The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, November 25, 1883, Image 3

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ht gaily gtoriim.
(Monday excepted)
Terms ofSnbscrlptlon.
SerTcd by Carrier, per week 15cLs.
Sent by Mall, ppr month cocts.
" ,r one year . .$7.oo
FrM of postage to subscribers.
taPAdTertisements inserted by the year at
the rate of 2 per square per month. Tran
sient adTertlslng fifty cents per square, each
Around tlie City.
Fat chickens are being received from
Shoalwater bay.
Tbo sew school house in expected to ho
ready for occupancy about the 15th of
next month.
There aro rumors of a coming vrnr
among tho board firo insurance com
panies of San Francisco.
Divine service on board the City of
Madrid Iving at Flavel'a dock, at 4 v. a.,
"Iter. J. McCormao officiating.
The Qucin sailed yesterday; the Alpha
went to Yaquiua; the schooner Coqvillc
camo n; ithe Columbia is duo tp-morror.
Some Corvallis peoplo have been pois
oned by eating Bologna sausage. Somo
one in the heart of the valley has prob
ably been throwing physic to the dogs.
Roofing tho O. R. & N. dock is finished.
Tho structure presents a lino appearance.
It is 1100 feet long and 80 feet -wide, and
is built in tho most substantial maimer.
Tho New York Novelty store has a most
attractive display. Tho goods are selected
especially for this market, and embrace
every variety of fancy goods and novel
ties. Tho Baptist, Congregational, Method
ist and Presbyterian churches will hold
a united service on Thanksgiving dny.
Rev. B. S. McLafforty is to preach tho
A largo number of witnesses go to
Portland to-morrow in tho case of Boyle
vs. certain citizens of this place charged
.with being vigilantes. Tho trial begins
next Tuesday before Judge Deady.
Cant. John Harlow died at Troutdale
last Friday. Deceased was an old and
respected resident of this state and was
well and widely known in Oregon and
Washington Territory. Ho leaves n
large family to mourn'his loss. Mrs. B.
S. Worsloy of this cilj-, is his oldest
The Weather Yesterday.
At 2 yesterday morning hailstones as
large as pigeons' eggs fell with a dull
thud; at 3 came rain and a wind from
the west; at 4:30 more wind from the
west and rain; at 5:45 it rained; as the
struggling daylight disclosed lateral lines
of Blanting rain descending; at 8:30 the
sun shone out in all its winsome strength
and gladsome beauty; at 9, wind from
the same west drove flying scad before it;
had it driven it behind it dire results
might have ensued; at 10 heaw rain fell:
at 11 the rain continued to fall; at 21-30
darkness was upon the face of the deep
and the spirit of the storm moved over
tho land; at 12 tho sun again smiled upon
the sons and daughters of men; at 12:20
rain fell; at 12:40 hail fell; at 12-50 snow
fell; at 1 r. is. the glass began to fall; at
tr.vj mo nun leu aiso, anu noming oeing
done to stop the fall of these several con
stituents, tho falling process went on; at
2:15 the same perverse breeze from the
tumbling western main sprang up once
moro; at 3 a circling wreath of pogonip
swooped down from "Washington Terri
tory and enveloped this section of the
commonwealth in a gloom which lasted
till the lifting clouds showed a sunlit sky;
then it began to freeze; over the lull came
a storm cloud from tho folds of which
were shaken out great snowfiakes that
whitened the ground; this began to thaw,
and then hail began to fall, as did sever
al citizens who (unlike sinners) could
not stand on slippery places; at 4-20 the
rain began again: at 5:15 the clouds roll
ed off, the wind died down, tho stars
shone out, and in the west glowed an
aerial sea of gold and name: at JsJ; with
a clang came the hail again from the
Lord knows where, and after clattering
on the roofs and awnings till the frozen
reef in that particular cloud hnd been
straightened out, the rain began once
more. At midnight the stars twinkled in
the frosty air, and the wind was sighing
among tne nrs.
Council Proceeding.
