The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, November 20, 1883, Image 3

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    She JlaUg jtoriutt.
(Monday excepted)
TcrniR ofSubscrlption.
Served lv Carrier, per weel: l5cts.
Sent by Mall, per month . GOcts.
" l " one year ,r. .$7.oo
Free of postage to subscribers.
ErAdvertlsements inserted by the vear at
the rate ol SJ per square per month. Tran
sient advertising filtv cents per square, each
Around the City.
There is no lack of moist are, now.
Tis a wise "boss" that knows his own
The Queen arrived in yesterday morning
with a light list.
D. C. Ireland was in the city yesterday
ou a Hying visit from the metropolis.
Tho Hyevalc, with 37,800 cases of salm
on from this port, arrived at. Liverpool
on the 16th.
Capt Sonle. late master of the bark
Whistler, has now command of the Hhip
Enos Soule.
To-night' Ticket-of-Leave Man." Re
served seats for to-night's performance
at New York Novelty Store.
Regular communication of Temple
lodge No. 7, at Masonic hall this evening.
Visiting brethren welcome.
It is rumored, says the Oregonian, that
Judge Bennett of the Fitth Judicial Dis
trict intends to resign soon.
P. M. Leathers has reopened his boat
shop over Arndt & Ferchen's. and will
make first-class fishing boats.
Gustav Hansen and Miss Hansen re
turned on the Queen yosterday from a
protracted visit to California.
A fire alarm at six o'clock last Sunday
evening was occasioned bv a burning
chimney at Nic Davich's. No damage.
The current number of the Scientific
American has a good illustration of the
hydraulic pile driver recently patented
by Surprenant fc Ferguson of 'this city.
The S. F. Journal of Commerce thinks
Portland is ''bound to become a second
Philadelphia." It is further of the
opinion that "Astoria aspires to a con
nection with the Central Pacific."
The Pioneer Excursionists are return
ing. Jos. Surprenant returned ou Sun
day, and Alex. Campbell arrived back
last night. About 200 started on their
return trip from St. Paul yesterday.
The sensational drama '"Taken From
Life," was played to an appreciative au
dience last evening. To-night tho ster
ling drama of "Tickct-of-Leavc Man."
will bo presented and will doubtless be
played to a crowded house.
Tvsehkl. Tho body of the lato John
Leonard was 3esterday removed from
Coroner Franklin's rooms to tho hall of
the ABtoria 'Longshoremen's Union. To
day it will bo taken to the Portland boat,
it being tho wish of the widow that tho
body be given interment in Portland.
THE KLASKAN1NE HOMICIDE. I body ol John Leonard, deceased.
Testimony Taken Yesterday Before
the Coroner's Jury.
The Preliminary Examination to ln Con
cluded To-Day.
Fuxerax. Mrs. Vorge. wife of Heniy
Vorge, died at their residence yesterday
rooming of consumption. The funeral
will take place from Mis. Hall's at two
o'clock this afternoon. Tho husband is
a member of Haviloh Lodce No. 148. L
O. O. F. Members of the Order are re
quested to attend.
Fondas Salmon' Market. The spot
market for salmon remains firm, but
there is not much stir at present. A fair
business is being done to arrive at prices
varying from 21s 9d to 21s c. i. f., and
early arrivals are offering from 23s (5d ex
quay. Tho Fraser river canneries and
others in British Columbia have now
made up accurate accounts of quantity
packed and portion available for ship
ment to the United Kingdom, and the
latter will not exceed 110,000 cases,
against 224,000 cases shipped last season,
being a deficit of 114,000 cases. Liver
jKtol Corr. Grocers' Gazette.
About the Size of rr. There is a class
of people who patronize every "Cheap
John" that comes along, paying him the
cash, for goods that he says are cheap,
who will, when they buy of a home mer
chant, ask for and expect to get time
in which to pay lor their purchases.
Nine times out of ten the verrnoods thev
get 60 cheap" could have been bought
for less money of any or their homo mer
chants. No man can or will sell a dol
lar-3 worth of goods for seventy-five
cents, and the buyer who expects it will
find that his "bargain" is one sure
enough a good bargain for the seller,
but not for him. Inferior and shop
worn goods, shoddy is palmed off by
these itinerant venders as first-claas
goods, and they always find plenty to
bite at their hook. There are shoddy
imitations of all kinds of sample goods,
and these fellows carry little else. If
you have money to spend, go to the man
who trusted you when you were broke
and extend it; spend it with tho men who
have favored vou and knvo an interest in
the welfare of the country not with one
who cares nothing for vour welfare or
for that of vour town.
