CHI ASTORIA, OREGON TUESDAY .NOVEMBER 27, 18S3 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE TOKTOF ASTORIA. HEAD FOR SEA. Sootltau Prinee, llr bV Queeaatown Nor 1 i B&laVlava, llr sp Queente'xn Xov 19 Yyso. Sw bk (telsU Nov 2u Caitloeto, QBfentownXev21 Coidttreatn. Br bk QneenEtown Nov 2 O'.enpctft, Dr bk Qneenstown Not 21 LaVp Urte. Br sn Qneentown Not 24 -J P.P.I VA LS FJIOH SKA . Columbia. S I. November 2G vessels .v the river. o hnnorUL Am sp Olive S.Southanl. Atnsp Red Cress. Am sp ice Kins, Am ftp Helicon. r.hotJin. Hr j; Oberon. Brsp Ironside, Mr bk An'worp. Itrbk Itv.wlaiwi Hill. Hr bit Starof Krin. Br sp Spirit of the Dawti.Cr Oijrof Madrid, llr tip Inehcreon. IJr.p nefc. llr HV. Meniffrr. Hrp llarsftDV, llr cp rovreisa of ifee Seas OrnUea, Dr bk Highland Light. Am. p Indiana. Am sp, :arrio Winslow.Am bk n D Bryant, Am bk Martha Fisher, Killochan. Ur u Man l'ercuson Ur bk Oberon. Itr bk Lisle Bell. Ilrbk .Mallscatc. Ilrbk Harry liailev. Ur bk Kolivia. llr bk Oakirorth. Ur sp (Jirran. Ur bk Sea KiDg, Am sp VESSZJS OX TEE WAY. I'rovx For'irn I'orlf. for llse Columbia Illvcr Aacerooa. Itr sp AVilminBton Nov 10 AbertwiUt Castle. Itr sp ICG Livcrjool Sept 11 UMtco. Ilrbk HX Newcastle. Sopt S lOmab. Ursplfil Wilmington Cbas. otswortfe, Br bk Liverpool t:ity of OartMe, Urbk Greenock Aa; 31 r.ifcdalc llr bk Liverpool July 3C I of Krin, Br so Sydney Sept 10 .latiot McNeil, Ur bk June 13 Glfttigetr KelverJale, Br bk 1191 N S W AIora.vrAire. Ur sp UX Leith. July 34 Oban Bay. UrbkToviisvi'.le Sept lit KircrlndK. Brap 1015 ScottiJi Uard. l'rbk?lfi Brisbane Sept SartU Itell. lr bk 8i2 Nencastio Sept IT btaebewd. Ur bk 5CS Wilmington S. K. itead. Am bk WIS N Y Sopt f. From American Port. Henry Juae. Itrbk 903 N Y JLua 1 Jlerow. A fa.N V AuKnst IT W Watts, Aw i J.evr ork Hay 12 filie li Stirbwek, AsifpXY Juac tU TIIJK TAZIIjM IKiR ASTOIifA. NOVKMBKK. I HION WATJtlt. j I-OW WATfilL I "Pin. SCHiMi. i lUv.U Second. II I II I I I II I -1 H El H Hl r- m. jfc m. .. J,, ji. 2". o 2 i 1 1 11 M4 I 1 !" j0S 1! 17 17 r I 2 SS Ifl I 2 23 W 1 i-4 I 2 I 4 24 11 itf7 I 4 14 11-4 I 5 20 2-0 1 24 T" 1 J V it 37 17 i 11-0 4 14 14 I 5 20 0T. 4 53 IPG j 0 09 O'O 5 ni 11-7 i C 51 0T iT'm isc. 1 - - 1- - mt fttn m 31mis- V I7'I I 0 Mf!!l 1 fi 10 )1D 7 30 0S 1 27rt;7-; j 0 Zlpi-2 t oO2D 8 150-9 ihv feturs lnHwee-' luid-iht and noon are tl.-o!-ztia41 by a (a. m.. iIiom between noon ; d iaiilnidtt by p u i Oh. oUm a denotes iK' Uinelit. . (Mm. v denotes noon. Tlie iM"Sght is reckoned fnim the level of nwrafjr Nwr low waters lo winch t he sound - oijr- an gtren wi the Co Survey charts. Tr BOAT t'faAfKJKS. 1'olbiwinK t!t schedule of pries for tonage :i mm iui over llr? Columbia Bar Fr vrls not Inward Outward. exceenittc 1wmkhI. H:ll:sl. im totUS.S9 $159 150 ui to wm ton... aw 175 1: lwj :) is ton--... irS 2W 200 131W to 1 HfJ UMIS... 75 22-, 2 i-wo i imw tons... x rao soo Columbia River Experts. SHU K3CTP rtMCRION. JtW.AflTm,ATJON JANU.VltV hm. YfHmi 5-:,7 bbl flout Total. ? tiMS5tes......... FKtUCOAMV. V.'lM'aU WM8lss.. FW.ur.VMs Wt., r.tat. fieMfiMii Wheat OV7.S34 bshois. bbte) Salmon ctwesj...... ..... luier (JW i ) ... Total (S eTKH-s) AJ'Jtll I'Umr. stRuMtts ....... i.amltnr. S7S 34.... Total, 3 cryfs WAV. l-TiorJB5 W bout 4tfiK bus Total, l eatpB) Jirjfi ncsr.Wi lk. KhMeM,7.1fB o ... Total. (leaqpiL .1 i;uv. Fbmr. 1.3W lrttts SalRHW, llSjDSSut ,. 257,176 S 5fSa.4H! ,.S 17U.1D.S . 144.4U3 . S 323.031 . 21G.7T)0 ..$314,107 .... 13,0.10 0,300 ...S890.S11 ?iar..rxi 4(5.000 ....S1S0.5T.1 S7C.977 4,970 lES,t'C5 S19335 ...S 7.C7: ... o!U,0!0 Tfttwl , (3 cargwes) .. AtWUST. Flowr. 4 JWXbbls SkIhmmi.tHwt cs , S 24.005 3G0,1&5 Tottd, 2 cargoes S2S5.1M SBiTKMmti:. Wllent, 1M.4R bus $127,570 Total (2 rargAos) S127,57P OOTOKBH. Wheat, 74UH8 bus $632,1 0G nmr.S,172 bills 4;270 SalnKM. MA2 cs 102. 154 Tital I4 oMrsoen) KOVESIIlRIi. 1 Tw QmecfutownjicrAflwu llinir. lS3S bbls . '.. 2 To llongKonu per Titan. Flour, runs bbls . GUiHS, 120 bbls ..SBS,o30 j ??O0.1i0 . $22"i8 390 Total . . . .