At a special meeting of tho city coun
cil yesterday evening, Mayor Halm pre
siding, present, Councilmen Case, Car
ruthers, Cooper, Hume and Trenchard,
the following resolutions were adopted:
Hcsolved, That the auditor and clerk be
andishercbv authorized and instructed
to give due and legal notice that there
will be an election held in the city of As
toria on Wednesday, tho l2tu day of De
cember, 1883, for the purpose of electing
a mayor and two councilmen.
Unsolved, That M. C. Crosby, E. C.
Holden and J. C. Trullinger-be and are
hereby appointed as judges, and Thos,
.Boeuing and ii. v. Aionlcith be and are
hereby appointed as clerks of the citv of
Astoria, to be held on "Wednesday, Dec
12th, 1882, at the engine room of tho Res
cue .Engine Ho., no. 2, tor the purpose of
alectincf a mavor and a councilman for
the First ward of said city, and that the
auditor and clerk notify the above-named
persons of their appointment.
Besotted. That F. J. Tavlor. W. B
Headington and J. "W. "Welch be and aro
herebv annointed indues, and D H.
"Welch and. C. "SV. Shively be and are here
by appointed as clerks of the city election
of the city of Astoria, to be held on
Wednesday, Dec 12th, 1883, at the build
ing situate in the Second ward, known as
electing a mayor and a counoilman for
the Second ward of said citv, and tho au
ditor and clerk be instructed to notify
the above-named persons of their ap
On motion council adjourend.
Along the Dorks.
At Kinney's dock lie the Highland
Light, Helicon and Geo. S. Homer, all
three American vessels. The first two are
disengaged, and have been for sometime
the Homer is waiting for a few hundred
tons to complete cargo. Her voyage hero
was in the nature of an experiment. The
vessel is exrerimental in her construc
tion, having both sails and steam, .the
latter motor being of use in beating
Around tho stormy southern cape. The
trip to the Columbia has not been wholly
satisfactory, partly owing to the delay
experienced in obtaining return canro.
At tho O. R. & N. dock everything was
bustling yesterday. The Ice King was
discharging ballast; the Sovereign of Hie
Seas lightering cargo; the Imperial was
about through; the Antwerp was taking
ist below, discharging railroad iron.
Two more of the Queenstown bound
4eet olearod yesterday afternoon, the
Olenperis with 00,838 bushels wheat, voi
ad at $67,490, and the LaJx Erie, with
4o,ow Dusneis, worm $4a,527.
"Will Temporarily Close.
.lpff nf thf fhnr hrrncn irivuc flmah'
notice to nil liis patrons that he will
close his restaurant for renairs. from n
A. Monday, 20 inst, until 3P. JL the
xsiiowinK xnursuay, wnen lie will re
open with a grand. Thanksgiving din
Br an Occasional Reporter.
I met Captain Raphael's Coyote last
Sunday off Stark's Point, and with the
aid of Lieutenant Shaw, boarded her.
Tho Coyote struck off to Gray's river, and
thus enabled me to pay a flying visit
to Jenkins ship-building establishment.
Here I saw a vessel whose lines of beauty
are remarkable for a Washington Terri
tory built vessel, on the stocks. A well
known Clyde ship-carpenter who acted as
my cicerone, informed mo that lie never
saw any yacht on the Clyde to equal this
new boat of Raphael's, to Imj launched in
a few days. The riccltcood will have to
look to tier laurels when this new duck
takes to her natural element.
It is a misfortune to a region, great or
small, to be written up too much; but
I think this section of country which is
naturally tributary to Astoria, lias not
been written up half enough. To any
person who is seeking to create n home
in i ue wiius, i uere is a grauu uppyriim
itv afforded in this section. If, however,
persons will delude themselves into ex
pecting paradise, or the gerdens of Hes-
E Brides, or the fountain of Ponce do
icon, they will probably bo mistaken in
this section. If the want the pleasures
of the cities, and be continually strag
gling for existence, as mere white slaves
to capitalists and monopolists of every
degree, shade and form, they had better
remain. All coming here to make a home
and fortune, both of which can now eas
ily be procured, should be prepared for a
life of onerg3 and economy, and aban
don any ideas of lht working of mira-
Jesiu their cases.