The members of Rescue Jubilee
Troupe will meet at their hall this
1 uesday evening at 7:30 r. m.
Ciias. U. Stockton. Pres
IIoMicry, Hosiery, Ilosleryl
The latest novelties in ladies and
childrens hosiery at Prael Bros'.
Bcfct CHKteiu Work, Boots and Shoes,
Can be had at I. J. Arvold's, next to
City Book Store. Ladies and gentlemen
call there for tne. fiuest fitting hoots and
shoes, and lowest prices. Perfect fit
For The M.iKqHcradc.
Masquerade suits rented at reasonable
rates m largest vanetv by
SkxtcN. Skates, Skates!
Club skates, clipper skates, all sizes
lowest prices. New York Novelty
B. F. Stevens &. Co
Are offering extra inducements to any
one in neea ot a riano, or urgan.
WheH You Come to Astoria
and want a nice pan roast, go to Frank
r auras, at ms out stand.
Phtsc Found.
Last Friday evening a purse contain
ing money. Loser can have it by
appij'iug to Mr. K. Luidicoal at Hansen
Via X.- P. R. II.
Frcsli Baltimore oysters packed in
Furnished or unfurnished front
rooms at Mr. Campbell's, over the Gem
Roscoe Dixon's new eating house
is now open. Everything lias been fit
ted up in first-class style, and his well
kaewii reputation as a caterer assures
All wbo like good things to eat, that at
Jiis place they can be accommod&ted.
Sheriff Twombly and Coroner Franklin
returned on Sunday morning from the
scene of tho homicide ou the Klaskanine
the morning previous. They brought the
body of the dead mtn, Jack Leonard,
aud two of the Leahy brothers. In tho
afternoon G. Boss arrived with the
third brother. The three brothers, John ,
Mike and James Leahy, were lodged in
jail, and the body of the dead man was
placed on stretchers in the coroners
room where it was visited by hundreds of
people. It presented
The eyes were open, the lower part of the
face and neck were covorcd with gouts
of blood that had oozed from a jagged
wound in the center of his throat, and on
the left side of his neck was a hole where
the ahot had passed out. Yesterday
morning a coroner jury was impan
ueled. Following in the testimony:
A. 31. twomslt's thstimont.
I, A. M. Twombly, being first duly
sworn, do depose aud" say that my name
is A. M. Twombly. and that I am the
sheriff of Clatsop county; when I went
to make tho arrest of John and James
Loahv, John Leahv told me that he had
shot John Leonard and that Ik would do
it again.
wm. J. iu30lik ranTMoxv.
I, AVm. J. Harold, do depose and my
that on Saturday morning, alxrat 8
o'clock, we started from Mr. Corno's
house, four of us, with the intention of
building a house; we went up across a
trail and down into a clearing; wo saw
no one about before we got about ten
paces from the shed, and three men came
out, two armed with Hhot guns and the
third with a revolver, and said. "Go, go;"
immediately afterward a shot from John
Leahy's gun brought Mr. Leonard to the,
ground; we saw b' the actions of the
man he wrs going to fire again, and we
turned and the three of us ran; none of
we four had any arms; ail we had was, I
had a lunch baskot, one of us had a
square, auger and teapot, Mr. Kinney had
a small hatchet and three oil skin coats,
Mr. Leonard had a bag with some nails
in it; that was all: when first we saw
them it was just as we came up to the
shed, being all about abreast; they at
first sight had their arms drawn ready to
shoot, and no one had lime to speak be
fore they fired, and Leonard fell to the
ground; after we had started to run and
had got some ten or fifteen paces
away, a shot struck mo on the back of
tho head, and there were six shots fired
in succession; I and Mr. Mack got
together in the brush and made our way
down to Mr. Corno's; I stopped there aud
Mr. Mack went to see some men; I do not
know their names; and when the men
came up we went up and saw the body,
which was laying in the same place where
it fell: we covered it over with a sack.
L Henry Mack, being first duly sworn
do depose and say on Friday morning I
went up to work on the place with Mr.