$22,C18 T Quctsmtnwn per St. JmcIc. Wheat, G3.2S0 biLS ?Gl,i42 T To QtMeKteirn per Fiery Crots. Wheat, 77,816 bus . $75,610 s To QHoetUcn per Martahan. Wheat, 8S,440bus $3300 9 To Q$mtown per Kapituda. Wheat, 52,S Jhis. SSl.a1? i-T QuecMlwn per Uatiffehire. Hour, 10 "Kibble $81,133 10- 2'. Quemttoim per Isle of Avglcsea. Wheat, 41.HS bus $4137 10 To Qucenntuini per Reaper. Wheat, 74.02 bus... 73,280 14 To QuecHf-tmonpcr SeotlUh Prince. Wheat, 45.12S bus ....4 1,000 14 To QuocntloumjKr Atnana. AVheat CS.972 bus .$G7,591 17 To Queenttoirnper IJlcngfcll. Wheat. 8958 lm $5958 19 To QtuensUHCii per Bataldava. AVheat, 71,711 bus $09,290 20 To CalaisporVirgo. Wheat, 11,269 bus $414)31 2l Ti QwxaiMowit per Caitloeli. Wheat, C7.3G3 bus GS,700 3i -Tii Qiiccnslown per CoTQStream. W heat, bus . $30,203 2J To Quccnslown per Ialte Erie, Wheat, iSJOG has .. $49,527 24 To Qucciisloicn per Glenpcrts. Wheat, co,e38 bas...................$57,4W SOCIETY XEETIXGS. Templo Liodgre, No. 7A.P.A.M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS IS first and third Tuesdays In eachW month. at iv: oVJock. v. si., at the' W Hall in AMona. Members ol the order in good standing arc Invited to attend.. ny oruer ol mo . m. Beaver Lodge No. 35, L O. O. F. "REGULAR MEETING EV- .saSSfe. JUL ery Thursday evening ntfS?: half-past seven o'clock, at theSS&." Lorfee room in Odd FcllowsHnll Astoria. sojournng mcmoers oi uir rurr in ciiPUKtanuinir, coriiiaiiyinviicuinniitMiu. By order N. - Ocean Encampment, No. 13, 1. O. O. P. r WR tTTHf MW P I TT.S OF nfiKAN KN- Jti camnment No. 13. I. O. O. F., at .the Lodge, in the Odd Fellow Building, at Mondays ot each month. Sojourning breth ren vuruiuuj imucu. isy oruer o j.. Seaside lxaJse.No. 12, A. O. TJ. W. UEGULAR MEETINGS OF SEASIDE JX Lodge No. 12, A. O. U. W. will be held in fvininn nan on nuav evenine oi eacu week, at 7 o'clock p.m. Members of the order in good standing, and visiting Broth ers are in vuea to attena. L.iurary vrw uu open fliteen minutes before ana atior eacu meeting, By order ai. w. Astoria Lodge No. 40. L O. G.l. REG CL AR MEETING EVERY TUESDAY evening at 7 o'clock, at Pythian Hall. Astoria. Members of the Order, in good standing, are invited to attend. Degree meeting lirst Monday oi eacn raonin. li vomer v i. American Legion of Honor. T EGUTAR MEETING OF ASTORIA JuL Council No. 995' is held on the first and third Tuesday of each month, at i o'ciock y. y. lij oruer oi me council i;onnanuer. R. Y.MONTEITH, Sec t. Common Council. REGULAR MEETINGS. SECOND AND fourth Tuesday evenings of each month at Vi o'clock. Ksrrersons ucsinni 10 nave mailers acieu mnn bv tho Council, at any remilar meet- in must nresent the same to the Auditor anu uierK, on or oeiore me rnuay i-venuii; prior to tne uuesuayon wuicii me uouncu hoius its regular meeting. THOS. o. JK ti l. Auditor and Clerk. CILUitCIl IHKECTOKY. Grack CntJKCir Holy coiniiitniion first i-undavof every month. Sunday services at 11 A. m.. and 7 p.m. Wednes day eveiiuiR service at 7 o clock. Kev. M. u. Wilson, necior. First Pkhsbytkrian Church Ser vices atll A. m. and 7 p. M. Wednes day evening prayer meeting at 7 I o clock. Kev. J. v JMiingan, rasior. Conoruqationai Church Services at li a. m. and 7 p. it. Rev. bam'i Wood, Pastor. Rosian Catholic Church 4er-ices at 100 A. m. Rcy. L. Dielman, rastor iL E. Church services at 11 A. m. and 7 p. m. Lecture and Prayer Meet- intr, "Wednesday, at 7 p. m. Rev. wm. Roberts, Pastor. Baptist Church. Services each Lord's Dav at 11 A. m and 7 p. M. Prayer Meeting on Wednesday, at 7 p. m. Kev. u. s. JdCL.auerty. pastor. Domestic lisports. The receipts of certain articles of Or ccon produce, at San PrancLsco. from January 1, 103.1, lu iMiveiuuut iitii,iuciu sive, have been as loiiows: Flour, qr sks....... Wheat, ctls fil.722 243,118 W.178 Oats, ctis...........-....... Salmon, bbls..........M-...... l,t13 LOOT hi abla Apples, ltipe, bxs . ... uuis ..... Butter, pkp? . C05 rotaioes, sks Wool, 1 ales................... Hides. No .. 8.85-1 31.021 J71 'iV.llou'. pkss . 