he sPuttu 3ijStodatt. SELECT MASQUERADE BALL. JORDAN &B0Z0RTH CHEISTMAS CABDS. NEW YEAE CARDS. UescueJuleeTroieJL ASTORIA, OREGON: SUNDAY NOVEMBER 23. 18S3 A 2?EW LINE. L. A. Looms, H. S. Gile, and oth ers ewt ior Uwaco tins morning to mnlco examination for the route for the proposed narrow gauge railroad. The incorporators are L. A. Loomis, I. W. Case. Jacob Kamm, H. S. Gile, and B. A. Seahorg. The intention is to construct and equip a narrow gange railroad from a point at or near Ihvaco to a point at or near Oyster ville, on Slioahvater Bay, and from there to some as yet undetermined point on Gray's Harbor. The line Tvill be twenty-seven miles in length; it is thought the cost will not exceed SG,000 a mile. The value of this line to Astoria is manifest Pacific and Chehalis conn m ties are rapidly filling up with a fine class of immigration, men who come to make permanent homes. The trade of that country belongs to Astoria; this road will be a help to obtain and retain it. A Nhw Yoi:k speeial says a sub scription paper has been started, bonded by $1090 from General Grant, to purchase a 50,000 annuity for General Fremont, which would yield 1dm $7,000 annual income. About $18,000 has been so far sub scribed, principally bv New Yorkers. The fund is designed as a recognition oi JLToinonis services in opening Oregon and California io pioneers. Last Friday's London Tim-ex savs Gladstone and his colleagues must understand that England will hold thetsi answerable if, through further arrow of judgment, Egypt is allowed to rokpee into anarchy, aggravated by the jmssions of religious fanatic ism, and the maddening influences of invasion by barbarians from the in ferior of Africa. A Cairo telegram from the artist who was. with the Hicks Pasha expe dition at Khartoum, reports that the first attack of the Egyptian army was successful, and not nntil the enemy was behoved to be routed did Hicks Pasha accept as a guide an emissary of EJ Maiidi, who led the army in ; waterless defile, where it was anni hilatod. The latest imnar of the Nihilist number, the WW of tlul'eovlc. cive harrowing details of the sufferings of olitical prisoners in Peter and Paul fortress, where they are treated like murderers. No distinction is made between men or women, or sick and healthy. Several prisoners have gone mad and committed suicide. G. P. Iijre, or AV;hington, who was cJecfod to congress in Alaska in 1S70, Iihs been Requested by potations.. Humorously signed to repreaont the territory at Washing ton the coating season and ondeavor to obtain some aorfc of civil govern ment. Nbably one-half of the interest bearing debt of the United States is hekl by the national, siato and sav ings banks. Desirable Property FOR SALE. Tirrv minutes mux a from sax .I. Ch.. on tlic Iam (jatos Road. A new 5-rount dwelling house ; between swkI 4x acres or choice fruit laud. Dwell ing )hH for saloon ami s:ote. The property will be sold at a bargain. :ts I liv loo much other business to attend to it. Terms 61,009-Jialf cash; balance on lime with easy payments. Apply to 1J. YOUNG. Autom. Otegoit. d-lm DAIRY FARM FOR SALE. 954 ACHES ON CLATSOP PLAINS KNOWN AS THE P. GEARILVRTFARM inert her with thiiiy cows, seventeen lieail young, entile, one horse, one wagon and other arming implements. Thfe. Is h nu chance lor anvone lo secure a cood dairy or stock form. Vr lwrtteulars Inquire of wlf J. W. GEARHART FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. A T MRS. GEO. niLLKR'S, NEXT DOOR 1a to Wes'on Hotel. ASTORIA LIQUOR STORE, AVtt. DANIKLSON, Proprietor. Kclruilt and Refitted UL'hronsliout. The Rest of vrirwEs.iiiqiTostsi, axd cigars For a Good Cigar, call for one of 4,Daaielson's Best." Comer West Pth and Water Streets, Astoria. no-Am BEMOVAL. The Astoria Passenger Line WILL AFTER THIS DATE HAVE ITS headquarters at its Stables next to B. It. Franklin .s. two doors blow The Asto niAXofnce. First-class Liverj en-ice. Carts witli horse furnished, for one dollar per hour. Carriages on application