Leonard and those other two witnesses;
while we were to work we took down part
of a house that was standing there on
tho place whore the shooting occurred;
after we got that done wo cut a part of a
road at the far end of a trail; on Satur
day morning we started up, the four of us,
to work; when we got within six paces of
the place, 1 mean the part ot the build
ing that was left standing, the three of
them wero concealed in there rnd came
out, I mean tho three Leahys, two with
shot guiis and one with a six shooter; one
of the Leahy's said, "go, go' and by tho
description i got: he told me his name
was John Leahy; when he said go, go, ho
hred. and the nrst snot that was hred
killed Mr. Leonard and at that they all
fired at tho samo time: six shots in' all.
and one grazed my jacket, and at this
the other two mon started to run, aud
the one that had the bucket was shot
with a small shot from a shot gun, in the
back of the head; and 1 and one of the
young men got together and came down
through the brush to Uorno s place on the
Klaskihiue; when I got down I changed
my clothes and went down and saw Mr.
Peterson at Mr. Gray's place, and asked
him whether he would be kind enough
to come up with me to the place where
the shooting had taken place, and then
he told mo that we lwd better wait and
see whether the sheriff came up, if not,
we would see some more of the neigh
bors and we would go up then; we saw
Mr. Korman and his son-in-law. Charles
"Williams, and Mr. Dempsey, aud this
other man, Mr. Harold, and we started
up about four o clock; we went up there
and found the body lying in the same
place that he fell, and we took and cov
ered him up and came away; -xs we got
very near tho road we heard cooimr, and
wo slopped to answer mem; it was .air.
iranklin and the parry that came wiin
him: we waited for them to come up and
we spoke with Mr. Franklin and he asked
if there was anv one of us that was will
ing to stop bv the bodv. and I told him
that I would, and Mr. Win. Painter.
joik kixxey's tbstisioky.
I, John Kinney, being duly sworn, do
depose and snv:
lwent with Mr. Leonard and Henrv
Mack on Friday morning and we took
down a part of the building that was
there and meant for a house; after that
on Fridav we wont out to the far end of
the tract and commenced to cut a road:
that was all we done on Frida3; while
wo was there on Friday, the lGth day of
November, 1833, we saw no one except
the persons of our party who was there
on the place at work; I was up there with
Mr. Leonard about five weeks, and all
the time I was there, I never heard that
we would bo molested in any way by be
ing there at work; ou .Friday night, the
lGth, we went back to Mr. Corno's place
where wo was stopping, and baturdaj',
the 17th. we started back to the place:
Mr. Leonard, Mr., Mack, Mr. Harold and
myself, to put the house up for Mr.
Leonard: when we cot down close to the
house I saw some men ou tho inside of
the house; I saw them through the crack
iu the boards: he, 1 mean Mr. .Leonard
saw them the same time I did and he
said good morning, gentlemen; three of
them stepped out then and told us to go
they did not wait for an answer or for
us to turn round to go, but fired at us
and Leonard fell; we three started to run
ind thev lired some shots after us;
don't know how many;-1 could not tell
I run up along the woods towards the
trail; 1 never saw either of the men that
fired the shots before; I started up the
trail and fell over a log and dropped the
mree on-&Kin coais mat a nau wiin me
and my hat; when I cot up to the edce
of the timber I fell again; when 1 got up
I looked back and saw the man with the
red whiskers, they say that his name is
James Loahy, following me with the
cun. and l started to run acainand turn
ed into the woods: I was in the woods
for a while and made my way down to
Mr. Corno's place; I got a hat there and
started lor town to report the murder;
on the way down I met Mr. Painter; he
came down with me in his skiff to the
Grancer's hall, where we met the steam
er Daisy and I came down in her; Paint
er went up for the sheriff and I went to
jut. rox; a snouiu minx iuai me muzzi
of the gun that killed .Leonard was
about eiehteen inches from Leonard'
body when the gun was fired; from tho
description the man that fired the shot
that killed Mr. Leonard was named
John Leahy; I went back with the cor
oner and the sheriff and saw tho sheriff
arrest tho men James and John Leahy;
I beard the man named John Leahy say.
when the arrest was made that he was
not sorry for it.
