right, though. Bo a true and loving
wife, and perhaps some day Charley will
give you a quarter to spend without re
quiring an itemized account, sworn to be-
lore a notary, as to where such a vast
sum has gone. Uhensh his love as you
would a tender plant that the rude blasts
ot winter would destroy. -Hake your
whole life a constant endeavor to 'pro
mote his welfare, but do not hmsh that
"Why not. sir?"
"Because," was the reply, "it would
recall to him the happy p;ist.'
IVotice to tlie Ladies.
Switches made from combings or cut
hair: new switches made to order from
the best imported hair, in any shade de
sired. Old switches repaired. All
work warranted. Rates reasonable.
Call or address
Occident hair dressing saloon. Astoria
Dealpr In
Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes
Meerschaum and Brier Pipes,
Revolvers and Cartridges.
and Favorite Itoat
can be chartered for excursions, special
parties, etc at reasonaoie rates, a cpiienu
steaniboathig business transacted.
1 nMJI ITVO ft
The Astoria Passenger Line
heailauarters at its Stables next to 11.
B. Franklin's, two doors below The Asto-
kiax oflice. Flret-class Livery service. Carts
with horse furnished, for one dollar per
nour. uarriages on appucaiion
The Astoria rassencer Line Hacks will
leave lor upper Astoria irom the staules.
Horses taken to board.
SlltS. T. O'BRIEN.
.VO. 1 COW. Fresh, 2nd, Price $75.
Half Dozen select Cows giving milk price
per ueaa.
One pair peliling Horses, 7 years old, "a
G-dw lwk A. KNArP.
By the Xlclit. Dj Week, or Mouth
With use ot Parlor, Library and all the com
loru ot a home, lernis reasonable.
AddIv to MBS. E. C. HOLDEN
Cor. Main and Jefferson SU.
Something Like the Columbia Except the
The chopper works upon one bended
knee. Before leginning to cut, he has
looked to see which way the treo is in
clined. For this he steps back a short
distance to where he can see to the very
top. If ho is in doubt he lifts his ax by
the end of the helve and lets it hang
freely suspended. This gives him a
plumb line by which he measures the in
clination of the tree. But it is not
enough to determine in what direction
tho tree will fall most readily. It may
1h that large trees are standing right in
the way of its falling on that side, and
against these the tree will be lodged. It
must be carried to the one side or the
other, and herein consists one of the
mvstents of woodcraft the skill to guide
tree in its fall. He will direct it with
the greatest ease. Having decided where
ho wants it to go to avoid the risk of
lodging against other trees, or of being
broken by falling on uneven ground, or
to have it lie so that the logs will be con
venient of removal, the chopper first un
dercuts tue tree; mat is, no cuis upon
the side toward which he will have it
fall, and in such a manner that the line
f the kerf shall be exactly at right an-
&s with the line along which the tree is
li. If the tree stands nearly per
pendicular, and has no inclination to fall
as he wishe?, the chopper cuts a little be
yond tho heart on that side. By doing
tins he removes tho base when tho tree is
endy to fall and rests upon a base of but
an inch or two in breadth, so much from
the center of the stump. The effect of
this will be very great in moving the base
so that the center of gravity will fall on
the side desired. Though he works in so
cramped a posture, the chopper cuts the
stump so level and so smooth he thinks
nis nuio ooy coma spin ins lop upon it.
Having undercut the tree with the
greatest care, the woodman now changes
his position a little, but remains on the
Mine side, rets on his other knee, and
shifts hands, that is, wields the ax with
the other hand forward. He now cuts
upon the other side, leaving the stump
two or three inches higher according as
he wishes to gain advantage for the last
few strokes. The work goe3 on with lit
tle concern until the base is Ho thicker
than a plank and quite as even, then a
blow is aimed full at the center, and the
chopper looks quickly at tho top to note
the effect. If ho perceives a tremor in
the trunk, or if a bit of bark or moss is
loo3ened from its hold, he knows now
every stroke will tell, and he aims these
with "the greatest precision. Soon as
ever the top bows to ita fall ho marks the
direction in which it is moving. If he
wishes to bring it more toward him he
strikes a blow upon the further edge; if
to carry it further from him, the blow is
given upon the side that is nearer. These
last strokes need to be given with great
nicety. If feeble, they will fail to effect
their purpose; if of too great force, the
tree will be severed from the stump upon
that side, and then all control of it is
lost at once, and it plunges blindly for
ward. A tall treo like the pine is broken
from the stump by a force acting quite
differently from that which is applied in
the case of shorter trees. In its descent
the pine acquires at its top a centrifugal
force so powerful as to lift the tree from
the stump and carry it forward five or
six feet boforo it reaches tho ground.
When it does come to the earth tho top
and the butt strike at the same time, and
the tree lies half buried in the snow.
