ASTORIA, OREGON: THUKSDAY -NOVEMBER 18S3 ISSUED EVERY MORNING. (Monday excepted) J. F. HAL.L.ORAN &; COMPANY, rUBLISIIEIlS AND VKOrKIETOUS, ASTORIA.?. BUILDING, - - CASS STKEI2T TeraiH of Subscription. Served by Carrier, per week l3cts. Sent by Mail, per month . GOcts. " r " one year. . .S7.00 Free or postage to subscribers. ""Advertisements inserted by the vear at ttxe rate ol $2 per square per mouth. Tran sient advertising flltv ceuts per square, each Insertion. Around the Cit3. No paper to-morrow. Turkey. '"Jeff's' restaurant reopens to-day. The Slate sailed yesterday: tup Oregon ia due to-morrow. Service in the Episcopal church at eleven o'clock thifl a. m. ; A. M. Johnson is agent for the Thing valla line of steamships. The work of driving piles for the Clat sop Mill Company's new mill began yes terday. vlIost of the stores and business places will bo closed to-day, particularly in the afternoon. "There will be an auction sale at E. C. Holden's auction rooms at eleven o'clock next Saturday morning. Major John L Rogers, of the First Ar tillery, late at Baltimore, Md., is expected by the 1st to take command at Fort Canby. ' All maskers will remember that they must identify themselves to the commit tee before they can participate in the car nival. .Major MacMurray, commandant at Fort Canby, came down yesterday after noon to eat his Thanksgiving turkey at the fort. The time of the arrival of the Portland mail boot has greatly improved lately, an improvement which is appreciated by eyeryone. An Ilwaco subscriber tells of a mother that gave birth to nine little ones last week. She is said to be a lirst-rate mouser, too. " The carnival this evening is an assured success, over one hundred fancy and character costumes have been engaged and will be on the floor. The British ship Morayshire, 11524, Cooper, master, 127 days from Leith, ar rived in yesterday; the Corsica crossed out; the C. D. Bryant came down; the Maid of Orleans arrived in. Let every one purchase a ticket for the masquerade carnival this evening whether they attend or not. The pro ceeds are for the benefit of our fire depart ment, and the efforts of the boys should be rewarded. i Probabilities relative to next June's election are already being discussed. Among other ideas is mentioned that of placing John H. Mitchell in nomination tor the position that M. C. George will occupy next Monday. -The managing committee of the masked ball this evening, have spared neither pains nor expense to procure the best music and to have the seats for spec tators arranged for comfort; in fact, ev erything pertaining thereto in first-class condition. It is thought that there are about 100, 000 cases of salmon on the river. Since the 1st of last April 504,200 cases have gone across the bar; this includes foreign and domestic shipments; somewhere in the neighborhood of 28,000 cases went ast via N. P. R. R. The masked ball at the skating rink this evening will doubtless be well attended. Many who have been unable to procure costumes will Want to go as spectators. The prizes will be warmly competed for. Those who have not procured tickets can get them this morning at Frank Parker's grocery store. The Clatsop Mill Company is about to begin the building of a saw mill on the site just east of John A. Devlin's can nery. The piles are on the around, or rather the water, and the work will be gin next week. A new boiler the same size ns that at Montgomery's Skamokwa mill, will be nsed, together with the old ones formerly in the George Hume mill. 1 Union Thanksoivino. A nnion thanks giving service will be held in the Metho- o'clock. Sermon by Rev. B. S. McLaf ferty. A collection for the poor will be taken. wm. ito debts. Astoria, Nov. 29, 1833. ; A Fodu-Masteb. Preparations are go ing on at North Bend for the immediate construction of another new vessel there, which it is thought will be a four-master, schooner rigged. It will be the first four- master vessel built on the coast. Her ca pacity will be about 000,003 feet of lum ber. Maebieb. To Rev. M. D. Wilson was yesterday evening delegated the pleasant duty of uniting in the bonds of matri mony Miss Jennie Crane,- second daugh ter of Dr. and Mrs. F. L. Crane, and Mr. H. G. Van Dusen, second son of A Van Dusen, all of this city. Tho ceremony was