We. tho undersicned jurors, summoned
to appear before B. B. Franklin, coroner
of the county of Clatsop, at the trader-
tamng rooms oi x. j. -rnuixjm, iu wo
city of Astoria, precinct of Astoria,
countv of Clatsop and state of Oregon,
on the nineteenth day of November, 1883,
to inquire into the cause of tho death of
John Leonard, found murdered in tho
county of Clatsop, state of Oregon, after
being'duly sworn according to law, and
having mado such inquisition, alter in
spectin" tho body and hearing tho testi
mony adduced, upon our oaths each and
all do sav that the man. John Leonard.
came to his death in the countytynd state
aforesaid, on the seventeenth day of No
vember, 1883, from a gun-shot wound
from a gun in the hands of John Leahy,
and that James and Mike Leahy were ac
cessories to and before the fact, and that
the same was deliberate, premeditated
and willful murder.
B. S. Woesley,
"William McCeoseey,
Fhajtk Mohebox,
S. P. Borke,
R. E. Jacksck,
Tho nreliminarv examination was held
before Justice P. H. Fox, in the court
house at two o'clock yesterday afternoon.
Fulton Bros, and F. 1). "Wintou appear
ing for the defendant". F. J. Tavlor con
ducted the examination on behalf of the
state. At p. m. court adjourned to this
morning, when the examination will be
Oysters in Every Style,
And coffee at Mrs. Lovett's. .
Oysters, Oysters, Oysters,
at the Astoria Oyster depot; a stew, 5
fry, pan roast, or raw at Frank Fahre's. j
A Juicj IlccRlcaU
cooked to perfection is what you cam
set at j? ra:iK r aure s.
Fancy Groceries,
At tlie Empire Store
Tou will find the finest laces and em
broideries, of richest quality. i.
For a cat Fit tins Boot i
Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che-
namus street, next door to I. AY. Case.
Al goods of the best make and guaran
teed quality. A full stock; new goods
constantly arriving. Custom work.
even' day at r o'clock. The best 25 cent
meal in town: soup, fish, seven kinds of cpae.
meats, vegetables, pie, pudding, etc. A rresn
glass of S. F. Ceer, French Claret, tea or
coffee included. All who haw trld
him say Jeff is t he -Ross
hip Chandlery:
Fruits and Vegetables.
In Hume's New Building
Bros.' Empire store.
Some 3iotsn of an Uxteeded Jonrnfjr.
Of the 88 Oregon and Washington
residents who went eastward this fall
over the newly completed Northern Pa
cific railrotid. few made a more extended
trip than Jos. Surprenant of this city.
who returned home last Sunday evening.
During his visit ho traversed twenty-
seven states, and reckons his entire travel
while absent from Astoria at a little less
than ten thousand miles.
Northward, his visit extended to Mon
treal. In recard to the scheme of seces
sion ou tho part of the Mnnilobans. now
being ventilated in the press, prominent
residents of Manitoba, now hi Montreal,
say that they have no recourse, and that
peaceable secession from the Dominion,
if procurable, is tho only satisfactory way
to solve the difficulty. 'Said one official
to Mr. Surprenant. "You Americans
probably have no great sympathy with
the word 'Secession,' and 1 don't blame
you; but with us it is not a defiance, it
is a matter of preservation. "We have no
show, and are most unjustly treated in
tne matter or uemg niaue 10 coninouie
to the support of a government that cives
us nothing in return."
xiirongu ine .aiississippi vaney anu on
the north Atlantic coast our informant
reports everything overdone and overrun.
"Wages are low and many workingmon are
out of employment. Below Mason and
Dixon's lino the former condition of
things seems totally reversed. Nothing is
recognizablo except tho clement which
befoah do wan" was Known as "dem
white trash." Tho "white trash" still
exist, sunk lower stilL In ante-bellum
days there was no middle class in the
south. The planters were in one side of
the social balance, tho slaves in tho
other. There was no recognizable place
for the poor whites to fill, and they ac
cepted tho social ostracism and were
happy after their fashion. Tho tide of
war cnaugeo everyiumg. J.ue oiu plan
tations are beiuc broken up. It is a usual
sight to see negroes hard at work on
little farms whn h they have acquired by
right of purchase, and the former mas
ters with less of bitterness in their hearts
than politicians would have us believe,
are trying their best to get along and re
trieve their shattered tontines, some
few are j-et unreconstructed, and likely
to stay so. but tho ereat majority that
Mr. Surprenant talked to are more inter
ested in progress than politics, and want
to see the south advance at a rate propor
tionate to the natural wealth she pos
"Wayes throughout the south are re
ported extremely low. Two dollars a day
is good pay for a mechanic, and one
aonar a day is as mncii as any uhrkijil-u
laborer can hope to earn. White labor
and negro labor is in direct competition.