50 Beef, bbls Hay. b:ilcs......................... Quicksilver, llasks Fruit. Dried, pltgs . .. . Leather, pkgs . Hop-;. balcs..................... 11 21 1M)I C.5H .71 49a 1 lams, dks..................... 21 Cheese, cs........ Flaxseed, sks... . Corn. etls........................ Canned Goods, cs..... 71 r.'T ltru. i;gs . . .. Bacon, cs BUY THE BEST ! BARBOUR Irish Flax Salmon Net Threads Woodberry. and Needle Brands, SEINE TWINES. CORK B LEAD LINES, Fish Pounds, Hciztet, and XctH Imported to Order. A Larp Stockof NettiTJf, FisliLiBes AND FISH HOOKS. CONSTANTLY ON HAND. KEKRY DOYLE & CO., 5 1 7 and 5 1 9, MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO. tSTAgcnts for the Pacific Coast iiemenweber & uo., a LKixKxwEBEB. ii, unowy ESTABLISHED 1835. ASTORIA. OREGON, TAMERS MD CBBRBIES, Alanufacturers and Importers of A LI- KINDS OF AUD PIND1NG. Wholeside Dealers In OIL AND TALLOW. csrllichest cash price paid for Hides and latiow. REMOVAL. The Astoria Passenger Line WILL AFTER THIS DATE HAVE ITS headquarters at Its Stables next to B. B. Franklin's, two doors below The Asto- m ax office, rlrst-ciass Livery service. Carts with horse furnished, for one dollar per nuur. liarriagcs on application The Astoria Fasseucer Line Hacks will leave lor upper Astoria from the stables. Horses taken to board. MRS. T. O'BRIEN. Desirable Property FOR SALE. Fifty; minutes drive from san Jose, Cal.. on the Los Gatos Road. Anewo-room dwelling house: between o and six acres of choice fruit land. Dwell ing built for saloon and store. The property will be sold at a bargain, as I have too much other business to attend to It. Tcnns $l,800-li all cash; balance on time wun easy payments. Appiy to a. YOUNG. Astoria, Oregon. K2 no longer from Dyspep sia, Indigestion, want of Appetite,lossof Strength lack of Energy, Malaria, Intermittent Fevers, &e. BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS never fails to cure all these diseases. Boston, November 26, jS3i. Brotvh Chemical Co. Gentlemen: For years I have been a jrest sufferer from Dyspepsia, and cosld get no relief (having tried everything which was recommend ed) until, acting on the aovice of a friend, who had been benefitted by Browh's Iron Bitters, 1 tried a bottle, with iact sarpriin? roults. Previous to talcing Bkown's Iron Bitters, everything I ate distressed me, and I suffered greaUy from a burning sensation in the stomach, which was unbearable. Since tak ing Brown's Iron Bitters, alt ray troubles are at an end. Can eat any time without any disagreeable re sults. I am practically snotlter person. Mrs. V J. Flynm, 30 Maverick St., E. RoMon. BHOWN'S IRON BIT TERS acts like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as tast ing the food, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. The only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Sold by ol! Druggists. Brown Chemical Co. Baltimore, Md. re that sil Iron Bitters are made by Brown Chemical Co., BaUirr.ore.aml have crowed red lines ad tratic mark en wr;per. JiWAllE OF IMITATIONS riialixcs and Euricli. 3 Hi lUocJ, oi:e nj the Sjalcm, Makes t:ie VT"ak Strour, liullds up tho Brol'.ct. dovn. Invigorate? Xlxo Brain, anil CURES Dyspepsia, ITervons Affections, Gin oral Debility, Neuralgia, i?evar and Ague, Paralysis, Chronic Diarrhea, oils, 23rcp5j, Humors, emale Com plaints, liver Com plaint, Eemitten1; 3?ever, and ILL DISEASES ORIGINATING IM A CAD STAT! OF THE CL0CD, OR ACCOMPANIED EY DEBILITY 03 A LOW STATE OF THE SYSTEM. I Sty I SuppLcsthe bleed with iti Vital I'flnciplc, m Life lJIcmont, IRON, infcsmj Xren;;in viiroraatJew J.iioiuto aiiiirts i 1 -s BEING 1 RLE FROM ALCOIIOI, ing cRins arc not foUWcd by correi;. in, irvi arc pcrsuacrci. bnlll W. U1VI.E ii iON i IVwklcii. & larriiOD ,lvauc I-lc. iuJJ by a!l I -teU MARKETS. CENTRAL MARKET. General assortment of table stock constantly on naud. such as Canned Fruits and Jelly, Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard EGGS, BUTTER. CHEESE, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, FISH. POULTRY