C2) She grdUt gt?4onan. ASTORIA, OREGON: SUNDAY DHOKMIiKK 9. 1SS5 LIBERTY" ANtt BAIMIOADS. Commenting ou certain efforts of eastern railroad managers lo arrange matters to- sxiit themselves, the 2scw York Tribune mya: Messrs. Huntington, Porter anil a number of other railroad kings who were announced as promoters or the Railway Shareholders association, which has just been organized for the dissemination of news to stockholders and for the protection of their inter ests, have hastened to deny, in the most vigorous manner, that they had anything to do with the project The denial was hardly necessary. Those gentlemen have msde their immense fortunes under a system which de nies information to stockholders and allows thorn the protection which the uudor dog usually gets from the upper. The proposed association, if carried out, would clip their wings of some of their most precious feathers. "Who ever heard of kings leading in movements to cut down their prerogi tives? American roads which make pooling and all other kinds of agree meats with each other as to connec tions, methods of business and rates, have a freedom entirely unknown to corporations in Great Britain. The latest report ot the English Railway Commission, which has just- been printed in England, gives an idea of the restrictions thrown about the roads there in making their working agreements with each other. No such agreement, it appears, is valid until it has been advertised in accordance with certain forms, bo that both the stockholders and the public may know jnst what the agree ment amounts to and may make such objections as they desire to the com missioners, who, strange to say, listen to them. As though this was not sufficiently socialistic, it is provided by the law of England that these arrangements shall be revised even ten years, and, if necessary, shall be modified to conform to the public interest America is popularly con sidered to le a freer count ry than England, and so it evidently is from the point of view of the Yaaderbilts and Ooxilds and Iluntiuglonp, who run our railroads ;? they choose, but, aftor all, if liber';, hi not license lo do as you choose, but protection from the license of others to do as they choose, it really seems possible that there may be more liberty. in Eng land for customers of railroads and minority stockholders than in this country. A GHASTLY VOYAGE. Captain- Baker, of the Mm. IT. Hesse, recently arrived in Boston, says his barl: was directly iu the vicinity of Anjiers at the time of the terrible disaster, which hilled thousands, and chauged the face ot the land around Sttuda Straits. He left Batnvia Au gust 10th, and the following morning at daylight those on deck noticed a heavy bank of clouds rising from the west and obscuring the sun. and at the same time the barometer dropped down to 29.40, and :igain suddenly rose to 30.70. All hands were called and sail taken off as fast as possible, heavy showers of sand and ashes commenced railing, completely cover ing decks and spars to a depth of sev eral inches. By noon it had grown darker than the darkest night and commenced to blow a hurricane, but, strange to say, the sea remained per fectly smooth. Heavy rumblings, like distant thunder, were constantly heard at intervals. " The sky was lighted up by lightning Hashes, and a strong smell of sulphur permeated the atmosphere and made it difficult to breathe All hands were affected by this awful scene, and many of the sailors thought the world was coming to an end. Throughout the gale the tide set strongly to the westward, and the bark drove through the water at the rate or fourteen knots an hour. At 3r.M. the sky commenced lo grow brighter, but ashes continued to fall like snow. On the following day the bark entered the straits of Suuda and the extent of the damage done was plainly to be seen. "Whole islands had sunk, and those that remained had changed in form. The north western part of Krakatia Island had disappeared, and Yerelatin and Long Island, heretofore covered with trees, were completely bare. They saw a very largo number ot bodies, and the water for miles was covered with trees and dead bodies. The sea for COO miles was a field of lavji. They experienced a hurricane from the north and north east with a tremendons sea, which lasted for three days. During