and while the trades drift into the hands
of tho whiies. tho 'odd jobs," tho work
that requires no special training, goes to
the darker race. Living is high. A me
chanic must confine himself to the poor
est accommodations m food and shelter,
and nothing but the most careful mail'
agement suffices to make both ends meet
A general feeling is in the south among
the laboring class that they "can do bet
ter elsewhere, and the only tlung that
keeps a good many of them where tlu-y
are is that they can't get away.
Among other places that sir. Jsupre'
naut -visited were the once famous
prisons of Libby, at Hichmond, Virginia.
Saulsbury at North Carolina, and Ander-
sonville. He had the misery of enduring
starvation ana suuenng in common wuu
thousands more, twenty years ago, hav
ing been captured at Fair Oaks, Va.:
while attached to tho A. l., and on
this visit twenty years after, exhunied
the body of a dead brother who died in
that golgotha in "G3, and had it interred
at Albanv. N. Y.
His visit terminated bv his departure
from St. Paul, Minn., on the ltu inst.,
the thermometer at that time indicating
15 degrees below zero. A cheerful breeze
from the North Polo was blowing, and
when the train on which ho was journey
ing westward had reached Helena, Mon
tana, tho telein-aphic report from St.
Paul said: "40 degrees below zero; trains
detained," and then he smiled to think
that h&Jiad not been nipped at the frigid
capital of Minnesota. Of the Northern
Pacific accommodations ho speaks in
terms of the most unbounded praise. He
sa3s tho track is superbly ballasted, the
cars supplied with every comtort, the sta
tions anu eating-nouses aiong ine line
models of convenience, and that every
thing that can be done is done to con
firm the good impression that one forms
on nrst boarding the tram at bt. .ram.
ne says mat in no section oi tne coun
try that ho visited is labor so well paid,
or th6 prospects for industry so promis
ing as on this Northwest coast, and pre
dicts a big immigration from the East
nad southeast next spring.
FragraHt Coffee
to cheer and comfort, at Frank Fahre's,
at his old stand.
L'e IHiuniitt ft Coitsh ltul.oniu.
W. V. Ilatterlon. Columbia. Mn..snvs:
"I cannot say too much for Dimmiti's Finest nttril up HHHard'aud Sample Uooms
Cough Balsam, for it always cures my " iu the City.
cnudren ot croup and mj-sen.anu family . Kvery thing first-class throughout.
Ot COUgllS ami COms. , . tu. At tli.- entrance to o 71 v rmv
IVoIIce to the I.mlio.
Switches made from combings or t ut
hair; new switches made to order from '
the best imported hair, in any shade de-!
sired. Old switches repaired. Alii
ork warranted. Kates reasonable. 1
Call or address
L Iir.KNIIAUT & SciroKXHK, i
Occident hair dressing saloon. Astoria,!
Fine Dress Cloocls.
A splendid line of ladles dress goods i
being displayed at the Empire store.
The Peruvian syrup has cured thou
cnnrlc Tirlin trnrn cfifTVirmiT ftvuti ilt'jnun.
sia, debility, liver complaint, boils, hit
mors, female complaints, etc. rnmph
lets free to anj' address. Seth V. Fowlf
&Son" Boston.
Croun. Whooning Cough and Dron
chilis immediately relieved by ShiIoh
Cure. Joid bv w. k. liement.
That Hacking Cough can be so
quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We
guarantee, it Sold by Y. E. Dement.
Kor tho genuine J. 11. CuIIor ulrt
ilourbon. and the best oi winus, iimior
and San Francisco beer, call at the (Jem
opposite the bell tower, and see Camp
Hale's Hoxev of UoRKimrxn a.nd
Tar for coughs and colds has reached
the pinnacle of fame.
one minute
Shiloh's Cough and Coi-Minmtion
Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It
cures consumption. oiu iiy w. r !-
Have Wistar's balsam of wild cherry
always at hand. It cures coughs, colds.
bronctutis, whooping cough, croup, in
fluenza, consumption, and all throat and
tt ..r r . 1
luny couipiuuiu. i ueiiir iinuci i mine.