A7vl A3IE In the season. CIGARS AISD TOBACCO. Best of WISES A?'I EIQUORS. All cheap for CASn. Goods sold on com mission, opposite I. .V. Case's store. J. RODGERS. Washinffton Market, Main fStrcct - - Astoria Oregon BEItG3IA2ir D BERET TSPCTKULLY CALL THE ATTEN tion of the nublic to tho fact that the above Market will always bo papplied with a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS! Which will "be sold at Iotrest rates, wholesale anaretau. bpeclal attention piven to sunpl us snips. LOOK HERE ! We resoectfullv inform the nubile that we will always keep on hand the best quality of Fresh and Cured Meats ALSO Choice Family Groceries! Fresh Fruits, Vegetable?, Crockery and Glass-ware. Shins. Hotels and Bnardinz Honses sun plied ou liberal terms. A share of the rmblle natronnse Is resnect- imiy soucuea. dtf, WARREN & THOMPSON. STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COMPANY, Jdresn ana uaiea meats, V geta"bles, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEL, CKSarAMU trt, Asterls, Ok llis Last Burglary. A burclar i3 said to be particular ly afraid of two things when lio en ters a house in the mid lionrs o the night. One is a burning light and the other a barking watch dog. There are three other dangers to be avoided: Fret, the occupant of the chamber entered may be a light sleeper, "who is aroused at the lightest footfall or creak ot a door: hecomu he may be lying awahe at the tiino the cntrv is made: and, third, his I loaded pistol may be within couveni- The killing ot a burglar occurred in the subnrbs of xsew Jersey on the night of the 30th inst., nnder circum stances in which there was neither a burning lamp nor a barking watch dog. The resident of the dwelling attempted to be burglarized was M. Choate, cashier ot tho Seaboard bank, in Newark. The burglar got into the house, but made so much noise in opening the door as to awaken Mr. Choate. His wife slept in nn adjoin ing room, and he called 10 ask her what occasioned the noise. She said it must be the wind. He thought differently, and seizing his revolver sprang from his bed and rushed into the hall where he lighted the gas. The burglar passed into Mrs. Choate'a chamber and concealed himself be hind her bed. Tie -was observed by Mrs. Choate. who called to her 1ms j band, apprising of that fact, and he entered discharging a shot at the burglar, which missed him. The lat ter ran to an open wmuow aua nau got one leg over the sill when Mr. Cheate fired again, the bullet hitting him in the back and ranging through his heart. He got out on the roof of an extension, where, in a few mom ents, he was found death This particular burglar was armed with a self-cockiug revolver which he was about to draw when the second shot ended his inglorious career. There is no class of crimiuids, unless it maybe those who lie in wait to commit murder, for which more horror is felt and less sympathy than the burglar, and it is safe to say that the public never reads of an in stance such as is here related that it- is not rejoiced at the deserved fate of the criminal victim. Tho "iron heel ot monopoly"' is still njwn the necks 01 tue larmers aim other classes ot citizens of Manitoba and the Canadian northwest. Some ot the down-trodden have been hold ing meetings and passing resolutions full of vigorous language, denouncing the railway monopoly, the manufac turers' monopoly, the land monopoly, the elevator monopoly in fact, all the monopolies. TUTT PILL TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVE??, and MALARIA. From these sources arise three-fourths of tho diseases of tho human race. These symptoms indicate their existence: XjOs or Appetite, Uotrcls costive, Kick ireadache, fullness after eat ing, aversion to exertion of body or mind, Eructation of food, Irrltabil I ty of temper,I.owaplrIta, A feeling of having neglected some duty.DIz iliiess,FluttcrInpattheIIeart,I)ots leforc the eyes, highly colored IJrlue,COXSTlPATIOIV,nnd demand tho use of a remedy that acts directly on thoLlver. AsaLivermedlcincTDTT'S