The Astoria Passenger Linp Hacks will leave for Upper Astoria from the stables. Horses taken to board. MRS. T. O'RRDZN. FOR SALE. TN IXTS TO SUIT. FROM n ACRES TO JL 40 acre tract in S. W. corner of Cluis. Stevens' I). C. Title perfect. For particu lars Inquire t otBce of X. I). Raymond, City Hall ; or on lb premises of O. D. Young. AMoria, Nov. 3d, 1S53. Notice of Dissolution. V? OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN' THAT THE J. na tnershlp heretofore existing between Dnck Kontr under tho Arm name anil strip of Lung 'ing as pawnbroker in the city of Astoria, is this day dissolved by mutual con sent. The business will be carried on by the ucw firm name of Goon TVintr Co. Duck Fons will pay all the debts of Lung rung tio. GOON WING CO. By LAM FAT. LAM DUeEjManager. Piffh Annual UicnnnMrln Doll Thursday Evening, Jfov. 291b, 188. At the Skating Bint. nOXOllAltV COMMITTKK. Capt. Geo. Flavcl, Hob. Wm. Chance. CoL K. K. Spedtleu, Hon. A. J. Mcgler, Hon. Jolin Hahn, Hon. J. W, Hum?. aiAXAGEMEXT COMMITTEE. X. Clinton. F. L. Parker. C. H. Stockton, F. C. Blake. ItECEPTIOX COMMITTEE. MEMBERS OF THE TROUPE. IXVESTlCATrxO COMMITTEE: C. H. Stockton, J. "W. Hare. .1. . Brown. XN'VITATION COMMITTEE. . F. L. Parker. N. Clinton. J. Hepburn, J. D. Hare, a. a. uioreianu. Prices r.f AdmUsIos. Lady Maskers. - niKE. Gent Maskers. - - - $l CO Ladj Spectators, - W Gent Spectators. - 1 00 Tickets may be procured of memlmrs of tue xroupe. Maskers' Tickets can bo procured only at me store oi if. i. ranter. Two elegant prizes will be awarded to best sustained iaay ana gentleman cnaracier. GET YOUR THANKSGIVING TURKEY At Wltcrrj- fc Co.s Star T&zxTrlsL&t. LADIES NOTICE FGII ISAHGAIA'S Call at MRS. E. A. HULL'S. A Choice -selec tion of FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS, Pictures and Mottoes of all Descriptions. Card Hoard, Sets, n Sheet. Opposite tho Astoria Candy Factory. Mrs. R. QJJTNN, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Croclicry and. Glassware, IPtjlUL Stools., XEY GOODS COXSTAXTLY DECEIVED. Xorthwest conierSquemoquaand Main Streets. nl7-3m BOAT BUILDING, R. M. LEATHERS Has reopened his boat shop, over Anidt & Ferchen's. foot of IiFayette street, mid Is prepared to turn out FIRST-CLASS BOATS. ALIi WOItK GUARANTEE!!. A. MacBeth, MERCHANT TAILOE No. 4. First .St., - - Portland, Oregon Clothing made at reasonable prices, and satisfaction guaranteed. Stockholders' Meeting. ItTOTICE IS HEREBY GH'EX THAT THE La annual meeting of the stockholders of me m:lsouic lauu ana lsuiiuing Association will be held at the office of Cant. Geo. Fla- vel. in Astoila. Oregon, on 'Wednesday, Dec r.nn, ltm. ai me nour oi r. ii. ior me pur ngsuch other business as may legally come ueiore ine ineeiing. J. W. GEARHART. Secretary. Astoria, Xov. I7lh, 1B83. d-td Delinquent City Taxes. UTnTrni? t; nwnirnv rivpv tit at t H the undersigned, Clilef of f olice, have been furnished with a warrant from the City Council requiring me to collect the tax es assessed ior tne year 1SS3, and now delin quent upon the list and make return of the ?ame wiuiiu M.iy uays. aji panics ko in debted will therefore please take notice and govern tnemseives acconnngiy. C. W. LOUGIIKRY. Chief of Police. Astoria, Oregon, October 25th, 1883. Notice to Stockholders. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE annual mectlnc of the stockholders of the Pacific Union Fk'g Co. will be held on Saturday Dec 22 1883, at their office In As toria for the purpose of electing a board of Directors and the transaction of such other business as mav come before the meetins. J. It. GILSTRAP, J. A. CARLSON, Secy, Tres'L Astoria Xov. 23, 18S3, To Rent. OUSE OF FIVE ROOMS. FL'RNI- ture forsale. Apply at Astorian Office MEETING NOTICE. milE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING OF JL the stockholders of the Pythian Land and Building Association will be held In Pythian Castle, on Wednesday December Cth 1883. Immediately after the adjournment of Astor Lodge Xo. c. K. of P., for tne election of offi cers for the ensuingyear.and the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. E. A NO YES Secretary. Astoria, Xov. 9, 1883. dtd FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET By the Xlclit. liny. Week er Xoath, WITH OB "WITHOUT BOARD,. With use of Tarlor, Library and all the com forts of a home. Terms reasonable. Apply to MItS. E. a HOLDEN. Cor. Jlaln aud Jefferson Sts. Notice of Dissolution. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE partnership heretofore existing between Rudolph Barth and Michael Meyers has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. Barth will continue the business in his own name and on his own account and will pay ail debts and collect all accounts and notes due the firm. RUDOLPH Ba-RTH. MICHAEL MEYER. Astoria, Xov. 2d, 1SS3. d-30d NOTICE TOCANNERYMEN! X WILL MAKE BOXES NEXT SEASON X iu anv amount required, and guarantee to have them satisfactory In every respect. My price for shocks will be 13 cents; for nailed boxes 17 cents. Any one wishing to make a contract for cases can confer with J.CTRULLINGEB. oct4-3m Proprietor West Shore Mills. Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned bas been appointed the as signee or the Arm of AM. Johnson "and Co. and all persons having Claims against said firm are notified to present the same duly verified to me at my office in Astoria. Ore gon, within three months from tills date, October 17th, 1888. L-6w A, W. BESET, lliiaj GooSs Jist Receivefl, COMfKISING : Rogers Bros.' Plated ware. Bisque Figures, Fine Majolica, Japanese Goods. Willow and Rattan Goods.. Green River Cutlery. DECOItAT.!) China Dinner anil Tea Sets. And a Full Lino of Crockery .Glassware. ALSO First-class COAL OIL a Specialty. JORDAN & BQZORTH, Cor. Chenamus and Genevieve Sts. Astoria, Nov. 22nd. lfK3. THE CENTURY. FOE. 1884. The programme for the fourteenth year of this magazine, aud the third under tne new name, is if anytliiug more interesting and popular than over. With every season Thk Ckntukv shows a decided gain in circula tion. The new volume begins with Novem ber, and. when possible.subscriptionsshouid begin with that issue. The following arc some of the features of the coming year : A "ew 'orel by George W. Cable, author of "Old Creole Days." ete cntitleit "Dr. Se vier," a story of New Orleain life, the time being the evo of the late Civil War. "Life in the Thirteen Colonies" by Ed wakd Egglkstox, separate Illustrated pa pers on subjects connected with the curly History of this country. Three Stories by Henry Jarae, of varying lengths, to appear through the year. The Xeir Astronomy, untechuical articles by Prof. S. P. Lamilkv, describing the most interesting of recent dLscover.es in the sun and stars. A Novelette by II. II. Uorcsen, author of "Gunnar," etc A vivid and. sparkling story. The h'err Era in American Architecture, a series of papers descriptive of the bet works of American architects in Public Buildings, City and Country Houses, etc To be profusely Illustrated. A KoTelleitc by Robert Grant, author of "Confessions of a Frivolous Girl," etc, en titled "An Average Man," a storv of New York. The Rread-Hlnners, one of the most re markable novels of the day, to be complet ed in Januarv. "Christianity and Wealth," with other as says, by the author of '"The Christian lea gue of Connecticut," etc., on the application of Christian morals to the present phases of modern life. Co&stlnc About the Gulf of St. Lawrence, a series of entertaining articles profusely il lustrated. Scenes from the Novelists, IlAWTironxK, Geougk Eliot, and Caulk, with authentic drawings. tin tbe Track of rijKses,thc lecord of a yacht cruise In tho Mediterranean. Identify ing the route of Ulysses on his return from the Trojan war. "Garlleld in England," extracts from his private Journal kept during a trip in Kurope in 1607. "The Silverado Squatters," by Itonr.KT jxhtjs STEVENSON, autuor oi "Atff Ara bian Nights." There will be papers