performed at the rcsidenco of the bride a parents and was witnessed by a few members of the family and intimate friends. The bride is well known in so ciety as an estimable voung lady, and th6 groom is to be congratulated on his suc cess. The newly married couple begin life's journey under the most favorable auspices, and have the heartiest wishes of a largo circle of friends. Lighting Gas "With the Finqeb. Lighting gas with the ringer is a feat any body may perform. Let a person, in his slippers, walk briskly over a woolen car pet, scuffling his feet thereon, or stand upon a chair, with its legs upon four tumblers to insulate it, and there be nibbed up and down on the body a few times with a muff by a second individual, nd ho will light his gas by simply plac ing his finger to the tube. It is only nec essary to take the precaution not to touch anything or be touched by anybody during the trial of the experiment. The shock of electricity required by the pro cess we have described is discharged by contact with another object. One person mast turn on tho gas while the other Had Cleaned 'Em Out. They're tell iag a story in the upper country on one of tho old Linn county pioneers who went East as one of the excursionists to visit the scenes of his boyhood days-, which he had not seen or heard from since ho left, over 30 years ago. The "old home" to be visited was in Pike county, Missouri, and the pioneer hero is an old unreconstructed Democrat. On arriving at the station of his old home the pioneer asked of some bystanders wjao was the oldest inhabitant of the town. Directions were given him where he' could find a hardware dealer who had been & resident of the village for many ,.r- wu : ci "i i ir found Ins mnn and commenced as fol J '3 f UUi (111 um pieneer of Oregon, having shaken the dust from this town about 30 years ago, and have not heard from any relatives emcothen. Do you know any people rxytrc "Uu Yinrvia 10 . T 11 around here bv the name of ? Af tar Uemtating awhile, as if ruminating in the dark recesses of the almost forgotten past, the hardware merchant looked un rJiriU. slowly replied: "Yes, we Yankees TtdMed the whole d n tribe during the waV." The old pioneer bade a hasty adieu, took the next train bound west sod reached Oregon fully prepared to stay there tne balance or bis days. A TALK OF TWO CITIES. rrorrm of the 'TlKllftnte" Trial In Port land. "Lines down" has prevented us from getting any word of tho trial, and the following is collated from tho Portland papers. The case was called in the United States District Court before Judge Deady, last j Tuesday. About seventy spectators were ..resent" The jury consisted of B. F. M. Linch, IL C. Ringo, A M. Shibbey, Seba Norton. Vf. W. Culver, M. Cunningham, Hugh Herron, A Andrews. J. D. Arthurs. Geo. "VY. Houch. Cms Gibbon and J. B. Harris. For Bovle the counsel were Messrs. Johnson. Fanner. Bybee, and for the defendant. Messis. Williams, Mal lorv, Hill and Winton. Boyle testified that in Astoria he was working in a saloon. After the fire he was notified to leave town, but failed to go. He was arrested and lodged in joil, where he was visited by the vigilantes. They took him to their committee room, handcuffed and blindfolded him, put a stick gag in his mouth and marched him up a hill. They gave him his choice of leaving town or receiving twenty-flvo lashes on his bareback. He refused to go, and they advised him to write to his Earents, and asked him the address of is parents. They then ordered him to halt, took off the 'handcuffs and warned him that if he attempted to move they would kill him. They then gave him twenty-five lashes on tlie back. On cross-examination he testified that when he was in Socorro, New Mexico, a party of vigilantes ordered liim out of town, and he declined to go, when ho was allowed to remain unmolested. He told this circumstance to the Astoria vigi lantes, but not to intimate that they could not drive him out. While drunk one night he accidentally discharged a Sistol in "Russian Bob's' saloon. He ad played poker and faro, and was about gambling houses a good deal, but denied trying to open a gambling-house about Astoria. He was known as John Jones, because when some strangers asked him his name he thought it was none of their business, and replied "Jones.' He had never told anybody that he was a bad man. He had a 'dispute, but no fight, with "Russian Bob,' lxut a woman. Witness could not po.