PirLS havo 110 equal. Their action on tho Kidneys and Skin is also prompt; removing all impurities through theso three scavengers or the system," producing appetite, sound digestion, regular stools, a clear skin nnd a vig orous body. TCTTS PHiLS cause no nausea or griping nor intcrfero with dally work and arc a perfect ANTIDOTE. TO MALARIA. Sold everyn-here2s;. Ollico44 MurmySUN V. ITTS HASP. DYE. Gh,vt Haiti or Wnisimts changed in stantly to a Glossv Rlack bv a singlo application of this Dru. Sold by Drug. $rtsts,or sent by express on receipt of SI. OBIcc, 44 Murrav Street. New York. THE CENTURY. E0E 1384. Tin; iimpmniinc for the fourteenth ve:ir of this magazine, and the third under the uew name, is if anything more interesting aud I K) puiar man ever. itn every season hie Cknti'rv shows a decided jjain in circula tion. The new volume begins with Novem ber, and. when ossible,subicriptionsshould begin with that Issue. The following are some of the features of the coining year : A ew5oreI by (Jeorero H. Cable, author of "Old Creole Days," etc, entitled "Dr. Se vier," a story of New Orleans life, the time being the eve of the late Civil War. "Life In the Thirteen Colonies," by Ei wauii Egglestox. separate illustrated pa pers on subjects connected with the early history of this country Three Stories brllcnrr Jatacs, of varvlns Icngtlis, to appear through the year. The New Astronomy, untechnical articles by Prof. S. 1'. J.AXGLKV. describing the most Interestini: of recent uiscovenes in the sun and stars. A XoTtlette br II. II. Roresen. author nf "Gunnar," etc. A vivid and sparkling story. lue Aeir r.rn in Amcrirnn .rriiitrctnre, a series of paiiers descriptive of the bet works of American architects In Public Buildings. City and Country Houses, etc To be profusely illustrated. A Novcllette by Itobert (Sraat, author of "Confessions of a Frivolous Girl." etc., en titled "An Average Man," a stdry of New York. The rtread-uinnrrs, one of the most re markable novels of the day, to be complet ed lu Januarv. "Christianity and Wealth." with other es says, ny ineantnoroi "unc tnrtsiiau Lea cue of Connecticut." etc.. on the anulication of Christian morals to the present phases of moucm inc. Coast Inir About the Calf of St. Laurence. a series ot entertaining unifies pruiiuely Il lustrated. Scenes front the Xortllstx. ILvwtiioiink. Geohgi: Eliot, and Caulk, with authentic ura wings. un me irccw or Lijses. tne record of a yacht cruise in the Mediterranean, identift ing the route of Ulysses on his retmn from the Trojan war. "Garfield In Ensland," extracts from his private journal kept during a trip in Europe In 1S07. "The Silverado Squatters," by RoBEKT louis stevexsox, auttior of "New Ara bian Nights." Tliere will be papers on outdror England by Jonx Bunitocons and others, a beauti ful illustrated series on Dante, a number of papers uy me eminent French novelist, AL 1'HOXSE DAUDET. articles oiiartandnreba logy, by CnAKLES Dcdlkv Wakxkk and oiners. illustrated naners on snort :uid ad venture, short stones by the leading writers, eas on iimeiy suujecis, etc. etc Subscription urice. Sl.oo a vear: siii"lo numbers sold evcrj-where; at .To cents each. aii ucaiers rreccive subscriptions, or remit tances mav be made dlreet to the rmt.lUTi- ers by postal or express order, regbtered let- icr, uuiiK cnecK or arait. Special Oiteks. To enable subscricers to begin with the first volume under The Cextukv name, we make the following special offers : iVeiB snbshrlhrrjt lirntnnlnti irllh Vnwm. her, 18S3, may obtain the magazine one year from date, and Uicucentv-fourvrerlounum- CrH. Unlxmntl fnr fisnn Tfrnnlnr- -rrlff t,.v "orii SffT.brintii an,, meiuy-iour numoers bouxd ix kouk ele- oast volumes will be lurnlshed for $10. iteguiar pnee, ic. THE CENTURY CO.. New York, N. Y. . Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a oosi tive cure for Catarrh, Diptheria and Canker Mouth. Sold by W. E. Dement. Allen. Wholesale and Retail Dealer m MILL FEED. Glass and Plated Ware. TROPICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AMD VEGETABLES. IVgethor with Wines, LiqiiorsjGbasco.Cifiars j Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. urtttri Moijiizine heems its sixty ekdith volume uiih th December Number. It Is 1 tin most j)0iiilar illustrated periodical in ( America and England, always fully abreast of tli- limes in its treatment of subjects of cuitvitl social and iudtutrial interest, and alwavs advancing its standard of literary, arti-itie. and mecotinleal excellence. Among j its attractions for 1SS are : mien serial nov- ell'V Wn.i.iAst I5iU'K. illustrated by An-; UKV : a new novel bv E. P. Rok, illustrated i bvGinsoN ami l)i kLman; descriptive illus- . tfated pnpersbv Ckohoi: II RofoiiTON. Frank D. Mii.i.rt. C. 11. I'AitNitAJt, and others; Imjortant Iibtorical and bioyntphi- eal !! : short stories ny w. u. now su s.CnAi:u'.s Kkahk. &e. HAEPES'S PERIODICALS. Per War: HARPER'S MAGAZINE .?l 00 HAULER'S WKHKLY 4 00 IIARI'KR'S P.AZAtt I 00 HAMPER'S YOUNG I'KOPLK 1 50 IIARI'KR'S KRANK4.X SOUARK LI BRARY, One Year Numbers) 10 00 ' PtHiaucfree to all Hlm:rilen In the United Statt or ("unnihi. The volumes or the Maftazine iieain with the Num!ers for.Iuneaml Decemberof each vear. "When no time Is specified, it will be understood that tho subscriber wishes to be gin with the current Number. The last Eight Volumes of Harper' Mag azine, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid. nu receipt of ?3 00 per volume. Cloth Cases, for binding, 0 cents each by mail, postpaid. Index to Ilariier's iraaazinc. Alphabetical, Aualvtical, and clasifled. for Volumes 1 to CO. Inclusive, from June. 150, to dune, iSSO, oue vol., 8vo, Cloth. $t 00. Remittances should be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid a chance of loss. IVcitvpoper arc not to copy this advertise ment icithnut the express order of IIakpku & RitOTiiKits. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. 13. DEMENT & GO. ASTORIA, - - - OKKGON Carrj- in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANGY ARTiCLES. Pniscriptitins carefully Compounded THE LATEST STYLES IN WALL PAPER AT B. u. FRANKLIN'S, NEXT DOOR TO ASTORIAN OFFICII A very large Stock from which to select. Window curtains made to order. EiyMy patent Trimmer to tnt Wall 1'aper will be louud convenient to n:y patrons. Hamilton Street Assessment. NOTICE is hereby Riven that the assessment made by Ordinance Xo. ".72 of lie City of Astoria, Clatsop County. Oregon, and which Ordinance passed the 'onnnnn Council of said eitv on the 13th iktv of November. 1S&;. and was annroved on the llth day of November, I88:t, for the proposed improvement of Hamilton street, in the Citv of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McCIure, from the south side of Chciiaiiius street to the south side of Astor street in the manner pro vided by Ordinance No. two ot the City ot Astoria, and wiiien ordinance passea the Common Council of said city on the 29th day of September, 18S3, and was approved on the 1st day of. October, 188,1, on each of the following described lots frontinc on said portion of said street, is now payable at the office of the City Treasurer iii U. S. gold and silver coin, and unless paid wihtin five daj-s from the expiration of this notice, viz: Friday, December 8. 1883, the Common Council will issue warrants for the collection thereof. The assessment is as follows: Xante OiHr. M J Kinney M .1 Kinney .1 GNernburg .Inhn Ilob.son Pythian ihitldtu" Association M .1 Kinney licirsoi r, arrcn II Carruthers T Hroemser .1 T Gray A .1 Mecler J Y White ly order of the Common Council of Astoria, November 18, 188.". Drugs and Chemicals Prescriptions carefully compounded Day or Night. HANSEN BROS. SASH AND DOOR FACTORY, AND PLANING MILL. A full stock of home manufactured goods constantly on band. . . Special Attention given to Orders. All work guaranteed. Your patronage so licited. ASTORIA, Oregon kll THOMAS, A BlilJGGIST- AXD ir A Pharmacist. Hastoma.o' W IB! o HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. PARKER