The Cleveland, Ohio, congressman-
elect, Hon. M. A. Foran, say3: "I
have used St. Jacob s Oil in my fam
ily, and have always found it safe and
reliable. I have been suffering for
some time with a lame knee, and St.
Jacob's Oil affords me great relief."
40 acre tract In S. W. corner of Chas.
Stevens' I). (?. Title perfect. For particu-
irs iiHiuln at oflice of N. D. Raymond. City
Hall ; or on the premises of O. D. Young.
AMoria, rvov.3U, iskj.
Annual Meeting.
W lomtiia CannhiJrCo. will beheld at the
Cnnuiam 's office, on the 16th day of Decem
ber 18S:, at '2 o'cuck i. jr. sharp, for the pur-
mso oi electing a Boaru ot Directors tor tue
ensuing yeaf. and transacting such other
Dullness its may properly come oeiore tne
nieetnjr. By nnier s,
l iuiiuAr ucaiii , it. juiisu,
.Secretary, President.
Stockholders' Meeting.
minimi meetinir of the stockholders of
the Masonic Laud and Builuln? Asssoclatlon
will be held at the oflice of Capt. Geo, Fla
vel. In Astoila. Oregon, on Wednesday, Dec.
lillh, 1S3. at the hour of 7 r. M. for the pur
pose or eleellnu live directors anu transact
ing su-h.other bushie.'vs as may legally come
beror I up meeting.
.1. YV.lihAilUAKr,
Astoria, Nov. 17th, 1SS3. d-td
Meeting Notice.
JL .Nt
tockhnlilers of the Fishermen's Pack
Imr Comnanv will be held at the Company's
oflice In Upper Astoria Or., on Saturday.
Dec 'jam. tor tne purpose ot electing a isoaru
ot Directors for the ensuing year, and trans
act such other business as may come before
the meeting, uyoruer
ll will aunlv at the next term of the Cir
cuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the
County ol Clatsop, to be discharged from
iuriiier trust as assignee oi i. unity.
Astoria. Ogn.. Nov. 2C. 18S3. d-4w
Delinquent City Taxes.
the uii(Iersimiu. unlet or ronce. nave
liocn furnished with a warrant from the
City Council requiring me to collect the tax
es assessed ior tne year insj, anu now aenu-
nuent unon tue list ana niaKe return oi tue
same within slxtv days. All parties so In
debted will therefore please take notice and
govern themselves accoramgiy.
Chief of Police.
Astoria, Oregon, October 25th, 1533.
0, Tel! Me Where Is Fancy Bre(a)d !
Astoria Bakery & Confectionery
CAKES AND PASTRY in great variety, but
Wilfl5nf nnrt nnrtlftl snnnlled with the
iimf nlntinvitn nrniTnonl!f wnrlr nn the
shortest notice and on reasonaoie terms.
Tills is the most conmlete establishment in
Astoria. .
Tlie splendid Al British Iron
Will be shortly on the berth for SALMON
in lots to suit shippers. Forfreight and In
surance apply to
Or to P. L. CHERRY", Astoria.
The Leading Dry
House of
New Goods Received
Can prove by his books that he is doing the
Diggest business oi any
In thft cltv. and lift will ffimmntpo in ulve
the best meal for cash.
Scarf Pins. Chains, Watches,
OI every description.
Tlie finest stock of Jewelry iu Astoria.
J3?""AIl goods warrantedasrepresented
Clothing and Gent's Furnishing
A complete
Underwear, White aud Colored
Hosiery, Gloves, etc. Tho
city, comprising nil lhc
527-Suits and Overcoats, readvmadeor
quality ot goods guaranteed.
I New Goods!!
Th.o Sheading
Best San Francisco Houses and
Eastern Distilleries.
Tumblers Decanters, and All
Kinds of Saloon Supplies.
J39"A11 goods sold at San Francisco Prices.
Opposite rarker House, Astoria, Oregon.
A full stock of home manufactured goods
constantly on nana.
Special Attention given to Orders.
All work guaranteed. Your patronage so
ASTORIA. ---- Oregon
Goods and Clothing
by Every Steamer.
We will take orders for lumber from 100
to 00 M.. at the mill or delivered.
We also manufacture lath and shingles of
At quality.
Elooring a Specialty .
Address all orders
S. C, Bej.-2.-eu, Supt.
Beafly for Business.
The Portland and Astoria
Is prepared to contract with masters and
consignees of vessels for the
Loading and Unloading of Vessels
Promptness and satisfaction guaranteed
iu all cases-.
Store for the Holiday Season.
stock of
Shirt, Fine Cassiiuerc Shirts,
largest stock of Hats iu the
standard and latest styles.
ma'e to order, at the lowest nrices. Ot. and
Ed. D. Curtis & Co.
Garnets, ilolstery
Comer Benton and Squemoqua Streets,
East of the Court Ho'uso.