-itively identity the man who had handcuffed him. He left Cannda in 1873; went back, and left again in 1882 for Arizona, where he had been before. On the second visit he re mained about eight months. He got ac quainted with a good many cow-boys there; did not claim to be an expert shot, and had never made that claim in Asto ria; had been accustomed to carrying a pistol; never had any trouble with the Arizona cow-boys, in Astoria he had worked for three days tending bar, but during tho balance of his residence thero was spending money he had brought there; had never voted in this country; he had a room in the Parker house in As toria and slept there sometime at night; he was in the saloons of "Swilltown," and occasionally jriaj'ed cards there. On re direct examination ho stated that he knew a man in Astoria called "Arizona Jack," but hethe witness) was not that man. It was customnry tor saioon-keep-ers to keep a six-shooter or some other weaixm under the bar, and when he was tending bar he kept one for use m case anyone attempted to molest him. In the afternoon Jo. buprenant testm- ed that he was present at the citizens' committee meeting when Boyle was ex amined. About six members of the com mittee left on special business during the meeting. Witness went on the hill where iioyle was whipped, and there were thirty-five or forty other citizens. There was one light in the party. Wit ness did not know whether the vigilantes were armed or not. Arriving at the hill, there was some talk among the com mittee about scaring Boyle with the idea that he was to be hanged. There was some talk of a rope. He was asked if he would prefer to Ikj lashed or hanged, and ho replied that ho didn't want to bo hanged. He was asked if he had anv let ter or trinkets he wished to send to his mother. He asked that his parents re ceive no information that he was hanged. After he was whipped he was made to kneel and swear that ho would attempt to injure no one present, and that he would leave Astona, never to return. The night was verv dark, with no moon. The whipiing, twenty-five lashes, was done by Capt. Johnson, with a cat-o- nme-tails. borne of the blows were light and others heavy. Bo vie was bare to tho waist. Capt. Johnson was selected to do the whipping- because he was a seaman and supposed to be able to do the work in good shape. Witness was acting as special policeman while the committee was in session, lie uearu jjovio say oe fore the committee that he was a gam bier by profession. Many of Johnson's blows struck Boyle below the belt, where he was protected by his clothing. The committee was composed of about 200 of the best citizens of the town merchants and business men. An evening session of the court was held, during which tho testimony ot a large number of witnesses in behalf of the defense was taken. At the defense rested and the plaintiff commenced in troducing testimony in rebuttal. "What Time Ik It." Tho lack of unanimity among the clocks and watches of Astoria has long been the subject of painful knowledge to niairy worthy citizens whose respective chronometers fail to agree in indicating tho current hour, lo had two watches anywhere within three minutes of each other is very rare and the keeping of ap poinlments'is rendered uncertain there- bv. A new element lias now entered in to the calculation which may mend mat ters as far as wo of Astoria are concern ed. Tho railroads of tho country havo adopted a new standard of time, the ope ration of which auccts tho local time very differently. According to tho new svstem which has recently gone into use. it is three minutes and fifty-eight seconds past twelve at New lork city by the old standard when the clocks strike twelve. Farther tho time changes Jess and less from the old standard until tho me ridians-of this coast are reached, when the change is the other way, and railroad time is faster than the old time used to be, until by the time one gets to the longitude of The Abtobian office he wouiannaii uiswaicuTverexaariang rail road time that he would be nine minutes and fifty-two seconds faster than what might be considered standard time in the same