this time the decks and cabin were flood ed with water, and a portion of the bulwarks and everything moveable on the deck was washed away. The most fearful thing of all was the sea of corpses; "for nearly three days we came across body after body of per sons who had lost their lives in the earthquake." One man alone counted sixty in plain sight, and thousands must have perished. Tin: petition to congress concern ing the forfeiture of the Astoria land grant is receiving numerous signa tures through the Willamette valley, and as far east as "Wasco county. The wonders of the Yellowstone region are said lo be rivaled if not excelled by the recent discoveries of Prof. Pumpelly's surveying party iu northern Montana, The region ex plored is aronnd the Upper Marias Pass, west of the Rocky Mountain range, and about 150 miles north of Missoula. Aside from the mountain scenery, there are three great natural amphitheaters, in one of which Prof. Pumpclly counted twenty-two cas cades over 500 feet in height, while on a neighboring mountain is a trne glacier, having a frontage of at least a mile, and in some places a fall esti mated at 509 feet in height The Northern Pacific road runs near enough to these new wonders' to make them easilv accessible to the curious. Sin TV11.FEID Ijawsox, the English radical statesman, does not know why people should quarrel over politics or religion. Ho would as soon think of quarreling with a-pereon having the rheumatism., "A man has the rhcu ( matisni because it is a disease of his i body, and a Tory is a Tory because he is not strong enough to resist the atlaeks of error." "Mr. Glads one once said that the duty of a govern ment is to make it easy for men to do right and difficult for them to do wrong, and the duty of the people in relation lo the government is to make it easy for the government to do right and difficult for it lo do wrong." 1)1 KI. In Eugene. Orecon. Tuesday, Dec. 4. 18S i. 31rs. Eunice Joodcll.aged ." years. The deceased was a pioneer of this state, having resided in Yamhill county since 1K31. .She was the grandmother f Mrs. AY. Y. Parker, of this city, ainl had many friends in Clatsop county. NEW TO-DAY Re alE state at Auction Eleven Lots in GJnev's Astoria. ihursday. Dec. 13. 11, A. fil. at Ilolflcn's Auction Hooius. TNSTKl'CBD BY 31 KS. E. C. Pltncil. JL Sister to the late Cyrus Olncy, I will sell toliie highest bidders, without reserve, for rash, tlie following valuable lots in the city vi Aion:i. viz : Iit 5. block .S2 : Lot 5. block S3 : UA S. block 102 ; Lots s and l. block 117 ; Lot 4, block ilS ; Ixits 5 and C, block 131 ; Int 1. block 1 ; J.ot 11. block 102: and LoiS. bio. k 1(58. The title toall these lots is leirally vosted, witlwut dis pute, in Mrs, French, and she will cive a special p-taranty deed to sun!". IS. C. HULlHi. Auctioneer. To the Citizens of the Second Ward. IIIKIIEDY ANNOUNCE MYSELF A CAK didate for council man from tlto second ward of tills city at the ensuing election. t.a.okodtt. Astoria, Uw. s, 18S3. To the Citizens of Astoria. T HEKBISY ANNOUNCE MYSELF AS A JL candidate for the office of Mnvor of this City at the ensuing City election. it. .MUiHJAN, .Jr. Dee. ;. 1SS8. A CARD. Ii. Astouian : In order that everyone nmv know the facts in the case with regard to numerous reports now in circulation. I deem it but justice 10 myself as a candidate for mayor oi Aiona, 10 say, mat i nave never directly nor i nun ecu y, pro or con. picugeu myseu or made any promises to am man or number of men concerning nominations for citv olll- cers. nor concerning my official acts should 1 be- elected, and In that event would be. as i am now, entirely impleaded. .1. w. m .MIS. Astoria, Dec. r, 1851. . NOTICE To Cannerymen and Fishermen. T I'- LEAvTIIEItS. lormerlv over Arndt& Ferchen's machine shon Iihs leased the shop on Concomlv street, one block wet of Hansen Bcos.' mill, and after the loth of Dor. will be prepared to build nisi-ciass uoais ni reasonable rates. liive me a call before going elsewhere. Brewery Beer Saloon. The Best Beer 5 cts a Glass. Hot Lunch every Day from 10 to 12 A. M Tim 1iror rf f tnltnre iti.l (!imH Jn 1. .... A deservedly popular place of social resort GEO. IIILLIIIL THE THINGVALLA LINE. Is the only DIRECT LINE Between NEW YOKK and SCANDINAVIA. First class Steamers and good usage. Tickets