Fraulc Falrc?s Hotel.
Frank Fabre has the finest accounno
datlons for lodgers to be found m as
toria, over his restaurant In Kinsey's
building. Evervthinc is neat aud clean
and the beds are new, soft and conifort-
abie. if you wantgood board and iog
Ing go to Frank i; aureus
Use Dltumllt's Coazh Balsam.
O. 111.. JLUllllS, OUCCl tJJWlI0, -JA,
writes: "My mother has had bronchial
and pulmonary affection for forty years
and in that time has tried almost every
thing, but never found anything to give
her the relief Uimnntts uougn uaisam
has." At W. E. Dement & Co.'s.
State of Obeoon, I
Cocktx or Clatsop, ) '
In the matter of the inquisition upon the
Are Yon Insured ?
If vou want Insurance in reliable com
panics go to Wheeler & Itohb. They
represent the Norwich Union, the Lan
cashire Koyai.and the Union Ins. Co.,
of San Francisco, with a combined capi-
tal of $3(3,000,000. They are also agents
for the well-known Travelers' Accl
dent Insurance Company, of Hartford
For chills, fever, ague and weakness
coldex s Liquid beef 'ionic, uoi
It is seldom that you will feci unwell
or.suuer irom indigestion n you use
Urowrrs iron Hitters.
For lame Back, Side or Chest use
Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price 25 cents.
Fr sale oy w. js. .Dement;
im.M oru iii:i- j , -rt
All the latest makes and styles if cor- -L UUlUi ) JJAuHUllgiUr
.ts and ladies underwear" at Prael
The Public of Astoria and surrounding districts
are cordially invited to inspect my
Mammoth Bte
gnus C, Crosby
Dealer hi
Sleepless 2iiuhts. made miserable
by that terrible coush. Shiloh's Cure is
the remedy lor you. :oiu uy w. t. De
Strength and health go together. Ob
tain this happy physical state by using
a bottle oi umwirs iron jiitiers.
iron Pipe and Fittings,
Plumbers and Steam Fitters
Goods and Tools,
H?n. and Copper.
CaBBery anfl Flsheraens Supplies
StGvss, Tin Ware and House
Furnisbing Goods.
. Done with catness and dispatch.
Xuue but nrst class vurkruen employed.
A law aaorti!ieiit of
(Constantly ou hand
Fall anA Winter SierlMoi !
During- the present week I will display on my
centre counters the largest and most
elegant line of goods ever
shown in Oregon.
if IMs in Eut Dei
Dry Goods ana Mini House of Astoria, j
L. K. G. SMItfH,
Imiwrtcr and wholesale dealer Iu
flours nntl Tobaccos, .Smokers' Articles,
l'jajiiiS niriis, caiicry, sta
tionery. Etc.
The larcest and Onest stock o MEER
SCHAUM anil AM BE It GOODS In the city.
Particular atteation paid to orders front
me country.
Theo.ERACKEK, Manager.
(jiieiinnuLs btrcet. Astoria. Oregon.
Catarrli cured, health ami sweet
breath secured by Shilolrs Catarrli Rem
edy, l'riire m cent.-s Masai injreuir ln-e.
bor sale by w. fc. Dement.
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
Ecrfumery, and toilet articles, etc can
e bought at the lowest prices. at.J. V.
Conn's drus store, opposite OeMden
hctel, Astoria.
Will vou suffer with Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's Yitalizcr is
guaranteed to cure you. SoM by W. K.
-Shiloh's Yitalizcr is what you need
for Constipation. Loss of Appetite, Diz
ziness anu an symptom oi jjysjH:i.i.
rrlcelOandvS cents per nosue. bold
by W. E. Dement.
To Hunters. Fishermen, Ranchers.
JL ket price for your produce, go to
Figures Imi Lie !
Can prove by his books that lie Is doing the
Diggesc uusiuess ot any
In the city, and he will euaranteu to "ive
the best meal for cash.
JL remain.
We will take orders for lumber from 100
to 500 M.. at tlie milt or delivered.
We i.o manufacture lath and shingles of
Al quality.