locality. Muhicipalty after muni- cipany uub umciuuy rccugmzc-u me new time, and although Astoria is not what might be styled a railroad city, yet a due regard for the eternal fitness of things will impel us to keep up with the proces sion by pushing tne nanus of our respect ive clocks and watches about ten mm utes ahead. The clocks of a continent are being changed to correspond to the new time ana sixty minions oi people are euuui" their meals, and going to work and gut ting by a different system of tune than they were a short time ago. The princi ple arrived at is uniformity. When tho clock at the Western Union Telegraph office at New York is striking 12, the ciocK in me uxiicago ouice in Kiniuug n, in tho Denver office tho clock strikes 10, the San Francisco office tho clock strikes 9. The matter has been under discussion among railroad men for sever al years, and it was finally decided to make the seventy-fifth meridian of west longitude from Greenwich the base of thp new svKtpm. If the result to us of Astoria shall bo to give a set standard on time to which all tickers shall acknowl edge sway, then those eastern railroad men will have contributed something of rood to our civilization, and aided all in the observance of that punctuality which is said to be ''the politeness of kings. A fine assortmentof wedding presents IluYtt jUbl DCCU Ulipuuntu Auiti urj-stai i-aiace. The best Mince and Pumpkin pies at Astoria Bakery. HESKY YILLABD'S MAGSIFICEXT RESI DENCE. The d'randnt Hnellinp in America. Among tho marvelous stories told of American millionaires, none is nioro wonderful than that relative to the career of Henry Villard. In boyhood's days we read stories of men who from poverty rose to dazzling affluence, and sprang from low estate to princely splendor, but no stranger tale was ever told than that of the poor newspaper man at 20 a week ho is now building the hnest residence on the American continent. It is situated on Murray Hill, tho 'ob Hill" of New York City; was begun last summer and eclipses anything in that luxurious metropolis that has yet been designed for private residence. It occu pies an entire olock, having a frontage of 200 feet. That part which he will occupy is on the comer of Fifty-first street. It's frontage is GO feet and its depth 100 feet. The other wing will be similar, except that it is divided into tnree parts, and between the wings is a "court 89 feet in width and 73 feet in depth. The portion of the building behind the court extend? back 40 feet beyond the wings aud is a double house of itself. In the center of the court will be placed a magnificent fountain, around which will be a broad drive and in each corner a grass-plot. It ill be inclosed by a massive fence of iron with stone posts. E3ch house com municates directly with the court. The extension of the great building is more grand than beautiful. It Is the result of a combination of Roman and Florentine architecture, the plans of the Cancelleria Palace at Rome and the Par nese Palace being copied by the archi tects. Lue material is sandstone, tne light-gravish amber-stone of which Trin ity Church was built. Everything is massive and there is little attempt at ornament. Huge blocks of stone are piled one upon another and overtopped by a heavy cornice of the same material. "Tho wings are three Btories in height besides the basement and attic stones. From tho sidewalk to the top of tho cornice the measurement is 68 feet The basement and first story are rusticated and others plain stone ashler with the angles strengthened by rustication. The front of the two center houses is sup ported by five arcades with heavy col umns of polished granite. Dutch tiles cover the roof. The whole effect is severe and dignified. .Entering the spacious portal ot the illard residence the visitor finds himself in a magnificent reception room, fourteen by twenty-eight feeC. Everything hero is in inlaid wood floor, ceiling, walls and columns. On either side open the draw ing-rooms. They are each nineteen by twenty-eight feet, and are being nnished in mahogany, inlaid with light woods, satin wood and maple being noticeable. Between the pilasters will be hung rich tones are a light reddish brown and a light yellow. The drawing-rooms and reception-rooms are so arranged that they can be thrown into one spacious apart ment 100 feet in width and twenty-eight m depth. Jbroni the reception room a hall four teen feet in width and fortv-twoin length leads to the music room. Aladdin's lamp never revealed a hall more magnificent. It is entirelv in mosaic. The material is yellow Italian marble. The floor is in (Jhaillon marble in small pieces woven into beautiful designs. The mantel is a master-piece of the sculptor from an ltal ian design, and the whole apartment was executed bv Italian artists in the style of ...,.i,. o"". .i. 