Grav's and Deen river. are health re
sorts in the trno hours of the term. The
observant tourist will naturally interest
himself in the growing industries or u
new country. Listen then to the story of
Captain Raphael of the Coyote as given
last Sunday an a sort of Sabbath sermon
on the deck of the steamer already allud
ed to:
"I was engaged with a iwtrtuer to build
a first-class scow. I consulted my part
ner, who had been a sort of section Ixms
on a railroad, whether we would under
take the job or not, as I was then a mere
novice in the use of tools .and knew as
much about a scow as I do now about a
government mule. He aid we'd take the
contract, and take it we did. No two
pieces of board or timber on that cow
were alike or of tho same length.' Still,
wo put her together by patting our two
heads in consultation, and no scow that
ever snorted on the Columbia river was
equal to that ono that we two greenhorns
put together, for strength, solidity, and
swiiines?. iuoro anon.
Tha Loner ColnniMrt.
Steaming from Portland to Asforin, wo
passed over tho moat important part of
the Colombia, ho far as business is con
cerned. In the distance of a hundred
miles we met three or four stern-wheel
stoamera doing a local business, one largo
sailing ship from the Pacific, and here
and there a tug towing immense raits oi
ogs. On the shores saw mills are seen
at a considerable distance apart. Estab
lishments for canning salmon are numer
ous. A lew settlements mat may do
called villages, and two or three sprout
ing cities constitute the commercial
ports. Farming on the river flats and
m the sheltered coves is carried on indif
ferently. At ono jxnnt tbore is a large
saw-mill, to which logs aro brought on a
well-constructed uarrow-gaage railroad,
that extends three miles back into the
forest. Besides the abovo industries,
there are one or two dry docks, where
vessels for tho river are built and where
repairs aro done. The observations here
noted aro from tho deck of a steamboat,
and are not, therefore, a just estimate of
iifo in the Columbia valley. Beyond the
fringe of billows and over the cliffs that
guard the stream the country is yielding
sustenance and wealth m quantities com
mensurate with the demand. The for-
USLO Ui Jiill, UCUtlUbU) AUU LUUdl , tim
fir stretch away northward into Wash
ington Territory and southward into
Oregon, almost limitless in extent
and fabulous abundance. Fire has
scprred the noble trees, many of which it
has brought to the cronud. but every
where a vigorous new growth is seen. The
lumboring ludustrv for miles on either
side of tho Columbia is destined to be
exceedingly important. Corr. Xew York
Canned Food.
"When what is now done in tho way of
food supplies in sealed tins is considered,
it is seen that wo become practicallv m
dependent of seasons as regards tho
meals we have at our command. Fruits,
meats and vegetables can be had in this
form at any time, and at a cost that has
made them as popular as they are ac
ceptable. From the orchards of New
Jersey, from the luxuriant valleys of
California, iroin nearly everv state
stretching between these two points,
there come to us, preserved in syrups.
with scarce a weakening of flavor, the
perfection of l'omona s gifts. rom
various ports on tho whole American
continent, north and south, and from our
great colonial possessions in the south
ern hemisphere, thero aro regularly ship-
pea to us great vaneues oi meat, reauy
for the table, in tho handy tins that are
now as essential a part of a grocer's stock-
in-trade as tea and sugar, hpr is there
any lack of preserved vegentbles made
ui for the use m the same convenient
way, and consigned from tho countries of
southern Jiurope. We in turn, although
largely consumers, uo n niiio m iuih ui-
rection. It is possible to obtain Yar
mouth bloaters bv this means in Hontr-
Kong, Lochfyne herrings in quarters of
tho globe where the shark is the com
moner hsh, Jbinnan haddocks in places
where one need not be a city alderman to
be surfeited with turtle soup. Wo even
export plum-pudding in tins, and prob
ablv there are other lood supplies we
part with in sjmpathy with that great
economic movement which is so steadily
maKing our dinner tauie cosmopolitan.