3?looriiig a Specialty .
Address all orders
S. C, Be--ei!. Supt.
ior nss.
and. Favorite Boat
A can be chartered for excursions, special
parties, etc., at reasonable rates. A general
steamboat nig uusim-ss transacted.
Y. BOELLING, Master.
S.B.CKSXE:,3?3. j The Portland and Astoria
Scarf Pins. Chains, Watches, ! stevedore company
! consignees ot vessels for the
Of t:Yrv description. j
The finest stock of Jewelry in Astoria. ! LoatiinS an Unloading Of Vessels
3yAll goods warrantedasreprcseiited
(Weather permitting.)
The new Steamer
! Proniptnesi and satisfaction guaranteed
! iu all cases.
N. T. JOllAXSEN, - -
Will leave for TILLAMOOK, on
MkTIV KmIiii A!i K,lnr.MW-..f-!niiih;li ITTIOU SAILING DATES AND PAirTICU-
1? laxsannlY to .1. G. HUSTLER. Main
(street Wharf. Astoria: ALLEN & LEWIS,
lti forms tho Ladies of Astoria, that her
j business Is carried on as formerly at her
rooms on Cas street opposite Odd Fellows
mauling. Mie returns manic ior meir pat
ronage In the past, and solicits a continu
ance ot tne same.
Suits made, from 87.00 to $15,00.
All "lYork Warranted.
Astoria. Nov. 1st, 1PS3.
For Sale.
1? lock Wood, which I will deliver at the
houses of customers for S4 a cord.
Droving or all kinds done at reasonable
rates- k. k. mauiuh.
Men's, Youth's, and Boys ! !
Fine Millinery
Fancy Goods.
Cass Strei-t. next door to Odd Follows
Of Sftrery Description
Just opened at the Occident Store.
luaiily 10 Suit aS
Sheriff's Sale.
issued out of the Hon. Circuit Court of
the State of Oregon for the County of Clat-
sop. on the HGth day of October 1S33. and to '
me directed, oa a decree for the foreclosure "
of certain mortgage lelns, wherein, Isaac
IJergman and A W. Rerry. plaintiffs, recov
ered a judgement aud decree of foreclosure
against Le Roy defendant for the sum
oi tntrtcen numireu seventy-uve ana utty
onehundrcdlhs($i375.30Jdoirars,and interest
thereon from the 4th day of August 1882 at
the rate or io per cent per annum, ami tne
costs ami disbursements taxeu at it w to
gether with acendut: costs and expenses
I have levied upon and will .veil at public
auction on tlie stb dav ot December 16S3. at
2 o'clock V. M. of said dav at the Court houso
door in Astoria uiatsop county uregon. ior
cash in hand at time oi sale, all tne ncut title
and Interest tne anove named aciemtant nas ,
in the f olio wlmr described real rnertv to wit:
The S. AV. U. of Sec. 21. T. 8 N., of R. 8 W.
WillMmpfin liiprifllrin
A. M. TWOMBLY J i:rs uupurr ai omce oi u. Kaymoud, City
Sheriff. ! Hall ; ur O" Nie premises of O. D. Young.
Stubs In Siiif M
Prices lo Sun al! !
The splendid At British Iron
Will be shortly on the berth for SALMON
in lots to sun suippers. or freight and in
surance appiy to
Messrs. BALFOUR, G UTHRIE & Co.,
Or to P. L. CHERRY, Astoria.
The heading
Ed.B. Curtis & Go.
JL 40 acre tract In S. W. corner of Chas.
i Stevens D. C. Title perfect. For partlcu-
Furnishing Goods!
And will therefore try and r6-
(luce it oy ottering
Men's.' Youth's, and Boy's
Furnishing Goods,
Boots and Shoes,
Rubber and Oi! Clothing
At a Lnrsc Discount.
Any party buying goods of me
from tins date tortu vnu ue al
lowed, ten per cent, on purchases
oi over 310. imorace tne oppor
tunity and Duy your ciotmng oi
mm (S3
QS 1
3 : s 3
j! 3 M PS
1 mi ig
m i- tr
llffip! 5 h
M ss" f
Mi t
T v ca
jCrte, Wolstery
Corner Benton and Squemoqua Streets,
East of the Court House.
v' H-'t&T;- " -'j-c'