lie gattjj Stotfm ASTORIA, OREGON: TUESDAY. .DECEMBER 4, 1SS3 PRESENT CONDITIONS. ''Times are dull" is nt present n common remark. They have been duller aud doubtless will be livelier. The enforced period of dullness usu al ut this time of year is particularly apparent this fall and winter by con trast The bustle consequent upon the rapid completion of the Northern Pacific railroad has subsided. The railroad is finished, and the company, instead of disbursing are collecting; in many instances there is consider able reduction of the working force. In nearly every point along the line there are fewer men working than there were threo months ago. In some places work is suspended alto gether. This fact, coupled with the withdrawal or considerable capital consequent upon the sudden shrink ago in railroad securities some weeks ago, is the chief cause of the general tightness as regards money matters. In Astoria the prevalent dullness is a matter of contrast. As compared with other points in the northwest our city is by no means dull; as com pared with business a short time ago in this city, the present month shows a decrease. Astoria occupies in many respects a peculiar position, It is the point of entry and departure for all the travel between San Francisco and the Columbia; the population is la gely transient and the industry of salmon nsmng, permanent m one sense aud temporary in the other. augments this feature. The style of doing business is different from the interior, and is far more satisfactory. With us the cash system or one of monthly settlements, prevails, aud this is one of the best evidences of the cify's prosperity. Long credits are unsatisfactory, and in the end disastrous. A little difficulty at iiines in making prompt settlements occa sions temporary inconvenience aud makes it appear jib though times were indeed a little dull, but a comparison with Portland, Seattle, Tacoma. and other-places results extremely favor able to our own city. Further comparison would show as favorable. The price of real estate is a goou muox 01 any citys perma nence and prosperity. While the number of transfers is not so large as in the summer months, yet the prices asked and received show no diminu ation in value. The value of Astoria real estate has yearly enhanced, and as the city grows, must, of necessity, continue. On the Sound- property is reported to be depreciated in value, though, perhaps, to institute com parison there would be hardly just, as the figures at which real estate has beon hold in that and other sec tions for the last twelve montlis have been confessedly too high. Passing from the discussion of the presont conditions it may be said that public action during the next twelve months will have much to do with sh aping the future destinv of our city. Time was when Astoria was looked upon too much in the light of a temporary abiding place, a good place to tarry for a season and make money, but not suitable for perman ent residence. That feeling has pass away with the passing of the era. that produced it. Ii has come to bo known and understood that fow places in the northwest possess more attractions to the man who is desir ous of acquiring an honest compe tence by honest means and, in the general acceptation of the term "amount to something.' Twrnrrr years ago, says the Chi cago irnv, Henry Villard, who was a reporter in desperate ciicumsf ances, applied to John Swinton for employ ment. John asked him for a speci men of his work and Henry wrote a report of a fire in the Bowery. Swin ton threw it in the waste basket, gave Yillard SI to buy his supper" and a bed for the night and advised him to hire himself out as a porter to one of the commission houses iu Ann street Some weeks ago, -when Swinton start ed his now morning daily, Yillard was one of the first subscribers, sending the subscription price and a note to "Mr. Swinton, and in the latter he sar castically remarked that he had always felt under obligations to Mr. Swinton for giving him advice which ho did not follow. Then Swinton wrote a sarcastic editorial about Yil lard alluding to him as