Time was when in this land apprentices
in towns on river banks stipulated that
they should not have salmon of tener than
twice a week. Those days are forever
gone; for even if we should retrace our
steps and restore to their puritv the
streams we have polluted, our greater
population would speedily exnaust the
supply of returning salmon. As it is.
our home salmon nroduct is bv no means
inconsiderable; but it is a mile compar
ed to the vast quantities ot this hsh
that come to us from Pacific rivers at
prices that have made salmon once again
Ciosiko Down. "We hear that all work
will shortly bo suspended on tbo railroad
here, and that the engines and cars will
bo taken off, and the road abandoned un
til spring, when it will be completed
without delay. Xho timber inspector was
in town Tuesday, and gave orders to
Mucklo Bros, not to deliver any moro
fencing at present, as nothing moro
would bo done toward fencing the road
until spring. St. Helens' Jitsf.
Cashing VontKo. 14, Grand Arms'
or the Republic, Department of
O recon.
ASTOHIA, OltEGOX, Sow 24, 1S83.
Special Order It o. 1.
The Officers and Comrades of Cushing
Post Xo. 14, G. A. K. will meet for trans
action of important business, on Friday
.November 27th, at ivso o clock, p. m.
By order of Post Commander,
11. V. MONTEtTH,
Officer of the Day.
Are "i'oa Insured ?
II you want insurance iu reliable com
panies go to Wheeler & Jiobb. They
represent the Norwich Union, the Lan
cashire Boyal, and the Union Ins. Co.,
of San Francisco, with a combined capi
tal of 30,000,000. Thev are also agents
for the well-known Travelers' Acci
dent Insurance Cosjpny, of Hartford.
How They Are Cooked by Their Admlreri.
Tho ducks, after cleaning, aro thor
oughly washed in salt water, and stuffed
with bunches of fresh celery celery is
used, and only celery, because the natural
flavor of the bird has a suggestion of cel
ery, from its feed, which the stuffing on
ly slightly eniphasizos, but which any
thing else would alter which, in my
opinion, would be as bad as a sign-painter
undertaking to altor the tints ot an old
masters canvaF. Well, the birds are
placed in an oven as hot as it can be J woody hill, a settlement was made early
made, and taken out in seventeen miu-1 in April, and it was christened in mcin
utes. During that time the oven door ion- of the head of the undertaking.
must not be opened, whi h it is hard to 1
make an uninitiated cook understand. I
Thev want to 'baste' the bird, or do some '
vandal act; and another thing, they gen-"
orally want to put salt on it before put-
LLlll 111 UlU U?V.1J( UitMl.
done. One for each two diners, ara
brought on the table direct from the
it. vou see. and cives variety to the meal.
After that another round of birds are
brought on, divided and served. The3o
can be eaten to suit the taste ol each
dinar. A popular dressing is linio juice,
caytaia ?nd salt. Only the breast of tho
uirus are ccieu, out even iucu u u;iu
a half for each is a satisfactory supply.
is that all the dinner consists alt
4Vol!. about all. A canvaKback is too i
choice and delicious t bo luixed up
with much else. "Ve start in with n
light cleai-sui small plate then have
small fish, or some trifle in fish, plainly
cooked, and then the cauvasback. After
that cheeso and black coffee."
'How about other ducks.' the report
er asked, when tho bon viranl had snffi
cieutlv recovered from a spocias of mild
trance into which the mental contempla
tion of the cauvasback dinner nad
thrown him.
'Well. I hardlv like to mention any
other duck on the same day I have talk
ed alout the canvasback, but the sin I
hope will be forgiven me. Tho mallard
is a fine-looking duck, uncooked or serv
ed, but iho meat is rather too close grain
ed and dry. Tho leal, of course, is tho
duck for "broiling; tho widgeon servos to
make our lives endurable if it. the wid
geon, is rousted thoroughly and served
cold for breakfast tho next day. Fol
low a cold half of a roasted widgeon on
Sunday morning with an oystar omlet, and
existence will take on n brighter hue if
the omlet is not browned. For an a
Ircc dish the sprigtail duck was not liorn
in vain.