on outdoor England by Jonx Bubhougiis aud others, a beauti ful illustrated series on Dante, a number of papers uy tne eminent irencn novelbt. AL thoxse Dacdet, articles ullartandarcl!a, logy. by Charles Dudlev Wauxkk and otiiers. illustrated papers on sport and ad venture, short stories by the leading writers, essats on timely subjects, etc. etc Subscription price, St.tw a year: single numbers sold everywhere, at cents each. All dealers "receive subscriptions, or remit tances may uc maae direct to tue puuiisn ers by postal or expressorder.regMered let ter, bank check or draft. SrEciAr, Offers. To enable subscrlcers to begin with the first volume under The Ckxtukv came, we make the following special offers : Xcw xubsbribcr beginning tcith Xovcm lcr, 1SS3, may obtain the magazine one year from date, and thettcaitn-foiirnrerloiunum- Iten. unbound, for $5.00. Regular price for me utrcc years, siiiuw. Or. if preferred, a subscrintion and the twenty-four numbers nocxn ix fouii elk- oaxt volumes wm ue lurmsiieu tor sio. Regular price. Slfi. THE CENTURY CO.. New York, N. Y. HANSEN BROS. SASH AND DOOR FACTORY, AND PLANING MILL. A full stock of home manufactured goods constant)? on hand. Special Attention given to Orders. All work iniaranteed. Yonr n.itronnir so licited. ASTORIA. Oregon Magnus C. Crosby Dealer in HAMASE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, Plumbers and Steam Fitters Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, TOLel axd Copper. Cannery ani FMeraens SnDplies Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN. COP PER PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done tuith neatness and dispatch. None but first class workmen employed. A large assortment of SCALES Constantly on hand NOTICE. OTATE AND COUNTY TAES A RE NOW kj aue ana payable at aay office. . , A.M. TWOMBLY, tt Saerlfi Clatsop Co. HAVE FOUND ONE f t JUL. Tlie public arc invitcil to call and examine our immense stock of Holiday Goods, consisting of Albums. Scrap Books. Music Folios. Toilet Stands. Dressing Cases. Fans, Picture Frames. Chromes. Oil Paintings. Etc. J u o If I o u Q e o A y NEW YORK x' A STORE ! Wc do not inpose to inveigle the public either by false representations or sucli pernicious clap-trap as the purported purchase of au Eastern Bankrupt stock at 25 cents on tho dollar. AH our dealings are. legitimate and abOTO board. In proof of what we say and claim, wc would respectfully suggest to the public to examine and price the goods in "Other Stores" before coining to us, and thus satisfy tnemseives or tne truth or our representations. ; TiielTe'KrTorlsSToTOlty Store j STBEF.T, ASTORIA.- I BIRTHDAY CARDS. M. lr.s:t J. OVSTAFSOX. A. JHIXfV. MARTIN OLSEN So CO. FURNITURE Corner 3Inln and Sqat'inoqna Streets. Astoria, Orocon. WINDOW SHADES AHD TRIMMINGS; WALL PAPER ETC X foinplrff Sluch. PmOES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. AM. KirSIS OP FVICKlTrKK i:EPAIKEI APtl) VAlZAISHKli BITTERS !, Vilmerding & Co., San Francisco. Loeb & Cr, Agents. Astoria. G. A. STINSON & CO., BLAGKSM1THING, At Capt- Itogers old stand, corner or Cass and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work, norseshoeinp. Wagons made and repaired. (Jood work guaranteed. i -n t :s wim. GRAND OPENING THIS WEEK! Finest fitted up BilHardJand Sample Kooms In the City. Everything first-class throughout. At the entrance to the O. It. & X. Dock. L. K. G-. SMITH, Importer and wholesale dealer In Clears ana Tobaccos, Smokers' Article, Plajlns Cards, Cutlery, Sia- tloncrj-. Etc. The largest and finest stock of MEEIt SCIIAUirand A3IBER GOODS in the city. Particular attention paid to orders from the country, m Theo.BRACKER, Manager. Chenamus Street, Astoria. Oregon. TAILORING-, Gleaning Repairing. NEAT, CHEAP AND QUICK. BY GEORGE IiOVETT Main Street, opposite N. Loeb's. Steamer TOM MORRIS. THIS 3TEU' and Favorite Boat IS NOW READY FOR BUSINESS AND can be chartered tor excursions, special parties, etc, at reasonable rates. A general