the golden spike that had once been a bare-footed German boy. It is not known what Yillard will now do in retaliation, but if he is anxious to pose as a public benefactor he will deed over to Swin ton a quarter section of prairie land m the northwest corner of Dakota, whore the great American socialist can spend his declining yars safe from the world and the world safe from him. In Loudon, on the 1st, ODonnell, on trial lor the murder of Carey, was convicted and sentenced tobe hanged The prisoner maintained the utmost composure during the trial, but at the close as the officers advanced to lead him away he extended his hand aloft and shouted "Three cheers for Old Ireland! Good bye, United States! To hell with the British crowd! It's a plot made up by the crown!" "SVIIY TIIE CLOCKS CHANGED. Professor of Astronomy J. JL Eees, of Columbia College, lectured before the Engineering Society of the School of Mines and invited guests recently on the subject of the proposed new time standards for the United States. He said that there was a common misapprehension in regard to clock time and sun, or actual time. Clocks do not keep pace with the sun, and thero are only four times in the year April 15th, June 14th, August 31st and December 24lh when the sun and the clocks agree. As an instance of the difference, ou November 3d, the sun is at the meridian sixteen minutes and twenty seconds before the New York clock indicates noon. Local time is the keeping of accurate mean time at any given place, mean timo beunr reckoned from a mean or second sun. Although the city hall clock and the clock on the Columbia 0011626 observatory both point to noon at the same time, there is a dif ference of eight seconds in the actual time of the two places. Somo years ago the railroads in the United States had nearly 103 different st ndards of time, regulated by locd times. Yarious plans were suggest ed for a more uniform sys tem. Professor Dowd, of Saratoga, proposed four standards, taking Washington as a meridian. Then it was suggested that there should be a single standard for the whole coun try, but this was not found practi cable. In Maine, for instance, by the single standard it would "be 4 o'clock, when by the local time it ought to be six. In 1875 Professor Abbey suggested that the time be fix ed for every fifteen degrees of longi tude, beginning with the 75th meridi an and extending to the 120th. This gives four standards of time, dividing the country into four belts of about 1,000 miles wide in this latitude. By this system the lime in Maine, New York and Savannah would be the. same, and in each of the other merid ians or belts there would be a simi lar uniformity. It is this plan which has been adopted by the railroads and most of the cities of the country. Life, even in Tennessee, has its attendant discomforts and annoy ances. A local paper plaintively asks: ''Isn't it about time for the authorities to sell the mule used to draw the town hearso and buy a horse? Twice lately he has balked and detained processions on bitter cold days for over an hour, and only last week he lacked in the front of the vehicle nn seriously damaged the corpse. People are beginning to get enough of this sort of thing, and if the authorities don't take proper action a citizens' meeting will be called." An ''option' given in the time of Daniel, probably the oldest on record has been found in a Babylonian brick, aud gives the buyer, Bel-ahe-iddiu, the privilege of taking possession of the home of Bel-rimmain at any time within four years on payment of "11 manas 18 drachmas" of silver, and, with prudence worthy of "Wall street, says a Chicago paper, Bel-ahc-iddin gets a guarantee that Bei-rimmain will contest no legal proceedings brought on the option. The gradual disuse of iron rails is shown by the fact that in the last few montlis this country has entirely ceased to import them from Great Britain, and that in the eight months ending in August there was a decrease in their exportation from England of 20 per cent. The steel rail exports, however, in the same length of time increased from 400,000 