All of these ducks aro cheap in tho
season. This year the ducks, especinuy
the canvasback, aro uncommonly fine,
owing to a favorable feeding season up
north. Tho canvasback feeds on tho
roots of the so-called wild calory, and is
the best diver for this kind of food, the
bulb of which alono it eats, after wrest
ing it from tho bottom by a long struggle
under water. The widgeon can't dive for
it whero the water is deep, but hangs
around on the surface and steals it from
the canvasback when it comes up with a
bulb in its bill, and before it recovers
from its strugglo under water. The can
vasback is a peaceful, patient and well
mannered bird, as a bird of such perfect
flavor should be, and instead of fighting
tho rascally widgeon, dives for another
root. I never eat widgeons out of respect
to the canvasbacks.
To change the subject, which I see has
become painful to you owing to iho mon-
tion of the misfortunes of the canvas
backs, isn't it a nitv we are not as well
off in the matter of ovsters as in ducks?
"That is an old, old and much disputed
joint with people who know how to dine.
l suppose you know thot there are no
such things as California oyster?. The
only oysters native to this coast, sold in
tuo maruexs oi tms city, come iroin
Shoalwater Bay, Washington Territory.
They are an excel lent-liavored oyster,
but too small for manv dishes of which
oysters are the principal feature. For
dry stews, omelets and some othor dishes
the little native oysters are superior to
the transplanted article. Fish Commis
sioner lteddmg onlends mat the
oyster is a fish, and 1 should liko to see
him start, a senous movement lor the
purpose of stocking some of our bavs
with a better and larger variety of oys
ters. The large oyster we have here,
called tho ''eastern, are brought here in
small barrels by the car loads and dump
ed m beds m the bay to grow. They at
tain a fair size, but seem to lose most
of their flavor. The oystermen assert
that they don't propagate, bat I believe
under favorablo conditions they do, and
in fact, have, for a bed was found a few
vears ago opposite 3Iillbrae where none
nad been planted men. i mini: mat
some of those planted on this side spawn
cdnnu mo spawn was carneu oy tne tiue
current to the other side, where it lodged
and hatched. An eastern experimenter
nas discovered a means oi aniuciauy
hatching oyster spawn and the subject is
certainly of suihcient importance to en
gage the attention of our fish commis
sioners. The Shoalwater bay oysters are
brought here by schooners m sacks and
are planted in the bay for a week or so to
fatten before thev are tint in the mar
kets." "What do you consider the most pslu-
"Well, that is rather n difficult ques
tion to answer: but I will cive vou one
style which, if not the most palatable, is
at least calculated to make tuo consumer
think better of this world, and to almost
forgive his creditors. 1 call the dish
'toasted angels,' and the direction for
preparing it is as follows: "Wrap a large
oyster in a very thin slice of bacon or fut
pork, putting on the oyster a little cay
enne and two drops of lime juice; fasten
with a string or pin, tho bacon with a
wooden toothpick. Broil until the bacon
is crisp, and servo very hot on squares of
buttered toast.' b. r. bpicvre.
Btt C'nstom Work. Roots nml Shorx,
Can be had at I. J. Arvold's. next to
City Book Store. Ladies and gentlemen
can there tor tne hnest titling boots and
shoes, and lowest prices. Perfect fit
Skates, Skates, Skates!
Club skates, clipper skates, all sizes;
lowest prices. 2s ew York Novelty
IVoticc to tlxo T-atlies.
Switches made from combings or cut
hair: new switches made to order from
the best imported hair, in any shade de
sired. Uld switches repaired. All
work warranted. Bates reasonable.
Call or address
Occident hair dressing saloon, Astoria,
Fine 9rcs floods.
A splendid line of ladies dress goods is
being displayed?.! the empire store..
Use DlmmUt'fl Coach KaUnm.
W. AV. Battcrton, Columbia. Mo.,sav.s
"I cannot say too much for Dimmitt's
Cough Balsam, for tt always cures my
cnildren of croup aud myselftand family
ot cougns anu corns.' .t w. ue
mcnt & Co.'s.