'vuo. i.r.11 ;a spanned by three semi-circular arches, in Sienna marble, with sculpture by Louis St. Gaudens. A vestibule following the same plan leads out of tho hall back of the drawing-room. The music room, however, is the chef d'eouvre of the decorator s art. it is a diminutive theater, 48 bv 24 feet in di mension and 32 feet from floor to ceiling, extending to the third story. It is in the style of tho Francis I room of Fontaino bleau Palace. The colors are white and gold. A wainscoting, eight feet in hight, in carved pino, surrounds the room. At one end is a gallery for the musicians. The ceiling is an elliptical vault, and ev ery detail shows the skill of the artist. Between tho music room and vestibule marble stairs twelve feet broad lead to the upper stories. Again the tone is yel low. An elaborate Itenaissance ceiling spans the stairs. The elevator-way occu pies iue remaining space. Across the hall are the mam dining' room and breakfast room, which can be thrown into one apartment, 2J by GO feet in size. Carved woods again replace the marble. The room is executed in English oak inlaid with white mahogany. Tho ceiling is divided by beams cased with English oak and the carved Inezes, three feet in width, are inlaid with floral de signs and inscriptions. The two mantels are of red Verona marble. The upper stones are m keeping with tho splendor below, although of course not so elabo rate, lho general style is Italian lienais sauce. The furniture will be especially mag nificent. That of the drawing-rooms will be upholstered nnd of colors har monizing with the decorations, all the designs being original, and the ht tings throughout, locks, gas fixtures, car pets, etc., will be made specially for tho purpose. Tho cost ot the building un furnished will bo an even million dollars. Ui this tho decorating of the drawing rooms cost S50.000: the dining room?. 20,000; the hall, $30,000; and tho music room, S20.000. As much more will be expended on other work in the latter room a year hence. To finish the interi or of Mr. viuard's house necessitates the expenditure of 250,000. The upper floors are now about completed and tho furniture is arming. Tne structure when completed will be the most magnificent residence building in the country, far surpassing tho Van derbilt houses. It is the first attempt maae 10 reprouuee an Aiaiion paince in America, ilenry Villard's house is palace, in fact. Thero was a. game of poker once With two men at the table. When each piled down his little chips, As long as he was able. "Alas F' cried he who got the scoop, (For short, Pli call him "Banty) I'll have to see my 'uncle' now, "That you have 'seen' my ante," PROCtAMATIOSr BY JEFF. 500.1illed. Grand re-onening of his celebrated restaurant.- Dinner uiu or tare to-day SOUP. Oyster. FISH. Salmon Bellies. BOASTS. Turkey, Cranberry Sauce, Chicken, Beef, Mutton. Pork, Stuffed Yeal. EXTUEES. Corned Pork and Sauer Kraut, Toad in the Hole. Boiled Tonjme. Pickle Sauce Baked Heart, Spanish Beef a la Mode. PUDDING. Thanksgiving Plum. PIES. Apple and Mince. ' RELISHES. Celery &c Tea, Coffee, "Wine and S. F. Beer. Dinner from 3 to 8 p. m. 3feals 2$. T.nritnM TTmIio TVoflco. Jtrr. Leo Strassman, representing Mrs. Pnger's suit and cloak house of Port land, lias arrived with an elegant stock of suits and cloaks. He will remain at the Occident Hotel a few days only. This magnificent variety of suits and cloaks will be on exhibition at room 10, Occident Hotel every afternoon from to 4 until Saturday. These elegant goods will be sold at cost. .Ladies be sure and call. These suits and cloaks have been made un in accordance with the prevailing fashion, and are of the very best material. If you waut some- hlng really stylish you should embrace