tons to 000,000 tons. This argues a belter equipment for railroads, the sequence of which would seem to be fewer accidents. fA Marion county man made a bet with a neighbor that he couldn't walk half a mile without looking to the right or left, and just as the man started on his walk set two dogs to fighting about half-way down the track and won his money as easily as could be. Conoress convened yesterday. In the House, Carlisle, of Kentucky, who had been nominated in a Democratic caucus two days before, was elected speaker. The Bepublicans gave Keifer the compliment 6f a renomina tion. Sojourner Truth, who died last week in Michigan, insisted to the last that she was 10S years old, and rather than have her feel bad about it every body agreed to call it 103, though the records say 85. It is asserted that a locomotive will last thirty years if nothing happens to it. A poet will last that long, it nothing "happens to him." 1IKI). In San Francisco, Dec, 1st, 18S3, of heart disease, Miss Henrietta Banks, oniy.aaugiuer ot .Mrs. m. sanies, oi as toria, aged 24 years and 4 months. Portland papers please copy. NEW TO-DAY Meeting Notice. rilUE ANNUAL MEETING OF TIIE JL stockholders of the Fishermen's Tack hie Company will be held at the Company's oliicc In Upper Astoria Or., on Saturday. Dec, 29th. for the purpose of electing a Board of Directors for the ensuing year, and trans act such other business as may come before theiTieetmg. uyoruer F. C. REED. Tresldent. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. A T MRS. GEO. KILLER'S, NEXT DOOR ix io vesion iiotei. NEW TO-DAY. &IATI1CTM IX MILLINEEY . -AT MRS. A. MALCOLM'S. To close or r winter stock i will sell for the rextJtO days all goods at a reduction of:JO to -K) percent against former prices. Now is your opportunity. Ladles, to secuie targains. Look ut l!n; Follcxviu- i'rices. Ladies' Tur Beaver Hats, now 52.03. for merly Silo. Girls' Moscow Renveis, new 75 cents for merly $1 25. Bovs' Cup?, now 75; Jo Sl.'Su, foimcriySl io S1.S0. Misses' HimkK now 51 T-. forwf tiy $U23. Infants Ho:h1s. now SI. formerly Hosiery, how 50c. formtrlv Tie. Lace Collar; ana Klcbns, now 25c to SIM, lomieriv -rc to . Indies' aud Chi'drtW Linen Collars, now 15 to 20c. formerly 25 io sac. Infants' Wool rfacqnes and Boots Hi n re duction of 4o per cent. OGCIDEITAL HAL Wednesday, Thursday. Friday, and Saturday. December 5th, 6th, 7tli, antl 8th, ZAMLOCH The Vonder Worker of the World In his Own Original Marvels. rrr r.icgaiu aim v-iwuy ires- -t rr X O ) tnts H 1 ven awav oacn X 0 U 4 VllUHIIUIlUt In order to convince the imiWR Hint our presents are the Finest Ever Given Away In this State.Our Gifts will lie on Exhibition Free at the Hall, DECEMBER .7. at 2 Z 31. Ydmission. (including 3 Knreluiwtt. .10 c uuiiureii. (including i envelope). - iz. RcscrvedSeatsOncludhnM Envelopes), 7. Reserved Seats for sale at New York Nov city Store. Foster's Exctap. GBAKD OPENING THIS WEEK! Finest fitted up Billinrdaiid Sample Rooms in me city. Everything first-class throughout. At the entrance to the O.R.&N. Dock, L. S. (x. SMITH, . Importer and wholesale dealer iu Clzar niul Tolinrros, .Smoltcrs' Articles, riajins rariN. Cutlery, Sta tionery. Etc The largest and finest stock of MEER- &uiiai!.m. anu ami.ku uuuus in tneciiy. Particular attention paid to orders from tuc country, Thko. RR.YCKER. Manacer. Lucnamus Mrcet, Astoria. Oregon. BOAT BUILDING, msSS R. M. LEATHERS Has reopened his boat shop, over Aradt & Forchcn's, foot of Lal'avctte .stret-t. and K prepared to turn out FIRST-CLASS 150ATS. ALli WOKZL uaka.ti:ei). FOR LIVERPOOL DIREGT- The silvndld .V 1 Brillsh Iron KILLOCHAK" Will be shortly on the berth for SALMON in lots to suit Mimncts. rorlrflelit and iu suraik'e apply to Messrs. RALFOUR, G CTHRIE.t Co. romanu. Or to 1. L. CHERRY, Astoria. NOTICE. ftTOTlCE is HEREBY OIVEN TO ALL i- wiiom It may concern, that the under signed comprise the partnership firm of "Sue ouik L.nu4vi... uomg nusincisas import ersand wholesale and retail dealers in Teas Sugar. Rice, Chinese Provisions etc. at the City of Astoria. County of Clatsop, and State oi ureiron. anu that no other nerson or ner sons have or own any interest whatever in saiu nnn or tne imsmes lliereor. WONG WAII, WONG MING SHt'CK. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, this .TOth Nov 18S3. d-3t ASSIGNEE OFT. BAILY. TWOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ii wilt apply at the next term of the Cir cuit wan u xnc &tate oi uregon, tor the County of Clatsop, to be discharged from liinncr i nisi as assignee oi r. iiaiiv. I. W. CASE. Assignee. Astoria. Ogn.. Nov. 20. 1SS3. d-4w FOR SALE. TN LOTS TO SUIT. FROM 5 ACRES TO JL -io acre trsic: in S. W. comer of Chas, Stevens' I). C. Title nerfect. For narMcn. lars inquin; at office of N. D. Raymond, City jiuii ; or ou uie premises oi u. u. oung. Astoria, Nov. yd, 18SJ. Notice. TtTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATTIIE a. i uuuersigneu nas ueen appointed the as sianeeof the firm of A. M. .Johnson nml Cn mill nil IWiKltK Imvlnrr f!iltnc n(r-nnct cqI1 firm arc notified to present the same duly iiiuiiu luiiicauu imiLi; in jvsioria. urc gon, within three months from this date ucioui-r i in, lftM. d-Gw A. W. BERRY, Notice of Dissolution. 7VJ OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE i partnership heretofore existing between of Lung Wing as pawnbroker in the city of juioria. is uus uay uissoivca Dy mutual con sent. The business will be carried on by the new linn name of Goon Wine Co Duck Fong will pay all the debts of Lung GOON WING CO. By LAM FAT. I.AM DUCK Manager. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING -ftTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE ii annual meeting of the stockholders of the Scandinavian Packing Co, will be held at the Company's Office, on Thursday Dec. 13, 1S33. at o o'clock A. XL, for the purpose of electing a Roard of Directors for the ensuing year anu uic transaction oi sucn outer uusi ness as may come berore the meeting. By order of the President. II. PLATH, Secretary. Astoria, Nor. 29. 18S3. Notice to Stockholders. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATTIIE annual meeting of the stockholders of the Pacific Union Pk'g Co. will be held on Saturday Dec 22 18S3. at their office In As toria for the purpose of electing a board of Directors and the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. J. R. GDLSTRAP. J. A. CARLSON. Secy, Fres't. mm- CHRISTMAS CARDS. ONE PRICE The public are invited Ui call and examine our immense stock of Holiday (Joods, consisting of Albums, Scrap Cooks. Music Folios. Toilet Stands. Dressing Cases. Fans. Picture Frames. Oil Paintings. Chromos, Etc. 0 U o 115 o o iH c Q NEW siX STORE! i We do not propose to inveigle the public either by 1 false representations or such pernicious clap-trap as the ? purported purchase of an Eastern Bankrupt stock at 2". S cents on the dollar. All our dealings are legitimate and above board. In proof of what we say and claim, we would respectfully suggest to tin public to examine mid price the goods in "Ollxer Stores before coming to us. and thus satisfy themselves of the truth of our representations. Th.Q ITswTorls STovelty Store si Aire STKF.zrr. astouia. BIRTHDAY CARDS. M. .1. OUSTAFSOX. MARTIN OLSEN 8c CO. DKAJ.KRS IS FURNITURE S? BEDDINC"1 Corner Jiuin and Miiiu'ttioaua Streets. AHtoria, Oregon. WINDOW SHADES AKD TRIKIMIHCS; WALL PAPER' ETC A Complete Stock. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. ALT. KIXDS OF FI'KSITITESK r Drugs and Chemicals V J. E. THOIflAS, 3 DRUGGIST ! 9 Pharmacist, Prescriptions carefully compounded j Day or Night. BASBOUKS . Salmon Net Ttoeafls HAVE NO EQUAL. the The London Fisheries Exhibition ILVVE AWARDED THE GOLD MEDAL TO- The Barioir Brothers Company FOR TIIE SUPERIOR TY OF TIIEIR FLAX NET THREADS. FOR TILLAMOOK. (Weather permitting.) The new Steamer rLm IB. FIEIjD. N.P. JOIIANSEN, - - - Master. Will leave for TILIAMOOK, on FOR SAILING DATES AND PARTICU lars apply to J. G. HUSTLER, Main street Whart, Astoria : ALLEN Jfc LEWIS, Portland ; J. L. STORY Tillamook. DAIRY FARM FOR SALE. 954 ACRES ON CLATSOP PLAINS KNOWN AS THE P. GEARILVRT FARM together with thirty