C&c PlinmiuV CoHak Balsam.
t Vonlic Cwnnf nnnm Tn
writes: ily mother has had bronchial
and pulmonary affection for forty years
and in that time.has tried almost every
thing, but never found anything to givo
her the relief Ditntnltt's Cough Balsam
has. At W. E. Dement & Co.'s.
Halc's Honey ofHokkiiouxd and
Tar has a larger sale than, any other
cough medicine.
Pike's Toothache Drops cure in
one minute. -
ovfiii. cue in i wo. nnu a nan civen toiiupjir oi a saimon eannerv mere, inni
earh. These are oaten just as they are ithe place showed signs of importance. AH the lalest makes
served. Then a chopped celery FiUad, i Thenceforward ita development has Ix-eii seL and ladies uni
with wine and jelly dressing, is made, J rapid, attaining within a few years cor- Bros Empire stnrp.
half for each, as before, and eaton with ' population of 7.500, of which 2JiO arv , , , .
The Gateway of Oregoa.
John Jacob Astor organized the Pacific
Fur Company in 1610, and sent out the
Tonquin to establish a trading-post on
Viwoef ,nCf rm,. d.jr, ! J use me ming ror Dans and parties, a
tho northwest coast. The good shipcompIete orch5tra. with dance music,
doubled tho Horn and arrived safely off : figures for calling dances, eta, complete.
the bar, at the entranco to the Columbia iTo those desirous of having dances, and
river, in March, 1811. About twelve " "ot t,li;r rsp5?vid.?d $th K!6 s
n,;iM'rmm Uq mZmfh tiift rfrp.nn, Invaluable; Call at the Scv ork lOV-
i-BM Ua iwvrrlnra fnrminfT n crvri.ina at
rates, its borders forming a spacious est
nary, and here on tho left bank where
me snore uno rises 10 iw crest oi a
But tho litth port was not destined to
experience n speedy growth: on the con-
trarr. it lingered m utter insignificance
until 1343. when the building of a custom
house enthused a measure of life into
the town. It was not. however, till ISCo.
a short time subsequent to the establish-
is remurkabie, and everv inuicfliiou- .... . . a
poinw to a continuance of in prospi-ritv. , 1- rank i ahre has the finest acconimo
For Astoria is thn threshold of Oregon, dnilns t'r l.Hiitorn i.. be found in as
the nRtural beumrt of the atats. Buing torht. over liis restaurant In Kinseys
the farthest wast of H American cities,
;n wast of all American cities,
forward to maintaining tho
' Asiatic trade with the north-
Furthenaore, she has hop-
sho look.-
balance of
ern coast.
I of sometime overtaking L'ortiaud, tht
starof tho northwest. To ba uro, she do&i
not even eniov railroad privileges at the
present time, yet a few mouth-i will t-i at Frank Kabre".
doubtless unite her with the co.i3t Jinef . - , .
Portland, bv the way, with tho exception AIJ Ihe palelt medicines advertised
of Denver, is the weal thiost city for its h, i his papr. with the cholcent
size in America, and bid fair to retain nortiiUM-rv. ami toilet articles, etc-can
tho distinction at least many yeara to fK. bought a' tht- lowvst prices, at J. W.
come. Of cour.o, Astoria ha.-i the advaii- ;c,))U,'s- ,irn.. ,t.,, opposite OeMden
tago of her proximity to the soa,andcon-. hctel. A-.:-r;.'.
sideling the foreign trado which thisi "
coast will inevitably enter uini as her . Fttrnishtid or unfurnished front
resources unfold, this advantnge is snfli-. rooms at Mr. Campbell's, over the Gem
cient in itself to ensure to the namesake saloon.
of the great banker a brilliant future.