HOUSE, 13. k. s:ik vroji.. ASTORIA. - - - OREGON E.P.PARKEK. - Manager and'Aent. Al. CROSBY, - - Day Clerk, rhil. limVKKS, - - Night Clerk. Jas. DUFFY hsts the RurxiMlRHiiardrooni,, First Class in all Bespeeis. free coach to the-house. IT IS A PACT TILVr JEFF'S CHOP HOUS ON Concomly Street is the Best in Town. THAT UIo 2zas Always on BIanl TKESII ?Iioal IVaicr ziuy aiitl East ern Oysters. TILVT- :3EFF?J IS THE BOSS CATERER. THAT He Isas Sieen Proprietor of the "Aurora Hotel" In Kimpplun .Hevertjcars. OPEN DAY AMD NIGHT. I A Mew Departure. At Frank Fabre's. Is daily set a TABLE D'HOTE from 6 io 7 :30 P M At which A FINE FREXCR DINNER, With Kaif a Bottie Wine Will he furnSsfced for oO cents. Board hv the 2Ionth. - f$ to 8.10 Lodgings can be prqeured by the day, week or month. My establishment Is fitted ncwiv tnrmiguour. anu everjimng man tained in the best style. WtAXK rABSE. A Good Gup of Coffee AND OYSTERS. MRS. 1'OWELL HAS OPENED AN OYS tcr stand and Coffee House on JIain street next to the Oregon Bakery. Every attention paid to patrons. COSMOPOLITAN Chop House and Restaurant. OPEN DAY AND NIOIIT. 3Xva'M cents and upwards. G. SOUIiAKB, 31AS.V STKKET. Proprietor. - ASTORIA. Astoria Eestaurant. EDWARD Y0TMG Annotmcfs to the public that he has located in the rooms formerly occupied by the City Book Store, where he will keep a Restaurant and Chop House Furnishing meals to order at ail hours. His patrons will find the tables supplied with ten or twelve ot the best newspapers. His reputation as former proprietor of the New England Restaurant is a sufficient recommendation for his new house. 4i 58 100 50 fX) S380 00 S4S0 00 11 li " 50 00 445 CO 493 CO li u 50 00 445 00 495 00 9 " " 50 00 297 00 347 00 4 (!1 " 50 00 100 00 150 00 11 " " 50 00 417 00 407 00 i; " 50 00 243 00 293 00 9 u " 50 00 417 00 4i7 00 4 Gl " 50 fjO G5 00 115 00 11 u 50 00 417 CO 4G7 00 C, u " 50 00 417 00 407 00 0 ' 41 50 00 417 00 407 00 said City of Astoria. T. S. JEWETT, Auditor and Clerk. BETO&K. iRB. ELECTRO VOLTAIC BELT, and other Elzcteic Arpuxxces. We will send on Thlrtr Days Trial, TO HEX, YOUXO OR OLD. -who are suffering from Xeevous DEBrLiTT, Lost VriAirnr. and those diseases or & iiesoxai. jiatubs resmtinir irom Abuses and Other Causes. Soeedr relief and com- clete restoration to UEAiTn. Viooa and iLOmooo OCAirAKTEED. Send at oncaforUlustrated Pamphlet rrco. Aaares3 Voltaic Belt Co., Habshall, Mice HOSPITAL, ASTORIA, - - - OREGON mmS INSTITUTION, UNDER CARE OF -a me Bisteis oi viiamj , is now rcauy iui the rcceDtion of natients. Private rooms for the accommodation ol anvdesirintr them. Patients admitted at all bonis, day or night. No physician has exclusive right, every patient Is free to and has the privilege ol employing any pnysician iney preier. United States Marine Spnmen whn nav Hnsnital Dues, are ontl tied to Free care and attendance at this Hos pital during sickness. Permits must be ob tained for United States Marines at the Cus torn House. Sisters of Chabiti For Sale. FIVE HUNDRED CORDS DRY HEM lock Wood, which I will deliver-at the houses of customers for $4 a cord. Dravins or all kinds done at reasonable rates." R. R. MARION. TRANSPORTATION" LINES. Oregon Railway & Navigation coaiPAirsr. OCKAK DIVISION. During the month of November, Ocean Steamers will sail from I'ortland for San Francisco every Tuesday and FridaY. aud from San Francisco for I'ortland every Wednesday and Saturday, leaving Alna wortu Dock. Portland, at Midnight, and SjH-ar Street Wharf, San Francisco, at 10 a.m. Tlii'oush VickctM sold to all princlpa cities In the United States, Canada and Kurope. RAIL DIVISION. Passenger Trains leave Portland for East ern noinfci, at 9 :0O P. M. dally and at 7 :30 A. M. dally, except Sunday. RIVER DIVISION Ollddlo Columbia); Boats leave Portland for Dalles at 7 -.OO A. M. Leave Port land for iMonl Tu. We. Thu. Fri. I Sat. Astoria and I lower Co-I lumbia....lSAM 6 AM SAM 6 AM S AM 1 AM SAX Uayton. Or.!. ASI! !7AM r.:HAMi Is AM yictoriaJiCj A M 1 6 A 51 1 B Ail SAMJP AM RAM Leares Astoria for Portland at 6 a.m. dally ex cept Sunday. Pnltman Palace Caw running batwoaa Port land, and St. Paul, C. II. PRESCOTT, Manager. A. Tu STOKES, Assist. Sup't. of Traffic JOHN MOIR, Sup't of Traffic E.P.ROGERS, General Agent Passenger Dep't. Oregon & California R. R. OREGON & TRANSCONTINENTAL COMPANY, LESSEE. On on after May 13, 1S83, trains will ran as follows, DAlLf (Except Sundays), kastsidk Dmaios. netween PORTLAND and G LEND AXE HAIL TEACT LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 7:30 A. M.IGIendale 10:35 ?. u, Glcndale 1:00 A. it. I Portland 425 p. w. ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 4:00 P. 31. j Lebanon 9.20 P. At Lebanon 4:45 A. 2I.lPortland.10:05 A.W Tho Oregon and California Railroad r err; makes connection with all Regular Trains oa Eastsido Division. WKSTSIDB DIVISION. Between Portland and Corvallla HAIL TBAIJt LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 9:00 A. M.ICorvallis ..4:30 P. W Corvalli 8:30 A. M.Fortland 320 P. M . EXPRESS TltAIK LEAVE. ARRIVE. Fortland.-.-5:00p.ii.SrcMiEnville-.S:C0p.ji 3IcJIinnvillo.5:15A.3r.lFortland .. 8:30 a. if Close connections made at Glandule with tho Stages of tho Oregon and California Stag Company. enrTicket3 for sale at all tho principal point! in California and the East, at Company' Office. Corner F and Front St3., Portland, Or. Storage will be charro! on freight remain as atCompanv3 Warenousa over 24 hours. i'reight will not bo received for shipment after 5 o'clock P. M. on either tho East or est Pide Division. R.KOEHLER, JOHNMUIB, Manager. Sup't. of Traffic. A. L. STOKES, K. P. ROGERS, Asst Snp't. General At of Traffic. Pasaenger Pep't. Ilwaco Steam Navigation Go.'s WINTER SCHEDULE. Astoria to Fort Stevens, Fort Canby, and llivaco. Connecting by stages for Oysterville and Olympla, xr?? Until further notice the Ilwaco r-imvm. Steam Navigation Co.'s stenmors 'Gen. Miles," or "Gen. Canby" Will leave Astoria On Mondays and Thursdays, at 7 A. M. FOB Ft.Stevens, Ft. Canby and Ilwaco ox v Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. The steamer will leave Astoria at 9 a.m.. as formerly, not being confined strictly to schedule time. Fare to Fort Stevens socts $1 00 " Canby and Ilwaco.. 3?-IIvaco freicht. by the ton. in lots one ton or over, S2 per ton. jsFor Tickets, Towage or cnarter ap ply at the office of the company, Gray's wharf, foot of Renton street. Agent. Shoalwater Bay Transportation Co. SUMMER ROUTE. Astoria to Olympla, Touching at Vort Stevens. Fort Canby, Ilwaco, Nortli Beach, Oysterville, Nortn Cove, Petersons Point, Ho qulnm, jilontesano, And all points on Shoalwater Bay, and Gray narbor. GEN. MILES, btrs. or On Columbia River. GEN. CANBY GEN. GARFIELD " MONTESANO Shoalwater Bay. Gray's Harbor Connecting with Stages over Portages. Leave Astoria for Olympla, at 7 A. S. On Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays, arriving at Mpntesano the day after leaving Astoria through trip in 60 hours. Leave Olympia for Astoria on same days. Columbia Transportation Co. FOR PORTLAND. (FAST TRIE.) Tin- popular steamer FLEETWOOD, Which has been refitted for the comfort o passengers will leave Wilson and Fisher's dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 AM. arriuing at Portland atlP.M. Kc-turning leaves Portland every Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6 A. M. Arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. An additional trip will be made on Sunday of Each Week, Leaving Portland at 9 o'clock Sunday Horninsr. Passenners by this route connect at Kalaraa for Souiid ports. U.B. SCOTT, President. REGULAR STEAM PACKET "Daisy," and Barge. Will leave Astoria, from Gray's Dock, For Olney, and Head of Youngs River, Dallv.atSA. m., (except Wednesdays and Sundays.) Returning same day. For Landings on Lewis & Clark's River, On Wednesdays, at 8 A. M., Returning same day. o-For Freight or Passage, apply on board or at Gray 'sDock, where Freight will be r ceived and stored, ilneeessary. J. H. P. 6RAY. 1 A