this opportunity. Carl Idler's CrjrsUl Palace. Among the many fine stores that our city now boasts of there is nono that more attractive in outward display, or more perfect in all its ap pointments, than tho recently opened establishment of Carl Adler in Kinney's brick building. Sometime ago the enter- I that the time had come when it was no longer necessary for an Astorian to send money elsewhere in the purchase of fino goods, and accordingly having leased bis present spacious premises he proceeded to fill it with a magnificent stock of goods, that by their freshness, actual value, and piuji; ui iuu uuo uue oi Miumcm frnmmml -criHi fomipr nHrai intr-cit- ments may be found an infinite collection ing price, that any resident of the citv or vicinity in need o books, music, mus'ical instruments, clocks, watches, bijouterie, fine stationery, etc., is sure to be satisfied as to price and quality, The main point to which the attention of our readers is directed is this. The large stock of varied goods is of suffi- cientsize to insure you're being suited, When there is so much to choose from n florin i1!ffprnt atvltvi of ffio voro nrti' cle you want, it is plain that the former nh;;nn ti,nt t,n i. cfM- .i;r.v have enough vanety, no longer exist?. Mr. Adler's aim is to meet an existing demand, to supply the popular taste, and to show that a store which compares fav- nrnhlv irith tb finest in Pnrtlnnd. ran be successfully earned on in Astoria. His stock is complete, and whether it be .. et. r n toothpick or a set of silverware, a blank book or a superb edition of a favorite poet, the customer may be assured that he has the same advantages both in selec tion and purchase that are possesed by the residents of Portland or San Fran cisco, buch a store as -Mr. Adler s is a credit to our growing citv, and is illus trative or tho progress of tho commun ity. His daily display of novelties in ev- ery line attracts numuere oi visitors, ana to see Carl Adler's Crystal Palace should "" " J iiuit i. u At iv Blip I rltchard W5ou. dpnng rtotes uill .rntchard thinks he'll have to get a new butcher wagon ! Hita Knr?nr AVi urn nt-id Hint lincinoaiia ' 1- n- n " so good. February 27. I .Business jottings. K iurdv; (whose business card we print in another column) have put in an estimate on Hill Pritchard's new wagon. April C. Personals We hear that Hill Pntchard has given the contract for his new butch er wagon to KoKeo fc Purdy. Ho could not havo done better, and we are glad there is no truth in the rumor that he was going to Clarenceville to get the job done. Apnl 10. Jottings About town. The new wagon for Bill Pritchard had the wheels tned yesterday at tho shop of McKee fc Purdy, -ri i l tj. -rT7-- un jiuiii hitrei. iiuii jitxvtn.', tue senior member of the firm, did tho .work, al though isob urdy got the water neces sary to shrink the iron. May 7. Casual Mention Bill Pnfchard s new wagon received its first coat of paipt yes terday at & urdy' shop. Tho body color is a dull gray. May 21. tditonal rtotes. We are always glad to recognize and mention any attempt at home manufactures. We have long held the opinion, and we have freely expressed it, both in these columns in our capacity as journalist and in private among our acquaintances, that Whangdoodle needs manufactures to build her up. It will not be until men of money outside the town recognize our willingness to help our selves that capital will come to take ad vantage of the unexampled facilities for investment of which whangdoodle is full. It is, therefore, with peculiar pleas ure that wo call the attention of our read ers to the fact that a butcher wagon for Bill Pritchard (who in our advertising columns calls the attention of our readers to his place of business) has been built by McKee & Furdv, the popular black smiths on Main, street, whose card we publish in another place. W e are glad to know that the business of one of our ad vertisers has grown to such a point that he requires a hew wagon, and we are proud of tho fact that Whangdoodle could supply a firm in the person of an other advertiser to build it. June 3. Whangdoodle Hetletc. Corsct-s and Umlcnvear. AH the latest makes and stvhvs of cor sets and ladies underwear at Israel Bros.' Empire store. Frank Fabre. Ilolrl. Frank Fabre has the finest