The amount of this trade iti l2 waK; ttl Mi. Kitumw j. i. Ca,.t.r n;,t
estimated in round numbers at 18,00j),- ifc.rN:il. ., ;ja. oi winuS H,,or
000, while the retail trade was in tho un,ian FurL-rii beer, call at therein
neighborhood of 1,000,000. The indus
tries of Astoria are composed mainly of
fishing and lumbering. The greatest
and there are in all twenty-five. A large
proportion of the inhabitants are en-
gaged in catching the salmon and prepar
ing it for market, and whatever other en
terprise is carried on depends for the
most part upon this business. However,
this stato of .things will gradually givo
way to a broader range of employment.
A splendid agricultural country is tribu
tary to me town anu wnu me uoviop
nient of foreign and domestic trade,
manufactures of varied description will
spring up accompanied by an increase of
population of vaned culture and nation
ality. City real estate advances annual
ly about Feventy-fivo per cent., and iho
citizens take pride in erecting dwellings
and business blocks of attractivo style
and structure. Already the city possesses
gas and water privileges and shows the
necessary enterprise to make it keep pace
with modern municipal improvements of
even- kind.
Tho climate of Astoria is a marked
feature among its attractions, being a
Gappy medium between the hot and cold
extremes of our temperate zone. To
gether with the natural resources she pre
sents all those social inducements arising
from a sturdy attention to educational
and moral interests which make a now
dwelling place homelike to those migrat
ing from older lands. The Pacific Coast
ThankK"vlu;r Turkey.
Some choice turkeys at Warren &
Thompson's. Leave your orders early.
Hosiery, Hosiery, Hosiery!
The latest novelties in ladies and
childreus hosiery at Prael Bros'.
For The ."laMjuernde.
Masquerade suits rented at reasonable
rates iu largest variety by
M. D.Kast.
B. F. Stevens & Co
Are offering extra inducements to any
one in need of a Piano, or Organ.
Fragrant Cofl'ce
to cheer aud comfort, at Frank l-'abre's,
at his old stand.
Dinner at "J EPF'S1 CHOI HOUSE
every day at ."5 o'clock. Tlie best '2.r cent
meal in town: soup, tisii, seven kinds of
meats, vegetables, inc. piuidsng. etc. A
glass of S. F. Beer, French Claret, tea or
conee included. Alt who haw. tried
him say Jeff is the "BOSS."
ForuIYent Fitting Boot
Or Shoe, go to P. .I.Goodmans, on Che-
namus street, next door to I. . case
All goods of the best make and guaran
teed quality. A full stock: new goods
constantly arriving. Custom work.
When You Conic to Astoria
and want a nice nan roast, go to Frank
r abre s, at ins old stand.
Piire Found.
Last Friday evening a purse contain
ing money. .Loser can nave it uy
applying to .Mr. b. Liddicoatnt Hansen
Via X. P. It. It.
Fresh Baltimore oysters packed in
ice at Jeff's.
Smi.ou's Cuke will immediately
relievo Croup, whooping cough and
Bronchitis. Sold by W. E. Dement,
Why will you cough when Shiloh's
Cure will give immediate relief. Price
10 cts 50 cts and SI. Sold by W. E. De
ment. m
"Hackmetack." a lasting and fra
grant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents.
Sold by W.E. Dement.
Jj$ The nutritive properties of Colden's
Liquid Beef Toxic sustain the body
without solid food. CoWc7t's no other.
Many who never complain are- never
theless seriousiv iu. use Brown s Tron
Bitters and there will be no cause of
Thanksgiving Turkeys.
Any one wishing one of these noble
birds, can leave their orders at the Star
Tlie Clarions.
eltV Store and CXamsIie it.
systcr.s in KTery Sijlc,
A ii.l coflV. at 3Irs. Lovett's.
ystv.m. Oysters, Oysterf
the Astoria Oyster depot; a stew,
fr. pin roast, or raw at Frank Fabre-'s,
. -
.11 tue Empire Store
Yu will And the finest laces and em
hrfhli-ries, of richest quality.