for sale at A. 31. .IOKXSO.VS. Agent, Astoria, Oregon. Notice of Dissolution. NOTICE IS-nEUKBY GIVEN TIIAT THE JlX partnership heretofore exist ini: between Duck Foiux under the firm name ami style of Lung Wing as pawnbroker in the city of, Astoria, is uus aay uissoivcu uv mutual con sent. The business will be carried on by the new firm name of Goon Win? Co Duck Fong will pay all the debts of Lung ItJIlg JH. GOON WING CO. By LAM FAT. . LAM. DUCK Manager. For Sale. T7UVE HUNDIIED COKDS DRY IIEM . lock Wood, which 1 will deliver at the linnses of r.ii5tninnr fur 51 ?i rvn Draylngorall kinds done at'reasonablc STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING "ftJOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE JJ1 annual meeting of the stockholders of the Scandinavian Packing Co, will be held at me company's uuice. on Thursday Dec. 13 1883, at a o'clock A. M, for the purpose of. electing a Board of Directors for the ensuing year and the transaction of such other busi ness as may come before the meeting. By order of the President. IL FLATH, Secretary. AslorIa,Nor.29.1KS3. Stockholders Meeting. milE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING JL of the Stockholders of the Sea Side racking-co. will be held at the office of F. .. layior, ryunan iiuuuing, at 2 v. m. on Monday, Dec. loth, for election of officers and transaction of such other business as snail como before it. E.A.NOYES, Secretary. Notice to Stockholders. XfOTICE IS IDZHEBY GnrEN THAT THE JLl animal meetlnc of tlie stocklioldcrs of the Pacific Union Tk'g Co. will be held ou Saturday Dec 22 1883, at their office In As toria for the, purpose of electing a board of Directors and the transaction of such other business as may come before tlie meet! us. J. II. GLLSTRAP, J. A. CAKLSON. , , Secy, ' Pres't. Astoria Nor, 23, 1883, iEATEEBITIi IN MILLINERY -AT MRS. A. MALCOLM'S.. TO CIjOSK Ot T YINTEK STOCK I WILL sell for the next HO ttnys all jjoods at a reduction irso to -IO per cent against former prtws. Now Is your opportunity. Ladles, to secure bargains. liOolc at tin Following 1'rlces. Indies Far llreiwr Hats, now $!LW. for merly Girls' Sloscow IVawrs nv 73 cents for merly SI 25. Boys' Capn, now 7.V to 51.23, formerly 51 to Si XO Misses' floods, now SI 73. formerly $2.2. I Infants' Hoods, now SI, formerly $1.50. ! Hosiery, now 0e, former! v 75c. Lace Collars an 1 Fichus, now 2r to SI."A lormerlv r0e to i Ladies' and Chi'drens' Linen Cullnrs. now 15 to 20c. fonn.-rJy 25 to Infants' Wool Sacipies and limit at a re duction of to perron". Proprietor of the Leading loot and Shoe Store ! OF ASTORIA. Makes announcement that his large stock of gootls is offered for sale for the uext two weeks Ml COS TP ! This is to make room for a large stock for the Holidays. Ken's Heavy Boots, t Men's Fine Boots; Ladies' and Children's Shoes IN EVERY VARIETY. Now is a chance to get cheap boots and shor.-?. I. .1. ARVOLD. BANKING AND INSURANCE. INSURANCE AGEHT - - OREGON ASTORIA. OFFICE liOUItis: FROM 0 O'CLOOK A. M. UKT1L 2 O'CLOCK P. M. $67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COMUSRCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. M ror.tinc a capital of 307,000.000. A. VAN DUSF.N. Agent. Hardware and SMp CMlery A. VAN DUSEI1 & CO.. I1R.VI.KIM IX Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil. Bright Varnish, Binnacle Oil.. Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine. Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil. Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, Soiriiifj Ulncliincs, Paints and Oils. Groceries, etc. WONG SAM OKK. 110NO 1'ANO. SUN SING CO. HAVE OPENED A CHINESE STOKE ON Clicnamus street opposite the Astoria Kakery, where they will keep on hand Tea. Stisar. Iticc, Chinese i'rovislons. And I'KUITSand VEGETABLES. Astoria, Decemher 1st, 1SS3. PLUMBING, Gas and Steam Fitting DONE BY RUDDOCK & "WHEELER. AT fair rates. Also a- complete stock of xoods in our line. Estimates given and work guaranteed. Casssticet, in rear of I O O F building, next to Gas Co's ofllce. Cleaning Hep airing, NEAT, CHEAr AND QUICK. BY GEORGE LOVETT, Main Street, opposite N. Loeb's. NOTICE. To Hunters, Fishermen, Ranchers. i F YOU VrANT THE HIGHEST'MAK- kci price lor your produce, go to JEFF'S. L. IS.. Gr. SMITH, Importer and wholesale dealer Iu Cigars am! Tobacco. Smoker' Articles, riaylns Cards, Cutlery, Sta . . tloaerj-. Etc Tlie largest and finest stock of JIEER SCHAUMand AMBER GOODS In the city. Particular attention paid to orders from the country, Tiieo. BR ACKER, Manager. Clicnamus Street, Astoria. Oregon. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. AT SIRS. GEO. mLLER'S, NEXT DOOR to Weston HoteL ARVOLD, CHEISTMAS CAEDS. HAVE FOUND IT ! ! IE P1CE The vulilu" art iliriifd t cH ami (xaluitH our iiinut'li' stork of UolitLiy C'tod, ounsistiii of Albums, Scrap Books. Music Folios. Toilet Stands. Dressing Cases. Fans. Picture Frames. Oil Paintings, Chromos, Etc. o u o m o o e o it Wo lo not iiroiKisc t invt'iglp tlio iniblie either false rupresi'titatioL or such pernicious clap-tnip as the purported iiurchnse or an Eastern Bankrupt stock at 25 cents on tlie tlolhr. All our ilealinqs are lesitiinate anil above board. In nroof of wliat w sav and claim. vc would respectfully surest to the nitblie to examine and jirice the a goods in "Otlj?r Scores" before coinini; to us. and thus satisfy themselves of Use truth of our representations. Th.e ETew Tork Sfovelty Store HIIXIX STKF.R1'. ASTORIA. BIRTHDAY CARBS. You Are Sure AT THE Leading OF ASTOEIA. N I POR Hall, Office, Library Parior3 Chamber and DINING ROOM, in "WALNUT, CHERRY, ASH, AND MAPLE. "We are without a doubt shovcing the Largest and Most Complete line of CHAMBER SUITS in tins city, unequaled in Design, Work manship and Finish. Ve Carry an IMMENSE STOCK OF CARPETS of All Designs and Colors in Body, Roxlmry, and Tapestry Brussels, Three Plys, Extra Supers FOSTER'S the iard Parlors Are not excelled by any north of San Francisco. dispensed, -and every convenience for tntf com fort of guests. Imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars. The Most Complete Establishment in Astoria. AT THE ENTRANCE TO" THE 0.. R. & N. BOCK. IT NEW YEAR j CARDS. OHLY ! . O. Gr o m o - WEBBIITG CARBS. to be Suited "STiTT HATST F U R N I T TJ Si THE and Ingrains. EXCHANGE, and GIu '4- YORK.. RE ! FEAIK L. bTesn Jb FANCY GEOGEEIES. TEU apply to tlit Captain, or to E. 1. Parker, s urn utumm B-OPENING ! Ladies desirous of procuring Goods unequaled in Style and Einisn will take pleasure in examining our Stock of m THE GEKTS' FUEHISHING DEPARTMENT, Everytning is Complete and of the "best. CITY BOOK H?C3LSI- HAVEJVST ilECEiVKD A 3I.13EliOTII STOCK OF BOOKS. The youiis ami ohl, ricli ami poor can all be accommodated. Agents for the Kranich & Bach and Mandsfeldt & Noini Pianos and Western Cottage Organs. Orders for all kinds of Music or Instruments will be promptly filled. II. F. STEVENS fc CO., City Book Store. THE NEW MODE A FULTi STOCK Two doors east of Occident Hotel. ar. OLSEX. J. OUSTAFSOX. MARTIN OLSEN & CO. DEALERS IN IFURNITURE. S5 BEDDING. tJornar HXain ami Squeinoqnn Streets. Astoria, Oreson. WINDOW SHADES AND TRIMMINGS; WALL PAPER' ETC A Complete Stock. PRICES AS CHEAP. AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. AXI, KIXDS OF FUISmTITKE REPAIRED AHi VARNISHED. (SLTCKSSOR TO JACKINS & MONTGOMERY.) , PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. CIIEJVAJICS STREET, Xext to C I. Parker's Store. GERMANIA BEER ALL AND BOTTLE BEER DEPOT. CacTiirra Steeet. A3T0EIA. The liest ot lagei' 5 Cts. a Glass Orders for the Celebrated ColmMa Brewery Ift at this place will bo promptly attend ed to. -No cheap San FrancLsco Beer sold at this place? T7JI. BOCK. Proprietor. PARKER. s (!L,ilU PARKER Euqem D. Biock, Master. or TOWING, FREIGHT or CHAK- Agent II. 15. PAJtK.BR. STORE - Reduced P ATIKFS and DRESS GOODS. & Co. RANGE CA2T BE IIAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OF HAWBS, AGENT CALL AND EXAMINE IT, YOC WILL BE PLEASED. " E. 1C. IIAWES Is also agent for the Ml patent CooMf Stove And other first-class stoves. Furnace Work. Steam Fit fiags. otc, a spccialty- AI.WAYS ON HAND. ASTORIA, OREGON- A. JOIINSON. Tin, Sheei Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Magee Stoves and Eanges The Best in the market. Piumbing goods of all kinds on hand. Job work done In a workmanlike manner. California Exchange Tlie best of California and Foreign Wines and Liquors Kept Constantly on Hand Domestic and .Foreign Clears of the best Brands. NATIONAL BREWERY BEER. On Coneomly between Benton and Lafa yetto streets. lm fiEORGE GOBLIER. iff - -4"-''.-