accommo dations for lodgers to bj found in As toria, over his restaurant in Kinsey's building. Everything is neat and cl-an unci the beds are new, soft and comfort able. If you want good loard and lodg ing go to Frank Fabre's A Juicy Beefsteak cooked to perfection is what you can ger at r rans j aore s. TIiauItNRiving'. Turkcj'K. Some choice turkeys at Warren & Thompson's. Leave your orders early. TB. F. Stercu.s & Co Are offering extra inducements to any one in need of a Piano, or Organ. Fine Drvss Good. V. splendid line of ladles dress goods is being displayed at the Emplrestore. Skates, Skates, Skates ! Club skates, clipper skates, all sizes; lowest prices. .ew ioric .Novelty Store. Bcftt CbMobi Work. Boot a ad Shoe. Can be had at I. J. Arvold'a, next to City Book Store. Ladies and gentlemen call there for tne finest fitting boots and shoes, and lowest prices. Perfect fit guaranteed. TCke Dlramltt'n ('oh eh Balsam. Richardson & Co., St. Louis, one of the largest wholesale drug firms m the Uni ted States, writes: uWc have handled Dimmitt's Cough Balsam in our trade for the past sixteen years. and have bouiilit as much as one hundred trross at a time, and frora'our knowledge of its merits believe it to have given perfect satisfaction to our customers, At W. E. Dement & Co:s. 3fanv who never complain are never theless seriously ill. Use Brown's jron Bitters and there will be no cause of complaint. The eir York KoTelty Store, There comes a time in the history of every city when special lines of must furnish special inducements to buy ers, and with this idea the proprietors of the New York Novelty store since their business first began, have kept in view tho immediate necessities of the trade. The result is a rapidly" increasing busi- ?ess. and 031 extension of trado that fully I r " peciawuiiH ui iw prujwjwr o. ew York Novelty store keeps in stok a IarKe assortment of novelties, aac Pjease tho eye and suit tho pocket. It 13 astonishing, tho yanetydis- of the smaller styles suitable to the tastes of tuo jnvenile or adult; in tho niatter of iwu.auuiiwnBrrjBiusououceauiB mo selection from which one can choose, and as for toys, it would be strange indeed to nnd a cnild tnat could not at once suit himself and his parent's.purse. or are other wants forgotten; smokers articles in the greatest vanety, playing v1""3' mi iucib iuuiuu- iue the leading publications of tho day, nre supplied in profusion and should any book or oaocr not aroeaxing on the wimeuoBcaueu ior, n wm ue reauuy supplied. Two stores are in operation, thejjne occupying the old stand on Mam street, and devoted mofitly to newspa- pers. tobaCCO, ClgilTS, Cutlery, etc., etc., " cumuigmuus quotient imuru- ea J IDB oia on 1110 opposite siae of the street, is onn of tho most torn. P'ete stocks of importad novelties ever brought to this city. Tliuuksgirliigr Turkey. Any one wishing one of these noble bird, can leave their orders at the Star Market. Oy .iters iu Krery Style, Ana coffee at 2jrs Lovett's. For a Heat Fl'ttiuir Boot "I- .... n r i r .1 m. namtis street, next door to I. W. Case. All goods of the best make aud guaran- . teed quality. A full stock; new goods ronaiHimj iimvuiy. custom worn. . . . . r J "J""-'"' of M,n A cfnr!a f,.rt,.r. rta.. o f .,n " . or rnw at v Fiir,, At the Empire Store You will find the finest laces ami em broideries, of richest quality. Fragrant Coffee to cheer and comfort, at Frank Fabre's at ins out stand. Notice. Dinner at"J EFF'S'CHOP HOUSE every day at 5 o'clock. The best25 cent meal in town; soup, tish, seven kinds of meats, vegetables, pie, puuding, etc. A glass of S. F. Beer, French Claret, tea or coffee included. All who have tried him say Jeff is the "BOSS." Hosiery, Hosiery, Hosiery! The latest novelties in ladies and childrens hosiery at Prael JJros'. . When You Coipe te Astoria and waut a nice pan roast, go to Frank r abre s, at his old stand. Via S. I fL K. Fresh Baltimore oysters packed In iceatjetts. For The ManqmCraite. Masquerade shits rented at reasonable rates m largest variety by .M.D.EAn-t. Found. A Knights of Pythias Pin. Loser can have it by applying at this office. The Geuulae Club Skate For sale at Carl Adler. All the pa'tent medicines advertised in this Diner, toeether with the choicest perfumery, ana toilet articles, etc