stcamboatlng business transacted. Y. BOELLING, Master. FOR TILLAMOOK. (Weather permitting.) The new Steamer 2. FITlTiP. N.T. JOHANSEN, - - Master. Will leave for TILLAMOOK, on FOR SAILING DATES AND PARTICU larsappl7 to J. G. HUSTLER, itain street Wharf, Astoria: ALLEN & LEWIS, Portland ; J. h. BTORY Tillamook. n i F0SIR1 !T ! ! ONLY i Q p o o i m o WEDDING CARDS. S BEDDIN( J. HESS. A. M. JOIINSO.V. Astoria Sail Loft. MANVFACTUKEnS OF SAILS, TENTS, AWNINGS TARPAULINS, And everything else pertaining to our uusmess. Lowes tPrice and Best "Work For your Xouey, At the Old Stand Leave your orders and get your work none at once. .T. II ESS & CO. Oregon. Astoria, Hariware it SMp (Mlerj A. VAH DUSEH & CO., DEAivnns i- Hardware and Ship Chandlery Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, - Binnacle Oil, Cotton Canvas Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements Souring Zllacliiuos. Paints and Oils, Groceries, etc BANKING AHDJN8URANGL BROKER, BANKER AXD INSURANCE AGENT ASTORIA, - OREGON OFFICE HOURS: FROJI 9 O'CLOCK A. M. UNTIL 3 O'CLOCK P. M. lie InM Insnrance Go., OF CALIFORNIA. J. F. Houghton- Chas. K. STOnr..... rrealdent Secretary GEO. Lu STOItr.. ent for Oraon Capital paid up in U. S. gold) pnin S 5 00 000 00 X. TV. CASE, Agent, Cnenamus street. Astoria, Oregon. $67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LOnON AND GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND AlER CAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COM.AIERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. HeprasentiBE a capital of 7,O00,O0O. A. VAN DTJSEN, Agent. ERANK L. Fresh Fruits FAHCY GEOCERIES. Fine Goods - Reduced Prices Ladies desirous of procuring Goods unequaled in Style and 3Tinish will take pleasure in examining our Stock of ilLKS, SATISTS and DRESS GOODS. HT THE GENTS' FUItHISHING DEPARTMENT, Everything is Complete and of the "best. PBAEL BROS. TEU apply to the Captain, or to E.T. Parker, L F. STEVE1TS Co. OXETXT SOOEL STOH.E. havi: JUST ICECEIYED a hiaoioth stock of books. The young and old, ricli and poor can all bo accommodated. Agents for the Kranich & Bach and Mandsfeldi & Notni Pianos and Yestern Cottage Organs. Ordert for all kinds of Music or Instruments will be promptly filled. B. F. STEVENS Ss CO., . City Book Store. 21 (SrCCESSOR TO JACKINS & MONTGOMERY.) PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. CILEAAJIIiS STKEET, BText to C Iu Parker's Store. THE NEW MODEL A FTJIiIi STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. S3. IO.. "FT A yZESQ, Two doors east of Occident Hotel. ASTORIA, OREGON- CHAS. HE1LBORN, HAUUPACTCIiEE OT FURNITURE Ss BEDDING A34D DEALER IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, "Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades. Lace Curtains. Picture Frames and Mouldings "WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN POLES Complete In GERMANIA BEER HALL AND BOTTLE BEER DEPOT. Cbexaots Street. Astobu, The Best of . Lager 5 Cts. a Glass Orders for the ia Brewery Left at this placo will bo promptly attend ed to. ' t3TNo cheap San Francisco Beer sold at this placa- W3& BOCK, Proprietor. PARKER. Vegetables ST O RE ! STEADIER CLARA PARKER Eugens D. Brock, Hasten or TOWING, FREIGHT orCHAR- Agent. II. B. PABKEB. DEALER jy Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment ot HOUSEHOLD GOODS- Agente for Magee Stoves and Eanges The Best In tne market. Piumbing goods of all kinds on band. Jat work done In a workmanlike manner. 31ANGE CAN BE HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OP E. B. MAWB9, AGENT CALL AND EXAMINE IT, YOU WILL BE PLEASED. E.1CHAWES Is also agent for tne Mi patent Cooiing Stove And other nrst-class stOYes. Furaace "Work Steam Tit tiag5. etc., a specialty every branch. California Exchange The best of California and Foreign Wines and Liquors Kept Constantly on Hand JomestIe aad Foreign Clears ' the best Braads. NATIONAL BREWERY BEER. On Concondy between Benton and lAfa- yett streati. - lm eSORGE COSHES.