cows, seventeen head of youns cattle, one horse, one wagon and other farming implements. This is a rare chance lor anvone to secure a good dairy or stock farm. For particulars Inquire of d-wtf J. W. GEARILVRT REMOVAL. -The Astoria Passenger Line WILL AFTER THIS DATE HAVE ITS i t headquarters at Its Stables next to 15. D. Franklin's, two doors below The Asto-uias-office. First-class Livery service. Carts with horse furnished, for one dollar per hour. Carriages on application The Astoria Passenger Line Hacks will leave for Upper Astoria from the stables. Horses taken to board. MRS.T.O'RRIEN. For Sale. FIVE HUNDRED CORDS DRY HEM lock Wood, which I will deliver at the houses of customers for S4 a cord. Draying or all kinds done at reasonable rates. R. R. MARION. astoria,o NEW YEAR CARDS. I I ONLY ! Q P O 0 xN YORK Q WEDDING CARDS. a. joiixsox. R325AIRK1 AVI VAlI.tIS2IE J. HESS. A. JI. JOHNSON. Astoria Sail Loft .MANUFACTURERS OF SAILS, ' TENTS, AWNINGS, TARPAULINS, And everj'thlnjr else pertaining to our Business. Lowes tPrice and Best "Work For your jroney, At the Old Stand. Leave your orders and ?et your work done at once. J. II ESS 4 CO. Oregon. Astoria, Harflware ani- SMp Clianfllerj A. VAN DUSEN & CO.. DRACEUS IN I Hardvare and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binnacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine. Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, Sewing Machines'. Paints and Oils, Groceries, etc. BANKING AHDJHSURANCE. X. W. CASE, BROKER, BANKER AKD INSURANCE AGENT ASTORIA, - - OREGON OFFICE HOURS: FROil 9 O'CLOCK A. II. UNTIL 3 O'CLOCK P. M. One Intial Iw Co. OF CALIFORNIA. J. F. Hougittox Chas. R. Storv..... Geo. L. Storv . ...President Secretary -Agent for 0""gon V Capital paid tip in U. S goldj coin . S S00 000 IX) I. W. CASE, Agent, Chenamus street. Astoria, Oregon. $67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LOON AND GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Representing a capital of 867,000,000. A. VAN DUSEN. Agent. FRANK Fresh Fruits FANCY GROCERIES. TEU apply to the Captain. tr to E. P. Parker, 53 S3 IIAVE JUST RECEIVED A IADOIOTII STOCK OF BOOKS. The oung and old. tich ami Agents for the Kranich & Bach Western Cottage Organs. Orders for all kinds of Music or Instruments will be promptly filled. 12. F. STEVEISS tfc CO., City Book Store. EE-OPENING ! Ladies desirous of procuring Goods iinequaled in Style and Pinisn. will take pleasure in examining our Stock of S, SATINS and BEESS GOODS. m THE GENTS' FUSNISHSffG DEPARTMENT, Everything is Complete and of the hest. THE NE"$ A FULL STOCK S3- IE?- Two doors cast of Occident Hotel. (SPCCESSOIi 70 .TACKINS fi: MONTGOMERY.) PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. CIir..AHC STREET, Xext to C Ii. Parker's Store. CHAS. HEILBORN, MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE S5 BEDDING AND DEALER IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN POLES Complete in every branch. GERMAN1A EEER HALL XSD BOTTLE REER DEPOT. CuiCTAircB Stseet. Astohu. The Best of Imager 5 Cts. a Glass Orders for tho ia Brewery Left at this place will be promptly attend ed to. No cheap Sao Francisco Beer sold at this place- WM. BOCK.Proprietar. Vegetables STEA7t2ER CLABA PARKER Eugenj D. Brack, Master. o r TOWING, FUKIGHT orCIIAK- Agent. 11. U. PAKIilill. wor can all b& accommodated. and Mandsfeldt 2c Notni Pianos and j RANGE CAN BE HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OF AGENT CALL AND EXAMINE IT, YOU WILL BE PLEASED. E. R. HA WES Is also agent for the And other first-class stoves. Furnace "Worlr, Steam Pit tinKs. otc, a. spociolty- ALWAYS OK HAND. T7-JS, ASTORfA. OREGON. D KALE It Xy Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. . Agents for Magee Stoves and Eanges The Rest in tho market. Piumbing goods of all kinds on hand. Job work done In a workmanlike manner. California Exchange The best of California and Foreign Wines and Liquors Kept Constantly on Hand Domestic ami Jb'orelsn Cigars of the best Krands. NATiONAL BREWERY BEER. On Concomly between Benton and Lafa yette streets. lm GEORGE GORLTER. MODEL