can ue bought at tne lowest prices, at J. W. Lonn's drug store, opposite UeMnen nctei. Astoria. The Peruvian syrup has cured thou sands who vere;aiiFenng from dyspep sia, debility, liver complaint; boils, hu mois. female complaints.' etc. Pamph lets free to any address. Seth "W.Fowli & Son uoston. Shi loii's Curb wilf immediately relieve Uroup, whooping cough and (trniichitis. bold by W.E. Dement The nutritive properties of Coiydbn's Liqi'id Bkef Toxic susfaln the body without solid food. CoWen's no other. Roscoe Dixon's new eating house Is now open. Everything has been fit ted up In first-class style, and his well known reputation as a caterer assures all who like good things to eat, that at ins piaee tney can ue accommodated. When you don't know just what ails you; wnen youieei aches ana pains an , over: when you feel tired and faint, useurowns iron uitters. a wonder ful reviver. IIai.e'3 Hone? orHoilKHOtrxn axd Tar has a larger sale than any other I cough medicine. Pikk's TooTitACHE Drops cure in one minute. The Rev. Geo. H.Thayer; of Bour- Don, md., says: "ijoth myself ana wire owe our lives toSnir.on's CoxstrMPnoN Cure. Sold by W. JE. Dement. A Nasal Injector free with each bottle of Shilons Catarrh Keraedv Price 50 cents. Sold by W.E. Dement Why will you cough when Shlloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10cts50ctsandSl. Sold by W.E.De- ment. "Hackmetuck, a lasting and fra grant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents. Sold by W. E. Dement. Brace up the whole system with King ot tne bioou. bee Advertisement. Are you made miserable by Indl- gestinn, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of appetite, Yellow Skin? Shiloh's Vital izer Is a positive cure, for saleby W. c Dement. Furnished or unfurnished front rooms at Mr. Campbell's, over-the Gem saiooB. . . I AM. OVERSTOCKED IK CLOTHING ! AND Furnishing. Goods! And will therefore try and re duce it oy onenng Men's, Youth's, and Boy's CLOTHING, Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Rubber and Oil Clothing At a Largo DIscsHxt, Any party buying goods ot me from this date forth-will be al lowed ten ner cent, on purchases of over S10. Embrace the oppor tunity and buy your clothing of M- 3D. BLAasara?. Ci Hi G Wholesale The Leading Dry Hoiise of LARGEST STOCK LOWEST New' Goods Received Figures Never Lie ! JEFF OF THE CHOP TTATfCT1 ; Can-prore by his books that he Is dom the .QiggesK Dusinesa oi any RESTATJEANT In the city, and he will guarantee to give tho best meal for cash. SOLID GOLD T W TP, T, R "V" tf JLii V T JLLi lJ JL V- 1 BHACEX.KTS, Scarf Pins. Chains, Watches, Of every description. The finest stock of Jewelry in Astoria. tSfAll goods warrantedasrepresented GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. Overcoats i i Men's, Youth's, and Boys Fall and Win Of 23-srery Just opened at Styles to Suit all 2 . Prices to Suit al! ! d. a. Mcintosh, T2i Xieading CLOTHIER-, MERCHANT TAILOR, AND HATTER. Xj O Hi R (J O O . JOBBERS IN WINES, LIQUORS, AND GIGrAKS. AGENTS FOR THE Best San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. Tumblers Decanters, and All Kinds ofSaloon Supplies. rj-All goods sold at San Francisco Price. ' MAIN STREET, ppposlte Farlcer House, Astoria, Oregon. HANSEN BROS. SASH AND DOOR FACTORY, AND PLANING MILL. A full stock oi home manufactured goods constantly "ton hand. Special Attention given to Orders. All work cuarantepd, Your patronage so- llclted. ASTORIA, - - Oregon an Goods and Glothing Astoria. - P by !very Steamer. FIRST QUALITY- LUMBER. TIIE WESTPORT MILL COMPANY Ts IN THE l'IKUi AND PROPOSES TO We will take orders for lumber from ltX) to fOo Jl., at the mill or delivered. W'm also manufacture lath ami shingles of Al quality. Plooring a Specialty . Address all ordtrs WESTPORT MILL CO. rf. C, Hex nek. Sunt. The Portland and Astoria STEVEDOEE COMPANY Is prepared to contract with masters and consignees ot vessels for the Loading and Unloading of Vessels AT EITHER fORT. iinViiS Promptness ami .satisfaction guaranteed Description the Occident Store. Quality to Ed. D. Curtis & Co. Carpets, Upholstery UNSURPASSED IN STYLE AND FINISH. NEW A COMPLETE STOCK. S. B. CROW, PHOTOGRAPHER, Comer Benton and Squemoqua Street, East of the Court House. Astoria, Oregon d Rot sit Reafly for Business.