Cor:t nml Underwear.
and stvles of cor-
lerwear at Prael
MuUling. l-.very thing is neat and clean
uiming. r.veryimng is neat aim ciean
thn hrdi art- new, soft and comfort-
It vou want good board mm lodg-
to 1 rank rabres
A Juicy ISccfttcalc
rtKikfil to nrfeotion is what vou can
jO'jKit Hit riU tnwur. and .-eo Camp-
-Koscoe Dixon's new eating I
. FvprvtMnf hiq Hppi
,l f 5 JV "Sam!
een fit
ted up in iirst-c!as3 style, and his well
known reputation as a caterer assures
all who like good things to eat, that at
his place they can ba accommodated.
Are vou made miserable by Indi
gestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of
appetite, Yellow Skin ? Shiloh's Vital
izer is a iositive cure. For sale by W.
E. Dement.
Fot Dyspepsia andLiver Complaint,
you have, a printed guarantee on every
bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never
fails to cure. Sold by W. E. Dement.
A Xasal Injector free with each
bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Beniedy
Price 50 cents. Sold by W. E. Dement
The Rev. Geo. II. Thayer, of Bour
bon, Ind says: "Both myself and wife
owe our lives toSnn.on's Consumption
Ct'RE. Sold by W. E. Dement.
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a posi
tive cure for Catarrh, Diptheria and
Canker Mouth. Sold by W.E. Dement
When you don't know just what ails
vou: when you feel aches and pains all
over: when vou feel tired and faint.
use Brown's iron Bitters. A wonder
ful reviver.
I thank my friends very much for the
compliment they paid me, but things
did not turn out as t expected, for they
were all mistaken.
Emile Suibe.
a Frr.r. line of
Fancy Groceries.
Ship Chandlery:
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables.
In Hume's Ji'ew Building
To Hunters, Fishermen. Ranchers.
ket price for yonr produce, go to
1U. forms the Ladles of Astoria, that her
business is carried on as tormerly at her
rooms on Cass street Apposite Odd Fellows
Bulldiuc. She return&nanks for their pat
ronage hi the past, and solicits a continu
ance oi tne same.
Suits made, from S7.O0 to 815,60.
All Work Warranted,
Astoria, Nov. 1st, ISM.
Tlie splendid Al British Iron
"Will be shortly on the berth for SALMON
in lots to suit snippers. Forlrelght and In
surance apply to
Or to P. L. CHEKRY. Astoria.
Furnishing Goods
And will therefore try and re
duce it uy ouenng
Men's, Youth's, and Boy':
Furnishing Goods,
Boots and Shoes
Rubber and Oil Clothinq
At ft Large Discount.
Any party buying goods o me
from tins uate lortn will be al
lowed ten per cent, on purchases
oi over 10. imorace the oppor
tunity ana ouy your clothing or
The Leading Dry
House of
New Goods Received
Fipres lever Lie !
Can prove by his books that he Is doinp the
Diggest Dusuiess oi any
, , ,,, . . .
In the city, and he will cuarantee to give ;
the best meal for cash.
Scarf Pins. Chains, Watches,
Of -every description.
The finest stock of Jewelry In Astoria. j
J3TAJ1 goods varrantedasrepresented I
QVEflfjOJITS ! !
Men's, Youth's, and Boys ! !
Fall an
Of Eresy
Just opened at
Styles to Suit al
Prices to
D. A. Mcl
Th.e Leading
ca iu
cs i
ij ID
I W a Z5 05 0
I g
I l 03 z "
H H s Ho s I 5
r9L Jib k
and Retail
Goods and Clothing
by Every Steamer.
We will fctke orders for lumber from 100
to fOO 31.. at the mill or delivered.
We also itnmutacture lath and shingles of
4 Flooring a Specialty .
! Address all orders
ai quality.
S. C, SUpt.
safly for Business.
Tlie Portland and Astoria
Is prepared to contract with masters and
consignees ot vessels for the
i Loading and Unloading of Vessels
Promptness and satisfaction guaranteed
hi :tll cases.
the Occident Store.
Ed. D. Curtis & Co.
Carpets, Holster?
Corner Benton and Squeraoqua Street?,
East ot the Court House.
d Winter Slothing !
duality to Suit all I
Suit all !